
The American Gamer

Jun 20th, 2016
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  1. The Story Thus Far:
  3. >"Michael. Michael. Michael Smith, you get up this instant!"
  4. >The familiar voice berating you begins to slowly drag you out of your slumber
  5. >"That's it. You have until the count of 3."
  6. >"3!"
  7. >Before you can begin to react, all your blankets are ripped off of you, exposing you to the cool morning air
  8. >As you begin to get your bearings straight, you glance over at the source of what is quickly turning into a foul morning mood
  9. >Beside your bed is your neighbor and childhood friend, Emily
  10. >She's your only friend, in fact, although she's closer to an older sister with how long she's spent taking care of you
  11. >Your parents are gone on work most of the time and despite being three months younger than you at some point Emily started doing her best to pick up the slack
  12. >You seem to have slept through your alarm, prompting her to wake you herself, an occurrence in itself not too uncommon
  13. >What is uncommon is what you see floating above Emily's head
  14. >In a bright shade of green are spelled out a level, Emily's name, and some sort of title or class name, "Diviner"
  15. >Deep inside of you fear starts to brew
  16. >It's finally happened. After too many nights playing MMO's and tabletop games instead of sleeping, you've finally lost your mind
  17. >"Are you ok? You look really pale"
  18. " I'm fine, nothing to worry about"
  19. >"Then get your butt in gear, we're leaving in 15 minutes"
  20. >You change out of your pajamas and scarf down a bowl of cereal in record time
  21. >Unfortunately, the extra time this affords you is wasted trying to tame your unruly mess of hair
  22. >In the mirror you see words above your own head, "<Level 1>", "<Michael Smith>", "<The Gamer>"
  23. >Emily is just about to start laying on the horn as you hop in to her car
  24. >The car ride through the woods and in to town is unusually quiet, what with you still worrying about the floating words
  25. >Things get much worse as you get in to town and notice similar words above the heads of everyone you pass by
  26. >You do your best to ignore it but can't help but notice a few patterns
  27. >All of your classmates except Emily have the title of "student" and are between the levels of 3 and 6
  28. >Most of the faculty are level 7 through 10 and have titles corresponding to their jobs
  29. >You think you're getting through the day pretty well when something happens while taking notes in math class
  30. *ping*
  31. >A Small notification window pops up alerting you that you are now level 1 in the "Academics" Skill
  32. >"Academics covers your ability to learn and recall information" the window says
  33. >No one else seems to notice
  34. >Every hour a new screen appears saying you've gained another point of Academics experience, for a total of 8 experience at the end of the day. Academics is now level 5
  35. >You notice that each level requires twice as much additional experience as the last to level up
  36. >At the end of the school day you get an additional notification
  37. *ping*
  38. >Through long hours of study, you have gained 1 INT and WIS
  39. *ping*
  40. >You have gained 1 exp. You are now level 2
  41. >A new window pops up, this one resembling a character screen. It appears that you have a point to spend.
  42. >As you walk to Emily's car at the end of the school day, you once again notice the writing above her head. This writing is even more obvious now that you have some frame of reference for how strange her title and high level are.
  43. >"Is there something wrong with my hair? You keep staring at it"
  44. >You mumble something noncommittal under your breath an get in the car.
  45. >On the ride home Emily does her best to fill the silence by telling you about her day, but you're too preoccupied by your "condition" to really listen or respond
  46. >"Michael, you know I can always tell when there's something up with you. If you want to talk about something, I need you to know that I'm here for you"
  47. >As you arrive home you still haven't come to any kind of final decision on what to do
  48. "Seriously, I'm fine, just had a hard day at school is all"
  49. >After parting ways with Emily you decide to exercise some. Maybe it'll help clear your head. Not to mention the stat boosts you might get if all of this is real. Even if it's not, you can't help but admit to yourself that the little progress windows do wonders for your motivation
  51. >You find exercise immensely easier than it used to be. You still get tired and sore in the same amount of time, but then you're back to top shape in under a minute. After just the first few minutes you get a new skill notification.
  52. *ping*
  53. >You have gained the "Athletics" skill. Athletics determines how fit you are and your level of prowess in many physical activities
  54. >You alternate between jogging, exercises like sit-ups and push ups, and lifting weights. As you do so, you fall in to a bit of a trance. Every time you gain a level of athletics, you become slightly but noticeably faster and stronger. Before you know it, it's become very late. You gain notification windows for not only an 8th point of Athletics, but also for an extra point each in Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, and one point of general experience.
  55. >You decide that's a good time to call it quits and head to bed.
  57. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  59. >Some time early the next morning you are awoken by a new type of notification screen
  60. *ping*
  61. >You have entered and Instant Dungeon
  62. >Outside your house you hear shouting and strange noises
  63. >Going outside yourself you see a man in a red robe, apparently named Jacob, rushing through the woods away from a man in a suit Whose name and level are obscured
  64. >The man in the suit extends his arm
  65. >"There's nowhere to run, Jacob. You're out of mana, out of luck, and out of time"
  66. >There's a flash and glowing chains fly out of the suited mans extended arm, entrapping Jacob.
  67. >The suited man lifts Jacob, kicking and screaming, and turns to leave.
  68. >He seems to notice you just as he turns
  69. >"Hey kid, this is dangerous stuff going on, you shouldn't be out here
  70. >This guy is pretty legitimately magical. He may have some answers to the questions that have been forming in your head since yesterday morning.
  71. >This guy is way out of your league, it's probably best you take his advice and leave
  72. >Some time afterward you notice what looks like a crack in your ceiling. The crack quickly expands, with new cracks forming all around it.
  73. >You are officially about to get your freakout on when all the cracks meet together and shatter, leaving behind... everything, just how it was
  74. *ping*
  75. >You have exited an Instant Dungeon
  76. >You still don't really know what that means, but feel that you'll be more prepared the next time you exit one.
  77. >You try to sleep, but are fitful.
  78. >Eventually you are forced out of bed to answer the phone.
  79. >It's your mom. She and your dad have been away on business for a while, and now they say they want a vacation so they've decided to go on a cruise. Looks like you'll be home alone for a while still
  80. >After the call you doubt you could get back to sleep, so you put on some clothes, eat some breakfast, and generally prepare for the day ahead.
  81. >Today is Saturday, so no school for you, although you are still behind in most of your classes.
  82. >You decided that you really enjoy exercising now. You jog faster and for longer, can do more push-ups, and are lifting some of the heavier weights in your (modest) set.
  84. >You once again fall into a trance, knocked out of it in the afternoon when you get a flood of notifications alerting you that Strength, Vitality, and Dexterity have all increased. You also got your 16th total exp in Athletics, bringing it up to 1 exp past level 5, and 1 more point of general exp, bringing you up to level 3 and giving you a second stat point to spend.
  85. >Your studies can wait. You've decided you aren't finished getting stronger. Not by a longshot.
  86. >Keep this up and you'll need a gym membership
  87. >You spend the rest of the day running and lifting, gaining much the same stat increases as before. Unfortunately you didn't gain enough Athletics xp for another level. You do still get the stat gains though, bringing your Strength, Vitality, and Dexterity all up to 4.
  89. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  91. >You've made some pretty impressive gains today, doubling your physical stats
  92. >In fact, you're pretty sure these gains are literally inhuman.
  93. >It's coming time to face it. The words above people's heads could have been hallucinations. What happened with the guy in the suit could have just been a dream. But these gains are (un)real. Whatever is happening to you is actually happening.
  95. >You think on the possible ramifications of this as you rest that night.
  97. >The next morning (sunday) Emily comes over
  98. >"Hey, I figured we could spend the day watching movies together. You are all caught up on your homework, aren't you?
  99. "Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?" You lie through your teeth.
  101. The two of you spend all day and well into the night spending time together, talking through movies you've seen before, chatting about your lives (including your new found interest in exercise, something Emily highly approves of)
  102. *ping*
  103. You gain 1 point of Luck
  105. >Near the end of the night Emily cautiously brings up the topic of the future ; she knows you've never really had any long term plans and are uncomfortable about it, but thinks it needs to be brought up. You give her some platitudes and she backs away for now, but later that night as you're trying to sleep, you recognize you won't get any rest until you decide something.
  106. >These powers let you grind up your stats so fast, you could do anything you want with your life. But, what do you want?
  108. >You finally are forced to decide : What do you want for yourself in the future? What do you want to use these powers to accomplish? You aren't getting any sleep until you figure out an answer.
  109. >What do you want to accomplish? With these powers, EVERYTHING! The sky's the limit and there's nothing holding you back. There are diminishing returns to training any single skill, and you seem to need harder challenges to keep raising your stats, but whatever limit there is you would estimate to be well beyond the human norm. After just two days of training you could probably make varsity on any sports team at school, what'll things be like a month down the line? Or 10 years for that matter?
  111. >What matters the most right now is grinding those stats up
  113. End of weeks gains : Strength +2, Vitality +2, Dexterity +2, Intelligence +6, Wisdom +6, Luck +2
  115. Academics +48, Athletics +16
  117. General exp +10
  119. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  121. >You go through the week as though in a dream. Your classes get easier and easier, until you start reading ahead and doing extra work just to maintain stat gains.
  122. >By the end of the week you've gotten all you can out of your textbooks. From here on, school is just going to be wasted time. You'll either have to start skipping school or skipping sleep if you want to keep up the pace you've been going.
  125. >Friday night as you're on your way home form a jog in the woods, you're confronted by a familiar notification
  126. *ping*
  127. >You have entered an Instant Dungeon
  128. >As this happens you notice a figure in the dark woods ahead of you, wearing a familiar red robe
  129. >"So, you're the new kid on the block. Sorry I have to do this to you, but I need my fix. You know how it is. Or maybe you don't yet? Either way, I guess it doesn't matter to me"
  130. >"Poison Spray!"
  131. >The man shouts and long clouds of green gas emanate from his palms
  132. >You try to stop it, but to no avail
  133. *ping*
  134. >You are under the affect of the Poison condition. Lose 1 hp/second
  136. >"There, now in just a few moments you'll be out like a light. Sweet dreams kid, I hope you get something nice before the cold, dark end you're about to meet."
  137. >This assclown obviously doesn't know who he's dealing with. You start towards him, tall and confident, taking your time. There's no threat here.
  139. >"What? How are you still moving!? POISON SPRAY!"
  140. >The cultist throws out another bank of poisonous gas, but it doesn't seem to have any extra effect on you.
  142. >You almost feel bad for what you're about to do. But not quite.
  143. >You step forward, crouch down, then begin an upwards lunge, fist first, using your body like a spring released from pressure
  144. "SHORYUKEN"
  145. >You give that one punch all you've got and then some, 110%
  146. >The cultist falls down like a sack of bricks.
  147. *ping*
  148. >You have gained the skill "Shoryuken". Deals (Strength+level+skill level) X 2 damage. Costs 15 mana
  149. *ping*
  150. >You have gained the skill "Unarmed Combat Mastery". Improves damage of all unarmed attacks by skill level X 2
  151. *ping*
  152. You have gained 5 XP
  153. *ping*
  154. You have gained a level
  157. >After sorting through that deluge of notifications, you check out the cultist. He's still breathing, so he's probably just knocked out for a while. He's wearing street clothes underneath his robes, but has nothing of value on him.
  158. >You are wracked with indecision. This guy is obviously a threat to someone, and he was trying to kill you. But should you kill him when he's knocked out like this? Some part of you thinks it's a little fucked up to be thinking about this at all, but you know you could kill the guy if you felt you had to.
  160. >As you wander around you quickly find some form of invisible barrier. You try to push or break through it, even using your new shoryuken out, but to no avail. After a little testing, it seems you are in some kind of invisible box.
  162. >As you contemplate how to get out, a man in a suit appears through one of the invisible walls. You can't tell if it's the same guy as last time or if it's just someone who looks similar
  164. >"Hey kid, you've been warned about how dangerous these guys are, what you're doing is interfering with our work. You should have just run away, what were you thinking?"
  165. "What was I thinking? What are YOU thinking? This chump jumps me and I'm expected to just take it laying down? I'm sorry, I thought this was America."
  166. "And one more thing. I don't know who you are or what your job is, but I'm willing to bet it has something to do with keeping these cultists in line, a job that I had to do for you. If anything, you should be thanking me. So, how about it? How are you going to repay me for having my life put on the line due to your mistake and then cleaning up your mess for you?"
  168. >The man stares at you for a moment, stone faced
  169. >"Kid, you've got some balls. I respect that. We're really not supposed to give info out to just anyone, but it looks like you're already in deeper than we'd like. One of your neighbors figured out how to gain power by ritualistically sacrificing humans. Some big international cult has been spreading around the information, but this guy and his group of followers are just a small part of it. They've been sticking to humans trafficked in through southern and central america and so managed to stay off our radar for a while. But this power is really addictive, so now they're sacrificing ability users captured in the Abyss. We've tried going after them, neutralizing any members that leave their stronghold of a base, but haven't been able to breach it so far, so we've been at a stalemate. This guy somehow managed to slip through our guard posts but tripped our wards, which is how I found him. The power withdrawals are pretty severe, so we expect the group to either surrender soon or launch a full-out attack. Either way we'll get them and you shouldn't have to worry about them anymore. Now, I gotta get this guy back to base camp before he wakes up and starts to cause a ruckus. "
  171. >With that, the agent throws the cultist over his shoulder, then raises a hand. Cracks start to form in the air around you, roughly coinciding with the edges of the invisible walls, until all the cracks meet and everything shatters and everything looks just like it did before. You immediately notice the sounds of crickets and other night bugs that had been absent before. The agent walks away with his captive.
  173. >Saturday morning, as you're finishing breakfast and planning out how you want to spend your weekend when Emily shows up
  174. >"Hey, I figured we could go to the amusement park today. My treat."
  175. >The park is far away and it'll be an all day affair if you do go.
  176. >You gladly accept the invitation. You spend the drive talking about the usual; how Emily's other friends are doing and how school is going. Emily asks what games you've been playing and you admit that you've fallen out of the habit, spending most of your free time exercising now.
  177. >"Why the sudden change in lifestyle?"
  178. "I just wanted to better myself. No time like the present, ya know? While we're on the subject, would you like to join me? I'll be going to the gym Monday/Wednesday/Friday from now on and I'd like your support to keep going. And I like spending time with you."
  180. >"I'd gladly go with you. Just go easy on me at first, ok?"
  182. >You assure her you don't intend to make her do anything too hard.
  184. >Eventually, you make it to the park. It's crammed with people, which would normally make you nervous, but you don't seem to mind as much today. You spend your time with Emily alternating between eating junk food and going on rides. Some time in the middle of the day a notification screen alerts you that you've gained a point of luck and an experience point. You spend a few more hours just wandering the park, taking in all the sights, until the park finally closes and you are ushered out with the rest of the crowds. While driving back home you are notified of another point each of luck and XP.
  186. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  188. >Emily drops you off at the end of your driveway. As you near your house, the now dreaded notification once again chimes in
  189. *ping*
  190. >You have entered an instant dungeon
  191. >As it happens the world around you warps. Instead of the silence that normally accompanies an instead dungeon you are struck by a cacophony. The entire area is in ruins. Tree's uprooted or blown to pieces. Your house! Your fucking house is a smoking crater!
  192. >Fire rains down from a figure in the sky, with lights from deeper in the woods shooting up towards the figure, only to be rebuked as they draw near.
  193. >You instinctively try to back up, but your back is pressed against a wall.
  194. >Instead, you seek the cover of the woods, to obscure your position if not to physically protect you
  195. >The figure in the sky keeps shooting fire down into the woods, trees catching fire that is slowly starting to spread. After several minutes the fire stops raining down and the figure itself instead begins to fall.
  196. >You wander over to the figure to find it surrounded by Majestic agents, some wounded. One of them seems to notice you and comes over.
  197. >"Hey kid, still getting into trouble I see. It seems in their desperation, the cultists started sacrificing each other until only one was left. Then that guy went on a power trip and wasted all his mana without actually doing much real damage. Hey, according to our intel, your ability is the gamer's ability, right? The only known other guy that has that has some kind of major healing ability, you don't happen to have that figured out yet, do you? We weren't expecting this level of resistance and some of my friends are hurt.
  198. "No, I'm afraid not, unless your friends can be healed by an uppercut"
  199. >"Damn shame. You should really look into learning one, I'm sure it would be useful in the future. Now scurry on home kid, this mission is over, nothing to see here"
  200. "About that. My home was blown to pieces by that maniac"
  201. >"What? But how could he... are you sure? Or do you mean the fake version of your house, inside the barrier? Has no one taught you about illusion barriers yet?"
  202. "No one's taught me anything. I've been pretty much just trying to figure this out on my own"
  203. >"Our intel said there was someone close to you who could teach you about this kind of thing"
  204. "I think there might be, it's just that... I don't know, at first I thought I might be going crazy, then later on it just sort of faded into the background."
  205. >"It's not my job to bring newbies up to speed, but it's really important that you at least know the basics. Some people, call them supernaturals, meta-humans, ability users, whatever you like, have magical powers. There are two main types of ability : trained, that come from some form of supernatural training, and natural, that manifest on their own some time in, and are based around, something significant in that person's life.
  207. >Most natural ability users can leverage their innate magic to also gain trained abilities, making them much more powerful. However, no matter how powerful you are, there are still rules. People that try to flaunt their abilities and try to show off to the public are often ignored and befall terrible bad luck, often deadly. Many people believe there is some higher power giving these abilities and maintaining the separation between magical and mundane.
  209. >There's one shared trained ability that any ability user can learn, called an illusion barrier. These barriers exist outside of normal space and time. You're in an illusion barrier right now that exists as a copy of the area around the cultist stronghold, which happens to be large enough to include your house. But outside the barrier, these woods and your house are in perfect condition. Other types of illusion barriers like ones that manipulate time or summon monsters to train against can also be made by skilled users
  211. >Cracks start forming all around and eventually shatter, revealing the woods and your house just how you left them this morning
  212. >"Hey, now that we're out of that illusion barrier, why don't you try making your own. Start with just a copy of a small area around us. Raise one of your arms into the air. Now try to focus, imagine your will being pushed through your arm into the area around us, your will to make an illusion barrier"
  214. >You follow the agent's instructions and soon feel a power emanating from your outstretched palm. Soon the other agents still gathered a ways away disappear.
  215. *ping*
  216. >You have gained the skill "Instant Dungeon Creation"
  217. >"Good, now do the same thing, only this time, try to will the barrier away"
  218. "Dungeon. My gamer ability refers to these as "Instant Dungeons" "
  219. >"Does it now? That is odd"
  220. >Regardless you follow his instructions and the instant dungeon collapses
  221. *ping*
  222. >You have gained the skill "Instant Dungeon Destruction"
  224. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  226. >"I've gotta get going now kid. Try not to get yourself killed"
  228. >It's now Sunday. How do you want to spend the morning?
  230. >You decide to take your new powers for a spin
  231. >You don't try anything fancy, just copying local terrain
  232. >By activating your skills instead of "manually" creating and destroying illusion barriers you cut the process down to 10 seconds a cycle.
  233. >Falling into your now familiar grinding trance, you spend 8 hours cycling between making and destroying instant dungeons
  234. >By the time you get 1 general XP for 8 hours of training, you've gained an incredible 2880 XP in both ID Create and Destroy, bringing them both up to level 12. Unfortunately, the diminishing returns on XP means it will take a lot to level them further in the future.
  236. >What to do for sunday evening?
  238. >You once again try to manually make an illusion barrier, this time with something you can combat in it. You don't want to get in over your head, so you decide to start small. The weakest most basic enemy you can think of...
  239. *ping*
  240. >An alteration has been made to your "Instant Dungeon Create" Skill. You can now create dungeons with oozes
  241. >The forest around you is now filled with small level 1 oozes. You think you can do better than that, but quickly become caught up in watching the oozes as they playfully roll around, bouncing into trees and each other.
  242. *ping*
  243. >You have gained the "Observe" skill
  244. >You test out this skill on one of the oozes and get a basic character screen for it.
  246. >You break the illusion barrier and try again, this time trying to make the most powerful ooze you can. This new instant dungeon has oozes from all colors of the rainbow, with color correlating to power.
  248. >After using "Observe" on them each, you find they all have stats across the board equal to their level, which increases by 1 for every step up the rainbow. e.g. red are level 1 with 1 in all stats, orange are 2 and 2, yellow are 3 and 3, ect. It seems you can set the maximum level of oozes, but not beyond level 6, and you can't set the minimum level. If you want a stronger fight, you're probably going to have to think up a new monster.
  250. >Unfortunately, these guys are too small to effectively use your shoryken on, so if you want to train on them you're going to need to go a different route.
  252. >With that out of the way, you still have plenty of daylight left to burn. What do you do with the rest of your sunday?
  254. >You break up your multi-ooze ID an create a basic one in its place to practice potential wizardry in
  256. >You hold your hand out and try to focus energy into it. You feel it gather and let it release. As you do so, a ball of light shoots outward
  257. *ping*
  258. >You have gained the skill Mana Bolt
  259. >You spend the rest of the day messing around with your mana. It's finicky to control, and so it takes several hours to get it into proper shapes like swords, axes, and spears, but once you've done so you gain another skill
  260. *ping*
  261. You have gained Mana Manipulation Mastery
  262. >You then spend the rest of the time figuring out first how to transform mana into fire and then how to launch said fire. In the end, you get it figured out, but it's now late and time for sleep.
  263. *ping*
  264. >You have gained the Fire Bolt skill
  266. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  268. We now need to fill out our schedule the for next school week. By default, mornings are taken up by school and Monday,Wednesday, and Friday afternoons are scheduled for exercising with Emily. School no longer gives stat gains.
  270. >On monday morning you call both your mom and Emily, claiming to be pretty sick
  271. >Your parents are usually pretty lax about this kind of thing, and you haven't abused that in the past, so they take your word for it and your mom says she'll call the school to let them know you won't be in for a few days
  272. >You happen to know that your local library doesn't have textbooks that are very far ahead of what you've been using in school
  273. >You also happen to know a couple places online where you can find free college level course work and "free" textbooks
  274. >You spend the gaining 1 INT, 1 WIS, 8 Academics XP, and one general XP
  276. >As mid-afternoon rolls around you hear a knock on the door. Opening it up, you see Emily, carrying a backpack
  277. >"What! You faker, you don't look sick at all"
  278. "I know, I know, but Emily, I had my reasons. School doesn't challenge me anymore and I have to keep improving myself because, well..."
  279. "ID Create"
  280. >You create a copy of your local surroundings, including Emily in the field
  281. >She looks confused at first, then shocked, then ecstatic. She makes a high pitched squeal and jogs in place a little.
  282. >"It's happened, it's finally happened. You've gotten your ability, haven't you? What is it, what is it?"
  283. >You're a little taken aback, but manage a response
  285. "My title is 'The Gamer'. But wait, you knew this would happen?"
  286. >A gamer's ability? That is so like you. I wonder how it differs from the other gamer..."
  287. "Hey you didn't answer my question! And there's another gamer out there?"
  288. >"It's kind of a long answer, to both your questions. bu I'll do my best. First of all, my parents and me are all clairvoyant ; we can see things far away or catch glimpses of the future. Before we were born my parents worked out that someone would be born with one of the highest class abilities, something world-changing. My parents moved here and after they figured out that you would be that person they kind of pushed me to be your friend. Not that I minded. As for the other gamer, he too has world-changing power, so various organizations have had their eyes on him, including the guild of diviners my parents work with. Everyone with that level of power has someone's eyes on them at all times, because information is power in the Abyss. Oh, I'm getting so ahead of myself, you probably don't even know what the Abyss is do you?"
  290. "I heard a Majestic agent use it. He's the one that taught me about illusion barriers. The Abyss is the magic side of the magic-mundane divide, isn't it?"
  292. >"Exactly correct! You got info out of a Majestic agent? They're normally pretty quiet around outsiders. Oh, that was because of that whole cult-thing wasn't it. I had really hoped you wouldn't get involved in that, but you seem to have come out alive, so I'm thankful for that”
  294. >"So, how does your ability work? Thanks to guild informants we know a bit about the Korean gamer. He levels up from killing monsters in illusion barriers, gains stats by training in the areas the stats are used, and seems to be able to learn new skills on his own just by trying."
  296. "Yeah, that about sums up my experience with it. One thing that confuses me though is how my Luck works. It seems to just improve while relaxing with you."
  298. >"Oh, I can answer that one. I have a special ability granted by my clairvoyance. I can sort of subtly subconsciously sense the long--term outcomes of my actions, so I naturally guide myself and those around me down the most beneficial path"
  300. >"So, is that why you skipped school then? To level up?"
  301. "Yeah, school was working for a while but now I've reached the limits of what it can do for me. I do plan on going back, but I spent this morning studying college courses."
  302. >"Well then, if you're not really sick and you want to raise your stats, will we be doing our planned exercise trip?"
  303. "Of course, let's get going"
  304. >"Ok, just let me drop off the school work you missed today. Remember to have it all done by the time you get back to school or you'll get in trouble
  306. >You spend a while throwing punches at a punching bag, but only end up with Athletics XP. You must need at least a sparring partner. Emily is amazed at how much you can lift after such a short time training.
  308. >Emily finishes her workout long before you do, but hangs around anyways to cheer you on.
  310. >At the end of your workout, you gain 1 Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Luck, 8 Athleticism Xp, and 1 general XP
  312. >You spend Tuesday morning studying, gaining again INT, 1 WIS, 8 Academics XP, and one general XP
  313. >You spend Tuesday afternoon leveling up your active combat skills in an empty instant dungeon. It costs 40 MP to cycle through the three of them, which you regain in 8 seconds. After 8 hours of practice, you've gained a massive 3600 XP in all three skills, bringing them all to level 12
  315. >Wednesday morning you study, gaining INT, 1 WIS, 8 Academics XP, and one general XP
  317. Wednesday evening, you repeat your workout with Emily. Some people at the gym openly comment about how strong you are for your size. While you have gotten more fit since when you started, the muscle gain doesn't seem to scale with actual strength growth how it does in normal humans. You gain 1 Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Luck, 8 Athleticism Xp, and 1 general XP
  319. >Thursday morning you go back to school. You manage to finish the work you were given between classes. It's all just so easy for you now
  321. >Thursday evening you go back to practicing those special skills. You now recover that 40 MP in 7 seconds, gaining 4114 XP in each skill, bringing Mana Bolt, Fire Bolt, and Shoryuken all up to level 13.
  323. >Friday Morning you spend in class, trying not to fall asleep
  325. >Friday Evening is another workout session, with the same gains as usual
  327. >Saturday is a bit more complicated. First, in order to figure out how to heal something, you figure it's going to have to already be damaged. You briefly consider hurting yourself, but besides the idea being generally unpalatable your natural healing would get in the way too much
  328. >Opening a multi-ooze barrier you find that a decent kick does some damage to one of the mid-level oozes and they don't seem to regen health, or at least not anywhere as quickly as you. You can then tank their hits while trying to heal them. It takes all morning, but your focus and dedication pay off, eventually earning you a notification window
  329. *ping*
  330. >You have learned the "Heal" skill
  332. >You decide to spend the rest of saturday practicing your healing by repeatedly kicking and healing a slime, also leveling Unarmed Combat Mastery. The cycle takes you a mere 3 seconds, gaining you a massive 9600 XP in both skills. That ability of yours to focus on mindless repetitive tasks for hours on end is a godsend
  333. >Sunday you spend all day playing games with Emily. She does much better than usual and you suspect she may have started using her powers to cheat, but you don't call her on it. +2 luck and +2 general XP.
  335. >All throughout the week you've been Observing anything and everything, although it seems you only get exp for Observing any individual item once. Still, you rack up a respectable amount of skill XP
  337. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  339. >It's Monday morning and you've decided you've skipped enough school for now. It'd be a damn shame to let your grades drop now that your smarter than ever. You're in one of your morning classes when suddenly
  340. *ping*
  341. >You have entered an instant dungeon
  342. >Shortly afterwards a man in a pale grey suit walks into your classroom.
  343. >His name, level, and title are all just question marks
  344. >"Michael, did you know that you're a hard kid to get a hold of? Don't worry about your class, this illusion barrier stops all time, so they won't miss you. I'm here on business ; I represent on online retailer that deals exclusively with goods and services from the Abyss. Someone with your level of power is sure to pick up a few odds and ends that you'd rather just sell than try to use yourself. That's where we come in. We take a commission off of every sale, of course, but I think you'll find it's worth it rather than having to deal with our shady competitors."
  345. >The man offers you a business card
  346. >"If you have any questions, about our business or just in general, please ask. We consider customer satisfaction our number 1 priority"
  348. >Take the business card and read it
  349. >It has what looks like a website URL, but it's long string of seemingly random characters
  351. "What do you mean, what kind of odds and ends? And what competitors? Actually, who are you and how do you know who I am?"
  352. >"Oh dear boy, everyone's who's anyone knows who you are. I'm not inclined to reveal my exact sources, but suffice it to say that in the Abyss there are only secrets to those who can't afford to buy them."
  353. >"As for competitors, there are many who have a hand in the type of facilitation we specialize in, although we currently have the largest market share in the world"
  354. >"Any item of magical value can be sold on our website."
  356. "Sounds great, but how do I contact you when I have something to sell?"
  357. >"Everything you need to know is on the card I've just handed you. Just go to the website and use our award winning user interface"
  359. "And Why would you want these things?"
  360. >"You appear to be a bit confused : we don't actually buy or sell anything. Think of us a bit as the e-bay of the Abyss : Matching people who have items and skills to those who need them, for a price. And feel free to put up for offer anything even the slightest bit magical. Even if the enchantment is useless there are those that will be willing to pay for it to suck the mana out and put it into their own uses. We will, of course, take a small percentage out of every transaction"
  362. >"Oh would you look at the time" The man says, looking at the wrong wrist, "I simply have to be somewhere. You understand, I'm sure. Oh, and one last word of warning, someone was practically giving away your home address recently, so expect some visits from everyone from loons who want you to do some inane task to unions fighting over rights to you to people who simply want to capture you and suck out your mana. Anyway, I'm sure it won't be more than just a nuisance to someone like you. Goodbye, and please do consider using our services"
  364. >The man strolls away and the illusion barrier breaks, leaving you back in math class, plus one odd business card
  366. >It is now after school. How do you plan to spend monday evening?
  368. >Emily comes by for your regularly scheduled work-out when you tell her you've got something special in mind instead.
  370. >You use your mastery of mana manipulation to create work-out equipment. The weights are fairly easy, although heavier weights take moer mana. You spend the workout dismissing and reassembling the weights whenever your mana regen allows, averaging out to 10 seconds per cycle for your entire workout. While doing so you try focusing on creating a barrier of mana around you. After a little dedicated concentration you gain a skill notification
  371. *ping*
  372. >You have gained the skill "Mana Shield"
  373. >Unfortunately, your mana is mostly dedicated to making objects and you don't get a chance to practice your new technique during your workout
  375. >You gain 2880 XP in Mana Manipulation Mastery by the end of the workout, bringing that skill up to level 12. You also gain a point of general XP and the usual stat gains from working out with Emily.
  377. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  379. (I've made a small change/addition to how Mana Manipulation Mastery works and added in the adjusted casting cost to the relevant skills)
  381. >Just as you're headed off to bed, there's a knock at your door. You answer it to find a young blond boy. Well, younger than you at any rate
  383. >"Hello sir, could I interest you in joining the Alchemist's Union?"
  385. "The what? Why would I... It's late, you couldn't play games at a better time?"
  387. >"Wha..? But it's no-" Is all the kid (10th level Alchemist Noah Campbell according to what's above his head) gets out before you cut him off by closing the door.
  389. >You decide to check out the site on the business card before. It has a list of categories to choose from, one of which is "Alchemy". You click on it to find the subcategories "Ingredients" , "Potions" , "Golems" and "References".
  391. >Going through the lists everything is obscenely expensive, with the cheapest of items costing tens of thousands of dollars. Your parents transfer money into your account every month so you can take care of the shopping because they're gone so often, and you've lived pretty frugally up until this point, so you have some money saved up. But not nearly enough for even the basic alchemy 101-style books.
  393. >You decide you'll ask Emily about the whole situation tomorrow
  395. >As you try to fall asleep, there's a slight sobbing, just at the edge of what you can hear, coming from your front door.
  397. >Unable to sleep with the annoying sound going on, you decide to investigate.
  398. >Outside your front door you find Noah bawling his eyes out. As you open the door and step outside, he turns to you in obvious excitement, though still seems to be trying to hold back tears.
  400. "Ok kid, what's going on here?"
  402. >"Although the modern-" *sniff* "modern incarnation of the union is fairly young- "*sniff* "it has a legacy spanning millennia and boasts-" sniff" " The largest membership of any modern American guild in the Abyss"
  405. >You cut off the kids rehearsed sounding speech
  406. "No, I mean what are YOU doing here, crying on my porch when I thought I told you to go home"
  407. >"The alchemist union doesn't have a lot of the financial backing other unions do. Union dues and commission fees are both pretty small, that's how they keep their membership so high. But what that means is when they have some union project, like recruiting you, they don't have a lot of resources to work with."
  409. >"I was only picked for this job because I live in the next town over, closer than any other union member, and I was only given enough money for bus tickets for my way here and back home, and recruiting you is my first real job for the union, and if I mess it up I'll be kicked back down to Apprentice andIjustreallywant-"
  411. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. I get that recruiting me is important to you. I'll THINK about it, ok? And it sounds like you don't have any place to stay tonight so you can crash on my couch. Just, try to keep quiet so I can sleep, we'll talk more in the morning"
  413. >Noah's eyes light up
  414. >"REALLY! Thank you so much, I promise I won't be a bother, and the Union has some great benefits I'll tell you all about in the morning. Then you'll have to join and I'll get rewarded and everything will be great"
  416. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Now, just try and get some sleep"
  418. >You have a peaceful nights sleep.
  420. >Tuesday morning. Noah is still asleep while you are eating breakfast and hear another knock at your door. Your feet heavy with dread, you slowly walk over to answer it. Outside you find an older man, 14th level Earl Moore, Smith.
  421. >"Now give me a moment to get my readin' glasses on..." He says pulling two items from his trouser pockets, a pair of glasses and a piece of paper. "Michael Smith, you are officially invited to be inducted into the the Artificer's Union" Earl look over the paper at you. "You are Michael Smith, ain'tcha?"
  423. "Ok, in order, what is the Artificer's Union, why do you want me to join it, and what in particular do you think I can do?"
  425. >"That's fair enough. The Artificer's Union is the group here in America that regulates the sale an manufacture of enchanted items. Just about anyone in the Abyss can learn the craft, but do to the mana consumption it takes most only use for personal equipment and aren't part of the Union. "
  426. >"Now I'm not on the committee that decides these things, but I imagine they want to for the same reason everyone else does : You're going to be a powerful ally whenever your powers fully manifest, if they haven't already. "
  427. >"Finally I don't personally think you can do squat, 'cause I ain't seen you do nothing yet. But from what I hear, you're supposed to have some incredible magical ability, and that usually makes for good enchanters, and good enchanters are good for the Union"
  429. "Look, I'll consider your offer, but right now I need to get to school"
  431. >"Alrighty then, I'll be around. Heard a rumor that Majestic cleared out a house not too far from here, one of your neighbors I believe, saw it on the way in. I'll set up shop there inside an illusion barrier. Stop by any time you want to learn more about the Union, or if you want to join"
  433. >It's at this point you remember Noah
  435. "Hey, I've got a kid here from the Alchemist's Union. I'd consider it a favor from the Artificer's Union if you could look after the kid. Just until I can get him to go home.
  437. >"Well, I guess I could use the company. I'll see to it"
  438. >You rouse Noah and explain the situation to him. He reluctantly follows Earl out into the woods. That might not have been the best idea, but hey, not your problem now.
  440. >Just then Emily appears down the driveway in her car, ready to pick you up for school
  442. "I have got so many questions for you."
  444. >You explain the situation then ask if she's shared any information on you
  445. >"Heaven's no! The Diviner's Union is has quite a few members and because of your immense potential you're really easy to scry on."
  447. "So, you mentioned your parents pushing you towards me, do they want me to join their guild too?"
  449. >"I'm not sure you would if you wanted. Clairvoyance, beyond it's most simple form, is impossible to learn, it's something you're born with. If anyone could learn it it would be you, but that was never the intention of my parents or the Union.
  450. >"The goal of the Union itself is to make the best possible future. You're a big part of that. We just want to guide you down the path the benefits everyone"
  452. "Is there anything else about the Abyss I should know?"
  454. >"Oh, there's lots of things, I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Monsters in illusion barriers are just local spirits given form, but there are real magical monsters too. They just all have the natural ability to form illusion barriers around them so normal humans can't find them.
  455. There's even a Union dedicated to hunting them down, sometimes to protect people, sometimes for valuable body parts."
  457. "There are also places like natural illusion barriers, spaces outside normal space and time. Hell is real, with demons and everything. I've heard it's surprisingly pleasant, if you're willing and able to make a good contract.
  460. "So, can I stay at your place until this whole thing dies down?"
  462. >"Sure thing, I'm sure my parents will understand. These guild offers should slow down eventually"
  464. >As you get to school you notice an attractive businesswoman standing outside the school. Level 24, Bithiah, succubus. It seems like she's searching for someone, and you can probably guess who
  466. >Sensing a much bigger fish in your little pond, you skedaddle your way on away from Bithiah. You then proceed to sneak into the school using an Instant Dungeon. Potential crisis averted!
  468. >You manage to spot Bithiah through a window once you get to your seat, but your seat isn't near the window so you doubt she can see you. She storms off shortly after school starts
  470. >The school day goes as they have since after the first week of gaining your powers, that is to say, boring. But after events lately, you're a little thankful for boring.
  472. >What do you do this Tuesday evening?
  474. >You tell Emily your intention to train a bit in an instant dungeon. She insists on accompanying you to make sure you don't get in over your head
  476. >You create a dungeon with the highest level ooze types you can. You spend a minute just watching them blob around, bouncing off trees and each other. It's a little mesmerizing, and you almost feel bad for attacking these clueless little blobs. But not enough to stop the ooze holocaust that's about to go down.
  477. >While you're thinking about this, an ooze crawls onto your foot, seeping into your shoe. In shock you fling your foot and the ooze flies into the air. You have a thought and before you fully understand what that thought is you're jumping into the air yelling "SHORYUKEN".
  478. >The ooze is vaporized and small bills rain down from above. It seems these little guys drop loot.
  479. >You focus on the two highest tier of ooze, the blue and purple, one-shotting the blues with mana bolt and flinging the purples us with your foot before blowing them to bits with shoryuken. The whole process of getting one blue and one purple takes about 10 seconds with Emily dutifully gathering your drops. This leaves you enough MP to cast your mana shield about every 4 seconds.
  480. >In total, after 8 hours you gain 31,680 general exp (and 10 levels), 2,880 exp in shoryuken, unarmed combat mastery, and mana bolt, and 10,080 xp in mana manipulation mastery
  481. >As far as drops, they come in two variations of two varieties. Every few oozes, one will drop either money or a vial of ooze slime, amount and color respectively based on the type of ooze killed. This nets you $10,500 in tens, fives, and ones and 172 vials each of blue and purple slime.
  483. "So, is this money real, or what? And what about all this slime you insisted on gathering up?"
  485. >"Oh, I should have explained this sooner. Some people have the special ability to make monsters in illusion barriers drop loot. It's a very coveted ability. I can assure you this money is 'real', though I have no idea how. Just one of the Abyss's many secrets. The slime should be useful in potion making and is probably worth a lot on the open market. If you don't want it, I'll take it"
  487. " 'Abyss's many secrets'? I was told the Abyss only had secrets for the people that couldn't afford to buy them"
  489. >"A much richer person than I must have told you that"
  491. >You both laugh as you walk in to Emily's house.
  493. >The next day there's no succubus waiting for you at the school entrance. The day goes by without a hitch. You're even starting to get used to how easy classes are, if a bit dull.
  495. >It's now after school, and you're scheduled to work out with Emily. How do you wish to proceed?
  497. "Hey, Emily, could you make some kind of high-gravity illusion barrier to train in?"
  499. >"Eh? I'd never thought of something like that. I suppose there's nothing stopping me from doing that, but remember that we were supposed to be working out together, so I'm not going higher than 10% extra, even if I can do it at all"
  500. >After a few minutes of concentration an illusion barrier forms around you. You feel noticeably heavier. You try to mix carrying heavy mana constructs with constant running. It seems to work out pretty well in the high gravity. You pull double duty by burning all your extra mana making hurdles to lunge over. You don't always make it, but when you fail and clip them they just fall forward and you keep going. When not making hurtles you just make random constructs and let them fall around you. It takes some intense focus, but without worrying about what the constructs actually are you manage 1 every second for the entire 8 hour workout, though your thoughts start to feel sluggish and your focus begins to wain near the end. You're going to sleep well tonight.
  502. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  504. >Emily gets tired much more quickly than usual and spends most of the time playing some handheld game it seems she brought with her, cheering you on from time to time
  506. >Thursday morning passes without more incident than you falling asleep in a couple of classes. That heavy work-out yesterday really took it out of you and the boring classes certainly didn't help
  508. >How will you spend this lovely thursday evening?
  510. >You start up your computer and do some research into the ooze slime. It appears to reduce the mana cost associated to making potions with the strength of the reduction depending on the color
  511. >It seems each vial of blue slime is worth about $2,500 and each vial of purple slime is worth about $3,000.
  512. >You also look at some alchemy books, but even the cheapest ones cost more than the cash you made in cash from loot drops. If you want something off this Abyss website, you're going to need to sell at least some of the vials.
  513. >That is, after you get over the shock of just how much money the pile you have is worth.
  515. >You put up the vials of slime for sale. At first, nothing happens. After a couple minutes
  516. *poof*
  517. >A small demonic looking humanoid appears. 4th level Delivery Imp. It leaves a small stack of hundreds, grabs a couple vials and disappears. You check the site and see those vials listed as having been sold. This process repeats every few minutes.
  518. >To feel like you're actually doing something while you wait, you use your mana manipulation mastery to form various weapons and swing them around until you get a skill notification for mastery of them. Just swinging them around though doesn't seem to raise the mastery any. You gain masteries in polearms, axes and swords. You try to make a bow, but then feel silly when you realize that with mana control you can just mentally huck an arrow made out of mana. You try this inside an instant dungeon and gain a sizable hole in Emily's illusory wall and a new skill, "Mana Arrow", which seems to be a direct improvement over mana bolt.
  520. >After destroying the instant dungeon and (from your perspective) fixing the wall, you see that your slime vials are mostly sold out. You also notice you have enough cash for something you've had your eye on. It costs $35,000 (shipping included), but the temptation is too great and you shell out for "The Basics of Alchemy". A delivery imp arrives, takes some of your cash, then poofs away, only to return moments later with your precious new book.
  521. *ping*
  522. >You have gained a skill book, "Basics of Alchemy" Would you like to learn "Basics of Alchemy?" Y/N
  524. >You select "Y" on the notification screen. The book begins to glow, softly at first and then more brightly. The edges start to tear off then fly around you in a vortex. The book is ripped to shreds, pieces of it now flaring up with bright light, and then the light enters your body.
  525. *ping*
  526. >You have gained the skill "Basic Alchemy"
  527. >With the skill, you gain a fundamental understanding of how alchemy works. It's simply using mana to affix spells to objects. The difficulties come in alchemists needing to spend years to learn spells to be able to enchant items with them (suckers) and it takes a large amount of mana over a period of time to make the spell permanent. You also gain a sort of basic sense that the amount of mana you have and especially the rate at which you regenerate it are much greater than what your standard alchemist is working with.
  529. >You have no idea why an enchanter's guild would be separate from an alchemist's guild, they seem like the same damn thing.
  531. >This whole process has taken about 2 hours. You've still got about 6 hours of free time left before you should start getting some sleep. How do you spend your time?
  533. >You spend some time trying to make a new illusion barrier with stronger enemies. It takes a few attempts, but eventually you end up filling the forest with small groups of goblins, 3 to 5 per group, with the groups spaced far enough apart you think you could attack one without the others getting involved. The goblins are labeled about half-and-hand "warrior" and "shaman". Using Observe, you note that they are pretty strong.
  535. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  537. >You're not entirely sure you could take on a small group and are reasonably certain a large group would be hazardous to any future plans you have that involve living.
  539. >You hide behind a tree and spot a likely group of goblins, 1 shaman and 2 warriors. You throw up a couple barriers and manifest a sword out of mana in case things get hairy. You then set your sights and release a barrage of mana arrows on the shaman. The first arrow takes off a two thirds of it's health and the set following it finishes it off. You then try to kite the warriors as best you can, sending barrage after barrage of arrows at them as fast as you can cast (about twice a second with your life on the line), but they're faster than you and begin to close the gap. Thankfully, the warriors shields are small and don't protect them from too many arrows, and with your skill is already leveling up from use you make short work of them.
  541. >You continue on for 5 more hours, starting fights with your shields ups, focusing on shamans first and warriors second. Over the course of this time you average 3 shots of Mana Arrow per group of goblins and take about 30 seconds per group, being slowed down by gathering up your loot. You started using a goblin shaman's staff as soon as one dropped, but do to warrior's shields blocking some of your shots it didn't raise your efficiency any.
  542. >In the end you walked away with 24,000 extra exp, bringing you up to level 16, Mana Arrow exp totaling 1,800 bringing it up to level 11, Mana Shield exp equal to 600 (not enough to gain another level) and 2,400 Mana Manipulation Mastery
  544. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  546. >Your pile of loot is pretty extensive as well. $15,600 in crisp, clean hundred dollar bills. You also got a pile of 156 shaman staves and 78 pairs of shields and spears. The shields and spears are too small for a human to effectively use, so they're probably worthless, but the staves are enchanted. Looking up the staves on the Abyss network, you find similar items selling for a cool 50,000 each. Your basic knowledge of alchemy lets you know this is less for their effect, and more for how much mana can be sucked out of them, making them a hot commodity.
  547. >Which is awesome, because the informational package on the other Gamer is sitting at a million. dollars. One million dollars. Do you want to sell a few/bunch/all of the staves and buy the information?
  549. >You sell off all your staves except one, for personal use. If something happens to it, you can just loot another one
  551. >The general information on the other Gamer is less useful than you would have liked for the cash you dropped on it. His name is Han Jee-Han, he's associated with the Yunhonmoon and the Black Summoner, may be a member of the Chunbumoon, lives in the territory of the Existence Eater, was recently tutored by the Witch of Slaughter and is under the personal protection of the Harem King. You don't really understand what any of that means
  553. >What you do understand is the description of his abilities. He's a skilled martial artist, developed on his own an improved version of the Mana Arrow called the Spinning Mana Arrow (supposedly more powerful but harder to cast, for wizards that actually have to put in effort to cast spells), can create golems, has an earth elemental familiar and recently learned how to fly. He also has access to powerful protective magics such as Copper Skin, Troll's Regeneration, and Mana Shield, in addition to various Chunbumoon techniques that you don't really understand. Finally, he has a powerful healing spell, seemingly learned from the Yunhonmoon.
  555. >His more general abilities seem similar to yours : He can level up by killing monsters in illusion barriers and loot them, he stays calm and almost disconnected when under pressure, damage to his body only lowers his hitpoints, he gets healed by eating food and sleeping, he can store items in an inter-dimensional inventory-WAIT, WHAT?
  557. "Inventory"
  558. >An inventory screen pops up, showing what you have equipped (A shirt on your torso, pants on your legs, shoes on your feet, all other slots empty). You grab your goblin staff from nearby and see it equipped in one hand. Next to your equipment screen is a set of boxes. You cautiously shove the staff into a box. It disappears into thin air, leaving only an icon on one of the boxes. You reach into the space where the icon is and pull the staff back out.That's going to be real handy for collecting loot in the future.
  560. >It's grown late and you decide to go to bed.
  562. >Friday during school, class is interrupted when a man (18th level Ed Pavel, Fixer) shows up. He asks to talk to out in the hall for a moment and the teacher excuses you.
  563. >Outside, Ed gets right down to business. "I'm a Fixer" he says. "I Fix things. Dragon eat your homework? I can Fix that. Miss the some school because you temporarily got trapped in another dimension? I can Fix that. Not do so well on the SATs because you spent more time practicing magic than studying, I can Fix that. Fixers grease the wheels so everything runs smoothly. And we want you to join us kid. What do you say?"
  565. >"Hey, kid, Michael, right? You've got some legendary triple-S rank ability, foretold by they hundred and eight sages of whogivesashit, it'd be weird if every yahoo from here to Tenasket DIDN'T want you on their side. Sorry you're not getting the privacy you'd like, but hey, that's celebrity life for ya."
  567. >"The Fixer's Union, it's not a guild, guilds are an Old World thing, stuff happened, anyway we call them unions here, well the Fixer's Union would give you a the basic reference material you need to study the kind of mind magic we use. You'd only be a probationary member of the Union until you convince your teachers to give you straight A's without you showing up to class at all with no one blinking an eye, but I bet that with whatever you got up your sleeve that wouldn't take very long.
  568. >"After your probationary period you'll be expected to take jobs from the Union-"
  569. "Isn't giving out jobs more a guild thing than a union thing?"
  570. >"Look, Mikey, like I said, stuff happened. It's just a name, I think it was a solidarity thing, look it-it just doesn't matter, ok? 'Guilds' 'Unions' I don't give a fuck, I just know they give out jobs. Do the jobs, get money, the union likes you, you get more, better jobs. Don't do the jobs or fuck 'em up, you don't get money, the union doesn't like you, do it too much you end up out of the union. Try and undercut Union prices and they'll make it their job to 'convince' you otherwise, if you follow me there Mikey"
  572. >"And yeah, you can join as many guilds-damnit, now you've got me doing it- you can join as many MAGICAL CAREER-BASED ORGANIZATIONS as you like, but they'll all have their own requirements for what they want you to do and if you start dropping the ball they might start dropping you."
  574. >"Now look kid, I understand you need some time to think this over, but time is money. I'll be at your place after school, you can give me your answer then, and it better be 'yes' "
  576. >Ed abruptly ends the conversation and walks off
  578. >After school you decide to start testing the limits of this gift of yours. The character screen you had been using frequently since it appears every time you level up and you figured out pretty easily just saying "character' brought it out too. Now you've got a few new ideas to try out quietly at the back of the class while no one is paying attention.
  579. >Menu
  580. >Options
  581. >Settings
  582. >These all bring up the same interface. It has three tabs 'Gameplay', 'Video', and 'Audio'. The only Gameplay option is 'Auto-Enter Instant Dungeon' and it's currently turned on. Video settings just make everything look worse when you mess with them and the volume control on Audio can only be turned down. There doesn't seem to be much of use here.
  583. >Friendlist
  584. >A small box appears with only one name on it, Emily. You decide to try private messaging her.
  585. "Hey, can you here this? Testing, testing, 1,2,3, testing"
  586. >"Michael? Where are you, how are you doing this?"
  587. "New piece of my power I found. I'll tell you more about it later. I have more testing to do for now"
  588. >Blacklist
  589. >Does nothing
  590. >Guild
  591. >"Would you like to start a guild? Y/N" Interface. You select no for now
  592. >Party
  593. >"Would you like to start a party? Y/N" Interface. You select no for now
  594. >Profession
  595. >Just brings up your character sheet
  596. >Crafting
  597. >Does nothing
  599. >It is now Friday after school. You are scheduled to work out with Emily. How do you proceed?
  601. >Before working out you turn off Auto-Enter Instant Dungeon. That would have been useful during the whole 'cultist' thing, but hey, live and learn.
  602. >You also form a party and invite Emily. She seems a bit shocked at first, not as used as you are at having those little screens popping up at you, but accepts the party invitation
  603. >This time you decide to make the dungeon. It only takes you a moment, and you find you can adjust gravity on the fly between 12% extra and 12% less. You're pretty sure you could make a perpetual motion machine going between those two, but it would be a lot of work for something that honestly isn't as amazing as it would have been a month ago. You set the gravity to +10% at Emily's request.
  604. >You once again workout using mana constructs, burning your excess mana by making useless constructs that rain around you as you run. Emily spends most of her time on cardio, resting less often than previously and not playing her handheld as much.
  605. >After 8 hours, you've gained the usual benefits of the exercise plus mana training and are ready for bed. The constant focus on mana manipulation while working out really leaves you feeling drained, but in a good way. You're just glad there's no school tomorrow.
  608. >It's Saturday morning, your phone is dying, and Emily's charger doesn't match your phone. The only people you ever need to call are Emily, who you're currently living with, and your parents, who will just call Emily's parents if they can't get a hold of you, so this isn't some great emergency, but it is annoying and you like to have your phone available to you.
  610. >Do you think the coast is clear to go back to your house long enough to get the charger?
  612. >You decide to just order a new charger online. You have enough money, you can spring for 1-day shipping. What could go wrong in 1 day without a phone you never use anyway?
  614. >What do you do on this bright and sunshiny Saturday morning?
  616. >You find what you think are good deals on Copper Skin and Troll's Regeneration, $50,000 each. You use them as skill books and instantly gain new skills
  617. >After this, you start doing weapons research, trying to think of new creative ways. You briefly consider a mana sling, but decide that would be a step down from you Mana Arrow ability. That's when it hits you. If a sling is a step down from a bow, what's a step up?
  618. >Inside of an illusion barrier populated by goblins you create a long, hollow cylinder out of mana, holding it in mid-air with your will. Then you add some rifling to the inside. You then condense mana as tightly as you can into physical form, in the shape of a bullet. You put the mana bullet inside the end of your rifled tube. You then condense mana a second time, this time pushing yourself to the limit, then push the condensed mana into the tube behind the bullet, releasing it's tight bonds, mentally pushing it and forcing it to explode out the end of the barrel
  619. >There's a loud *crack* as your mana bullet breaks the sound barrier
  620. *ping*
  621. >You have gained the skill Mana Rifle
  622. *ping*
  623. >You have gained the skill Mana Bullet
  624. >With excitement, you decide to try out your new skills. You mentally reposition your Mana Rifle, aiming it at a shaman in a nearby group.
  625. "Mana Bullet!"
  626. >The shaman's head explodes to accompany the report of the shot. The word "Headshot" even briefly appears above the corpse, although you're too busy repositioning to hit the incoming warriors to fully appreciate it.
  627. >After a couple minutes practicing, discover a few weaknesses. First of all, the rifle has recoil, which reduces casting time to once per second. Second, it can only hit one target at a time, unless you go out of your way to line them up. Mana Arrow seems to be better against large groups while Mana Bullet works better on single targets.
  629. >This altogether has taken only an hour of your Saturday morning. How do you spend the rest of it?
  631. >When you initially made your firebolt spell, you had trouble handling mana which led to either igniting early and nearly burning yourself or too late and not igniting the mana at all. However, you are now much more proficient in both handling and igniting mana. You keep your defenses up while you experiment despite this.
  632. >You concentrate a large amount of mana in your hands, compress it, throw it away from you, then ignite it as it (rapidly) decompresses.
  633. *ping*
  634. You have gained the skill Fire Bomb
  636. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  638. >You are so delighted with your new skill you decide to test it out. You find a large group of goblins, charge your base mana ball to the proper level, then release and ignite on the group, killing all of them instantly. While good against a large group of enemies, this attack drains mana relentlessly, and so will be difficult to train, especially if you want to train other skills alongside it.
  640. >You set up a couple extra mana shields for just in case and then ignite your outermost layer. Unfortunately, the layer of mana burns itself out quickly. You try again, this time adding mana constantly to keep the flames going.
  641. *ping*
  642. >You have gained the new skill "Fire Aura"
  643. >You pull up your character sheet to see its stats. It's not as impressive as you'd hoped, and it's another channeled spell. You are reminded of a skill book you saw browsing the Abyss site's catalogue called "Dual Casting" that let you cast a spell while channeling. It hadn't seemed like a good idea at the time because you didn't have any channeled spells and it cost a quarter mil, but now you have two of them and a quarter of a million isn't really that much money to you.
  645. >You use Fire Aura a bit, just to get it out of the early levels
  646. *ping*
  647. >You have gained the skill "Fire Affinity"
  648. >If the bonus damage stacks with the bonus from Mana Manipulation Mastery, which it seems like it does, then you've got a way to take out armies of weaker enemies just by walking through them.
  650. >You've spent a total of about an hour messing around, mostly with setting things on fire. What do you do in the next 7 hours?
  652. > You buy the dual casting book and learn it. It seems to not be a leveled skill, so you master it instantly. You then spend 8 hours researching higher level math and physics using online resources. You gain 8 points of Academics XP, one general XP, and one point each in Intelligence and Wisdom.
  654. >You spend the next 8 hours with Emily. You go about the town, checking out shops, hanging out in the park, and going to the movies.
  655. "Is there anything I could, like, buy you, or something? To make up for staying at your place?"
  656. >"Not really. I'm just glad I get to spend so much time with you doing something other than playing video games. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against games, but spending time with you, you know, before, could get old fast. And my parents insist everything they do is for the Greater Good, so they're more than happy to have you. It really makes them feel like they're part of something important"
  657. >You're not too surprised by her answer. Even before you learned about the Abyss you knew her parents were some kind of financial managers or advisors or something, and you knew they had a lot of money.
  658. >You hadn't thought about it before, but you're probably the only reason Emily didn't go to a private school.
  659. >She had always liked spending time with you, more often than not trying to boss you around or take care of you when your parents were away and you stayed at her place.
  660. >You'd even tried dating back in middle school, but it hadn't worked out. On your end, she felt too much like a sister and on her end you had trouble putting her before your video games.
  662. >You gain one point of luck, and lose an hour of sleep
  664. >It is now Sunday morning. You're slightly more tired than usual, but nothing a cup of coffee won't fix. How do you spend your morning?
  666. >You decide it's time to give those alchemy skills of yours a try. You start by roaming the woods, filling your inventory with rocks and twigs. When you feel you have enough, you start to infuse them with the energies required for a first level Fire Bomb spell to deal around 150 damage. It takes you about 11 seconds per stone to charge them with enough mana for the enchantment. You charge up several handfuls because they seem like they may be useful in the future, and it gives you sweet, sweet alchemy xp
  668. >Not done experimenting, you make sure to keep Troll's Regeneration and Copper Skin up for practice then get started on Spinning Mana Arrow. As far as you can tell, it's as simple as it sounds. You use your expert ability to control mana to make an arrow, only this time before you loose it you make spin rapidly. It drills a pretty nice hole into a tree.
  669. *ping*
  670. You have gained the skill "Spinning Mana Arrow"
  671. >Easy like Sunday morning
  672. >Next you try something a bit harder, making mana bolts with the other elements. You start with air, which you suspect will be the easiest. You start by gathering mana in your hand. Then... you're not quite sure what to do. You try just using the mana to throw air a a few times, but that doesn't do anything other than create a slight breeze. No skill notification
  673. >You think back to what you did with the fire bolt. You gather mana in your hand, then ignite it. As you do so, you really study what you're doing. You're changing the mana in a fundamental way. When it becomes fire, it loses some of the properties it had when it was your mana. The fire has its own mana. You make a change in the fire mana, and it stops burning and becomes your mana again. You change it back and forth several times, gaining a few levels in Fire Affinity in the process. It's after one of the changes from fire mana to personal mana that you notice something else, third mana that had escaped your attention thus far, a mana in the air itself. A sort of cosmic background radiation whose static you hadn't noticed simply because it was faint and it was there from the beginning.
  674. >You begin to use your mana control to draw as much of the weak, but abundant, energy towards you as you can.
  675. *ping*
  676. >You have gained the skill Air Meditation
  677. >You ignore the notification for now, instead focusing on gathering as much air mana into one of your palms as you can. Then you fill your other palm with your own mana. You try to convert your mana to match the air mana. You don't have great success, but you have enough to build off of. You spend the next several minutes completely converting the mana in each palm back and forth between your own mana and air mana, all while in the meditative state you acquired.
  678. >When you feel you have the technique down, you gather a large amount of mana, convert it to air mana, and release. It makes an incredible burst of wind.
  679. *ping*
  680. >You have gained the skill Air Bolt
  682. >After this, you go leave your instant dungeon and grab a bottle of water. When you make your new instant dungeon, you begin to study the water. After a few minutes of focus, you feel the water mana in the bottle. It's much quicker an easier now that you know roughly what you're looking for. You poor a bit of water into your hand, and a little over your head for luck. You repeat the process of converting you mana into elemental mana and back to your own several times. You begin to notice the trace amounts of water mana in vapor in the air. You use your water mana to draw in and expand this water, conjuring about a gallon of the wet stuff onto your head.
  683. *ping*
  684. >You have gained the skill "Conjure Water"
  685. *ping*
  686. >You have gained the skill "Water Meditation"
  687. >You manually gather a powerful mana bolt then launch it, transforming it into water mana as you do so. The resultant water blast knocks the bark off a tree.
  688. *ping*
  689. >You have gained the skill "Water Bolt"
  690. >Earth bolt is almost mechanical. It takes you longer than you think it should, but you find the mana hiding among the dirt and stones, master drawing it in and converting mana between personal and earth mana (gaining the Earth Meditation skill), use the earth mana to conjure dirt (yay...) And gain an Earth Bolt attack.
  692. >Next on the list, a healing aura. You cast a shield, then use that mana to power a healing spell all around you. It takes constant mana to keep up and is a channeled ability, but it may prove useful some day.
  694. >Finally, you manually make a mana rifle big enough to fire Fire Bombs out of. It improves accuracy, but doesn't do anything else
  695. >Flight is quite a bit trickier. You start by just pushing mana against the ground. All this accomplishes is putting you on top of a mana construct of a box. Then you try blasting mana out of your hands and feet to propel you upwards, but this does nothing. Finally you decide to split your focus, half pulling upward on the mana in the air, the other half pushing down on the mana in the earth beneath you. You're not sure if you normally would be able to focus on two mana sources at once, but your Dual Casting instincts seem to apply here too. Almost nothing happens. On a whim, you try again, but this time you jump. You go high, higher than you expected, but still come falling down.
  696. >It's a start. Each jump you go a little higher than the last and land just a bit softer. Eventually you start to hang at the top of your jumps, but you have trouble keeping it up. It's like trying to balance on nothing. After much hard work, you start to get it under control
  697. *ping*
  698. >You have gained the skill "Fly"
  699. >You look it up on your skill list. It eats mana like you eat pancakes, but you have insane mana regen anyway compared to most of your skills and it's not like you'll be enchanting while flying. You fly around for a few minutes, just getting used to the new feeling and learning how to control it. You can actually get up to a pretty decent speed when you push yourself.
  701. >You briefly consider attempting to get some sort of Fire Meditation, but the only way you can think of that might work would be setting yourself on fire and your Fire Affinity isn't high enough that you'd be comfortable doing that yet, even if you could tank the HP loss with Copper Skin and Troll's Regeneration
  703. >You mess around with your elemental abilities a bit more and manage to gain some useful new skills. Earth Aura provides a field of floating stones around you that could act as shields against attacks. Earth Bomb creates a large boulder that explodes, hitting opponents with shrapnel.
  704. >Water Aura produced a thick mist you can't see through. Could be useful for escaping a bad situation. Water Bomb acts much as Fire Bomb and Water Affinity works much as the other elemental affinities.
  706. >You try combining your ability to compress air with your ability to generate fire. What you find is that you can make natural fire that doesn't feed off of your mana, but you can't control. But the giant pillars of flame you make do look really impressive. You don't gain a new skill and decide to table this for now, but if you ever need to impress or scare someone off, this is going to be your go-to
  708. >You try out meditation. You're not really sure what you're supposed to do. You sit down and try to clear your head. You want to 'try to find your center' because you're pretty sure you heard something like that somewhere, but don't really know what that means. Mostly, you just focus on your breathing. In, and out. In, and out
  709. *ping*
  710. >You have gained the skill "Meditation"
  711. >You spend some time messing around with your powers killing goblins, more to get a feel for you new powers rather than any real grinding. You find through this that auras can be stacked, and stacking your Water Aura with your Fire Aura works hilariously well.
  712. >From this small session you gain $3,700 in cash, 19 more staves and 9 more sets of shields and spears, all of which you store in your inventory
  714. >Some time later you are eating with the Williams family. They don't eat dinner together often, but Mrs. Williams called everyone together for her spaghetti, saying it was a special occasion. It turns out, this will be your last night at their house ; according to them, it should be safe to return to your house after school the following day.
  716. >It is now Monday morning. What skills should you grind through your classes?
  718. >Observe only gives XP for each unique thing Observed, so you have a little trouble grinding it, but between every desk, student, piece of paper, pencil, book, and all the other odds and ends about the school you manage to level it up, which satisfies you for the time.
  719. >The rest of your 8 hour school day is spent meditating, using your healing aura, and cycling through your list of subtle spells, at a rate of one spell per second.
  721. >You check around your house and everything seems mostly how you left it,. A few things had gone bad. You're just finishing cleaning up when there's a knock on the door. You are immediately filled with anxiety and frustration. Didn't Emily's parents say something like this wouldn't happen? They can see the future, shouldn't they know? You consider just ignoring it, or sneaking out the back door, but you trust the Williams family and their judgement, so you tentatively open the door.
  722. >Outside is a whole host of people, most you recognize, some you don't. The ones you recognize are all ones that tried to recruit you to their organizations and the succubus
  724. >Noah steps forward. "Michael, great news! I didn't get re-apprentice'd, I got promoted!"
  725. >"Now hold on" Earl says "I think we should explain the situation first"
  726. >"The situation IS" Ed chimes in "that some of us may have been a little hasty trying to recruit you and may have put you off our organizations. A Bit."
  727. >"Which we assure you was the opposite of our intentions" Bithiah adds
  728. >"So, there's been a bit of a change in plans" Earl says. "We've talked it over, between ourselves and our respective unions, and none of us will actively pursue your recruitment. Instead, the group of us here will stay as liaisons, living together in that house that used to belong to those cultists. The Fixer's Union was happy to buy the place as part of the deal and we've all started fixing the place up for ourselves to make it a more ideal for us to teach you about our various crafts, if and when you want to learn about them. Now, how's about we all officially introduce ourselves "
  730. >"I'm Noah Campbell, liaison from the Alchemist's Union to Michael Smith, the Gamer. We make potions and golems" Level 10 Alchemist
  732. >"I'm Earl Moore, liaison from the Enchanter's Union to Michael Smith, the Gamer. We make permanent enchanted items" 14th level Smith
  734. >"I am Bithiah, liaison from the Summoner's Union to Michael Smith, the Gamer. We make contracts with spirits and otherworldly beings, such as myself" 24th level Succubus
  736. > "I'm Jared Kingsley" Says a rather large and scarred looking man with an unreasonably large sword strapped to his back. "Liaison from the Monster Hunter's Union to Michael Smith, the Gamer. We hunt down rare, dangerous, and magical monsters to copy them in illusion barriers for their loot" 22nd level Monster hunter
  738. >"I'm Ed Pavel, liaison from the Fixer's Union to Michael Smith, the Gamer. We make prevent the Abyss from interfering with ability users' personal lives." 18th level Wizard
  740. >A rather pretty girl with glasses steps forward from her place mostly behind the rest of the group. "And I-I'm Sophia Wright, li-liaison from the Scholar's Guild. We study and research a little bit of everything, but mostly focus on magic. We have access to THE largest magical library." 14th level Wizard
  742. >"We just want a good relationship with someone who will soon be one of the big movers and shakers in the region. We hope we haven't offended you in any way and that you'll consider working with us in the future" Bithiah says. "Do you have any questions for us now, or would you rather we all go back home for the time being?"
  744. >"Look kid, it's like this. You come to us, we train you in our craft. You don't get all the bells and whistles full membership gives, which is still on the table for all of us understand, but none of the obligations. As far as ability users knocking down your door, or out your lights, that's my area of expertise. If you'd like, I could train you to do it yourself, or you can just pay me to make those problems go away. $50,000 a day, by the way, for that particular service. Mind you, I'm only so powerful. Beings and organizations above a certain threshold will still be able to seek you out if they want to. I doubt they would, most people interested in you would have made their move by now, like all of us did. But ,if you're concerned, you can higher people higher up in the guild than me. That'll start to cost you real money though. Or, like I said, do it yourself, if you think you can do it better than me."
  746. (completely spaced it, this is Ed talking)
  748. >You pay Ed to cover you for 20 days, but say you'd like some training so you can provide for yourself in the future. Ed says he won't be ready to start training you until at least tomorrow morning, before school
  750. >Additionally, you ask the group if they'd be willing to help you experiment with one of your powers a bit. Some are more hesitant than others, but in the end they all agree.
  751. "Guild"
  752. >"Would you like to start a guild? Y/N"
  753. "Yes"
  754. >"What would you like to call your new Guild?"
  755. >You put less than no thought into the name, assuming you can rename it later
  756. "The Gaming Gamers"
  757. >A new interface pops up including the name "The Gaming Gamers", a few rankings, and a list populated by your name with "Guild Leader" next to it. The rankings are :
  758. >Prestige : E
  759. >Power : C
  760. >Influence : D
  761. >You invite the union liaisons into your guild. As they accept Influence rises from D to C and then finally to B. When Jared accepts Power raises to B.
  762. >The list now has the names of everyone present on it, though only your name has anything next to it.
  763. >Not sure where to go from here, you dismiss your liaisons and new guild. After they leave you think to test out talking to them through the interface.
  764. "Teamspeak, Noah. Hey Noah, can you hear this?"
  765. >"Loud and clear Michael. Is this because of that guild thing you started?"
  766. "Yup. Step away from Earl for a bit, I want to see if i can add him to the conversation"
  767. >"OK, done"
  768. "Teamspeak, Earl. Can you hear me Earl?"
  769. >"Why, yes I can. Neat trick you got there"
  770. "Noah, can you hear Earl?
  771. >"Yes"
  772. "And Earl, can you hear Noah?
  773. >"Yes
  774. "Teamspeak, kick Noah. Noah, can you still hear me?"
  775. >Silence
  776. "Teamspeak, Noah. Thanks for your help you guys, I think I've got this thing figured out. Kick Noah and Earl"
  778. Monday Evening, 20 days
  779. What do you want to do for the next 8 hours?
  781. >You've got 8 hours to spend this Monday evening before you should go to bed and 20 days of protection from the Abyss
  783. >After not really understanding the benefits of the Guild system over the Party system, you decide to spend some time grinding against goblins in an Instant Dungeon.
  785. >Between Spinning Mana Arrow, flight, and stuffing items into your extra-dimensional inventory, you are massacring these goblins at an unprecedented rate, about a goblin every two seconds. You keep this up for an hour, at which point you hear a loud battlecry. Behind you, a boss monster has spawned, a Goblin Warchief. You examine it to get its stats.
  787. >You do the obvious thing and fly upwards out of its reach. You make sure to give it a good amount of space, because your attack range is pretty far and you don't want to find out the dead way that this guy can jump.
  788. >And jump he does, much higher than you would have expected given his size, but it's still not nearly enough to get to you
  789. >Until he hurls his axe at you
  790. >You dodge to the side, the axe goes sailing off into the distance.
  791. >The Warchief now has nothing to even potentially hurt you with. You take potshots at him until he dies. Where he stood now stands a pile of loot. You're a little surprised, you've never gotten multiple drops from a single monster before. So this is the power of boss monsters. Neat
  793. >You obtain 5 health potions worth about $10,000 each, $40,000 in cash, and his axe
  794. > Observing the axe, you find it to be enchanted (Axe Mastery +10) and has absurdly high base damage (160) but requires 16 strength to wield. You happen to know a weapon with an enchantment this strong could be sold for $500,000
  796. >What do you do for your remaining 7 hours?
  798. >You spend 6 more hours grinding, encountering and defeating 6 more bosses, each with the same drops as the first. You have gained a level.
  799. >You spend your last hour before bed on the Abyss site, looking for information on different types of supernatural powers.
  800. >Unfortunately ,as the FAQ tells you, mercenary work is not allowed on the site, so a wide variety of potential powers are outside your potential to learn about
  801. >The services you do find advertised to sale mostly include powers you already knew about, such as summoned servants, the mind-altering power of the Fixers, or the information gathering powers of the Diviners.
  802. >After an hour of searching and finding nothing substantial, you decide to give up and go to bed.
  804. >It is now Tuesday morning. You have 19 days of protection left. Do you go to school and practice your more subtle powers for the next 8 hours, or skip school and spend that time with your Fixer friend Ed, learning his special brand of magic that makes the Abyss interfere with your normal life less?
  806. >You go to your old neighbor's house. Well, you suppose it's still your neighbor's house, just different neighbors after the last group became a human sacrifice cult and got taken down by the Men in Black.
  808. >"So, Mikey," Ed says, " you want to learn to be a Fixer so you can cut class, huh? Don't worry, that's Fixer 101. There's a lot of stuff in the Abyss that's more important than dissecting poetry or frogs. Usually something involving someone's life. Here take these, gifts from the Fixer's Union"
  809. >Ed hands you two books, "The Idea Worm" and "On Obscurity". "I figure it'll take you a day to get the first one down and probably a weeks worth of study to get the second one. The first one is how we keep the muggles from recognizing anything out of the ordinary, from constantly being on fire to constantly being late for staff meetings. It doesn't really work on people already in the Abyss. The second one's a bit more complicated. It allows you to do what I'm currently doing for you, masking your presence and abilities from other ability users. It's not perfect, though, and you can still be found out by people who are better at getting information than you are at hiding it."
  810. *ping*
  811. >You have gained the skill book "The Idea Worm" Would you like to learn it? Y/N"
  812. *ping*
  813. >You have gained the skill book "On Obscurity" Would you like to learn it? Y/N"
  814. >You select yes for both and soon have a deep understanding of two new spells, Status Quo and Obscurity.
  815. >The theory behind Status Quo is that thought's are like worms, digging into peoples' heads, breeding, and spreading to nearby people. With this spell you follow their trails, and then alter them. Some alterations are more difficult than others. Making the same change to a large group of people is relatively easy, especially if the change itself is small. You cast the spell twice, first seeking out your classmates and teachers and changing "Michael is gone today" to a null state, removing the thought entirely (easier than changing it to "Michael is here today" when you aren't) and targeting your teachers with the added though "Michael did good today". Doing both costs you most of your mana, but you recover quickly and the look on Ed's face as you finish casting would have been worth it on its own.
  816. >"So this is what all the fuss is about. What takes other people decades to master you just pick up like it's nothing, don't you? Do the other spell, come on kid, I wanna see how good you really are.
  817. >You cast Obscurity, making it more difficult for people to obtain information on you
  818. >"Not bad, kid, not bad.But, first of all, I've been doing this for years, my Obscurity is still much more advanced than your own. There's more too it than just how much mana you sink in to it. Second of all, no refunds."
  820. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  822. >You now have a free Tuesday Morning, with 19 days of professional protection left. How do you spend it?
  824. >After Ed's "lessons" you decide to try out a new feature you spied on your skill list : Instant Dungeon : Guild Hall E
  825. >You go outside and create the ID. You are suddenly in a large room cramped with furniture. Along the walls of the room are cots. At the end of the room is a roaring fireplace with an empty mantel above it. In the middle of the room is a long table surrounded by chairs and covered in bowls of some unpleasant smelling slop you think is supposed to be food. One of the chairs, the one at the closest to the fireplace at the head of the table, is slightly ornate and even has a cushion. The rest of the chairs are crude looking, much like the rest of the room. You sit down in the nicer looking chair
  826. *ping*
  827. >"Would you like to start today's daily quest with all attendant guild members? Y/N"
  829. "Teamspeak, all. Hey, can everyone hear me?"
  830. >A hail of affirmations responds
  831. "Good. I'd like you all do to me a favor, if you could. Enter an instant dungeon I made just in front of the house"
  832. >They all enter, appearing one at a time in the ever-more crowded room. When the last stragglers show up, you notice there are just enough chairs for everyone, with a matching number of cots.
  833. "I've got something fun for us to do together. Be prepared for anything, I'm not exactly sure what this is going to do"
  834. "Yes"
  836. >A Timer appears in your field of vision, counting down from an hour
  837. >There's a loud banging on a door at the back of the room you hadn't noticed before, followed by the door opening and a man (<level 3> <villager>) bursts in.
  838. >"Mighty Gaming Gamers, you have to help! A Necromancer has taken up residence in a ruined tower outside and raised an unholy army of undead! You must stop his army from destroying the village and interrupt his dark rituals!"
  839. >Your team is a little stunned, but you keep a level head. You walk outside and see that the instant dungeon you made is a whole lot bigger on the inside than the area it covers on the outside. You are in a small village of thatch roofed cottages. Far in the distance, on a hill, you see a large stone tower. Marching along a road from the tower to the village is a shambling mass of living corpses, some close enough for you to see they are all level 4. The nearest ones are getting close enough to start attacking the houses at the edge of the village.
  841. "You guys handle the zombies, keep the NPCs safe"
  843. >"But-" Bithiah says but is interrupted as you fly off.
  844. >As you fly, you allow yourself a backwards glance to see your team mostly using some variation on mana bolt or mana arrow to help individual villagers. Bithiah doesn't seem to be doing anything. Jared let's out a "King's Slash!" and swings his massive sword, causing a wave of wind that tears apart undead halfway back to the tower.
  845. >When you get to the tower, you see a door guarded by some level 6 zombies in armor. You ignore them and fly to the top of the tower.
  847. >Here you see a robed man (<level 8> <Necromancer>) holding a dark orb.
  849. >"So, Adventurer, you thought you could interrupt my plans, did you? Well, you're too late, I've already absorbed the fell powers of the Orb of Doardeigh and now I shall destroy you!"
  850. >The necromancer begins casting a spell on you. You can't dodge, but don't feel any effects. You check your character screen to see that he's draining life from you more slowly than you heal naturally
  851. "This is too easy. Spinning Mana Arrow!"
  852. >The necromancer pulls a wand from his robes. "Counterspell!" A large circle inscribed with innumerable geometric shapes appears and your mana arrows disappear as they collide with it. Oh, you have GOT to get your hands on that
  854. >If spells aren't going to work, you've got a back-up plan. you fly down low and grab the wizard by an arm, then start flying upward
  855. >"No, no, what are you doing? That's not fair!"
  856. >You drop the wizard, out of the air and off the tower. As he hits the ground you gain a notification
  857. *ping*
  858. >Your guild has defeated the dark Necromancer. Your guild has gained the Darkened Orb of Doardeigh. Your guild has gained Prestige.
  859. >You fly down to pick up and Observe the necromancer's drops
  860. >Necromancer's Robes. Raises Summon Undead by +4
  862. >According to your timer, that took you all of two and a half minutes. What do you do now, the morning still early?
  864. >The Orb seems to have despawned, like most enemy equipment when the enemy is defeated. Maybe it's a rare drop or something.
  865. >Your group mostly agrees it was a fun little adventure and , after being informed it was described as being 'daily', agree to help with daily quests in the future.
  866. >Bithiah takes you aside for a moment.
  867. >"Michael, I'd love to help on these adventure things as much as I can, but my specific contract prohibits me from even threatening violence. I just thought you should know. I can still take a hit better than any human I've ever met, and am a skilled diplomat, so if you ever need those, I'm here for you"
  868. "Thanks for letting me know, but that's something you maybe should have mentioned sooner. Regardless, I've got something else I want to talk to you about. I got these robes from the necromancer. They say they help you summon undead. Do you know anything about that?
  869. >"Summon undead? That's really peculiar. I've heard of raising the dead, but summoning is a separate discipline, governed by contracts. I've never heard of someone making a contract with the undead"
  870. "Well then, let's try it out"
  871. >You put on the robes of the necromancer
  872. *ping*
  873. >You have gained the skill "Summon Undead"
  874. >You summon a simple level 1 skeleton. Bithiah is in shock
  875. >"This... this is completely new. This changes everything! Do you have any idea what you've just done?"
  876. "Yes, actually, the robe sort of lets me know what I'm doing. I just gathered local spirits to make an illusory monster like what happens in illusion barriers. Except, with my power, it also takes some mana and makes the creature real"
  877. >"That's exactly it, Michael. You've just turned the whole of Summoning on it's head with this technique. I can see now why everyone says you're so powerful. The things you could do with this... I-I need some time alone. to think"
  878. "You are dismissed"
  880. >You spend a solid 8 hours strength training in a high gravity instant dungeon. While doing so, you also cast Obscurity as often as you can, about twice every 5 seconds. You gain +1 Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, XP, and level Obscurity up to 11.
  882. >It is now Tuesday evening. How do you spend it?
  884. >You spend a couple minutes messing around with Summon Undead in a multi-ooze dungeon to see what it does. It seems to create skeletons and zombies at a specified level. You can't find any difference between the two and the result seems to be random. The undead has twice its level in all physical stats, no mental stats and no skills. Because of this, a zombie of a given level can easily take on an equal leveled ooze. Undead kills give you exp as though you had done so yourself.
  885. >After a little testing, you decide to grind the skill hard, casting it twice a second for 8 hours. That brings it up to level 16, for a total of 20 with the robe bonus. Unfortunately you only have enough maximum mana to summon a level 16 minion.
  887. >You rest
  889. >It is now Wednesday morning. You have 18 days of professional protection left. How do you spend your morning?
  891. >You pull a goblin spear and shield out of your inventory. You knew these things would end up being useful for something. The spear you enchant with +1 Strength and the shield with +1 Vitality. They take about 30 seconds each, so going by how much mana that cost, it should be the same formula for stat bonuses as it is for skill bonuses
  893. >You spend a bit practicing making mana construct axes, swords, and spears with the business ends made of fire. They seem like they should work well in combat, but you get no new skill notification
  895. >Next you try out making a spinning mana arrow out of fire mana.
  896. *ping*
  897. >you have gained the skill "Spinning Fire Arrow"
  899. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  901. The day is still young. what else do you do?
  903. >You begin work perfecting a new skill
  904. >At first, you try just gathering earth mana in your closed fist, then throwing it outwards. This let out a plop of soil onto the ground in front of you. Not exactly what you were hoping for. Your try again, with both earth and air mana this time. This creates a spray of soil. Still not exactly what you want, but a jumping off point. You spend the remainder of the first hour of training on Wednesday morning refining the technique, slowly getting better at specifically conjuring sand and small abrasive stones and scattering them with higher force
  905. *ping*
  906. You have gained the new skill "Sand Attack"
  908. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  910. >Afterwards, you decide to try out your new rank D Guild Hall. Inside you find yourself in a grimy stone room. It's long, with a roaring fireplace at one end and an empty mant-hey, wait a moment, this mantel isn't empty. Sitting on a cushion on one end of the mantel is the Dark Orb of Doardeigh. Aside from that, there decent chairs (all with cushions) surrounding a table covered in bowls of what appear to be some kind of stew and flatware. It smell palatable. There is a door on the wall opposite the wall with the fireplace, and a set of stairs on the adjacent wall. Going up the stairs you find another long room with another long fireplace, though this room is filled with bunkbeds.
  911. >Back down stairs you Observe the Dark Orb.
  912. >"Whosoever gazes into it's dark depths will gain the fell powers of the lich who created it"
  913. *ping*
  914. >You have gained the skill "Life Drain"
  916. >You try to work out more commands for your guild, but all you can bring up is the initial screen, now stating
  917. >Rank D Prestige
  918. >Rank B Power
  919. >Rank B Influence
  920. >A list of your guild members
  921. >And a new list, containing only the Dark Orb of Doardeigh
  923. >You then gather up your Guild, sit down at the slightly bigger and nicer chair at the head of the table, and agree to start today's daily quest
  925. >The countdown timer starts
  926. >There's a knocking at the door, which then bursts open
  927. >"The Gaming Gamers!"
  928. >You should really consider changing that sometime to something cooler
  929. >"A cult has holed itself up in the old mansion ans started summoning abominations to attack the town! You must help us!" cries out an NPC.
  930. >Your guild rushes outside to see horrors shambling through the streets, citizens running away in abject terror as the amorphous creatures slowly follow after them, tangles of limbs and mouths. You Observe them.
  931. ><Level 8>
  932. ><Abomination>
  933. >HP 128 /128
  934. >MP 0/0
  935. >Strength 16
  936. >Vitality 16
  937. >Dexterity 16
  938. >Intelligence 0
  939. >Wisdom 0
  940. >Luck 0
  941. >A creature summoned from the realms furthest from Earth
  942. >You let your team handle the saving the civilians while you sly high up above the village, searching for the mansion. There are several houses you see that fit the description, but on in particular has the abominations fall out through the windows on a regular basis, so you assume it to be your target.
  943. >You knock in the door with a flying kick. Inside are more abominations, which you ignore. Instead you fly around the house, checking for a basement. Evil cults ALWAYS set up in the basement. You eventually find the entrance from the abominations piling out of it, blow past them and find the basement, floor covered in symbols with a 16th level cultist. Chanting towards a mirror. Before he even stops chanting, you hit him with a Sand Attack, followed by a Spinning Mana Arrow. The cultist is down for the count.
  944. *ping*
  945. Your guild has defeated teh dark Cultist. Your guild has gained the Mirror of Mental Dominance. Your Guild has gained Prestige
  946. >The mirror and cultist disappear, but leave behind a silver knife. You Observe the knife to find that it is enchanted to restore MP equal to the damage it deals.
  948. >You've finished today's daily quest, in just under 4 minutes. How would you like to spend the rest of the morning?
  950. >It occurs to you that if you want to study, the Scholar's Union might be able to help. You visit Sophia to see if she has any material you could use
  951. >When asked about study material, Sophia gets a little excited. " The Scholar's Guild Library is inside a special illusion barrier. Guild members are taught a ritual to create a portal to the library, so we can access it from anywhere. Would you like me to take you to the library? You don't have to be part of the guild to read the books."
  952. >You answer in the affirmative. Sophia then takes you into her room in the house. "Follow me" she says, and steps into what appears to be a blank section of wall that she disappears in to. You follow suit, and soon find yourself in an enormous building.
  953. >Sophia shows you where the reference books, textbooks, and scientific journals are located and you spend the next 8 hours going to town. You gain +1 INT, WIS, and XP
  955. >After that is your regularly scheduled afternoon workout with Emily. She requests that you form a party with her again, saying "It makes the workout easier. I get tired less quickly and recover faster". She's still not making gains anywhere near as fast as you, but you can just make heavier mana constructs to work out with, so you keep the illusion barrier at +10%. You Gain +1 STR, VIT, DEX, LUK, and XP.
  957. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  959. >It is now Thursday morning. You have 17 days of professional protection left. What would you like to do
  961. >You spend 8 hours in the morning studying in the grand library. You gain +1 INT, WIS, and XP.
  963. >Afterwards, you assemble your guild for another quest. You create a Rank C Guild Hall. The hall is shaped the same as the first one, with the extra addition of some stairs. Everything is made of wood again, but a nicer, finished wood than the crude planks of your class E hall. The table is covered in a fine assortment of fresh fruits and vegetable and cooked meats. Up the stairs is a hall that leads to private bedrooms, one for each member of the guild, each with a nice bed, a nightstand, and a dresser. On the mantel above the fireplace in the main hall now sit both the Dark Orb of Doardeigh and also, on a stand, the Mirror of Mental Dominance. You Observe it.
  964. *ping*
  965. >You have gained the skill Mental Dominance
  967. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  969. >As you do so, Noah stares curiously at the Dark Orb. He then gasps.
  970. >"I've learned a life drain spell!"
  971. >Ed muscles his way past Noah and stares into the Orb. "Life drain huh, we'll see about this" Ed continues to stare for just a moment before "Oh! Life drain spell indeed. Gonna be honest with you kid, I thought you were messing with me. Hey, Michael, that mirror do anything useful?"
  972. >You describe the Mental Dominance skill to the group. They all agree that the immunity effect is very powerful and one by one look into the mirror an gain its power
  973. >With that all out of the way, you sit in the now rather ornate chair at the head of the table and agree to your daily quest
  974. >A timer starts counting down from 8 hours.
  975. >An NPC knocks on the door then enters. This time it is a 6th level scout. "Gaming Gamers, About a day's journey from here by foot lays an ancient ruined temple, built by the dark wizard Doardeigh. He filled it with vile monsters and devious traps to keep his secrets hidden away from other wizards. He died of unknown causes centuries ago, but now he has risen again and he has started accumulating an army! You must go to the ruins immediately, or all will be lost."
  976. >Yo go outside to see you are now in the middle of an antiquated city instead of some small village.
  977. "You say the ruin is a day's journey by foot? Which direction?"
  978. >"Just follow this road, sir. And quickly, please, the raiding scouts of his army were just behind me!"
  979. "Looks like I'm going to have to do this one solo, unless you guys can think of a way to keep up with me"
  980. >"Good luck outpacing me" Jared says
  981. >"I can fly just as good as you, if not better" Bithiah says.
  982. "Good, good. Bithiah, grab Ed and Sophia. I'll grab Noah and Earl. Jared, try to keep up"
  983. >You start off in the direction indicated by the scout. Before too long, you start to come across raiding orcs, level 16, a few at first, but gradually more as you continue. Your group makes short work of them. Eventually, you come across what appears to be the ruin, surrounded by orcs. Your group rains death down upon them.
  984. >Inside the ruin, Bithiah and Jared go first, tanking any traps Earl, Noah, Sophia, and Ed don't notice and dismantle first. After several literal hours of wandering around a dank labyrinth in the dark, you finally find the main chamber.
  985. >Inside, the 32nd level lich of Doardeigh awakens and begins casting spells at you. Bithiah protects the weaker members of the group while you and Jared go all out on the lich, which soon falls.
  986. *ping*
  987. >Your guild has defeated the dark Lich Doardeigh. Your guild has gained the Purified Orb of Doardeigh. Your guild has gained Prestige.
  988. >From the lich's remains, you pick up the Lich's Crown. Observing it, it seems to increase maximum mana by 50 at the cost of 50 maximum health.
  990. >You now have 5 hours of thursday afternoon left. how would you like to spend it?
  991. >You set up a multi-ooze dungeon to train some of your lower leveled skills. You constantly keep Life Drain up and use Dual Casting to alternate between Sand Attack and Mental Dominance. In the end, you bring Sand Attack and Mental Dominance to level 13 and Life Drain up to level 15. Throughout the process, you occasionally cast Status Quo, bringing it up to level 6
  993. >You get a good night's rest
  995. >It is now friday. you have 16 days of professional protection left. how do you spend your morning?
  997. >You spend the morning studying. You also manage to efficiently train Status Quo, in part thanks to instincts gained from your Dual Casting ability.
  999. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  1001. >Afterwards, you try and find some information on the criminals organizations in the Abyss. While speaking with a librarian on the matter, you learn that where in most countries such organizations flaunt their power openly, in America Majestic smacks down anyone that gets too loud. Which isn't to say such organizations don't exist in America, they just tend to be more covert. It is suspected that many traditional criminal organizations, such as the mafia, various gangs, and the mexican cartels all have arms in the Abyss that quietly work in America.
  1003. How do you spend thursday afternoon?
  1004. (sorry guys, I fucked up and said thursday when it's friday, which we have normally scheduled for working out with Emily. Considering you wanted to hang out with her anyway, I guess it all works out, I just wanted to apologize for my mistake)
  1006. >You call up Emily and say your ready to start your workout. While exercising, you inquire about divination.
  1007. >"To actually see the future is something you're just born with. It'd be like teaching you to flex a muscle you don't have. I guess if anyone could learn how without being born with it, it would be you, but I wouldn't know where to start. But there is more to divination than just seeing the future. There's a lesser form, called remote viewing, that's seeing things at a distance. I even have an old manual on it you could probably use as a skill book if you'd like. I used it when I was very young to practice my powers, but I haven't needed it in years."
  1008. >You take her up on her offer and, after you finish exercising, you end up back at your house, plus 1 Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Luck, XP, and a skill book which you use
  1010. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  1012. >You rest
  1014. >It is now Saturday. You have 15 days of professional protection left. How do you spend your morning?
  1015. >The morning you spend exercising, grinding all your physical stats up to 16, finally to the point where you can wield that goblin war axe. You simultaneously train your Obscurity skill up to level 15
  1016. >The evening you spend in a goblin instant dungeon, training with your axe. With the incredible speed afforded to you by flight and the axe being able to one-shot entire groups of goblins at a time, the only thing slowing you down is the loot and the occasional boss. You average a goblin every second and a half for 8 hours. You gain enough exp to level up to 19 and enough Axe Mastery to get up to a natural 15, 25 with the axe's bonus.
  1018. >In loot, you gain $329,600, 1,632 goblin staves, and 816 pairs of goblin spears and shields, 40 more health potions, and 8 more legendary axes.
  1020. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  1022. >It is now Sunday. You have 14 days of professional protection left. How do you spend your morning?
  1023. >You ask Sophia what you should study, but she doesn't have any recommendations. You study whatever books you come across, which today happen to be microbiology. You gain 1 INT, WIS, and XP.
  1025. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  1027. >After this, you go to Jared for advice on taking down powerful mobs
  1028. >"Mobility is key. If you can fly and use long range attacks and your opponent can't, they're fucked. Even just moving faster than them is a major advantage. Because of this, wizards often use conjured magical nets and chains to bind their opponents. Disabling your opponent in other ways can be helpful too. Some wizards use confusion or blinding spells. Again, an enemy under these effects is as good as dead, especially if you have longer range attacks than them. Personally, I've just become a really good judge of what I can handle and what I can't. If something is too big, I run away. Most things big enough to take me on in a straight fight have trouble finding me if I just run away and hide. That skill's saved my hide more than once."
  1030. >What do you do on sunday evening?
  1031. >With your mastery of mana manipulation, in no time you've figured out how to create a large weighted net made of mana. You don't get a skill notification, but you'd rather like one, so you try opening up an ooze dungeon to practice creating and throwing the nets on the fly. Before long
  1032. *ping*
  1033. >You have gained the new skill "Mana Net"
  1034. >You practice your new spell for a while, making a game out of how many oozes you can catch in a single net. You hit 7 before getting bored and moving on to something else
  1035. >Next, you go into a summon a level 19 Undead to practice a different technique on. You create chains made of mana binding the creature to the ground.
  1036. *ping*
  1037. >You have gained the new skill "Mana Chains"
  1038. >Rather liking your new skills, you grind them out up to level 9 on your summoned zombie, which doesn't seem to mind.
  1039. >You spend a couple hours trying to make ice magic, but just can't figure out how it works.
  1041. >You then get set up on the Abyss site and put up 1000 goblin staves for sale. It seems your prices are really good, because it only takes you 2 hours to sell out. While waiting, you browse through the list of spellbooks. There are SO MANY SPELLS. There spells for raising your stats, spells for lowering your opponents stats, spells for making ice, spells for warding areas, spells for locking things, spells for unlocking things, spells for finding traps, spells for making traps, the list just seems to go on forever. In the end you buy the spell books Confusion and Ice Slick for a total to $500,000.
  1043. http://pastebin.com/U4A4eYPH
  1045. >It's Sunday night and you still have 4 hours before you need to head to bed. What do you do?
  1046. >You briefly consider buying ALL the spells. But there are a so many of them, hundreds of variations each on thousands of spells, you couldn't even begin to afford it. Besides, your skill list is already cluttered with a dozen abilities you never use. Better to not buy a spell unless you already have a specific use for it in mind.
  1048. >You try searching for some form of Abyss news network, but come up dry. You decide to contact Bithiah using teamspeak over the matter. She explains that most news in the Abyss travels by word of mouth, and any BIG news is likely to trickle down into the group before too long, and so you probably shouldn't worry about it, unless you're interested in the movements and politics of hundreds of different factions outside the US. Speaking of big news, it seems she spoke to some of her associates about your new form of summoning and the news is really making the rounds. Most people discount it as only rumor, with all experiments along the lines of what you do ending in failure. Because the only way such a thing that would make such a feet possible would be the direct intervention of Gaia, the name some people use for the will that governs ability users and their powers, people have started referring to it Gaian Summoning.
  1050. >You then decide to try out your Remote Viewing power. For a target, you specify 'an ability user' . Before you appears an image of Earl in his shop. You spend most of an hour watching him shape metal and wood to his whims. It's very relaxing. Remote Viewing levels to 12 and you have 3 free hours left if you want a full night's sleep
  1052. >Watching Earl work, you realize over half of your item slots are empty. Head slot, neck slot, two ring slots, cloak slot, and your gloves slots are all empty. Even the remaining torso/legs/feet slots are unenchanted items. You decide you'll talk to Earl later about magical items
  1054. >Your last 3 hours, you grind out Ice Slick, Confusion, and Spinning Fire Arrow on goblins, raising Ice Slick and Spinning Fire Arrow to level 11 and Confusion to level 13
  1056. >You rest
  1058. >It is now monday. This afternoon you're scheduled to work out with Emily, but how do you spend your morning?
  1060. >You go and have a talk with Earl about magic items. He's surprised you've made it this far without any kind of enchanted item. In the Abyss, items are power. He says as an artificer, he would gladly sell you any base item you want to enchant, or even enchant items for you if that's what you'd prefer. He's not the greatest enchanter, however, having spent more time honing his various crafting skills. You say you'll consider it and move on to the Great Library to study
  1061. >Today you focus on combat spells. You spend 8 hours going through different variations of different combat spells. You don't gain any new skills, but you gain valuable insight into how a lot of the spells you use work, and feel this will help if you ever decide to experiment and make your own custom spells again in the future.
  1062. >After you finish studying, you do your regular workout with Emily. She's gotten noticeably better since you started working out.
  1064. >It is now Tuesday. You have 12 days of professional protection left. How do you spend your morning?
  1066. >You know from previous training that you gain 1 xp in Basic Alchemy for every item you enchant. You go into mass production, enchanting goblin spears with mana bolt and shields with mana shield, both single use. It takes you a little over two hours to go through the stack, bringing your Basic Alchemy skill up to 12 before you run out of materials to enchant.
  1068. >You still have 6 hours this tuesday morning. how would you like to spend them?
  1069. >You decide to talk to Earl to get some more stuff on alchemy and enchanting figured out
  1070. "Hey, Earl, how do you disenchant an item? I've never done it before"
  1071. >"Have you ever tried? Just do like you normally would, only instead of shoving mana into an object you pull it out. Just be sure and have a mana receptacle nearby, it would be a shame to lose any mana"
  1072. "Why is mana so valuable in the Abyss? Enchanting powerful items seems to have diminishing returns, so I don't see what the big deal about the whole thing is"
  1073. >"Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, it's easy to abuse abilities for money, so prices in the Abyss naturally tend to be inflated. Besides that, there's what you said about diminishing returns, except everyone always wants the very best, so every scrap of mana is valuable because so much is sunk in to large magic items. Finally, there's gold. If you know alchemy, you know how to transmute lead, or most any mineral, into gold. The catch is, doing so is very mana expensive. This is especially useful because many rituals and contracts in the Abyss consume gold, so there's always a market for gold, so there's always a market for mana. Understand?"
  1075. "Makes sense, but what's a mana receptacle? Can you teach me to make my own? ...Wait, does that mean the price of gold is inflated in the Abyss too? I guess I'd never really need to, but doesn't that mean someone could just buy a bunch of gold jewelry or ingots or something and then make a profit off of them in the Abyss?"
  1077. >"By 'mana receptacle' I just meant any item that you're in the middle of enchanting or piece of mineral your transmuting. And no, most raw materials that are readily available in large amounts outside of the Abyss have about the same going rate inside the Abyss, I as just explaining why the gold market has been stable despite alchemists making it in their basements for centuries"
  1079. "Ah, too bad. It sounded like I could make something to stockpile mana until I'm ready to enchant something really powerful... Well, since you said most people use enchanted gear, do you recommend anything special for me to enchant mine with?"
  1081. >"Normally the first thing I'd suggest for any wizard would be gear that increases mana regeneration, but from how I've seen you'd fight you seem to have mana spilling out your ears, so I'd only go for that if you intend to enchant some really powerful items. Other than that, gear that increases the power of any specific spells you use often, like your Spinning Mana Arrow. I'd also suggest anything that increases your base attributes, things like your reflexes and how well you take a hit."
  1083. >You order 4 rings, two sets of gloves, two necklaces, and a cloak. Earl mentions some special materials take hold of enchantments easier and use less mana, then asks if we'd like to use those materials. Doing so would make the order cost $50,000 all told and the enchantments would take 25% less mana. You agree to the deal and give Earl his money. He says your order will be ready in 2 days.
  1085. >You still have about 6 hours to spend this morning
  1087. >By ignoring the cash drops (you really don't need them), keeping your inventory open all the time, putting staves, spears, and shields into your inventory while waiting for a launched attack to hit, and flying constantly, you manage to average killing a goblin every second. You could probably quadruple that if you had someone or something gathering your drops for you. But for now, it suffices, and after 3 hours of grinding broken up only by 3 bosses
  1088. *ping*
  1089. >You have reached level 20
  1091. >You have reached a milestone. You have gained 21 bonus points. In addition, skills will now level much faster and can be leveled by special actions
  1093. >You test it out by practicing Sand Attack, Ice Slick, Confusion on each goblin, Mana Net, and Mana Chains, in that order, then move on to the next group. The set takes about 4 seconds to do, and it takes about 1 second to fly within range of another group. You practice this way for 3 hours.
  1094. >During your practice, you find your exp gains have increased enormously. You now get experience per point of mana spent on a skill instead of 1 point per skill usage. You're still not sure how non-mana based skills have changed.
  1096. >You gather the troops and make a Rank B Guild Hall Instant Dungeon. It is again made of stone, but a white, clean stone that fits together much better than the dingy stones that made up the Rank D hall. Your fireplace mantel now paradoxically contains both the Dark and Purified Orbs of Doardeigh. You Observe it to see what kind of skill you get
  1098. >You have reached a milestone. Your skill 'Heal' has reached level 20 and transformed into 'Superior Heal'
  1099. >You gather the group around and have them all learn the new skill. They seem very excited ; it seems healing techniques this powerful are really rare in the Abyss.
  1100. >You then check around the guild hall. The variety of food is wider, now including various sweets and pastries, and the bedrooms are bigger and nicer
  1101. >You sit down at the head chair, which you would now probably describe as a throne, and get the screen asking if you'd like to start today's daily quest? Y/N?
  1102. (maybe allocate some of those stat points first. They aren't doing any good just sitting around. Also, this is going to be my last post for the night)
  1103. >You put 3 points into Vitality when
  1105. >You have reached a milestone. The equation for maximum health is now VitalityXlevelX2
  1106. >You put 3 points into Intelligence
  1108. >You have reached a milestone. The equation for maximum mana is now IntelligenceXlevelX2
  1109. >You put 3 points into Wisdom
  1111. >You have reached a milestone. The equation for mana recovery is now (Wisdom X 2)% maximum mana (rounded up)
  1113. >You've only spent 9 points, 31 points remain, and thanks to the milestones you're further ahead than you thought you'd be spending all of them. Do you want to continue with your original allocation, spread the points out for more milestones, or dump most of them into 1 stat hoping for a second milestone?
  1114. >You finish distributing your points between VIT, INT, and WIS, then begin your daily quest.
  1115. >A countdown timer starts at 8 hours. An NPC, a 16th level guard, knocks on the door in the back of the room and then enters. "Gaming Gamers, the molten dragon Evanwrath has stolen the princess from the castle! You must rescue her immediately!"
  1116. "Which way is the dragon's lair"
  1117. >"The mountain to the northeast"
  1118. >You step outside to find yourself inside a castle grounds. You fly above the walls to see a very prominent mountain in the north east
  1119. >You and Bithiah fly the rest of the group towards the mountain. As you near, you spot a trail leading to a set of large stone doors on the side of the mountain, guarded by some reptilian humanoid. You Observe it to find it's depressingly powerful. With your new stats, you could probably tank it, but you're going to need something more powerful per hit htan spinning mana arrow to affect this 32nd level Drakling creature. For now, you set the squishier party members down a ways away from the entrance.
  1120. >While looking through your skills for something that might be effective, you spot Mana Bullet. With the increase in skill leveling, you spend 10 minutes bringing Mana Bullet up to level 14. You then approach the Drakling and hit it with Mana Chains, then, remembering the 'headshot' graphic that would sometimes pop up when training on goblins, hit the Drakling twice n the head, killing it. Jared then breaks open the door.
  1121. >Your group spends several hours searching through the dark tunnels, occasionally hitting traps which you tank or Draklings which you chain then double headshot. You eventually make it to a large, open chamber. What takaes up most of the room is a 64th level dragon, covered in black,platelike scales, the areas between them glowing with heat. The dragon sits atop a massive pile of melted gold, coins and jewelry well defined on the outside, shapes becoming more and more indistinct as they near the dragon until it hits the dragon itself, where the gold seems completely molten. You spy the princess nearby, chained to a wall. The dragon appears to be asleep.
  1122. >Quieter than you thought possible, Jared sneaks over to the princess and breaks her bonds with his bare hands. As you are about to leave with the princess, Evanwrath stirs
  1123. >"Who would take my pretty prize from me?"
  1124. >You are about to respond with something you hope sounds heroic when Bithiah interjects
  1125. >"We seek not to rob you, great Evanwrath, simply come to some form of mutual understanding. It would appear that you like gold?"
  1126. >"If you've come to trade, you'd better have a lot of gold"
  1127. >"No, I was thinking of a different kind of deal..."
  1129. >Bithiah goes on to explain the economics behind a scenario in which Evanwarth's Drakling servants protect the local kingdom from invasion and bandits and how, with this protection and being allowed to keep thier managers and enough of their goods to live on, the excess could be traded away for more gold to pay in tribute to Evanwrath indefinitely. You don't quite follow everything she says, but Evanwrath seems moved by her words and agrees to her terms.
  1130. >You leave with the princess and manuever your way out of the maze of tunnels in the mountain, no longer encountering any hostile Draklings. You then awkwardly fly the princess and the rest of your team back to the castle, where you get your congratulations message
  1131. *ping*
  1132. >Your guild has saved the princess. Your guild has aquired the molten dragons scale. Your guild has gained Prestige
  1134. >It's Tuesday evening and you have 2 free hours left. how do you spend them?
  1136. > You create a goblin dungeon and summon the biggest fastest zombie you can. You then order it to gather all your loot into a pile as you start flying and gunning down goblins. You spend two hours training and gain a more advanced version of your Fly spell and bring both it and mana bullet up to level 17.
  1138. >You rest
  1140. >It is now Wednesday morning. You have 11 days of professional protection left. You are scheduled to exercise with Emily this evening. Your items from Earl should be ready tomorrow. How do you spend your morning?
  1141. >You decide to have a chat with Bithiah concerning summoning. She thinks that your ability to tank combined with your inability to use your mana as fast as you regenerate it lends you towards a fire elemental. She even thinks you're powerful enough to skip over the lowest level of fire elemental and make a contract with a higher level elemental, so as not to waste your time grinding with a weak one. She also says she can get the materials for the ritual for the stronger elemental through her contacts with the summoner's union and have them here immediately, but it'll cost you $10,000. You agree.
  1142. >You soon find yourself standing in front of a symbol made of smouldering charcoal, with lit candles at the ends. You chant the incantation as instructed and the fire rises up out of the charcoal, swarming around and taking the form of a small girl.
  1143. >'Why have you called me here, human?' she says directly in to your head.
  1144. >You ignore her question for the moment. "My name is Michael Smith. You have heard my true name, what is yours?"
  1145. >Something flits through your mind and is gone in an instant. Pain and desire and peace, all in a fraction of a second.
  1146. >'I am Ember, Michael Smith. Would you like to form a contract?'
  1147. "Yes, I would"
  1148. >The two of you say your parts of the ancient incantation to bind Ember to your service. As you do so, her body glows, brimming with energy, and she becomes much bigger. She looks to be about as old of Noah now, maybe a bit older.
  1149. *ping*
  1150. >You have gained the skill "Summon elemental"
  1151. >You summon her just to see what it's like
  1152. >'Need me so soon? You just couldn't wait to see me again, could you?'
  1153. >Rather than reply, you dismiss her
  1154. >You thank Bithiah for the lessons and materials and go off to see Noah to learn about golems
  1156. >What Noah tells you you probably could have guessed. They are generally made of stone, although wood and metal golems do exist, they can take a hit but aren't very smart and can't follow complex orders. They also follow the law of diminishing returns all magic items do, and so Noah suggests you use your Undead summoning skill instead, as it's likely more efficient.
  1158. >All in all, you've spent an hour going around and still have 7 hours of morning left
  1159. >You call to order a meeting of the Gaming Gamers. The first thing you do is Observe the Molten Dragon's Scale.
  1160. *ping*
  1161. >You have gained a level of Observe
  1162. *ping*
  1163. >You have gained the new skill "Fire Immunity"
  1164. >Your guildmates gather around and all gain the skill. To test it, Jared asks you to hit him with a fire attack. You summon Ember and tell her to target Jared. No matter how high up you turn the heat, Jared says he and his equipment are all fine. The skill seems to work exactly as it says it does.
  1166. >After this is finished, you tell everyone to settle in at the table. As they peck at the many various food items, you pull out $1 million for each of them and two goblin shaman staves each. Sophia and Noah are floored. Earl, Jared, and Bathiah all respectfully thank you. Ed doesn't seem all that impressed, but thanks you nonetheless.
  1167. >You then ask about how they all feel about the guild. They mostly agree it's nice to have friends and connections outside their unions, the guild hall itself is wonderful, and the adventures have been a fun distraction from their own daily grinds.
  1168. >When asked about the spike in difficulty in the latest quest and whether they'd like to try another, they agree they would give another a try but be ready to break the illusion barrier at the first sign of serious trouble.
  1169. >With a little trepidation, you sit at the head seat and begin today's daily quest.
  1170. >The timer appears in your vision and starts counting down. There's a knock on the door, followed by a 16h level guard coming in and informing you that the princess has been kidnapped by the mighty and terrible dragon Evanwrath. Slightly confused, you go outside and then, with Bithiah's help, fly the party to Evanwarth's mountain. The front door is guarded by a level 32 Drakling that your Observe skill tells you in unremarkable for its type. You quickly chain it then shoot it down, allowing access to the large stone doors Jared once again opens. The layout of the tunnels inside seems to be the same and your group learned them pretty well going in and out the first time you did this quest. You quickly find your way to Evanwrath's chamber, where the dragon appears to be sleeping and the princess is chained to a wall. Bithiah carefully awakens the dragon and starts a conversation. They strike up a deal where Evanwrath and his minions protect the locals in exchange for a tithe of gold, as though nothing of the sort had ever happened before. Jared then frees the princess and the party leaves. You are greeted with a notification screen upon your arrival back at the castle
  1171. *ping*
  1172. >Your guild has saved the princess. Your Guild has completed this B ranked daily quest 2 times. Your Guild Hall can now be expanded. What extra room do you want?
  1173. >Rank B Alchemist's Lab
  1174. >Rank B Enchanter's Workshop
  1175. >Rank B Summoner's Chamber
  1176. >Rank B Labyrinth
  1177. >Rank B Fixer's Lounge
  1178. >Rank B Library
  1179. >Rank B Greenhouse
  1180. >Rank B Tavern
  1182. (forgot this, should be on the list)
  1184. >Diviner's Chamber
  1186. >You discuss your options with the group, who all have their own biases, and in the end they agree that if this is a regular thing, they don't mind putting off their own area's of expertise. Bithiah in particular doesn't mind, as she is only an agent of an actual summoner, and so would have no personal use for a 'Summoner's Chamber' (whatever that might be). You decide on the Rank B Diviner's Chamber
  1187. >You call Emily over to check it out. When you all arrive back at the main hall of the guild, you see nothing different. However, following the stairs you see they go up to another floor now, above the bedrooms. This new room is filled with mirrors of all shapes and sizes on the walls. There is a large circular skylight in the center of the ceiling with a circular pool of water beneath it, reflecting clouds that you notice don't match up with the clouds you can see through the skylight above it. Emily is amazed at the room and asks if she can spend some time alone in. As you agree, you gain a notification
  1188. *ping*
  1189. >Your Diviner's Chamber now meets the minimum staff allocation for operation.
  1190. >You bring up the guild window and are greeted with a new interface. Now, in addition to a list of names, you have a small interface showing the main hall, the bedrooms, the diviner's chamber, and how they're all connected by stairs. The diviner's chamber shows extra information
  1191. >Minimum staff required for operation : 1 specialist
  1192. >Maximum efficient staff : 3 specialists
  1193. >Current staff : 1 specialist
  1195. >All of this has taken only 1 more hour. You have 6 hours of morning time left. How do you spend them?
  1196. >You invite Emily into the guild and get an acceptance notification almost immediately. The Main hall gains another chair and you assume a new bedroom pops in upstairs, but before you can check Emily asks you to stay in the main hall while practicing.
  1197. >You spend your time alternating between summoning the strongest undead you can and summoning Ember, who expresses delight at being so frequently summoned. It seems to be pleasurable for her.
  1198. >Shortly after you begin practicing, several low level NPCs walk in through the door in the back of the hall and ask if they can see your diviner. You tell them she's at the top of the stairs and give Emily a warning that they're coming, but she says she already knew that. That Diviner's Chamber must be something else.
  1199. >The summoning practice goes great. You upgrade Summon Undead to Superior Summon Undeadm which you then level up to level 24 (for some reason, it doesn't upgrade again at level 20). As you practice, NPCs regularly walk into and out of the Divination Chamber.
  1201. >Before you begin your workout, you ask Emily what all the NPCs were doing. It seems they were asking normal villager questions ; what would be good to plant this year, when will the last frost be, how will so-and-so's baby turn out, ect. She could see the answer in the mirror pool despite these people and the events they were describing not being real. The people then paid her for her answers in gold coins, at a rate of 100 gold coins per hour over 6 hours.
  1203. >You and Emily begin your workout. You find that you can lift the heaviest object you can indefinitely, do weighted shuttle runs at top speed without ever getting tired. You suspect this has something to do with your dexterity and strength being significantly lower than your vitality now.
  1204. >You also practice your Mana Manipulation Mastering, pouring all of your mana into mana constructs while you exercise. You quickly upgrade the skill and continue leveling it all the way up to level 24. At the end of your workout, you gain 3 Strength and Dexterity and 1 Luck, but no Vitality.
  1206. >You have reached a milestone. Physical attacks now ignore all forms of damage mitigation
  1208. >You have reached a milestone. You can now teleport Dexterity feet
  1210. >You practice your Dexterity teleport. It's extremely quick and easy to use. You could probably use it 4 times a second if you had to. If you would teleport into a solid, you teleport next to it instead.
  1212. >You also gain enough Athletics exp to get to level 15 and enough Instant Dungeon Creation XP to get to level 17
  1214. >You say goodbye to Emily and rest
  1216. >It is now Thursday. You have 10 days of professional protection left. You are free all day today. What do you do?
  1217. >You Observe a gold coin to find it it is nothing more special than an ounce of gold
  1219. >You play around with your Dexterity teleport a little more. You can teleport through solid objects if they're thin enough, though 20 feet and counting means it takes a pretty hefty barrier to keep you out. You also find you can teleport in any direction, and change your position to any orientation, though doing so rapidly makes you a little dizzy.
  1221. >You've got 16 hours of time to work with today, and you decide skill grinding is the way to go. You start by grinding Obscurity and Status Quo up to level 20 to upgrade them, then a little more back up to level 14. This takes about 3 hours. You spend 4 hours each on Superior Summon Elemental, Superior Healing, and Spinning Mana Arrow, bringing the first two skills both to level 21 and Spinning Mana Arrow up to 18. Your last hour you spend grinding Mana Shield, Copper Skin, and Troll's Regeneration all up to level 15.
  1222. >You spend some time trying to rest, but you can't find any sleep. Lacking anything better to do, you summon a guild hall and start up the daily quest. You want to see if you can do it on your own.
  1223. >The timer starts to count down and you're out the door before the NPC finishes knocking. You fly to Evanwrath's mountain as fast as you can, but the wind in your eyes is really holding you back. You're going to need some goggles if you want to use your flight to its fullest potential in the future.
  1224. >You make it to the mountain in record time and teleport past the guard. You go straight to the heart of the mountain fortress. Here you meet the great dragon Evanwrath, supposedly sleeping on his pile of gold. You address the dragon, but he doesn't acknowledge you. You address him again, much louder this time. He makes a big show of getting up and finally acknowledges you.
  1225. >"Human! What do you want of me?"
  1226. "I've come for the princess and I'd like to make a deal"
  1227. >"A deal you say? Fine, I'll hear you out, but if I don't like your deal, then I'll just have to eat you AND the princess."
  1228. >You lay out the deal almost from memory. Evanwrath seems sated at the idea of his hoard growing forever, and accepts the deal as usual
  1229. >"And what of the princess?"
  1230. >SHIT! You forgot to include her in the deal.
  1231. >You fly over to her, grab her, and teleport-dash out of the room. It would seem, thankfully, that you can teleport other people.While working your way out of the maze, you notice she gets left behind as soon at you let her down. You can teleport with people, but only while carrying them. Great thing to know.
  1232. >You work out way out from under the mountain and fly back to the castle. On your way back, the princess begins to scream. Lava is pouring out the the door to the mountain. By the time you're getting close to the castle, you see the lava forming into the shape of a dragon. You set the princess down inside the castle, hoping the action would finish the quest, but no dice. You can now see Evanwrath in the distance, flying towards the castle.
  1234. >You manifest a Mana Cannon and start charging an Earth Bomb. You charge it for a full minute, then release it through the canon. Evanwrath doesn't even seem to try to dodge the projectile and is blown clean out of the sky.
  1235. *ping*
  1236. >Your guild has saved the princess. Your Guild has completed this B ranked daily quest 3 times.Would you like to expand your Guild Hall or Recruit a Follower?
  1237. >You select Recruit a Follower.
  1238. *ping*
  1239. >Right next to you spawns a 15th level Follower.
  1240. >"Do you have any duties for me at this time, sir?
  1241. "No"
  1242. >"Alright then, I'll be off to bed until morning, sir"
  1243. >You open up your guild interface and see you have a new window showing your lone follower, currently assigned to the bedrooms
  1245. >Restlessness now sated, you go off to bed yourself
  1247. >It is now Friday. You have 9 days of professional protection left. You have 8 free hours in the morning and are scheduled for 8 hours of exercise with Emily in the evening
  1248. >When morning comes, you explain the new recruit to your guildmates. You don't really have anything for him to do right now, so he just hangs out in the main hall eating.
  1250. >Before you start your daily quest, you ask Earl about the gear he was making for you. He says it's ready to be picked up at any time
  1252. >You do the daily, this time remembering to add in the princess to the deal with Evanwrath and pull it off without a hitch.
  1253. *ping*
  1254. >Your guild has saved the princess. Your Guild has completed this B ranked daily quest 4 times.Would you like to expand your Guild Hall, Recruit a Follower, or Upgrade a Follower?
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