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- // credit for this goes to D2od who knows way more than I do
- // revised on 1-2-11 by stairbuilder Credit for mod goes to Justin.Killen and I was pointed to it by fellgar
- // will now join game only when leader sends message from game. must use NTLeaderStarter2 with this or will not join game
- // commented out the /f l line, but can be uncommented if you wich
- // added white screen of death fix and also some print txt for testing 2-17-11 stairbuilder
- // added stagger leech joining 9-25-11 by stair
- // added single /f l try to enter games for switching keys and missing the game join message 9-25-11 by stair
- // added a while loop and manager print if a bad cd key is used or bad account or password stair 9-25-11
- // added gameDoesNotExistDelay and txt file joining. Must use updated leader entry point for the txt joining
- // not doing all this ^^^ for an ego trip, just so I know what I have added to this one, lmao
- // added 3 new config options tryLeaderGame1x, retryLeaderGame, tryLeaderGame1x 12-22-2011
- // changed where the game count increase is called to right when bot enters chat instead of waiting for game name. Saves a second or 2 credit for this goes to stib 1-21-12
- // fixed /f l delay to only apply after the first /f l 1-21-12
- // added fastJoin option. read comments next to setting below 1/22/12
- // =============================================================================
- // Leader Account settings
- // =============================================================================
- var leaderAccountName = "Kurts";
- var leaderName = "Kurts_Sin";
- // =============================================================================
- // Leecher game entry delays use to stagger when leechers join game...
- // [characterName, delay in milliseconds]...just leave these as they are if you don't want to
- // use them
- // =============================================================================
- var leecher1 = ["Kurts_Sorc", 100];
- var leecher2 = ["characterName", 750];
- var leecher3 = ["characterName", 1250];
- var leecher4 = ["characterName", 2000];
- //==============================================================================
- // join options
- //==============================================================================
- var useFL = false; // set true if you wish your leecher to use /f l to join games. useFL MUST be set to 0 for this to work
- var useFLCount = 1; // this is seperate from the above setting allows you to use /f l to join, but will only spam /f l the set number of times. set to 0 to disable
- var delayFL = 3000; // milliseconds before the bot will use the /f l command in loby
- var reEnterSameGame = true; // set to false to keep the bot from using /f l to re enter same game also must be set to false if you don't want bot to re enter same game for txt joining
- var useTextFileJoin = true; // use txt file communication between leader and leecher to join games
- var gameDoesNotExistDelay = 10; // time to idle before trying if leader's game does not exist. In seconds.
- var tryLeaderGame1x = true; // will only try to enter the game one time. Good for when leader drops before leecher gets in.
- var retryLeaderGame = 0; // nuber of times you would like to try joining leaders game. Note tryLeaderGame1x = true bypasses this and the delay below
- var retryLeaderGameDelay = 10; // time in seconds to delay between retrying to enter leaders game
- var fastJoin = false; // this has preconfigured delays for easy switching. Gets you leecher in game in about 3 seconds. THIS MAY CAUSE JOIN PROBLEMS FOR SOME USERS!!!!!
- // =============================================================================
- // Game password (leave blank if none)
- // =============================================================================
- var gamepassword = "Kurts";
- // =============================================================================
- // UseCDKeyChangeTrick :
- // if true, the follow bot will say his gamename/gamepwd (set in the OOG) in chat before each game
- // in order to increment his number of runs (to switch CDKeys after xx runs)
- // if false, the follow bot will never change his CDKey
- // =============================================================================
- var UseCDKeyChangeTrick = false;
- // =============================================================================
- // Debug : set to true if you are experiencing problems with your JoinBot
- // it will log in your OOG the lobby chat actions
- // =============================================================================
- var Debug = false;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Lobby chat settings :
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Set to true to join the chat after each game (needed for JoinBot)
- var joinChatAfterGame = true;
- // Message said when you first enter the chat
- var firstJoinMessage = "";
- // Message said after each game
- var chatMessageAfterGame = "";
- // if this is true, will join a random channel, otherwise it will use the channel below..
- var joinRandomChannel = false;
- // Name of the channel you want to join (leave blank if you want to stay in the default channel)
- var joinChannelInChat = "Kurts";
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Delays:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Minimum game length, waits in the lobby if last game was too short
- // I recommend to keep a value > 300000 (milliseconds) to avoid bnet temporary ban
- var gameMinLength = 420000;
- // realm delays (minutes)
- var unableToConnectRetry = 20;
- var realmDownRetry = 480;
- var disconnectedRetry = 5;
- var cdkeyInUseRetry = 5;
- if(fastJoin) {
- // interface delays (milliseconds)
- var connectingToBnetTimeout = 20000;
- var characterScreenTimeout = 10000;
- var pleaseWaitTimeout = 10000;
- var createGameThreshold = 10000;
- var createGameThresholdRandom = 1000;
- var createGameTimeout = 15000;
- var waitInLineTimeout = 15000;
- var characterSelectDelay = 1000;
- var loginDelay = 1000;
- var clickDelay = 0;
- var textDelay = 0;
- var clickDelayRandom = 0;
- var textDelayRandom = 0;
- var gameDoesNotExistDelayMin = 600000; // this not for leech configuration. Look for gameDoesNotExistDelay above
- var gameDoesNotExistDelayMax = 900000; // this not for leech configuration. Look for gameDoesNotExistDelay above
- var gameDoesNotExistTimeout = 30000;
- var waitBeforeEnterChatMin = 1000;
- var waitBeforeEnterChatMax = 2000;
- var waitInChatBeforeActionsMin = 2000;
- var waitInChatBeforeActionsMax = 3000;
- } else {
- var connectingToBnetTimeout = 20000;
- var characterScreenTimeout = 10000;
- var pleaseWaitTimeout = 10000;
- var createGameThreshold = 10000;
- var createGameThresholdRandom = 1000;
- var createGameTimeout = 15000;
- var waitInLineTimeout = 15000;
- var characterSelectDelay = 1000;
- var loginDelay = 1000;
- var clickDelay = 500;
- var textDelay = 500;
- var clickDelayRandom = 500;
- var textDelayRandom = 500;
- var gameDoesNotExistDelayMin = 600000; // this not for leech configuration. Look for gameDoesNotExistDelay above
- var gameDoesNotExistDelayMax = 900000; // this not for leech configuration. Look for gameDoesNotExistDelay above
- var gameDoesNotExistTimeout = 30000;
- var waitBeforeEnterChatMin = 1000;
- var waitBeforeEnterChatMax = 2000;
- var waitInChatBeforeActionsMin = 2000;
- var waitInChatBeforeActionsMax = 3000;
- }
- // Only for JoinBot (friend list delay, milliseconds)
- var LeaderOfflineDelay = 30000;
- var LeaderInChatDelay = 10000;
- var GameIsFullDelay = 30000;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //D2NT Manager Command
- const D2NT_MGR_LOADING = 1;
- const D2NT_MGR_READY = 2;
- const D2NT_MGR_LOGIN = 3;
- const D2NT_MGR_CREATE_GAME = 4;
- const D2NT_MGR_INGAME = 5;
- const D2NT_MGR_RESTART = 6;
- const D2NT_MGR_CHICKEN = 7;
- const D2NT_MGR_PRINT_STATUS = 8;
- const D2NT_MGR_PRINT_LOG = 9;
- var lastGameMade = GetTickCount();
- var lastGameStatus = 0;
- var nextGameMake = 0;
- var inGameAt = 0;
- var chatActionsDone = false;
- var lastGameFailed = false;
- var sayChatMsgAfterGame = false;
- Include("libs/controlInfo.ntl");
- Include("libs/common/NTColorConverter.ntl");
- var controlData = new controlInfo();
- var increaseGameCount = true;
- var firstTimeFl = true;
- var retryLeaderGameCount = 0;
- var lastGame = "";
- var retryFL = 0;
- var game = '';
- var _gamename = "";
- var _gamepassword = "";
- var _leaderOfflineTick = -LeaderOfflineDelay;
- var _leaderInChatTick = -LeaderInChatDelay;
- var _GameIsFullTick = -GameIsFullDelay;
- function NTMain()
- {
- Delay(1000);
- var _ingame = false;
- controlData.clickDelay = clickDelay;
- controlData.textDelay = textDelay;
- controlData.clickDelayRandom = clickDelayRandom;
- controlData.textDelayRandom = textDelayRandom;
- while(1)
- {
- if(me.ingame)
- {
- _gamename = me.gamename;
- _gamepassword = me.gamepassword;
- if(!inGameAt)
- inGameAt = GetTickCount();
- if(!_ingame)
- {
- RunGC(); // run garbage collector between each game
- if(Load("NTBot/NTBotGame.ntj"))
- {
- if(!reEnterSameGame) { NT_File("logs/messagecomands/"+me.charname+"-lastgame.txt", 1, me.gamename); } // writes current game for comparing to new game to join next time in lobby
- retryFL = 0; // sets the counter back to 0 upon game entry.
- _ingame = true;
- retryLeaderGameCount = 0;
- firstTimeFl = true;
- increaseGameCount = true;
- if(me.playtype > 0)
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_INGAME, "In Game[IP:" + me.gameserverip.split(".")[3] + "]", 0);
- else
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_INGAME, "In Game", 0);
- lastGameStatus = 2; // in game successful
- }
- }
- Delay(1000);
- }
- else
- {
- if(_ingame)
- {
- My_ExitGame_Check(); // out of korean modded d2nt fixes white screen of death
- _ingame = false;
- sayChatMsgAfterGame = true;
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_READY, "", 0);
- }
- locationAction(controlData.getLocation());
- Delay(500);
- }
- }
- }
- function locationAction(location)
- {
- switch(
- {
- case 3: // Lobby Chat
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_STATUS,, 0);
- //LogPrintSimple(me.account + "MyAccountTest.txt", me.account + " / " + me.charname) // this is to check for 2nd account login
- if (UseCDKeyChangeTrick && increaseGameCount) {
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_CREATE_GAME,, 0);
- increaseGameCount = false;
- Delay(1000);
- }
- if(!chatActionsDone)
- {
- Delay(Random(waitInChatBeforeActionsMin, waitInChatBeforeActionsMax));
- if(joinRandomChannel || joinChannelInChat != "")
- {
- Say("/join " + (joinRandomChannel ? getRandomString(Random(3,10)) : joinChannelInChat));
- Delay(1000);
- }
- if(firstJoinMessage)
- {
- Say(firstJoinMessage);
- Delay(200);
- }
- chatActionsDone = true;
- }
- if (chatMessageAfterGame && _gamename != "" && sayChatMsgAfterGame == true)
- {
- Say(chatMessageAfterGame);
- sayChatMsgAfterGame = false;
- Delay(200);
- }
- game = '';
- if(useTextFileJoin) {
- NT_RetrievenextGame(); //read message from txt file and set game and gamepassword vars from that
- }
- else {
- if(useFL || useFLCount > 0) {
- var _tick = GetTickCount();
- if ((_leaderOfflineTick < 0 || (_leaderOfflineTick + LeaderOfflineDelay) < _tick) // maybe play with this so it skips it for 30 seconds
- && (_leaderInChatTick < 0 || (_leaderInChatTick + LeaderInChatDelay) < _tick)
- && (_GameIsFullTick < 0 || (_GameIsFullTick + GameIsFullDelay) < _tick))
- {
- Delay(500);
- DebugInOOG('Locating the leader : '+leaderAccountName);
- if(useFLCount > 0 && retryFL < useFLCount) {
- if(!firstTimeFl) {
- Delay(delayFL);
- } else {
- firstTimeFl = false;
- }
- Say('/f l');
- retryFL++;
- }
- else if(useFL) {
- if(!firstTimeFl) {
- Delay(delayFL);
- } else {
- firstTimeFl = false;
- }
- Say('/f l');
- }
- }
- }
- if(chat = controlData.get(
- {
- var found_leader = false;
- lines = chat.GetText();
- if(!lines) { break; }
- for (var line_id = lines.length - 1; line_id > -1; line_id--)
- {
- if (found_leader) // useless... :/
- break;
- if (lines[line_id].substring(0,1) == " ")
- continue;
- // retrieving the whole message
- var msg = lines[line_id].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "");
- var msglines = 1;
- while (lines[line_id+msglines] != undefined && lines[line_id+msglines].substring(0,2) == " ")
- {
- msg += " " + lines[line_id+msglines].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "");
- msglines++;
- }
- if (msg.lastIndexOf(leaderName) >= 0)
- DebugInOOG("yc8found him :;"+msg);
- // checking if the msg is a friendly whisper
- if (msg.lastIndexOf(leaderName + ' (*' +leaderAccountName+')') > -1 || msg.lastIndexOf(leaderName + '@' + GateWayToName() + ' (*' +leaderAccountName+')') > -1)
- // if (msg.lastIndexOf(leaderName + ' (*' +leaderAccountName+')') > -1) // need to modify this and then add another to handle the "@USWest
- { // should be just a matter of leaderName + '@' and then register the 2nd line as game name
- var regGameNameWhispered=/^.*in_new_game\s+(.*)$/gi; // replaced below with this to join on mesage upon entering game
- //var regGameNameWhispered=/^.*(game|partie|spiel|partita|partida).*(nomm[^\s]*|called|chiamata)\s*([\w\s-]*\w)\s*\.\s*$/gi;
- if (msg.match(regGameNameWhispered))
- game = msg.replace(regGameNameWhispered, "$1"); // replaced below with this to join on mesage upon entering game
- //game = msg.replace(regGameNameWhispered, "$3");
- if (game != '')
- {
- found_leader = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // checking if the msg is from the friend list
- if (msg.lastIndexOf(': '+leaderAccountName+',') > -1)
- {
- found_leader = true;
- var regOffline=/^.*(offline|desconectado).*$/gi;
- var regInChat=/^.*(channel|canale?)\s*([\w\s-]*\w)\.?\s*$/gi;
- var regGameName=/^.*(game|partie|spiel|partita|partida)\s*([\w\s-]*\w)\s*\(priv[^\)]*\)\.\s*$/gi;
- if (msg.match(regOffline)
- && (_leaderOfflineTick < 0 || (_leaderOfflineTick + LeaderOfflineDelay) < _tick))
- {
- DebugInOOG('Leader is offline, delay '+Math.round(LeaderOfflineDelay/1000)+' sec for next /f l.');
- _leaderOfflineTick = GetTickCount();
- }
- else if (msg.match(regInChat)
- && (_leaderInChatTick < 0 || (_leaderInChatTick + LeaderInChatDelay) < _tick))
- {
- DebugInOOG('Leader is in the chat "'+msg.replace(regInChat, "$2")+'", delay '+Math.round(LeaderInChatDelay/1000)+' sec for next /f l.');
- _leaderInChatTick = GetTickCount();
- }
- else if (msg.match(regGameName)
- && ((_leaderOfflineTick < 0 || (_leaderOfflineTick + LeaderOfflineDelay) < _tick)
- && (_leaderInChatTick < 0 || (_leaderInChatTick + LeaderInChatDelay) < _tick)))
- {
- game = msg.replace(regGameName, "$2");
- }
- else if ((_leaderInChatTick < 0 || (_leaderInChatTick + LeaderInChatDelay) < _tick)
- && (_leaderOfflineTick < 0 || (_leaderOfflineTick + LeaderOfflineDelay) < _tick))
- {
- // unhandled line, supposelly "In Realm"
- DebugInOOG('The leader was in the the lobby but not in chat, delay '+Math.round(LeaderInChatDelay/1000)+' sec for next /f l.');
- _leaderInChatTick = GetTickCount();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found_leader == false)
- DebugInOOG('I couldn\'t find the leader in my friend list!');
- }
- else
- {
- DebugInOOG('I can\'t read the chat!');
- //DebugInOOG('You probably haven\'t added the lobby chat controlinfo coordinates!');
- Delay(30000);
- }
- }
- if(!reEnterSameGame) { // added to check game name. If same as last game then don't re enter.
- NT_RetrieveLastGame();
- //Delay(250);
- if(lastGame == game) {
- game = "";
- }
- }
- if (game!="")
- {
- DebugInOOG('Leader is in the game "' + game + '"');
- Delay(100);
- }
- break;
- case 1: // Lobby
- if( == 1 && joinChatAfterGame)
- {
- //LogPrintSimple(me.account + "MyAccountTest.txt", me.account + " / " + me.charname) // this is to check for 2nd account login
- Delay(Random(waitBeforeEnterChatMin, waitBeforeEnterChatMax));
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 2: // Waiting In Line
- if(GetTickCount()-lastGameMade > waitInLineTimeout)
- break;
- case 4: // Create Game
- if(!controlData.get(controlData.controls.lobby.create.editBox.gameName))
- {
- Delay (500);
- Delay (500);
- break;
- }
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_CREATE_GAME,, 0);
- locationTimeout(5000, location);
- lastGameMade = GetTickCount();
- lastGameStatus = 1; // pending creation
- break; case 5: // Join Game
- if (game)
- {
- if(retryLeaderGameCount > 0 && retryLeaderGameDelay > 0) {
- Delay(retryLeaderGameDelay * 1000);
- }
- controlData.setText( controlData.controls.lobby.join.editBox.gameName, game);
- Delay (100);
- controlData.setText( controlData.controls.lobby.join.editBox.password, gamepassword);
- //SendCopyData("D2NT Manager", null, 9<<16, "-- Debug : " + COLOR_1 +me.charname);
- if(leecher1[0] == me.charname){
- Delay(leecher1[1]);
- }
- else if(leecher2[0] == me.charname){
- Delay(leecher2[1]);
- }
- else if(leecher3[0] == me.charname){
- Delay(leecher3[1]);
- }
- else if(leecher4[0] == me.charname){
- Delay(leecher4[1]);
- }
- else{
- Delay(100);
- }
- if(tryLeaderGame1x && retryLeaderGame <= 0) {
- NT_File("logs/messagecomands/"+me.charname+"-lastgame.txt", 1, game); // writes current game for comparing to new game to join next time in lobby
- game = "";
- }
- if(retryLeaderGame > 0 && !tryLeaderGame1x && retryLeaderGameCount < retryLeaderGame) { // increases the leadergamecount
- retryLeaderGameCount++;
- }
- if(retryLeaderGame > 0 && !tryLeaderGame1x && retryLeaderGameCount >= retryLeaderGame) { // sets game name to "" because we have made as many attempts as configured to join
- game = "";
- }
- RunGC(); // run garbage collector between each game
- locationTimeout(5000, location);
- lastGameStatus = 1; // pending join
- }
- else
- {
- DebugInOOG('No game to join : cancelling');
- me.Cancel(1);
- Delay(1000);
- }
- break;
- case 6: // Ladder
- break;
- case 7: // Channel List
- break;
- case 8: // Main Menu
- if(controlData.getCurrentRealmIndex() == me.gatewayid)
- {
- outputGameLength();
- }
- else
- break;
- case 9: // Login
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_STATUS,, 0);
- Delay(loginDelay);
- controlData.setText(controlData.controls.login.editBox.accountName, me.account);
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_LOGIN,, 0);
- locationTimeout(5000, location);
- break;
- case 10: // Login Error (this is a fatal error, so stop)
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_LOG, COLOR_1 + "Bad Account or PW Entered.......Idling", 0);
- while(1) { Delay(500); }
- //sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_RESTART,, 10);
- Delay(3500);
- break;
- case 11: // Unable To Connect
- timeoutDelay(unableToConnectRetry*60*1000, location)
- break;
- case 12: // Character Select
- var _time, _control;
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_STATUS,, 0);
- for(_time = 0 ; _time < characterScreenTimeout ; _time += 500)
- {
- _control = controlData.get(controlData.controls.characterSelect.textBox.characterInfo[me.charloc]);
- if(_control && _control.GetText() != undefined)
- break;
- Delay(500);
- }
- if(_time < characterScreenTimeout)
- {
- Delay(characterSelectDelay);
-[me.charloc], 0, 0, 1);
-[me.charloc], 0, 0, 1);
- // reset last game made, so it doesnt make a game immediately
- inGameAt = 0;
- setNextGameMake();
- }
- else
- {
- timeoutDelay(realmDownRetry*60*1000, location);
- }
- break;
- case 13: // Realm Down - Character Select screen
- timeoutDelay(realmDownRetry*60*1000, location);
- break;
- case 14: // Character Select - Disconnected
- timeoutDelay(disconnectedRetry*60*1000, location);
- break;
- case 15: // New Character
- break;
- case 16: // Character Select - Please Wait popup
- if(!locationTimeout(pleaseWaitTimeout, location))
- break;
- case 17: // Lobby - Lost Connection - just click okay, since we're toast anyway
- break;
- case 18: // D2 Splash
- break;
- case 19: // Login - Cdkey In Use
- timeoutDelay(cdkeyInUseRetry*60*1000, location);
- break;
- case 20: // Single Player - Select Difficulty
- break;
- case 21: // Main Menu - Connecting
- if(!locationTimeout(connectingToBnetTimeout, location))
- break;
- case 22: // Login - Invalid Cdkey (classic or xpac)
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_LOG, COLOR_1 + "Bad CD Key...........Idling", 0);
- while(1) { Delay(500); }
- //sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_RESTART,, 3600);
- Delay(3500);
- break;
- case 23: // Character Select - Connecting
- if(!locationTimeout(characterScreenTimeout, location))
- break;
- case 24: // Server Down - not much to do but wait..
- break;
- case 25: // Lobby - Please Wait
- if(!locationTimeout(pleaseWaitTimeout, location))
- break;
- case 26: // Lobby - Game Name Exists
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_LOG, "yE00000Game already exists", 0);
- inGameAt = 0;
- lastGameStatus = 0;
- setNextGameMake();
- locationTimeout(15000, location);
- break;
- case 27: // Gateway Select
- controlData.clickRealmEntry(me.gatewayid);
- break;
- case 28: // Lobby - Game Does Not Exist
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_LOG, COLOR_1 + "Leader's game does not exist...........Idling", 0);
- Delay(gameDoesNotExistDelay*1000);
- inGameAt = Random(gameDoesNotExistDelayMin, gameDoesNotExistDelayMax);
- lastGameStatus = 0;
- setNextGameMake();
- locationTimeout(gameDoesNotExistTimeout, location);
- break;
- default:
- DebugInOOG("Unhandled location : ";
- break;
- }
- DebugInOOG("Location : ";
- }
- function sendEventToOOG(locationId, statusString, pendingTime)
- {
- return SendCopyData("D2NT Manager", null, (locationId<<16)|pendingTime, statusString);
- }
- function setNextGameMake()
- {
- lastGameMade = GetTickCount();
- nextGameMake = lastGameMade + createGameThreshold + Random(0-createGameThresholdRandom, createGameThresholdRandom) + inGameAt;
- inGameAt = 0;
- chatActionsDone = false;
- }
- function outputGameLength()
- {
- if(inGameAt)
- {
- duration = GetTickCount() - inGameAt;
- inGameAt = (duration < gameMinLength ? gameMinLength - duration : 0);
- }
- }
- function locationTimeout(time, location)
- {
- endtime = GetTickCount() + time;
- while(controlData.getLocation().id == && endtime > GetTickCount())
- {
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_STATUS, + " (" + parseInt((endtime-GetTickCount())/1000) + "s)", 0);
- Delay(500);
- }
- return (controlData.getLocation().id !=;
- }
- function timeoutDelay(time, location)
- {
- endtime = GetTickCount() + time;
- while(endtime > GetTickCount())
- {
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_STATUS, + " (" + parseInt((endtime-GetTickCount())/1000) + "s)", 0);
- Delay(1000);
- }
- }
- function getRandomString(_length)
- {
- _retString = "";
- _charSet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- while(_length--)
- {
- _retString += _charSet.charAt(Random(0, _charSet.length-1));
- Delay(1);
- }
- return _retString;
- }
- function DebugInOOG(logString)
- {
- if (Debug)
- return SendCopyData("D2NT Manager", null, 9<<16, "-- Debug : " + logString);
- else
- return false;
- }
- function My_ExitGame_Check()
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < 40; i++)
- {
- if (controlData.getLocation().id != undefined)
- break;
- if (i > 38)
- {
- LogPrintSimple(me.account + " StarterTest.txt", "White Screen of Death: Restarting")
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_PRINT_LOG, COLOR_1 + "White Screen of Death: Restarting", 0);
- sendEventToOOG(D2NT_MGR_RESTART, "", 5);
- My_Delay(); // make sure and add this also
- }
- Delay(500);
- }
- }
- function My_Delay(retry)
- {
- if (arguments.length < 1)
- retry = 20;
- while (retry-- > 0)
- Delay(1000);
- }
- function LogPrintSimple(filepath, mesg){
- var _filepath = filepath;
- var _mesg = mesg;
- var date = new Date().toLocaleFormat("<%a, %b %d, %H:%M>");
- var logfile = FileOpen(_filepath, 2); // opens file
- if(!logfile)
- var logfile = FileOpen(_filepath, 1); // if file not there then creates it
- logfile.WriteLine(date + " " + _mesg );
- logfile.Close();
- }
- function GateWayToName(){
- switch(me.gatewayid){
- case 0: return 'USWest';
- case 1: return 'USEast';
- case 2: return 'Asia';
- case 3: return 'Europe';
- default: return 'ugly'; // not sure how asia1, asia2, etc work so adding this for now
- }
- }
- // modes 0 = read only, 1 = overwrite the file, 2 = add to file
- function NT_File(path, mode, msg, delay) { //big thanks to all the koreans out there
- var _msg = "";
- var _line = "";
- var _fileHandle;
- var _isFileCheck = false;
- if (arguments.length < 3) { msg = ""; }
- if (arguments.length < 4) { delay = (mode > 0) ? 5 : 2; }
- while (delay--) {
- if (mode == 2 && !_isFileCheck) {
- _fileHandle = FileOpen(path, 0);
- if (!_fileHandle)
- _fileHandle = FileOpen(path, 1);
- if (_fileHandle)
- _fileHandle.Close();
- _isFileCheck = true;
- }
- _fileHandle = FileOpen(path, mode);
- if (_fileHandle)
- break;
- if (delay)
- Delay(200);
- }
- if (_fileHandle) {
- if (mode == 0) {
- while (!_fileHandle.eof) {
- _line = _fileHandle.ReadLine();
- if (_line || !_fileHandle.eof)
- _msg += _line + msg;
- }
- }
- else if (msg)
- _fileHandle.WriteLine(msg);
- _fileHandle.Close();
- }
- return _msg;
- }
- function NT_RetrieveLastGame() {
- var grabLastGame = FileOpen("logs/messagecomands/"+me.charname+"-lastgame.txt", 0); // open file in read only
- if(!grabLastGame){
- var grabLastGame = FileOpen("logs/messagecomands/"+me.charname+"-lastgame.txt", 1); // because the file doesn't exist create it
- }
- if(grabLastGame){
- lastGame = grabLastGame.ReadLine(); //retrieve the line and set the lastGame variable to it so we can check it against the game we may want to join
- grabLastGame.Close();
- }
- return;
- }
- function NT_RetrievenextGame() { // to retrieve game and pw
- var grabLine;
- var grabNextGame = FileOpen("logs/messagecomands/"+leaderName+"-nextgame.txt", 0); // open file in read only
- if(!grabNextGame){
- var grabNextGame = FileOpen("logs/messagecomands/"+leaderName+"-nextgame.txt", 1); // because the file doesn't exist create it
- }
- if(grabNextGame){
- grabLine = grabNextGame.ReadLine(); //retrieve the line and set the nextGame variable to it so we can check it against the game we may want to join
- game = grabLine.substring(0, grabLine.indexOf('/')); //extracting game name from beginning of line to the "/"
- gamepassword = grabLine.substring(grabLine.indexOf('/') + 1, grabLine.length); //Parse after symbol till end of line.
- grabNextGame.Close();
- }
- return;
- }
- // so now we need to add code to get the next game and pw as well as check it against the last game
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