
Nion Saiyan App

Feb 14th, 2017
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  1. Key: Durathi
  2. Character: Nion
  3. Application for: Saiyan
  4. Topic: Pride, Honor, Challenge
  6. After a long and nerve numbing expedition upon a ice covered planet Nion was headed home. The Saiyan entourage had not expected to run into such savage and merciless enemies on what was thought to be a frosted wasteland. Nion was all that was left having barely escaped with his life. He was headed back to report what he had found upon the plants surface, to gather reinforcements and head back to finish what they had started. Despite their ability to transform under a full moon, or a false one, they were greatly outnumbered and slightly outmatched by the inhabitants. Their ability to wield Ki was strong, far stronger than the sheer force that was the Saiyan squad. Nion thought about home, how he would explain to the king or just the others of Baal why he had left instead of dying a soldiers death. The thought haunted him like an old enemy. He had already brought shame to his family once, mainly his brother Pota.
  8. Nion was the younger of the two, and the weakest. His power level was always no match for his older brother and for that he was a disgrace to his family and the rest of his race. It was no surprise that he would be a let down once more. He'd most likely be blamed for his teams death, his incompetence would no doubt be the fault. The scorn from his family would be great, he'd most likely be cast out like a leper, exiled for being a waste of life and resources. Ever since he was a child he had always been a nervous wreck, regardless of whatever rage built inside of him he always seemed to come up short in the long run. He was a runt, inside and out but unknowingly a savage beast grew within him.
  10. All the years of resentment and abuse had began to get to him, he always felt the need to brutalise what he could and leave a wake of despair in his path. Death followed him wherever he went, even when he tried to make a joke, he'd kill the vibe in a room or the conversation that was at hand. He had never really felt companionship not even with his squad mates. The closest they had ever gotten was when he was starving on the glacial planet, having consumed one of his teammates arm and a bit of their insides simply to have enough energy to get back to his pod. He didn't even know if it would work, but desperation was all that was left for Nion in the moment.
  12. His mind raced over what he might say as the cold embrace of space crisped the tears that would have fell upon his cheeks had it not been so cold. There was no way he could explain this to anyone, he thought he may have to lie about what happened. If he said that he took the last of them out before leaving perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. But what if they sent more over? What if more were to die because of his stupidity? How would this effect him further in the eyes of his peers? Nion was slowly driving himself mad running scenarios through his mind. He wasn't the brightest bulb in the box, hell, he might have been the one bulb that didn't work.
  14. As the pod began to collide with atmosphere of the planet Baal his hair began to singe along with his face as it cooked against the half plated mask that covered it from the nose down. He began to pass out from the turbulence, the pain and the overwhelming feeling of falling rapidly. He was winded, near death and headed further down the spiral of life at an alarming rate. Nion felt as though if he were to die here and now it would be fitting and accepted it as just.
  16. Nion's space pod hit the ground of Baal with a thunderous crash after entering the atmosphere half destroyed already. Debris scattered across the barren wasteland like shrapnel bursting out of a claymore. The planet cratered and smoked as Nion was flung from the wreckage. His body laid lifeless after colliding with a jagged rock; two shards of stalagmite protruded from his torso. As his eyes came to a jarred open his body trembled from the pain. He was stuck right to the rock he had impacted, hanging from the perforations in his chest and abdomen. With barely any energy left in his body he pushed his left hand behind him against the rugged surface of the stony iceberg and launched himself gingerly off of it. Nion hit the crust with a thud his blood dripping down the rock and into the dust collecting sandy particles along the way to his body. As the pool formed beneath him he panted slowly, his lips now covered in dirt and sweat. His armour was destroyed, the pauldrons were snapped clean off and the whitish hue of the chest plate was now charred and cracked. The Saiyan was now simply a shadow of his former self.
  18. In the distance two Tsufujins were now headed inbound on the wreckage having seen it from their headquarters and most likely detected the incoming pod on their radars. They were no soldiers but were still armed with guns and sophisticated protection none the less. The two approached slowly, cautiously, enclosing on the Saiyans body that now laid near lifeless in the dirt merely five meters from the pile of tech that embedded itself in the crust of the planet. They poked at his body, kicking it a little and too their surprise the Saiyan made no noise. Nion knew that he would die if he made a move at this point, if he could even bring himself to his feet he'd just be gunned down like a dog. It hurt him to stay there on the ground pretending to be dead, the feeling welled up inside of him making his face hot.
  20. It was at this point that the scouter on the right eye of each Tsuffle began to ping picking up a signature. Nions hands slowly gripped into the ground becoming balled up in a slight anger. It continued to build as his mind trailed off. The world around him had slowly drifted away into a sea of red. <These...pathetic...excuses for lifeforms, kick...ME?!> The dust around Nion began to lift then drop repeatedly as he slowly came to a hunched over standing position. The two Tsujins made in for him holding up their guns. With a surprising effort Nion slapped the Tsujins gun on the left into the direction of the second Tsuffle causing an apparent hair trigger to fire it off into their chest. With the momentum of the kickback of the gun Nion then pushed the Tsujin onto his back driving a knee directly into his abdomen. The impact caused the Tsuffles mouth to widen in a heavy exhale as pain coursed over his face and into his eyes.
  22. Nion raised a fist and drove it into the mouth of the Tsufujin leaning towards the ground in a near lazily fashion. His moment of adrenaline was nearly at an end. But not before slowly forcing his arm down the Tsujins throat. His teeth slid up Nions forearm up to the elbow and just barely around the beginning of his bicep. Nion flexed popping the jaw of the being clean out of its socket and proceeded to push further. Drowned screams bellowed into the wasteland of Baal as teeth and blood shot out in all directions. The eyes of the crazed Nion remained bloodshot as the Tsujin choked on his arm that was now shoulder deep in his mouth. With a raging scream the body of the Tsuffle began to glow a strange redish hue before finally bursting in an explosion of ki, guts, blood and bone.
  24. Nion panted wiping the blood of his foe all over his face and giving it a slight lick. His body was now fully drenched in a penny tasting crimson fluid. The Tsujin behind him; who had been shot by the other Tsuffles rifle had been watching in fear. A puddle of pee had gathered below his bottom having soiled himself. Nion slowly turned his head back hearing the nervous breathing pattern behind him, the Tsujin took note of the ominous glare that was being shot his way and began to soil himself further backing himself up so far that he fell into the crater behind him. As the Tsujin tumbled he dropped his rifle firing off a single shot at the space pod that he just so happened to collide with on his way down. The shot ignited left over fluid that had sopped into the land around him setting the Tsujin ablaze.
  26. Nion looked towards the sky falling onto his back with both arms stretched out, still half atop the leftover remains of the enemy he had blown apart. He muttered to himself as his eyes came to a slow close. "It's good to be back home..."
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