
Life isn't what it seems

Nov 4th, 2014
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  1. --------------
  2. >You are Anon
  3. --------------
  5. "So then the you set the variable you just made, equal it to the prompt, put in parenthesis, and write your message!"
  6. >Sunset grabs hold of the keyboard and her fingers run across the keyboard.
  7. >"var order = prompt('What would you like to order?)"
  8. >She stares at the screen and then it hits her.
  9. >"OH! I SEE!" She chuckles and then she figures out the remaining bits of the code.
  10. >"Document.write("Thank you for your purchase")".
  11. >You clap your hands and smile.
  12. "YES! There you go Sunny. See, I told you it wasn't that hard".
  13. >She saves the text file and brings it up in chrome.
  14. >Sure enough, the code worked, and a prompt pops up asking for the user to type in what they want to order.
  15. >She smiles delightfully and looks at you with the most heart-warming of grins on her face.
  16. >"Thank you so much Anon, this Javascript stuff is so confusing".
  17. >She submits the homework assignment and then you both pack your bags, and slide the chairs into the desks.
  18. >Just as your about to walk out the library, you see Twilight.
  19. >"Well hello there Twilight, how are you?" Sunny asks happily.
  20. >"I'm good, how about you Sunny? Anon?"
  21. "I'm well" You respond. "Just finished helping Sunny with her Javascript homework".
  22. >You smile and give sunny a bump on the shoulder with you elbow, and she smiles back.
  23. >She turns her head to look at you, her eyes suddenly black as the void, her pupils empty and filled with nothingness.
  24. >"Silence your tongue" She says, her voice deep and echoing throughout the halls.
  25. >The school disappears.
  26. >You and Sunny are now alone in a black void as she stares at you, piercing eyes staring straight into your soul.
  27. >"Anon?"
  28. >You shake your head.
  29. >"You okay?" Sunny asks, tilting her head
  30. "....yeah.....I'm fine"
  32. >"Oh darling, you simply MUST let me make you a new outfit one of these days, that casual look of yours simply does NOT suit you" Rarity states, taking a bite of her veggy burger.
  33. "Rarity, I'm a guy, I don't wear....outfits".
  34. >She swallows the lettuce and tomato, chuckling to herself.
  35. >"Honey, just because you are a guy doesn't mean you cant go around looking simply grand, right?"
  36. >"I think you should give it a try" Sunset says, the other looking at her with a surprised look.
  37. >"Really?" Rainbow asks, a wide grin stretching across her face
  38. >You simply blush and start twiddling your fingers under your desk. She actually thought you'd look nice in a suit of sorts?
  39. >"I concur" Twilight flips a page of her book, leather bound and marked "Grand mysterious of the Pacific".
  40. >"Ah come on, ah think he looks fine as he is." Applejack bites into a meaty burger, the juices dribbling down her chin.
  41. >"Ah men, ahfer ahl, wer ar ern sherl ahferl ahrl" Applejack tries to say while chewing her food.
  42. >"Rarity waves her finger at the cowgirl and scowls at her. "Now now A.J., that's no way to behave."
  43. >Applejack rolls her eyes, and everyone laughs.
  44. >"Well I think it's a great idea, cant hurt for Nonny to try it on, right Nonny?" Pinkie shoves a couple cupcakes down her mouth.
  45. "Allright allright" you hold your hands up as though defending yourself from a tyrade of oncoming traffic.
  46. "If you guys insist, I'll go to Rarity's and she can make me some kind of outfit"
  47. >Rarity's face lights up and she squeals with joy. "YOU MEAN IT?"
  48. >You simply nod, and Rarity jumps up off the table. "I must go, I need to prepare, meet me after school! You too Sunset!"
  49. >"Wait, why me?" She asks, eyebrow raised in curiosity.
  51. >Rarity scoffs. "Well next to me, you're the only one who knows anything about fashion. You and I are in the sewing club after all. I could always use another persons advice"
  52. >Wait, Sunny would be there too?
  53. >"Allright, I'll meet you at your house at 3:00" Sunset stands up and grabs her tray, walking to the trash can to dump her scraps
  54. >Alone...with Sunny...and Rarity?
  56. >School comes and goes, and soon you find yourself walking up Rarity's stairs.
  57. >You knock, and hear clammering and footsteps, frantic yelling and screaming.
  59. >Rarity opens the door, sweat pouring down her face as she tries to stammer out her words.
  60. "Uh...Ra-"
  61. >"GET IN MY CAR!"
  62. >She grabs the collar of your shit and pulls on you, forcing you to her car.
  63. "Wait wha-"
  64. >"GET IN!" She orders, a worried look on her face.
  65. >Doing as you are told, you get into the passenger seat and buckle your belt, and Rarity slides the key in.
  66. "Rarity, what's going on?"
  67. >She backs out of her parking lot and is suddenly speeding down the road as fast as she can.
  68. >"It's Sunny, she's in the emergency room!"
  70. >You stand by Sunny's side, gripping her hand tightly, sobbing into her shoulder.
  71. >The nurses said some drunk guy ran a red light.
  72. >Nearly ever rib broken, her legs twisted.
  73. >They wouldn't say much more
  74. >"A....Anon?"
  75. >You lift your head from her shoulder to see her eyes, barely open, looking at you, glimmering in the sunlight.
  77. >You cry harder, and squeeze her hand even more, tears running down your cheeks.
  78. >"An...on.....It's.......okay...."
  79. "Don't talk, just save your breath, please, please rest, you need to get better"
  80. >You start to panic, you hear the heart moniter slowing down.
  81. >" hands..."
  82. >She grips your palm weakly, and her head turns toward the heart moniter
  83. "What? What are you talking about? I dont und-"
  84. >You stop....suddenly understand what she wants.
  85. "No....I cant....I wont......not you, not my sunshine!"
  86. >She smiles at you, and a tear drops down her face.
  87. >"I just....dont.....want to.....suffer..........anymore.."
  88. >She coughs, and blood flies from her throat and onto her bedsheets
  90. >You take a kleenex from the table next to you and wipe off the blood, throwing it into the trash can
  91. "Sunny....please...please dont....I don't...I cant go on....not without you"
  92. >She smiles and lets go of your hand, and brings it up
  93. >Her palm rests against your chest
  94. >Your heart
  95. >"I'"
  96. >She coughs again, wheezing and gasping for breath.
  97. >"Just....let me......go own terms....."
  98. >You are shaking now. You didn't want her to suffer, but to taker her life....should you?
  99. >"Sunny, I dont know if I can" You wipe the tears from your own eyes and take her hand again, bringing it to your lips for comfort.
  100. >"It's okay.....I......wont"
  101. >Looking up at her again, she is....smiling at you
  102. >A weak smile, but that brave golden smile you always loved.
  103. >You drop her hand back down and nod, sniffling.
  104. "Promise me you'll wait for me"
  105. >She nods. "I promise"
  107. >"We the jury find the defendend, Anonymous, Guilty of Murder of the First Degree, in the name of Sunset Shimmer, murdered by asphyxiation via the use of a pillow in the hospital room"
  108. >You drop your head to your palms, wanting to scream, wanting to tell them that that's not what happened
  109. >You pulled the plug, you saved her from suffering
  110. >Or at least.....did you?
  111. >You cant remember anything after she promised to meet you later in life
  112. >Or...what remains after life
  114. >Prison isn't that bad, you sit in your empty room, save for a toilet and bed.
  115. >You mostly sit on the bed, tracing an image of a sun in your blanket sheets
  116. >You cant quite remember what it reminds you of
  117. >Someone you used to know
  118. >Someone close
  119. >Strange
  121. -----------------FIN----------------
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