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Stuff from Fallout4.exe

a guest
Nov 13th, 2015
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  1. [General]
  2. iFPSClamp=30 ; Set to capped fps, where capped fps is minimum (e.g, 30)
  3. FfMasterFilePreLoadMB=0000.0000 ; This setting could be pretty swanky. Wonder what the default value is.
  4. bEnableFileStreamerForESM=1/0 ; Whossis? Saves RAM by loading the .esm files from the HDD on the fly?
  5. bBackgroundLoadVMData=1/0 ; Background load scripts, or script info (properties and shit) from .esp/.esms files?
  6. bUseOptimizedTextureLoading=1/0 ; This hidden setting has been around since at least New Vegas. Dunno what it does.
  7. fPowerArmorWorkbenchMaxPowerArmorDistance=0000.0000 ; Something to do with Power Armor?
  8. bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0/1 ;Remove from memory unloaded cells that are kept in memory. Frees up RAM, but visited cells won't be cached in RAM once unloaded.
  9. bAllowClearOldestBufferedExterior=0/1 ; A more conservative approach than the above setting's, as you can tell from the name.
  10. uInterior Cell Buffer=2 ; New Vegas' default = 3
  11. uExterior Cell Buffer=2 ; New Vegas' & Skyrim's default = 36
  12. iNumHWThreads=8 ; Fallout 3 constantly CTD when higher than 2, New Vegas perfomed better when @ 4, Skyrim was probably 4 by default.
  13. bMinimizeCachedExteriors=0/1 ; The fuck is this? Some sort of memory compression of cached unloaded cells?
  14. bShowLoadingAreaMessage=0/1 ; Set to 0 if you don't want, uh, loading area messages.
  15. sLanguage=ENGLISH ;'Tis where you set the game's lingo, dingo.
  16. bUseMenuLoadThreadPrefs=0/1 ; Uh..?
  17. bCommitTexturesOnMenuLoad=0/1 ; D'err...?
  18. bUseMenuLoadCellPreload=0/1 ; D'uh...?
  19. bUsePreCreatedSCOL=1/0 ; G'uh...?
  20. bMergeHavokShape=1/0 ; ...Uhn?
  21. bCombineStaticCollectionArtOnClone=1/0 ; ...Nuh?
  22. bUseLooseScalingFiles=1/0 ; Uhn...Nuh-nuhn, uhn?
  23. bUseCombinedObjects=1/0 ; Mom?
  24. fFlickeringLightDistance=0000.0000 ; Nuhn?
  25. fSmallObjectSize=0000.0000 ; Uhm...?
  26. bLeveledCreaturesAreMarkers=1/0 ; Now, in Oblivion, leveled actor records were placed directly in the world. In Skyrim, an NPC_ actor record was used, which then used the leveled actor as a template. Wonder if this has any bearing on that?
  27. iPrefetchCellBufferSize=0000 ; Uh?
  28. bDisableGearedUp=1/0 ; This setting made it so that favourited weapons, when holsted, appeared on your character. Was bugged, though, as it would do the same for spells as well.
  29. bHealthRegenFromRacePlayerOnly=1/0 ; Guess it makes it so that only the Player can regen health over time?
  30. bUseEyeEnvMapping=1/0 ; Makes eyes look lifeless when 0
  31. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=1/0 ; Used for debugging through generated .log files?
  32. fCloakEffectUpdateInterval=0000.0000 ; Used for how often a cloak effect applies it's effects/scripts/whatever. Useful if you have loads of those shitty "I don't know xEdit so I'll replace shit via a cloak spell's script" mods.
  33. bMultiThreadMovement=1/0 ; Uh. Some threading thing.
  34. fChancesToPlayAlternateIntro=0000.0000 ; The fuck is this? Some sort of hidden video thing?
  35. bPipboyCompanionEnabled=1/0 ; For use with the app?
  36. fMaxActorVegetationCollisionDistance=0000.0000 ; The grass has collisions now?
  37. fVegetationCollisionRunningAttenuation=0000.0000 ; Might have something to do with audio?
  38. fVegetationCollisionPAMultiplier=0000.0000 ; No fucking clue, man.
  39. fVegetationCollisionActorBaseInfluence=0000.0000 ; What.
  40. iMaxJobThreads=0000 ; Might have something to do with Papyrus' threaded scripts?
  41. bAllowTextureFallback=1/0 ; Something to do with textures, obviously.
  42. bAlwaysActive=1/0 ; By default, 0. When game is minimized or out of focus, game is still running. Really good when using borderless window.
  43. bPauseOnAltTab=1/0 ; Obvious setting is obvious.
  44. bEnableFileCaching=1/0
  45. bEnableFileStreamer=1/0
  46. iFPSClamp=xx ; This removes the 64hz bug. In Fallout 3/New Vegas, using this setting made NPCs and the player have bugged hands. Problem with this setting, is it's to be used with a capped framerate, which is ideally set to your minimum framerate. If there is no cap, the game will speed up. if the cap is too high, you'll get slow mo when the FPS dips.
  47. bUseThreadedTempEffects=1/0
  48. bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1/0
  49. bUseThreadedMorpher=1/0
  50. bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion=1/0
  51. bUseHardDriveCache=1/0
  52. bPreCullActors=1/0 ; Was 1 by default in Skyrim. Saves on performance (maybe?), but causes actors to jolt suddenly when returning into view.
  53. bUsePlayerFlyMountSpeedScale=1/0
  54. iPreloadPlayerFlyMountPathCellsMax=0000
  55. fPlayerFlyMountMinSpeed=0000.0000
  56. iTextureDegradeDistance0=0000 ; Might be to do with mipmap levels?
  57. iTextureDegradeDistance1=0000
  58. iTextureUpgradeDistance0=0000
  59. iTextureUpgradeDistance1=0000
  60. bBorderRegionsEnabled=1/0
  61. bShowGunTarget=1/0
  62. fPlayerBulletAutoAimControllerOffset=0000.0000
  63. bParallelAnimUpdate=1/0
  64. bGamepadEnable=1/0
  65. bPreCulledObjectsEnabled=1/0
  66. bDoMultithreadedVisQuery=1/0
  67. bDisableComputeShaderOnCombinations=1/0 ; The fuck is this?
  69. [Display]
  70. bMainRenderInDeferredContext=1/0
  71. fMaxFocusShadowMapDistance=0000.0000
  72. bMultiThreadedRendering=1/0
  73. bMultiThreadedRenderingDFL=1/0
  74. bMultiThreadedRenderingFWD=1/0
  75. bMultiThreadedRenderingPPM=1/0
  76. bMultiThreadedRenderingPPLD=1/0
  77. bAllowMergeInstancing=1/0
  78. bMergeInstancingOnAllCombinedMeshes=1/0
  79. bShowMarkers=1/0
  80. bActorSelfShadowing=1/0
  81. bAllowShadowcasterNPCLights=1/0
  82. fNoLODFarDistanceMin=0000.0000
  83. fNoLODFarDistanceMax=0000.0000
  84. fNoLODFarDistancePct=0000.0000
  85. bShaderCache=1/0
  86. bAsyncResourceCopies=1/0
  87. bEnableCameraCache=1/0
  88. bForceAllRenderTarget=1/0
  89. bDo30VFog=1/0
  90. bImageSpaceEffects=1/0
  91. iTrilinearThreshold=0000
  92. fMipBias=0000.0000
  93. bEnableWetnessMaterials=1/0
  94. bMeshCombinerMaterialComparison=1/0
  95. bUsePreCulledObjects=1/0
  96. bSinglePassDirShadow=1/0
  97. fBlendSplitDirShadow=0000.0000
  98. bForceIgnoreSmoothness=1/0
  99. iMaxFocusShadows=0000
  100. bComputeShaderDeferredTiledLighting=1/0
  101. bZPrePass=1/0
  102. bVolumetricLightingForceCasters=1/0
  103. bUseAutoDynamicResolution=1/0
  104. bHDRinCS=1/0 ; Probably to do with the Geck?
  105. fAOLightingStrength=0000.0000
  106. fAOBlurSigma=0000.0000
  107. bUseAsyncComputeAO=1/0
  108. iDirShadowSplits=0000
  109. fTAASharpen=0000.0000
  110. fTAAPostSharpen=0000.0000
  111. iRenderPassCacheSize=0000
  112. bSimpleLighting=1/0
  113. bCompileOnRender=1/0
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