

Apr 2nd, 2015
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  1. Surprise!
  3. The April Fools joke started with me just idling tweeting that Kaizoman had finally figured out how to get Big Boo in inventory. He was a bit confused when he saw the tweet, as I hadn't discussed it with him, but he played along magnificently, even going as far as figuring out how to stage the whole prank. Taking my hand-wavy explanation I gave to Mibramz (, Kaizoman created a modified rom that could do exactly this, in a manner of speaking, and recorded a convincing video showing it off.
  5. The facts? The PI I did in the run was real. The orb was real. I actually learned PI (ugh), and I actually can do orb that consistently. Neither of these had anything to do with the trick or the prank. The fact of the matter is that Kaizoman had modified a rom for me that gave a Big Boo Boss into the inventory box whenever two capes were collected. The PI had no bearing on this, and there was no "item swap", and any seasoned SMW runner should have realized (as the setup location was much too far from the pitchin' chuck in DP1). All I did was double grab a feather with Yoshi's tongue and Mario's body, giving the illusion of the item swap setup.
  7. Once you have this, the run proceeds more or less as normal up to Bowser's Castle, where it is true that if you have Big Boo Boss in your inventory, you can kill him in Door 3 with the mechakoopas to trigger credits.
  9. Though the basic idea may have been mine, this (as most of my current projects, it seems) wouldn't have been possible without Kaizoman's help. He taught me how to do PI, which served to make the trick look more plausible, and he came up with the clever modification to the rom to execute the prank. Thanks also to Aaron, who learned PI with me and helped to sell the entire thing, even going as far as to post the results to Reddit for me, lol (
  11. The reactions and the excitement on stream were all very real. Most of these tricks were hard enough to do that it was very nervewracking trying to put them all together in a run. I enjoyed staging all of this for you, and I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you're frustrated by the prank, just remember that it is all in good fun, and that GDF is the one true WR holder for the 11-exit category. I hereby relinquish my stolen crown. :)
  13. Happy April Fools!
  14. - authorblues
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