
O&O Session with Twilight and Spike

Aug 21st, 2014
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  1. >"Anon the Paladin and Spike the Warrior trudge through the swamp, the muck simply getting everywhere. Roll." Twilight says.
  2. >You threw the d20, getting a 19.
  3. >You mentally fist-pumped, grinning.
  4. >"This muck doesn't hinder Anon in the slightest, due to his much taller frame..."
  5. >Spike rolls, and rolls a 2.
  6. >...but Spike is almost completely engulfed by it. Take a penalty of minus five to all defensive rolls while in the swamp, Spike."
  7. >"Aw man..."
  8. >Twilight grins.
  9. >"Soon enough, you come across what you both were looking for: A trail made of magical spheres of light. These spheres, white in color, lead you both onwards to your objective and away from the swamp."
  10. >"Kinda overkill, don'tcha think?" Spike asked, and Twilight glared at him from over her GM board.
  11. >You heard three die being rolled behind it.
  12. >"As the two of you trek on, a mighty Ent stops you both."
  13. >""Who are you?" He demands. "And why do you disturb my peaceful swamp?" Roll for who responds."
  14. >You proceed to roll a one, Spike rolls a thirteen.
  15. "Aw shit."
  16. >Twilight merely grinned.
  17. >"C-can I make a charisma r-roll?"
  18. >Spike's charisma is shit.
  19. >"Go for it."
  20. >He proceeds to roll a one, a critical failure.
  21. >"Anything you say to this Ent is going to come across as sarcastic and rude." Twilight informs him.
  22. >You sigh and pick up the d20, prepared for a fight you can't possibly win.
  23. >"Well, uh...we were just trying to leave?"
  24. >""Leave my beautiful swamp? No...I think it would be best if you stayed here forever." The Ent replies, bringing his mighty tree-arms to bear."
  25. >Then the chilling words come.
  26. >"Roll for initiative."
  27. >You and Spike both roll.
  28. >You roll a 13, Spike rolls a 7.
  29. >Twilight rolls her die publicly, and it lands on a 12.
  30. "Yes! So I sw-"
  31. >"Hold it!" Twilight cuts across triumphantly. "Ents are a boss-class creature, and thus get a native +5 to initiative rolls! Thus, a 17, and the Ent goes first!"
  32. >You stare at her for a moment, before sitting back and folding your arms.
  33. "O&O is bullshit."
  34. >"The Ent Grand-Elder swipes at both heroes, which Anon manages to evade. Spike, however, does not, and is grabbed and lifted up."
  35. >"Hey!" Spike called, arms folded in irritation. "Fine, I-"
  36. >"Anon's turn, Spike."
  37. "I strike the arm holding Spike with my longsword."
  38. >You roll a nineteen, which is great considering your luck as of late.
  39. >"Your swing is accurate, but that's all that can be said about it. It hits the Ent's thick bark and sticks there, to no effect."
  40. "Well fuck me."
  41. >"He then counters Anon, slamming him in the chest with a fist as wide as he is. Take ten HP damage and move back six meters."
  42. >That was half your HP right there.
  43. >"Can I go?" Spike asks impatiently.
  44. >"Yes, yes."
  45. >"I struggle out of his grip."
  46. >The dragon rolls again, rolling a fifteen...still not enough to counter the Ent's grip on him.
  47. >"The attempt fails, and you take three HP in crushing damage."
  48. >Twilight grins.
  49. >"The Ent increases his grip on Spike. Escape now requires either a critical success, or assistance. In addition, Spike now takes six damage per turn."
  50. >You think for a moment.
  51. "I cast Detect Evil."
  52. >"Your Paladin senses pick out absolutely zero evil sources anywhere around you." Twilight informs. "Still your turn."
  53. "Uh...I go on the defensive."
  54. >This was looking bad for Spike.
  55. >You might be able to escape, but...
  56. >A trip to the cleric might be on the agenda next.
  57. >Provided, of course, the Ent doesn't kill you too.
  58. >Spike, however, doesn't look very concerned.
  59. >"Spike, your turn."
  60. >The little dragon smirks evilly.
  61. >"I use my flame breath on the Ent. Towards his leafy canopy."
  62. >The table goes silent.
  63. >You stare at Spike, a small grin slowly forming on your face.
  64. >Twilight, however, looks stunned.
  65. >She had likely forgotten that the dragon HAD firebreath as a racial ability.
  66. >"D-didn't you already use it...?"
  67. >She looks through her notes.
  68. >"Nope. Used it 'yesterday', but not 'today'." Spike says with a confident smirk.
  69. >Twilight suddenly stops, then looks at Spike.
  70. >"...roll."
  71. >The little dragon rolls, and it bounces off of the back of Twilight's DM board.
  72. >A natural twenty.
  73. "Fuckin' right! Up high!" You cry.
  74. >"Down low!" Spike replies.
  75. >A smack echoes around the room as you high five, the mare glowering behind her little board.
  76. >"Fine, fine. The ent screams in pain as he is ignited, dropping Spike onto the ground."
  77. >Another roll, and you see Twilight's eyes open in disbelief and watch her ears flatten.
  78. >"The Ent goes to submerge himself in the mud...and opens a methane pocket, which detonates immediately on contact with the flames."
  79. >The mare sighs.
  80. >"Both of you take one HP damage from the shockwave...the Ent is nothing but timbers and ashes. Spike gains 300 experience for the fight, Anon gains half as much."
  81. "We move on, past where he was guarding."
  82. >"The path leads out into a clearing, where a grassy knoll sits. The sun has long vanished below the horizon, the moon high in the air."
  83. >"We set up camp for the night." Spike declares, absolutely glowing over his near single-handed victory.
  84. "Ditto."
  85. >"I think this is a good place to stop, anyway." The mare says with a yawn. "A lot to do tomorrow, it's just about bedtime."
  86. "Uh huh. You just don't want to admit that Spike schooled your 'Ent Grandmaster' or whatever."
  87. >"Yeah!"
  88. >"He got lucky!" Twilight snapped, the mare grumpily folding her board down and moving her notes into a folder.
  89. "Whoa, hey, you aren't *actually* getting angry, are you?" You asked, eyebrow quirked.
  90. >Spike looked a little confused too.
  91. >"Good night, Anon. Good night, Spike." She said instead, banishing the O&O board and heading upstairs.
  92. >You sighed.
  93. "That was a great plan, Spike. Really, that was brilliant."
  94. >"Hey, if there's one thing I know, it's fire." He said with a grin and a small puff of his unique green flame.
  95. >The smile quickly vanished.
  96. >"I don't know why Twilight's so angry about it though."
  97. "Eh, it's because she sees this as DM versus Players. I saw that Ent's stats, there's no way we could have beat it conventionally."
  98. >"Oh, so she's..."
  99. "A sore loser, yeah. Don't worry, I'll have her right as rain by tomorrow." You said, putting out your fist.
  100. >He bumped it, then waved as he headed for his room.
  101. >"G'night, Anon, see ya tomorrow."
  102. >You go upstairs, opening the door to your room.
  103. "Twi?"
  104. >The mare fakes sleeping.
  105. >Twilight is actually pretty bad at it, her fake snores sounding more like a strangling noise than actual sleep.
  106. "I know you're awake. I just wanted to talk for a second."
  107. >"Ugh, fine. What."
  108. "You need to cool it with the sore loser stuff."
  109. >"I'm not a sore loser."
  110. "Yes you are. You wouldn't have snapped at us otherwise."
  111. >She sighs.
  112. >"So what, you want me to let you two march on through with no issue?" She asks. "No, I don't think so."
  113. "You're right, we shouldn't 'march on through with no issue.' Sending a level twenty opponent against two level fives is overkill, though." You say, putting your hand on her shoulder.
  114. >She sighs again.
  115. >"I need to stop acting like you two are my brother's friends. A group of dorks that needed to be put in their place from time to time."
  116. >You put a hand to your chest.
  117. "Me? Not a dork? Twilight, you wound me."
  118. >The mare finally giggled.
  119. >"Not even close, Anon. I think one of them still hasn't gotten a mare, and he's my brother's age."
  120. "Ouch."
  121. >You settled into bed behind her.
  122. "So, no more DM vs Players stuff?"
  123. >"Only if you make me angry."
  124. "Twilight..."
  125. >"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I promise, no more DM flank-pulling unless somepony's done something REALLY dumb."
  126. "I'll accept that."
  127. >You kiss her on the back of the neck.
  128. "Love you, sweet dreams."
  129. >"Love you too, Anon. I'll make sure Luna does her best for you tonight."
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