

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. Non-Admin World: Destiny Cost 0
  3. The TSAB's reach stretches far and wide, but not far and wide enough. Numerous worlds are, for whatever reason, not administered by the TSAB. This might be due to danger, non-interference doctrine, or simple ignorance of the existence of that planet. Members of Non-Admin worlds who come to the TSAB share little but their status as outsiders.
  5. 0 Bonus: Non-Admin worlds have little in common in terms of culture, ethics, status, or anything else. But in the TSAB, not being from an Admin world is the only thing they have in common with other non-Admins, and it tends to bring them closer together. Gain a skill specialization in a social skill of your choice.
  7. 1+ Fortune: Non-Admin Worlds are treasure troves of Lost Logia, forgotten history, and other knowledge that the TSAB would love to get their hands on. A pity that most of it is stuck in the heads of those who live there. You may introduce a historical fact of your own design that pertains to your current situation and gives you an advantage of some sort. This might concern a person, organization, or galaxy as a whole. The GM is the final arbitrator on pricing.
  9. 3+ Fortune: The TSAB recruiting from Non-Admin worlds is rare, and typically done only for exceptional individuals. You may be talented now, or have hidden potential only the TSAB scouts know about...for now. You may declare a hidden talent that will come forth during play, its strength based on the investment into this Fortune.
  10. -2: The sage is the one who decides what this hidden talent is, and does not reveal this information to you until it is revealed to your character.
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