
TSW 15

Jun 4th, 2016
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  1. [17:38] =-= IcePickLobotomy has changed the topic to “July 3rd, 1988. Gilbratar, Tower 3”
  2. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy The Day After "The Best Day Ever". . .
  3. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy RobinE returns to the apartment from her overnight stay in the hospital. It's about 9:07am, on sunday.
  4. [17:42] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  5. [17:42] RobinE "Hi everyone, It's good to be back!"
  6. [17:44] Arina catches the door behind Robin - she managed to return home from her morning jog mere minutes after Robin apparently - and slips in. "It's... good to see you back."
  7. [17:46] IcePickLobotomy Walker looks up from the couch. "Ah, Robin, good to see you back so soon."
  8. [17:46] Kasra There's a rustling and Kasra emerges from his room, moving quickly towards the main area, but losing the speed to his stride as he enters.
  9. [17:46] Kasra "Oh, uh. Hi, Lana?"
  10. [17:47] RobinE points to Kasra, "Bingo!"
  11. [17:47] Kasra "Heard your voice and thought...well, nevermind." Kasra smiles and retreats back to his room.
  12. [17:48] RobinE "But hey, its nice to see me still yeah?"
  13. [17:48] Arina "Well, both of them are back. How's Robin?"
  14. [17:48] Kasra "Oh, yeah! Good to have you back, I just had something to tell Robin, sorry."
  15. [17:48] RobinE "I'm sure she is fine," she smiles at Arina.
  16. [17:48] IcePickLobotomy "Ah, and yes it's still good to see you."
  17. [17:51] RobinE "yay" she does a small clap.
  18. [17:51] RobinE "oh, Walker, did the Doctor give you that hairpin?"
  19. [17:52] IcePickLobotomy "She did, it's on your dresser."
  20. [17:52] RobinE "Ok, good."
  21. [17:52] RobinE walks to Robin's room.
  22. [17:56] Arina frowns slightly, moving to the bathroom to take a shower.
  23. [17:58] RobinE an audible "Oooh" comes from Robins room.
  24. [17:58] IcePickLobotomy Walker turns back to the news channel.
  25. [17:59] RobinE "Walker, Walker, Walker!" Lana comes out of Robins room holding a rusty broken lock.
  26. [17:59] RobinE "Why does Robin have this?"
  27. [18:00] IcePickLobotomy "-uther violence in Lebanon today as extremist groups clashed with US Peacekeeping forces." Walker turns the TV down "Hmm? What's that?"
  28. [18:01] RobinE "Its a broken lock thing, and its rusty." she hands it to Walker.
  29. [18:02] IcePickLobotomy "Hmmm. . ." She turns it over in her hand. "I have no idea."
  30. [18:04] RobinE "hmpf," Lana takes it back and ponders on it for a while before running back into Robin's room.
  31. [18:05] IcePickLobotomy She turns the tv back up "ionally US Special Forces raided a insurgent POW Camp, rescuing several hostages. . ."
  32. [18:07] RobinE comes out of Robin's room with her notebook, and a pen.
  33. [18:08] RobinE "These stories are soo dull. Robin needs some happier stuff to read!" Lana says as she takes pen to paper
  34. [18:09] IcePickLobotomy "There's a place for those sorts of stories Lana."
  35. [18:09] IcePickLobotomy "And I'd not write in that either. I can get you your own notebook if you'd like."
  36. [18:10] RobinE "Buut, Robin wont read mine." she looks at the notebook, "if I write in her's, she'll see it."
  37. [18:11] IcePickLobotomy "But that's her notebook as well, for her own thoughts. It'd be a tad rude to write in it without permission."
  38. [18:12] RobinE "Yeah I guess." she closes the notebook, "Can I have a book too then?"
  39. [18:13] IcePickLobotomy "Sure, let me grab a spare notebook from my room."
  40. [18:14] RobinE Lana runs back to Robin's room, and comes back with just a pen.
  41. [18:15] IcePickLobotomy Walker hands you a dark brown notebook before taking her seat again.
  42. [18:15] RobinE "Thank you Walker." she takes the notebook and begins doodling.
  43. [18:19] RobinE Lana gets up and heads to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with a cup of coffee, "being stuck at that hospital made me a bit tired."
  44. [18:19] IcePickLobotomy "You find the creamer allright?
  45. [18:20] RobinE "Yup," she takes a sip.
  46. [18:25] -->| WE1RD ( has joined #TSWIC
  47. [18:25] =-= WE1RD is now known as JohnH
  48. [18:26] RobinE Lana tears a page out of her notebook and pockets it.
  49. [18:31] RobinE After a little while of writing more she stands up and heads back into Robin's room.
  50. [18:44] RobinE Lana comes out with just her coffee and begins to wander, "Is anything fun happening today?"
  51. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy "Not that I'm aware of, I'm planning on taking it easy, catching up on the news, that sort of thing."
  52. [18:56] RobinE "aww, ok." she goes to a chair and sits down.
  53. [18:58] Arina returns from her shower, dressed. "So how are you two doing, Lana?"
  54. [19:00] RobinE "I guess Robin got spooked or somethin, so here I am," she does a pose that says 'ta-da'
  55. [19:01] RobinE "I feel fine though," she sounds a bit confused.
  56. [19:01] Arina "Ah, I thought you were... more aware of each other than that? I suppose that's... perhaps better for you, at least."
  57. [19:03] RobinE "sometimes," she stares into her cup for a while before snapping out of it, "anyway we can have tons of fun together now!"
  58. [19:07] Arina "... Oh?"
  59. [19:07] RobinE "Yeah, while I'm around we should do fun stuff."
  60. [19:10] Arina sits down in the chair. "What sort?"
  61. [19:13] RobinE "Oh, I don't know," She taps her cheek, "Like a party, or an adventure."
  62. [19:14] Arina humhums. "Don't we get enough adventures as-is?"
  63. [19:17] RobinE "I guess."
  64. [19:22] RobinE "Well, if wee aren't gonna do anything, then I'm gonna go clean Robin's footlocker." she stands up and heads for Robin's room.
  65. [19:23] Arina "Wait, Robin's? Not both of yours?"
  66. [19:24] RobinE "yeah, she never told me the password. Silly, its like she was hiding something. I didn't find anything odd though."
  67. [19:27] Arina frowns. "I'd... honestly just close the locker. If she kept it private I'd imagine it's supposed to stay private until further notice."
  68. [19:29] RobinE "but we know so much about each other, what would need to be private?"
  69. [19:33] Arina "Wouldn't that be precisely why? The less things you can have as your own, the more important those few are."
  70. [19:34] Arina blinks, looking around.
  71. [19:39] RobinE "but we share, like, /everything/, those things might be special to me too."
  72. [19:42] Arina nods. "They might, but..." She hums. "I'd ask Robin, when you... speak? Next. If you think you should see them, shouldn't you talk to her about it, rather than just taking it?"
  73. [19:45] RobinE "I wasn't gonna take anything," she feigns being insulted, "I'm no thief." she pauses a moment, "But I did kinda already touch everything."
  74. [19:49] Arina makes a bit of a face. "Taking the opportunity, taking a look. 0x1dEnglish0x1d."
  75. [19:51] RobinE "Oh, well that already happened. Walker wouldn't let me write a note in her book too. Alright, I'll leave it alone. Still gotta go close it though."
  76. [19:54] Arina "Mm. Thank you."
  77. [19:56] RobinE Lana goes into Robin's room and you hear a couple of small clangs, then she comes out with a slightly worried look on her face. "Did someone write [LIES] under her desk?"
  78. [19:58] Arina nods. "I... think that might have been what alarmed her? I'm not really sure, she didn't exactly pause to explain."
  79. [20:01] RobinE "I don't remember that... creepy," she goes over to a chair and sort of huddles together in it.
  80. [20:02] IcePickLobotomy Walker leans over to pat Lana on the back.
  81. [20:04] RobinE "I can't remember what happened. What did she say was the problem?"
  82. [20:06] Arina frowns. "... someone wrote a message to her on... paper from her notebook? It's... honestly pretty concerning all-round."
  83. [20:08] RobinE "Yeah. Did you guys find the paper?"
  84. [20:11] Arina shakes her head. "She didn't show us, and I just did a cursory check to see if I could find what had alarmed her so much - I didn't think she'd have put that stimulus away. Beyond that I didn't really want to intrude in her privacy."
  85. [20:16] RobinE "huh, I wonder where she put the note."
  86. [20:21] |<-- Kasra has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 46.0.1/20160502172042])
  87. [20:21] Arina shrugs. "Maybe she burned it? She said the note was 'it follows', though she seemed more disturbed that there was a message at all than by the contents of it, at least until she went in again and... saw whatever alarmed her."
  88. [20:23] IcePickLobotomy "And we didn't see anything on the security footage that night either." Walker observes from the couch.
  89. [20:24] RobinE "She doesn't really burn stuff that much, maybe she threw it out?" Lana says as she stands up to go look through the trashes.
  90. [20:24] IcePickLobotomy RobinE: No sign of the note in the trash
  91. [20:25] RobinE "nope," she returns to her chair.
  92. [20:27] Arina "To be honest I'm rather alarmed that someone got a message to her in her lockbox and without being noticed by security too."
  93. [20:28] =-= Sarah is now known as Mary
  94. [20:30] RobinE "Yeah, no one knows her password. That I know of anyway."
  95. [20:32] RobinE Lana shivers a bit.
  96. [20:32] IcePickLobotomy "Current theory is that is was a hallucination or a dream confusion brought on by stress."
  97. [20:33] Arina "... Mm. We still haven't heard from her on the matter, though?"
  98. [20:33] IcePickLobotomy Walker shakes her head.
  100. [18:13] IcePickLobotomy Time: July 3rd, 2:20pm.
  101. [18:16] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You stand before your new managers office, located midway up Tower 2. It's a quiet nondescript office, a loose brown rug on the floor, a few potted plants, and a secretary who seems thoroughly engrossed in her book.The name tag on the door reads M. O'Donnel.
  102. [18:21] Arina steps up to the secretary, waiting a moment.
  103. [18:21] IcePickLobotomy "Knock on the door, he's waiting for you." She drawls, only briefly looking up from her book.
  104. [18:24] Arina nods. "Thank you." She moves up to knock on the door.
  105. [18:25] IcePickLobotomy "Come on in." He has a gravelly voice, with a strong Irish accent.
  106. [18:28] -->| JohnH ( has joined #TSWshenanigans
  107. [18:30] Arina opens the door and slips in. "Good afternoon."
  108. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy He's a large man, muscular with a strong tan that has a striking contrast to the short crop of bright red hair. The room is well covered with posters of bands and artists from across the world, knick knacks from various locals line the shelves. He stands up and holds his hand out "Miss Alkaeva, may I call you Arina? It's a pleasure to meet you.",
  109. [18:35] Arina extends her hand to shake his, glancing at the posters. "You as well, Mister O'Donnel. And I'm quite comfortable with 'Arina', thank you."
  110. [18:35] IcePickLobotomy "Call me Mike then." He sits back down. "So you're not completely new to this correct?"
  111. [18:36] Arina "Not entirely, though I'm more familiar with it in a Soviet context."
  112. [18:37] IcePickLobotomy He nods "I'm not too familiar with how things are down in the Soviet Union, mind giving me a quick run down so I know where you are coming from then?"
  113. [18:38] =-= JohnH has changed the topic to “”
  114. [18:44] Arina hums. "Essentially, we're state-produced - we have an artistic director that covers fairly similar tasks to what a manager does over here. Interfacing with the media bureaucracy to arrange performances, keep our certification going, that sort of thing."
  115. [18:49] IcePickLobotomy He nods "I tend to prefer a more hands off approach with my talent. I'll handle the organizing, back-door media interactions, setting up record deals, that sort of thing. I'm not a artist myself, so I leave the composition and lyric writing up to you, or I can source that out to someone else if need be. Where do you fall in that exactly?"
  116. [18:53] Arina 's eyes light up a little. "I haven't had much opportunity to put it to use, but I have experimented with it on my own time."
  117. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy "Good, good. Don't take this the wrong way, but if you are somewhat new I'd prefer to run your material by some people I know to hammer out any kinks. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop so you can learn though."
  118. [18:57] Arina shakes her head. "No, I do agree with you, that seems the best option to me as well."
  119. [19:00] IcePickLobotomy "Alright, if you have anything ready now send it here when you get back and I'll get started looking it over." He pulls a word action-figure from his desk and fiddles with it. "So, for the more, ah, /political/ considerations. . ."
  120. [19:02] Arina raises an eyebrow.
  121. [19:06] IcePickLobotomy "Too start with, you do have full freedom of speech here, which includes artistic performances. That said, not everything will go down well with the venues here, though you don't strike me as someone to toe that line. We'll need to settle on a image and stick to it, at least for now. Moreover while you do have freedom here, I would suggest not tweaking the Soviet's nose too much, you'll have...
  122. [19:06] IcePickLobotomy go home eventually. And then there's METI. They don't have any actual control over your career here, my guess is it would look too suspect, but they are bankrolling you here." He gives you a meaningful look
  123. [19:09] Arina nods. "I'm familiar with that, yes. I have full freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean people are necessarily interested in providing a stage for that speech. Same as ever."
  124. [19:18] IcePickLobotomy "Good news is that they'll not step in unless we go out of our way to tweak their nose." He sets the action figure down "So, any questions before we continue?"
  125. [19:22] Arina humhums. "I imagine most of them will be answered by continuing, but I'll ask if I'm uncertain."
  126. [19:24] IcePickLobotomy "Right right, just don't want this to be me blathering on at you."
  127. [19:26] Arina chuckles. "That's fair, Mike."
  128. [19:30] IcePickLobotomy "So, let's get to the fun business then. I've listened to most of your work by now, reviewed some of your photos, but I'd like to hear you describe your style to me. How do you feel about it? Do you want to change it, and if so how?"
  129. [19:40] Arina "It's a fairly pop-ish style - I'm under no illusions of being particularly revolutionary at the moment, though my execution of the fairly conventional is, I hope, good, both technically and emotionally."
  130. [19:41] Arina hums. "I'd like to experiment a bit more stylistically, if I could. I'm not particularly keen to entirely lock myself into 'whichever genre is done the most while I got started'."
  131. [19:48] IcePickLobotomy He nods. "Nothing wrong with pop, don't let the snobs say otherwise. And from what I've seen and listened to you're in a good place skill-wise." He slides out a few rough drawings of you in various styles, punk, pop, what looks like a costume out of a American western even. "That said, there's nothing wrong with expermenting and most artists evolve over time to find their own style. Of...
  132. [19:48] IcePickLobotomy ...course, reinvention can alienate existing fans as well, but that's a given, doesn't mean it can't be done. Plus you are young enough that it'll be expected in a few years time."
  133. [19:50] Arina "Well, not in the Soviet Union, which is why I'd like to take the opportunity here to show that it can work."
  134. [19:52] IcePickLobotomy "There's a number of smaller venues that are more. . . avant garde if you want to try something a bit out there. But for now I'm more than willing to work with new ideas on your part."
  135. [19:54] Arina hums. "Smaller venues might be worth looking at for experimentation, that's a good idea, though I don't plan to go desperately avante-garde right out the gate."
  136. [19:55] IcePickLobotomy He nods. "If things start getting a bit out there I'll let you know that we'll need to save it for somewhere more out there or to tone it down."
  137. [19:59] Arina "That makes enough sense, and I would be practicing before a performance anyway, so you'd be able to tell."
  138. [20:00] IcePickLobotomy He nods again. "So, have you given much thought to what direction you'd like to experiment in?"
  139. [20:02] Arina "Mm, the styles I see the most of but haven't had opportunity to really make use of are probably American things like jazz and rock."
  140. [20:04] IcePickLobotomy "Punk, a sort of harsher and more anti-authoritarian rock, has been making the rounds. Hip-Hop coming out of the urban centers as well. Disco is on the down-turn, but there's some interesting sounds coming out of the a few of the newer clubs. There's some japanese pop music that's. . . a bit sachrine for my tastes but it has it's fans." He writes himself a note "I can send some samples to...
  141. [20:04] IcePickLobotomy ...your apartment for your review if you'd like."
  142. [20:06] Arina nods. "I'd like that, thank you."
  143. [20:08] IcePickLobotomy "I'd like to get you started as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. I plan to start at a few medium sized venues, and getting you a hour or two at the stage for the summer fair. Nothing huge but enough to start building some word of mouth and let you get a feel for the town."
  144. [20:09] Arina "Ah, that's excellent. I'll need to put together a performance to get started, then."
  145. [20:09] Arina hums to herself, drumming her fingers against her cheek in some kind of beat.
  146. [20:11] IcePickLobotomy He chuckles "Eager, that's good. Send me a rough plan for something, hmm, let's say, 2 hours sound doable? and we can hammer out the details and bring in some experts as need be."
  147. [20:13] Arina nods. "I'd say... at least half should be my usual. For a debut, best to focus on what I know is strong already..."
  148. [20:17] IcePickLobotomy He nods "Not a problem then. I think. . . that covers most of what I wanted to for our first meeting. Any questions?"
  149. [20:19] Arina "Nothing too particular. I'll get a basic program up and get back to you as soon as I can."
  150. [20:20] IcePickLobotomy "Good." He hands you a business card "Feel free to call my office or drop by any time."
  151. [20:21] |<-- Kasra has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 46.0.1/20160502172042])
  152. [20:21] Arina takes the card. "I will, thank you Mike."
  153. [20:28] =-= Sarah is now known as Mary
  154. [20:33] IcePickLobotomy ---------------
  155. [20:34] IcePickLobotomy June 3rd, 3:47pm. There's a knock at the door. "Uh, hello? It's Hikari, I was wondering if Mary was in."
  156. [20:35] IcePickLobotomy *July 3rd
  157. [20:38] Arina is in her room, working on something.
  158. [20:38] RobinE Lana runs to the door and opens it. "Hi, she totally is here. come on in!"
  159. [20:39] IcePickLobotomy "Oh hello." She's wearing a loose t-shirt and knee-length skirt. She's holding a large package in her arms "Thank you." She steps inside.
  160. [20:40] RobinE "Mary! You have a guest!"
  161. [20:41] RobinE "ooh a box," she looks curiously at it, "a gift?"
  162. [20:41] Mary murmurs something and then sticks her head out of her door ,clearly having been distracted with something "hmhm? oh..Oh. Hi Hikari, give me a moment to get presentable."
  163. [20:41] IcePickLobotomy Hikari nods before setting the package on the table
  164. [20:42] RobinE "fun!" she hops in place clapping.
  165. [20:46] Mary Mary then appears in a long green dress that gets down past her knees, and mismatching socks in black and grey clearly a bit rushed. as she then comes in from her room adjusting her dress. "Hi again" She says bracing herself for a deep flying hikari.
  166. [20:47] IcePickLobotomy Hikari proves that to be a prudent decision. The girl practically flies down the hallway to embrace you in a crushing hug.
  167. [20:48] Mary follows gravity for a moment and turns a bit , but maintains her balance and returns the hug
  168. [20:48] RobinE "Woah, flying hug. Hahah," Lana watches the majestic hug ensue.
  169. [20:49] IcePickLobotomy "I heard you were injured and they didn't let me see you in the hospital and but then my father said you got out from a friend in scidiv so me and my mom made you cookies and brought tea as a get well gift but you're well so it's more of a "thank god you're well now" gift!"
  170. [20:49] IcePickLobotomy She takes a breathe
  171. [20:52] Mary "Uh.. rips.."
  172. [20:52] IcePickLobotomy "Sorry!" She lets go and takes a sheepish step back.
  173. [20:52] Mary needs a bit of air, and air,, and well that is a tight squeze
  174. [20:53] Mary "It, it is okay, at least I an't using the wheel chair anymore. Even if I am not at my best coordination wise anyway at the moment. And aw thanks for that .
  175. [20:53] Mary is moved and blushes
  176. [20:54] Arina pokes her head out of her room at all the noise. "Ah, hello, Hikari."
  177. [20:56] IcePickLobotomy "Oh hi Arina!"
  178. [20:57] RobinE "Sorry, I don't remember if we've met. I'm Lana," She waves from where she is standing.
  179. [20:57] IcePickLobotomy She blinks slowly "I thought you were Robin though?"
  180. [20:57] Arina waves slightly, stepping out the rest of the way. "Ah, that's Lana. They're... sisters. Robin isn't here right now."
  181. [20:58] IcePickLobotomy "Ohh. ok."
  182. [20:58] IcePickLobotomy She gestures to the package on the table "I brought tea and cookies."
  183. [20:59] Arina "Oooooh."
  184. [20:59] Mary blinks and looks at the size " You are sure that you are not trying to overfeed us with that?" She raises a eyebrow thanks to the considerable size of it that made Hikrai two hand it.
  185. [21:00] Arina "You can always save some for later."
  186. [21:00] IcePickLobotomy "Not supposed to eat /all/ of it at once."
  187. [21:02] Arina "I mean, if you 0x1dwant0x1d to..."
  188. [21:02] Arina smiles faintly.
  189. [21:02] Mary "But But..coookies!"
  190. [21:02] Mary sounds suddenly 3 years younger
  191. [21:03] Arina giggles.
  192. [21:04] IcePickLobotomy "It's a lot of cookies really." She starts to head into the kitchen, a few packages of tea in hand. "Me and my mom made them ourselves." SHe doesn't look forward and bumps into Artyom, falling to the ground with a "ooph"
  193. [21:05] IcePickLobotomy Artyom looks down a the small interloper, who in turn looks up, and up, and up at the towering Russian. There's a small strangled "Eeep" from Hikari.
  194. [21:08] IcePickLobotomy A slow grin begins to split Artyom's lips
  195. [21:08] RobinE "Don't worry Hikari, Artyom isn't dangerous," then she switches on her spooky voice, "to us."
  196. [21:08] Arina sweatdrops.
  197. [21:08] Mary "Uh, Artoym, Hikari, Hikari, Artoym" She says hastily as she walks up behind her to help her up "He is , the boyfriend of our Denmothe.. of sorts."
  198. [21:09] Arina coughs into a hand. "That's a way to put it."
  199. [21:09] IcePickLobotomy Walker pokes her head above the couch and catches Artyom's eye. The two have a brief and silent conversation with eachother.
  200. [21:10] IcePickLobotomy Artyom helps Hikari to her feet. "Kettle is on stove."
  201. [21:11] IcePickLobotomy She nods shakily, getting the hot water started.
  202. [21:12] IcePickLobotomy Walker gives Mary a amused look "Denmother? Really?"
  203. [21:12] Arina "It's as apt as any. The 'boyfriend' part was what surprised me."
  204. [21:12] Mary flushes as she sees that look and wobbles a bit with her hand in a "what else should I have said " gesture.
  205. [21:16] IcePickLobotomy "It's my day off." She pats Mary on the back "And it is pretty funny."
  206. [21:17] Mary nods, knowing that there shall be a recokining on hand one day.
  207. [21:17] IcePickLobotomy Walker's Cheshire smile on confirms it.
  208. [21:18] Arina pats Mary on the shoulder. "There there."
  209. [21:18] Mary does not relaxe a single bit and then also enters the kitchen "Uh.. I can get the something out to serve them in."
  210. [21:18] Arina "If you need a hand with anything, I don't mind."
  211. [21:19] IcePickLobotomy "Here," Artyom hands you and Hikari a stack of plates and tea-cups.
  212. [21:20] Mary nods and then starts to deck the table
  213. [21:21] IcePickLobotomy Walker has migrated to the table, she motions for Lana and Arina to join her.
  214. [21:22] RobinE Lana happily joins her at the table ready for foodstuffs.
  215. [21:23] IcePickLobotomy Hikari brings out a large steaming kettle, and starts going through the tea blends, explaining how long to let each blend steep. SHe then sets out some of the cookies, she wasn't lying, there are a lot of them.
  216. [21:24] Arina nods, joining Walker and looking with interest at the tea.
  217. [21:24] Mary sits down gidgety but maintains self controll before she transforms into the cookie monster.
  218. [21:26] IcePickLobotomy After the tea has been poured (which is quite good) as are the cookies (Also good). "So. . . How's everyone doing today?" Hikari fields a question.
  219. [21:27] RobinE "Fine, thank you," Lana says between tea sips.
  220. [21:27] Arina "Mm, we're keeping on."
  221. [21:28] IcePickLobotomy "Actually," Walker sets her tea-cup aside "I have a bit of a announcement to make."
  222. [21:28] Arina blinks, looking to Walker. "Ah?"
  223. [21:28] RobinE "oh?"
  224. [21:29] IcePickLobotomy She takes a deep steadying breathe. "I am. . . pregnant. And Artyom is the father." Artyom, who was mid-sip into his cup, spews his tea into his shirt sleeve, coughing profusely.
  225. [21:30] Mary mmpmfs until she has finished her current cookies starts to choke.
  226. [21:30] RobinE Lana's face switches to shocked.
  227. [21:30] Arina 's eyebrow climbs. "Oh my."
  228. [21:31] IcePickLobotomy Hikari blinks and makes a small "oh my" sound.
  229. [21:32] IcePickLobotomy A moment passes before Artyom's choked coughing transforms into laughter, Walker joining him. "Hahaha! Had you going for a moment!"
  230. [21:32] IcePickLobotomy "Amanda, that was more than I expected. Still funny."
  231. [21:33] Arina sips her tea. "Poor Artyom."
  232. [21:33] IcePickLobotomy He shrugs "Was a good joke."
  233. [21:34] RobinE "I believed it."
  234. [21:35] IcePickLobotomy Walker pats Mary on the back.
  235. [21:35] Mary fights for a moment with herself and then finally beats the crump that ninja like was trying to choke her to death!
  236. [21:36] Mary grumbles a moment and then hastly drinks some tea.
  237. [21:37] IcePickLobotomy Hikari pouts. "It's mean to play tricks on kids you know."
  238. [21:37] RobinE "Oh come on, its all in good fun."
  239. [21:37] Mary "Uh Wel.."
  240. [21:39] IcePickLobotomy "Ok, maybe it was a little mean, but it was funny." Walker's gaze flickers to Artyom "To us. And we had to get back at you for the uh, boyfriend, comment."
  241. [21:40] Arina "Fair enough, I suppose."
  242. [21:40] IcePickLobotomy "Wait you're not?" Hikari looks between them "But. . . " She trails off.
  243. [21:41] Mary blushes
  244. [21:41] RobinE "They do get along really well if that counts for anything."
  245. [21:42] Mary "I uh.. panicked..."
  246. [21:42] Arina "Not quite 0x1dthat0x1d well."
  247. [21:42] IcePickLobotomy Hikari shrugs "It's fine Mary, I guess it was kinda funny."
  248. [21:43] RobinE "not that we know of Walker," Lana tries to say with a straight face, but she breaks into a laugh half way trough.
  249. [21:44] IcePickLobotomy Walker snickers, Artyom rolls his eyes good naturedly
  250. [21:44] Mary "But uh yeah sorry for it , "
  251. [21:44] Mary hangs her head low in shaaame.
  252. [21:45] IcePickLobotomy "So, uh Mary? Would it be ok if I met your sister?"
  253. [21:45] IcePickLobotomy "I mean, I don't have siblings, and she sounds really cute and adorable."
  254. [21:47] Mary "Uh yeah, she was napping a while ago but considering her usual sense of "Wah, hunger, play with me.." She should wake up in a bit.
  255. [21:47] IcePickLobotomy She nods eagerly.
  256. [21:48] IcePickLobotomy "So, what about you two? Any siblings?" She asks Arina and Lana
  257. [21:49] Arina smiles. "Two sisters, one older, one younger."
  258. [21:49] RobinE "Oh, well. Robin, uh, is my sister. But that's it."
  259. [21:54] IcePickLobotomy She nods
  260. [21:54] Mary "Ah, I know how it is to be the middle child, even if it was a older Brother in my case."
  261. [21:55] IcePickLobotomy "Only child." Walker chimes in. "I had a younger sister. She caught the red death." Artyom adds after a few moments.
  262. [21:57] Arina "Ah... I'm sorry to hear that, Artyom."
  263. [21:57] IcePickLobotomy "It's been a long time, and I am far from the only one."
  264. [21:59] Mary "Benjamin was lost in one of the US more oversea adventuers. But . We can not dwell on the death with how thes century tried to make them outnumber the living." She says with a shake of her head.
  265. [21:59] IcePickLobotomy The somber mood is interrupted by a babies cry coming from Mary's room.
  266. [22:00] RobinE "Sounds like someone's awake."
  267. [22:00] Arina smiles faintly. "Well, there's some of the living you wanted to see."
  268. [22:00] Mary blinks and then stands up " Seems someone wanted a change of topic, I am getting her then. "
  269. [22:05] IcePickLobotomy "Hopefully that's the only change she needs." Walker observes, snacking on a cookie
  270. [22:06] Mary will return then, now armed with a fully operational and not to cranky baby.
  271. [22:06] IcePickLobotomy HIkari stands up to get a closer look at the baby "Ohmigosh she's so cute."
  272. [22:07] Mary "I know , do you want to hold her ?"
  273. [22:07] Mary is a good proud big sister.
  274. [22:08] IcePickLobotomy "Yes!" She hesitates a moment "Uh, how do you hold her? I'd hate hurting her by accident."
  275. [22:08] Arina smiles. "Hello, Megan."
  276. [22:11] Mary "Well you put your hands like that to support her head, babys are not able to lift there read right so you have to hold them there,and then you put your arm under them like this .. and well now you are trying it."
  277. [22:12] IcePickLobotomy "Oh." She blinks "Wow, she's so warm."
  278. [22:15] Mary "Well yes..."
  279. [22:17] Arina "Babies tend to be, don't they?"
  280. [22:18] RobinE "Usually, I'm pretty sure."
  281. [22:21] Mary "I, well she felt her normal temeprature."
  282. [22:21] Mary smiles at lil megan
  283. [22:26] IcePickLobotomy Meagan giggles and holds out her hand making a grabbing motion.
  284. [22:31] Mary delivers babys to Hikari and all others that do not run away fast enogh!"
  285. [22:33] Mary left her with hikari until there is a wish or need for replacement
  286. [22:33] IcePickLobotomy Hikari looks as though she will stab anyone who tries to take the baby from her.
  287. [22:34] Arina doesn't endeavour to get stabbed.
  288. [22:36] Mary smirks
  289. [22:36] IcePickLobotomy "So, Arina, what what about your family? You said you had some sisters?"
  290. [22:37] Arina nods. "Yes, my older sister, Rosa, and my younger, Nadya."
  291. [22:38] Arina "Though they aren't as available to meet as Megan is."
  292. [22:38] IcePickLobotomy "Out in Russia I take it?"
  293. [22:40] Arina nods. "Rosa's a doctor, and Nadya's, well, still in school, of course."
  294. [22:41] RobinE "Oh a doctor, cool!"
  295. [22:41] IcePickLobotomy "Wow, you've got a impressive family."
  296. [22:46] Arina smiles. "Thank you. We put a lot of work into it."
  297. [22:51] Mary "It is good to hear that you still have a good relationship with them despite the distance."
  298. [22:53] Arina nods. "It is. We're a family, after all, right?"
  299. [22:55] RobinE "right," Lana holds her tea cup up as a cheers to the sentiment.
  300. [22:55] IcePickLobotomy ". . . Should probably call my father, haven't spoken to him in, too long."
  301. [22:55] IcePickLobotomy Walker says into her tea.
  302. [22:59] Arina swirls her tea as well, looking into it. "... Be a shame to miss the opportunity."
  303. [22:59] RobinE "He would love to hear your voice," a smirk grows on her face, "and how Artyom's the father," she chuckles to herself
  304. [22:59] IcePickLobotomy Walekr makes a face and has the decency to blush at least. "That's not going to happen. Ever."
  305. [23:01] Mary "Well well, you could certainly do worse then him~"
  306. [23:02] IcePickLobotomy "Oh /Amanda/ to reject me so clearly after I slave away at dinner each night just to see your face light up." Artyom dead pans
  307. [23:02] IcePickLobotomy *Cruelly
  308. [23:03] Mary "He knows how to cook, is sensible and can deal with children, and can kill a man while being naked if you want to go a bit more classic."
  309. [23:03] Arina "Were you just using his feelings to your own benefit? His heart is delicate, you know?" Equally deadpan.
  310. [23:04] IcePickLobotomy "I shall run away and join a monastery."
  311. [23:10] IcePickLobotomy "You," She jabs a finger at Artyom "Were just complaining about how your mother was wondering where the grandchildren were. So don't even start on this monastery business!"
  312. [23:11] Mary "Oh, already talking about that, my my ...."
  313. [23:13] IcePickLobotomy Walker glowers into her tea ineffectually
  314. [23:14] Arina "Well, as long as you have plans."
  315. [23:15] IcePickLobotomy "It's not actually like that you know," She shoots Artyom a friendly glare "despite our teasing. Besides, kids arn't in my cards anyways. Married to the job."
  316. [23:24] RobinE Lana yawns, "ohp, sorry. Been tired all day. I need more coffee." She gets up to resolve the no coffee issue.
  317. [23:24] Arina "... But you have tea?" She holds up her cup.
  318. [23:25] IcePickLobotomy Hikari glances at the clock "Oh, I need to get going or I'll be late." She passes Meagan back to Mary "It was good seeing you all and I'm glad you liked the tea and cookies."
  319. [23:25] Mary "Maybe you wannt some sweet one " She says just lould enough so that hikari can hear it."
  320. [23:25] Mary "Take care, and thanks to you and your mother for the tea and the cookies"
  321. [23:25] Mary shall deliver a goodbye hug
  322. [23:31] Arina waves slightly. "Thank you very much for them, and goodbye for now."
  323. [23:33] RobinE "Yeah, they were awesome!" Lana shouts from the kitchen.
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