
Touhou Character Creation Outline

Dec 10th, 2013
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  1. 1. Chose "Origin". Origin is your race or background. "Youkai" or "Oni" is as acceptable as "Miko" or "Witch" Origins will grant various RP benefits that have yet to be determined.
  2. 2. Make up a Power! You'll need a creative power for your character to have. Make sure you and the GM agree on what the power encompasses. Example: the power "Control over Endings" may actually only control the "How" of the ending, not the "When" or "Why". This needs to be decided BEFORE you try to instantly kill the BBEG.
  3. 3. Chose your "Career". This need not be what you do for a living, it can be the title of a group your character sees themselves as belonging to as well. "Teacher", "Athlete" or "Otaku" are all acceptable examples. Your Career will be used to determine what you roll when rolling for non-combat things.
  4. 4. Chose "Twists". Twists are interesting things your character has the ability to do by employing unusual or unorthodox methods. You will select from a list. Generally, Twists will allow you to mix and match bonuses, for instance normally you use your Toughness to calculate your number of lives, and your Unearthliness to calculate your max number of spell cards. The right Twist would let you swap those two things!
  5. 5. Create Advantages. You will have guidelines to assist in the creation of simple advantages. Advantages grant small bonuses to broad things or larger bonuses to a very narrow spectrum.
  6. 6. You have points! Spend 'em! You will gain a number of points which can be spent to increase your Attributes, buy more ranks in your Career, or other customization options.
  7. 7. (optional) Draw your character, their silly headwear, and choose a themesong.
  9. You're done! Time to Play!
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