
True Change: SotS - Part One: The Warning [UNFINISHED]

Jun 22nd, 2014
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  1. "You're late."
  2. >Here it fucking goes.
  3. >Those words would not normally be such a big deal to you, but coming from him, they sound so disgustingly condescending.
  4. >You give a glance around the room, your entire team is here
  5. >Some are uniformed with the black and lavender coloured armour found among Nightmare Moon's forces
  6. >Others look like they've been yanked out of bed for this meeting.
  7. >From his seat, Captain Far Spotter sits perfectly groomed, uniform all in order.
  8. >He stares deadpan at you, drilling into your mind this early in the morning with his annoying head games.
  9. >Fighting the weight causing your head to droop down in disgust, you level your glare to his.
  10. >"Oh, damn! Terribly sorry that I missed the meeting, everyone. I didn't realize the queen has become so adept at briefing us that she's now able to do it all in five minutes." You angrily spit back, gesturing your head to the empty head seat of the one pony who hasn't arrived yet.
  11. >Most of the agents in attendance roll their eyes.
  12. >You barely register a few groans and a 'here we go again...'
  13. >Yes, you were doing this in front of everyone, AGAIN.
  14. >Because the Captain, an equal among everyone present, has decided to flex his oh-so-superior 'leadership qualities,' AGAIN.
  15. "Varnsen and Steel here just got yanked out of bed after a 14-hour shift and even THEY'RE still here before you, so what the hell's your excuse?"
  16. >In the corner of your eye, you see the two aforementioned ponies drearily glancing away, not wanting to be a part of this.
  17. >Far Spotter always has a bone to pick with you, and of course, he's not afraid to bring others into it.
  18. >For no other reason other than to get under your chitin... That HAS to be it...
  19. >Making your way to the other side of the long table, you take your seat.
  20. >You take a deep breath, but it's really more of an exasperated sigh.
  21. "My reasons are none of your damn business, *Spot*."
  22. >His eyelid gives the most minute of twitches.
  23. >Relishing in the aggravation that your less-than endearing nickname causes him, you fight to suppress a smirk.
  24. >Far Spotter gives an angry scoff.
  25. "Of course, why do I even need to ask? It's the same reason why you're always late. You were too busy getting your knob polished by some piece of club trash too drunk to know when they're literally getting the life sucked out of them. You know, if baffles me as to why the queen would bring a disgusting parasite like you into the most important military unit in the country... I can't believe she entrusts the lives of her people--let alone OUR lives, to something like you."
  27. >"Anyone else taste that?"
  28. >You ask rhetorically while glancing to the mare and stallion to your left and right.
  29. >"No one? Just me? Huh... tastes like... extreme bitterness. That's quickly becoming a flavour I associate with You, ya know. I had a bite of some unsweetened chocolate the other day and though 'damn! this tastes like Far Spotter!' I sometimes wonder where all this anger of yours comes from..."
  30. >The Captain snorts in response
  31. "Maybe it comes from having to work with a deceitful, love-sucking parasite on matters of national security. Then again, it's like you're much of a threat if you can't even be bothered to show up to the important meetings."
  32. >Several agents around the table are glancing at the clock
  33. >Praying for Nightmare Moon to show up already and end this.
  34. >Idly, your snow-white hoof rubs your sleepy, slightly blurry eyes, clearing them up.
  35. >"Oh yeah, pretty unfortunate that thing that happened between you and hive Chrysalis. It must be such a... relief to everyone that you weren't among the casualties like their friends were."
  36. >His glare is unrelenting, it does a good job reminding you why you'll never be friends with him.
  37. "I've killed enough of you to know what you're like."
  38. >A laugh threatens to escape you.
  39. >"You? Kill?! Wow, Spot... Thanks for lightening up this morning meeting with some comedy!"
  40. >Combat was something you rarely saw the captain be a part of.
  41. >Maybe he *used* to be a real scrapper back during his days in the Royal Guard, but if that's the case, then it's sharply declined since his entry into the combat-oriented Royal Counter-Terrorism Unit.
  42. >You've seen him fight only a few times.
  43. >It made you question how the hell he managed to rise to the rank of captain.
  44. >His (supposedly) pacifistic nature was something you liked pick on in response to his blatant racism in the workplace.
  45. >Before he can muster a jab back at you, the door to the meeting room opens...
  47. >Turning, you are greeted by Queen Nightmare Moon's graceful, onyx-coloured form.
  48. >She appears to be carrying a binder, as well as some papers with her...
  49. > well as an unamused glare.
  50. "We could hear the both of you squabbling like children from the other side of the hall. Is this really what We should expect from Our most elite of soldiers?"
  51. >"Your Highness, I-" You try to save face.
  52. >She won't have it.
  53. "Be silent, Agent True Heart." She casts her angry snarl to you. "You are grown adults, you had both better start acting as such!"
  54. >Your ears splay back in embarrassment at being admonished in front of all your fellow soldiers.
  55. >You imagine Far Spotter is looking about the same, though you don't look back to confirm it. You can't stand to look at the bastard right now.
  56. >Nightmare Moon sets down her papers and binder on the podium at the end of the meeting table, clearing her throat.
  57. "Now, as you all know, We do not call these meetings for anything less than a dire emergency requiring your expert skillset. Unfortunately, today that is the case. We know that some of you have been awoken from a much-needed slumber, so We shall make this brief."
  58. >Opening her binder, the queen extracts to small piles of papers and deposits them onto the table.
  59. >You, as well as the other unicorns at the tables magically grab a sheet from both piles for yourselves, while also passing some to the others in attendance.
  60. >You take a look at the papers and gather what you can before the Queen gives further explanation
  61. >One sheet appears to be a copy of a nasty looking letter, threatening to take many lives at an upcoming public event unless Nightmare Moon steps down from the throne and returns Princess Celestia.
  62. >The other one appears to be a map of the downtown area for Salt Lick City. A yellow line makes its way through one of the main streets.
  63. >Seeing that everyone has received a copy of her papers, Nightmare Moon continues her briefing.
  64. "Last night, the palace's mail room received a threatening letter addressed to Us claiming that, unless We return Our sister to Equestria's throne and willingly accept punishment for the manner of which We attained Our position as sole ruler, an attack would be made at the Founder's Day parade in Salt Lick City. As you all likely know, this is an event that is densely populated by civilians. A well co-ordinated strike here could have casualties in the hundreds before authorities can even respond."
  65. >A voice from behind you chimes in
  66. "Do we know who's making the threat? Is it anyone we know?"
  67. >Nightmare straightens up a little, addressing this answer to everyone.
  68. "The threat was made by a group claiming to be the 'Soldiers of the Sun.' They must be rather new, since our intelligence has nothing concrete on a group with this name. It is obviously too early to draw conclusions, but We expect it is another run-of-the-mill band of 'freedom fighters' using domestic terrorism to instill fear, as if that will somehow turn public opinion against Us and incite a revolution of sorts. It is getting quite tiresome at this point, to be perfectly honest."
  69. >An attack at a densely populated event...
  70. >...But it's a *parade*. The civilians are still going to spread out along the parade route...
  71. >How would a rag-tag group of rebels even tackle a situation like this...?
  72. >You look to the letter again.
  73. >It doesn't seem to give any indication...
  74. >"Do we have any idea of *how* they're going to hit this thing?"
  75. >A few murmurs around the table suggest everyone was thinking the same thing.
  76. >Nightmare Moon turns to you.
  77. "They did not specify how they would attack, and the only logical conclusion we can draw is that they will make some sort of 'hit and run' infantry strike. These rebel groups have not been particularly well-equipped so far, however, this is a new group that has surfaced. We do not know the extent of their arsenal."
  78. "This doesn't really sound like such an emergency..."
  79. >Further down, Indigo leans back in his chair.
  80. "Shouldn't we just let the local PD know that there's been a threat made and let them handle it? We've never heard of this 'Soldiers of the Sun,' hell, they might not even be real. It could just be a stupid prank, or someone trying to scare us."
  81. >You didn't want to dismiss this thing outright, but he did kinda have a point...
  82. >Not every threat had backing to it. Sometimes they really were just empty scare tactics.
  83. >It does sort of feel like letting the police handle this would be the best course of action.
  84. "You are correct, Indigo, threats like these have become more common since We have taken the throne, however, this has been the first one targeting such a major event. Most of the rebel groups are too small, unorganized, under-equipped, and simply too frightened to take on the authorities at an event such as this, and this group, these Sun Soldiers... They have made a direct threat to Us that they will be targeting Our ponies so openly like this. Whether they actually have means to carry out such a claim, or whether they are merely arrogant fools remains to be seen. With that said, We shall deploy three agents to keep watch during the Founder's Day parade at Salt Lick City."
  85. >Nightmare Moon's horn begins to glow, and two small red dots appear on your copy of the map.
  86. >They appear over two separate points along the yellow line, obviously symbolizing the parade's route.
  87. "Agent True Heart and Agent Indigo will keep an eye out for anything suspicious at these two points, here. Agent Far Spotter shall remain on standby in the case that back up is needed. We will be informing local police department of the threat that has been made against them, and the security We will be sending to assist them."
  88. >The Queen folds up her binder, preparing to draw the meeting to a close.
  89. "This may be a ruse, or it may be a serious attack about to take place. In either occurrence, We would prefer not to take any chances. Be on your guard, agents. Let this meeting serve as an assignment for all of you to find out what you can about these 'Soldiers of the Sun.' We can already tell what they want, but We want you to find out who they are, how many of them there are, how dangerous they are..."
  90. >Around the meeting table, the soldiers give small nods of affirmation.
  91. >You have your eyes glued to the map and the letter.
  92. >She was right. No group has had the balls to send in a written warning that they were going to attack such a majorly populated event.
  93. >This doesn't sit well with you...
  94. "Remember agents, the preservation of Equestrian lives is always our highest priority, no matter the cost."
  95. >She gives one final look to her soldiers.
  96. "The parade is scheduled for 3 o'clock tomorrow, the three of you will be leaving for Salt Lick City at 0600. Dismissed."
  97. >With those final words, some of the more sleepy troopers waste no time rising from their seats, eager to head back to bed.
  98. >Most of the others begin to shuffle to the door.
  100. >After studying the letter and the map a little bit more, you arise from your seat, leaving them where they lay.
  101. >You'd have a chance to look at them again when you get to the city.
  102. >You decide to walk over to the Queen, just as she's finishing gathering her papers.
  103. >She looks up and notices your approach.
  104. "True Heart. I trust that you are adequately fed and prepared for your mission tomorrow? The last thing I want to do is explain to your former queen that I need a replacement soldier because I did not keep the last one fed well enough."
  105. >You stare dumbly, tilting your head a little.
  106. "I jest, of course. However, you do need to make sure you feed while you still have a chance to. There is no telling what could happen tomorrow..."
  107. >You snap out of your stupor.
  108. >"Oh, uh, yeah, I fed last night. He was a nice stallion from Ponyville. Poor guy was a nervous wreck at first, but he warmed up to me eventually. I saw him off at the train station before I came here."
  109. >She gives a quiet "mmhm" with a curt nod.
  110. "Excellent, so you should be just fine for tomorrow, then."
  111. >You step forward, a little nervous.
  112. >"Yeah, about that, Your Highness... Do you... really think it's going to be as bad as we think? There's no way anyone would try an attack for anything less than 100 percent certainty that their method would guarantee a body count. What would be the best thing to do if things end up going sideways?"
  113. >Nightmare Moon straightens out her papers before tucking them, along with her binder underneath her wing.
  114. "How you choose to handle the situation is up to you, Tru. I don't need to remind you that preserving lives is always the mission, so keep that in mind when you get to Salt Lick City. With that said, catching those responsible is also a priority. Don't let indecision cloud your judgment, or you may end up accomplishing neither of those goals. When the time comes, think quickly, and act accordingly. I trust you to make the correct decisions."
  115. >The Queen's words fill you with a little more confidence in what you'll be doing tomorrow.
  116. >You give her a firm nod in affirmation.
  117. >"Thanks, Your Majesty. I'll get it done, whatever 'it' may be. But for everyone's sake, I really hope this turns out to be a false alarm..."
  118. >She drapes a friendly wing over you
  119. "So do I, my dear Tru. I know this change of rulers has not been so well-received by Equestria, but ponies need not throw their lives--or others' lives away because of it. It is the queen's duty to protect her subjects, most of the time from each other. Though, you would likely have a better idea than me about that."
  120. >You give a small scoff, shaking your head.
  121. >"Protecting subjects from themselves is pretty easy when each and every one of them thinks the way you command them to think."
  122. >Nightmare Moon gives a light laugh.
  123. >It's so nice when she does that.
  124. "Ahh... If only ruling *this* kingdom were that easy. You will do just fine tomorrow, my dear. You've been blessed with rather quick wits."
  125. >With that, Nightmare Moon gives her farewell as she heads out the door to where ever she's needed next.
  126. >A quick scan of the room reveals that you're the only one here, now. Everyone else has left.
  128. >Deciding not to waste anymore time standing around, you head out the door to your next destination.
  130. >Stepping into the armoury, you notice a couple Royal Guards who you don't know removing their gold-plated armour.
  131. >They must have just been relieved from their shifts.
  132. >Apart from them, it's pretty empty in here.
  133. >You walk over to the other side of the room, where a thick, steel door stands blocking your way.
  134. >Turning your attention to a semi-spherical orb embedded on the wall beside it, you reach out with your magic and touch it.
  135. >The orb flashes as it takes in your green-tinted magic, flickering between all the colours of the spectrum as it determines whether or not you have clearance to be in this part of the armoury.
  136. >Finally, it realizes that you *do* have clearance, as it glows an affirmative green before opening the heavy door, granting you access.
  137. >You find yourself in the RCTU armoury. You're no stranger to these parts.
  138. >Walking over to your labelled locker, you dial in the correct combination, revealing the contents within.
  139. >You figure now is a good time to do an equipment check.
  140. >Your standard loadout consists of:
  141. >A dragonskin tactical vest, coloured black and lavender to match the palette of Nightmare Moon's legendary armour. The letters RCTU is emblazoned on the back, and has handy pockets on the barrel side for... pens or something. Dragon's skin is extremely tough and magically resilient. Wearing this should keep your body protected from arrows, crossbow bolts, offensive magic, and short-bladed weapons.
  142. >A standard-issue utility belt with pockets and holsters for extra crossbow bolts, a backup knife, hoofcuffs, or any other tool you might need in the field.
  143. >A special-issue Hearte-series fighting knife. The curved blade gives more power to the user's slash. This model is specifically designed to be attached to a hoof guard, folded away for safety, and spring-loaded to be quickly deployed when needed. There hasn't been too many times when you've had to end a life by the knife.
  144. >A special-issue Harken & Locke "Mini" X1 Crossbow. Your preferred weapon of choice. Because of it's compact structure, it, like the the knife, can be mounted on a hoof guard for quick deployment. H&L is a weapons manufacturing company in the Gryphon's country, and they certainly know how to make weapons. Reliable to the end, 'till death do you part. The bolts have good penetrating power, but lack the stopping power that the full-sized models have. Hasn't made much of a difference when you've made a pin cushion out of someone's throat, though. Unsurprisingly, these weapons are legal for military personnel only. Civilian possession of one of these is considered a felony.
  145. >A set of Titan-series hoof guards. Complete with all the fancy rails for mounting your knife, your mini crossbow, your cup-holder, whatever. Also, they're steel-toed for the delicate hoofed.
  146. >Your radio earpiece. Powered by a magical charge, this is vital for keeping in contact with your fellow agents on the field.
  148. >Your equipment appears to be all in order, ready to grab and go tomorrow.
  150. >You give a small nod to yourself, verifying that everything is alright, here.
  151. >You shut the locker and give the combination tumbler a resetting spin.
  152. >Turning to head towards the exit, you figure you might as well go to your new room.
  153. >An unsettling feeling in your stomach for tomorrow's events can barely be felt.
  155. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
  157. "Hey-o! You still with me? C'mon, wakey wakey, Tru."
  158. >You snap back to attention, the afternoon's bright sun bringing a sting to your eyes.
  159. >Damn, you really should have brought your pair of Oatley shades with you...
  160. >Your now-attentive gaze snaps to Indigo, who is currently waving a hoof in front of your face.
  161. >"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. I kinda zoned out a little, there..."
  162. >Indigo straightens up his posture, giving his vest a readjusting shake.
  163. "Alright, well get it all together, alright? They're gonna be starting soon, and we're not even in our positions yet."
  164. >He makes a gesture with his head to follow, and you do as such.
  165. >Reluctantly moving out of your spot in the nice shade, you and Indigo begin to walk in the direction of the main street.
  168. 05/16/1003
  169. 2:35 PM
  171. >It's so damn hot out today, you're surprised anyone would be out in this heat, let alone have a parade.
  172. >From where you're walking, it looks like there's a cold drink vendor on practically every street corner, public recycling boxes are near-overflowing with empty plastic water bottles.
  173. >As you continue on your path, the occasional civilian would look back as they passed you.
  174. >Clearly curious about the uniform.
  175. >Part of you is glad that nobody has actually stopped to ask you who you are or what you're doing here.
  176. >"Poor bastards... probably don't have a clue of what might be about to happen..."
  177. >Indigo keeps walking, looking back.
  178. "We told the mayor and the chief of police about the threat, and they chose to keep this thing going..."
  179. >Across the street, you can see a father buying ice cream for his two smiling children.
  180. "Best we can do now is control the damage... If any."
  181. >You frown.
  182. >"Or we can be a little more proactive about this and try to stop it *before* it happens. Isn't that what our job is supposed to be? Stopping tragedies before they occur?"
  183. >Indigo gives a sigh, but agrees with you.
  184. "In an ideal situation, yeah... But you know as well as I do that these things are rarely signposted for our convenience. We don't know what's going to happen, or if ANYTHING's gonna happen... We just gotta be able to react quickly for when it *does* decide to go down..."
  185. >The two of you pass more and more citizens as you get closer to the main street.
  186. >The sounds of laughter and chatter fill the air, anticipation is high for the city's coveted event.
  187. >As you make it to the end of the street, you and Indigo stop.
  188. >Normally just a regular intersection at the main street, a large crowd of ponies now lines up blocking it, facing into the larger main street.
  189. >Indigo gives himself a quick pat-down to make sure he has everything before turning to you.
  190. >Pulling out a copy of the map Nightmare Moon has made, he regards it momentarily.
  191. "Alright, your post is right over there..."
  192. >He gestures with his head to general area behind him. You don't need to walk far, you're pretty much there, already.
  193. "I'm gonna start heading up the street to my post. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious, and keep in radio contact, alright?"
  195. >You give another look at the massive crowd gathering on both sides of the street before turning back to Indigo.
  196. >"We've still got some time before the parade starts. I want to take a look around first, just in case."
  197. >Your partner rolls his eyes at you.
  198. "I doubt you're gonna find anything, Tru. The cops have already combed this place and haven't found anything or anyone that might fit the profile of a terrorist."
  199. >"I'd feel more comfortable if I could see that for myself. I won't be long."
  200. >The armoured pegasus turns to head to his post before looking back to you.
  201. "Alright, just make sure you're in position when this shit gets started, alright?"
  202. >With a nod of your head, he wanders off, leaving you to whatever it is you think you're going to do.
  203. >You've only got a little bit of time.
  204. >Where should you look?
  206. >You take a look around you to see if there's any way you could get a bird's eye view of the area.
  207. >Looking to your right, you spot a pony about to ride a lift up the side of a building to begin cleaning its large windows.
  208. >Seeing the opportunity, to saunter over to him, signalling with a hoof to hold up for just a second.
  209. >"Mind if I grab a ride up for just a sec?"
  210. >The stallion finishes loading up the lift with his cleaning supplies.
  211. "It'll cost ya."
  212. >You step onto to the lift as he closes the safety gate.
  213. >"Send the bill to Queen Moon."
  214. >He chuckles as he pushes a lever forward, lifting the platform higher and higher up the side of the building.
  215. >Wasting no time, you look out into the street for anything suspicious to catch your eye.
  216. "I take it by all that spec-ops gear you're wearing that you're a bit higher than the police, huh?"
  217. >You roll your head, working the stiff joints, looking for that relieving 'pop', and giving a quick massage to your shoulder.
  218. >"Agent True Heart, RCTU."
  219. >He gives an impressed whistle.
  220. "Damn. There must be something pretty bad going on if they sent *you* guys over here..."
  221. >God damn it, he just had to jinx it.
  222. >There's that feeling in your stomach again...
  223. >"Not necessarily. We're just here as a sort of... precautionary measure. We're mostly leaving security to the Salt Lick Police."
  224. >The lift finally arrives at the top of the building, the stallion bends over to pick up his squeegee and begin washing the window.
  225. "Well, I can't imagine anyone wanting to pull anything dangerous with you guys around. The way you're equipped, you look like you could 'solve a problem' 6 ways from Sunday, if you know what I mean."
  226. >You give a small scoff.
  227. >"Yeah, the 'problems' we can see, anyway..."
  228. >Looking down into the street to your left, you can see the crowd of ponies stretch on for a fair ways away.
  229. >Squinting, you can just make out Indigo still walking to his spot further down the street.
  230. >So far you don't see anything out of the ordinary.
  231. >Looking to your right, the crowds on both sides of the street are thinning.
  232. >This is the starting point of the parade, where you're posted.
  233. >Looking further down, you can see some of the parade coordinators, float drivers, and mechanics milling about.
  234. >That's where the parade floats are parked as everyone makes final preparations.
  235. >Again, nothing out of the ordinary...
  237. >You only have a few more minutes before the parade starts
  238. >If there's going to be anything to find, it's probably going to be in the area of the parade's starting point.
  239. >Giving the other pony a small nudge, you gesture to the ground far below.
  240. >"Hey bud, if you've got a second..."
  241. >He nods, pulling the lift's lever back, slowly lowering it to the street level.
  242. >You give your thanks as you step off, heading to your intended direction.
  243. >Walking towards the line of parked floats, you regard the area for a moment, wondering where to start.
  244. >There are some coordinators over there, their muzzles buried in clipboards...
  245. >Some of the float drivers are standing around chatting, while others wait in their stationary vehicles.
  246. >You can also see some mechanics hanging around near some benches, drinking water. There appears to be one making some final adjustments beneath one of the floats.
  247. >Time is short, who should you speak to?
  249. >You fix your gaze to the lone mechanic over there.
  250. >A mare, it looks like, judging by the shape of her lower body which the only part of her visible.
  251. >The rest of her is buried in the back part of the float, busy with whatever systems are on the inside
  252. >This seems like enough to warrant your curiosity.
  253. >You make your way over.
  254. >The float itself appears to a replication of a few ponies who you can only assume have something to do with the founding of Salt Lake City.
  255. >The whole thing looks pretty damn tacky, to be perfectly honest...
  256. >Eyes forward, you stop right next to the mare.
  257. >"Hey."
  258. >Either she's ignoring you, or she's too engrossed in her work to hear you.
  259. >You give a knock on the side of the float.
  260. >"Hello?"
  261. >That got her attention.
  262. >The mare is startled by your unexpected arrival, bumping her head while extracting her front half from the float.
  263. >After a curse, she rubs the spot on her head before looking to you.
  264. >A cursory examination reveals that she is definitely an Earth pony mare wearing some dirty, oily mechanic's coveralls.
  265. "Oh, sorry. Didn't hear you. I'm kinda busy, here..."
  266. >She dives back into whatever she was fixing before you showed up, but you're confident you have her attention now.
  268. "What it is you're doing, if you don't mind me asking?"
  269. >She continues tinkering around with what's inside.
  270. "Just had to make sure the belts working with the pulley systems in here are holding up. It looks like most of belts being used in these floats were Hardson's. A cheap brand. It's been a pain in the ass checking to make sure these things don't give out in the middle of the damn parade..."
  271. >The mare pulls herself out for the last time, giving her work one last inspection.
  272. >"...And your prognosis?"
  273. "It should be good... For now, anyways."
  274. >She gives you a smile.
  275. >Her light brown mane is kind of ruffled about, but she's still a rather cute thing.
  276. >As she closes the float's trunk, she gives a signal to the driver.
  277. >Around you, dozens of floats start up, ready to begin the Founder's Day parade.
  278. >She gives a small sigh of relief
  279. "And not a moment too soon! Looks like I'm all done here. Enjoy the parade..."
  280. >She gives your uniform a look-over.
  281. "Officer."
  282. >You see her trot over to an area where it looks like the other mechanics have their placed their uniforms.
  283. >Quickly, you move out of the way as the floats take motion, moving single-file along the established route.
  284. >It looks like the coordinators have made themselves scarce, no longer needed here.
  285. >The other mechanics are still over there, though.
  286. >Something doesn't feel right...
  287. >...But the parade has already started. You should be at your assigned position by now...
  289. >The feeling that there's something you're not seeing overwhelms you
  290. >It's a gamble, but you feel as if you should talk to those mechanics, first.
  291. >You won't be long, then you'll get into position, just as planned.
  292. >You approach the trio of mechanic ponies, but the seem to pay you no mind.
  293. >You clear your throat, getting their attention. One of the mechanics, a rather gruff-looking earth pony rolls his eyes.
  294. "Look, officer..." His deep voice sounds clearly annoyed. "Me and my employees have all got our security clearance. See?"
  295. >He gestures to a white and green card hanging from a lanyard around his neck.
  296. >You glance at the other two equally-annoyed ponies.
  297. >True to his word, the same plastic cards hang from lanyards on their necks, as well.
  298. >Your brow scrunches
  299. >You definitely don't remember seeing one of those on the mare you talked to earlier.
  300. >...Maybe she put it away since she was leaving so soon...?
  301. >That doesn't sound right at all...
  302. >"I just wanted to ask if any of you have seen anything suspicious, that's all..."
  303. >The head mechanic gives a harsh sigh
  304. "We already told the copper over *there*..." he points to a SLCPD officer standing guard, "...not even 20 minutes ago that we haven't seen anything suspicious, and that floats are okay to go!"
  305. >This immediately grabs your attention.
  306. >"Wait, what? 20 minutes ago? But the last float didn't get finished repairs until just a couple minutes ago."
  307. >All three of them look at you as if you just randomly spouted "Yo-Yo Ma" out of the blue
  308. "Officer... Exactly just what the HELL are you blabbing about? We gave the last inspection half an hour ago! None of my employees have been allowed to touch any of the floats after that without my permission, and they've ALL been in my eyesight this entire time!"
  309. >That nasty feeling in your stomach has just transcended to typhoon status.
  310. >There's no hiding the urgency in your voice, now...
  311. >...Perhaps more panic than urgency... But you dare not admit that to anyone, even yourself.
  312. >"Then what the hell was that mare back there doing?! She told me she was replacing defective motor belts!"
  313. >One of the junior mechanics speaks up this time
  314. "Uh, what? The motor belts in ALL of these floats are brand new and top quality! NONE of them are defective, we inspected them ourselves!"
  315. >The head mechanic looks even more confused and angry.
  316. "And what the hell are you talking about, 'that mare back there?' I don't have any mares working for me!"
  317. >You stand frozen in place for a second as the stallion in front of you confirms exactly what you feared.
  318. >Without warning, you bolt away from the group, sprinting as fast as you can to catch up with the parade that is already under way.
  320. >Adrenaline courses through you as you run like mad down the middle of the street
  321. >The ponies must think you're one of those crazies for chasing after parade floats
  322. >Honestly, what you look like right now is the last thing on your mind.
  323. >Passing the last few floats on the tail-end of the route, you scan for the one in particular that the mechanic was working on.
  324. >Frantically, you keep running past the floats, ignoring the thousands of eyes looking at you in confusion and amusement.
  325. >Finally, you see the one you're looking for
  326. >You put the power into your legs to get in front of it.
  328. >A shrill squeal cuts through the air as the driver of the float slams on the brakes.
  329. >"I need you out of the vehicle! COME ON! NOW!"
  330. >The pony who was driving quickly vacates the vehicle, scared shitless of your firmly stated orders.
  331. >Just as you're about to run to the back of the float to investigate what's been done to the inside...
  332. >...You see her.
  333. >There, in the crowd, with her beige coat and brown mane.
  334. >She seems to be wearing some kind of backpack...
  335. >...and she knows that you're onto her.
  336. >She sharply breaks eye contacts and turns to try to cut back through the crowd.
  337. >Your mind races, you have to make a call, here.
  338. >The float...
  339. >...Or the mare?
  340. >After mulling it over for a moment more than you would have liked, you run to the back of the float.
  341. >Your duty, first and foremost, is the protection of innocent lives.
  342. >You have to find out what she did back here...
  343. >Just as you're about to lift open the panel, you could swear you hear something inside...
  344. >It sounds like...
  345. >Beeping?
  346. >Throwing the trunk door open, you don't know what to make of what you're looking at.
  347. >It's... some kind of device you've never seen before.
  348. >It looks like a couple... blocks of some kind... taped together with some mish-mash of metal right in the center, with a jewel pulsating with magic.
  349. >With each 'Beep', the jewel lights up.
  350. >You don't know what to do. What is this thing?
  351. >You know for certain it's not part of any kind of vehicle mechanic.
  352. >The beeping is getting faster now, the jewel blinking more rapidly.
  353. >That voice in your head, the voice of your former queen that told you what to do when your life is in danger, echoes in the back of your mind.
  354. >It fuels your basest of changeling survival instincts.
  355. GET AWAY.
  356. >If you could see them, your pupils would be the size of pinheads right now.
  357. GET AWAY.
  358. >You quickly slam the trunk shut, and start to move away from the float.
  359. >You still need to get after that fake mechanic mare.
  360. >"Alright, I need everyone to listen very carefully! This area isn't safe! I need everyon-"
  361. >Your sentence is cut off as a sound more powerful than thunder rips through the eardrums of everyone in there area
  362. >For a fraction of a second, you feel the ground violently shake as you are suddenly thrown forward by a fiery, unseen punch of crippling force
  363. >You tumble into the pavement, your body screaming in pain, but alive.
  364. >The sounds of thousands of screams now fills the city as several more explosions engulf more floats further down the line.
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