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Nov 11th, 2010
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  1. [2010-10-14 17::58:29] Sara_White: [DATE: DECEMBER 4th, 2015]
  2. [2010-10-14 17::58:57] Sara_White: [LOCATION: NERV FIRST BRANCH, ARKHAM, MASSACHUSETTS]
  3. [2010-10-14 18::01:14] Sara_White: It's only noon in Arkham, and down inside the Geofront's filtered sunlight you could swear it was a bright summer's day.
  4. [2010-10-14 18::02:35] Sara_White: Sadly, the pilots are unable to appreciate it, as they are taken, one by one, straight from the Eva hangars back into the bowels of HQ.
  5. [2010-10-14 18::03:59] Sara_White: After passing through a series of what seem to be de-contamination processes, you are taken (still in your plugsuits) into a small room with a table and two chairs and instructed to sit.
  6. [2010-10-14 18::05:06] Doink: Kaz is the first to be lead inside.
  7. [2010-10-14 18::06:37] Kazimir_Prochazka: goes to his chair and sits. Somewhat impatiently, he begins tapping his fingers against his knee.
  8. [2010-10-14 18::07:29] Kazimir_Prochazka: "I sort of owe Henri and John both a victory cigarette after all that's happened. What are we to discuss?"
  9. [2010-10-14 18::07:53] Doink: As you sit, there is a strange shimmering in the air across the table from you. Light seems to be coming out of some point on the ceiling.
  10. [2010-10-14 18::09:08] Doink: It blinks a few times before solidifying, into a rough, shimmering human-shape projected in the chair across from you. It looks vaguely female, and seems to be wearing a NERV unform, but it's features are vague and impossible to discern.
  11. [2010-10-14 18::09:52] Doink: The projected figure gives you a polite nod. "Just a standard de-briefing procedure. We are taking... extra precautions this time."
  12. [2010-10-14 18::10:22] Doink: The voice comes out of a speaker somewhere in the room. It's vaguely female, but there's a definate mechanical distortion in it somewhere, like the voice is going through a filter.
  13. [2010-10-14 18::10:30] Kazimir_Prochazka: "The cockpit wasn't even breached though..."
  14. [2010-10-14 18::11:14] Kazimir_Prochazka: continues tapping his knees.
  15. [2010-10-14 18::11:29] Doink: "Thankfully, no. Now then..." The figure looks down, as if consulting some invisible notes. "Please describe to me the events of the battle in your own words."
  16. [2010-10-14 18::11:49] Kazimir_Prochazka: straightens up slightly before speaking:
  17. [2010-10-14 18::12:37] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Everyone entered into formation just as they should have, Ruru and I set up our killbox. That girl did nothing other than wander around while John and Henri engaged."
  18. [2010-10-14 18::13:30] Kazimir_Prochazka: thinks for a bit and then adds: "I think we should start to push for those two to begin utilizing ranged weaponry. Melee is getting them destroyed. Ruru and I haven't been touched yet, while those two..."
  19. [2010-10-14 18::14:09] Kazimir_Prochazka: puts his head in his hands... "It's a very sloppy setup. It's working, but I think we could've done better. Those...things are dying with bullets and technology. Not any of this extranious pseudo-science."
  20. [2010-10-14 18::15:03] Kazimir_Prochazka: ends on that, and begins to study the hologram in front of him...
  21. [2010-10-14 18::15:06] Doink: The figure nods—its not a nod of agreement. "You use very particular terminology when you describe the fighting. Is that from your time as a soldier?"
  22. [2010-10-14 18::17:07] Kazimir_Prochazka: "...maybe I just liked reading Starship Troopers?"
  23. [2010-10-14 18::17:42] Kazimir_Prochazka: gains a somewhat stern-looking face after hearing this.
  24. [2010-10-14 18::18:28] Doink: The figure gives you what would be disapproving look, if you could make out its eyes. "Please take this seriously, Kazimir."
  25. [2010-10-14 18::20:27] Kazimir_Prochazka: "I think I gave a serious assessment about the battle. I didn't realize I'd be stuck with a shrink trying to analyze all that shit from the Republic here too."
  26. [2010-10-14 18::22:27] Doink: It's quiet for a moment. Then: "Did you notice anything odd about the behavior of any of your teammates during the fight?"
  27. [2010-10-14 18::26:18] Kazimir_Prochazka: "John's unit had it's face ripped open, so his cockpit went blind when there was some sort of abomination half a meter from his head. He got scared, panicked. That's hardly unusual, but it does reinforce my point that they need ranged weapons."
  28. [2010-10-14 18::27:00] Kazimir_Prochazka: "That new girl is dead weight. I don't see what we achieved with her there other than to have her run around clogging up comms."
  29. [2010-10-14 18::27:47] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Other than that? I think having to fight a few hundred meter long sea creature counts as odd. I don't often go fishing for things that can eat my house."
  30. [2010-10-14 18::28:13] Kazimir_Prochazka: begins tapping his knees again.
  31. [2010-10-14 18::30:06] Doink: "You seem anxious about something. Is there anything else you wish to tell me?"
  32. [2010-10-14 18::30:42] Kazimir_Prochazka: "The plug suits are a bit tight around the neck."
  33. [2010-10-14 18::31:35] Doink: The figure is still and silent for a moment.
  34. [2010-10-14 18::32:19] Kazimir_Prochazka: matches its poise.
  35. [2010-10-14 18::32:36] Doink: Then: "Thank you, Kazimir. Please leave through the door you came in. Someone is waiting there to take you back to your belongings."
  36. [2010-10-14 18::33:17] Kazimir_Prochazka: gets up without paying much more attention to the shrink and goes through the door. Time to find John, Henri, and lady nicotine.
  37. [2010-10-14 18::34:37] Doink: John is led into a similar (or is it the same?) blank room and instructed to sit.
  38. [2010-10-14 18::35:24] John_Kilanger: Takes a deep breath to calm himself
  39. [2010-10-14 18::36:16] Doink: After a moment in silence, the projector flicks on, and the vague female image appears 'seated' in the chair across from him.
  40. [2010-10-14 18::36:50] Doink: "Good morning, Jonathan," the voice says.
  41. [2010-10-14 18::37:11] John_Kilanger: "Good Morning
  42. [2010-10-14 18::39:59] John_Kilanger: Begins to rub the scar above his left eye
  43. [2010-10-14 18::41:46] Doink: "How are you feeling?" The voice says.
  44. [2010-10-14 18::42:25] John_Kilanger: "Fine, just fine" *John continues to run his scar*
  45. [2010-10-14 18::44:54] Doink: "Please describe to me the events of the fight in your own words, as you experienced it."
  46. [2010-10-14 18::46:55] John_Kilanger: "Well, everything started out rather well, with Kaz and Ruru taking positions around the area, and then Me and Henri went in to 'fish' the monster out. I sent out a flare of somesorts to call the monster out of hiding, and it worked. Almost too well."
  47. [2010-10-14 18::47:52] Doink: The figure nods, waiting for you to continue.
  48. [2010-10-14 18::48:40] John_Kilanger: begins to rub his scar a tille harder* "After the thing attacked me, I managed to succesfully dodge it's attack. But then... somehow, the thing seemed to invade my mind, amking me see More monsters everywhere, including inside the cockpit. I began to freak out, and if it wasn't for Dmitriy calming me down, I would probably have accidentally hit Henri."
  49. [2010-10-14 18::49:52] Doink: The projected figure seems to be taking notes. "Continue, please."
  50. [2010-10-14 18::51:34] John_Kilanger: "The attack that made me start to panic also did major damage to my Eva's head. The damage eventually healed, but my draining batteries forced me to disengage and leave Henri alone with that...Thing."
  51. [2010-10-14 18::51:58] John_Kilanger: "Henri took some damage, and eventually Kaz and Ruru destroyed the monster."
  52. [2010-10-14 18::54:17] Doink: The figure nods as you finish. "You said that the creature 'invaded your mind'. Could you elaborate on this sensation?"
  53. [2010-10-14 18::56:06] John_Kilanger: "It was... horrible. It seemed like terrors were everywhere. It would be incredibly hard to explain, other than I wish for it to never happen to me, or any of the other pilots again."
  54. [2010-10-14 18::57:32] Doink: "I see..." The figure is still for a moment. Then: "Did you notice anything odd about the behavior of any of your teammates during the fight?"
  55. [2010-10-14 18::58:43] John_Kilanger: "Nothing that I could tell, bedsides Mia's Eva locking up."
  56. [2010-10-14 18::58:50] John_Kilanger: Besides*
  57. [2010-10-14 19::01:16] Doink: "...Your Eva was critically damaged. Are you experiencing any phantom pain?"
  58. [2010-10-14 19::02:33] John_Kilanger: is still rubbing his scar* "...Maybe"
  59. [2010-10-14 19::04:38] Doink: "Do you feel as if there is something wrong with your forehead?"
  60. [2010-10-14 19::06:06] John_Kilanger: "Not really, but for some reason I just feel the need to rub the area around my scar."
  61. [2010-10-14 19::06:54] Doink: The figure is quiet for a moment.
  62. [2010-10-14 19::07:38] Doink: Then: "Thank you, Jonathan. Please leave through the door you came in. Someone is waiting there to take you back to your belongings."
  63. [2010-10-14 19::07:57] John_Kilanger: "Thank you"
  64. [2010-10-14 19::08:07] John_Kilanger: Quietly gets up and leaves
  65. [2010-10-14 19::12:22] Doink: Henri, likewise, is lead into an identical room and instructed to sit down.
  66. [2010-10-14 19::13:19] Henri_DEllaine: walks in, obviously tired, but with the practiced formality of more than his fair share of debriefings.
  67. [2010-10-14 19::14:16] Doink: As you sit, there is a flicker of light, and the same figure is projected into the chair across from you.
  68. [2010-10-14 19::14:33] Doink: "Good morning, Henri," it says.
  69. [2010-10-14 19::15:10] Henri_DEllaine: "Good morning," he responds flatly.
  70. [2010-10-14 19::16:52] Doink: "How are you feeling, Henri?" the voice asks.
  71. [2010-10-14 19::18:27] Henri_DEllaine: "Mostly just tired, Madame." He rubs his face for a second. "That... wasn't exactly a clean battle."
  72. [2010-10-14 19::19:58] Doink: "If you could, please describe the events of the battle to me in your own words, as you experienced it."
  73. [2010-10-14 19::27:06] Henri_DEllaine: Henri takes a breath and collects himself. "Kaz, Ruru, and... Mia positioned themselves along the beach. John and I went in to draw the target to them. John used a flare to bait it in, but as soon it was there it took a big gash out of John and disabled Mia. John started... hallucinating or something. Director Platonov managed to snap him out of it, but Unit 02 was too damaged to do anything but retreat. I managed a fair job of engaging
  74. [2010-10-14 19::27:06] Henri_DEllaine: give him cover, but the thing smashed my head open, too... The important thing is, John and I managed to push it up towards the surface. Kaz and Ruru took care of it from there."
  75. [2010-10-14 19::29:23] Doink: "You have been piloting your Eva for how many years now?" the voice asks, changing the subject abruptly.
  76. [2010-10-14 19::31:04] Henri_DEllaine: Taken off guard by the change in subject, Henri straightens up again. "A bout 5 years now, Madame.
  77. [2010-10-14 19::34:19] Doink: "Has piloting your Eva in combat changed your feelings towards piloting or your Eva in general?"
  78. [2010-10-14 19::37:29] Henri_DEllaine: "I'm not saying I enjoy being anywhere near... well, whatever the targets are, but it's what I'm here to do. It's what I've been trained to do. The only thing I miss is always having something to do or some test to run back in Unit 03 was in development. I miss sitting in the entry plug and not feeling like I was about to die."
  79. [2010-10-14 19::43:55] Doink: The figure is silent for a moment.
  80. [2010-10-14 19::44:23] Doink: Then: "Did you notice anything odd about the behavior of any of your teammates during the fight?"
  81. [2010-10-14 19::45:29] Henri_DEllaine: "Other than John wigging out after he got hit? No. And even then, I guess that wasn't that odd."
  82. [2010-10-14 19::47:00] Doink: The figure nods briefly.
  83. [2010-10-14 19::47:26] Doink: Then: "Thank you, Henri. Please leave through the door you came in. Someone is waiting there to take you back to your belongings."
  84. [2010-10-14 19::48:03] Henri_DEllaine: stands, casually salutes as he usually does, and exits the room. All he really wants right now is that cigarette and a bed to sleep in.
  85. [2010-10-14 19::48:33] Doink: welp, I guess that's everyone but Dmitiry then
  86. [2010-10-14 20::10:30] Kazimir_Prochazka: heads out from his room with his jacket on and his shoes hastily thrown over his feet, leaving his shoelaces to drag on the floorboards. In one hand is his lighter, the other is his quickly-dwindling pack of cigarettes.
  87. [2010-10-14 20::11:37] Kazimir_Prochazka: moving over to Henri's door first, gives it a harsh *thump*
  88. [2010-10-14 20::11:55] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Henri, meet you outside. Time to breathe in victory."
  89. [2010-10-14 20::13:15] Kazimir_Prochazka: then heads down the stairs with clumsy and loud thumps on the steps. Reaching John's door, he gives him a firm knock as well: "Hey, John. Victory cigarette and all that."
  90. [2010-10-14 20::13:56] Henri_DEllaine: gets out of bed, splashing some water on his face before throwing on a coat and shoes. Exiting his room, he passes Kaz with a "why did that thing have to show up so god damn early in the morning..."
  91. [2010-10-14 20::15:00] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Because we're supposed to save the world. So we better hurry up and kill ourselves now."
  92. [2010-10-14 20::15:16] John_Kilanger: , who had a pillow over his head, pulls it off to answer* "Be down in a sec"
  93. [2010-10-14 20::15:31] Kazimir_Prochazka: ends the sentence by handing Henri one of his cigarettes, and heads out the exit after shooting a glance back to John's door.
  94. [2010-10-14 20::16:13] Henri_DEllaine: waits outside for the other two and the lighter to get there, twiddling the cigarette in his hand.
  95. [2010-10-14 20::17:19] John_Kilanger: gets out of bed and runs his face, his hand lingering over his scar as he tries to stop from rubbing it, eventually he grabs his coat and heads downstairs
  96. [2010-10-14 20::17:37] Kazimir_Prochazka: waits a bit longer for John before giving up and walking briskly outside. Almost immediately as he leaves the doorframe, the lighter lit and setting the tip of the cigarette alite.
  97. [2010-10-14 20::17:56] Kazimir_Prochazka: then hands the lighter to Henri, pin-up girl side up.
  98. [2010-10-14 20::18:16] Kazimir_Prochazka: "For victory, this is a pretty bad mood I'm in."
  99. [2010-10-14 20::18:46] John_Kilanger: "Your telling me"
  100. [2010-10-14 20::18:53] Henri_DEllaine: "Merci." Henri lights the stick and hands the lighter back. After a short drag "It'd help if we knew what in the fuck we were fighting."
  101. [2010-10-14 20::19:48] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Big ugly things that still die from bullets. Emphasis on bullets. Hell, I'll turn them into swiss cheese yet Ruru still is outpacing us in kills."
  102. [2010-10-14 20::20:15] John_Kilanger: "I'm not exactly complaining about who kills them."
  103. [2010-10-14 20::20:20] Kazimir_Prochazka: gives way to a very sarcastic laugh.
  104. [2010-10-14 20::20:29] Henri_DEllaine: "Thats the way it works. John and I dance with it, you soften it up, and then Ruru cracks that sweet little hazelnut on the inside."
  105. [2010-10-14 20::21:04] John_Kilanger: "It's almost as if we were a team." *John smirks as he begins to rub his scar*
  106. [2010-10-14 20::21:33] Kazimir_Prochazka: "We are a team. That little shit from up top is not. I'm still trying to figure out WHY she's here in the first place."
  107. [2010-10-14 20::21:36] Henri_DEllaine: Laughing, takes another short drag. "If we weren't a team I think you and I'd be dead right now."
  108. [2010-10-14 20::21:45] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Probably."
  109. [2010-10-14 20::22:04] John_Kilanger: "Yeah..."
  110. [2010-10-14 20::22:19] Kazimir_Prochazka: gives his cigarette a small raise, and then speaks: "To good shots and idiots who wrestle with demons."
  111. [2010-10-14 20::22:35] Henri_DEllaine: At the mention of Mia, Henri's disposition gets more serious. "Don't count her out just yet... I mean, I'm sure she didn't mean to get disabled at the drop of a hat like that..."
  112. [2010-10-14 20::23:11] Kazimir_Prochazka: "She's useless. Bad blood. Clogged up comms and showed up out of no where to add to a winning team."
  113. [2010-10-14 20::23:14] John_Kilanger: 'Yeah, her Eva most likely just responded badly to the Monster."
  114. [2010-10-14 20::23:54] Kazimir_Prochazka: straightens a bit in a mock pose: "If you put a spoonful of shit into a barrel of pure water, the water is now undrinkable. Putting a spoonful of water into a barrel of shit yields the same result."
  115. [2010-10-14 20::24:03] Henri_DEllaine: "She did show us where it was. Kind of... Is that really all she did on the shore? Float around and talk?"
  116. [2010-10-14 20::24:24] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Roughly, yes. A stupid kid from an idiot father who can play with expensive toys."
  117. [2010-10-14 20::25:11] Kazimir_Prochazka: shakes his head, as if getting rid of bad mojo. "Whatever. I don't feel like talking about that."
  118. [2010-10-14 20::25:44] Kazimir_Prochazka: taking a long drag on his cigarette continues: "Hovno, I don't feel very victorious now."
  119. [2010-10-14 20::26:06] Henri_DEllaine: feels a spike to defend the two, but let's it pass. Some things are more important. "Cheer up, we caught a big one today, and we all made it out alive."
  120. [2010-10-14 20::27:12] Henri_DEllaine: "Let's just hope the next one shows up somewhere where we're not so seperated."
  121. [2010-10-14 20::29:10] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Hah, yes."
  122. [2010-10-14 20::29:44] John_Kilanger: I just don't want to go in water again
  123. [2010-10-14 20::31:21] Henri_DEllaine: reflexively shivers. "I can't argue with that..."
  124. [2010-10-14 20::32:29] Henri_DEllaine: "God... whoever thought our calling in life would be fighting giant monsters, though?"
  125. [2010-10-14 20::33:57] John_Kilanger: "Well, it's not like some of us had much choice."
  126. [2010-10-14 20::34:07] Kazimir_Prochazka: takes a drag on his cigarette at that.
  127. [2010-10-14 20::34:12] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Yeah. We didn't."
  128. [2010-10-14 20::35:29] Henri_DEllaine: takes a long drag, staring at the ground. "I don't really want to think about where I'd be if I didn't, though..."
  129. [2010-10-14 20::35:52] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Bored?"
  130. [2010-10-14 20::37:17] Henri_DEllaine: Finishing the cigarette, Henri drops it and grinds it into the dirt. "... yeah, maybe."
  131. [2010-10-14 20::38:53] Kazimir_Prochazka: finishes and flicks his off across the yard. "This was far more depressing than I thought itd be."
  132. [2010-10-14 20::39:23] John_Kilanger: "Well, hopefully school will cheer us up"
  133. [2010-10-14 20::40:19] Henri_DEllaine: Laughs, almost too loudly. "God, that's the last thing I want to go back to right now... so awkward and boring."
  134. [2010-10-14 20::40:47] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Hmmm...."
  135. [2010-10-14 20::41:42] John_Kilanger: I'd be a nice change of pace, instead of potentially losing our lives, we might lose our social status"
  136. [2010-10-14 20::42:38] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Only with Ruru."
  137. [2010-10-14 20::43:07] Henri_DEllaine: "I don't know, part of me just wants to hold up in the hanger until they let me go back to developing Unit 03 some more."
  138. [2010-10-14 20::43:27] Kazimir_Prochazka: "Then develop it yourself. What's stopping you?"
  139. [2010-10-14 20::43:38] Kazimir_Prochazka: then goes inside the hall again, heading off towards the kitchen.
  140. [2010-10-14 20::43:51] Doink: [SESSION END]
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