
One Shots

Jan 14th, 2014
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  1. >Day war with ponies in Equestria
  2. >Be Anon and standing atop a hill. Planting your flag into the ground, you look out at the town in the distance.
  3. "War were declared."
  4. >Inside the town, all the ponies hear a faint screaming that gets louder every second.
  5. >Finally you show up carrying your flag. Panting for a few, you pull out your sword and point it at everyone.
  6. "All right *pant* This town *gasp* belongs *cough* to me. Bring me your gold, and mares for fucking and collection. Not in that order."
  7. >A stallion walks over to you, "Now wait just a minute, we're not gonna just give you our..*PINCH*" You pinch him right in the snout, as he falls back and starts sniffling.
  8. "See? I didn't even break the cartilage and your crying like fat girl who ran out of ice cream."
  9. >" pinched me.."
  10. "And there'll be more if you dont bring me your gold and mares."
  11. >Off in Canterlot, a guard pony bursts through the doors as Celestia reads many papers from many towns, "Princess Celestia! There is a mad conqueror going from town to town seducing mares and taking worthless gold and jewels!"
  12. >"I know, I'm reading the reports. This calls for drastic action."
  13. >"Shall I send for Princess Twilight and the Rainbow Lesbian Coalition?"
  14. >"No." Her eyes narrow dramatically, "Call Princess Luna."
  15. >Back in town, you sit on your throne surrounded by mares who fan, feed, and rub your tired feet. Celestia comes down from the sky with her sister, "Anon the Barbarinon, you're time of evil ends now. Unhoof those innocent mares."
  16. "Hey, they offered. It was all consensual."
  17. >One of the mares looks back in tears, "I'm sorry Princess, but his alfalfa cubes were just too good!"
  18. >Getting up, you get limber and jump in place.
  19. "All right, time to pinch a bitch. C'mon Celly, you're mine."
  20. >Celestia's horn glows before encasing you in stone. The battle is over.
  21. >A few months later, she unstones you, "Now try to rehabilitate him Twilight."
  22. "I'm free again? Man, I love how the democrats are in power here."
  23. 2daygud
  25. >Be Luna, and be a chubby, cheeto chewing chewbaca in Equestria.
  26. >And today, be watching Anon from a cloud as he talks to Braeburn. Your cheeks get warm as blood rushes to your face.
  27. >Imagining all the perverted things those two could or would be doing. Your thoughts take you to a steamy sauna in the desert.
  28. >Braeburn fans his face with nothing but a towel around his well toned flank. Anon enters the room carrying a bucket with water, and a ladel.
  29. >Sitting down across from him, he scoops up some water, and pours it into the rocks.
  30. >Steam bellows out with a hiss as Braeburn smirks, and looks over at him, "Now why'd ya go an have tah do that fer?"
  31. "Hm?"
  32. >Braeburn runs a hoof into his mane, parting it from his face as he runs it along his ear in a sensual manner, "Its jus so dang hot in here, hope ya dont mind if ah.." Flicking off his towel, he exposes himself to Anon as he spreads his legs, letting him see everything, "get comfy."
  33. >Anon's stallionhood rises up as Braeburn slides closer to him, "Poor little guy mus be cramped in there, let me help him out."
  34. >Using his teeth, he bites down on the towel and pulls it away as Anon tries to cover his shame. "Aint no need tah be shy, we all got one, here, let me show ya mine."
  35. >Getting up he..
  36. "No wait."
  37. >Reality sets back in as Luna scribbles into her diary of fanfiction.
  38. "Anon would probably be the instigator, Braeburn is more of an old fashion country colt. Not the type t be so forward, or open. I'll just Magic+F their names and switch em around."
  39. >..sticks his throbbing erect member into Braeburn's face, letting it pulse, and thump as blood rushes into it.
  40. >He tries not to look, but finds himself drawn to this new, and exotic member.
  41. >Anon gently places his hoo..hand onto his head, and strokes his mane softly, "Its ok, give it a lick."
  42. >Braeburn reluctantly licks his shaft, starting from the..
  43. >"Luna, there you are my sister, what are you writing?" Celestia stands by you as you slam the book.
  44. "NOTHING!"
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