
Great Eggspectations, chapter 8

Dec 13th, 2013
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  1. Great Eggspectations, Chapter 8, by Natsume Ooe, Newspaper Club
  2. >burn after reading
  3. Lilly tried to hold in how nervous she was. "I-It's time, M-Misha! Th-They're coming!" Misha's mouth opened wide in shock. If it weren't for Lilly's quiet insistence they might have stayed there all day. "Y-you better take me to see Shizune."
  5. "Oh! Right! She'll want to be there!" Misha snapped to attention and wheeled the very pregnant Lilly at top speed down the hallway. "Coming through!"
  7. Every once in a while, Shizune looked vulnerable. She bit her nails, her eyes darted around the room, and she signed sharply and anxiously to no one in particular.
  9. [We're here, Shiichan! They're coming!] signed Misha, temporarily letting go of the wheelchair. Lucky for their future babies that Shizune stopped it gently. As was typical of Shizune, there was no time for chat. They took her into the room, set down a towel, and got down to waiting. It was all up to Lilly now.
  11. "Wah!" Lilly let out a tiny gasp. Her breathing became harder and close together. "Hhhrng!"
  13. "Come on, Sato-I mean Lilly! Push!"
  15. Lilly nodded silently. Her face was red and sweat trickled down the sides of her face. "HHHRRNG!"
  17. "One! The first one's coming out!" A small white orb began stretching the limits of Lilly's womanhood before...
  19. PLOP! The softball sized egg landed softly on the warm white towel.
  21. "It's beautiful! It's our first baby!" Misha signed so quickly that the words ran together as Lilly let out an exasperated sigh. "Whoa! Here comes number two!" PLOP! The second one came out quicker than the first. The transparent slime of the afterbirth began to ooze out of its own free will.
  23. "Two! Three...four!" Misha and Shizune were in tears. Lilly looked like she was about to pass out, but Shizune ran over and quickly grabbed her hand. "We love you, Lilly! We're so proud of you!"
  25. "RrrrrrrRRRAGH!" The uncharacteristic primal scream of Lilly Satou echoed down the hallway as six more healthy eggs emerged from her womb.
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