
Follow My Lead (ch3)

Sep 24th, 2018
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  3. I'm so glad a few people are enjoying this! I wrote all of this fic within just a few days, so I hope the writing remains somewhat consistent...
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ------------
  9. Chapter 3.
  11. Every time Claudine fell asleep with Maya at her side – which was more often than she could properly explain – she woke alone the next morning. It was both relieving and frustrating, and she wasn't quite sure which emotion outweighed the other.
  13. Since she'd taken out the costumes for practice, it had become a frequent occurrence that she and Maya would dress in the robes for their routines, and though Claudine always tried to make it a point to take it off before bed, there were evenings when she simply didn't care.
  15. Last night had been another one of those nights, because in the present moment, she wakes to find herself as she often has these past few weeks – alone and in the garb of a goddess. She'd just washed the costumes again yesterday, so at the very least she doesn't feel terribly guilty about making them smell.
  17. As she rises and stretches, she removes the outfit and folds it on the foot of her bed for later, should she feel inclined to wear it again after classes. She won't admit it, but she's beginning to look forward to the private practices with Maya even more so than her regularly-scheduled classes.
  19. She showers, regrettably washing away whatever touches and kisses Maya had left behind on her skin the night before. At this point she's kissed her just about everywhere except where it matters most. Her lips have remained untouched, not because Maya wants to avoid them, but because Claudine herself has yet to muster up the courage to let her.
  21. Maya has been awfully patient with her, perhaps to the point where Claudine might be starting to consider herself unfair. Just because Maya Tendo will quite literally wait for her forever doesn't mean Claudine should actually make her.
  23. It is a matter of the heart she's yet to be decisive on, but she makes a silent vow to get there sooner rather than later.
  25. Once her hair is dry and she's gotten dressed for the day, Claudine exits her bedroom, making sure to leave the rusted door slightly ajar, just in case.
  27. --------------
  29. She finds herself back at her room after classes have ended, grabbing the robes and heading for the dance studio like clockwork. She admittedly takes her time in getting there, which factors into why she shouldn't be surprised at what she finds.
  31. Maya is already inside, dressed in her counterpart outfit, executing every movement flawlessly as the music plays on. Claudine clicks her tongue, miffed that she's beaten her here, and swiftly heads to the changing room to grab her leotard. With it underneath the costume, she's still able to move flexibly and without being hindered too much by the heavier fabrics.
  33. She changes in a bit of a rush so as not to allow Maya too much satisfaction in getting here first, then hurries out into the studio.
  35. Maya is in the middle of a number, and rather than sit back and waste time waiting for it to finish, Claudine joins in, though is sure to keep her distance so as not to disturb. After all, Maya may infuriate her, but Claudine isn't rude enough to intrude on someone else's practice.
  37. But the instant Maya notices she has company, she purposefully maneuvers herself close to take hold of Claudine's hand. Claudine growls.
  39. "This isn't a duet."
  41. "Allow for a bit of improvisation."
  43. Claudine huffs but once again finds herself following Maya's lead through the movements.
  45. It's all very familiar by this point. She feels she should be used to the intimacy, but every time without fail feeling Maya's warmth against her chest causes her heart to backflip.
  47. It's just the same for Maya, though she would never show it as expressively as Claudine's telltale blushes do.
  49. They manage not to bicker for the remainder of the song, and almost as soon as it's over Claudine pulls herself free.
  51. "Well that was ridiculous."
  53. "Really? I think it worked out quite nicely."
  55. "Of course you do. It was your idea."
  57. They decide to do a little less dancing today, and instead do a bit of acting from Starlight. They've scarcely forgotten a single line of Flora's and Claire's since they'd last played them months ago and agree to test their memory of the words and movements.
  59. They first take up their respective roles, with Claudine playing Flora and Maya playing Claire. And just going through those lines again, immersing themselves in the world and story of the two star-crossed girls, brings a rush of emotion swelling up. Everything comes back to them so naturally, as if they'd only just performed yesterday.
  61. They pause in between scenes to discuss each one, and to offer words of praise or advice.
  63. They go through just about the entire play in this manner, at least any scenes with their roles present, be it separately or together.
  65. After one performance is finished, they enjoy a brief break, and then try again but with reversed roles this time. Maya offers advice on how to better bring Claire's anguish to life, and Claudine gives her pointers about how to better express Flora's grief.
  67. They spend hours on it this evening, and though it isn't all dance and song, it's still rather exhausting.
  69. Only when the sunlight begins to slant and fade from the windows do they begin slowing down. When they've finished the final tragic scene in their reversed roles, Claudine waits a moment before pushing herself to her feet and retreating to her water bottle.
  71. "My throat is dry from all that shouting," she grunts. "It's much easier on stage where everything echoes."
  73. "You did well," Maya praises, joining her for the water break.
  75. "As did you," Claudine smirks.
  77. They both drink and stretch out a little.
  79. "Care for one last dance?" Maya asks.
  81. Claudine doesn't miss a beat, as though she's been expecting the offer.
  83. "Oh, I suppose."
  85. "Shall we stretch first?"
  87. "We've been stretching all day. Let's just dance."
  89. Since it was Maya's proposal, she offers her hand, and Claudine is only slightly offended to accept it.
  91. There's no music to guide them this time, so Maya naturally pulls Claudine into the movements. Claudine recognizes the piece by the first several steps, even without the tune to accompany it. She falls right into step with her, for once not trying to take control. She's been in a rather good mood today, for one reason or another.
  93. And seeing Claudine in high spirits has Maya just the same.
  95. After Maya twirls her, Claudine returns the favor. No matter how many times she watches her, she's still amazed by the smoothness of Maya's motions and the flow of her hair as though it were the first time. Maya has lost none of her skill or beauty since they'd first met. She's only gained in both departments.
  97. Claudine quickly snaps her mind out of such dangerous territory and focuses on the dance.
  99. She transitions into a part where she circles Maya, and Maya follows from a stationary point while holding her hand.
  101. After a few more sequences, the dance is nearing its end. When they're close again, Maya curls her arm around Claudine's back in preparation for a dip.
  103. But some misstep – and she isn't certain whose – causes an awkward tug at the edge of her robe. It snags Maya's ankle, and with a gasp she feels everything shifting. Claudine's slight yelp indicates she realizes it too.
  105. In a split second Maya is able to judge that she's falling forward into her partner. As gravity takes them down, Maya does everything within her power to pull Claudine sideways so that she lands on top.
  107. The descent, and then the landing.
  109. Maya hits the floor first and Claudine sputters on top of her. Both lose a bit of breath for a moment as their dance comes to an unfortunate halt.
  111. Maya is simply glad that she'd accomplished the feat of falling first to cushion Claudine. She still has both arms around her securely and has no intentions of letting go just yet. Claudine's weight is a comfortable pressure, one she wouldn't mind feeling more often.
  113. The reality of the blunder settles in as their breath gradually comes back to them. Maya stares up at the ceiling for a moment until she can feel Claudine's tense shoulders loosen.
  115. "Are you all right?"
  117. Claudine snaps her head up.
  119. "What right do you have to ask me that? You're the one on the floor!"
  121. Maya smiles. That means she's all right.
  123. "I'm fine," she assures. "More than fine, actually," she adds with a hint of mischief in her eyes.
  125. Claudine turns pink and tries to push herself off.
  127. "You're unbelievable!"
  129. Maya laughs, refusing to let her up just yet. Instead she rolls them over, gently pinning Claudine beneath her now. The silvery-blonde curls fan out around her reddened face, clothes ruffled and loose. Maya can barely resist. Claudine glares up at her.
  131. "You're the worst."
  133. "I know."
  135. Maya leans forward, not letting her mouth get nearer to Claudine's than it needs to. She rests her forehead lightly against hers and doesn't say a thing.
  137. She hears the disgruntled huff from beneath her, but Claudine doesn't shove her off. Not right away, at least. But after soaking it in for a moment, Maya feels a light push against her chest.
  139. "So sorry to disrupt your little nap, but do you mind?"
  141. "Staying? Not at all."
  143. "Get off me."
  145. Maya chuckles and finally relents. She moves herself to the side, freeing Claudine from the straddle and allowing her to scramble to her feet to dust off her clothes.
  147. "Honestly! What a finale!"
  149. Maya keeps her musings to herself for once and gets to her feet.
  151. And then she's back on her knees, sucking in a sharp inhale.
  153. Claudine immediately whirls to face her, her features instantly creased with concern.
  155. "Maya? What's the matter?" She drops down beside her, hands reaching out, but too nervous to make contact.
  157. Maya shakes her head slowly to tell her it isn't serious. There's a heated sting pulsing in her left ankle after she'd tried to put weight on it.
  159. "My ankle. I think it's a bit sprained."
  161. "What?!" Claudine all but shrieks the word, and for good reason. In all her months here at the academy, she's never heard of Maya Tendo suffering any kind of injury. She didn't get hurt. She didn't make mistakes.
  163. If anything, the reality of the moment reminds Claudine that even Maya is tragically human. She's at a loss, utterly dumbfounded at the news.
  165. "A-Are you sure?"
  167. In spite of the slight pain, Maya gives her a smile.
  169. "Fairly, yes."
  171. Without a doubt, Claudine is infinitely more disturbed about the situation than Maya is. She's gripped by a jittery panic, anxious to solve it.
  173. "I-I'll call the nurse-"
  175. "There's no need. So long as I give it ice and stay off of it for a day or two, I'll be just fine. That's all the nurse will tell me to do, anyway."
  177. "But what if it's serious?"
  179. "It isn't. I promise."
  181. And she isn't just saying that to make Claudine feel better. Like any dancer and performer, Maya has suffered her fair share of swollen ankles in her years, in spite of her flawless health record at this academy. She can tell it isn't severe at all, just a minor sprain at best, and her proposed treatment will definitely do the trick.
  183. It's still exceedingly endearing how upset Claudine is about it, though. Her eyes flash over Maya's awkward ankle, and she bites her lip.
  185. "It's because we didn't stretch, isn't it? It's because I said we didn't need to-"
  187. "That isn't it. I think it was the robe."
  189. "Which was also my idea."
  191. Maya swallows back a curse. She'd been trying not to let Claudine blame herself.
  193. "It will be fine. Don't worry."
  195. "Don't tell me what to do, you insufferable woman." Claudine then turns around in her crouch, giving Maya her back. "Now get on."
  197. "...Pardon?"
  199. "You heard me! I'll carry you back to your room like you did for me."
  201. Maya isn't sure if she should laugh or cry, both of which would be out of joy and appreciation for the offer.
  203. "I don't think-"
  205. "I don't think you are in a position to be protesting right now! So hurry up before I change my mind!"
  207. Maya knows she will regret it for the rest of her life if she passed up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So with the smile ever-present, she reaches out both arms to wrap them around Claudine's neck and shoulders.
  209. Her face is met with a soft cascade of curls, and the faint scene of cherry blossom shampoo and perfume drifts up to meet her. Maya inches closer and hugs herself fully to her back.
  211. Claudine's heart jolts at the soft warmth and she just has to pray Maya can't feel it.
  213. Maya eases her knees into position at each of Claudine's sides, leaning gingerly forward. Claudine reaches back to get a firm grip on her thighs, being mindful of her ankle.
  215. There's a moment of pause as Maya leans over her, and she begins to entertain thoughts of calling this off after all. But Claudine has already decided, and she knows better than anyone there's no changing her stubborn mind once it's been made up.
  217. "Hold on," she murmurs. "If it hurts then tell me. Are you ready?"
  219. "Yes."
  221. "Okay."
  223. Claudine braces herself. She's never been particularly physically-gifted, but she knows she can handle this much.
  225. Besides, she'd never let anyone else be seen with Maya like this, so it absolutely has to be her. As her partner, it's the least she can do.
  227. "It's the least I can do..." she coaches herself.
  229. And with this she staggers to her feet with a grunt, taking Maya with her.
  231. Maya trusts her, but that doesn't stop her from worrying. She can hear the little noises of effort Claudine makes and feels the sway in her balance. But before long, Claudine has righted herself and her stance as much as possible until everything is steady. Maya peeks over the girl's shoulder, able to glimpse only the pink of her cheek.
  233. "Are you all right?"
  235. "That's my line."
  237. With this Claudine begins to walk, setting an understandably slow pace for the doorway.
  239. Once she's gotten her rhythm set, Maya opts to relax, resting her chin on the girl's shoulder. The scent of cherry blossoms wreathes around her more strongly than before, and a lovely warmth spreads across her chest and stomach.
  241. And it's not only from their physical closeness, but also too because of Claudine's concern and care for her. No matter how short-tempered she can appear to be at times, her heart is pure and gentle.
  243. Maya knows the journey to the dorms will be over before she knows it, so she closes her eyes and enjoys the moment, once again taking advantage of the situation. Heaven forgive her.
  245. Claudine says nothing the entire way, choosing to focus on the task at hand and save the speech for later.
  247. But when she reaches the hallway to lead them to the dorms, she comes face to face with an obstacle. The bedrooms are on the second floor, up a staircase of twelve steps. Claudine comes to a halt at the bottom to catch her breath.
  249. The change in condition has Maya opening her eyes to the dilemma. She pulls herself away a little, tightening her grip around Claudine's collar to hold her back.
  251. "Claudine-"
  253. "I don't know if I can get you up there like this."
  255. "Yes, please don't. You can let me down."
  257. "Are you sure?"
  259. "Quite."
  261. Maya had gotten too caught up in her free ride as the passenger, she'd neglected to think of Claudine. No doubt the walk back had been tiring for her, and Maya isn't about to risk a flight of steps like this, for either of their sakes.
  263. So Claudine lowers herself into a crouch and lets Maya off, then stands up right away to help support her again.
  265. "Give me your hand." Claudine leaves no room for argument and offers her palm, bracing her free hand across Maya's back to her hip. Maya could never refuse an offer like that, and so she accepts the hand, draping her arm across Claudine's shoulders.
  267. "Take it slowly," Claudine mutters. "Don't push yourself."
  269. Just the sentiment alone warms Maya's heart. She nods.
  271. They take their time in besting the steps. Claudine uses all of her strength to support Maya in every way she can, even when it isn't entirely necessary. Maya finds she has enough balance to comfortably stand on her right foot, but just about any contact with the left causes pain. Claudine notices her testing her weight on it and immediately scolds her.
  273. "Well don't lean on it!" She quickly tugs Maya's arm more firmly across her own shoulders. Maya willingly leans a bit of her weight onto her, but only as much as she needs to. She holds onto the railing with her free hand to lessen Claudine's burden.
  275. Slowly but surely, they make their way up until they've reached the top.
  277. From there it's only a few hobbled paces down the hallway until they reach Maya's door. She unlocks it herself and Claudine leads her in toward the bed. It's with a sigh that she sits down beside her there, but as soon as she's sure Maya is steady Claudine is on her feet again.
  279. "I'll get some ice." She doesn't wait for a response and is already out the door before Maya can get a word in.
  281. Maya fondly watches her go, then helps herself fully onto the bed. She removes her shoes and lets them drop to the floor, then pulls both legs up onto the mattress. She lifts the pillows up and leans back against the biggest one, placing the other beneath her left calf. A slight swelling and redness is visible on her ankle, but it really isn't much.
  283. Moments later, Claudine returns with a bag of ice wrapped in a hand towel and gets to reprimanding.
  285. "You moved on your own? Why didn't you wait for me?"
  287. "It's all right."
  289. More grumbling, and Claudine comes back to the bed, gently resting the ice over Maya's ankle. Right away the soreness is numbed and her entire leg feels better already. Maya lets out a sigh and leans back comfortably.
  291. "Thank you."
  293. "It's the least I can do."
  295. "You keep saying that, but this wasn't your fault."
  297. "You keep saying that, but it was." She glances at the clock on the bedside table and frowns. "It's late. I should get going. Unless you need me to stay...?"
  299. Was it an offer or a request? Maya can't really decide, and not even Claudine herself knows. Either way, Maya has the perfect response.
  301. "The ankle will be fine, but I wouldn't mind the company."
  303. Letting Claudine stay seems to take an intangible weight off the blonde girl's shoulders. Maya knows if she'd let her go back to her own room tonight she'd do nothing but lament all this. And then Maya would spend the night regretting as well.
  305. A mutual glance at the door confirms it's locked. Maya nods to the space beside her. Claudine fills it.
  307. She helps Maya lie down onto her back now to prepare for bed. Given the circumstances, they'll have to go to bed without brushing their teeth, which always makes Claudine shudder and then brush for an extra five minutes the following morning.
  309. "We're sleeping in these again," she says, wrinkling her nose with a glance down at the robes. "We dance and sweat in these things and then fall asleep in them. It's quite unbecoming."
  311. "If bothers you that much, you're more than welcome to join me for a shower in the morning."
  313. "Very funny. Now shut up and go to sleep." Claudine plops down onto her side facing her, curling both hands up at her chest like a puppy.
  315. Maya turns her head to watch her, and she can tell Claudine is still upset about all this. Maya lifts her arm and lays it gently down Claudine's back, coaxing her in to her side. With a contrasting huff, Claudine snuggles close.
  317. Maya plays with her hair for a while, but knows she isn't asleep yet. She can feel Claudine fiddling with the fabrics of her robe.
  319. "Is something the matter?" Maya inquires.
  321. Claudine stops moving her hands.
  323. "I'm sorry."
  325. "You don't have to be." Maya dips her head down to kiss the top of Claudine's head. Claudine sighs again, and seems to accept the answer. With that she closes her eyes and mutters into Maya's clothes.
  327. "Bonne nuit."
  329. Maya feels a tingle in her chest.
  331. "Bonne nuit, Ma Claudine."
  333. Falling asleep together has become more common than sleeping alone properly in their own rooms at this point.
  335. Maya knows it's only a matter of time before they're found out.
  337. But when they're this far gone, not even exposure will stop them.
  339. Nothing will.
  341. Nothing.
  343. ------------
  345. A/N: It didn't feel fair having Maya take care of Claudine without returning the favor.
  347. Next chapter is... well, you'll see. Brace yourselves!
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