
Self-Satisfaction, Epilogue [Fluttershy X Butterscotch]

Oct 15th, 2014
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  1. >You are Wildflower
  2. >And you currently find yourself sitting in one of the myriad chambers in Princess Twilight's castle
  3. >More specifically, the one with a giant, glowing arrow-shaped rift on the wall
  4. >Patiently, you stand and watch as a glimmering stream of golden particles flows through the portal and into the chamber
  5. >Swirling about in the fog of magic now filling the room, they coalesce at the centre of the magic circles inscribed upon the floor
  6. >Bending and warping under the influence of the Princess of Friendship's magic, the glowing glob of matter before you starts to take on a familiar, pony-like form
  7. >But not just anypony's form
  8. >To you, this was the most important stallion in the world
  9. >Even if he was technically only in this world for a fleeting moment every year or two
  10. >Looking to your left, you see your mother staring as your father's features start to truly come into view
  11. >Anxiously, she passes her hooves through her mane in a last-minute attempt to tidy herself, her flowing pink locks falling perfectly into place as she does so
  12. >Turning to you for a second, her eyes shift nervously. "Do... do I look okay?"
  13. "You look fine, mom."
  14. >"Thank you," she murmurs in response, breathing a sigh of relief
  15. >As the two of you look back towards Butterscotch's emerging shape, you see the reconstruction process is almost complete
  16. >Instinctively, you gallop forward, throwing a hoof beneath him just in time to arrest his collapse
  17. >You gently ease him down to the floor before stepping back, giving him some much-needed space to recover
  18. >"Ugh..." The stallion blinks his eyes, his gaze wandering about the room
  19. >Groaning, he presses a hoof against his temple
  20. >"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this," he grumbles, shaking his head
  21. >Placing his forelimbs in front of himself, your father attempts to bring himself to his feet
  22. >Halfway, up, though, his body freezes
  23. >Your father's eyes shoot open as his pupils narrow to pinpricks, a grunt of pain barely passing his lips in the same instant
  25. "Hey, Dad? You alright!?"
  26. >Worriedly, you approach him again, standing a foot or so away
  27. >Your mother joins you, equally concerned. "Are you okay? Do you... need a hoof getting up?"
  28. >"No, it's okay," he insists, taking a deep breath to brace himself. "I'm fine..."
  29. >As he says this, however, his right leg gives way, forcing your father to ease himself back onto the ground
  30. >"On second thought," he finally admits, sheepish, "maybe... um, that is, if you two wouldn't mind..."
  31. >Rolling your eyes, you move in, planting yourself sturdily as you offer a hoof to your father
  32. >As he hooks his own around yours, you effortlessly hoist him upright
  33. >Stretching his neck, your father takes a moment to get a good look at the two of you
  34. >"Hello, Wildflower," he says, releasing your hoof before turning to face your mom. "And Fluttershy..."
  35. >A broad smile crosses his face as he takes a step towards her
  36. >"How have you both been?"
  37. >Your mother silently moves forward in response, nuzzling him deeply
  38. >She hums contentedly as she gently shuffles her neck, getting into the perfect position
  39. >"Oh, Butters," she whispers, running a hoof through his now grey-tainted mane, "I missed you."
  40. >You throw your hooves around your parents' necks, hugging them both
  41. >Though initially jarred by the strength of your grip, they quickly relax, chuckling in perfect synch
  42. >As you hug them, however, you find something poking into your side
  43. >Pulling away, you look down to find a familiar-looking wooden stick poking out of your father's saddlebags
  44. "Is that...?"
  45. >"Hm?" Your parents pull away from one-another as your murmurings reach your dad's ears. "What's the matter, Wildflower?"
  46. >Ignoring his question, you reach around with your tail, grasping the wooden shaft before smoothly drawing it out of your father's saddlebags
  47. >One good look at it is all it takes to confirm your suspicions
  48. "Dad, you..."
  49. >Taking a deep breath, you feel the weight of the battered, aging toy sword in your tail
  51. "You're... still carrying this old thing around?"
  52. >"Well, yes," your father answers meekly, his gaze fixing itself upon your old blade. "Though, um, to be fair," he adds, cracking a slight grin, "it -was- a gift from a very special young lady."
  53. >A blush grows upon your face as you plant your face squarely into your hoof
  54. "Daaaaad..."
  55. >Your eyes shift, catching a glimpse of Princess Twilight herself standing near the portal
  56. >Though she appears to be in some kind of meditative trance, you're fairly certain she's fully aware of everything happening around her right now
  57. "Not in front of the Princess...!"
  58. >Suppressing a giggle, your mother trots over to you
  59. >She places a hoof upon your shoulder as she smiles warmly at you
  60. >"It's okay, Flower," she quietly assures you. "Your father loves you very much. That's nothing to be ashamed of."
  61. "I... I know, but..."
  62. >Defeated, you sigh, shaking your head
  63. >You opt to silently examine the old toy, bringing it before your muzzle for a closer look
  64. >Twisting it about a few times, you re-familiarise yourself with the blade's balance and handling
  65. >Your mother steps back, taking a position beside your father as you give the sword a quick overhead swing
  67. >As the blade comes down, the shade of a long-forgotten memory passes through your mind
  68. >You find yourself not in Princess Twilight's castle, but perched precariously atop a cliff
  69. >From the skies above, a trio of Changelings charge straight for you
  70. >Deftly, you dodge the first, leaping up before coming down hard on its back with a plunging stab
  71. >Drawing your blade out, you roll forwards to dodge the other two
  72. >As you turn back to face them, the first of the remaining pair charges straight for you, horn-first
  73. >You instinctively parry to the right, following up with a hard leftward counter-swing
  74. >Cold steel meets chitin as the demon's head is cleaved from its shoulders
  75. >Ruthlessly, you charge your final foe, your blade held high
  76. >Bringing the weapon down, however, it meets nothing but thin air as the illusory Changeling fades to nothing
  77. >In that same second, you hear malevolent cackling from behind
  78. >You turn your head just in time to see the monster plant a hoof into your backside, toppling you straight over the cliff's edge
  79. >Screaming as you fall, your sword slips from your grasp, plunging into the abyss below
  80. >Just as it seems your time has come to an end, though, your head slams not into stone, but something much softer
  81. >Not to mention more feathery
  83. >Opening your eyes, you find yourself perched upon the back of a great gold-and-pink eagle
  84. >A second eagle emerges soon after, flying in formation with the first
  85. >As the two colossal birds glide towards the bottom of the cliff, however, things begin to change
  86. >The cliffs at your back shrink down, adopting a distinctly stairway-like appearance
  87. >The surface of the chasm bottom shifts from hardened earth to wooden floorboards
  88. >And the eagles carrying you to safety certainly look a lot more like your parents than they did before
  89. >Smiling, you relax as you feel the warm, comforting embrace of their hooves and wings
  90. >Suddenly, however, you're jolted by the familiar voice of your mother
  91. >"Wildflower," she softly calls. Looking up to the face of the mare embracing you, her lips remain still as the voice sounds out again. "Wildflower?"
  92. >Realising the voice is coming from behind, you immediately snap out of your little nostalgia trip
  93. >You look up from the floor back towards your parents, curiously looking on as you get yourself sorted
  95. >Blushing intensely at how strange you imagine you must have looked, you pick up the wooden blade from the floor
  96. >You approach your father, slipping the sword back into his bag before hugging him tightly once more
  97. "Welcome home, dad."
  98. >Your mother joins you shortly afterwards, completing the family hug
  99. >After half a minute, however, she pulls away
  100. >Craning your neck over, you see a concerned expression cross her face
  101. >"Um, I..." Anxiously, her eyes shift towards the main door. "I... just kind of remembered."
  102. >"Hm?" Curious, your father raises an eyebrow. "Remembered what, dear?"
  103. >"Well," she expains, tapping one hoof against the other upon the ground, "it's just, well, dinner's getting cold."
  104. >"Dinner...?"
  105. "Oh, right!"
  106. >Excitedly, you clap your hooves together
  107. "Mom made dinner for us."
  108. >"Eggplant pasta bake," she elaborates, gesturing for you and dad to follow her out towards the dining hall. "Your favourite."
  109. >A goofy grin spreads across your father's face as the two of you start to trot towards the door
  110. >However, before the three of you leave, your parents simultaneously stop in their tracks
  111. >You do likewise a second later, watching their faces
  112. >Exchanging a series of strange glances, your mother and father manage to have an entirely silent conversation
  113. >Though you've seen this more than a few times before by this point, this little trick of theirs still puzzled you
  114. >Eventually, Fluttershy concludes the exchange with a simple nod before turning towards the still-meditating Princess
  115. >"Twilight, Spike," she calls out softly. "Um... would you two like to join us for dinner?"
  117. >Unflinching, the Princess remains in her trance, seemingly unresponsive for the first few seconds
  118. >Then, without warning, her eyes shoot open
  119. >With the strange glow signifying her connection to the Arrowverse fading, her pupils become visible once more
  120. >"Of course," she answers, smiling. She turns her head towards the lanky, teenaged dragon laying down in the corner. "Spike?"
  121. >Jolted out of his focus on his Power Ponies comic book, the Princess's number-one assistant shoots up, bolt-upright
  122. >"Huh? What was that, Twilight," Spike asks, disoriented
  123. >"Fluttershy invited us to dinner. Are you coming?"
  124. >"Well..." Spike trails off as he idly fiddles with his claws, his eyes wandering down to the comic book now laying on the floor
  125. >Before the dragon can politely decline, however, his stomach answers for him with an ear-rending growl
  126. >Letting out a few awkward laughs, Spike shakes his head in defeat. "Sure, Twilight," he answers, forcing himself to his feet
  127. >Together, the Princess and her dragon assistant approach your family, towering head and shoulders above the three of you
  129. >Exiting, the five of you trot down the hallway at a decent clip
  130. >Your father's not going to be around for long, after all, and you and your mother plan to make the best of what time you do have
  131. >As the Princess leads the group into taking a left through the maze-like corridors, she cranes her head back towards your mother
  132. >"Oh, Fluttershy," she says nonchalantly, "I hope you baked enough for six."
  133. >Blinking in surprise, your mother looks at the Princess quizzically. "Yes, I think so," she answers. "But... why? If it's okay to ask, I mean."
  134. >"Oh, it's nothing much," Twilight assures her, smiling. "Dusk just wanted Butterscotch to take some leftovers back for him."
  135. >Your father stifles a laugh. "Well, he did seem pretty hungry earlier..." He sidles up to your mother, casting a wing over her shoulders. "We should have enough, shouldn't we dear?"
  136. >"Of course," she whispers, snuggling into the stallion's side as the two trot in lockstep. "I made enough seconds for everypony."
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