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Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. [01:24] * cyberizedMeister has started espering culminateCarnivore
  2. [01:24] <cyberizedMeister> Greetings!
  3. [01:25] <culminateCarnivore> Hello---❥ I don't know you---❥
  4. [01:25] <culminateCarnivore> How do people keep getting my handle---❥
  5. [01:25] <cyberizedMeister> I do not know you either!
  6. [01:26] <cyberizedMeister> Science!
  7. [01:26] <cyberizedMeister> That, or redirection.
  8. [01:27] <culminateCarnivore> I see---❥ And what redirection would that be---❥
  9. [01:28] <cyberizedMeister> My client has advised me against revealing his identity.
  10. [01:29] <culminateCarnivore> Well that isn't suspicious at all---❥ And what would you and your "client" want with me---❥
  11. [01:32] <culminateCarnivore> And so shy, suddenly---❥
  12. [01:32] <culminateCarnivore> Go ahead, spit it out---❥
  13. [01:33] <cyberizedMeister> I will procced to say that the client is always right.
  14. [01:34] <culminateCarnivore> Is he---❥ Well then your client must be near omniscient---❥
  15. [01:35] <culminateCarnivore> Again, I'd ask what such an obviously intelligent person would want with me---❥ After all, they must know that I am a person who enjoys her privacy---❥
  16. [01:35] <cyberizedMeister> Okay, fine.
  17. [01:36] <cyberizedMeister> His last name is Sirius.
  18. [01:36] <culminateCarnivore> Oh---❥ Harken---❥
  19. [01:36] <culminateCarnivore> Well, I take back all I just said about intelligence---❥
  20. [01:36] <culminateCarnivore> How can I help you---❥
  21. [01:37] <cyberizedMeister> Well, he gave me your handle.
  22. [01:37] <culminateCarnivore> I see---❥
  23. [01:38] <culminateCarnivore> Is there any particular reason he did so---❥ Or does he simply wish to add new blood to our bafflingly incestuous network of acquaintances---❥
  24. [01:40] <cyberizedMeister> Presumably the latter.
  25. [01:40] <culminateCarnivore> Well I suppose I can't fault him for that---❥
  26. [01:41] <culminateCarnivore> Greetings, then, unfortunate new acquaintance of Harken Sirius, annoyance personified---❥
  27. [01:41] <culminateCarnivore> I am Innana---❥ As you may well already know---❥
  28. [01:42] <cyberizedMeister> Yes, Harken told me about you.
  29. [01:42] <cyberizedMeister> A bit.
  30. [01:42] <culminateCarnivore> DID he---❥
  31. [01:42] <culminateCarnivore> Oh, this should be good---❥
  32. [01:43] <culminateCarnivore> Go on, what did he tell you---❥
  33. [01:44] <cyberizedMeister> He said something along the lines of 'a touchy subject in her book'.
  34. [01:44] <culminateCarnivore> What is---❥
  35. [01:45] <cyberizedMeister> Harken.
  36. [01:45] <culminateCarnivore> Ah---❥
  37. [01:47] <culminateCarnivore> Yes, well, he enjoys inflating his own importance---❥ As of right now, he's generally safe from any ire he wouldn't enjoy---❥
  38. [01:47] <culminateCarnivore> So, then, new acquaintance---❥Tell me of yourself---❥
  39. [01:50] <cyberizedMeister> Ceran Amecahrt.
  40. [01:50] <cyberizedMeister> Age 14.
  41. [01:50] <culminateCarnivore> Hm---❥ Human then---❥
  42. [01:50] <culminateCarnivore> At least I assume---❥
  43. [01:51] <cyberizedMeister> Yes, I am human!
  44. [01:51] <cyberizedMeister> Anyway, where was I?
  45. [01:51] <cyberizedMeister> Blood type AB.
  46. [01:52] <culminateCarnivore> Interesting---❥ I was under the impression humans didn't consider blood caste to be of importance---❥ Considering you all share the same color---❥
  47. [01:54] <cyberizedMeister> I like playing the synthesizer.
  48. [01:54] <cyberizedMeister> I am skilled in engineering.
  49. [01:54] <cyberizedMeister> And I have three prosthetic limbs!
  50. [01:55] <culminateCarnivore> Oh really---❥ That's quite interesting actually---❥
  51. [01:55] <culminateCarnivore> If you are skilled in engineering, did you build them yourself---❥
  52. [01:57] <cyberizedMeister> No, a relative of mine did.
  53. [01:58] <culminateCarnivore> A relative---❥
  54. [02:00] <cyberizedMeister> Yes.
  55. [02:00] <culminateCarnivore> What do you mean by that---❥
  56. [02:02] <cyberizedMeister> My grandfather!
  57. [02:02] <cyberizedMeister> He's a skilled prosthesist.
  58. [02:05] <culminateCarnivore> Your what---❥
  59. [02:07] <culminateCarnivore> Do you mean, a broodmate---❥ Except... whatever humans have in place of them---❥ Considering that you are not hatched---❥
  60. [02:09] <cyberizedMeister> I have no idea what you are talking about.
  61. [02:09] <culminateCarnivore> Hm---❥ Clash of cultures, I guess---❥
  62. [02:10] <culminateCarnivore> A broodmate is... it's someone with whom you're born---❥
  63. [02:10] <culminateCarnivore> And who you spend the first stage of life with---❥
  64. [02:10] <cyberizedMeister> Ah, so like a guardian of sorts.
  65. [02:11] <culminateCarnivore> No, your broodmates are your peers---❥
  66. [02:11] <culminateCarnivore> Are humans genetically related to their own guardians---❥
  67. [02:11] <cyberizedMeister> Yes.
  68. [02:12] <cyberizedMeister> Either that, or they are adopted.
  69. [02:12] <culminateCarnivore> How interesting---❥
  70. [02:12] <culminateCarnivore> Would you say that a grandfather is the same age as you---❥ Or older or younger---❥
  71. [02:13] <cyberizedMeister> Much, much older.
  72. [02:15] <culminateCarnivore> Why, that implies you received your prosthetics from your own ancestor---❥ Humans must be a startlingly long-lived species---❥ Especially if you are already 14---❥
  73. [02:18] <cyberizedMeister> 14 years isn't that long.
  74. [02:18] <cyberizedMeister> Or perhaps...
  75. [02:24] <cyberizedMeister> You talk as if you're not a human.
  76. [02:26] <culminateCarnivore> Ha---❥ Harken didn't do a run down of the basics, did he---❥
  77. [02:27] <culminateCarnivore> No, Ceran, I am not human---❥ Nor is Harken, nor Winona, should he have introduced you to her as well---❥
  78. [02:27] <culminateCarnivore> I am a troll---❥
  79. [02:27] <culminateCarnivore> ---------------❥
  80. [02:27] <culminateCarnivore> Though wait, you have an image in mind for that word already---❥
  81. [02:28] <culminateCarnivore> We do not resemble what humans consider when they think of a troll---❥ Our hair is not that unfortunate---❥ Usually---❥
  82. [02:29] <cyberizedMeister> What is a troll?
  83. [02:30] <culminateCarnivore> The short story is we are aliens---❥ Though Noah has said he believes we don't even exist in the same universe, but potentially ones that are simply crossing in unison with each other---❥
  84. [02:32] <culminateCarnivore> We look fairly similar to humans according to pictures I've seen, except your skin runs the gamut from pale pink to brown, while ours is grey---❥ And you seem to lack horns---❥
  85. [02:32] <culminateCarnivore> Oh, and apparently you all share red blood---❥
  86. [02:33] <cyberizedMeister> Fascinating!
  87. [02:34] <cyberizedMeister> I've never thought of the existence of an extraterrestrial species, or even to an extent, one outside our own universe!
  88. [02:35] <cyberizedMeister> Sensational! ヽ(゚〇゚)ノ
  89. [02:36] <culminateCarnivore> Really---❥ Trolls are well aware of the existence of life on foreign planets---❥ Though... our awareness does tend toward the empirical, so I am glad that your planet has been spared---❥
  90. [02:37] <cyberizedMeister> Ah, monarchy.
  91. [02:37] <cyberizedMeister> But I have to ask; Our planets are on different universes, am I right?
  92. [02:38] <culminateCarnivore> That's Noah's best guess so far---❥ Admittedly interdimensional magic has never been my strong suit---❥ I trust their judgement though---❥
  93. [02:39] <cyberizedMeister> Then your... ruler, for a lack of a better term, wouldn't know about our homeworld.
  94. [02:39] <culminateCarnivore> You should speak to Noah, as well as Vera---❥ They are also humans, but I'm assured you'll find their companionship incredibly rewarding---❥
  95. [02:39] <culminateCarnivore> And no; if the Empress knew of your planet, you would already be enslaved---❥
  96. [02:40] <cyberizedMeister> I'll take your advice for it. I have not had friends in a long while!
  97. [02:40] <cyberizedMeister> The Empress....
  98. [02:40] <cyberizedMeister> Hmm, your planet's culture does sound grueling.
  99. [02:41] <culminateCarnivore> It has its less palatable points yes---❥ As I'm sure does yours---❥
  100. [02:41] <cyberizedMeister> A monarchy taking advantage of slaves? I can only stand and shudder.
  101. [02:42] <culminateCarnivore> I for one don't condone the practice---❥ It's a terrible waste of resources---❥ The Empress cares little for the true interests and talents of trolls or aliens---❥
  102. [02:43] <culminateCarnivore> For example, Noah is exceptional in magical knowledge and Vera is---❥
  103. [02:43] <culminateCarnivore> Well, in a word, adorable---❥ Or perhaps she would prefer "punchy"
  104. [02:44] <culminateCarnivore> And yet the status quo would likely assign each of them to similar drudgery---❥
  105. [02:44] <cyberizedMeister> I, personally, would prefer democracy.
  106. [02:45] <culminateCarnivore> Hmm---❥ Interesting---❥
  107. [02:46] <cyberizedMeister> Say, how is media on your planet?
  108. [02:46] <culminateCarnivore> Er---❥ Quite honestly I don't consume much---❥ I'm fairly remote---❥ Harken or Winona might be better to ask---❥
  109. [02:47] <culminateCarnivore> Also, I'm sorry to run, Ceran but I have a candle that needs looking after---❥
  110. [02:47] <cyberizedMeister> Oh, that's fine!
  111. [02:48] <cyberizedMeister> Honestly, I was the one rambling on.
  112. [02:48] <culminateCarnivore> I have enjoyed this conversation, though---❥ You were a surprisingly thoughtful gift---❥
  113. [02:48] <cyberizedMeister> Why, thank you!
  114. [02:48] <culminateCarnivore> We should talk again sometime, and do say hello to the others---❥
  115. [02:48] <cyberizedMeister> I will.
  116. [02:48] <culminateCarnivore> Till then, goodbye---❥
  117. [02:48] * culminateCarnivore has ceased espering cyberizedMeister!
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