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1 post from beta to alpha / 1 official after release removed

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Sep 12th, 2013
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  1. Small post to alpha after the first betas stressing many issues i told them.
  3. Update- I am playing desolation now. have been queued for wvw since start. Another server cluster is a must if wvw stays the same cap. I hope the backup servers are in place to go with all the early warning i am seeing/giving feedback on.
  5. I mean i decided to go to lions arch to check the gates. about 100 people standing at them. all homelands full and EB. plus add the 100s/1000s of people using scoreboard to try join WvW.
  7. Even if the dev team work miracles and have cap at 200 i still think you need another server cluster. Personally double what you have now.
  9. I know WvW team are only balance and mechanics of how it runs. Alot of different teams departments will decide how many servers.
  11. I dont know maybe its a cash thing. understood you want to make money from the product also. I just hope
  13. you want to keep costs down vs profit off long run. But you will have less people buying or enjoying game if stuck in queue 24/7. Or maybe i have it wrong and the strategist at Anet went the other route. By lets go with queues so they will turn to pve and buy from gemshop.
  15. Post on official forums few month after release which was removed and infracted in about 10 seconds.
  17. - Continual work to re-build the way our game loads models and compresses data, to allow for more visible characters/names in WvW in the long run as we build towards removing as much culling as possible from the game.
  19. So basically 110-120 cap to 70-80 this last week. Probably ending in 50vs50vs50 if you intend to remove culling fully i am expecting?.
  21. Culling is worse and should be reverted to last patch, with the cap raised back as it came of expense of nothing really productive. If anything you should be looking at reducing 100 cap for siege weapons to make more room in zones.
  23. “We’ve recently expanded the staffing on our WvW team to build up and expand this core part of Gw2 even more”
  25. This should of happened before release it was told how important it would be to your game. Lets hope they are not stuck behind the internal team which everything runs threw coated with a side order of esports.
  27. - Exploring ways to help get more people playing WvW, as well as dealing with queue issues that come with those inherent issues of player population and demand.
  29. Well its either your first point or this point which is it?. Meaning culling is tied to cap and performance so what matters more?. You clearly say dealing with demand but reduce cap to help performance and culling.
  31. I will be looking forward to more PVE in this next WvW update which i fully expect to happen.
  33. Not to mention the balance in game is done on conquest mode. Just look at jonathan chaps comment in the dev live stream. 2 guys in spvp went down to 1 ele using aoe, he did not stomp but continued to aoe them to finish. This all in a 5v5 spvp environment i know lets nerf aoe across the board.
  35. Brilliant idea! lets single target 80 people down who run with 20…. Back to the above topic its pointless getting anymore WvW guys unless they understand the basics of WvW in your game.
  37. Copy of warhammer + daoc together but then remove some of the key things which should of been in from start. raid window, progression etc etc. However all this is moot since we cant even get into WvW. Kinda pathetic since DAOC was what a DECADE ago?. Even they had what? 500 people fighting at once. We now have 240 or so per zone…
  39. One best way to describe how much Anet did not understand wvw is numbers.. One week ago when cap was 120 or so that is just under 24,480 people on evening across 51 world wide servers out of 3/4 million copies sold?. Now with cap reduction 16320.
  41. Time for Anet to get focused on WvW and not flogging the dead horse on Esports when most of them teams stopped in first month. The so called main people did not even play plus they only care about making cash but then again so do you it seems. WvW more effort and cash to spend where as esports can help you. Get off the League of legends model and stop dreaming. Look at the gem you have right in front of you.
  43. Dont take my word for the above. Just look at spvp forum how much posts from the “internal main team” or posts to show what Spvp streamers there is boosting up the so called esports mantra. Or some wannabe esporter makes a video and it gets comments by the dev team trying to highlight more towards esports. The next main dev stream state of the realm with the 2 main balance devs both jons guess who the guests are!. you guessed it more wannabe esport heroes.
  45. Now the wvw forum… with hardly any posts on wvw ever bar tiny updates. Hell i feel sorry for matt witter who was one of the main devs in the inner balance but seems to have been shifted onto wvw for credibility. Then habib community rep guy seems to have been wheeled in to provide cover to anet so it looks like they care about WvW. Then there is the difference in streams or seriousness of coming across to relay each part of the game from wvw to esports.
  47. We get to know the wvw devs have had some stream interview on junkies which is a big ball of laughs not very serious giving us info etc or good questions about upcoming wvw changes. Or at least it came across that way to me. Now look at 5v5 stuff/esports it all professional bring out the big guns from Anet. SUIT UP type of attitude .
  49. These posts i make are for my love of game to try help. As at the end of day player driven content like WvW needs people to fight against.. what do i kill when all have quit?. And with feeling of whats coming i feel many will be disappointed, many main big guilds i know have a big portion waiting to come back when this patch hits. Or even full guilds stopping till then. I can say without a doubt some guild have at least 1-2 minimum who are waiting to see or know people who are.
  51. With all seriousness I look forward to Anet proving me wrong.
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