
2019-11-05 TOEFL: word roots, reading summary

Nov 5th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  6. ---
  7. Word Roots (list 1) - With your partners, try to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root.
  8. ab (abduct, abdicate, abnormal) = away/down
  9. ad (advocate, addition, advance) = to/onto (Many words that start with ‘a’ and a double consonant come from this root.)
  10. aer/aero (aerial, aerate) = air
  11. agri/agro (agriculture, agribusiness, agrarian) = field/farming
  12. ambi (ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivalent) = both
  13. amb/ambul (amble, ambulatory, ambulate) = walk/move
  14. ami/amo (amiable, amorous) = love/affection
  15. andro (android, androgen) = male/man (The root for female is “gyno”.)
  16. anim (animate, animal) = movement/motivation
  17. ann/enn (annual, millennium, anniversary) = year
  18. ante/anti (antecedent, anteroom, anticipate) = before/in front of
  19. anthropo (anthropology, philanthropy) = human/humanity
  20. anti (antibacterial, antisocial) = against (Similarly, the root ‘op-’ also means “in front” and “against”.)
  21. aqua (aquamarine, aqueduct, aquarium) = water (sometimes specifically fresh water in lakes and rivers)
  22. arch (monarch, hierarchy, archbishop) = top / most important (first in importance)
  23. archa (archaeology, archaic) = old (first in time)
  24. art (artist, artifact, artisan) = skill
  25. astro (astronomy, astrology) = star
  26. aud/audi (audience, audible) = hear
  27. auto (automatic, autograph) = self / by itself
  28. bell (belligerent, rebellious) = war
  29. bene (benefit, benevolent) = good (The opposite root is “mal”.)
  30. bi (bilingual, bilateral, bisexual) = two
  31. bio (biology, biography, biosphere) = life
  32. cept/ceive (intercept, receive, except, perceive, concept, deceive) = catch/capture
  33. cardi/cardio (cardiac, cardiology) = heart
  34. carn (carnivore, carnal) = meat/flesh (“meat” if it’s dead or nonhuman, “flesh” if it’s alive or human)
  35. cede/ceed (intercede, exceed, recede, proceed) = go
  36. cent (century, centimeter, centennial) = hundred
  37. ---
  38. hear = perceive sound (with or without attention)
  39. listen (to) = pay attention to sound
  40. see = perceive light or an image (with or without attention)
  41. look (at) = pay attention to an image or appearance
  42. watch = pay attention to actions
  43. ---
  44. TOEFL: 3.5-4 hours, 4 sections, 120 points (30/section), $205
  45. 1 reading: 54-72 minutes, 3-4 passages, 10 questions per passage
  46. 2 listening: 40-60 minutes, 2-3 conversations (5 questions) and 3-4 lectures or discussions (6 questions)
  47. (10-minute break)
  48. 3 speaking: 17 minutes, 4 tasks, 3m45s speaking time
  49. 4 writing: 55 minutes, 2 tasks, 20+30 minutes of writing time
  50. ---
  51. Reading Question Types:
  52. - vocabulary
  53. - fact
  54. - negative fact
  55. - purpose
  56. - paraphrase
  57. - inference
  58. - sentence insertion
  59. - summary
  60. - reference/pronouns (probably not on the test any more, but still a useful skill)
  61. - categorize/organize (probably not on the test, but it is still on some practice tests)
  62. ---
  63. Cambridge exercise R22 - Is each statement a correct summary, a minor detail, or not mentioned?
  64. ---
  65. BREAK
  66. ---
  67. 3 S N D
  68. 4 D N S
  69. ---
  70. Delta p. 151 - Without reading the text, which of these statements look like minor details?
  71. A - minor detail (it doesn’t say anything connected to pianos)
  72. F - minor detail (it’s unlikely that there’s a full paragraph about this point)
  73. You’d have to see the text to recognize that C is not mentioned, but even without knowing that you’re guaranteed to have at least two correct answers.
  74. ---
  75. For summary questions, you get 2 points for all three correct choices, 1 point for just two correct choices, and 0 points if you made two or more mistakes.
  76. If you don’t answer it, you’ll get exactly 0 points on this question.
  77. If you randomly guess, you’ll get an average of 0.55 points on this question.
  78. If you can (correctly) eliminate one answer, you’ll get an average of 0.8 points.
  79. If you can eliminate two answers, you’ll get an average of 1.25 points.
  80. (If you can eliminate three answers, then you get everything correct for 2 points.)
  81. ---
  82. p. 152 - Take 3 minutes to identify the most important ideas in the answer choices. Compare your answers. Why are the other answer choices wrong?
  83. A - yes
  84. B - not mentioned (We know he painted oils, but we don’t know what he was best known for.)
  85. C - yes
  86. D - not mentioned, and if it were mentioned it would be a minor detail
  87. E - minor detail (It just talks about one painting and doesn’t tell us anything important about it.)
  88. F - yes
  89. p. 153 - Do the same with passage 2 about moraines.
  90. A - not mentioned
  91. B - yes (this summarizes paragraph 1)
  92. C - minor detail (It’s true that rivers sort rocks like this, but the text is about moraines.)
  93. D - minor detail (It’s true but doesn’t include the main point.)
  94. E - yes (this summarizes the important information from paragraph 2)
  95. F - yes (this is a summary of paragraph 3)
  96. - Correct summary answers are usually about one or more full paragraphs of the text. If an answer choice is about something only mentioned in one or two sentences of the text, it’s probably a minor detail.
  97. - Answer choices that mention something important but don’t connect it to the rest of the passage are also probably minor details.
  98. ---
  99. Take 9 minutes to complete exercise 1.8.A (p. 154-156). Then compare your answers.
  100. 3 B D E
  101. 4 A B E
  102. 5 A C E
  103. ---
  104. Homework: Cambridge exercise R23 - Choose the three most important ideas from the answer choices.
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