
Applejack the One-Buck

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. >day tree fiddy in Equestria
  2. >you are, as you say
  3. "Deliv'rin front-eer justiss."
  4. >your home is the Sheriff's office at a waypoint beyond Appleoosa
  5. >you hear word of a certain...troublemaker from back inside the country
  6. >Applejack, the One-buck
  7. >you get your sidearm, the Tin Pan, ready
  8. >you load up the pie
  9. >flavor?
  10. >justice.
  11. >you step out of your office at high noon
  12. >she's there
  13. >she's called the One-buck because that's all it takes to knock you out
  14. >your pie tossin hand stats a-twitchin
  15. >she cracks her neck and spits
  16. >the bell tolls
  17. >one
  18. >two
  19. >three
  20. >you're sweating
  21. >four
  22. >five
  23. >six
  24. >she licks her lips
  25. >seven
  26. >eight
  27. >nine
  28. your mustache sways in the breeze as a tumbleweed crosses your path
  29. >ten
  30. >ELEVEN
  31. >TWELVE
  32. >you draw
  33. >she rushes you
  34. >all goes black
  35. >...
  36. >...
  37. >when you come to, you find your Tin Pan on her head, as she lays across you
  38. >you get yourself up and you put your hat over your heart, then reach down and recover Tin Pan
  39. "Jus' look at 'er there. She looks so innocent in death..."
  40. >"Well shoot, pardner, if'n I knew all I had to do to woo ya was to lay on th' ground, I'd a done so a loong time ago!"
  41. >she gets back up
  42. >she licks the cherry off her face
  43. >"See ya next week, Anon! I'll win for sure, this time!"
  45. Fucking Applejack the One-Buck
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