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Apr 10th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. FractalFluff, January 15, 2014; 03:50 / FB 16572
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
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  5. >Be Fluffy Researcher
  6. >Investigating emotional development of fluffies.
  7. >Now attempting to answer the question of whether food is more important to a foal, or "huggies"
  8. >Physical affection.
  9. >Many of your collegues insist that foals crave physical contact at least as much, or more, as their mother's milk
  10. >You argue that it's impossible to judge.
  12. >Therefore you set up a fluffy version of one of Harry Harlow's notorious monkey studies.
  13. >You take two mares — grown sisters from the same litter, virtually identical.
  14. >Impregnate them, allow them to reach term, then remove and euthanize the foals.
  15. >("Huuhuuhuu! Bayyyybeeeeehhs... huuuhuuhuuuu..."
  16. >Amputate all the legs on one, just the rear legs on the second.
  17. >("Huuhuuhuu! Weggiiiiiieeees... huuhuuhuu...")
  18. >Enucleate both.
  19. >("Huuhuuhuu! Eyesiiiiiies... huuhuuhuu...")
  20. >Both mares are strapped to one wall of a small pen in
  21. >Sitting in the classic "milkbag" position.
  22. >Fed through nasogastric tubes
  23. >Other tubes suck away waste.
  25. >You take the last surviving foal from your previous experiment (Number 16)
  26. >Douse it with plenty of that special foal-acceptance pheremone
  27. >And place it in the pen.
  29. >The quadruple amputee's body is caged in wire mesh, her head tipped back an masked to prevent her from nuzzling
  30. >Her udders are encased in metal
  31. >Only the very tips of her teats are available.
  32. >Mare A, or the "milkies mare".
  34. >The double amputee can move the upper half of her body almost freely
  35. >But her udders are locked away behind a padded leather belt.
  36. >Comfortable to hug, but prevents the foal from getting any milk.
  37. >Mare B, or the "huggies mare".
  39. >They can't see, but they can still hear and speak. And smell.
  40. >*chirp* *chirp*
  41. >*snf*
  42. >"Baybeh? Whewe baybeh? Come tu mummah, baybeh! Come tu mummah!"
  43. >Confused, the foal totters first one way, then the other.
  44. >Finally, he clambers onto the lap of the "huggies mare"
  45. >Blindly, she nuzzles and cuddles him
  46. >"Dwink miwkies, babbeh! Ge' big an stwong!"
  47. >But he can't find her teats.
  48. >Eventually, fussing, he clambers down
  49. >Fidgets up onto the mesh-covered body of the milkies mare
  50. >"Wahh... wan gif huggies! Pwease gif weggies, nee' fow huggies!"
  51. >The foal chirps in increasing distress.
  52. >He can't feel any warmth or softness
  53. >Just the hard wire mesh
  54. >The stiff metal.
  55. >He finds her teats and suckles briefly
  56. >But without some softness, some affection, he can't settle.
  58. >He totters back to Mare B for cuddles.
  59. >"Miwk! Miwk!" he pleads
  60. >"Siwwy baybeh, yu dwinkin miwkies!"
  61. >The mare's milk is being pumped off.
  62. >She has no idea he isn't drinking it.
  63. >"Miwk!"
  65. >Eventually the hunger overwhelms him
  66. >He crawls back to Mare A
  67. >Suckles a little more.
  68. >"Wub?" he pleads. "Hugs? Wub?"
  69. >"Wan gif huggies!" sobs Mare A.
  70. >"Pwease! Baybeh nee huggies an wuv, nu jus' miwkies!"
  72. >Baby crawls back and forth between the two mares.
  73. >He tries to dig under Mare A's mesh, but only hurts himself.
  74. >He tries to dig under Mare B's "bra", but only hurts her.
  75. >He never stays long enough with the milkies mare to fill his tummy
  76. >Becomes more and more fractious and fussy
  77. >Starts crying and swallows air, making things worse.
  78. >Mare A is frantic, trying to struggle free of her cage
  79. >As if she could embrace him even if she were able to get out of the mesh.
  80. >Mare B is increasingly confused;
  81. >He's nursing at her teats all the time, why is he crying for milk?
  83. >A day passes
  84. >Then another.
  85. >The foal is getting sicker.
  86. >He sleeps fitfully in the arms of the "huggies mare"
  87. >Now getting insufficient rest as well as too little milk.
  88. >The milkies mare is hallucinating
  89. >A result of her sensory deprivation.
  90. >She seems to blame the foal for her condition
  91. >She screams at the baby to go away, the whole time that he feeds.
  93. >Mare B has finally understood that he isn't getting her milk
  94. >Now she hallucinates too
  95. >Swatting at an army of "bad baybehs" who come to steal her milk
  96. >Sometimes hitting "her" baby
  97. >The hungry foal.
  98. >"Mummah! Mummah!" he cries.
  99. >"Why huwt? Nu wub? Miwk!"
  101. >On the third day, Mare A. is calling for him
  102. >"Baybeh? Baybeh? Why nu dwink miwkies?"
  103. >Unmilked, the pressure in her udders is painful.
  104. >His nursing relieves it, and she coos over him.
  106. >But the other mare is also calling:
  107. >"Whewe baybeh? Dummeh mawe steaw baybeh!"
  108. >She wraps him in her hug
  109. >He sleeps for a short time, then wakes crying for milk.
  110. >But he won't let go, won't leave her to drink from the other mare.
  112. >They both sing "mummah songs"
  113. >But different; dischordant.
  114. >Instead of comforting him, they make him cry.
  116. >By the evening of fourth day, the baby is too weak to move.
  117. >He lolls in Mare B's "arms"
  118. >Twisting his head towards the milkie mare
  119. >She croons over him, hugs him
  120. >But without food, she can't save him.
  122. >The fifth day dawns. He's almost lifeless.
  123. >With the greatest effort, she pushes him away.
  124. >She doesn't want to.
  125. >It breaks her heart.
  126. >But she's heard him nursing
  127. >Can smell the milk leaking from her sister's udders.
  128. >She shoves him as far in the direction of the "milkies mare" as she can
  129. >"Huuhuuhuuu... pwease dwink miwkies... sissy haf miwkies fow baybeh... huu..."
  131. >He manages to place his mouth on her teat
  132. >But he's too weak to suck now.
  133. >He sinks to the floor of the pen.
  135. >"Am... bad... baybeh..." *chirp*
  136. >"Mummah... nu... wub..." is the last thing he says.
  138. >You miss all this.
  139. >You assistant, rushed off his feet, doesn't have tie to do anything except check vitals twice a day.
  140. >You intended to record the process
  141. >But you didn't set the camera up properly.
  142. >Come in, find the baby dead by the "milkies mare"
  143. >A drop of milk on his lips.
  144. >Attribute death to hypothermia.
  145. >Your report concludes that fluffies will happily forsake affection for a full belly.
  147. >"Greedy little rats."
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