

Oct 9th, 2014
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  1. Steve Austin vs Owen Hart
  3. Owen starts the match with a headlock, but Austin transitions to a hammerlock, puts the other arm in a half nelson, and begins shouting into Owen's ear. Owen tries to fight out, but a slap to the side of the head stuns him. Austin continues punishing Owen, both physically and verbally, until Owen is able to fight out of the half nelson and reverse the hammerlock into a backslide.
  5. 1...Austin kicks out, and flips off Owen before abandoning holds and submissions and going straight to strikes. After a punch sends Owen reeling, Austin taunts him with paintbrushing slaps before eating a kick to the leg from Owen. Not quite hard enough to kick his leg out of his leg, but close. Owen returns the paintbrushing slaps, imitating Austin's Texas drawl as he does it. "Aw good goddamn, Stone Cold Steve Austin has got hisself in quite a pickle, ain't he done, Bailey Jean? Why, that ol' Owen Hart is whuppin' him like a goldurn redheaded stepchild. Oh that's right, ol' Stone Cold ain't got a dang hair on his chrome dome!" Austin answers that remark by grabbing Owen's arm and delivering an elbow to his nose. This brawling goes on for a fair bit until Owen ducks a punch and delivers a double leg takedown, flawlessly transitioning into the Sharpshooter!
  7. Austin crawls to the ropes, just barely making it with the help of HHH, who surreptitiously pulls Austin when the ref isn't looking. Owen releases the hold, but doesn't lay up on Austin, trying to pull him from the ropes. Austin kicks Owen back, though, and levels him with a clothesline, before hitting the ropes and dropping the middle fingers. Owen staggers to his feet, and Austin goes for the Thesz Press, but is hit with an overhead belly to belly from Owen! Owen climbs to the top rope to go for an elbow drop, but HHH conks Owen over the head and pushes his legs out from under him, dropping him to the mat and leaving him open for a Stunner from Austin for the 3.
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