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a guest
Nov 29th, 2011
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  3. It is a terrible night to be out. The moon's shine is overpowered by
  4. the dense layer of storm clouds above. The ground is cold and damp from the
  5. rain before. The air is frigid and flowing, full of water and empty of warmth.
  7. But of course, here I am, walking back from the convience store. Being
  8. the lazy student that I am, I waited until the last minute for shopping and
  9. was stuck without food and a full night of studying for the next exam. So with
  10. my bag of various instant foods and snacks, I try to hurry home to the long
  11. night ahead.
  13. Other than the light from the streetlights, the darkness is empty. Not
  14. a car roaming or person wandering. The buildings around are vacant. There is,
  15. however, that slight, mysterious buzzing that comes with this city setting.
  16. Realizing how eerie it is out here and vulnerable I am, I quicken my pace.
  18. I turn down a pitch-dark alley, between the tall vacant buildings.
  19. Walking stiffly into the abyss, the clouds loosen overhead and the moon peaks
  20. through. And I see her.
  22. A short girl, about 5'5" leaning against the building to my right. Her
  23. hair, a warm dark red, clashes with the cold around her. Her bright green eyes
  24. stare into me with a look of something between displeasure and anger. She's in
  25. a dark hoodie. And she's pretty. So much so, I stopped walking without being
  26. aware I did.
  28. "You're Ein, right?" Her soft voice shattering the slience.
  30. Half shocked and half flattered, I answer, "Yeah, but how --"
  32. Fwish! The air by my left shoulder rushes around. Something flew by
  33. me. Around the girl. Gleams float in the air. Like a peacock's tail, in an
  34. arc around and over her head. I step back. They're floating. She begins
  35. walking toward me. The light from the moon disappears, throwing me into
  36. blind panic.
  38. Fwoosh! The air over my head flees and knocks my senses back together.
  39. I have to get out of here. I drop my bag and take off to the closest exit of the
  40. alley. Which way I was going, and which way I came make no difference anymore and
  41. I couldn't tell if I tried.
  43. Shink! I scream in pain as my arm is pierced from behind by an icy
  44. numbness, flinging it foward sharply, shooting me stumbling ahead with it. I
  45. reach out for arm with my other hand and feel a shard lodge in my tricep from
  46. behind and my slippery blood dripping out of it. A shard of ice.
  48. With no mind to think about what the hell is going on, I keep running.
  49. Time blurs around me, as more shards fly past me as I run. Almost as though,
  50. I've been running for hours and have heard thousands of shards of ice
  51. miss me. But eventually, that comes to an end.
  53. Close to the exit of the alley I fall to the ground before I feel the
  54. pain in my leg. A shard of ice was launched into the back of my thigh. I can
  55. only scream in reaction to this pain. My screams, my crying, and her running
  56. footsteps ring together in my blank head.
  58. "Why! Wh --" Before I can finish all the air leaves my body.
  60. She finished her run toward me with a solid kick to my back and all I
  61. can do is gasp for air.
  63. "That's for running!" She screams between her pants and gasps. "I hate
  64. running!"
  66. She walks around me, trying to catch her breath and holding her heart.
  67. After a short while, she crouches near me. Because of how close she is, and
  68. the nearby streetlight I can see her clearly. Her hood now down, you can see
  69. she has her hair two pigtails fixed on opposite sides of her head. She's still
  70. panting and looks uncomfortable.
  72. Breathing heavily, she speaks. "Ein, you're going to die today."
  74. Her face looks emotionless as she utters these deafening words.
  76. "You're dying for making such a beautiful girl run and get sweaty and
  77. uncomfortable."
  79. Her icy hand touches my face. My mouth dries out and the saliva
  80. disappears from it. My throat feels itchy and tight. My skin feels as though
  81. it's too small for me. The air feels as sharp as a knife against my body.
  83. Under her other hand which is hanging over my body, a horizontal spear
  84. of ice forms slowly. Taking her hand off my cheek, she makes motions toward
  85. the spear, crafting edges and designs as it grows. Abstract designs that can
  86. only be described as "awe-inspiring" and "elegant" are begin taking shape all
  87. along the spear. Finally, when she seems done, she flicks her small hand
  88. moving the spear in front of me.
  90. "What do you think? Pretty good, huh?"
  92. Before I can answer, she stands up, and kicks me over so that I'm
  93. laying flat. She quickly moves the spear vertically, over my heart all the
  94. while with a flawless, angry look on her face. And she looks down at me.
  96. "I really do hate running."
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