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a guest
Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. [ 2014.08.24 04:32:05 ] Exgornii > gotcha
  2. [ 2014.08.24 04:54:59 ] Liquid Agentorange > D'aron oh yer back now
  3. [ 2014.08.24 04:55:06 ] Liquid Agentorange > can I kill you today?
  4. [ 2014.08.24 07:35:40 ] Maheel D'Yvettes > 7o test
  5. [ 2014.08.24 09:53:31 ] Intrin > Yanhamu Kill: Intrin (Mobile Tractor Unit) .. the last person to do this was Kill: Jack Etox (Ishtar) , Kill: Intrin (Mobile Tractor Unit) ..
  6. [ 2014.08.24 09:54:04 ] Yanhamu > sry but not in ano without you
  7. [ 2014.08.24 09:59:43 ] Intrin > FYI.. i am in sistem the whole time. and i had to stop the site due to a nute in local D'aron .
  8. [ 2014.08.24 10:00:11 ] Yanhamu > that was yesterday
  9. [ 2014.08.24 10:00:29 ] Yanhamu > don´t worry but shit happens
  10. [ 2014.08.24 10:05:24 ] Intrin > and no it was not yesterday. it was tonight.
  11. [ 2014.08.24 10:22:59 ] Intrin > D'aron PUSSY
  12. [ 2014.08.24 10:25:17 ] D'aron > Победа: Diclo Schulz (Dominix*)
  13. [ 2014.08.24 10:26:38 ] Sayaka Hamona > tja
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