Op/Eqg Smut #2

Sep 10th, 2015
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  1. >This time when you wake, the soft cradling sensation of a mattress greets your senses. Your eyes scan the area, and you see that you are inside a small, dark room. The bed you are on is a luscious dark burgundy, its comforter wrapped around you in all directions.
  2. >The room is illuminated with several sets of red-tinted lights, casting a crimson aura over everything. Your slim, feminine body glows in the light.
  3. >You squirm on the bed, still feeling the sticky from yesterday. The strong smell of seed lingers on your lower body, and it grosses you out immensely.
  4. >Was it even yesterday that happened? You don't even know.
  5. >”You're awake again! Perfect!” Comes the sing-song voice of OP behind you.
  6. >You try to turn, only to feel your hands and feet not respond. Frantically, you whip your head up and down, spying the cloth that binds your limbs. Your hands are bound together, as are your feet, leaving you to flop helplessly on the bed as you try to face OP.
  7. “What are you doing?!” You try to speak, only to hear inaudible grunts emerge from your mouth instead. You feel a foreign object blocking your mouth, and flick your tongue forwards to touch it. It tastes sweet on your taste buds, and you feel a syrupy substance drip from the gag into your throat.
  8. >You can see in the very corners of your vision the bright red colour of the object. You spit at the ball gag in your mouth, trying to work it out by using your jaw muscles, to no avail. It only causes the gag to leak more of the substance into your mouth.
  9. “Mppphmp fffmppphm!” You yell at OP, blowing saliva all over the place in the process.
  10. >OP sticks his tongue out at you. You can see he is holding his hands behind his back, carrying some sort of object just out of sight.
  11. “I wouldn't talk too much, my little Eqg, that mixture might be a bit strong strong for you.”
  12. >Already you can feel the all too familiar heat creeping up your body, causing sensations you didn't realize you had to crawl all over your skin.
  13. >OP comes closer and kneels in front of you, finally revealing what is in his hands.
  14. >”I've got you a special present!”
  15. >With a click of a button, you see the purple monstrosity in his hands jump to life, vibrating intensely as OP waves the thing in front of your face. He flicks the switch again and the toy goes motionless.
  16. >”Now, let's put it in real deep.”
  17. >OP reaches out to grab your body, and flips you onto your stomach. You try to worm out of his grasp, only to dig yourself further into the covers of the bed. You feel the dildo being slapped against your leg, as he drags it up your thigh. The heat in your body is still climbing from the drugged ballgag, and even the soft caress of the blankets is starting to feel pleasurable. You wiggle furiously in all directions, trying to get away.
  18. >”It's not going to feel good unless you relax, Eqg.” OP chides.
  19. >You feel it prod against your back entrance, each touch causing your body to spasm. You clench tightly, trying to deny the object entrance. It's no use however, as every prod digs deeper and deeper until eventually...
  20. >It enters you.
  21. >Your sphincter gives, and the dildo finds its way inside you. You hear OP giggle. You feel him rotate the dildo, the rubber material grinding on your insides and sending waves of sensations throughout your body.
  22. >You bawl into the ballgag, curling up as the toy makes its way further and further into your bowels. Your toes curl up, your hands shake, and your eyes water.
  23. >You don't need to see the toy to know how deep it is. You feel every inch enter you, the pressure in your bowels working its way deeper and deeper inside you. It keeps digging further and further in.
  24. >OP whistles.
  25. >”Wow, I can't believe you took that all the way in.”
  26. >He turns you back over, so you are lying on your back. You clench your anal muscles even tighter, trying to prevent the toy from moving inside of you.
  27. >You spy the remote control in OP's hands, and your pupils shrink. He smiles as you. You shake your head and scream through the ballgag.
  28. “Noommmmphhhhh duuummmmppphhh!
  29. >You squeeze and flex your muscles, trying to force the dildo out, but it only drills deeper.
  30. >It's so warm and deep....
  31. >Your saliva glands are working overtime, and you feel your drool leaking down your face. Every small movement or twitch of your body sends the toy inside you bouncing around, which only causes your entire body to spasm uncontrollably from the blissful sensation.
  32. >The blankets chafe your erect nipples, and your dick stands fully erect, leaking pre-cum all over the blankets and yourself.
  33. >You stare at OP, begging silently with your eyes for mercy.
  34. >He flicks the switch.
  35. >The toy buried deep within your ass jumps to life, vibrating violently in your colon. Every cell in your body explodes, and you scream into the ballgag. You're so incredible warm that your breathing emits steam, and you see the wisps of white as you exhale. Your vision pulses in and out, you eyes rolling in every direction in your head.
  36. >The dildo keeps tunnelling deeper and deeper as your muscles tighten and loosen, the pressure increasing in your bowels.
  37. >”Any second now and it'll hit your prostate!” OP chimes in happily.
  38. >And there it is.
  39. The toy ventures into the deepest, most foreign depths of your ass, hitting areas and giving you sensations you never knew existed. You moan and squeal inhuman sounds as you seizure on the bed in pleasure.
  40. >And then it hits your prostate gland.
  41. >You go blind.
  42. >The strongest sensation you have ever felt hits you in the depths of your bowels.
  43. >Your knees knock together as you curl into a ball.
  44. >You cum. Over and over again. Each hot strand hits you in the chest, and you keep shooting until your balls ache.
  45. >You twitch in the post-bliss of your orgasm. You suck greedily on the ballgag, eager for more.
  46. >The dildo deep within your bowels stops vibrating, and you lay there panting heavily on the bed, covered in your own seed. The strong, musky smell only makes you hungry for more, and you feel your cock grow hard once more in response.
  47. >Your vision returns enough to see OP crouched down in front of you, carrying more gadgets.
  48. >He waves two vibrators and an onahole in front of your face.
  49. >”Time for round two!”
  50. >He sits you up on the bed. A small part of you wants to sleep, but a powerful sexual lust dominates you, and you lean towards OP, ready for more.
  51. >His hands brush over your nipples as he tapes the vibrators to them. They're diamond hard, and his soft touch makes you spurt more precum from your erect member.
  52. “Pleeuuuummsssssphhh moooorrruuummpph~!” You beg through the ballgag.
  53. >He spreads your legs open, and lowers the onahole over your cock. Even knowing that he's so close causes your dick to twitch in excitement. You feel your cock slide into the sex toy, its tight, hot grip only serving to send you closer to the edge of orgasm.
  54. >He fashions a strap around your back, securing the toy in place on your dick as he steps away.
  55. >”I made a few modifications so I can operate this hands free. You're really going to enjoy this!”
  56. >You watch him organize the controls for each device.
  57. >”You better prepare yourself for this one.”
  58. >He switches on the vibrators first, and you feel your chest explode. Fire rages through your lungs, and you feel your heart stop momentarily before the electric surge of pleasure rushing through your system restarts it.
  59. >You feel the tears stream from your eyes, you're sure they're liquid joy.
  60. >You want to cum so badly, but the toy crunches down on your cock, silencing any orgasm from occurring. You thrust violently into the toy, trying to ejaculate, but the cum only swirls deep within your testicles, begging to be released.
  61. >”You can't cum just yet! I have to break you first!”
  62. >You thrash about on the bed like you're possessed, praying for an orgasm to end this torturous pleasure. Sweat oozes out of every pore, and you feel it running down the arc of your back, your legs, your face, everywhere.
  63. >You're melting.
  64. >The dildo in your backside revs up again, this time more intense. You feel every barrier in your body break and shatter against the unstoppable waves of pleasure washing through you.
  65. >Your dick twitches and twitches, trying desperately to cum, and you yelp at every failed attempt, feeling the pressure build and build with every botched orgasm.
  66. >”And now for the finale!”
  67. >The onahole springs to life, squeezing and vibrating on your cock, sucking the last bit of your mind and soul out of your body.
  68. >Everything does numb, everything disappears but the insurmountable wave of pleasure building through you. The toy constricts so tight on your member you swear its crushing your dick. Your testicles are so heavy with seed they shake and bounce, ready to burst.
  69. >All of these sensations; the vibrators on your nipples, the dildo deep-seated in your ass smashing against your prostate, and the onahole abusing your cock, the thick, juicy load of semen that sits in your balls, all of the pleasure builds together, rising its way through your body.
  70. >You thrust like an animal in heat into the onahole, trying to force your dick to cum.
  71. >You have to cum. You have to cum. YOU HAVE TO...
  72. >CUM!
  73. >Something in your cock gives. Something breaks.
  74. >You feel the seed tear its way out.
  76. >Your body erupts, even with the toys vice grip. You feel each ejaculation hit you like a punch to the dick, and you cum nonstop. A strand for every thrust, for every spark of pleasure, for every movement. The toy overflows, and warm seed runs down your legs and onto the bed, and yet you keep cumming. You cum until the pressure in your balls disappears, until you begin to ache all over, until your balls are empty.
  77. >You cum until you pass out, the laughter of OP luring you to sleep.
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