

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. on 1:text:*subscribed*:#DMBrandon:{
  2. if ($nick == twitchnotify) { msg $chan SUB HYPE <3 ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ ─=≡Σ((( つ◕ل͜◕)つ sᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴅᴏɴɢ diemDiemEveryGAME diemJAHA diemMimiBot diemPerfectSunday diemPLEASE diemStuckPig diemYaBoy }
  3. }
  5. on *:TEXT:!DMbrandon:#: {
  6. if ((%flood!DMbrandon) || ($($+(%,!DMbrandonflood.,$nick),2))) { return }
  7. set -u120 %flood!DMbrandon On
  8. set -u120 %flood!DMbrandon. $+ $Nick On
  9. msg $chan If you enjoy DMbrandon you can subscribe to him at Follow him at and also watch him stream everyday from 7-10pm US eastern on $+
  10. }
  12. on *:TEXT:!xFats:#: {
  13. if ((%flood!xFats) || ($($+(%,!xFats.,$nick),2))) { return }
  14. set -u120 %flood!xFats On
  15. set -u120 %flood!xFats. $+ $Nick On
  16. msg $chan Fats is a black man who plays pokemon. Follow him at Sub to him at and follow him on Twitch! -- Make sure to catch him on Mon-Fri. at 10pm-1am est. $+
  17. }
  19. on *:TEXT:!Faces:#: {
  20. if ((%flood!Faces) || ($($+(%,!Faces.,$nick),2))) { return }
  21. set -u120 %flood!Faces On
  22. set -u120 %flood!Faces. $+ $Nick On
  23. msg $chan ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Submit Your Faces!ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ $+
  24. }
  26. on *:TEXT:!Purified:#: {
  27. if ((%flood!Purified) || ($($+(%,!Purified.,$nick),2))) { return }
  28. set -u120 %flood!Purified On
  29. set -u120 %flood!Purified. $+ $Nick On
  30. msg $chan A Newer member of the juice community, however he is just as competitive as the rest. Follow him at and be sure to watch !! $+
  31. }
  32. on *:TEXT:!Teevee:#: {
  33. if ((%flood!Teevee) || ($($+(%,!Teevee.,$nick),2))) { return }
  34. set -u120 %flood!Teevee On
  35. set -u120 %flood!Teevee. $+ $Nick On
  36. msg $chan He streams on and you can follow his twitter at $+
  37. }
  39. on *:TEXT:!Patchnotes:#: {
  40. if ((%flood!Patchnotes) || ($($+(%,!Patchnotes.,$nick),2))) { return }
  41. set -u120 %flood!Patchnotes On
  42. set -u120 %flood!Patchnotes. $+ $Nick On
  43. msg $chan $+
  44. }
  46. on *:TEXT:!Smitten:#: {
  47. if ((%flood!Smitten) || ($($+(%,!Smitten.,$nick),2))) { return }
  48. set -u120 %flood!Smitten On
  49. set -u120 %flood!Smitten. $+ $Nick On
  50. msg $chan Gamer, streamer & more. Member of Gank First Gaming, follow her on twitter @SmittenGFG and @GankFirstGaming and and $+
  51. }
  53. on *:TEXT:!Script:#: {
  54. if ((%flood!Script) || ($($+(%,!Script.,$nick),2))) { return }
  55. set -u120 %flood!Script On
  56. set -u120 %flood!Script. $+ $Nick On
  57. msg $chan Mimibot Script: $+
  58. }
  60. on *:TEXT:!Commands:#: {
  61. if ((%flood!Commands) || ($($+(%,!Commands.,$nick),2))) { return }
  62. set -u120 %flood!Commands On
  63. set -u120 %flood!Commands. $+ $Nick On
  64. msg $chan Mimibot Commands: $+
  65. }
  67. on *:TEXT:!Mimibot:#: {
  68. if ($nick isop #) {
  69. msg $chan Mimibot is ON, Announcer is now on
  70. .timerLinks 0 600 .play # C:\Users\Badministrator\Documents\Mimibot.txt
  71. }
  72. }
  74. on *:TEXT:!MimibotOff:#: {
  75. if ($nick isop #) {
  76. msg $chan Mimibot is ON, Mimibot Announcer is now off
  77. .timerLinks off
  78. }
  79. }
  81. on *:TEXT:!DiemAnnouncer:#: {
  82. if ($nick isop #) {
  83. msg $chan Mimibot is ON, Diem Announcer is now on
  84. .timerDiem 0 300 .play # C:\Users\Badministrator\Documents\Diem.txt
  85. }
  86. }
  89. on *:TEXT:!DiemOFF:#: {
  90. if ($nick isop #) {
  91. msg $chan Mimibot is ON, Diem Announcer is now off
  92. .timerLinks off
  93. }
  94. }
  96. on *:TEXT:!sevrance:#: {
  97. if ((%flood!sevrance) || ($($+(%,!sevrance.,$nick),2))) { return }
  98. set -u120 %flood!sevrance On
  99. set -u120 %flood!sevrance. $+ $Nick On
  100. msg $chan Follow him at and $+
  101. }
  103. on *:TEXT:!Mimi:#: {
  104. if ((%flood!mimi) || ($($+(%,!mimi.,$nick),2))) { return }
  105. set -u120 %flood!mimi On
  106. set -u120 %flood!mimi. $+ $Nick On
  107. msg $chan Mimi is a dedicated mod for the Juice boys and Diem on Smitegame. Responsible for the management of bans, mimibot, other mods and giveaways. If you have any complaints about moderation feel free to PM her. Follow Mimi at $+
  108. }
  110. on *:TEXT:!ModStaff:#DMbrandon: {
  111. if ((%flood!modstaff) || ($($+(%,!modstaff.,$nick),2))) { return }
  112. set -u120 %flood!modstaff On
  113. set -u120 %flood!modstaff. $+ $Nick On
  114. msg $chan mod $+
  115. }
  117. on *:text:!strawpoll *:#:{
  118. var %regex = /(?:(.+?)\s*[:-]+\s*|())(.+?)$/iS
  119. if ($regex($strip($2-),%regex)) {
  120. var %title = $iif($regml(1),$v1,Poll)
  121. var %options = $regsubex($regml(2),/\s* $+ $chr(44) $+ \s*/g,$chr(44))
  122. if ((%floodpoll = On) || (%floodpoll. $+ $nick = On) ) { return }
  123. set -u10 %floodpoll On
  124. set -u30 %floodpoll. $+ $nick On
  125. }
  126. else return
  128. noop $strawpoll.create(#,%title,%options)
  129. }
  131. alias strawpoll.create {
  132. var %chan = $1, %title = $urlencode($2), %options
  133. var %multi = true, %permissive = false
  135. var %i = 1, %n = $numtok($3,44)
  136. while (%i <= %n) {
  137. %options = %options $+ &options[]= $+ $urlencode($gettok($3,%i,44))
  138. inc %i
  139. }
  141. var %sockname = strawpoll. $+ $ticks
  142. hfree -w %sockname | hmake %sockname
  143. hadd %sockname headerfile %sockname $+ .header.txt
  144. hadd %sockname datafile %sockname $+ .data.txt
  146. hadd %sockname host
  147. hadd %sockname request /ajax/new-poll
  148. hadd %sockname method POST
  149. hadd %sockname data $+(title=,%title,%options,&multi=,%multi,&permissive=,%permissive)
  150. hadd %sockname signal strawpoll.create
  151. hadd %sockname params %chan
  153. sockopen %sockname $hget(%sockname,host) 80
  154. }
  156. on *:signal:strawpoll.create:{
  157. var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4, %chan = $5
  159. if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,1)) && ($regex($read(%data,n,1),(\d+))) {
  160. msg %chan $+ $regml(1)
  161. }
  162. else msg %chan Could not create poll.
  164. hfree -w %sockname
  165. .remove %header | .remove %data
  166. }
  168. on *:sockopen:strawpoll.*:{
  169. var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname
  170. %a $hget($sockname,method) $hget($sockname,request) HTTP/1.0
  171. %a Host: $hget($sockname,host)
  172. %a Connection: close
  173. if ($hget($sockname,data) != $null) {
  174. %a Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  175. %a Content-Length: $len($v1)
  176. }
  177. %a $+($crlf,$hget($sockname,data))
  178. }
  180. on *:sockread:strawpoll.*:{
  181. var %header
  182. var %headerfile = $hget($sockname,headerfile)
  183. var %datafile = $hget($sockname,datafile)
  185. if (!$hget($sockname,header.complete)) {
  186. sockread %header
  187. while (%header != $null) {
  188. write %headerfile %header
  189. sockread %header
  190. }
  191. if ($sockbr) hadd $sockname header.complete $true
  192. }
  193. if ($hget($sockname,header.complete)) {
  194. sockread &read
  195. while ($sockbr) {
  196. bwrite %datafile -1 -1 &read
  197. sockread &read
  198. }
  199. }
  200. }
  202. on *:sockclose:strawpoll.*:{
  203. var %header = $hget($sockname,headerfile)
  204. var %data = $hget($sockname,datafile)
  205. var %signal = $hget($sockname,signal)
  206. var %params = $hget($sockname,params)
  208. if (%signal) .signal %signal 0 $sockname %header %data %params
  209. else {
  210. hfree -w $sockname
  211. .remove %header | .remove %data
  212. }
  213. }
  215. alias urlencode return $regsubex($1-,/([^A-Z0-9])/gi,$+(%,$base($asc(\1),10,16)))
  217. on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
  219. if (!%nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
  221. while ( !%nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] || %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 || %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2 ) {
  223. set %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(0,15)
  225. }
  227. }
  229. if ($me !isin $1-) {
  231. haltdef
  233. echo -t $chan $+(<, $+ %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ,$iif($regex($nick(#,$nick).pnick,/([~&@%\+])/),$regml(1)),$nick,,>) $1-
  235. window -g1 $chan
  237. halt
  239. }
  241. }
  243. on ^*:ACTION:*:#: {
  245. if (!%nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
  247. while ( !%nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] || %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 || %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2 ) {
  249. set %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(0,15)
  251. }
  253. }
  255. if ($me !isin $1-) {
  257. haltdef
  259. echo -t $chan $+($chr(42),$chr(0160), $+ %nickcolour. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ,$iif($regex($nick(#,$nick).pnick,/([~&@%\+])/),$regml(1)),$nick,, ) $1-
  261. window -g1 $chan
  263. halt
  265. }
  267. }
  269. on *:TEXT:!24:#: {
  270. if ($nick isop #) {
  271. msg $chan Mimibot is ON, 24 Announcer is now on
  272. .timerDiem 0 3600 .play # C:\Users\Badministrator\Documents\24.txt
  273. }
  274. }
  277. on *:TEXT:!24OFF:#: {
  278. if ($nick isop #) {
  279. msg $chan Mimibot is ON, 24 Announcer is now off
  280. .timer24 off
  281. }
  282. }
  284. on *:TEXT:!Emotes:#: {
  285. if ((%flood!Emotes) || ($($+(%,!Emotes.,$nick),2))) { return }
  286. set -u120 %flood!Emotes On
  287. set -u120 %flood!Emotes. $+ $Nick On
  288. msg $chan Sub to use them! $+
  289. }
  291. on *:TEXT:!Scoobs:#: {
  292. if ((%flood!Scoobs) || ($($+(%,!Scoobs.,$nick),2))) { return }
  293. set -u120 %flood!Scoobs On
  294. set -u120 %flood!Scoobs. $+ $Nick On
  295. msg $chan Mod on just about every channel. Mimi's #2 and the best Brit in this community. Follow him at and $+
  296. }
  298. on *:TEXT:!Loanne:#: {
  299. if ((%flood!Loanne) || ($($+(%,!Loanne.,$nick),2))) { return }
  300. set -u120 %flood!Loanne On
  301. set -u120 %flood!Loanne. $+ $Nick On
  302. msg $chan The whitest of girls. Starbucks and Ugg boots >>>>. Follow her at and $+
  303. }
  305. on *:TEXT:!Owlandish:#: {
  306. if ((%flood!Owlandish) || ($($+(%,!owlandish.,$nick),2))) { return }
  307. set -u120 %flood!Owlandish On
  308. set -u120 %flood!Owlandish. $+ $Nick On
  309. msg $chan Not British, not an actual owl, but the most Tsundere around. $+
  310. }
  312. on *:TEXT:!Krett:#: {
  313. if ((%flood!Krett) || ($($+(%,!Krett.,$nick),2))) { return }
  314. set -u120 %flood!Krett On
  315. set -u120 %flood!Krett. $+ $Nick On
  316. msg $chan Krett is a long time smite player with lots of game knowledge. Hit him up on http://twitch.TV/kretuhtuh and $+
  317. }
  319. on *:TEXT:!Shadow:#: {
  320. if ((%flood!Shadow) || ($($+(%,!Shadow.,$nick),2))) { return }
  321. set -u120 %flood!Shadow On
  322. set -u120 %flood!Shadow. $+ $Nick On
  323. msg $chan Shadow - Member of Juice gaming and competitive Smash player. One of Brandon's closest friends and a really cool guy! Check out his stream at and his Twitter at $+
  324. }
  326. on *:TEXT:!GirdleofSupport:#: {
  327. if ((%flood!GirdleofSupport) || ($($+(%,!GirdleofSupport.,$nick),2))) { return }
  328. set -u120 %flood!GirdleofSupport On
  329. set -u120 %flood!.GirdleofSupport $+ $Nick On
  330. msg $chan Cost: 600g. Cooldown: 60s. Gives all allied gods in a 70 ft radius a +20% Physical and Magical Power buff for 10 seconds $+
  331. }
  333. on *:TEXT:!GirdleofInnerPower:#: {
  334. if ((%flood!GirdleofInnerPower) || ($($+(%,!GirdleofInnerPower.,$nick),2))) { return }
  335. set -u120 %flood!GirdleofInnerPower On
  336. set -u120 %flood!.GirdleofInnerPower $+ $Nick On
  337. msg $chan Cost: 600g. Cooldown: 60s. Gives the owner a +20% Physical and Magical Power buff for 10 seconds. You also gain +10% physical and magical penetration. $+
  338. }
  340. on *:TEXT:!GreaterSprint:#: {
  341. if ((%flood!GreaterSprint) || ($($+(%,!GreaterSprint.,$nick),2))) { return }
  342. set -u120 %flood!GreaterSprint On
  343. set -u120 %flood!.Greatersprint $+ $Nick On
  344. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 60s. Increases your ground speed by 40% for 6s. It also makes you immune to slows for the duration, and you no longer have the movement penalty while firing. $+
  345. }
  347. on *:TEXT:!HeavenlyAgility:#: {
  348. if ((%flood!HeavenlyAgility) || ($($+(%,!HeavenlyAgilityt.,$nick),2))) { return }
  349. set -u120 %flood!HeavenlyAgility On
  350. set -u120 %flood!.HeavenlyAgility$+ $Nick On
  351. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 90s.Buffs all allies ground speed by 40% in a 70 foot radius for 6 seconds and makes them immune to slows.
  352. Their healing is also increased by 25% for the duration. $+
  353. }
  355. on *:TEXT:!GreaterBlink:#: {
  356. if ((%flood!GreaterBlink) || ($($+(%,!.GreaterBlink,$nick),2))) { return }
  357. set -u120 %flood!GreaterBlink On
  358. set -u120 %flood!.GreaterBlink $+ $Nick On
  359. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 45s. Allows you to teleport short distances instantly. You must be out of combat for 3s before it can be used. Also, you gain 40% movement speed for 1s after blinking. $+
  360. }
  362. on *:TEXT:!CombatBlink:#: {
  363. if ((%flood!CombatBlink) || ($($+(%,!.CombatBlink,$nick),2))) { return }
  364. set -u120 %flood!CombatBlink On
  365. set -u120 %flood!.CombatBlink $+ $Nick On
  366. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 180s. Allows you to teleport short distances instantly, even when in combat. $+
  367. }
  369. on *:TEXT:!GreaterProvidence:#: {
  370. if ((%flood!GreaterProvidence) || ($($+(%,!.GreaterProvidence,$nick),2))) { return }
  371. set -u120 %flood!GreaterProvidence On
  372. set -u120 %flood!.GreaterProvidence $+ $Nick On
  373. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 60s. Allows you to place a sentry ward every 60 seconds, allowing you to see normal enemy movements and wards where you place it. It does respect line of sight and can't see through walls or stealth. It remains for 3 minute or until killed. $+
  374. }
  376. on *:TEXT:!GreaterPurification:#: {
  377. if ((%flood!GreaterPurification) || ($($+(%,!.GreaterPurification,$nick),2))) { return }
  378. set -u120 %flood!GreaterPurification On
  379. set -u120 %flood!.Greater Purification $+ $Nick On
  380. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 90s. Removes crowd control effects and makes you immune for 3s. This also reduces all god cooldowns by 5 seconds. $+
  381. }
  383. on *:TEXT:!ShellofAbsorption:#: {
  384. if ((%flood!GreaterPurification) || ($($+(%,!.ShellofAbsorption,$nick),2))) { return }
  385. set -u120 %flood!GreaterPurification On
  386. set -u120 %flood!.Greater Purification $+ $Nick On
  387. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 90s. Gives the owner and his allies a +45 protections buff for 5 seconds. Also, all damage taken is reduced by 15%. $+
  388. }
  390. on *:TEXT:!SpikedShell:#: {
  391. if ((%flood!SpikedShell) || ($($+(%,!.SpikedShell,$nick),2))) { return }
  392. set -u120 %flood!SpikedShell On
  393. set -u120 %flood!.SpikedShell $+ $Nick On
  394. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 90s. Gives the owner and his allies a +45 protections buff for 5 seconds. Also, 10% of the damage taken is reflected back to the damaging god. $+
  395. }
  397. on *:TEXT:!GreaterMeditation:#: {
  398. if ((%flood!GreaterMeditation) || ($($+(%,!.GreaterMeditation,$nick),2))) { return }
  399. set -u120 %flood!GreaterMeditation On
  400. set -u120 %flood!.GreaterMeditation $+ $Nick On
  401. msg $chan hahahahhaahhaahaha no. $+
  402. }
  404. on *:TEXT:!Salvation:#: {
  405. if ((%flood!Salvation) || ($($+(%,!.Salvation,$nick),2))) { return }
  406. set -u120 %flood!Salvation On
  407. set -u120 %flood!.Salvation $+ $Nick On
  408. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 120s. Gives the owner 45 MP5 for 60 seconds and heals the owner and his teammates mana by 35% of their maximum mana. This also heals the owner and his teammates for 15% of the owner's maximum health.. $+
  409. }
  411. on *:TEXT:!WrathoftheGods:#: {
  412. if ((%flood!!WrathoftheGods) || ($($+(%,!.!WrathoftheGods,$nick),2))) { return }
  413. set -u120 %flood!!WrathoftheGods On
  414. set -u120 %flood!.!WrathoftheGods $+ $Nick On
  415. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown :60s. Deals 480 damage, in a 15 unit radius, to a maximum of 3 enemy minions or jungle monsters. Titans are also always hit. This will automatically kill the Fire Giant or Gold Fury if they are at or below 25% health. $+
  416. }
  418. on *:TEXT:!FistoftheGods:#: {
  419. if ((%flood!!FistoftheGods) || ($($+(%,!.!FistoftheGods,$nick),2))) { return }
  420. set -u120 %flood!!FistoftheGods On
  421. set -u120 %flood!.!FistoftheGods $+ $Nick On
  422. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 60s. Deals 480 damage, in a 15 unit radius, to a maximum of 3 enemy minions or jungle monsters. Titans are always hit. Also, all enemies will be stunned for 1s in the radius. $+
  423. }
  425. on *:TEXT:!GreaterAegis:#: {
  426. if ((%flood!!GreaterAegis) || ($($+(%,!.!GreaterAegis,$nick),2))) { return }
  427. set -u120 %flood!!GreaterAegis On
  428. set -u120 %flood!.!GreaterAegis $+ $Nick On
  429. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 120s. Makes you invulnerable to damage for 2s, preventing you from taking action. After the invulnerability fades, you gain a 20% damage reduction buff for 4s. This can be used even while under the effects of Crowd Control. $+
  430. }
  432. on *:TEXT:!AegisPendant:#: {
  433. if ((%flood!!AegisPendant) || ($($+(%,!.!AegisPendant,$nick),2))) { return }
  434. set -u120 %flood!!AegisPendant On
  435. set -u120 %flood!.!AegisPendant $+ $Nick On
  436. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 120s. Makes you invulnerable to damage for 2s, preventing you from attacking but allowing you to move. Crowd control effects will still apply. After the invulnerability fades, you gain a 20% damage reduction buff for 4s. $+
  437. }
  439. on *:TEXT:!WeakeningCurse:#: {
  440. if ((%flood!!WeakeningCurse) || ($($+(%,!.!WeakeningCurse,$nick),2))) { return }
  441. set -u120 %flood!!WeakeningCurse On
  442. set -u120 %flood!.!WeakeningCurse $+ $Nick On
  443. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 60s. Reduces all enemy gods ground speed by 40% in a 55 foot radius around you for 5 seconds.
  444. Their healing is also reduced by 100% for the duration. $+
  445. }
  447. on *:TEXT:!EnfeeblingCurse:#: {
  448. if ((%flood!!EnfeeblingCurse) || ($($+(%,!.!EnfeeblingCurse,$nick),2))) { return }
  449. set -u120 %flood!!EnfeeblingCurse On
  450. set -u120 %flood!.!EnfeeblingCurse $+ $Nick On
  451. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 60s. Reduces all enemy gods ground speed by 40% in a 55 foot radius around you for 5 seconds.
  452. Their attack speed is also reduced by 30% for the duration. $+
  453. }
  455. on *:TEXT:!ShieldedTeleport:#: {
  456. if ((%flood!!ShieldedTeleport) || ($($+(%,!.!ShieldedTeleport,$nick),2))) { return }
  457. set -u120 %flood!!ShieldedTeleport On
  458. set -u120 %flood!.!ShieldedTeleport $+ $Nick On
  459. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 120s. Allows you to teleport to any allied tower or ward, without damage interruption, while being unable to move. You are still interrupted by hard crowd control. $+
  460. }
  462. on *:TEXT:!ProtectedRecall:#: {
  463. if ((%flood!!ProtectedRecall) || ($($+(%,!.!ProtectedRecall,$nick),2))) { return }
  464. set -u120 %flood!!ProtectedRecall On
  465. set -u120 %flood!.!ProtectedRecall $+ $Nick On
  466. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 120s. Allows you to recall faster without being interrupted by damage or CC while being unable to move. $+
  467. }
  469. on *:TEXT:!TeleporttoGods:#: {
  470. if ((%flood!!TeleporttoGods) || ($($+(%,!.!TeleporttoGods,$nick),2))) { return }
  471. set -u120 %flood!!TeleporttoGods On
  472. set -u120 %flood!.!TeleporttoGods $+ $Nick On
  473. msg $chan Cost: 900g. Cooldown: 240s. Allows you to teleport to any allied god while being unable to move. Any damage interrupts the teleport. $+
  474. }
  476. on *:TEXT:!DeathsToll:#: {
  477. if ((%flood!!DeathsToll) || ($($+(%,!.!DeathsToll,$nick),2))) { return }
  478. set -u120 %flood!!DeathsToll On
  479. set -u120 %flood!.!DeathsToll $+ $Nick On
  480. msg $chan Cost: 800g. +15 phys +90 Health +3% Attack Speed $+
  481. }
  483. on *:TEXT:!Asi:#: {
  484. if ((%flood!!Asi) || ($($+(%,!.!Asi,$nick),2))) { return }
  485. set -u120 %flood!!Asi On
  486. set -u120 %flood!.!Asi $+ $Nick On
  487. msg $chan +15% Physical Lifesteal. +30% Attack Speed. +15% Physical Penetration. PASSIVE - If you drop below 35% Health, you gain an additional 25% physical lifesteal for 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 15 seconds.$+
  488. }
  490. on *:TEXT:!WingedBlade:#: {
  491. if ((%flood!!WingedBlade) || ($($+(%,!.!WingedBlade,$nick),2))) { return }
  492. set -u120 %flood!!WingedBlade On
  493. set -u120 %flood!.!WingedBlade $+ $Nick On
  494. msg $chan Total Cost: 1850. +350 Health. +10% Cooldown Reduction. +10% Attack Speed. +10% Movement Speed. PASSIVE - When hit by a slow, you are immune to slows and your movement speed is increased by 20% for 4s. Only occurs once every 30 seconds.$+
  495. }
  497. on *:TEXT:!Heartseeker:#: {
  498. if ((%flood!!Heartseeker) || ($($+(%,!.!Heartseeker,$nick),2))) { return }
  499. set -u120 %flood!!Heartseekerl On
  500. set -u120 %flood!.!Heartseeker $+ $Nick On
  501. msg $chan Cost: 1950g. +25 Physical Power +8% Movement Speed PASSIVE - You gain +1 Physical Power per stack, and receive 1 stack per minion kill. The stacks are halved on death. (max. 50 stacks)$+
  502. }
  504. on *:TEXT:!DevourersGauntlet:#: {
  505. if ((%flood!!DevourersGauntlet) || ($($+(%,!.!DevourersGauntlet,$nick),2))) { return }
  506. set -u120 %flood!!DevourersGauntlet On
  507. set -u120 %flood!.!DevourersGauntlet $+ $Nick On
  508. msg $chan Cost: 2150g. = +30 Physical Power, +10% Physical Lifesteal PASSIVE - You permanently gain +.5 Physical Power and +.25% Physical Lifesteal per stack, and receive 5 stacks per god kill and 1 stack per minion kill. (max. 60 stacks)$+
  509. }
  511. on *:TEXT:!BloodForge:#: {
  512. if ((%flood!!BloodForge) || ($($+(%,!.!BloodForge,$nick),2))) { return }
  513. set -u120 %flood!!BloodForge On
  514. set -u120 %flood!.!BloodForge $+ $Nick On
  515. msg $chan Cost: 2150g. = +40 Physical Power, +20% Physical Lifesteal, PASSIVE - Each successful hit on an enemy grants you +5 Physical Power and +2% Physical Lifesteal for 4s (max 5 stacks).$+
  516. }
  518. on *:TEXT:!SoulEater:#: {
  519. if ((%flood!!SoulEater) || ($($+(%,!.!SoulEater,$nick),2))) { return }
  520. set -u120 %flood!!SoulEater On
  521. set -u120 %flood!.!SoulEater $+ $Nick On
  522. msg $chan Cost: 2000g. = +300 Health, +15% Physical Lifesteal, +10% Attack Speed, Aura - +10 Physical Power and +10% Physical Lifesteal to all allies within 70 feet.$+
  524. }
  526. on *:TEXT:!TitansBane:#: {
  527. if ((%flood!!TitansBane) || ($($+(%,!.!TitansBane,$nick),2))) { return }
  528. set -u120 %flood!!TitansBane On
  529. set -u120 %flood!.!TitansBane $+ $Nick On
  530. msg $chan Cost: 2050g +30 Physical Power PASSIVE - All of your physical attacks gain 33% Physical Penetration. $+
  531. }
  533. on *:TEXT:!NinjaTabi:#: {
  534. if ((%flood!!NinjaTabi) || ($($+(%,!.!NinjaTabi,$nick),2))) { return }
  535. set -u120 %flood!!NinjaTabi On
  536. set -u120 %flood!.!NinjaTabi $+ $Nick On
  537. msg $chan Cost: 2090g. +30 Physical Power +9% Attack Speed +18% Movement Speed.
  538. PASSIVE - You gain +15% Cooldown Reduction. $+
  539. }
  541. on *:TEXT:!HastenedFatalis:#: {
  542. if ((%flood!!HastenedFatalis) || ($($+(%,!.!HastenedFatalis,$nick),2))) { return }
  543. set -u120 %flood!!HastenedFatalis On
  544. set -u120 %flood!.!HastenedFatalis $+ $Nick On
  545. msg $chan Cost: 2140. +30 Attack Speed. +10% Movement Speed. PASSIVE - When a basic attack hits a target, the attacking movement speed debuff is removed from you for 1 second.$+
  546. }
  548. on *:TEXT:!WarriorTabi:#: {
  549. if ((%flood!!WarriorTabi) || ($($+(%,!.!WarriorTabi,$nick),2))) { return }
  550. set -u120 %flood!!WarriorTabi On
  551. set -u120 %flood!.!WarriorTabi $+ $Nick On
  552. msg $chan Cost: 2150g. +30 Physical Power +9% Attack Speed +18% Movement Speed.
  553. PASSIVE - PASSIVE - You gain +15 physical penetration.$+
  554. }
  556. on *:TEXT:!RunicShield:#: {
  557. if ((%flood!!RunicShield) || ($($+(%,!.!RunicShield,$nick),2))) { return }
  558. set -u120 %flood!!RunicShield On
  559. set -u120 %flood!.!RunicShield $+ $Nick On
  560. msg $chan Cost: 2400g. +60 Magical Protection +20 Physical Power +15 HP5 PASSIVE - When hit by an ability, your magical protection increases by 30 for 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds. $+
  561. }
  563. on *:TEXT:!Executioner:#: {
  564. if ((%flood!!Executioner) || ($($+(%,!.!Executioner,$nick),2))) { return }
  565. set -u120 %flood!!Executioner On
  566. set -u120 %flood!.!Executioner $+ $Nick On
  567. msg $chan Cost: 2200. +30 Physical Power. +20% Attack Speed. PASSIVE - Basic attacks against an enemy reduce your target's Physical Protection by 7% and an additional 5 points for 3 seconds (max 3 stacks).$+
  568. }
  570. on *:TEXT:!FrostboundHammer:#: {
  571. if ((%flood!!FrostboundHammer) || ($($+(%,!.!FrostboundHammer$nick),2))) { return }
  572. set -u120 %flood!!FrostboundHammer On
  573. set -u120 %flood!.!FrostboundHammer $+ $Nick On
  574. msg $chan Cost: 2300g. +400 Health +25 Physical Power PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your basic attacks will move 25% slower for 2 seconds. $+
  575. }
  577. on *:TEXT:!BrawlersBeatStick:#: {
  578. if ((%flood!!BrawlersBeatStick) || ($($+(%,!.!BrawlersBeatStick,$nick),2))) { return }
  579. set -u120 %flood!!BrawlersBeatStick On
  580. set -u120 %flood!.!BrawlersBeatStick $+ $Nick On
  581. msg $chan Cost: 2400g. = +40 Physical Power, +20 Physical Penetration, PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your basic attacks have 40% reduced healing and regeneration for 8s.$+
  582. }
  584. on *:TEXT:!Witchblade:#: {
  585. if ((%flood!!Witchblade) || ($($+(%,!.!Witchblade,$nick),2))) { return }
  586. set -u120 %flood!!Witchblade On
  587. set -u120 %flood!.!Witchblade $+ $Nick On
  588. msg $chan Cost: 2200. +45 Physical Protection. +15% Movement Speed. +15% Attack Speed. AURA - All enemies within 55 feet have their attack speed reduced by 15% and their Physical Power reduced by 25. $+
  589. }
  591. on *:TEXT:!JotunnsWrath:#: {
  592. if ((%flood!!JotunnsWrath) || ($($+(%,!.!JotunnsWrath,$nick),2))) { return }
  593. set -u120 %flood!!JotunnsWrath On
  594. set -u120 %flood!.!JotunnsWrath $+ $Nick On
  595. msg $chan Cost: 2440g. +40 Physical Power, +150 Mana, +11 Physical Penetration, PASSIVE - Your ability cooldowns are reduced by 25%.$+
  596. }
  598. on *:TEXT:!QuinsSais:#: {
  599. if ((%flood!!QuinsSais) || ($($+(%,!.!QuinsSais,$nick),2))) { return }
  600. set -u120 %flood!!QuinsSais On
  601. set -u120 %flood!.!QuinsSais $+ $Nick On
  602. msg $chan Cost: 2650. +30 Physical Power. +25% Attack Speed. PASSIVE - On basic attack hits, deal physical damage equal to 20 + 6% of the target's missing health. This only affects gods. $+
  603. }
  605. on *:TEXT:!ShieldofRegen:#: {
  606. if ((%flood!!SheildofRegen) || ($($+(%,!.!SheildofRegen$nick),2))) { return }
  607. set -u120 %flood!!SheildofRegen On
  608. set -u120 %flood!.!SheildofRegen $+ $Nick On
  609. msg $chan Cost: 2400g. +60 Magical Protection +20 Physical Power +15 HP5 PASSIVE - When hit by an ability, your HP5 is increased by 100% for 5 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds. $+
  610. }
  612. on *:TEXT:!VoidShield:#: {
  613. if ((%flood!!VoidShield) || ($($+(%,!.!VoidShield,$nick),2))) { return }
  614. set -u120 %flood!!VoidShield On
  615. set -u120 %flood!.!VoidShield $+ $Nick On
  616. msg $chan Cost: 2700g. +25 Physical Power +50 Physical Protection, PASSIVE - Reduces the Physical Protection of enemies within 55 feet by 15. $+
  617. }
  619. on *:TEXT:!Rage:#: {
  620. if ((%flood!!Rage) || ($($+(%,!.!Rage,$nick),2))) { return }
  621. set -u120 %flood!!Rage On
  622. set -u120 %flood!.!Rage $+ $Nick On
  623. msg $chan Cost: 2755. +20 Physical Power. +30% Critical Strike. +15% Attack Speed. PASSIVE - If your basic attack does not crit, your critical strike chance increases by 10% (max. 5 stacks). Resets on successful crit.$+
  624. }
  626. on *:TEXT:!GoldenDagger:#: {
  627. if ((%flood!!GoldenDagger) || ($($+(%,!.!GoldenDagger$nick),2))) { return }
  628. set -u120 %flood!!GoldenDagger On
  629. set -u120 %flood!.!GoldenDagger $+ $Nick On
  630. msg $chan Cost: 2480g. +35 Physical Power +10% Critical Strike +5% Movement Speed PASSIVE - All basic attacks will also hit enemies within a 15 ft radius of the target for 50% of the damage. $+
  631. }
  633. on *:TEXT:!Malice:#: {
  634. if ((%flood!!Malice) || ($($+(%,!.!Malice,$nick),2))) { return }
  635. set -u120 %flood!!Malice On
  636. set -u120 %flood!.!Malice $+ $Nick On
  637. msg $chan Cost: 3100g. +50 Physical Power, +20% Critical Strike Chance, PASSIVE - If you basic attack crits, you deal an additional +60% of your total power as physical damage over the next 3s. Additional crits refresh this effect.
  638. }
  640. on *:TEXT:!Transcendence:#: {
  641. if ((%flood!!Transcendence) || ($($+(%,!.!Transcendence$nick),2))) { return }
  642. set -u120 %flood!!Transcendence On
  643. set -u120 %flood!.!Transcendence $+ $Nick On
  644. msg $chan Cost: 2700g. +35 Physical Power +300 Mana +6 MP5 PASSIVE - You gain 15 mana per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack for a minion kill (max. 50 stacks). In addition, 3% of your maximum mana is converted to physical power. $+
  645. }
  647. on *:TEXT:!ShiftersShield:#: {
  648. if ((%flood!!ShiftersShield) || ($($+(%,!.!ShiftersShield$nick),2))) { return }
  649. set -u120 %flood!!ShiftersShield On
  650. set -u120 %flood!.!ShiftersShield $+ $Nick On
  651. msg $chan Cost: 2700g. +40 Physical Power, +15 Physical Protection, +15 Magical Protection,PASSIVE - While over 50% health, you gain +20 Physical Power. While under 50% health, you gain +20 protections.$+
  652. }
  654. on *:TEXT:!HydrasLament:#: {
  655. if ((%flood!!Transcendence) || ($($+(%,!.!Transcendence$nick),2))) { return }
  656. set -u120 %flood!!Transcendence On
  657. set -u120 %flood!.!Transcendence $+ $Nick On
  658. msg $chan Cost: 2850g. +50 Physical Power +15% Cooldown Reduction PASSIVE - For 5s after using an ability, your next basic attack will deal +50% of your total physical power as physical damage. The effect can only apply once every 4 seconds. $+
  659. }
  661. on *:TEXT:!DUDUDU:#: {
  662. if ((%flood!!DUDUDU) || ($($+(%,!.!DUDUDU,$nick),2))) { return }
  663. set -u600 %flood!!DUDUDU On
  664. set -u600 %flood!.!DUDUDU $+ $Nick On
  665. msg $chan $+
  666. }
  668. on *:TEXT:!DeathBringer:#: {
  669. if ((%flood!!DeathBringer) || ($($+(%,!.!DeathBringer,$nick),2))) { return }
  670. set -u120 %flood!!DeathBringer On
  671. set -u120 %flood!.!DeathBringer $+ $Nick On
  672. msg $chan Cost: 3150g. +50 Physical Power +20% Critical Strike PASSIVE - Critical strike damage is increased by 50%.$+
  673. }
  675. on *:TEXT:!VampiricShroud:#: {
  676. if ((%flood!!VampiricShroud) || ($($+(%,!.!VampiricShroud,$nick),2))) { return }
  677. set -u120 %flood!!VampiricShroud On
  678. set -u120 %flood!.!VampiricShroud $+ $Nick On
  679. msg $chan Cost: 800. +20 Magical Power. +100 Health. +5 MP5. PASSIVE - Killing an enemy restores 10 health and mana.$+
  680. }
  682. on *:TEXT:!DivineRuin:#: {
  683. if ((%flood!!DivineRuin) || ($($+(%,!.!DivineRuin,$nick),2))) { return }
  684. set -u120 %flood!!DivineRuin On
  685. set -u120 %flood!.!DivineRuin $+ $Nick On
  686. msg $chan Cost: 1850g.+50 Magical Power +15% Magical Lifesteal +150 Mana PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your abilities have 40% reduced healing for 8s. $+
  687. }
  689. on *:TEXT:!ShoesofFocus:#: {
  690. if ((%flood!!ShoesofFocus) || ($($+(%,!.!ShoesofFocus,$nick),2))) { return }
  691. set -u120 %flood!!ShoesofFocus On
  692. set -u120 %flood!.!ShoesofFocus $+ $Nick On
  693. msg $chan Cost: 1875g.+50 Magical Power, +250 Mana,+18% Movement Speed.
  694. PASSIVE - You gain +15% Cooldown Reduction.$+
  695. }
  697. on *:TEXT:!DoomOrb:#: {
  698. if ((%flood!!DoomOrb) || ($($+(%,!.!DoomOrb,$nick),2))) { return }
  699. set -u120 %flood!!DoomOrb On
  700. set -u120 %flood!.!DoomOrb $+ $Nick On
  701. msg $chan Cost: 1900. +40 Magical Power. +200 Mana. +7 MP5. PASSIVE - You gain +2 Magical Power per stack, and receive 1 stack per minion kill. The stacks are halved on death. (max. 50 stacks)$+
  702. }
  704. on *:TEXT:!ShoesoftheMagi:#: {
  705. if ((%flood!!ShoesoftheMagi) || ($($+(%,!.!ShoesoftheMagi,$nick),2))) { return }
  706. set -u120 %flood!!ShoesoftheMagi On
  707. set -u120 %flood!.!ShoesoftheMagi $+ $Nick On
  708. msg $chan Cost: 1925g. +50 Magical Power+250 Mana +18% Movement Speed.
  709. PASSIVE - You gain +15 Magical Penetration. $+
  710. }
  712. on *:TEXT:!ObsidianShard:#: {
  713. if ((%flood!!ObsidianShard) || ($($+(%,!.!ObsidianShard,$nick),2))) { return }
  714. set -u120 %flood!!ObsidianShard On
  715. set -u120 %flood!.!ObsidianShard $+ $Nick On
  716. msg $chan Cost: 2050. +70 Magical Power. PASSIVE - You gain +33% Magical Penetration.$+
  717. }
  719. on *:TEXT:!TelkhinesRing:#: {
  720. if ((%flood!!TelkhinesRIng) || ($($+(%,!.!TelkhinesRing,$nick),2))) { return }
  721. set -u120 %flood!!TelkhinesRing On
  722. set -u120 %flood!.!TelkhinesRing $+ $Nick On
  723. msg $chan Cost: 2125g.+45 Magical Power, +30 Magical Protection,+10% Attack Speed,PASSIVE - Your basic attack hits deal 40 additional magical damage to the target.$+
  724. }
  726. on *:TEXT:!SpearoftheMagus:#: {
  727. if ((%flood!!SpearoftheMagus) || ($($+(%,!.!SpearoftheMagus,$nick),2))) { return }
  728. set -u120 %flood!!SpearoftheMagus On
  729. set -u120 %flood!.!SpearoftheMagus $+ $Nick On
  730. msg $chan Cost: 2150. +40 Magical Power. +15 Magical Penetration. PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your damaging abilities have their magical protection reduced by 10 and an additional 10% for 5 seconds (maximum 2 stacks).$+
  731. }
  733. on *:TEXT:!DemonicGrip:#: {
  734. if ((%flood!!DemonicGrip) || ($($+(%,!.!DemonicGrip,$nick),2))) { return }
  735. set -u120 %flood!!DemonicGrip On
  736. set -u120 %flood!.!DemonicGrip $+ $Nick On
  737. msg $chan Cost: 2280g. +60 Magical Power +25% Attack Speed PASSIVE - Your basic attacks reduce your target's Magical Protection by 7% and an additional 5 points for 3 seconds (max 3 stacks). $+
  738. }
  740. on *:TEXT:!Polynomicon:#: {
  741. if ((%flood!!Polynomicon) || ($($+(%,!.!Polynomicon,$nick),2))) { return }
  742. set -u120 %flood!!Polynomicon On
  743. set -u120 %flood!.!Polynomicon $+ $Nick On
  744. msg $chan Cost: 2300g.+75 Magical Power, +300 Mana,+10% Magical Lifesteal, PASSIVE - Using an ability gives your next basic attack within the next 5 seconds +85% of your magical power as additional magical damage. The effect can only occur every 4 seconds.$+
  745. }
  747. on *:TEXT:!VoidStone:#: {
  748. if ((%flood!!VoidStone) || ($($+(%,!.!VoidStone,$nick),2))) { return }
  749. set -u120 %flood!!VoidStone On
  750. set -u120 %flood!.!VoidStone $+ $Nick On
  751. msg $chan Cost: 2350. +40 Magical Power. +50 Magical Protection. AURA - Reduces the Magical Protection of enemies within 55 feet by 15.$+
  752. }
  754. on *:TEXT:!BancroftsTalon:#: {
  755. if ((%flood!!BancroftsTalon) || ($($+(%,!.!BancroftsTalon,$nick),2))) { return }
  756. set -u120 %flood!!BancroftsTalon On
  757. set -u120 %flood!.!BancroftsTalon $+ $Nick On
  758. msg $chan Cost: 2400g.+100 Magical Power +12% Magical Lifesteal PASSIVE - You gain 1 additional magical power per 1% of your missing health. $+
  759. }
  761. on *:TEXT:!ChronosPendant:#: {
  762. if ((%flood!!ChronosPendant) || ($($+(%,!.!ChronosPendant,$nick),2))) { return }
  763. set -u120 %flood!!ChronosPendant On
  764. set -u120 %flood!.!ChronosPendant $+ $Nick On
  765. msg $chan Cost: 2400g.+75 Magical Power, +25 Mp5,PASSIVE - Your ability cooldowns are reduced by 25%.$+
  766. }
  768. on *:TEXT:!PythagoremsPiece:#: {
  769. if ((%flood!!PythagoremsPiece) || ($($+(%,!.!PythagoremsPiece,$nick),2))) { return }
  770. set -u120 %flood!!PythagoremsPiece On
  771. set -u120 %flood!.!PythagoremsPiece $+ $Nick On
  772. msg $chan Cost: 2600. +300 Mana. +70 Magical Power. +15% Magical Lifesteal. AURA - +20 Magical Power and +10% Magical Lifesteal to all allies within 70 feet.$+
  773. }
  775. on *:TEXT:!WarlocksSash:#: {
  776. if ((%flood!!WarlocksSash) || ($($+(%,!.!WarlocksSash,$nick),2))) { return }
  777. set -u120 %flood!!WarlocksSash On
  778. set -u120 %flood!.!WarlocksSash $+ $Nick On
  779. msg $chan Cost: 2650g. +50 Magical Power +300 Health +400 Mana PASSIVE - You permanently gain +3 Health and +.6 Magical Power per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack per minion kill. (max. 100 stacks) $+
  780. }
  782. on *:TEXT:!EtherealStaff:#: {
  783. if ((%flood!!EtherealStaff) || ($($+(%,!.!EtherealStaff,$nick),2))) { return }
  784. set -u120 %flood!!EtherealStaff On
  785. set -u120 %flood!.!EtherealStaff $+ $Nick On
  786. msg $chan Cost: 2700. +600 Health. +30 magical power. +300 Mana. PASSIVE - 2% of your maximum health is converted to magical power.$+
  787. }
  789. on *:TEXT:!BookofThoth:#: {
  790. if ((%flood!!BookofThoth) || ($($+(%,!.!BookofThoth,$nick),2))) { return }
  791. set -u120 %flood!!BookofThoth On
  792. set -u120 %flood!.!BookofThoth $+ $Nick On
  793. msg $chan Cost: 3000. +125 Mana. +15 MP5. +100 Magical Power. PASSIVE - You permanently gain 10 mana per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack for a minion kill (max 75 stacks). Additionally, 3% of your mana is converted to magical power.$+
  794. }
  796. on *:TEXT:!RodofTahuti:#: {
  797. if ((%flood!!RodofTahuti) || ($($+(%,!.!RodofTahuti,$nick),2))) { return }
  798. set -u120 %flood!!RodofTahuti On
  799. set -u120 %flood!.!RodofTahuti $+ $Nick On
  800. msg $chan Cost: 3320. +125 Magical Power. +15 MP5. PASSIVE - Increases magical power by 25%.$+
  801. }
  803. on *:TEXT:!RodofAsclepius:#: {
  804. if ((%flood!!RodofAsclepius) || ($($+(%,!.!RodofAsclepius,$nick),2))) { return }
  805. set -u120 %flood!!RodofAsclepius On
  806. set -u120 %flood!.!RodofAsclepius $+ $Nick On
  807. msg $chan Cost: 2660.+75 Magical Power. +200 Health.+10% Movement Speed,AURA - The healing and health regeneration of allies within 70 feet is increased by 15%.. $+
  808. }
  810. on *:TEXT:!SoulReaver:#: {
  811. if ((%flood!!SoulReaver) || ($($+(%,!.!SoulReaver,$nick),2))) { return }
  812. set -u120 %flood!!SoulReaver On
  813. set -u120 %flood!.!SoulReaver $+ $Nick On
  814. msg $chan Cost: 3100. +100 Magical Power +300 Mana PASSIVE - When a god takes damage from your abilities, they take 15% of their maximum health in additional damage. If multiple gods are hit, the damage is applied to the one with the greatest maximum health. This can only occur once every 60 seconds..$+
  815. }
  817. on *:TEXT:!GemofIsolation:#: {
  818. if ((%flood!!GemofIsolation) || ($($+(%,!.!GemofIsolation,$nick),2))) { return }
  819. set -u120 %flood!!GemofIsolation On
  820. set -u120 %flood!.!GemofIsolation $+ $Nick On
  821. msg $chan Cost: 2850. +70 Magical Power. +250 Health. +250 Mana. PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your damaging abilities will move 25% slower for 2 seconds.$+
  822. }
  824. on *:TEXT:!SpecialThanks:#: {
  825. if ((%flood!!SpecialThanks) || ($($+(%,!.!SpecialThanks,$nick),2))) { return }
  826. set -u120 %flood!!SpecialThanks On
  827. set -u120 %flood!.!SpecialThanks $+ $Nick On
  828. msg $chan Special thanks to crazycookie12, Gronkar, and alwayzbored114 for having literally no lives and helping develop MimiBot 2.0 - Item Edition $+
  829. }
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