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- --[[
- Save this script as "hockey.lua"
- Place this script in:
- - Windows (all users): %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\sd\
- - Windows (current user): %APPDATA%\VLC\lua\sd\
- - Linux (all users): /usr/share/vlc/lua/sd/
- - Linux (current user): ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/sd/
- - Mac OS X (all users):
- --]]
- SCRIPT_NAME="/r/hockey"
- API_USERNAME="rhockeyvlc"
- USER_AGENT="PS4Application libhttp/1.000 (PS4) CoreMedia libhttp/1.76 (PlayStation 4)"
- --Alternative User-Agents:
- -- USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0; Xbox; Xbox One)"
- -- USER_AGENT="iTunes-AppleTV/4.1"
- json = nil
- function lazy_load()
- if lazy_loaded then return nil end
- json = require "dkjson"
- json["parse_url"] = function(url)
- local string = ""
- local line = ""
- local stream =
- repeat
- line = stream:readline()
- string = string..line
- until line ~= nil
- return json.decode(string)
- end
- lazy_loaded = true
- end
- function log(msg)
-"[" .. SCRIPT_NAME .. "] " .. msg)
- end
- function descriptor()
- return { title=SCRIPT_NAME }
- end
- local function get_date_parts(date_str)
- _,_,y,m,d,h,M,s=string.find(date_str, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
- return {year=tonumber(y),month=tonumber(m),day=tonumber(d),hour=tonumber(h),min=tonumber(M),sec=tonumber(s)}
- end
- local function get_et_diff()
- if not SHOW_LOCAL_TIME then
- return nil
- end
- local status, et_date = pcall(get_et_date)
- if (status == false or et_date == nil) then
- vlc.msg.warn("Couldn't get ET time, showing default times: " .. et_date)
- return nil
- end
- local local_time = os.time()
- local et_time = os.time(get_date_parts(et_date))
- local diff_seconds = os.difftime(local_time, et_time)
- -- Round to closest 5mins
- local excess = diff_seconds % 300
- if (excess < 150) then
- diff_seconds = diff_seconds - excess
- else
- diff_seconds = diff_seconds + (300 - excess)
- end
- return diff_seconds
- end
- local function convert_to_local(datetime, diff)
- local time, local_time, local_date
- if diff == nil then
- diff = 0
- end
- time = os.time(get_date_parts(datetime))
- adjusted_time = time + diff;
- local_time =, adjusted_time)
- local_date ="%Y/%m/%d", adjusted_time)
- -- Strip leading zero from 12 hour format
- if not MILITARY_TIME then
- local_time = local_time:gsub("^0", "")
- end
- return local_time, local_date
- end
- local function set_time_display_format(diff)
- time_display_format = "%H:%M"
- else
- time_display_format = "%I:%M %p"
- end
- if (diff == nil) then
- time_display_format = time_display_format .. " ET"
- end
- end
- local function convert_game_time_string_to_date(game_time)
- _,_,m,d,y,h,M,s=string.find(game_time, "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
- return string.format("%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", y, m, d, h, M, 0)
- end
- local function get_feed_date()
- -- Calculate date for -10:00
- local timestamp = os.time()
- -- ! gives GMT time
- local format = "%Y/%m/%d"
- -- Offset causes date to only switch over at 10am GMT
- -- which is 5am ET
- local tzoffset = -36000
- return, timestamp + tzoffset)
- end
- function main()
- lazy_load()
- log("main")
- local et_diff = get_et_diff()
- set_time_display_format(et_diff)
- local todays_date = get_feed_date()
- local todays_games = {}
- local scoreboard = json.parse_url(SCOREBOARD_URL)
- for _, game in ipairs( scoreboard["games"] ) do
- local game_id, game_time, game_date, home_team, away_team, title = getInfoForGame(game, et_diff)
- if(game_date == todays_date) then
- table.insert(todays_games, game)
- end
- end
- if #(todays_games) == 0 then
-{path="", title="No games today."})
- return
- end
- for _, game in ipairs( todays_games ) do
- add_node_for_game(game)
- end
- end
- function getInfoForGame(game, et_diff)
- local game_id = game["id"]
- local game_date = convert_game_time_string_to_date(""["longStartTime"])
- local local_game_time, local_game_date = convert_to_local(game_date, et_diff)
- local home_team = full_name(""["homeTeamName"])
- local away_team = full_name(""["awayTeamName"])
- local title = game_id .. " " .. local_game_time .. " - " .. away_team .. " @ " .. home_team
- return game_id, local_game_time, local_game_date, home_team, away_team, title
- end
- function add_node_for_game_team_type(parentNode, node, prefix)
- local quality = {400, 800, 1200, 1600, 3000, 4500, 5000}
- if (node ~= nil) then
- for _, q in ipairs(quality) do
- local url = string.gsub(node, "ipad", q)
- parentNode:add_subitem({
- path = url,
- title = prefix .. ' - ' .. q .. ' kbps ',
- options = {
- "http-user-agent=" .. USER_AGENT
- }
- })
- end
- end
- end
- local function add_missing_feed_node(parent_node, game, game_state)
- if game_state == 6 then
- parent_node:add_subnode({title = "Game has finished. No replay or highlights available yet."})
- else
- parent_node:add_subnode({title = "No stream available yet."})
- end
- end
- local function add_node_for_game_team(parentNode, node, game_state)
- local nodeAdded = false
- if (node["live"] ~= nil) then
- add_node_for_game_team_type(parentNode, node["live"]["bitrate0"], "Live")
- nodeAdded = true
- end
- if (node["vod-condensed"] ~= nil) then
- add_node_for_game_team_type(parentNode, node["vod-condensed"]["bitrate0"], "Condensed VOD")
- nodeAdded = true
- end
- if (node["vod-continuous"] ~= nil and node["vod-condensed"] ~= nil) then
- local url = string.gsub(node["vod-condensed"]["bitrate0"], "condensed", "continuous")
- add_node_for_game_team_type(parentNode, url, "Continuous VOD")
- nodeAdded = true
- end
- if(nodeAdded ~= true) then
- add_missing_feed_node(parentNode, node, game_state)
- end
- end
- function add_node_for_game(game)
- local game_id, game_time, game_date, home_team, away_team, title = getInfoForGame(game, et_diff)
- local parentNode = { path = "", title = title } )
- local home_feed_node = parentNode:add_subnode({ title = home_team })
- local away_feed_node = parentNode:add_subnode({ title = away_team })
- local id_year = string.sub(game_id, 1, 4)
- local id_season = string.sub(game_id, 5, 6)
- local id_game = string.sub(game_id, 7, 10)
- local feed_url = string.format(FEED_SOURCE_URL, id_year, id_season, id_game)
- local streams = json.parse_url(feed_url)
- if (streams ~= nil) then
- local ipad = streams['gameStreams']['ipad']
- local game_state = streams["gameState"]
- log(game_state .." ".. game_time .." ".. game_date .." ".. home_team .." ".. away_team .." (".. title .. ")")
- local home = ipad["home"]
- local away = ipad["away"]
- if (home ~= nil) then
- add_node_for_game_team(home_feed_node, home, game_state)
- else
- add_missing_feed_node(home_feed_node, game, game_state)
- end
- if (away ~= nil) then
- add_node_for_game_team(away_feed_node, away, game_state)
- else
- add_missing_feed_node(away_feed_node, game, game_state)
- end
- else
- add_missing_feed_node(home_feed_node, game, game_state)
- add_missing_feed_node(away_feed_node, game, game_state)
- end
- end
- function full_name(abr)
- local all_names = {
- BOS = "Boston Bruins",
- BUF = "Buffalo Sabres",
- CGY = "Calgary Flames",
- CHI = "Chicago Blackhawks",
- DET = "Detroit Red Wings",
- EDM = "Edmonton Oilers",
- CAR = "Carolina Hurricanes",
- LAK = "Los Angeles Kings",
- MTL = "Montreal Canadiens",
- DAL = "Dallas Stars",
- NJD = "New Jersey Devils",
- NYI = "New York Islanders",
- NYR = "New York Rangers",
- PHI = "Philadelphia Flyers",
- PIT = "Pittsburgh Penguins",
- COL = "Colorado Avalanche",
- STL = "St. Louis Blues",
- TOR = "Toronto Maple Leafs",
- VAN = "Vancouver Canucks",
- WSH = "Washington Capitals",
- ARI = "Arizona Coyotes",
- SJS = "San Jose Sharks",
- OTT = "Ottawa Senators",
- TBL = "Tampa Bay Lightning",
- ANA = "Anaheim Ducks",
- FLA = "Florida Panthers",
- CBJ = "Columbus Blue Jackets",
- MIN = "Minnesota Wild",
- NSH = "Nashville Predators",
- WPG = "Winnipeg Jets"
- }
- local name = all_names[abr]
- if name == nil then
- name = abr
- end
- return(name)
- end
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