
Anthrem Hadaka Med 2

Feb 16th, 2017
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  1. Character: Anthrem Hadaka
  2. Key: Loste
  3. Application for: Med 2
  5. Anthrem felt alone on the planet he inhabited. He wasn't sure what it was called, if there was more out there in the galaxy, or what a galaxy was for that matter. He was near entirely uneducated in most aspects of life and life of those around him. He had no contact with anyone since his eyes opened and he could acknowledge he was a being that could influence the world around him. Anthrem had only met one person who simply asked him what his intentions where for the future without introduction or anything leading up to the question. It was a strange question to be asked at random by someone he didn't even know, it wasn't like he had much time to think about it aside from surviving on what he could.
  7. He had grown hungry and had resorted to hunting in the woods for squirrels, birds, whatever he could catch eventually coming across a bed of water that was teeming with fish. Like a bear he dove in slapping what fish came close out of the water and on to shore. The entire task took till night time which meant he needed to find some sort of shelter and possibly make a fire.
  9. Making fires was one of the only talents he really had. By focusing hard on a strange feeling within him and pointing at a pile of sticks he could ignite them. It was like he could use his own energy to focus in on oxygen molecules in and around the pile and create a sort of static around them, particle like in size, but effective enough to create a flame. While eating and afterwards Anthrem practiced this repeatedly until no longer feeling that energy inside of him anymore.
  11. Out of fear of never being able to do it again, he closed his eyes and attempted to focus in on it and if he couldn't he would then try and stir up whatever it was without said feeling. Anthrem concentrated for hours, finding that he was doing no more than focusing on a darkness that he could see. An emptiness that forced his mind to go blank and enter a state of weightlessness. He could no longer feel his body or feel his surroundings while simultaneously being one with all of it. It was a solace that he had never felt before.
  13. By the time Anthrem could bring himself to open his eyes the sun was out again. A morning dew dripped from blades of grass around him and the pond that he had been fishing in looked as if it had grown abundant in life yet again. He felt refreshed but more so than usual. His body and mind felt more at one with themselves. His motions were more fluid, his senses were heightend to an extent that he had no clue was possible. He could hear everything in the forest, he could feel a tingling inside of him that was far more apparent than usual.
  15. He was on to something, but for now he would do that form of concentration until he figured out what it was he felt around him exactly. Creating a fire the next night came with far more ease, fishing was far less of a time consuming task, he had even been able to float above the pond while doing so for far longer before deciding what fish to go for. The form of training that he had undergone was by far one of the most beneficial with nearly no drawbacks aside from feeling newly born. It was making him a better Anthrem, in more ways than one, but what would become of it all?
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