

Sep 11th, 2018
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  1. 5:22 AM] Sir DangleDink V: Hey all! So a friend and I are new to the quebec server and i've been trying to start minecolonies. Every time i access the menues inside the town hall or builders hut block it has a chance of kicking me or my friend. I assume that this can happen to the entire server. I'm curious if i can just power through the begining of the mod and this will stop, its persistant throughout the entire mod and i should just not pursue this mod, or it im doing something wrong to create this problem. Please get back to me when you can thanks!
  2. [5:33 AM] Sir DangleDink V: I believe i have gotten it working however i do not know if the crashes will continue. If you know please let me know! thanks again!
  3. [7:42 AM] M0nk3y: @Raycoms you got an Idea why this might happen? ( @kreezxil fyi)
  4. [7:42 AM] kreezxil: @Sir DangleDink V thank you for reporting, the only solution is to the update the CA and EU servers to the latest build of the pack, because frankly the minecolonies on both of those is very outdated.
  5. [7:43 AM] kreezxil: I guess that's it, can't have players reporting bugs for issues that are resolved, it's time to wipe those servers.
  6. [7:57 AM] Sir DangleDink V: Once i got the mod set up i havent run into a problem. I believe that i was also trying to access certain parts of the mod that were not supposed to accessed causing major lag forcing a kick from the server
  7. [8:03 AM] kreezxil: how were you access parts of the mod you were not supposed to be accessing if you are on my servers? because you arne't op, you don't have access to said parts of mod
  8. [8:04 AM] kreezxil: also I just wiped the CA/quebec server, like just now. so you need to make sure you are on build 110 to access it. That build everything you reported on is fixed.
  9. [10:09 AM] Sir DangleDink V: I mean like when opening the town hall and trying to edit options while not having the builders hut or any villagers around. I believe I struggled to actually place the building due to assuming placement order without fully reading the book.
  10. [10:09 AM] Sir DangleDink V: I go by Arathamis in server by the way if you're curious about my name not showing up on server files.
  11. [10:13 AM] Sir DangleDink V: Also while i was fiddling away with this mod my friend was trying to just progress in gathering basic resources and he couldnt smelt iron in a furnace. I'm about to log in again and check for myself to see if it was just with him but if that is the case is that by design? I assumed that if you couldnt do it in a furnace than there was a quest blocking that, meaning that you would need to mine 64 iron blocks before being able to process them in a vanilla furnace. would using tinkers solve this?
  12. [10:15 AM] Sir DangleDink V: Also is this the proper channel to novel dump like this? sorry if not :sweat_smile:
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