
Getting to Know All About You: Part 4

May 2nd, 2014
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  3. >AND NOW
  7. >"...and then there's Flash Rock, I've never known anyone who can simultaneously move so quick and yet not move at all. It's like he has psychic mind powers or something."
  8. "Like Magic?"
  9. >"Nah, he isn't a unicorn, he just has some...I dunno....tricked out Earth Pony skills."
  10. >You are in the shower, washing off the SWEAT.
  11. >ALL OF IT.
  12. >From the hard running you were doing earlier
  13. >And the hard licking you did earlier
  14. >And the hard rutting you did earlier
  15. >Because it's unseemly for a gentleman to walk around with someone else's cum on their face.
  16. >It just isn't done.
  17. >Shining is sitting in front of you, his rear nestled in your grown.
  18. >You're sitting, your legs either side of his body.
  19. >You are currently washing his back and mane.
  20. >And while you wash him, he regales you about the Shining Squad.
  21. >He thinks that if you know a little bit about them, maybe you wouldn't be such a pussy and meet all of them.
  22. >And every now and then
  23. >You don't even realise you're doing it
  24. >But you check out his ass.
  25. >That tight, toned ass.
  26. >Just sitting against your dick.
  27. >And everytime you do, you tear your eyes up and continue washing.
  28. >And it feels weird that you're doing this.
  29. >Really weird.
  30. >"And he absolutely loves musicals, grew up in the West End..." continues Shining, oblivious.
  31. >God dammit Shining, could you be a bit less gay right now?
  32. >You were quite sure that you could do this when you sucked him off.
  33. >And you were definitely sure when you pounded his tight colt-pussy
  34. >But now...
  35. >The lust-haze has cleared, and you're wondering what Shining is to you.
  36. >You want to be his friend, and his lover, and everything but...
  37. >Can you?
  38. >I guess it all comes back to...are you gay?
  39. >"...I don't know where he gets the dresses from, but he does a REALLY good Pertunia Adamms..." waffles on Shining.
  40. >Are you gay?
  41. >Well, yeah, I mean-
  42. >Dick, please, stop.
  43. >No, not dick, heart.
  44. >wtf.
  45. >Heart, just, please, trying to focus on cleaning Shining's back
  46. >And firmly toned ass
  47. >And rocking hips.
  48. >And pretty blue hair.
  49. >And beautiful lips.
  50. >Shut up dick.
  51. >Yes, he's hot, but are you gay?
  52. >...I...I don't really know.
  53. >I don't think I could look at stallions like this, or ... suck their dicks ... comfortably.
  54. >It feels...wrong.
  55. >Better question, are you gay for Shining?
  56. >...
  57. >Now THERE'S a thought.
  58. >You think about Shining, how he laughs, how he's fun to muck around with, how he verbally spars, how he's loyal to a T, how he can be an idiot sometimes.
  59. >You like that.
  60. >Might, that.
  61. >And really, that's all that matters.
  62. >Could you suck off a stallion?
  63. >No, not really, that's gross.
  64. >Could you suck off Shining?
  66. >"...Anon, are you listening?" asks Shining.
  67. ", not really." you say.
  68. >Before Shining can anger at you, you envelope the wet white unicorn in a hug.
  69. "Too busy sorting out how I feel about you. And your hot sexy stallion body."
  70. >"...and?" he ventures.
  71. "Well, let me put it this way,"
  72. >You shift your hips a bit, and poke him in the back.
  73. >"...that does feel like a compelling argument..." considers Shining, "But you should really have been listening,"
  74. "I would, but you're rubbing your ass up against my dick. It's distracting."
  75. >Shining chuckles, and shuffles forward a little.
  76. >"Better?" he says, looking over his shoulder teasingly.
  77. "Better." you reply, "Now, I got up to something about dresses and Pertunia..."
  79. --
  81. >You and Shining got clean and dry, while Shining regaled you with the Shining Squad.
  82. >he has a pretty deep history with some of these guys, running back several years.
  83. >They sound like an alright group of guys, kind of like you're old urban exploration buds.
  84. >Except they're not completely off the wall insane.
  85. >Shining teleported some actual clothes for you from the Royal Guest Wardrobe.
  86. >Unfortunately, they're all pink.
  87. >Fucking Cadence.
  88. >Shining found it amusing enough.
  89. >Shining then asked you where you wanted to go next.
  90. >Speaking of urban exploration, you decided to explore.
  91. >Shining showed you out to where the Crystal Games were going to be hosted.
  92. >There's construction crews working along, pegasi lifting, unicorns magicing, it's all very interesting.
  93. >You had no idea what sports ponies played, so Shining was able to point out certain features in various venues.
  94. >There's the Hoop Chase, where pegasi have to fly through a complicated course of hoops in a certain time period.
  95. >"Ahh, I remember watching Flitter Wing go round a five pointer during the Manehattan Games" he wistfully remembers, "It was an extremely difficult course that year, I think he was the only one that got around without getting a hoop touch penalty,"
  96. "Did you think about touching his hoop?" you state
  97. >"I actually did, on several occasions" he smiles, smugly.
  98. "You did?"
  99. >"Yeah, at the Flyers Museum in Cloudsdale, at the Greatest Flyers exhibit. Boy, that hoop was ridiculously tight - and to think he trained on it over and over until he could get through it. That's some real dedication there!"
  100. >Then there's Chariot Racing, where teams of earth ponies pull chariots with weights around a circus, the weight of the chariot depending on division.
  101. "Oh man, it can sometimes get pretty brutal. I mean, sure, you get some rubbing up and grinding against other teams, but sometimes it gets ridiculous. I remember back in Stalliongrad, there was one Heavy Race called the 'Blood on the Sand' race. You see, at this point, the Gryphons had recently occupied Zulica, and it was rather messy, shall we say. It got to the semi-final qualifiers, and the Gryphon and Zebrica teeams were in the same race. You had essentially some of the biggest Zebras and Gryphons on the same field, with a depth of loathing you couldn't possibly imagine."
  102. >Shining whistles through his teeth.
  103. >"It was horrible. By the end of it the Zebrica team was covered in gashes - something like two hundred stitches between them - and one poor soul lost his eye, while another had to be hospitalized for nearly dying of blood loss. On the Gryphon team, one girl got her wing so horribly mangled she was never able to fly again, two others got concussions and broken legs, and the fourth had a compound fracture in his arm. After that they brought in very strict rules about waht can and cannot happen in Heavy Races. Never stopped the light races, though. Those guys are MEAN."
  104. >Then there's Skelington.
  105. "What the hell is Skelington?"
  106. >"It's a wild ride, where you essentially have a frictionless plate that you stand on and a downhill course over bumps and around obstacles and over gaps. The main feature is that you have to go through gates down, then go back uphill through different gates and reach the top. This is helped that in some spots gravity is reversed, so it ends up being both an uphill and downhill course. It's a skill sport that involves endurance and speed, and is one of the hardest out there."
  107. "Sounds kind of like a mixture of skeleton luge and white water canoeing," you say, impressed.
  108. >"What's skeleton luge?"
  109. "Well, essentially you lie down face first on a sort of small sled, then go down at full tilt along a smoothtrack which is essentially a long curvy ice-pipe."
  110. >"...that's insane, Anon."
  111. >And then there's Shell, where unicorns use a mixture of magical power and strategy to get past each other's magical shields and screens. Unicorns gain points for speed, technqiue and power.
  112. >"I'm pretty good at the Sherlock-Silician form of this sport." he says, as if it's nothing at all, except it kinda is so bask in my glory.
  113. "What's that?"
  114. >"It's about using less brute strength, and more avoiding the opponents attack, namely using the enemy's power against them early on before they can set up their end-game."
  115. "Sounds like some sort of weird battle-chess."
  116. >"Well, it's more complicated then that, there's the type of attack from which location, how each shield is broken, how that will affect your positioning..."
  117. " battle chess."
  118. >Shining just stares as you.
  119. >You both trot over to a freshly openned sandwich stall, and grab a bite to eat.
  120. "Shining, how do you know so much about sport?" you ask, while waiting in line, "When I was talking to you earlier you said that most of the time you just nerded out."
  121. >"Well, I kind of did," says Shining, "But when I went to the Academy...I don't know, I just sort of...over compensated I guess. I was fit and healthy after those gruelling first weeks, and I felt like I could do a lot more. So I tried out for a lot of sports."
  122. >He orders a hay sandwich
  123. >You order a honey, banana and cream cheese sandwich.
  124. >You both take your sammiches and sit down on a seat facing the new Crystal Stadium.
  125. >"After a while I found out that I was pretty well suited for Shell, what with my amazing shield abilities, so I entered the Academy team for it."
  126. >Sounds like he really likes Shell. Although...
  127. >You've started to pick up on something.
  128. >Something subtle.
  129. >Something about how you never got around to seeing any venues for it.
  130. >And why he's always insistent on running.
  131. "Any sports you didn't try out for?"
  132. >Shining looks contemplative.
  133. >"Nope, tried out all of them." he says, dismissively.
  134. "Are you sure?" you ask, eyebrow raised.
  135. >Shining looks at you mid-chew, shaking his head.
  136. "Because I think there's one sport you didn't try out for - in fact probably a whole slew of them,"
  137. >Shining keeps shaking his head.
  138. "Shining...did you try out for any watersports?"
  139. >Shining stops mid shake, looking at you.
  140. >"Um...well yeah, I did," he says, unsteady
  141. "You did? How'd you do?" you ask, intrigued.
  142. >Shining looks at you, then bites his sandwich.
  143. >He looks back at you, and seems to be lost in thought.
  144. >You much on your sandwich creation, awaiting his reply.
  145. >Eventually he just sighs.
  146. >"It didn't go very well, because...I...can't swim," he admits, sadly.
  147. "You can't swim?" you say, astounded.
  148. >"I just....really don't like the water, y'know?" he says, fidgeting, "It's always so, so deep, and you can see the bottom but you feel like there' the water..."
  149. >This pony for real?
  150. "Seriously?" you say, incredulous
  151. >"Never liked it, always hated it," he states. 'Why, what's wrong with meeting a pony that didn't swim?"
  152. "...nothing, I guess." you say, thinking, "It's just that where I come from, you're expected to know how to swim. It's kind of like an unwritten rule that by the time you're eight you can swim a pool length unaided."
  153. >Now it's Shining's turn to balk.
  154. >"You've got to be joking. Why the hell would you need that?"
  155. "We lived within ten minutes of the beach, where you can swim and play in the surf, not to mention all the pool parties and such," you reply, "It's just a part of the culture,"
  156. >You look at Shining, whose mind appears to have been blown.
  157. >"I can't believe that you'd just...want to swim like that all the time, I mean , you don't even have flippers..." he narrows his eyes at you, "Do you?"
  158. >You smirk.
  159. "Nope. I can swim using this ungainly body, and quite well if I do say so myself,"
  160. >Shining shakes his head, "I fail to see how,"
  161. >You find yourself reaching across Shining's back and putting your hand on his shoulder
  162. "I can show you, if you'd like," you say.
  163. >Shining leans into your side.
  164. >"Fuck. No." he sighs, nuzzling into you.
  165. >You're getting mixed signals here.
  166. >You hug him with your arm.
  167. "It's not that bad Shining, I'll be there to keep a good hold on you," you say into his mane.
  168. >Shining sort of flops onto your lap and lays there, lazily.
  169. >"It is that bad - water plays tricks on you, choosing to make you float one minute - and then makes you sink the next," he says, airily.
  170. >You scratch one of his ears, getting a coo out of him.
  171. "Water isn't a sentient entity - it just responds to what you do," you say, "It is up to you to understand hw your body behaves in water, and then react accordingly,"
  172. >"Don't care, not swimming," he stretches, legs pointing out stiffly, before he relaxes back into your lap.
  173. >Well Anon, it seems as if your colt lover hates water.
  174. >This is grossly unacceptable
  175. >What if he falls into a pond, or a river, or an ocean?
  176. >He will surely drown!
  177. >Or teleport
  178. >Fucking unicorns.
  180. >However slim the chance, and you must SAVE him from ... himself!
  181. >So you must convine your pony lover, but how!?
  182. >Why, DIPLOMACY of course!
  183. "Swimming isn't bad," you venture, "I mean, it's a little different from running-"
  184. >"Try hugely different,' cuts in Shining, "You're in the water and moving your body in weird ways."
  185. "But you're still doing excellent cardio, and using groups you probably wouldn't if you were running," you justify
  186. >"But it's just so different," humphs Shining, "I don't feel comfortable in the water, and nothing's going to change that,"
  187. "Just like how I originally found it uncomfortable to be with you, sexually?"
  188. >Shining lies with his head in your lap, silent.
  189. >"You found it uncomfortable?" he says in a small voice.
  190. "Hey," you say, stroking his mane, "This whole 'stallion' thing is new to me. Of course I'm going to be put off by it at some level. But what I figured was that when I gave you guys a chance, btoh Cadence AND you, I was going to try."
  191. >Shining remains silent. You stroke his neck a little.
  192. "And when it came to was a little awkward at first. But you know what I found?"
  193. >You rub the silent stallions belly.
  194. "I found that while I don't really like stallions..."
  195. >You turn his head to you.
  196. >His eyes were sparkling, his face unsure.
  197. "I love you, a lot."
  198. >His eyes widen.
  199. >Oh.
  200. >Oh Shit.
  201. >Like. Anon, the word is like.
  202. >Anon, this is Heart here.
  203. >Shut up and go with it.
  204. >HEART.
  205. >Why do I listen to you!?
  206. >Shining's eyes sparkle ridiculously, and he reaches up to hug you.
  207. >" mean it?"
  208. >Anon, quick, say something, anything, but don't listen to Heart, he's insan-
  209. "Of course I do," you say, smiling.
  210. >Anon.
  211. >Just.
  212. >Why.
  213. >Because Shining is an adorable, loyal friend, who stands up for you, and you have a great deal of fun with him.
  214. >And he's an amazing lover.
  215. >You don't care, right now, that he's a stallion, and you're a guy.
  216. >It doesn't bother you anymore.
  217. >You love him.
  218. >And so it is without reservation that you kiss said stallion.
  219. >Deeply.
  220. >You swear you hear fireworks go off.
  221. >Heck, you even smell them.
  222. >When you part, you look into those gorgeous eyes, and say.
  223. "I'm still taking you for swimming lessons, though,"
  224. >Shining stares levelly at you.
  225. >"You're a dick, Anon,"
  226. >You stare right back.
  227. "At least I can swim,"
  228. >Shining hoofs you in the shoulder, hard, chuckling.
  229. >He gets back up and sits on the seat.
  230. >"So, what now?" he asks
  231. >You look around, thinking.
  232. >Your eyes travel around, looking at the stall.
  233. >Another sandwich?
  234. >No, not really.
  235. >You espy a sign to the pool.
  236. >Too soon?
  237. >Too soon.
  238. >You look more to the left at the familiar blue unicorn in lawyer attire looking at you with furious rage.
  239. >...
  240. >Well, this looks like it has promise.
  241. >"How DARE you ignore Trixie the Legal and Lawerful's glorious entrance just so you can suck face with each other!" declares the blue unicorn.
  242. "Hey Trixie, what brings you here?" you ask politely.
  243. >Tixie scrunches up her face.
  244. >"You know very well why Trixie is here, Mister Anonymous!" she poses dramatically, "Trixie demands justice against Sombra!"
  245. >And here she GLARES at you
  246. "And it is going to be MESSY!"
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