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RP: no going back

a guest
Sep 21st, 2014
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  1. [17:54:17] * Gamma lifts her head from the tile, rubbing her eyes weakly and looking around
  2. [17:54:44] * Kutya mumbles in his sleep, an arm draped over gamma
  3. [17:54:58] <Gamma> K.. Kutya.. *starts shaking a little*
  4. [17:55:08] <Gamma> Wake up..
  5. [17:55:36] * Kutya grumbles "five more minutes..."
  6. [17:55:50] * Gamma pushes his arm in an effort to get up, but can't find the strength
  7. [17:56:14] <Gamma> Kutya, I need.. you to get up....
  8. [17:56:32] <Gamma> KUTYA!
  9. [17:56:39] <Kutya> --hUH
  10. [17:56:45] * Kutya jumps awake, squints at her
  11. [17:57:00] <Kutya> ugh-- what's your fucking problem??
  12. [17:57:16] * Kutya wipes his mouth and frowns
  13. [17:57:27] <Gamma> We.. I need food.
  14. [17:57:31] <Gamma> I can't stand.
  15. [17:57:38] <Kutya> wh...
  16. [17:57:41] <Kutya> oh shit.
  17. [17:57:44] <Kutya> shit. right. fuck. sorry.
  18. [17:57:54] * Gamma nods slowly
  19. [17:57:58] * Kutya struggles to stand for a moment and leans on the wall
  20. [17:58:08] <Gamma> Are you alright to do this?
  21. [17:58:18] <Kutya> --i'm fine!
  22. [17:58:38] * Kutya rubs his head with his hand
  23. [17:58:51] <Kutya> do you want-- i could carry you?
  24. [17:59:01] <Gamma> ... please.
  25. [17:59:08] <Kutya> got it, fine.
  26. [17:59:18] * Kutya turns around and kneels
  27. [17:59:19] <Gamma> just.. Just to the library
  28. [17:59:20] <Kutya> hop on.
  29. [17:59:48] * Gamma holds onto his shoulder and struggles to lean on him
  30. [17:59:56] * Kutya grabs her legs and lifts her. yaaay piggyback ride
  31. [18:00:22] * Kutya dumps her on the couch and huffs
  32. [18:00:34] <Kutya> right-- food. right.
  33. [18:00:37] * Gamma lays down promptly
  34. [18:02:00] * Kutya sets some toast and coffee on the table
  35. [18:02:06] * Kutya hands a slice to her
  36. [18:02:41] <Gamma> Oh... thank you..
  37. [18:02:44] <Gamma> Thank you.
  38. [18:02:51] * Kutya looks a little woozy for a moment and sits down next to her
  39. [18:03:05] <Kutya> *coughs* yeah-- yeah, sure.
  40. [18:03:06] * Gamma takes quick bites of the toast and downs the coffee
  41. [18:03:50] * Kutya sips the coffee hesitantly and looks back at gamma
  42. [18:04:12] * Kutya squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his temples
  43. [18:04:13] * Gamma leans against the back of the couch, sinking lower in the seat
  44. [18:04:33] <Kutya> urgh-- what a disaster.
  45. [18:05:07] <Gamma> This place doesn't feel like home anymore.
  46. [18:05:15] <Kutya> you said it.
  47. [18:05:31] <Kutya> it's still an awfully lonely place, you know.
  48. [18:05:48] <Gamma> That's how it's always been.
  49. [18:06:19] <Kutya> why do i-- ugh.
  50. [18:06:21] <Kutya> i feel nauseous.
  51. [18:06:26] <Gamma> ...
  52. [18:06:36] <Gamma> Hunger?
  53. [18:06:51] <Kutya> no.
  54. [18:06:52] <Gamma> Perhaps just stress..
  55. [18:06:55] <Kutya> i know what it is.
  56. [18:07:06] <Kutya> i need to-
  57. [18:07:16] * Kutya looks over at the ladder and looks back at gamma
  58. [18:07:33] <Gamma> What is it?
  59. [18:07:55] <Kutya> ...can you stand?
  60. [18:08:05] <Gamma> Maybe..
  61. [18:08:23] <Kutya> can you climb a ladder?
  62. [18:08:26] * Gamma gets out of her seat, wobbly but on both legs
  63. [18:08:33] <Gamma> I can try.
  64. [18:08:42] <Kutya> just don't hit your head or some shit.
  65. [18:09:25] * Gamma slowly descends the ladder, her limbs shaking from the effort, but she makes it
  66. [18:09:45] * Kutya watches her for a moment but looks away
  67. [18:09:58] <Gamma> There's still... blood on the floors.
  68. [18:10:09] <Kutya> do you really care?
  69. [18:10:10] <Gamma> How long ago was that, two weeks? At most?
  70. [18:10:18] <Kutya> i don't fucking know.
  71. [18:10:23] <Kutya> feels like forever we were in there.
  72. [18:10:28] <Gamma> I don't want to look at it.
  73. [18:10:58] <Kutya> look like shit.
  74. [18:11:26] <Gamma> You're not much better off, honestly.
  75. [18:11:43] <Kutya> where'd i put--
  76. [18:11:59] <Kutya> --my jacket.
  77. [18:12:10] <Kutya> i left it back there.
  78. [18:12:19] * Gamma wanders over to the bathroom, throwing her shirt off as she goes
  79. [18:12:24] <Gamma> Hm?
  80. [18:12:42] <Kutya> do you know-- how to unlock that shit?
  81. [18:12:48] <Gamma> Oh.
  82. [18:13:06] <Gamma> Look under the grave in the garden.
  83. [18:13:22] * Kutya huffs and heads back up the ladder
  84. [18:13:57] Set own game mode to CREATIVE mode
  85. [18:14:14] * Gamma removes her torn clothing and steps into the shower, relieved
  86. [18:14:57] <Gamma> Feels like a second skin coming off...
  87. [18:15:52] * Gamma sinks to the floor of the shower and leans against the wall
  88. [18:20:12] * Kutya comes back with his jacket under his arm and a lit cigarette
  89. [18:20:35] <Kutya> oi. don't leave the door open, sheesh.
  90. [18:20:39] <Gamma> Huh
  91. [18:20:54] * Gamma shuts the water off and peers out
  92. [18:21:01] * Kutya holds out the jacket
  93. [18:21:04] <Kutya> you want this?
  94. [18:21:10] <Gamma> What for?
  95. [18:21:20] <Kutya> it's better than your gross rusted clothes.
  96. [18:21:40] * Gamma pulls a towel out and wraps it around herself, water dripping from her hair
  97. [18:21:40] <Kutya> i've got a hair tie, too.
  98. [18:21:52] <Gamma> ...
  99. [18:21:56] <Gamma> Alright..
  100. [18:22:07] * Kutya hands the jacket and the hair tie to her
  101. [18:22:14] * Gamma takes them and heads into her room
  102. [18:22:35] <Gamma> I'd.. recommend you wash that blood off as well
  103. [18:22:47] <Kutya> i have to?
  104. [18:23:11] <Gamma> Why would you not?
  105. [18:23:23] * Kutya shrugs as if she can see him
  106. [18:23:31] <Kutya> --fine, whatever.
  107. [18:23:45] <Gamma> Really, it's just common sense. You might be immune to Rust, but I doubt many others are.
  108. [18:23:56] * Kutya scrubs his face with water and grumbles
  109. [18:24:21] * Kutya stares into the mirror, frowning
  110. [18:24:32] <Kutya> ...fuck. when was the last time i got some real rest...
  111. [18:24:32] * Gamma searches for clean clothing. Finding none, she sighs and throws the jacket over herself
  112. [18:25:05] <Gamma> I'm burning that ruined clothing...
  113. [18:25:23] * Gamma wrings out her hair and pulls it back
  114. [18:25:37] * Kutya raises the cigarette to his lips and inhales
  115. [18:25:41] * Kutya immediatley coughs
  116. [18:25:44] <Gamma> Really...
  117. [18:25:59] <Kutya> *COUGH*-- shut the *cough* fuck up
  118. [18:26:09] * Gamma folds her arms
  119. [18:26:09] <Kutya> alright. fine. whatever.
  120. [18:26:15] * Kutya drops it and stamps it out
  121. [18:26:26] <Kutya> you're such a party pooper.
  122. [18:26:36] * Gamma nods, heading into the kitchen
  123. [18:27:19] * Kutya puts a hand to his head and sits down again
  124. [18:27:29] <Gamma> I'm just.. concerned.
  125. [18:27:41] * Kutya rubs his eyes
  126. [18:28:07] <Kutya> huh. never thought i'd hear that out of you.
  127. [18:28:11] <Kutya> hahaha.
  128. [18:28:12] <Gamma> Concerned because..
  129. [18:28:15] <Gamma> ...
  130. [18:28:41] <Gamma> I can concern myself with others' well-being.
  131. [18:28:52] <Kutya> oh really?
  132. [18:29:03] <Kutya> seemed like you could care less before this whole incident, gamma.
  133. [18:29:19] * Kutya manages a tiny grin
  134. [18:29:20] <Gamma> I.. no. No, you have it wrong.
  135. [18:29:31] <Kutya> hahaha. no.
  136. [18:29:35] <Kutya> that's it, isn't it?
  137. [18:29:54] <Kutya> i knew i could get to you. eventually.
  138. [18:30:02] <Gamma> I doubt someone with no concern would have gone through the trouble of getting you a functioning body
  139. [18:30:18] <Gamma> ... Maybe not be able to, but that's beside the point.
  140. [18:30:40] <Kutya> no, that's not what i'm talking about.
  141. [18:30:55] * Kutya jabs her side with a finger "i know what your problem is."
  142. [18:31:15] <Gamma> The point is, I've been concerned since you- HPH..
  143. [18:31:31] * Gamma jerks back
  144. [18:31:44] <Kutya> *smirks* you've got real issues with people, gamma.
  145. [18:31:50] <Gamma> Don't.. don't do that.
  146. [18:31:57] <Kutya> do what?
  147. [18:32:03] <Gamma> ...
  148. [18:32:06] * Kutya pokes her arm
  149. [18:32:24] * Gamma glances over, raising her eyebrow
  150. [18:32:33] <Kutya> you make it so easy to bother you.
  151. [18:32:47] <Kutya> but you didn't seem too bothered by me, did you?
  152. [18:33:30] <Kutya> if i knew any better, gamma... i'd say you like my company.
  153. [18:33:31] <Gamma> You.. I woulnd't say that, but I'd prefer your company to most other people's.
  154. [18:33:43] <Kutya> ah ha.
  155. [18:33:44] <Kutya> called it.
  156. [18:33:52] <Gamma> At least you're honest.
  157. [18:34:05] <Kutya> some people would say that's my nicest trait.
  158. [18:34:28] <Gamma> Most people who spend time with me are only interested in.. trying to please me.
  159. [18:34:35] <Gamma> Ah, no. That's not quite right.
  160. [18:34:45] * Kutya raises an eyebrow
  161. [18:35:11] <Gamma> I mean, people are uncomfortable acting themselves. They lie to me about their character.
  162. [18:35:41] <Kutya> hm.
  163. [18:35:53] <Gamma> Claim interest in me, or my work. Won't go more than three yards close to me.
  164. [18:36:09] <Kutya> i wonder why.
  165. [18:36:13] * Kutya jabs her in the side again
  166. [18:36:19] <Gamma> FfFF..
  167. [18:36:22] <Kutya> heehehehehe.
  168. [18:36:31] <Gamma> Ow.
  169. [18:36:39] <Kutya> oh, come on. i didn't hurt you.
  170. [18:36:42] <Kutya> you big baby.
  171. [18:37:12] * Gamma rubs her eyes, half smiling "See, this. This is what I mean-"
  172. [18:37:36] <Gamma> No one gets close. No one thinks they can.
  173. [18:37:57] * Gamma removes her hand and stares down at the floor
  174. [18:38:03] <Gamma> Why you?
  175. [18:38:07] <Kutya> eh?
  176. [18:38:14] <Kutya> why not?
  177. [18:39:16] <Gamma> B..
  178. [18:39:22] * Gamma frowns, thinking
  179. [18:39:43] * Kutya holds her chin and turns her face to him
  180. [18:39:53] * Kutya narrows his eyes at her
  181. [18:39:58] <Gamma> ...
  182. [18:40:12] <Kutya> what's with those?
  183. [18:40:17] <Kutya> the scars, i mean.
  184. [18:40:24] * Gamma looks like she's about to say something, but stops short
  185. [18:40:33] * Kutya pokes the scars on her chest
  186. [18:40:43] <Gamma> ... what scars.
  187. [18:40:50] <Kutya> bet it has something to do with your eye, huh?
  188. [18:40:54] <Kutya> won't tell me?
  189. [18:41:09] * Gamma sighs, her expression flat
  190. [18:41:17] <Kutya> knew it.
  191. [18:41:43] <Gamma> My heart. Is radioactive.
  192. [18:41:52] <Kutya> oh, that's right.
  193. [18:41:55] <Kutya> you said before...
  194. [18:41:55] <Gamma> Things with high amounts of radioactivity glow.
  195. [18:42:10] <Gamma> That's all.
  196. [18:42:17] * Kutya smiles at her
  197. [18:42:34] <Gamma> You should.. maybe think about taking anti-radiation tablets, if you're planning on being near me
  198. [18:42:48] <Gamma> Well, that goes without saying I suppose.
  199. [18:42:53] <Kutya> ...oh.
  200. [18:42:57] <Kutya> tablets...
  201. [18:42:59] <Gamma> I don't think I can get rid of you.
  202. [18:43:04] * Kutya glances in the direction of his room
  203. [18:43:12] * Kutya glares at her
  204. [18:43:18] <Gamma> What?
  205. [18:43:21] <Kutya> don't say that.
  206. [18:43:30] <Kutya> i'll have you know i was so very close to getting rid of you.
  207. [18:43:34] <Kutya> permanently.
  208. [18:43:37] <Gamma> I.. wasn't being serious..
  209. [18:43:39] <Gamma> Sarcasm.
  210. [18:43:50] * Kutya rolls his eyes
  211. [18:44:03] <Kutya> there's no way to tell with you.
  212. [18:44:08] <Gamma> You would have regretted it. I can see it.
  213. [18:44:19] <Kutya> ...i might have.
  214. [18:44:27] * Kutya stands suddenly
  215. [18:44:32] <Gamma> As charitable as you may have preceived you actions...
  216. [18:44:43] <Kutya> ...
  217. [18:45:11] <Gamma> I... *lowers her voice* would have been missed.
  218. [18:45:20] * Gamma smiles faintly
  219. [18:45:26] <Kutya> oh, no.
  220. [18:45:32] <Kutya> you did hear what i said, didn't you?
  221. [18:45:38] <Kutya> i would still love you, in death.
  222. [18:45:49] <Kutya> anyways. i'm getting radiation tablets.
  223. [18:46:11] <Gamma> ....
  224. [18:46:19] * Kutya turns, walks out of the room with a hand on his head
  225. [18:47:35] * Gamma tilts her head, the words not quite sinking in
  226. [18:48:10] * Gamma pats the pockets of Kutya's jacket
  227. [18:49:12] * Gamma finds a packet of something pink and glittery, and frowns
  228. [18:50:31] <Gamma> hm..
  229. [18:51:15] * Gamma turns back, checking to make sure Kutya's still in his room
  230. [18:51:44] * Gamma kneels at the table, pouring the contents out and rolling the packet into a small tube
  231. [18:52:07] * Gamma pauses, looks back again, and breathes in the contents
  232. [18:52:25] * Gamma wrinkles her nose and sneezes
  233. [18:52:54] <Kutya> oi, there's only one bottle le... what are you doing.
  234. [18:53:02] <Gamma> ...
  235. [18:53:09] <Gamma> I dropped something
  236. [18:53:16] <Kutya> did you now.
  237. [18:53:40] * Kutya sits on the couch next to her with the bottle in his hand
  238. [18:53:51] <Gamma> Mm..
  239. [18:54:03] <Gamma> Is that what you needed?
  240. [18:54:07] * Gamma motions to bottle
  241. [18:54:13] <Kutya> this is what both of us need.
  242. [18:54:29] * Kutya pours out the contents which is... two pills
  243. [18:54:34] <Gamma> ...
  244. [18:54:35] * Kutya frowns at her
  245. [18:54:42] <Kutya> you really go through these.
  246. [18:54:50] * Kutya hands one to her
  247. [18:54:53] <Gamma> I could have sworn there were more...
  248. [18:55:07] <Kutya> you wish.
  249. [18:55:12] * Gamma studies the pill absently
  250. [18:55:22] * Kutya pauses, looking at her face
  251. [18:55:26] <Gamma> EMIL.
  252. [18:55:29] * Kutya jumps
  253. [18:55:39] <Gamma> He's not here, and I have no idea where he's gone.
  254. [18:55:47] <Gamma> Shit..
  255. [18:55:49] <Kutya> i don't fucking know where he went.
  256. [18:55:58] <Kutya> oi. hold still.
  257. [18:56:05] <Gamma> I didn't expect you t-what?
  258. [18:56:21] * Kutya wipes some sort of glitter off her upper lip with his thumb
  259. [18:56:26] * Kutya squints at it
  260. [18:56:29] <Gamma> ...
  261. [18:56:40] <Kutya>'re hopeless.
  262. [18:56:43] * Gamma turns away and takes the pill quickly
  263. [18:56:56] <Gamma> I'm fine.
  264. [18:57:04] <Kutya> are you?
  265. [18:57:10] <Kutya> answer me honestly.
  266. [18:57:25] <Gamma> I.. think so.
  267. [18:57:33] <Gamma> I have reason to believe so...
  268. [18:57:45] <Kutya> you're not fine.
  269. [18:57:53] <Kutya> you're better than you were, though.
  270. [18:58:26] <Kutya> ...i'm not exactly fine either...
  271. [18:58:49] <Gamma> I.. I was about to say... Emil can contact a pharmacist, and get more tablets.
  272. [18:58:59] <Gamma> Mmm.. pretty certain he can.
  273. [18:59:17] <Kutya> sure. why couldn't he.
  274. [18:59:27] <Gamma> But I don't know where he is.
  275. [18:59:35] <Kutya> i hope he's dead.
  276. [18:59:36] * Gamma sighs and leans back on the couch
  277. [19:00:08] * Gamma looks at her bare stomach, and taps it briefly
  278. [19:00:20] <Gamma> Hm..
  279. [19:00:24] * Kutya watches her and raises his eyebrows
  280. [19:00:33] <Kutya> you're a mystery, aren't you.
  281. [19:00:38] * Gamma pokes it again
  282. [19:00:55] <Gamma> And enigma wrapped in a mystery.
  283. [19:01:02] <Gamma> ... wrapped in bacon.
  284. [19:01:11] * Kutya snorts
  285. [19:01:28] <Kutya> i think i've said before. you're crazy.
  286. [19:01:33] <Kutya> i do like that about you.
  287. [19:02:09] * Kutya reaches over, brushing her hair to the side
  288. [19:02:26] <Kutya> you should keep that jacket, by the way.
  289. [19:02:31] <Gamma> .. that.. ti..
  290. [19:02:31] <Kutya> looks nice on you.
  291. [19:02:54] * Gamma looks down and pulls her hair behind her ear
  292. [19:03:03] <Gamma> Thanks.
  293. [19:03:41] * Gamma stands up looking as though she wanted to go somewhere, but stops, confused
  294. [19:03:56] <Gamma> ... I was going to do something.
  295. [19:04:03] * Kutya leans forward
  296. [19:04:10] <Kutya> oi, you got a little something...
  297. [19:04:20] * Gamma turns
  298. [19:04:22] * Kutya pokes the center of her chest
  299. [19:04:51] * Gamma looks down then pokes herself there too
  300. [19:04:55] * Kutya whaps her nose with his hand
  301. [19:05:03] * Kutya giggles like a 5 year old
  302. [19:05:32] <Gamma> ACk..
  303. [19:05:36] <Gamma> Noooo....
  304. [19:05:51] <Kutya> hehehehe.
  305. [19:05:58] * Gamma rubs her nose and crouches down on the floor
  306. [19:06:05] <Kutya> i can't believe you fell for that.
  307. [19:06:27] <Kutya> you are kind of tripping out, i guess.
  308. [19:06:39] <Gamma> No one's ever done that. I don't even know what you just did
  309. [19:06:43] <Gamma> My nose tingles.
  310. [19:06:57] <Kutya> it's just a silly prank.
  311. [19:06:59] <Gamma> Ahhaha..
  312. [19:07:15] <Kutya> don't hurt yourself, researcher.
  313. [19:07:45] * Gamma holds her hand up, then sets in down on Kutya's thigh
  314. [19:07:58] * Kutya looks down at her hand and looks back up at her quizzically
  315. [19:08:08] <Kutya>
  316. [19:08:27] <Gamma> ... there was more to this, I just can't remember right now.
  317. [19:08:39] * Gamma looks at her hand
  318. [19:08:46] <Kutya> heh. take your time.
  319. [19:08:52] <Kutya> i'm sure you'll remember.
  320. [19:09:07] <Kutya> do you have something to say?
  321. [19:09:19] * Gamma tilts her head, looks at Kutya, then back at her hand several times
  322. [19:09:33] <Kutya> *snickers*
  323. [19:09:59] * Gamma flexes her hand and runs the nails down his pant leg
  324. [19:10:23] * Kutya frowns and leans closer to her
  325. [19:10:46] <Kutya> well?
  326. [19:11:26] <Kutya> ...
  327. [19:11:30] <Kutya> gamma?
  328. [19:11:32] <Gamma> ... that was it.... I...
  329. [19:11:54] * Gamma blinks and raises her eyebrows
  330. [19:12:03] <Gamma> Yes?
  331. [19:12:14] <Kutya> you're out of it.
  332. [19:12:28] <Kutya> ...maybe you should take a nap.
  333. [19:12:45] <Gamma> I don't feel tired.
  334. [19:12:57] <Kutya> oh, i get it.
  335. [19:12:58] <Gamma> Actually, I like this feeling.
  336. [19:13:22] <Kutya> i get what you're saying, researcher.
  337. [19:13:27] <Gamma> It's out-of-body without being.. bad?
  338. [19:13:30] <Kutya> even though you... haven't actually said anything.
  339. [19:13:41] <Gamma> What do you want me to say?
  340. [19:13:50] <Gamma> I can say quite a bit, I'm sure you know.
  341. [19:13:50] * Kutya hovers his hand over his pocket
  342. [19:14:06] <Kutya> you were going to say something to me.
  343. [19:14:14] <Kutya> didn't seem like you were going anywhere, huh?
  344. [19:14:17] <Gamma> I was..?
  345. [19:14:53] * Kutya frowns for a moment
  346. [19:14:55] <Gamma> Ah.. the....
  347. [19:15:05] <Gamma> Can..
  348. [19:15:27] * Kutya stares at her blankly, his patience running thin
  349. [19:15:30] <Gamma> Can you... my hair. *points*
  350. [19:15:39] <Kutya> your hair?
  351. [19:15:44] <Gamma> It was nice...
  352. [19:15:44] <Kutya> you want me to tie it up?
  353. [19:15:57] <Kutya> you've got it already, don't you...?
  354. [19:15:57] <Gamma> No..
  355. [19:16:01] <Gamma> I mean.
  356. [19:16:24] <Gamma> Could you.. do what you did early.
  357. [19:16:34] <Kutya> ...uh...
  358. [19:16:41] <Kutya> oh! okay, yeah.
  359. [19:16:49] <Kutya>'re not very direct.
  360. [19:17:05] * Kutya leans closer to her and pushes her hair back
  361. [19:17:25] * Gamma smiles
  362. [19:17:40] * Kutya runs his fingers through the curls and sighs
  363. [19:17:59] <Kutya> that all?
  364. [19:18:06] * Gamma leans into his chest
  365. [19:18:17] <Gamma> mhm
  366. [19:18:34] * Kutya holds his breath and pats her head gently
  367. [19:19:05] * Kutya keeps one hand over the pocket his knife is in but doesn't move to get it
  368. [19:19:31] <Gamma> I'm not good at.. conveying myself all the time.
  369. [19:19:42] <Kutya> ...i get that.
  370. [19:20:12] * Kutya starts to shake slightly
  371. [19:20:16] <Gamma> But DO you?
  372. [19:20:24] <Kutya> i--
  373. [19:20:30] <Kutya> what the hell is that supposed to mean??
  374. [19:20:39] <Gamma> ...
  375. [19:21:17] * Kutya stops running his hand through her hair for a moment
  376. [19:21:43] <Kutya> you're starting to sound like--
  377. [19:21:47] <Kutya> me.
  378. [19:21:53] <Kutya> don't... do that.
  379. [19:22:19] * Gamma suddenly pokes Kutya in the side
  380. [19:22:24] <Kutya> eEP
  381. [19:22:29] * Kutya grabs her hand
  382. [19:22:43] <Kutya> don't-- don't you even fucking dare.
  383. [19:23:04] <Kutya> unless-
  384. [19:23:18] * Kutya rests his hand on his pocket
  385. [19:23:40] * Gamma wiggles her hand, curious
  386. [19:24:00] * Kutya inhales sharply and pulls the knife out of his pocket
  387. [19:24:39] <Kutya> don't--
  388. [19:24:54] * Kutya struggles for words and just settles on staring at her
  389. [19:24:55] <Gamma> What, you want me to poke you with a knife insteaed?
  390. [19:25:09] <Kutya> ...
  391. [19:25:12] <Gamma> Honestly, that's easier that using my finger.
  392. [19:25:34] * Kutya holds it up to her throat
  393. [19:25:47] <Gamma> Your skin's kind of thick.
  394. [19:26:16] <Kutya> you-
  395. [19:26:31] * Kutya stops and narrows his eyes
  396. [19:26:36] <Kutya> you're driving me insane.
  397. [19:26:41] * Gamma curls her hand around his wrist delicately
  398. [19:26:51] <Gamma> Why?
  399. [19:26:59] <Kutya> i can't STAND you-
  400. [19:27:18] * Kutya trails off
  401. [19:27:34] <Kutya> you- just-
  402. [19:27:34] * Gamma frowns, looking at his hand
  403. [19:27:43] <Kutya> stop. with...
  404. [19:27:50] * Kutya gestures to all of her
  405. [19:27:54] <Kutya> stop. stop that.
  406. [19:29:09] * Gamma lets her fingers trail over his hand, and rests at the hilt
  407. [19:29:48] <Kutya> --what are you trying to accomplish here.
  408. [19:30:14] <Kutya> you don't even /have/ a goal. you're just tripping out.
  409. [19:30:15] * Gamma gently pries his fingers from the knife and takes it in her heand
  410. [19:30:22] <Kutya> you're... just...
  411. [19:30:34] * Kutya lets her take the knife
  412. [19:30:50] <Kutya> .....
  413. [19:31:21] * Gamma fixes her grip, and lets Kutya wrap his hand around hers as she holds the knife
  414. [19:32:00] * Kutya holds her hand tightly, expression flickering
  415. [19:33:03] * Gamma presses the edge lightly against Kutya's throat, her eyes heavy
  416. [19:33:32] * Kutya exhales suddenly and grips her wrist with his other hand
  417. [19:33:46] <Kutya> hhhhey-- that's- a pretty bad i-idea.
  418. [19:33:53] <Gamma> Oh?
  419. [19:33:58] <Kutya> you w-wouldn't want t-to kill me.
  420. [19:34:05] <Kutya> b-because you--
  421. [19:34:32] <Gamma> ...
  422. [19:34:43] * Kutya tilts his chin up slightly
  423. [19:34:47] <Gamma> I never was.
  424. [19:34:53] * Kutya looks terrified beyond belief but he's still grinning
  425. [19:34:54] <Gamma> I wouldn't kill you.
  426. [19:35:12] <Kutya> nooo- of course- of course not...
  427. [19:35:19] <Kutya> hahahhaha
  428. [19:35:46] <Gamma> You're.. important.
  429. [19:35:49] * Gamma takes a breath
  430. [19:35:56] <Gamma> Important to me, I mean.
  431. [19:36:31] * Kutya lets one of his hands drop and puts it on her shoulder
  432. [19:36:50] <Kutya> absolutely. you would never.
  433. [19:37:01] <Kutya> never... even think of killing me. hhhahaha
  434. [19:37:26] * Gamma holds the dagger, letting it trace the edge of his skin
  435. [19:37:30] <Gamma> Never kill.
  436. [19:37:51] * Kutya grips her shoulder, eyes wide as dinner plates
  437. [19:38:06] <Gamma> I couldn't. I couldn't.
  438. [19:38:24] <Gamma> Kutya I could never.
  439. [19:38:29] <Kutya> hhhhhffff.
  440. [19:38:35] <Kutya> -i'd let you.
  441. [19:38:41] <Kutya> haha.
  442. [19:38:42] <Gamma> ...
  443. [19:38:50] <Kutya> just you, though.
  444. [19:39:13] <Kutya> you don't--
  445. [19:39:16] <Kutya> --have it in you.
  446. [19:39:19] * Gamma presses the flat of the knife against his chest
  447. [19:39:28] <Gamma> Not to kill you.
  448. [19:39:31] * Kutya breathes out slowly
  449. [19:40:57] <Kutya> you don't-
  450. [19:41:09] <Kutya> ...wouldn't-
  451. [19:41:10] <Gamma> I like you. I'm selfish and I like your company.
  452. [19:41:28] <Kutya> i'm g-glad to hear that...?
  453. [19:41:28] * Gamma leans back, her head against his arm
  454. [19:42:23] <Gamma> I guess.... nearly dying makes a person grateful of things.
  455. [19:42:46] <Kutya> haha. hahaha.
  456. [19:42:55] <Kutya> i thought you were a goner.
  457. [19:43:05] <Kutya> it's unfair. you know.
  458. [19:43:10] <Gamma> Grateful I wasn't alone.. for the first time in my life..
  459. [19:43:42] * Kutya shakily puts his hand over the knife
  460. [19:44:03] <Gamma> Be careful with that.
  461. [19:44:13] <Kutya> oh, shut up.
  462. [19:44:20] <Kutya> you were supposed to die.
  463. [19:44:38] <Kutya> because--
  464. [19:44:44] <Kutya> because i died that way.
  465. [19:44:53] <Kutya> and you- of course. of course you lived.
  466. [19:44:56] * Gamma looks up at him
  467. [19:45:00] <Kutya> hahahaha.
  468. [19:45:07] * Gamma presses on her chest
  469. [19:45:28] * Kutya puts his hand over hers
  470. [19:45:51] <Kutya> i'm getting really mixed signals from you, you know.
  471. [19:46:06] <Gamma> What.. do you mean?
  472. [19:46:22] <Kutya> won't you be straightforward for once??
  473. [19:46:24] <Kutya> researcher.
  474. [19:46:45] * Kutya points the knife at her chest
  475. [19:46:52] <Kutya> tell me what you want.
  476. [19:48:39] * Gamma holds his collar and pulls him closer
  477. [19:49:01] * Kutya grins just slightly
  478. [19:49:28] <Kutya> well?
  479. [19:58:33] * Gamma breathes hot air against his neck
  480. [19:59:03] * Kutya huffs and points the knife against her chest
  481. [19:59:20] * Kutya opens his mouth to say something but closes it again
  482. [19:59:44] * Gamma presses her mouth to his, not really aware of her own actions
  483. [20:00:23] * Kutya isn't really sure how to react and hesitates
  484. [20:00:57] * Kutya bites down on her lip and drives the blade into her chest
  485. [20:04:14] * Gamma grips the beck of Kutya's head suddenly, pressing herself against him harder
  486. [20:04:29] * Kutya hooks an arm around her waist, huffing through his nose
  487. [20:05:04] * Kutya stifles a cough and drags the dagger down her chest
  488. [20:06:08] * Gamma stiffens, eye closed, her breath held
  489. [20:06:28] <Kutya> hhhhffffff- ffffffff-
  490. [20:07:03] * Kutya embeds the dagger in her chest and scrapes his nails over the wound
  491. [20:07:48] * Kutya giggles quietly and grips her hair
  492. [20:09:09] * Gamma moans at the touch, struggling to breathe
  493. [20:09:40] * Kutya seems to be trying to claw into the wound with his hands
  494. [20:10:35] * Kutya mumbles something inaudible, pulling her head back slightly
  495. [20:13:59] * Kutya digs his hand into the wound, keeping it from healing
  496. [20:14:17] <Gamma> aa-AAa.. aahhh...
  497. [20:14:43] <Kutya> sssshhh-- shhhhHH.
  498. [20:15:14] * Kutya pushes the knife into her chest, fumbling
  499. [20:15:28] * Gamma exhales, tipping her head back and trembling
  500. [20:15:37] * Kutya mumbles something about severing arteries
  501. [20:16:13] <Kutya> shhhHHHHHhh. shhhheehhehehehehhh
  502. [20:17:11] <Gamma> no you shhhhhhhh
  503. [20:18:17] * Kutya bares his teeth, cutting away with the dagger
  504. [20:18:40] <Gamma> y.... yyyoouu-hhHAaaAA...
  505. [20:19:33] * Gamma grimaces, falling back on the couch slowly
  506. [20:19:33] <Kutya> *quietly* -should have done this sooner, huh.
  507. [20:19:53] * Kutya pulls, but appears to be stuck
  508. [20:20:17] <Kutya> hnnn. maybe i should break your ribs first.
  509. [20:20:24] <Kutya> hhhehehh.
  510. [20:21:42] * Kutya shoves against her chest and pulls again
  511. [20:21:54] <Gamma> wh.. whhat... hnn..
  512. [20:22:54] * Kutya rips her heart of her chest with a sickening crack
  513. [20:23:12] * Kutya bursts into laughter
  514. [20:23:36] <Gamma> *her eyelid flutters, the coat falling away from her shoulders. she bites her lip*
  515. [20:23:45] <Kutya> hhhHAHAHAH-- look, look at you!! hehee--hhhhh-h-ahahah
  516. [20:24:03] <Kutya> hhhey, it really /is/ glowing, isn't it??
  517. [20:24:17] <Kutya> isn't that /NEAT/?
  518. [20:24:49] * Kutya squeezes the heart in his hand, watching the blood run down his fingers
  519. [20:25:01] * Gamma nods, but in moments her head lolls to the side and her eyes close
  520. [20:25:10] <Kutya> h-hahahahhh-ahhahh
  521. [20:25:44] * Kutya breathes heavily, blinking rapidly at her
  522. [20:25:59] <Kutya> hhhh... oh, nooo.
  523. [20:26:03] <Kutya> we can't have that. noooo.
  524. [20:26:18] * Kutya pulls her chin up
  525. [20:26:34] <Kutya> don't fall asleep, come on. we're just getting started. hehehehh
  526. [20:26:58] * Gamma blinks, but doesn't respond
  527. [20:27:42] * Kutya grins wildly and smears the blood on her face
  528. [20:27:50] <Kutya> disgusting. you're disgusting.
  529. [20:27:53] <Kutya> hhahhahahahaha.
  530. [20:28:12] * Gamma falls completely limp
  531. [20:28:30] <Kutya> awwwww.
  532. [20:28:41] <Kutya> that's dissapointing.
  533. [20:28:50] <Kutya> hnnn. hehehhh.
  534. [20:29:10] * Kutya looks at the faintly glowing heart and smiles
  535. [20:29:15] <Kutya> ewww. hehehehHEHEHhh.
  536. [20:29:23] <Kutya> hheheh... hehhhh...
  537. [20:29:28] <Kutya> hhhhng.
  538. [20:30:09] <Kutya> ah, ssshit. i got blood all over your nice new jacket, huh.
  539. [20:30:37] <Kutya> i guess you need this thing.
  540. [20:30:49] * Kutya sighs
  541. [20:31:07] <Kutya> what a shame. i wanted to have some fun.
  542. [20:31:24] <Kutya> maybe i can just... uh...
  543. [20:31:37] * Kutya leans forward and cuts open the almost-healed wound
  544. [20:31:57] <Kutya> hhhh. you'll have to forgive me, gamma.
  545. [20:32:00] <Kutya> i'm not a surgeon.
  546. [20:32:03] <Kutya> ha. hahahahahaha.
  547. [20:32:22] <Gamma> *there's something pulsing where her heart should be, not entirely visible*
  548. [20:32:20] * Kutya shoves the heart back into her chest through the wound with a little difficulty
  549. [20:32:30] * Kutya struggles to pull his hand out of the wound but eventually gets to doing that
  550. [20:32:49] <Gamma> *it wraps itself around her heart, sinking it back into her chest and sealing the wound*
  551. [20:33:49] <Gamma> *soon her chest has repaired itself, smooth and without scars, but still covered in blood*
  552. [20:34:25] * Kutya tries to settle his breathing
  553. [20:34:47] <Kutya> hhhfff... euuugghh.
  554. [20:35:12] * Kutya pulls her close to him and lies back on the couch
  555. [20:35:29] * Gamma slowly opens her eye, shivering
  556. [20:36:00] * Kutya mumbles quietly into her hair
  557. [20:36:10] <Kutya> filthy. filthy. disgusting.
  558. [20:36:22] <Gamma> *she takes a slow breath and exhales, settling down*
  559. [20:36:36] * Kutya buries his face in her hair
  560. [20:37:23] <Kutya> *muffled* shhhhh. shhhhhhh.
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