
Beyond Infinity - Interloper Preview (Coming After /V/iE)

Sep 19th, 2012
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  1. >Entry 273
  3. >What a day! The whole of P0nyville is buzzing with activity. The town square is getting set up so everyp0ny is comfortable for the Illumina Majora meteor shower tonight. I've never seen Mr. General's store so busy, he must be raking in the bits. Got loads of things to do today, can't miss out on this once-in-ten-lifetimes experience! I'll get back to this later, can't stop feeling giddy with anticipation!
  5. ===================================================
  7. >Entry 274
  9. >I don't know what happened but whatever it was terrified the hooves off of me and every other p0ny in town. At first everything was going fine, the sky was filled with beautiful streaks of light. p0nies were oohing and aahing at the sight. Then it came. A brilliant white flash surrounded by what looked like lightning bolts. Everyp0ny was shaken but not frightened until news came that there was something up there, floating above Equestria. Whatever it was, it started moving towards us, getting faster and faster. Once it hit the atmosphere, it glowed so hot you didn't even need a telescope to see it. p0nies started panicking: some hoped that Celestia or Luna would intervene, others began running as fast as they could. I just stood there, watching everything unfold.
  11. >The next thing I remember were the explosions, one after another. BOOM BOOM BOOM. I had to shield my eyes, they were so intense. They made the falling object move away from hitting p0nyville, instead coming down somewhere near the Everfree Forest. I've never been so relieved in my life. Everyp0ny decided to call it a night after that. I heard that Twilight and her friends might be going out there to see what crashed. I would go along too if I didn't have work tomorrow.
  13. =====================================================
  15. >Entry 275
  17. >Heard some bad news today. A filly who was at the gathering last night was blinded in one eye when she was looking through her telescope at the thing in the sky. The nurses couldn't help her and no healing spell can repair the damage done. I can't imagine what she must be going through.
  19. >As if that wasn't enough, P0nyville was treated to another spectacle today. Around lunchtime, there were these columns of smoke that appeared from nowhere arcing across the sky, followed by this fantastic roar. They came from the direction of the Everfree Forest where that thing landed. Twilight and her friends said they'd go immediately to investigate. I hope nothing happens to them out there.
  21. =====================================================
  23. >Entry 275 Addendum
  25. >They came back tonight. The expression on their faces told us everything we needed to know. Something didn't want them there and frightened all six of them off. The six p0nies that defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord, completely scared out of their minds.
  27. >What do we do when Equestria's heroes can't help us?
  29. ===================================================
  31. >Entry 276
  33. >Something's not right. P0nies are talking about weird things happening over the last few days. Fluttershy said that eggs laid by her hens have been taken. Applejack is complaining about apples being stolen from her orchard. Twilight's story is the weirdest; books from the library have gone missing, specifically picture books meant for young foals and fillies, as well as a dictionary. No p0ny has any clue what all of this means. This has to do with that thing, I don't see how it can't not be related.
  35. >I'm getting creeped out and I know I'm not the only one. Just yesterday I had the feeling I was being watched when I was doing my shopping. When I got home, I locked all of the doors and windows and barricaded myself in my bedroom. I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm scared witless.
  37. =================================================
  39. >Entry 277
  41. >This morning, everyp0ny was gathered in the square. Even though I was at the back of the crowd, I could see the banner hanging from the town hall and could read the badly spelt words written on it:
  45. >It sent a shiver down my spine like you wouldn't believe. The Mayor told everyp0ny it must have been a prank done in poor taste.
  47. >I want to believe her, I really do.
  49. >Not that soon after, a smartly dressed stallion came into P0nyville with two unicorns in black military uniforms. He approached me and said he was from Canterlot on official government business. He asked a lot of questions about the meteor shower and what happened afterwards. Apparently they saw the explosions all the way from the Capitol and the Princesses needed information. I told them all I could. He asked if anything strange has happened since. I mentioned the banner and the missing food but said he'd get better answers from the of the others. He thanked me and left with his escorts. I don't know why but something about him rubs me the wrong way, like he'd stick me in some dungeon just for looking at him the wrong way.
  51. ===============================================
  53. >Entry 278
  55. >Oh Celestia, help me.
  57. >I saw it.
  59. >As sure as the sun rises and sets and night follows day, I saw it!
  61. >It was here in town, it's been here the whole time! It's been watching us.
  63. >I don't know if it saw me, I caught a glimpse of it standing between two houses opposite Sugarcube Corner. It shimmered like the ground on a hot day, shifting colours to blend in.
  65. >I ran home as fast as I could. What do I do?
  67. >I'm not going out again at all, for any reason, not while that thing is prowling the streets.
  69. >I can still see its eyes glowing in the shadows.
  71. =============================================
  73. >Entry XXX
  75. >I overheard some p0nies talking outside. That filly that was blinded, she's disappeared.
  77. >It's coming for us, one by one.
  79. >What are we supposed to do?
  81. >Celestia, help us!
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