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Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. flod
  2. 08/29/14 03:25:31:pm flod who are you
  3. 08/29/14 03:25:31:pm === flod <buttlorden@160373FF.5048BB12.C6E8A614.IP> “chz”
  4. 08/29/14 03:25:31:pm === flod is a registered nick
  5. 08/29/14 03:25:31:pm === flod: member of +#MI6, #ria, #lsf, +#ABLS, #ODN, and ~#zaire
  6. 08/29/14 03:25:31:pm === flod: attached to “Welcome to Coldfront!”
  7. 08/29/14 03:25:31:pm --- End of WHOIS information for flod.
  8. 08/29/14 03:25:37:pm Metha metha
  9. 08/29/14 03:25:43:pm Metha hence the name metha
  10. 08/29/14 03:25:49:pm flod ah yes i remember you
  11. 08/29/14 03:25:56:pm Metha if your asking where i come from its Ai
  12. 08/29/14 03:25:58:pm flod the congolese peoples court has found you guilty by association
  13. 08/29/14 03:26:05:pm flod of factionalism
  14. 08/29/14 03:26:06:pm Metha of what?
  15. 08/29/14 03:26:12:pm flod factionalism
  16. 08/29/14 03:26:16:pm Metha how
  17. 08/29/14 03:26:25:pm Metha and who are the people that found me guilty?
  18. 08/29/14 03:26:35:pm Metha was it just you or were there others?
  19. 08/29/14 03:26:45:pm Metha also who are you?
  20. 08/29/14 03:26:56:pm flod i am flod
  21. 08/29/14 03:26:58:pm flod mobutu of the east
  22. 08/29/14 03:27:00:pm flod hero of kinshasa
  23. 08/29/14 03:27:04:pm flod and kolwezi
  24. 08/29/14 03:27:11:pm flod patriarch of the gbadolite ganeshite church
  25. 08/29/14 03:27:19:pm Metha any other titles?
  26. 08/29/14 03:27:51:pm flod yes
  27. 08/29/14 03:27:56:pm flod distinguished labourer of the 3wp
  28. 08/29/14 03:27:59:pm flod member of lec
  29. 08/29/14 03:28:00:pm flod mpr
  30. 08/29/14 03:28:07:pm flod and chief if l'avenir
  31. 08/29/14 03:28:13:pm flod so on and so forth
  32. 08/29/14 03:28:29:pm Metha im half tempted to let you tell me all your titles
  33. 08/29/14 03:28:53:pm Metha any ways back to the question who was the peoples that found me guilty so i may contact them to clear my name
  34. 08/29/14 03:29:41:pm Metha or should i just go to the alliance's founders?
  35. 08/29/14 03:30:15:pm flod yes
  36. 08/29/14 03:30:19:pm flod contact mr. flod and landru
  37. 08/29/14 03:30:23:pm flod and g.c. cshoes
  38. 08/29/14 03:30:42:pm Metha will do but you should know that im not actually apart of the reavers
  39. 08/29/14 03:31:02:pm flod then why were you on the channel
  40. 08/29/14 03:31:08:pm Metha i joined because anarchy inc found out what they are up to and needed someone to keep track of them
  41. 08/29/14 03:31:18:pm Metha i am the IA of Ai
  42. 08/29/14 03:31:39:pm flod what is ai
  43. 08/29/14 03:31:44:pm Metha anarchy inc
  44. 08/29/14 03:32:19:pm flod mdoap with npo?
  45. 08/29/14 03:32:35:pm Metha but hey if you dont want to coordinate with us to roll reavers soon thats all good
  46. 08/29/14 03:32:40:pm Metha yeppers
  47. 08/29/14 03:32:46:pm flod >rolling reavers
  48. 08/29/14 03:32:49:pm flod >coordinating
  49. 08/29/14 03:32:51:pm flod >after being banne
  50. 08/29/14 03:32:52:pm flod d
  51. 08/29/14 03:32:53:pm flod wat
  52. 08/29/14 03:32:56:pm flod i dont understand this logic
  53. 08/29/14 03:33:17:pm Metha WE HAVE A COMMON ENEMY
  54. 08/29/14 03:33:25:pm Metha that is why i joined your channel
  55. 08/29/14 03:33:39:pm Metha just to have you insta ban me for no reason
  56. 08/29/14 03:33:55:pm flod ok
  57. 08/29/14 03:33:59:pm flod youve been given parole
  58. 08/29/14 03:34:30:pm Metha thank god im a patient man
  59. 08/29/14 03:34:50:pm flod yes yes
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