
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 12 (Finale)

Apr 29th, 2014
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  1. >And so, Fluttershy had told you all that had happened.
  2. >All the way back to P0nyville, where she overheard Rarity and Applejack talking about a "goodbye."
  3. >To catching a train to Appleoosa.
  4. >To trekking through the desert and over the cliffs.
  5. >And then, of course... the tatzlwurm.
  6. >The violent, vicious beast that attacked her and Anonymous, and caused him to fall into the canyon below.
  7. >The sun slowly seeped behind the horizon as Fluttershy finally finished her story.
  8. >Tears dripped from her eyes, but she managed to keep it together the entire way through.
  9. >You never once interrupted her or asked a question, saving all of it until the very end.
  10. >And finally... she finishes.
  11. >"And... and that's what happened..." she gasps, practically out of breath.
  12. >Given what had just occurred, you don't blame her for it.
  13. >You nod to her, then glance off to the side, thinking about everything she had just said.
  14. >...So many questions.
  15. >The most obvious of which should be...
  16. "...So... Anonymous did not want you along for this journey?"
  17. >You can feel your cheeks flame up at the question.
  18. >There are a lot of implications to this. Yes, it's a bit of an embarrassing question, but...
  19. >If he didn't actually want her to come...
  20. >Then that could mean...
  21. >This whole time...
  22. >Fluttershy seems quite embarrassed as well. Her mouth opens a little as she stares at you, as if unsure of what to say.
  23. >"W-Well... it's not that he DIDN'T want me to come, it's just that..." she shuffles in place a bit. "If given more time, I imagine... the things he said didn't really..."
  24. "Fluttershy..."
  25. >Her big, teal eyes gaze to you, darting between each eye of yours, until finally she sighs, resting her head to the ground.
  26. >"...No. H-He... didn't want me to come..."
  27. "And why did he not?"
  28. >You can see her blush again from the ground.
  29. >"...B-Because... h-he doesn't l-like me..."
  30. >An odd emotion mixes inside of you.
  31. >Happiness, because Fluttershy is available.
  32. >Sadness, because she's still clearly into somep0ny --or someONE-- else...
  33. >Anger at yourself for being so stubborn.
  34. >Shame at what you had done and said to Anonymous over this.
  35. >Especially shame.
  36. >How could you...?
  37. >"What's wrong, Prince Blueblood?" Fluttershy asks. You lift your head up in surprise. Apparently, your thoughts were plainly displayed on your face.
  38. "O-Oh. Pardon me. It is... nothing.
  39. >Thoughts of Dahlia come back to you.
  40. >It's like the same thing.
  41. >He was right, you were wrong. Yet you were so stubborn about it that you seriously hurt your friendship.
  42. >You weren't even friends the first time this happened... and yet he went out of his way to do it anyway. Put himself in harm's way.
  43. >And he did so again. To such great lengths...
  44. >And now he's paid such a horrible price for it.
  45. >The shame is overwhelming.
  46. >...You need to use this somehow. For motivation.
  47. >Anonymous had gone through such great lengths for you, and now, he needs you. It's your turn to go to ridiculous lengths to save him.
  48. >If he's still alive.
  49. >You rise to your hooves.
  50. "Come, Fluttershy. We must depart."
  51. >She looks up to you once more. "Where are we going?"
  52. "To search for Anonymous."
  53. >Her eyes widen as he offers you a hoof.
  54. >"Search for...? B-But... he fell. He's... he's--"
  55. "He fell, yes. Into a river."
  56. >You can see the gears in her mind begin to turn.
  57. "It is not impossible that he has survived... and if there is a chance, I must find him."
  58. >Her eyes dart back and forth as she thinks.
  59. "Will you join me?"
  60. >Fluttershy's eyes meet yours. For a short time, she just kind of looks at you, but you can tell her mind is racing. "...If there's a chance... y-yes."
  61. >She gently takes your hoof, and you pull her up. She tries to take a step, but stumbles.
  62. >You heart pangs just a bit, and you approach her.
  63. "Fluttershy, are you alright?"
  64. >She nods and takes another step, but falls down entirely.
  65. >You think you gasp, and you kneel down to her.
  66. >She's shaking her head.
  67. >"I'm sorry, Prince Blueblood, I... I just can't go. I'm so exhausted..."
  68. >You grit your teeth with a determined face and nod.
  69. >It makes sense. She's been through so much. Now that the adrenaline is gone, her body is really feeling the toll of the attack.
  70. >But you won't let this stop you.
  71. "Well then, I shall carry you."
  72. >Before she can even show a surprised reaction, you haul her up and over onto your back.
  73. >Her form rests over you, her hooves dangling on each of your sides.
  74. >Normally, this would be oh so nerve-wracking. But not now. You are too determined.
  75. "We shall find a way into the canyon below and look for any evidence of where he might be."
  76. >"O-Okay..."
  77. >With that, you finally begin making your way.
  78. >Even though the sun is practically set, and it'll be very dark soon, this is too urgent.
  79. >You head in the direction of Nevlaria. You know that you can get off the cliffs in that direction, then turn back in and examine the river area.
  80. >You just hope you don't find a corpse...
  81. >With Fluttershy lying limp and relaxed on your back, you head out over the high cliffs. Rocks, inclines, and other mild hazards get in your way, but nothing you can't easily deal with.
  82. >When the dead of night strikes, you use your horn as a makeshift flashlight.
  83. >The trip itself isn't too cumbersome.
  84. >It's the climbing that's the real struggle, and Anonymous and Fluttershy had already dealt with that part.
  85. >Now, it's more along the lines of a high-altitude stroll.
  86. >Eventually, you feel yourself declining, the cliffs finally heading downward.
  87. >Soon, you'll be off.
  88. >And you can begin your search for Anonymous.
  89. >As you make each careful step, now aware of your goal in sight, you become painfully aware of the dead silence.
  90. >Only Fluttershy's light breathing makes any noise, accompanied by the soft pressing of her moving chest.
  91. >...Maybe you can start a sort of conversation.
  92. >The very idea brings heat to your cheeks.
  93. >Well, so much for not being embarrassed.
  94. >But maybe...
  95. >Maybe you can get some sort of information out of her now.
  96. "So, Fluttershy..."
  97. >You begin.
  98. >"Hmm?"
  99. "I was just wondering..."
  100. >Now... how to word this...
  101. "You say that Anonymous did not want you along for this trip..."
  102. >She's silent for a moment.
  103. "Why did you accompany him anyway? Especially if you said that he... well..."
  104. >You pause for a moment, wondering if what you say might wound her.
  105. "...Does not like you."
  106. >"...Um... well..."
  107. >She remains quiet for a moment more, perhaps gathering her thoughts.
  108. "...It is alright if you wish not to speak of it."
  109. >"N-No, it's alright..." You can feel her head turning on your back. "I... I've been thinking about talking with somep0ny about this anyway..."
  110. >Talking about 'this?'
  111. >"You... you and Anon are friends, right?"
  112. >The question kind of catches you by surprise.
  113. >After all that has happened... after all that you had done...
  114. >Are you...?
  115. >Can you really call yourselves that?
  116. >...
  117. "...Yes, Fluttershy."
  118. >You smile a little to yourself.
  119. "The best of friends."
  120. >You wouldn't be doing this if you weren't.
  121. >And neither would he.
  122. >She sighs. You can feel her chest press upon your back as she heaves.
  123. >"I... I don't know why, but... I'm so enamored with Anon..."
  124. >Her words are like spears to your heart. But you don't show this.
  125. >"Ever since I saw him, I... I just wanted to know everything about him. I wanted him to approach me and ask about me... to... f-flirt with me..."
  126. >You nod along with her speech, unsure if she can see this or not.
  127. >"He was so nice and kind... and friendly... I just... I couldn't stop thinking about him."
  128. "I... I can relate to that feeling."
  129. >She pauses for a moment. In this time, your blood runs cold.
  130. >...Oh no. Did she pick up on that?
  131. >She must know you were interested in her... you DID go on that date after all...
  132. >But soon, Fluttershy continues speaking anyway, and the fear subsides.
  133. >"I tried to make it known, but he just wouldn't make any move, and so..."
  134. >She stays silent yet again. You follow suit, knowing she'll probably continue on her own anyway.
  135. >Then, you feel her take a deep breath.
  136. >"And so, I... I... I t-tried to make him like me i-in other w-ways..."
  137. >Her voice rattles in nervousness. It must be an awkward topic.
  138. >"I'd come to his house every morning and... try to make him like me. I think it eventually really got on his nerves, and he started to really loathe me. B-But I thought that I could change that if I just tried hard enough... s-so I kept going... and he still didn't like me..."
  139. "Fluttershy..."
  140. >"Then I thought if I pretended we were something more, he would eventually accept it... s-so I started calling us l-lovers, and... and I went along on his trip b-because couples do that, and... and this whole mess is b-because of me..."
  141. >You feel her wet eyes press against your back.
  142. >But you keep on looking forward.
  143. >A stern expression on your face.
  144. >...So it was true.
  145. >Anonymous was right, yet again.
  146. >And you didn't believe him.
  147. >And now here's Fluttershy, thinking this is all her fault.
  148. >You can't let this poor mare think that.
  149. "...No, Fluttershy."
  150. >You start.
  151. >You can feel her head lift up.
  152. "This is not all your fault. It is... it is mine."
  153. >You maneuver around a few tricky rocks, hopping from one boulder to the next.
  154. >Fluttershy's hooves grip the side of your stomach, and you can feel her entire body latched to you.
  155. "Anonymous only wished to travel to Nevlaria because of me..."
  156. >You take a deep breath through your nose.
  157. "Are you aware of what had transpired between the two of us?"
  158. >"...Only a little."
  159. >You bite your tongue.
  160. >...Well. She laid it all on the table for you. Maybe it's time you should do the same.
  161. "It, well... I suppose it is a bit of a... bizarre love triangle."
  162. >You think you feel her breathing in to ask something, but you don't let her get that far.
  163. "As I am sure you were aware of, Fluttershy, I... I was attracted to you. When we met. At the party."
  164. >"...Y-Yes. I... I found that out."
  165. >Again, you feel the heat scorch your cheeks.
  166. >But you fight through.
  167. "I asked Anonymous about you, and he agreed to help me start something with you. I believe he really tried, but then..."
  168. >You pause. Unsure of how to proceed.
  169. >"...But then...?"
  170. >You smile a little to yourself.
  171. "...I'm notorious, you know, for jumping to conclusions. And being hard headed."
  172. >You look to your feet and shake your head.
  173. "After that awkward double date, I suspected that you were attracted to him, and... I was envious."
  174. >You sigh.
  175. "I was unfairly rude to Anonymous, but knew this. When I left, I figured I should apologize. So I returned to his house to do so, and... and you were there."
  176. >"...Oh."
  177. "I assumed the worst. He insisted that nothing happened, but in my enraged mind, I worked out that he had been seeing you in some shape or form behind my back, and... and I destroyed our friendship because of that."
  178. >The cliff begins to wind down much more, and you wager you're less than one hundred feet from the ground. It shouldn't be too much longer.
  179. "I... reverted to my old ways after that. Anonymous tried so hard to make me see the errors of my ways, but I was determined to be blind to the truth. Because of my foolish attitude, the opportunity I had wished for my whole life, my own kingdom, was torn from my hooves."
  180. >"And that's why Anon went on this journey, right...?"
  181. "Correct. To my understanding. He... wanted to make things right, I suppose. And he was not even the one at fault."
  182. >There's a rather long pause as you walk carefully down the descending cliff.
  183. >You figure that all that needed to be said was said. But soon...
  184. >"...We've been such a burden to Anon, haven't we?"
  185. >You stop.
  186. >"We've caused him... so much trouble."
  187. >Her words sink in as you stand still, for a moment more.
  188. >They sting a little.
  189. >You think you feel water come to your eyes, but you don't allow any tears to form.
  190. >Instead, you smile a little, giving a tiny laugh, and continue walking.
  191. "Yes, Fluttershy. We really have."
  192. >She giggles a little.
  193. >Why the laughter? You're not entirely sure.
  194. >Maybe this is the moment both of you finally understand what you've put Anonymous through, and truly see what lengths he'd go to to make things right.
  195. "But now is the time we show him how much we truly care. Now is the time to prove ourselves."
  196. >"Right," she says, with newfound vigor. "Let's show Anon that we really deserve to be his friends."
  197. "Right."
  198. >A wide smile graces your face as you march on.
  199. >...But first.
  200. >You'll need to find him.
  201. >...
  202. >Anonymous... where are you?
  204. >You are exhausted.
  205. >Utterly beaten.
  206. >You can barely move your right arm. You think it might be broken.
  207. >That was one hell of a nasty fall.
  208. >The tatzlwurm destabilized the rock you were on and sent you tumbling hundreds of feet into the river below.
  209. >It's a fucking miracle you survived.
  210. >By all accounts of logic, the rocks that fell with you should have crushed you like a bug.
  211. >But luckily, not a single one did.
  212. >Instead, you crashed right into the river without a single falling boulder touching you.
  213. >Water...
  214. >Hey, at least with solid ground you wouldn't have felt anything.
  215. >It'd be over in an instant.
  216. >But instead, you crashed into that water and got swept up right away.
  217. >Your body slamming into rocks left and right as you struggled to keep your head afloat for air.
  218. >Everything happened so fast, you had no idea what was going on.
  219. >One second you were thrown into a rock wall, the next you were thrown over a tiny waterfall in the rapids and sent underwater again, unsure of whether or not you'd be breathing again.
  220. >Only to breathe again right before hitting yet another rock.
  221. >...But hey. You aren't dead.
  222. >Yet.
  223. >You guess that's the one thing that hellish water ride had over falling to death.
  224. >The water eventually slowed down enough for you to pry your way out of it with one arm. The other one felt near useless.
  225. >You really hope it's not broken.
  226. >You're not sure how healthcare works here yet.
  227. >Maybe Nevlaria is like... Canadian Equestria.
  228. >Regardless.
  229. >You pried your way out of the water and continued the way the river took you.
  230. >You were pretty sure Nevlaria was this way.
  231. >But now... you're not entirely convinced.
  232. >You've walked out a good mile or so since the river spit you out, and the cliffs are behind you now.
  233. >The border should be coming up soon...
  234. >But maybe you're already in Nevlaria... Garrison did say it was fairly primitive, maybe they don't have official borders yet.
  235. >...Maybe this world in general doesn't. Wouldn't Equestria have them?
  236. >Your thought process is interrupted by a shock of pain from your arm.
  237. >You wince and grit your teeth, holding your injury as you trek on through the moon-soaked desert, that very orb in the sky your only source of light.
  238. >Your torches and matches were soaked in the water.
  239. >Your bat was lost when you fell, as expected.
  240. >The map is most likely sopping wet and unusable, although you haven't actually checked.
  241. >At least your bag stayed attached to your back.
  242. >One less thing to buy when you're back in P0nyville.
  243. >...You smile at that.
  244. >Trying to keep yourself optimistic.
  245. >Because really, at this point...
  246. >At the brink of exhaustion, with a torn-up arm, no real sense of direction, in the middle of a desert on a lonely night...
  247. >...You might not make it out of here alive.
  248. >A light, breathy laugh passes your lips as your eyes start to flutter.
  249. >Your vision starts to fuzz a bit. The black ground, blue, starry sky, and silhouetted landscape falling in and out of view.
  250. >Shit... not now.
  251. >You try to hold on longer, the exhaustion taking over your entire body.
  252. >You got this...
  253. >But each step just makes you feel so much weaker.
  254. >The thought of how much longer it'll take to get to Nevlaria enters your mind.
  255. >...Can you really keep this up that long?
  256. >Your vision blurs once more.
  257. >...
  258. >Well...
  259. >You flop down to your knees, the dusty earth around you puffing up into the air.
  260. >Maybe just quickly...
  261. >Your vision goes.
  262. >...You can take a rest.
  263. >The last thing you consciously remember is the feeling of rushing towards the ground.
  265. >Your horn shines down on the last of the rocks as you comfortably descend off the final part of the cliff.
  266. >If you can really call it a cliff at this point. It's winded down so much it felt more like you were playing around on rocks.
  267. >But finally, the stone floor is gone, leaving the dusty, desert ground of solid land.
  268. "We made it, Fluttershy,"
  269. >You say to your companion.
  270. >She squeezes you enthusiastically with a small "yay" from your back.
  271. "How are you feeling now? Any better?"
  272. >You can feel her nod.
  273. >"Yes, much... I think I'll be okay to walk on my own now... if that's okay with you."
  274. >You smile and laugh.
  275. "Why, of course. Why would it not be?"
  276. >"Well, because..." She slips off of your back, and you feel quite a bit lighter. Fluttershy smiles at you. "Well, it's nothing."
  277. >Your heart flutters in your chest slightly as you feel your cheeks flush once again.
  278. "W-Well..."
  279. >You swiftly aim your horn down to the side of the cliffs you've just departed.
  280. "In between here is where the river in the canyon is. We should start our search for Anonymous there.
  281. >"R-Right!"
  282. >Fluttershy opens her wings and takes to the sky, hovering and waiting for your lead.
  283. >You nod, then begin trotting in the previously aimed direction.
  284. >Both of you make your way over, soon entering the canyon that grows deeper as you venture further in, the cliffs you once trekked over becoming towering, imposing walls around you.
  285. >You shine your horn in every direction.
  286. >With a whisper, you begin talking.
  287. "...I'd like to call out to him, but I would hate to awaken any more sleeping tatzlwurms..."
  288. >Fluttershy nods in response next to you.
  289. >You don't think the thought of that pleases her at all.
  290. >The river itself next to you is fairly loud, and the glistening water reflects off any light you give it.
  291. >It's frothy and full of white wash, constantly moving at a rapid pace.
  292. >Fluttershy seems rather enamored with it.
  293. >Or perhaps she's just looking for Anonymous...
  294. >You should really heighten your search too.
  295. >You aim your horn all over the place: the water, the cliffs, the ground, anywhere.
  296. >Just hoping for any sign of the man.
  297. >Conformation of him living, please...
  298. >Time passes.
  299. >How much time, you aren't sure. Not much is said at all between you two during this period.
  300. >You aren't even sure how much ground you've covered.
  301. >But soon, you hear Fluttershy gasp.
  302. >You instantly turn to her.
  303. "What is it?"
  304. >She holds her front hooves to her mouth, then points to the ground with one.
  305. >You instantly shine your horn there.
  306. >Your own mouth gapes.
  307. >You know what those markings in the ground are.
  308. "...Footprints."
  309. >Yes.
  310. >From those odd shoes Anonymous wears, no doubt.
  311. >They make an odd, swirling, pattern of lines in the mud, embedded and kept there for however long.
  312. >The extra-wet nature of this particular area must have allowed them to stick.
  313. >"Wh-Which way are they going!?"
  314. >You immediately kneel down and check.
  315. >Well, let's see...
  316. >You've seen Anonymous's feet before...
  317. >...If what you remember is true, then... that part should be the toes... hmm.
  318. >Aha!
  319. >You rocket back up to your hooves.
  320. "They are pointing behind us! Anonymous had walked the direction we came!"
  321. >Yes!
  322. >Not only is he alive, but he's made it out of the canyon!
  323. >"C-Come on!" Fluttershy cries with a tug on your cloak, "We need to hurry back the way we came!"
  324. "Yes, I agree! Post-haste!"
  325. >You begin galloping down the side of the river, back towards the entrance to the canyon. Fluttershy flies next to you, matching your speed.
  326. >She never really struck you as much of a flyer...
  327. >Maybe the urgency of the situation is allowing her to push herself.
  328. "If we continue straight after we exit, I imagine we will be hot on Anonymous's tail!"
  329. >"I... I hope!"
  330. >You focus on dashing as fast as you can down the side of the river.
  331. >You must have zoned out and walked farther than you thought, because it takes quite a lot longer than you'd have anticipated.
  332. >But eventually, you reach the end of the canyon, and enter the vast, wide desert.
  333. >It's rather intimidating, but you keep on a straight path, making sure you don't skew off into some other direction.
  334. >The dark desert landscape passes you and Fluttershy by as you bolt through the wasteland.
  335. >Your horn shines directly in front of you, offering a good fifteen feet or so of good visibility.
  336. >You pant loudly as you keep up your galloping.
  337. >A stallion needs good stamina, after all.
  338. >And soon, maybe after about a mile or so after you left the canyon, a form enters your field of vision.
  339. >It catches you by surprise so much that you actually stop yourself to a halt.
  340. >Dust kicks up around you as you cease your momentum, your chest heaving up and down as you breathe heavily.
  341. >Fluttershy soars ahead a few feet before halting her aerial trajectory and turning back to you.
  342. >"What is it, Prince Blueblood?"
  343. >You don't say anything right away. You just walk slowly to the mass in front of you and point.
  344. >Could it be...?
  345. >You aim your light more closely, illuminating it fully.
  346. >Fluttershy gasps.
  347. >There he is...
  348. >Collapsed on the ground.
  349. >"Anon!" Fluttershy cries, diving down to him.
  350. >You gallop over and crouch down to his level, practically sliding.
  351. >"Is he breathing!?" she shouts.
  352. >You bring a hoof up to his neck, to feel a pulse.
  353. >Then, you flip him over onto his back.
  354. >...Oh, my.
  355. >That arm doesn't look too good.
  356. >You place a hoof on his chest.
  357. "...He has a pulse. And yes, he is breathing."
  358. >She sighs in relief.
  359. >"I can't believe we actually found him..."
  360. >You nod in response while focusing on his body, a stern look on your face.
  361. "Yes, well, it is most fortunate. But we are not finished yet."
  362. >You look up to Fluttershy.
  363. "We must get him medical attention. His entire body is battered, I can only imagine from rushing down that river, and his arm looks in bad shape."
  364. >You look back down to your friend.
  365. "Really, I am rather surprised he made it this far out into the desert before collapsing."
  366. >Worry returns to Fluttershy's face.
  367. >"Where can we go for medical attention, though?"
  368. >You step back, then charge up your horn.
  369. >Carefully, you levitate his body up. Once he's safely in the air, you glance in the direction Anonymous was heading.
  370. "...Nevlaria."
  372. >The first thing you notice, before you even open your eyes, is the soreness all over your body.
  373. >Especially your arm.
  374. >It's an odd sensation to drift into the world of the waking and feel such gradual dull pain immediately.
  375. >You pry your eyes open.
  376. >It's a struggle, almost as if they'd been glued shut.
  377. >But you manage to make it happen, and the fuzzy world before you starts to focus.
  378. >It's light out.
  379. >...Where are you?
  380. >You slowly turn your head to the right, a mild pain in your neck making it a bit of an inconvenience.
  381. >Stone walls surround you in a rather open room.
  382. >Beds line from you to the wall.
  383. >Speaking of which...
  384. >You feel the rather comfortable material under you as you shift ever so slightly.
  385. >In bed, huh...?
  386. >You try to move your hurt right arm.
  387. >...It feels bound.
  388. >The sheets surrounding you shuffle almost noiselessly as you reach over with your other arm and feel your injury.
  389. >Your fingertips graze over slightly rough, wrapped material.
  390. >With these pieces of evidence fresh in your mind, and your grogginess starting to wear off, you piece together the obvious.
  391. >You're in a hospital of some kind.
  392. >But... where?
  393. >How did you even get here?
  394. >The last you remember...
  395. >A sudden loud noise breaks you from your concentration.
  396. >Like a sort of ripping, almost.
  397. >It came from your left, and so, you turn your head slowly like an old, rusty valve of sorts, looking for the cause.
  398. >...Huh.
  399. >An old, worn p0ny rests on a chair next to you.
  400. >A long, white beard falls down his chin, and his wrinkles flutter slightly with every snore he makes.
  401. >Snore...
  402. >Was that the noise you just heard?
  403. >He lurches up slightly with another one, then exhales quietly as he seeps back down into his chair.
  404. >Well... that just about confirms it.
  405. >But... who is this p0ny?
  406. >He's dressed rather... regally.
  407. >Or, at least, you're kind of interpreting it that way.
  408. >A red cloak, or cape, with frilly white accents rests over his shoulders.
  409. >...Maybe you should wake him and ask him what's going on.
  410. >You shuffle a little and readjust yourself as you aim your head to him.
  411. "...Hey."
  412. >He sniffs and moves to the side.
  413. "...Hey. Hello? Mister?"
  414. >You speak it a little louder this time.
  415. >You can see the gears in his head start to turn as he pries his eyes open.
  416. >They glance around the room once or twice before focusing on you. "Ah..." he states with a smile on his face, sitting up more formally. "Mr. Anonymous, is it? I'm glad you're awake."
  417. >The fact that he knows your name rather surprises you.
  418. "Oh, um... likewise, I suppose."
  419. >"How was your rest, my boy?"
  420. "...Good?"
  421. >You stare at him for a moment more.
  422. "Um, sir, if I may ask... where am I?"
  423. >"Our humble medical wing."
  424. >You blink once or twice.
  425. "And... where is this medical wing?"
  428. >Now it is he who stares at you blankly, but then, something clicks in his mind. "Ah! My apologies, I misinterpreted the question." He steps down from his seat and stretches himself out on the ground before pacing. "My boy, you are in the Kingdom of Nevlaria."
  429. >Your eyes widen.
  430. >You are...?
  431. >But...
  432. >How did you get there?
  433. >"And," he adds, "if I may introduce myself, I am Hansen Nodaphnes Nevla, king of Nevlaria."
  434. >He then lets out a cough.
  435. >"Well, for as long as I choose to be, I suppose."
  436. >It's like a giant gear churns in your head slowly. Stuck on that one cog. Until it finally clicks over, and a rush of realization hits you.
  437. "Oh! So you... you're the king who is going to retire soon?"
  438. >He smiles. "Yes, yes, that's me. At my age, this whole 'ruling' business is too much of a toll on me."
  439. "And you're the one who was looking for an Equestrian successor?"
  440. >"Ahh, yes. Equestria has some fine stallions in waiting for the position. I--"
  441. "Please, sir. Please reconsider Prince Blueblood."
  442. >He hangs his mouth open from when you interrupted him, and an eyebrow rises.
  443. "I'm sorry. But please. It's the whole reason I'm over here. It's why I was traveling to Nevlaria."
  444. >You begin a rant of sorts.
  445. "Prince Blueblood is such a great guy, and it's my fault that he was suddenly taken off the list of potential successors. I did some stupid things and made him upset, and this change in attitude from him made him sour in the eyes of the Equestrian chancellor."
  446. >"My boy..."
  447. "But really, it's all he's ever wanted, and I know he would make an incredible king. Don't let my one idiotic error ruin what could be so great for your kingdom."
  448. >"Mr. Anonymous..."
  449. "You'll see, you'll just need to get him over here, please don't go on the word of the chancellor. He's a great guy, but he's biased. He doesn't know what I did, he just thinks Blueblood is--"
  450. >"Anonymous, please!" He cries, in a tone you'd not expect from such an old p0ny.
  451. >You catch yourself.
  452. >The old king looks at you for a moment, and then smiles.
  453. >"My my, such loyalty..."
  454. >You shift your eyes left and right.
  455. >"I wasn't sure I was expecting that from you. But, rest assured, I--"
  456. >The king is cut off from the sound of an old, wooden door creaking open.
  457. >Hansen looks up and off, behind where you can see, and smiles yet again.
  458. >"Ah, well here he is himself..."
  459. >'He?' Who?
  460. >"Anonymous?" you hear. You recognize that voice.
  461. >You force your head to the right and take a look.
  462. >By the door is that blonde-maned p0ny you know so well.
  463. >A smile comes to his face.
  464. >"Oh Anonymous, thank Celestia, you're awake!" He trots over quickly to your bedside.
  465. "Oh dude, don't yell at me now. Everything hurts."
  466. >He laughs. "I would punch you, but I do not believe that would aid your healing process."
  467. >...
  468. >Your eyes widen.
  469. >That tone... that joking attitude...
  470. "Blueblood, buddy... is that you?"
  471. >The happy look kind of wipes off his face.
  472. >"Is... is it me? Oh my." He looks to the king. "Did he suffer some sort of memory loss?"
  473. "No, you dolt, I mean 'Is it you?' Is my buddy back?"
  474. >A realization hits him, and he laughs silently.
  475. >"Well," you hear from across the bed. "I suppose my watchful duty is done."
  476. >Blueblood turns to him. "Yes, Your Highness. Thank you so much for looking after him."
  477. >He slowly makes his way across the room. "Not a problem, my friend. Now you two have a discussion or whatever it is you need to do. You may see me after."
  478. >He opens the door to leave, but looks back before. "Feel better soon, Mr. Anonymous."
  479. "Oh, yes. Thank you... Your Highness."
  480. >With a smile and a nod, he takes his leave.
  481. >When he does, Blueblood turns back to you. "Anonymous, I ought to smother you with a pillow right here for your stupidity!"
  482. >A hurtful comment. But the smile on his face betrays the harshness it could have.
  483. "What? For coming down here?"
  484. >You shrug. The very act hurts.
  485. "I made it, didn't I?"
  486. >"Yes, but not without our help you imbecile."
  487. >...Our?
  488. >"We found you in the middle of the desert and spent the entire night getting you over here."
  489. "Who's 'we?'"
  490. >"Myself and Fluttershy."
  491. >Fluttershy...
  492. >She almost completely slipped your mind.
  493. "How is she? She alright?"
  494. >He smiles. "She is fine. Resting upstairs."
  495. >Ah.
  496. >Seems like she escaped that tatzlwurm after all. That's good.
  497. >"But Anonymous..." he says, re-grabbing your attention. "Why did you come out here?" He smiles and shakes his head. "It was a foolishly dangerous thing to do."
  498. >You laugh lightly.
  499. "Hell, I didn't know that."
  500. >You take a breath.
  501. "But even if I did, I still would have."
  502. >"Why, Anonymous?"
  503. "Because you're my best friend, man."
  504. >His eyes widen a little bit.
  505. "You're my bro. I gotta have your back."
  506. >He frowns and looks off to the side. "But after all I had done and said to you..."
  507. "Doesn't matter, man. I've known you for a while, and I know about your hopes and dreams. I couldn't let something as trivial as girl trouble keep you from that."
  508. >You smile.
  509. "If that means traveling to some foreign country and risking my life... hell, why not?"
  510. >He simply stares at you.
  511. "Things turned out weird in P0nyville. A succession of horrible events that made things look really bad. I know it wasn't my fault, but I still felt responsible. I wanted your dreams to come into fruition. I wanted King Blueblood."
  512. >You laugh again.
  513. "Hell, I just wanted my buddy back."
  514. >You raise your left arm ever so slowly, and gently bump your fist into his cheek, like a mock punch.
  515. "And I know you're too much of a stubborn bonehead to have ever done anything on your own."
  516. >You think you see tears form in his eyes, but you know him. He won't let those fall.
  517. >Instead, he just smiles.
  518. >"H-Hey... I am no all that stubborn."
  519. >You laugh loudly.
  520. "Oh, sure. Remember Dahlia?"
  521. >He stutters, and his cheeks redden slightly.
  522. "Yeah, thought so. If THIS plan didn't work out, I'd have probably just given YOU the People's Elbow. Maybe that would've knocked some sense into you."
  523. >He closes his eyes and laughs. A huge smile gracing his face.
  524. >You smile too.
  525. >It feels so good to have this back.
  526. >"Truly, you are the greatest friend I could have ever asked for."
  527. "I try, man."
  528. >...But aren't you forgetting something?
  529. "...Oh! Yes, dude! What about the kingdom? Are you being considered again?"
  530. >He smiles at your concern. "Well, we had a long talk with the king after we brought you back. Fluttershy filled him in regarding your intentions, and I added the details from my side."
  531. >He shrugs. "Apparently, he was rather touched." He glances off to the side, as if embarrassed. "Something about the 'magic of friendship' and all that."
  532. >...That sounds girly as hell.
  533. >"...Oh, but I have forgotten!" He pats your bed, then begins walking toward the door. "There is somep0ny else who wishes to see you as well."
  534. >Somep0ny else...
  535. >Your eyes widen.
  536. "Oh, dude, please no."
  537. >He smiles and leaves through the door.
  538. "No, Blueblood, wait!"
  539. >But he's already gone.
  540. "...I'm not kidding!"
  541. >...Still gone.
  542. >You sigh.
  543. >Fluttershy...
  544. >...Though I suppose seeing her won't be all that bad.
  545. >It's good that she's alive.
  546. >You know, so long as she doesn't try to molest you in this bed while you're injured.
  547. >And vulnerable.
  548. >And unable to do anything.
  549. >And where it'll hurt really bad since you're injured and all...
  550. >...
  551. "Blueblood, please no!"
  552. >But it's too late.
  553. >In a few moments, the door reopens, and a familiar teal eye peeks from around the corner.
  554. >It darts back and forth before just sort of looking at the ground.
  555. >...This Fluttershy seems different.
  556. >She seems more...
  557. >Like Fluttershy. The one you originally met.
  558. "...You can come in, Fluttershy."
  559. >The eye looks back to you. Soon, she makes her entire way in and closes the door.
  560. >She daintily walks up to you and stands by your bed, scraping the ground with her hoof.
  561. >...Man, this is odd.
  562. "So, uh... we made it."
  563. >She looks back up to you.
  564. >"...Y-Yes, we did..."
  565. >An awkward silence looms over the room.
  566. >...You gotta break this somehow.
  567. >But to your surprise, you aren't the one who does.
  568. >"I'm... really glad you're okay, Anon."
  569. >She pauses for a bit. You think she might be done, so you ready some words, but instead, she continues.
  570. >"And... and I want to say that I'm sorry for stowing away on the trip, and... and for everything."
  571. "For... everything?"
  572. >She glances away. "Y-Yeah..."
  573. >After another moment, she continues.
  574. >"Prince Blueblood and I talked a lot when we found each other, and... and when we were carrying you back."
  575. >...Ah.
  576. >That must have been awkward for the poor guy.
  577. >"And I realized during that... my a-actions aren't really something that... that show 'love' at all."
  578. >...No, no they weren't.
  579. >As you've told her.
  580. >But it's good that she somehow made this realization on her own.
  581. >"I don't even really know what love is, but... but I hope to find out someday."
  582. >A smile graces your face.
  583. "That's rather mature of you, Fluttershy."
  584. >She looks back up to you, and a blush creeps on her face.
  585. >"Th-Thanks..." She scrapes the ground with her hoof again. "I don't know what that will entail, but... I just want you to know that I'm so glad you're okay, and that I'm sorry, and that... I won't be bothering you anymore."
  586. >With that, she nods in your direction, then starts making her way over to the door.
  587. >You ponder over her words in the time it takes her to get there and actually open it.
  588. "Hey,"
  589. >You call over, getting her attention.
  590. "You realize that doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?"
  591. >Her eyes beam into yours for a few moments, before glancing at just about everything else in the room.
  592. >"It... it doesn't?"
  593. "No, of course not."
  594. >You chuckle.
  595. "Obsessive Fluttershy was annoying and impossible to deal with."
  596. >She pauses before hanging her head.
  597. "...But NORMAL Fluttershy... that's a girl I could hang out with, and be a pal to."
  598. >She doesn't look back up, but you can see the smile spread across her face.
  599. "I bet Blueblood would like it too."
  600. >Add a blush into that.
  601. >...
  602. >Hmm.
  603. >With that, she says her goodbye, then leaves you to rest in your room.
  604. >...Man.
  605. >You lie back in bed and stare at the ceiling.
  606. >You got your buddy back after all.
  607. >And the creepy stalker has learned the error of her ways.
  608. >...Blueblood's back in the running for this king deal...
  609. >...What a damn good trip.
  610. >You exhale a happy, satisfying sigh.
  611. >You're glad.
  612. >So glad.
  613. >You'd take a friend over a hot-blooded rival any day.
  615. End of Part 12
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