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- #=======================================================
- # Akea Battle Results
- # Author: Raizen
- # Community:
- # Compatibility: RMVXAce
- #
- #=======================================================
- # Instructions: The scripts adds a result screen to the battle, it
- # shows all information the default one does, but with more information like
- # damage dealt, damage taken, a ranking for how the battle went.
- # This also gives a much more visual result then the usual
- # =========================Don't Modify==============================
- $imported ||=
- $imported[:akea_battle_results] = true
- module Akea_AB
- Fonte_Config = []
- # =========================Don't Modify==============================
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #----- Images Configuration -----
- # Images must be on the folder Graphics/akea of your project
- # Configure with the image name
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Results image back
- ImageBack = 'afterBattleResults'
- # Image that will compliment the Result
- Image = 'afterMath'
- # This is the distance between the information
- StartY = 70
- DistanceY = 50
- # Ranking Star image
- ImageStar = 'estrela'
- # Star positions in [x axis, y axis]
- ImageStarPosition = [
- [114, 218], # 1 star
- [154, 218], # 2 stars
- [194, 218], # 3 stars
- [235, 218], # 4 stars
- [276, 218] # 5 stars
- ]
- # Rate the opacity grows
- OpacityRate = 10
- # Difference in opacity between the information
- OpacityDifference = 100
- # Font configuration of the information
- Fonte_Config[0] =
- {
- :color => [200, 200, 200],
- :font => 'Vecna', #leave empty ('') if you want to use default font
- :size => 24,
- :bold => false,
- :italic => false
- }
- # Information that will be shown on the results,
- # You can alter as you like, the tags that are available
- # are the following
- # <Exp> - Total Experience
- # <Gold> - Total Gold
- # <Time> - Total Battle Time
- # <Actor> - Individual Records, works with both:
- # <Level> - If actor has leveled up
- # <Skill> - If actor learned a new skill
- # <Total Damage> - Total Damage made
- # <Total Damage Taken> - Total Damage Taken
- Info =
- ["Total Experience: <Exp>",
- "Total Gold: <Gold>",
- "Total Battle Time: <Time>",
- "Adquired the Item: <Item>",
- "<Actor> adquired the Level: <Level>",
- "<Actor> learned the Skill: <Skill>",
- "Total Damage dealt: <Total Damage>",
- "Total Damage taken: <Total Damage Taken>",
- ]
- # Font configuration for the individual Results
- Fonte_Config[1] =
- {
- :color => [255, 255, 255],
- :font => 'Vecna',
- :size => 22,
- :bold => false,
- :italic => false
- }
- # Information for the individual Results, it follows as the following:
- #[x position, text]
- InfoIndividual =
- [[20, "<Actor> "], [120, "Damage done: <Damage Done>"], [320, "Damage taken: <Damage Taken>"]]
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ========================= Here Starts the Script! ==============================
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Scene_Battle
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Esta classe executa o processamento da tela de batalha.
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- alias :akea_AB_apply_item_effects :apply_item_effects
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Variáveis públicas
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :status_window # Janela de atributos
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Aplicação do efeito da habilidades/item
- # target : alvo
- # item : habilidade/item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def apply_item_effects(target, item)
- akea_AB_apply_item_effects(target, item)
- BattleManager.set_damage_AB(target, target.result.hp_damage)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** BattleManager
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Este módulo gerencia o andamento da batalha.
- #==============================================================================
- module BattleManager
- class << self
- alias :akea_AB_setup :setup
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Creates the After Battle Rank
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_akea_rank
- if getABTotalDamage > getABTotalTaken * 5
- @akeaAB_rank = 5
- elsif getABTotalDamage > getABTotalTaken * 2
- @akeaAB_rank = 4
- elsif getABTotalDamage > getABTotalTaken
- @akeaAB_rank = 3
- elsif getABTotalDamage > getABTotalTaken / 2
- @akeaAB_rank = 2
- elsif getABTotalDamage > getABTotalTaken / 5
- @akeaAB_rank = 1
- else
- @akeaAB_rank = 0
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Sets the user for damage capture
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_user_AB(user)
- return if user.enemy?
- @user_AB_index = $game_party.battle_members.index(user)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * adds the damage taken and dealt
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_damage_AB(target, damage)
- if target.enemy?
- @user_AB[@user_AB_index][0] += damage
- else
- @user_AB_index = $game_party.battle_members.index(target)
- @user_AB[@user_AB_index][1] += damage
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Returns the damage dealt by the member n in the party - n is the index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def akeaAB_damage(n)
- return @user_AB[n][0]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Returns the damage took by the member n in the party - n is the index
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def akeaAB_taken(n)
- return @user_AB[n][1]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Gets total damage Dealt
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getABTotalDamage
- totaldamage = 0
- @user_AB.each{|dmg| totaldamage += dmg.first}
- totaldamage
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Gets total damage Taken
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getABTotalTaken
- totaldamage = 0
- @user_AB.each{|dmg| totaldamage += dmg.last}
- totaldamage
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Adds new skills to be shown
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_akeaAB_skill(user, skill)
- @user_AB_newSkills << [user, skill]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Adds new level to be shown
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_akeaAB_level(user, level)
- @user_AB_newLevel << [user, level]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Configuração inicial
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setup(troop_id, can_escape = true, can_lose = false)
- @time_AB =
- @user_AB =$game_party.battle_members.size) {[0,0]}
- @user_AB_index = 0
- @akeaAB_rank = 5
- @user_AB_newLevel = []
- @user_AB_newSkills = []
- akea_AB_setup(troop_id, can_escape = true, can_lose = false)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Exibição e aquisição de itens
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def gain_drop_items
- $game_troop.make_drop_items.each do |item|
- @items_akea_AB << item
- $game_party.gain_item(item, 1)
- end
- wait_for_message
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Processes the Victory
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def process_victory
- @time_AB = - @time_AB)).strftime("%M:%S")
- @items_akea_AB = []
- play_battle_end_me
- replay_bgm_and_bgs
- $game_party.gain_gold($game_troop.gold_total)
- gain_drop_items
- gain_exp
- SceneManager.scene.status_window.opacity = 0
- SceneManager.scene.status_window.contents_opacity = 0
- SceneManager.return
- battle_end(0)
- make_akea_rank
- create_akeaAB_windows
- create_akeaAB_rank
- update_akeaAB_windows_entry
- wait_akeaAB(30)
- update_akeaAB_windows_update
- dispose_akeaAB_all_windows
- return true
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Creates Rank Images
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_akeaAB_rank
- @akeaAB_rank_image = []
- for n in 0...@akeaAB_rank
- @akeaAB_rank_image[n] =
- @akeaAB_rank_image[n].bitmap = Cache.akea(Akea_AB::ImageStar)
- @akeaAB_rank_image[n].x = Akea_AB::ImageStarPosition[n][0]
- @akeaAB_rank_image[n].y = Akea_AB::ImageStarPosition[n][1]
- @akeaAB_rank_image[n].z = 2
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Creates Result Window and Information
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_akeaAB_windows
- @akea_ab_actorWindow =
- @akea_ab_window =
- @akea_ab_back =
- @akea_ab_back.bitmap = Cache.akea(Akea_AB::ImageBack)
- @akea_ab_back.z = 0
- @akea_ab_back.opacity = 0
- @akea_ab_actorWindow.contents_opacity = 0
- for n in 0...Akea_AB::InfoIndividual.size
- @akea_ab_actorWindow.create_characters_info($game_party.battle_members, Akea_AB::InfoIndividual[n][1], Akea_AB::InfoIndividual[n][0])
- end
- n = 0
- index = 0
- while Akea_AB::Info[n]
- if Akea_AB::Info[n].include?("<Level>")
- @user_AB_newLevel.each {|member| create_akea_AB_after(index, member, Akea_AB::Info[n]); index += 1}
- elsif Akea_AB::Info[n].include?("<Skill>")
- @user_AB_newSkills.each {|member| create_akea_AB_after(index, member, Akea_AB::Info[n]); index += 1}
- elsif Akea_AB::Info[n].include?("<Actor>")
- $game_party.battle_members.each {|member| create_akea_AB_after(index, member, Akea_AB::Info[n]); index += 1}
- elsif Akea_AB::Info[n].include?("<Item>")
- @items_akea_AB.each {|item| create_akea_AB_after(index, item, Akea_AB::Info[n]); index += 1}
- else
- create_akea_AB_after(index, nil, Akea_AB::Info[n])
- index += 1
- end
- n += 1
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Creates individual Results information
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_akea_AB_after(index, subject, text)
- @akea_ab_window[index] =
- @akea_ab_window[index].bitmap = Cache.akea(Akea_AB::Image).dup
- @akea_ab_window[index].y = Akea_AB::StartY
- @akea_ab_window[index].y = Graphics.height + Akea_AB::DistanceY
- @akea_ab_window[index].z = 1
- @akea_ab_window[index].opacity = 0
- if Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[0][:font] == ''
- @akea_ab_window[index] = Font.default_name
- else
- @akea_ab_window[index] = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[0][:font]
- end
- @akea_ab_window[index].bitmap.font.color.set(*Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[0][:color])
- @akea_ab_window[index].bitmap.font.size = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[0][:size]
- @akea_ab_window[index].bitmap.font.bold = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[0][:bold]
- @akea_ab_window[index].bitmap.font.italic = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[0][:italic]
- text = text.gsub("<Actor>", subject[0]) if text.include?("<Level>") || text.include?("<Skill>")
- text = text.gsub("<Level>", subject[1].to_s) if text.include?("<Level>")
- text = text.gsub("<Skill>", subject[1].to_s) if text.include?("<Skill>")
- text = text.gsub("<Actor>", if text.include?("<Actor>")
- text = text.gsub("<Exp>", $game_troop.exp_total.to_s) if text.include?("<Exp>")
- text = text.gsub("<Gold>", $game_troop.gold_total.to_s) if text.include?("<Gold>")
- text = text.gsub("<Item>", if text.include?("<Item>")
- text = text.gsub("<Time>", @time_AB) if text.include?("<Time>")
- text = text.gsub("<Total Damage>", getABTotalDamage.to_s) if text.include?("<Total Damage>")
- text = text.gsub("<Total Damage Taken>", getABTotalTaken.to_s) if text.include?("<Total Damage Taken>")
- @akea_ab_window[index].bitmap.draw_text(@akea_ab_window[index].bitmap.rect, text, 1)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Implicit Wait
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wait_akeaAB(time)
- time.times {Graphics.update}
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Updates the Result Entry
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_akeaAB_windows_entry
- while @akea_ab_window[0].opacity < 255
- for n in 0...@akea_ab_window.length
- @akea_ab_window[n].y -= Akea_AB::OpacityRate * Graphics.height / 500
- @akea_ab_window[n].y = Akea_AB::StartY + n * Akea_AB::DistanceY if @akea_ab_window[n].y < Akea_AB::StartY + n * Akea_AB::DistanceY
- @akea_ab_window[n].opacity += Akea_AB::OpacityRate if @akea_ab_window[n].opacity < 255 - Akea_AB::OpacityDifference * n
- end
- @akea_ab_back.opacity += Akea_AB::OpacityRate
- @akea_ab_actorWindow.contents_opacity += Akea_AB::OpacityRate
- Graphics.update
- end
- while @akea_ab_window[0].y != Akea_AB::StartY
- for n in 0...@akea_ab_window.length
- @akea_ab_window[n].y -= Akea_AB::OpacityRate * Graphics.height / 500
- @akea_ab_window[n].y = Akea_AB::StartY + n * Akea_AB::DistanceY if @akea_ab_window[n].y < Akea_AB::StartY + n * Akea_AB::DistanceY
- end
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Updates the Information by the Input
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_akeaAB_windows_update
- while @akea_ab_window[0]
- update_akeaAB_windows_entry
- if Input.repeat?(:C)
- Sound.play_ok
- @akea_ab_window[0].bitmap.dispose
- @akea_ab_window[0].dispose
- @akea_ab_window.shift
- end
- if Input.trigger?(:B)
- Sound.play_cancel
- return
- end
- Input.update
- Graphics.update
- end
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Disposes all windows
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose_akeaAB_all_windows
- @akea_ab_actorWindow.close
- @akea_ab_actorWindow.dispose
- @akeaAB_rank_image.each {|window| window.bitmap.dispose; window.dispose} if @akeaAB_rank_image
- @akea_ab_window.each{|window| window.bitmap.dispose; window.dispose}
- @akea_ab_back.bitmap.dispose
- @akea_ab_back.dispose
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Window_Help
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Esta janela exibe explicação de habilidades e itens e outras informações.
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_AkeaAB_Actors < Window_Base
- include Akea_AB
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Inicialização do objeto
- # line_number : número de linhas
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(0, Graphics.height - fitting_height(4), Graphics.width, fitting_height(4))
- if Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[1][:font] == ''
- = Font.default_name
- else
- = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[1][:font]
- end
- contents.font.color.set(*Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[1][:color])
- contents.font.size = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[1][:size]
- contents.font.bold = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[1][:bold]
- contents.font.italic = Akea_AB::Fonte_Config[1][:italic]
- self.opacity = 0
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Writes Character information
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_characters_info(actors, text, x)
- for n in 0...actors.size
- new_text = text.gsub("<Actor>", actors[n].name) if text.include?("<Actor>")
- new_text = text.gsub("<Damage Done>", BattleManager.akeaAB_damage(n).to_s) if text.include?("<Damage Done>")
- new_text = text.gsub("<Damage Taken>", BattleManager.akeaAB_taken(n).to_s) if text.include?("<Damage Taken>")
- draw_text(x, n * fitting_height(0), Graphics.width, fitting_height(0), new_text, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_Battler
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Esta classe gerencia os battlers. Controla a adição de sprites e ações
- # dos lutadores durante o combate.
- # É usada como a superclasse das classes Game_Enemy e Game_Actor.
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase
- alias :akeaAB_execute_damage :execute_damage
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Processamento do dano
- # user : usuário
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def execute_damage(user)
- BattleManager.set_user_AB(user)
- akeaAB_execute_damage(user)
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Game_Actor
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Esta classe gerencia os heróis. Ela é utilizada internamente pela classe
- # Game_Actors ($game_actors). A instância desta classe é referenciada
- # pela classe Game_Party ($game_party).
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
- alias :akea_AB_display_level_up :display_level_up
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Mostra mensagem de aumento de nível
- # new_skills : Conjunto de habilidades recém-adquiridas
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_level_up(new_skills)
- BattleManager.add_akeaAB_level(@name, @level)
- new_skills.each do |skill|
- BattleManager.add_akeaAB_skill(@name,
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Cache
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Este modulo carrega cada gráfico, cria um objeto de Bitmap e retém ele.
- # Para acelerar o carregamento e preservar memória, este módulo matém o
- # objeto de Bitmap em uma Hash interna, permitindo que retorne objetos
- # pré-existentes quando mesmo Bitmap é requerido novamente.
- #==============================================================================
- module Cache
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Carregamento dos gráficos de animação
- # filename : nome do arquivo
- # hue : informações da alteração de tonalidade
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.akea(filename)
- load_bitmap("Graphics/akea/", filename)
- end
- end
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