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a guest
Nov 30th, 2016
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  1. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.11
  2. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
  3. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  4. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-f950f8e-41ade2f (MC: 1.11) (Implementing API version 1.11-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  5. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Debug logging is disabled
  6. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  7. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
  8. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  9. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
  10. [15:27:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
  11. [15:27:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
  12. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeakParkour] Loading LeakParkour v2.3
  13. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.6-SNAPSHOT;3648-81beff8
  14. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials vTeamCity
  15. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MinePacks] Loading MinePacks v1.16.4
  16. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Loading ClearLag v2.9.3
  17. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Loading Passport v1.0
  18. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoMessage] Loading AutoMessage v2.5.5
  19. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] Loading AdvancedBan v2.0.5
  20. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Loading Chairs v4.9
  21. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MultiMOTD] Loading MultiMOTD v1.2.2
  22. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiRelog] Loading AntiRelog v1.3.2
  23. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [LegendarySpawnEffects] Loading LegendarySpawnEffects v1.1
  24. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;1693-8e35db0
  25. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b334
  26. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DynPad] Loading DynPad v1.5
  27. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoSaveWorld] Loading AutoSaveWorld
  28. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Loading NoCheatPlus v3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1040
  29. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] onLoad: Early set up of static API, configuration, logging.
  30. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Logging system initialized.
  31. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Detected Minecraft version: 1.11
  32. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedPortals] Loading AdvancedPortals v0.0.21
  33. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Loading SkinsRestorer v12.9.5
  34. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [OPSRegion] Loading OPSRegion v1.0
  35. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.23.4
  36. [15:27:52] [Server thread/WARN]: [PermissionsEx] This server is in offline mode. Unless this server is configured to integrate with a supported proxy (see, UUIDs *may not be stable*!
  37. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerProtector] Loading ServerProtector v1.0
  38. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleJail] Loading SimpleJail v1.1.1
  39. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WGExtender] Loading WGExtender v1.0
  40. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomHelp] Loading CustomHelp v0.5
  41. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [MineResetLite] Loading MineResetLite v0.4.6
  42. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WELimits] Loading WELimits v1.2.2
  43. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49
  44. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Loading ProtocolSupport
  45. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Allocator: PooledByteBufAllocator(directByDefault: true), direct: true
  46. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Compression level: 3
  47. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Assume 1.5.2 ping delay: 100
  48. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Assume legacy ping dealy: 200
  49. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Login threads max count: 2147483647, keep alive time: 60
  50. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn vTeamCity
  51. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DonateJoin] Loading DonateJoin v1.0
  52. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [BlockVersion] Loading BlockVersion v1.2
  53. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [CreativeControlByKubqoA] Loading CreativeControlByKubqoA v2.2.3
  54. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Loading AuthMe v5.2-SNAPSHOT-b1296
  55. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loading Jobs v3.7.1
  56. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.2.3
  57. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading Marriage v2.0.14
  58. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Completed plugin pre-load stage.
  59. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WClans] Loading WClans v1.0
  60. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1437)
  61. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Loading ChestCommands v3.1.4
  62. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomPort] Loading RandomPort v3.0
  63. [15:27:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopChest] Loading ShopChest v1.11.1
  64. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopChest] Using locale "en_US"
  65. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Loading ChatEx v1.4
  66. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [CommandNPC] Loading CommandNPC v1.7.2
  67. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatGuard] Loading ChatGuard v7.4
  68. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemFixer] Loading ItemFixer v2.6.6
  69. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b334
  70. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
  71. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoSaveWorld] Enabling AutoSaveWorld
  72. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
  73. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  74. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting
  75. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  76. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting
  77. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49
  78. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolSupport] Enabling ProtocolSupport
  79. [15:27:53] [Server thread/WARN]: **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!
  80. [15:27:53] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  81. [15:27:53] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  82. [15:27:53] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  83. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
  84. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  85. [15:27:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -4700817029533270016)
  86. [15:27:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 13%
  87. [15:27:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 81%
  88. [15:27:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 8783105734478229826)
  89. [15:27:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 86%
  90. [15:27:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 8783105734478229826)
  91. [15:27:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeakParkour] Enabling LeakParkour v2.3
  92. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  93. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: **************************************************
  94. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: ----------------- LEAK PARKOUR ------------------
  95. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  96. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: License:
  97. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  - Do not modify plugin!
  98. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  - Do not share/upload anywhere!
  99. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  - Do not use for commercial purposes!
  100. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  101. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: If you want download new version just copy this:
  102. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: >
  103. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  104. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: ---------------- PROBLEM DETECTOR ----------------
  105. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  106. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  > No problems found. :)
  107. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  108. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: **************************************************
  109. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  110. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.6-SNAPSHOT;3648-81beff8
  111. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
  112. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_11_R1 as the Bukkit adapter
  113. [15:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials vTeamCity
  114. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
  115. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: git-Spigot-f950f8e-41ade2f (MC: 1.11)
  116. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: 1.11-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  117. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale ru
  118. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale ru
  119. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  120. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
  121. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
  122. [15:27:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [MinePacks] Enabling MinePacks v1.16.4
  123. [15:28:00] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  124. [15:28:00] [Server thread/WARN]: 16 [Server thread] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-0 - is starting.
  126. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [MinePacks] Checking for updates ...
  127. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [MinePacks] Рюкзаки включены!
  128. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Enabling ClearLag v2.9.3
  129. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Loading modules...
  130. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Modules enabed, loading config values
  131. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Modules have been loaded!
  132. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Clearlag is now enabled!
  133. [15:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Enabling Passport v1.0
  134. [15:28:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoMessage] Enabling AutoMessage v2.5.5
  135. [15:28:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] Enabling AdvancedBan v2.0.5
  136. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]:
  138. []=====[Enabling AdvancedBan]=====[]
  139. | Information:
  140. | Name: AdvancedBan
  141. | Developer: Leoko
  142. | Version: 2.0.5
  143. | MySQL: false
  144. | Support:
  145. | Skype: Leoko33
  146. | Mail:
  147. | Update:
  148. | You have the newest version
  149. []================================[]
  151. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedBan] MC-Stats >> Connected
  152. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Enabling Chairs v4.9
  153. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: WOOD_STAIRS => 0.7
  154. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS => 0.7
  155. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS => 0.7
  156. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS => 0.7
  157. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: SANDSTONE_STAIRS => 0.7
  158. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: COBBLESTONE_STAIRS => 0.7
  159. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: BRICK_STAIRS => 0.7
  160. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: SMOOTH_STAIRS => 0.7
  161. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS => 0.7
  162. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: QUARTZ_STAIRS => 0.7
  163. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: ACACIA_STAIRS => 0.7
  164. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: DARK_OAK_STAIRS => 0.7
  165. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chairs] Allowed block: RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS => 0.7
  166. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [MultiMOTD] Enabling MultiMOTD v1.2.2
  167. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiRelog] Enabling AntiRelog v1.3.2
  168. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: _________AntiRelog++_________
  169. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Using Essentials: true
  170. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Enable apple cooldown: false
  171. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Checks enabled: true
  172. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Remove death message: true
  173. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Remove kick message: true
  174. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Remove leave message: true
  175. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Remove join message: true
  176. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Kill on leave: false
  177. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Kill on command: false
  178. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: _____________________________
  179. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [LegendarySpawnEffects] Enabling LegendarySpawnEffects v1.1
  180. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;1693-8e35db0
  181. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  182. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  183. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is blocked.
  184. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) All fire spread is disabled.
  185. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
  186. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  187. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  188. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
  189. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) All fire spread is disabled.
  190. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether'
  191. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  192. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  193. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
  194. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) All fire spread is disabled.
  195. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end'
  196. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
  197. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [DynPad] Enabling DynPad v1.5
  198. [15:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Enabling NoCheatPlus v3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1040
  199. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] McAccess set to: 1.4.5-1.11|? / CB-Reflect
  200. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.5 blocks.
  201. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.6.1 blocks.
  202. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.7.2 blocks.
  203. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.8 blocks.
  204. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.9 blocks.
  205. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.10 blocks.
  206. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.11 blocks.
  207. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Inventory checks: FastConsume is available, disabled InstantEat.
  208. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Adding packet level hooks for ProtocolLib (MC 1.11.0)...
  209. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Available (and activated) packet level hooks: UseEntityAdapter | MovingFlying | OutgoingPosition | KeepAliveAdapter | SoundDistance
  210. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Force disable FastHeal on Minecraft 1.9 and later.
  211. [15:28:03] [Server thread/WARN]: [NoCheatPlus] The following configuration default values have changed:
  212. Changed with build 1036:
  213. (Remove/update individual values or set configversion.created to 1036 to ignore all, then reload the configuration with the 'ncp reload' command.)
  214. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Version 3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1040 is enabled.
  215. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedPortals] Enabling AdvancedPortals v0.0.21
  216. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedPortals] ENTITY_ENDERMEN_TELEPORT found
  217. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AdvancedPortals] ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE found
  218. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Advanced portals have been successfully enabled!
  219. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Enabling SkinsRestorer v12.9.5
  220. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Detected Minecraft v1_11_R1, using UniversalSkinFactory
  221. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [OPSRegion] Enabling OPSRegion v1.0
  222. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.23.4
  223. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Initializing file backend
  224. [15:28:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Permissions file successfully reloaded
  225. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
  226. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked.
  227. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked.
  228. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions.
  229. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerProtector] Enabling ServerProtector v1.0
  230. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SimpleJail] Enabling SimpleJail v1.1.1
  231. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [WGExtender] Enabling WGExtender v1.0
  232. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [CustomHelp] Enabling CustomHelp v0.5
  233. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [MineResetLite] Enabling MineResetLite v0.4.6
  234. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [MineResetLite] Loading mine from file 'mine1.mine.yml'...
  235. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [MineResetLite] Loading mine from file 'mine.mine.yml'...
  236. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [MineResetLite] MineResetLite version 0.4.6 enabled!
  237. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [WELimits] Enabling WELimits v1.2.2
  238. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [WELimits]: Hooked into PermissionsEx!
  239. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn vTeamCity
  240. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [DonateJoin] Enabling DonateJoin v1.0
  241. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [DonateJoin] By Leymooo включён!
  242. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [BlockVersion] Enabling BlockVersion v1.2
  243. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [CreativeControlByKubqoA] Enabling CreativeControlByKubqoA v2.2.3
  244. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [------------------[Creative Control]------------------]
  245. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: verison: 2.2.3 by KubqoA
  246. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: If you have found some in-game bugs report them to the issue tracker.
  247. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Be sure to leave review on plugin page on SpigotMC.
  248. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: 
  249. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Setting up SQLite connection!
  250. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Successful!
  251. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Found Vault plugin! Implementing it!
  252. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Found WorldGuard plugin! Implementing it!
  253. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering listeners!
  254. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Done!
  255. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering commands!
  256. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Done!
  257. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Initializing Metrics!
  258. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Done!
  259. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin init completed!
  260. [15:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [------------------------------------------------------]
  261. [15:28:04] [Thread-14/WARN]: [PermissionsEx] The updater could not find any files for the project id 31279
  262. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Enabling AuthMe v5.2-SNAPSHOT-b1296
  263. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] SQLite driver loaded
  264. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] SQLite Setup finished
  265. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Hooked into PermissionsEx!
  266. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] [LICENSE] This product uses data from the GeoLite API created by MaxMind, available at
  267. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Hooked successfully into Essentials
  268. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Development builds are available on our jenkins, thanks to f14stelt.
  269. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Do you want a good game server? Look at our sponsor leader in Italy as Game Server Provider!
  270. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] AuthMe 5.2-SNAPSHOT build n°1296 correctly enabled!
  271. [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Enabling Jobs v3.7.1
  272. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 8 titles!
  273. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 0 restricted areas!
  274. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 49 protected blocks timers!
  275. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 641 custom item names!
  276. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 41 custom entity names!
  277. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 27 custom enchant names!
  278. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 16 custom color names!
  279. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] 4 shop items loaded!
  280. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: PigZombie!
  281. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: CaveSpider!
  282. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: LavaSlime!
  283. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: EnderDragon!
  284. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: WitherBoss!
  285. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: MushroomCow!
  286. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: Ozelot!
  287. [15:28:06] [Server thread/WARN]: [Jobs] Job Охотник has an invalid Kill type property: VillagerGolem!
  288. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 10 jobs!
  289. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Explorer jobs manager are not enabled!
  290. [15:28:06] [Jobs-DatabaseSaveTask/INFO]: [Jobs] Started database save task.
  291. [15:28:06] [Jobs-BufferedPaymentThread/INFO]: [Jobs] Started buffered payment thread.
  292. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loaded 0 schedulers!
  293. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Plugin has been enabled succesfully.
  294. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.3
  295. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, using new version.
  296. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabled player relative placeholders with ProtocolLib.
  297. [15:28:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  298. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Enabling Marriage v2.0.14
  299. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading config...
  300. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: REQUEST_EXPRY
  301. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: ENABLE_PRIEST
  302. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: COOLDOWN_KISS
  303. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: GENDER_IN_LIST
  304. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PM_FORMAT
  305. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: CHAT_FORMAT
  306. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: CHATSPY_FORMAT
  307. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: FORCE_FORMAT
  308. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: FORCE_GENDER_FORMAT
  309. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PREFIX_MALE
  310. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PREFIX_FEMALE
  311. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PREFIX_GENDERLESS
  312. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: KISSES_ENABLED
  313. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: KISSES_AMOUNT_MIN
  314. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: KISSES_AMOUNT_MAX
  315. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: EXP_BOOST_ENABLED
  316. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: EXP_BOOST_DISTANCE
  317. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: EXP_BOOST_MULTIPLIER
  318. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: EXP_BOOST_ANNOUNCE
  319. [15:28:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PLOTSQUARED_AUTO_TRUST
  320. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: ECONOMY_ENABLED
  321. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: ECONOMY_SHOW_PRICE
  322. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: PRICE_MARRY
  323. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: PRICE_TELEPORT
  324. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: PRICE_SETHOME
  325. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: PRICE_HEAL
  326. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: PRICE_DIVORCE
  327. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: ENABLE_UPDATE_CHACKER
  328. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: ENABLE_CHANGELOG
  329. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: UPDATER_CHANNEL
  330. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: DISABLED_COMMANDS
  331. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Hooked with PermissionsEx using Vault!
  332. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading dependencies...
  333. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading listeners...
  334. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading database...
  335. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading commands...
  336. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading updater...
  337. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Loading converter...
  338. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Marriage] Completed plugin load stage.
  339. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WClans] Enabling WClans v1.0
  340. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WClans] Соединение с базой данных успешно установлено.
  341. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WClans] База кланов загружена.
  342. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WClans] Плагин включен (21 ms).
  343. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1437)
  344. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Enabling ChestCommands v3.1.4
  345. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomPort] Enabling RandomPort v3.0
  346. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomPort] has been enabled.
  347. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomPort] has successfully loaded setup from the configuration file!
  348. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomPort]is avoiding Block Id's [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
  349. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomPort] has found PermissionsEx! Using Pex for permissions!
  350. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopChest] Enabling ShopChest v1.11.1
  351. [15:28:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopChest] Using SQLite
  352. [15:28:08] [Server thread/ERROR]: [ShopChest] No Chest found at specified Location: 529; 68; 192
  353. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopChest] Initialized 1 Shops
  354. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Enabling ChatEx v1.4
  355. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Loading updater by TheJeterLP. Project id: 65863
  356. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Loading updater-config...
  357. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Done!
  358. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Updatechecker is enabled.
  359. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Successfully hooked into: PermissionsEx
  360. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Listener registered with Priority: LOWEST
  361. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] is now enabled!
  362. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [CommandNPC] Enabling CommandNPC v1.7.2
  363. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Injecting command information into Citizens.
  364. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatGuard] Enabling ChatGuard v7.4
  365. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatGuard] ChatGuard enabled!
  366. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemFixer] Enabling ItemFixer v2.6.6
  367. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemFixer] ItemFixer включен
  368. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  369. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (15.276s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  370. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener
  371. [15:28:08] [Server thread/WARN]: Debugging is enabled, performance maybe reduced!
  372. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: registerSocket:
  373. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting remote control listener
  374. [15:28:08] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on
  375. [15:28:08] [Server thread/WARN]: Debugging is enabled, performance maybe reduced!
  376. [15:28:08] [RCON Listener #2/INFO]: RCON running on
  377. [15:28:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 3/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added hook: AllViolations(NCP) [1.0].
  378. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Post-enable running...
  379. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Post-enable finished.
  380. [15:28:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/INFO]: [CC] Checking for updates..
  381. [15:28:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/INFO]: [Jobs] Preloaded 1 players data in 0.01
  382. [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Successfully linked with Vault.
  383. [15:28:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 2/INFO]: [Marriage] Purged 0 player entries in 1ms
  384. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]: 
  385. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]:  +===============+
  386. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]:  | SkinsRestorer |
  387. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]:  +===============+
  388. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]: 
  389. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]:  Current version: 12.9.5
  390. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]:  A new version is available! Download it at:
  391. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]:
  392. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]: 
  393. [15:28:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Loaded 6 NPCs.
  394. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
  395. [15:28:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Неизвестная команда
  396. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
  397. [15:28:09] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/INFO]: [CC] No updates found!
  398. [15:28:10] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 11/INFO]: [ShopChest] Checking for updates...
  399. [15:28:10] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 11/INFO]: [ShopChest] No new update available.
  400. [15:28:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [WELimits]: Registering Events
  401. [15:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] There is no new version available. You are up-to-date!
  402. [15:28:15] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  403. [15:28:15] [LoginProcessingThread/INFO]: UUID of player jidkoe_dermo is 057c577b-8ed1-33ce-9354-8eee00479f72
  404. [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player jidkoe_dermo loaded!
  405. [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Permission "worldedit.limit" added!
  406. [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //limit 0
  407. [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [WELimits]: Set player limit to owner1's setting which is 0
  408. [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Permission "worldedit.limit" removed!
  409. [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo[/] logged in with entity id 210 at ([world]14.895717075138169, 73.98402849918475, 3.474499301286884)
  410. [15:28:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] There is no new version available. You are up-to-date!
  411. [15:28:25] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /pas guramnarmaniya2012
  412. [15:28:28] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 11/INFO]: [AuthMe] jidkoe_dermo logged in!
  413. [15:28:30] [Server thread/INFO]: [Уборщик] Предметы на земле будут удалены через 340 секунд!
  414. [15:28:31] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /rg info
  415. [15:28:46] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /itemdb
  416. [15:28:47] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  417. [15:28:57] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  418. [15:28:57] [LoginProcessingThread/INFO]: UUID of player sonkage is d4ae479c-c466-36ca-ae9c-aeb808157f87
  419. [15:28:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] File sonkage.yml saved!
  420. [15:28:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [X-TimePass] File sonkage.yml created!
  421. [15:28:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player sonkage loaded!
  422. [15:28:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Error getting players group
  423. [15:28:58] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage[/] logged in with entity id 1235 at ([world]-4.5, 106.0, 13.5)
  424. [15:28:58] [pool-9-thread-1/INFO]: Создаю пустой конфигурационный файл: /host/123934/62255/plugins/Essentials/userdata/d4ae479c-c466-36ca-ae9c-aeb808157f87.yml
  425. [15:29:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 7 [/]
  426. [15:29:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '09' [/]
  427. [15:29:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Challenge [/]
  428. [15:29:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 15 [/]
  429. [15:29:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '00' [/]
  430. [15:29:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Rules [/]
  431. [15:29:08] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //cyl
  432. [15:29:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Уборщик] Предметы на земле будут удалены через 300 секунд!
  433. [15:29:17] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //cyl pleaf 5 3
  434. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] sonkage registered
  435. [15:29:20] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 11/INFO]: [AuthMe] sonkage logged in!
  436. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  437. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  438. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  439. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  440. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  441. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  442. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  443. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  444. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  445. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  446. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.write(
  447. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  448. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  449. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  450. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  451. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.common.LogicHandler.write(
  452. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  453. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  454. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  455. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  456. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  457. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  458. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelProxy.writeAndFlush(
  459. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.NetworkManager$
  460. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$5$
  461. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
  462. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  463. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
  464. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  465. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  466. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.fixComponent(
  467. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.walkComponent(
  468. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.convert(
  469. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  470. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at
  471. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  472. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  473. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  474. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: ... 27 more
  475. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  476. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  477. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  478. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  479. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  480. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  481. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  482. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  483. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  484. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  485. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.write(
  486. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  487. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  488. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  489. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  490. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.common.LogicHandler.write(
  491. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  492. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  493. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  494. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  495. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  496. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  497. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelProxy.writeAndFlush(
  498. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.NetworkManager$
  499. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$5$
  500. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
  501. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  502. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
  503. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  504. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  505. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.fixComponent(
  506. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.walkComponent(
  507. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.convert(
  508. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  509. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at
  510. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  511. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  512. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  513. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: ... 27 more
  514. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  515. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  516. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  517. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  518. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  519. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  520. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  521. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  522. [15:29:20] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  523. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] File jidkoe_dermo.yml saved!
  524. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player jidkoe_dermo unloaded!
  525. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  526. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] File sonkage.yml saved!
  527. [15:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player sonkage unloaded!
  528. [15:29:27] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  529. [15:29:27] [LoginProcessingThread/INFO]: UUID of player sonkage is d4ae479c-c466-36ca-ae9c-aeb808157f87
  530. [15:29:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player sonkage loaded!
  531. [15:29:27] [Server thread/INFO]: Error getting players group
  532. [15:29:27] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage[/] logged in with entity id 3298 at ([world]-1.5, 64.0, 10.5)
  533. [15:29:28] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  534. [15:29:34] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  535. [15:29:34] [LoginProcessingThread/INFO]: UUID of player jidkoe_dermo is 057c577b-8ed1-33ce-9354-8eee00479f72
  536. [15:29:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player jidkoe_dermo loaded!
  537. [15:29:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Permission "worldedit.limit" added!
  538. [15:29:34] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //limit 0
  539. [15:29:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [WELimits]: Set player limit to owner1's setting which is 0
  540. [15:29:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Permission "worldedit.limit" removed!
  541. [15:29:34] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo[/] logged in with entity id 3856 at ([world]7.311351415154013, 65.0, 10.637926314926792)
  542. [15:29:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] There is no new version available. You are up-to-date!
  543. [15:29:35] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/INFO]: [AuthMe] sonkage logged in!
  544. [15:29:54] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /pas guramnarmaniya2012
  545. [15:29:56] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 12/INFO]: [AuthMe] jidkoe_dermo logged in!
  546. [15:30:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 7 [/]
  547. [15:30:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '09' [/]
  548. [15:30:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Challenge [/]
  549. [15:30:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 15 [/]
  550. [15:30:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '00' [/]
  551. [15:30:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Rules [/]
  552. [15:30:08] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo ➠ : ёлка опала нахуй
  553. [15:30:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Уборщик] Предметы на земле будут удалены через 240 секунд!
  554. [15:30:12] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo ➠ : флаги удалились хахаа
  555. [15:30:20] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: sonkage матерится: какова хуя?
  556. [15:30:21] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /clan
  557. [15:30:27] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]:  * [Игрок] sonkage: с хули?
  558. [15:30:30] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /clan invite sonkage
  559. [15:30:34] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /clan accept
  560. [15:30:41] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo: наважно
  561. [15:30:45] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo: все норм
  562. [15:30:48] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo: ща опку дам
  563. [15:30:48] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /kit gift
  564. [15:30:49] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /kit gift
  565. [15:30:52] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo: у тя нету штоли
  566. [15:30:55] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo: ?
  567. [15:30:58] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: походу
  568. [15:31:01] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /gm 1
  569. [15:31:01] [Server thread/INFO]: §csonkage §4отказано в доступе к команде.
  570. [15:31:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 7 [/]
  571. [15:31:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '09' [/]
  572. [15:31:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Challenge [/]
  573. [15:31:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 15 [/]
  574. [15:31:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '00' [/]
  575. [15:31:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Rules [/]
  576. [15:31:03] [RCON Listener #2/WARN]: Debugging is enabled, performance maybe reduced!
  577. [15:31:03] [RCON Listener #2/INFO]: Rcon connection from: /
  578. [15:31:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Уборщик] Предметы на земле будут удалены через 180 секунд!
  579. [15:31:11] [RCON Listener #2/WARN]: Debugging is enabled, performance maybe reduced!
  580. [15:31:11] [RCON Listener #2/INFO]: Rcon connection from: /
  581. [15:31:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Rcon: Opped sonkage]
  582. [15:31:21] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //cyl fleaf 5
  583. [15:31:28] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /pas guramnarmaniya2012
  584. [15:31:29] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //cyl fleaf 5 1
  585. [15:31:31] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //cyl fleaf 5 5
  586. [15:31:33] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /gm 1
  587. [15:31:35] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /undo
  588. [15:31:36] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /undo
  589. [15:31:36] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /undo
  590. [15:31:40] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage issued server command: /home
  591. [15:31:40] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: //cyl fleaf 5 1
  592. [15:31:45] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /rg flag
  593. [15:31:48] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /rg flags spawn
  594. [15:31:48] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: каким хреном всё слетело?
  595. [15:31:52] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo issued server command: /rg info spawn
  596. [15:31:58] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: опять
  597. [15:31:58] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo ➠ : что именоо слетело?
  598. [15:32:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 7 [/]
  599. [15:32:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '09' [/]
  600. [15:32:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Challenge [/]
  601. [15:32:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 15 [/]
  602. [15:32:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '00' [/]
  603. [15:32:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Rules [/]
  604. [15:32:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [Уборщик] Предметы на земле будут удалены через 120 секунд!
  605. [15:32:11] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: регистер,хом итд
  606. [15:32:18] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo: а ты че дом проебал?
  607. [15:32:22] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: снова
  608. [15:32:29] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: не ну корды у меня есть
  609. [15:32:32] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: но мне лень
  610. [15:32:41] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo ➠ : /tppos x y g
  611. [15:32:43] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Игрок] sonkage: плюс я спидозный
  612. [15:32:47] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: [чубрики] * [Владелец] jidkoe_dermo ➠ : жыза
  613. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  614. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  615. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  616. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  617. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  618. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  619. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  620. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  621. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  622. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  623. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.write(
  624. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  625. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  626. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  627. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  628. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.common.LogicHandler.write(
  629. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  630. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  631. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  632. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  633. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  634. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  635. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelProxy.writeAndFlush(
  636. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.NetworkManager$
  637. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$5$
  638. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
  639. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  640. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
  641. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  642. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  643. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.fixComponent(
  644. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.walkComponent(
  645. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.convert(
  646. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  647. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at
  648. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  649. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  650. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  651. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: ... 27 more
  652. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  653. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  654. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  655. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  656. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  657. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  658. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  659. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  660. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  661. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.write(
  662. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$3.write(
  663. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  664. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  665. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  666. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  667. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.common.LogicHandler.write(
  668. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  669. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  670. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  671. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  672. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  673. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  674. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelProxy.writeAndFlush(
  675. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.NetworkManager$
  676. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelInjector$5$
  677. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
  678. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  679. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
  680. [15:32:50] [Server thread/INFO]: sonkage lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  681. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  682. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  683. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.fixComponent(
  684. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.walkComponent(
  685. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.legacyremapper.LegacyChatJson.convert(
  686. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  687. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at
  688. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  689. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.protocol.pipeline.version.AbstractPacketEncoder.encode(
  690. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: at protocolsupport.utils.netty.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
  691. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: ... 27 more
  692. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  693. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  694. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  695. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  696. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  697. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  698. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  699. [15:32:50] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
  700. [15:32:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] File sonkage.yml saved!
  701. [15:32:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player sonkage unloaded!
  702. [15:32:50] [Server thread/INFO]: jidkoe_dermo lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  703. [15:32:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] File jidkoe_dermo.yml saved!
  704. [15:32:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Passport] Player jidkoe_dermo unloaded!
  705. [15:32:58] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  706. [15:32:58] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/WARN]: / connected with protocol version MINECRAFT_1_8
  707. [15:33:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 7 [/]
  708. [15:33:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '09' [/]
  709. [15:33:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Challenge [/]
  710. [15:33:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet len 15 [/]
  711. [15:33:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Packet '00' [/]
  712. [15:33:01] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Rules [/]
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