

May 4th, 2016
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  1. <carol> well hello
  2. <MarriedBrownMan> hello hello :)
  3. <MarriedBrownMan> possibly you don't remember this nick either ?
  4. <carol> how have you been
  5. <MarriedBrownMan> it was several weeks ago, after all.
  6. <carol> no no i do
  7. <MarriedBrownMan> I've been good.. thank you
  8. <carol> yw
  9. <MarriedBrownMan> glad to hear it
  10. <MarriedBrownMan> eventually ended up being a 'tist.. even have some regulars..
  11. <carol> good for you
  12. <MarriedBrownMan> even became tired of trancing people and went away for a while :P
  13. <carol> i understand
  14. <carol> so i guess you figured out that this can work
  15. <MarriedBrownMan> yes.. quite remarkable, really.
  16. <carol> yes it is
  17. <MarriedBrownMan> how willing people are to let themselves be guided into a relaxed suggestible state.. where a stranger on the internet can reach inside them and arouse them.. or not.. make them happy or sad or lustful..
  18. <MarriedBrownMan> amazing.
  19. <carol> yes it is
  20. <MarriedBrownMan> I admit.. most of my trances have tended to be erotic.. eventually.
  21. <carol> most here are
  22. <MarriedBrownMan> mhmm..
  23. <MarriedBrownMan> for you too ?
  24. <carol> yes
  25. <MarriedBrownMan> and I guess you have some friends who you prefer to be tranced by :)
  26. <carol> some yes
  27. <MarriedBrownMan> mhmm.
  28. <MarriedBrownMan> when you are not tranced.. do you ever feel a need, or urge.. to be tranced and to submit ?
  29. <carol> yes
  30. <MarriedBrownMan> and have you ever been tranced outside of the internet ?
  31. <carol> that is a long story lol
  32. <MarriedBrownMan> :)
  33. <MarriedBrownMan> how so ? I'd have imagined it was a yes/no answer :)
  34. * carol smiles back
  35. <carol> i am not sure that is the answer
  36. <MarriedBrownMan> interesting.. you interest me stranngely..
  37. <MarriedBrownMan> *strangeely
  38. <MarriedBrownMan> *strangely :D
  39. <carol> thanks i think
  40. <MarriedBrownMan> so there has been some kind of flirtation with hypnotism in real life too ?
  41. <carol> i would not know
  42. <MarriedBrownMan> hmm... intrigued I am.
  43. <carol> lol
  44. <MarriedBrownMan> how can you not know..
  45. <MarriedBrownMan> surely, you'd know if someone around you were trancing you :)
  46. <carol> not necessarily
  47. <MarriedBrownMan> I see..
  48. <MarriedBrownMan> so you suspect someone has been trancing you without your knowledge
  49. <carol> i suspect someine did some time agao
  50. <MarriedBrownMan> I see.. and what were the consequences ?
  51. <carol> an unexplained mystery
  52. <MarriedBrownMan> ah..
  53. <MarriedBrownMan> fascinating.
  54. <MarriedBrownMan> the beginning of a good novel, or a good HBO show.. :)
  55. <carol> i dont know lol
  56. <MarriedBrownMan> tell me more. I am a sucker for good stories and unexplained mysteries.
  57. <carol> it was over 3 years ago it happened or it did not no point in dredging it up
  58. <MarriedBrownMan> okay.. I'm sorry if I stirred any unpleasant memories.
  59. <MarriedBrownMan> apologies.
  60. <carol> its ok
  61. <MarriedBrownMan> your interest in hypnotism predates that incident ?
  62. <carol> it does not
  63. <MarriedBrownMan> I see.. it is a consequence of it then..
  64. <carol> perhaps
  65. <MarriedBrownMan> I see..
  66. <MarriedBrownMan> if I may ask.. how old are you ? (I have forgotten.. unfortunately)
  67. <carol> i am 22 you?
  68. <MarriedBrownMan> 31
  69. <carol> and you are married?
  70. <MarriedBrownMan> American, I assume ?
  71. <MarriedBrownMan> yes, I am
  72. <carol> yes i am
  73. <MarriedBrownMan> it does bother some that I am married..
  74. <carol> we are just talking
  75. <MarriedBrownMan> indeed.
  76. <carol> no worries
  77. <MarriedBrownMan> which bit of america are you in ?
  78. <MarriedBrownMan> I rather love your country
  79. <MarriedBrownMan> have travelled around the states quite a bit
  80. <carol> from the midwest
  81. <MarriedBrownMan> oh, cool.
  82. <carol> thanks
  83. <MarriedBrownMan> I am very fond of the twin cities
  84. <carol> yes
  85. <carol> nice area
  86. <MarriedBrownMan> :)
  87. <MarriedBrownMan> yes
  88. <MarriedBrownMan> and what do you do ?
  89. <MarriedBrownMan> if I may ask
  90. <carol> work in insurance
  91. <MarriedBrownMan> ah.. cool.
  92. <carol> it is yes
  93. <carol> you seem busy have a ncie day
  94. <MarriedBrownMan> not really.. still at work. so things come up once in a while
  95. <MarriedBrownMan> If I might ask carol..
  96. <MarriedBrownMan> what do you look like :)
  97. <carol> i belive i told you my firends tell me i look like melissa rauch with black hair
  98. <MarriedBrownMan> ah.. yes.. I remember googling melissa rauch too :)
  99. <carol> lol
  100. <MarriedBrownMan> :)
  101. * carol smiles back
  102. <MarriedBrownMan> one of my regulars is trying to seduce me into trancing her..
  103. <MarriedBrownMan> but she is so eager.. I almost don't want to !
  104. <carol> that is up to you
  105. <MarriedBrownMan> of course
  106. <carol> what wopuld you rather do?
  107. <MarriedBrownMan> at the same time.. I cannot deny her too many days either
  108. <carol> ok
  109. <MarriedBrownMan> I'd rather chat with someone interesting.. like you
  110. <carol> thank you
  111. <MarriedBrownMan> and if we do hit it off.. maybe some day you'd want me to trance you
  112. <carol> sounds nice
  113. <MarriedBrownMan> it could be.
  114. <carol> yes
  115. <MarriedBrownMan> it depends on how we get along :)
  116. <carol> yes
  117. <MarriedBrownMan> though.. I seem to detect already a wisp of a need to surrender in you..
  118. <MarriedBrownMan> just a wisp.
  119. <carol> yes
  120. <MarriedBrownMan> you want me to take you under my wing and gently enter your mind don't you..
  121. <carol> yes
  122. <MarriedBrownMan> bringing you peace... and falm... gently letting you float on a ocean of deep, calm control..
  123. <MarriedBrownMan> where you can surrender..
  124. <MarriedBrownMan> let yourself go...
  125. <carol> yes
  126. <MarriedBrownMan> let yourself drown carol
  127. <MarriedBrownMan> let the waters envelop you..
  128. <MarriedBrownMan> come with me..
  129. <MarriedBrownMan> deeper..
  130. <carol> yes
  131. <MarriedBrownMan> falling
  132. <MarriedBrownMan> darker..
  133. <MarriedBrownMan> the light of consciousness grows dim..
  134. <carol> yes
  135. <MarriedBrownMan> deep...
  136. <MarriedBrownMan> dark...
  137. <MarriedBrownMan> so calm
  138. <MarriedBrownMan> so relaxed carol
  139. <carol> yes
  140. <MarriedBrownMan> it does feel nice to come with me, does it not..
  141. <MarriedBrownMan> so warm..
  142. <carol> yes
  143. <MarriedBrownMan> so helpless..
  144. <carol> yes
  145. <MarriedBrownMan> complete, sweet surrender..
  146. <MarriedBrownMan> so peaceful..
  147. <carol> yes
  148. <MarriedBrownMan> your shoulders, so relaxed..
  149. <MarriedBrownMan> your arms, heavy..
  150. <MarriedBrownMan> helpless..
  151. <carol> yes
  152. <MarriedBrownMan> so warm.. aglow..
  153. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender to me carol
  154. <MarriedBrownMan> let me take you deeper..
  155. <carol> i surrender
  156. <MarriedBrownMan> you do want to come deeper with me, don't you ?
  157. <carol> yes
  158. <MarriedBrownMan> you want to be conquered by me... taken..
  159. <carol> yes
  160. <MarriedBrownMan> you yearn for it... you desire it.. with a deep hunger.. you thirst for my control...
  161. <carol> yes
  162. <MarriedBrownMan> we are on a beach carol..
  163. <MarriedBrownMan> the sun is setting..
  164. <carol> yes
  165. <MarriedBrownMan> a purple ocean of desire and lust lies in front of us..
  166. <MarriedBrownMan> it calls to you..
  167. <carol> yes
  168. <MarriedBrownMan> the waters of lust, and control, and sin, and desire..
  169. <MarriedBrownMan> come with me carol..
  170. <MarriedBrownMan> walk deeper with me..
  171. <carol> yes
  172. <MarriedBrownMan> as the suns ets..
  173. <carol> yes
  174. <MarriedBrownMan> it gets darker..
  175. <MarriedBrownMan> as the purple waters of lust lap against your feet and ankles..
  176. <carol> yes
  177. <MarriedBrownMan> you can feel the remainder of your mind and control slipping away as the sun falls deeper into the ocean..
  178. <MarriedBrownMan> as we walk deeper..
  179. <carol> yes
  180. <MarriedBrownMan> the waves of desire reaching up to your knees..
  181. <MarriedBrownMan> your thighs..
  182. <carol> yes
  183. <MarriedBrownMan> tendrils spring from the water and climb up your thighs..
  184. <MarriedBrownMan> pulling you down..
  185. <carol> yes
  186. <MarriedBrownMan> pulling your pussy down into the ocean of lust..
  187. <carol> yes
  188. <MarriedBrownMan> your pussy begins to tingle in anticipation...
  189. <carol> yes
  190. <MarriedBrownMan> as the purple tendrils of lust creep up your thigh towards your tingling pussy...
  191. <MarriedBrownMan> pulling you deeper..
  192. <carol> yes
  193. <MarriedBrownMan> you want to come deeper into the ocean of lust don't you ?
  194. <carol> yes
  195. <MarriedBrownMan> to give in.. let the ocean of desire take your pussy.. and you..
  196. <carol> yes
  197. <MarriedBrownMan> drown in its depths...
  198. <carol> yes
  199. <MarriedBrownMan> then let go carol.. and come with me..
  200. <carol> i obey
  201. <MarriedBrownMan> let the waters of lust sweep you off your feet..
  202. <carol> yes
  203. <MarriedBrownMan> feel the tendrils reach your pussy..
  204. <carol> yes
  205. <MarriedBrownMan> an explosion of moistness as the waters enter your pussy..
  206. <MarriedBrownMan> making it throb..
  207. <MarriedBrownMan> the lust growing inside you...
  208. <carol> yes
  209. <carol> yes
  210. <MarriedBrownMan> give in to the lust carol..
  211. <MarriedBrownMan> give in..
  212. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender to the ocean of lust..
  213. <carol> i surrender
  214. <MarriedBrownMan> let yourself drown...
  215. <carol> yes
  216. <MarriedBrownMan> let the throbbing inside your pussy take you...
  217. <carol> yes
  218. <MarriedBrownMan> the heavy hot throbbing pulls you deep.. deep into lust and desire and surrender..
  219. <carol> yes
  220. <MarriedBrownMan> as your pussy grows stringer and your mind becomes empty.. the throbbing lust inside your pussy sends tentacles into your body..
  221. <MarriedBrownMan> down your legs.. making them weak..
  222. <carol> yes
  223. <MarriedBrownMan> up your tummy.. into your arms..
  224. <MarriedBrownMan> heavy.. lustful..
  225. <carol> yes
  226. <MarriedBrownMan> give in to the tentacles of lust carol..
  227. <MarriedBrownMan> let them into your mind..
  228. <carol> i obey
  229. <MarriedBrownMan> let them take your mind and conquer it..
  230. <MarriedBrownMan> all that remains is lust..
  231. <carol> yes
  232. <MarriedBrownMan> the throbbing in your pussy that reverberates through your body..
  233. <carol> yes
  234. <MarriedBrownMan> waves upon waves of pleasure... coursing through you...
  235. <carol> yes
  236. <MarriedBrownMan> tentacles of lust deadening your mind to everything except lust and desire...
  237. <carol> yes
  238. <MarriedBrownMan> are you moist and throbbing carol ?
  239. <carol> yes
  240. <MarriedBrownMan> let the throbbing grow stronger...
  241. <carol> yes
  242. <MarriedBrownMan> let yourself be consumed by it..
  243. <carol> yes
  244. <MarriedBrownMan> let it consume your mind and body..
  245. <carol> yes
  246. <MarriedBrownMan> a thrilling, throbbing ball of pleasure growing around your pussy.. and slowly growing through your torso..
  247. <carol> yes
  248. <MarriedBrownMan> your breasts throbbing helplessly with pleasure...
  249. <carol> yes
  250. <MarriedBrownMan> your nipples yearning to be touched..
  251. <carol> yes
  252. <MarriedBrownMan> good girl carol.. very good girl..
  253. <carol> thank you
  254. <MarriedBrownMan> I will wake you up now carol.. and you will continue to feel the throbbing arousal after I do...
  255. <carol> yes
  256. <MarriedBrownMan> I will count down from 5, and when I reach 0, you will be awake.. and throbbing.. moist... filled with lust..
  257. <MarriedBrownMan> 5.
  258. <MarriedBrownMan> you slowly float upward in the ocean of lust and trance.. a dim light in the far distance beckons you..
  259. <MarriedBrownMan> slowly upward..
  260. <MarriedBrownMan> 4.
  261. <MarriedBrownMan> your mind begins to return.. you hands less heavy.. your mind less empty.. you feel some thoughts come back..
  262. <MarriedBrownMan> a little lighter..
  263. <MarriedBrownMan> you float toward the light as it grows brighter..
  264. <MarriedBrownMan> 3.
  265. <MarriedBrownMan> you can feel your body now... warm.. filled with so much desire and lust.. a throbbing pussy still sending tentacles of wild desire through you...
  266. <MarriedBrownMan> your mind is almost all with you..
  267. <MarriedBrownMan> your hands almost as light as they used to be..
  268. <MarriedBrownMan> 2.
  269. <MarriedBrownMan> floating almost to the surface... the mist dissipating...
  270. <MarriedBrownMan> mind full of thoughts.. desires..
  271. <MarriedBrownMan> 1.
  272. <MarriedBrownMan> your hands feel normal now..
  273. <MarriedBrownMan> your body is yours.. throbbing... full of lust and pleasure..
  274. <MarriedBrownMan> your mind almost clear..
  275. <MarriedBrownMan> free of my control..
  276. <MarriedBrownMan> 0.
  277. <MarriedBrownMan> awake, carol.. awake..
  278. <MarriedBrownMan> still with me ?
  279. <carol> mmmmmmm yes giggles
  280. <MarriedBrownMan> good to know
  281. <MarriedBrownMan> how do you feel..
  282. <carol> did you take me?
  283. <MarriedBrownMan> I did trance you a little.
  284. <MarriedBrownMan> just a light, erotic trance.
  285. <MarriedBrownMan> nothing too heavy or extreme...
  286. <carol> oh ok
  287. <MarriedBrownMan> and no, I did not completely take you.. but I hope you enjoyed what I did do :)
  288. <MarriedBrownMan> just some arousal..
  289. <carol> oh yes
  290. <MarriedBrownMan> I was tempted to use you... ravish you while you were in trance..
  291. <MarriedBrownMan> but we did not discuss it before, so I did not
  292. <carol> mmmm
  293. <MarriedBrownMan> are you at work ?
  294. <carol> yes
  295. <MarriedBrownMan> hmm.. I guess so. had you been at home.. I'd have wanted you to touch yourself..
  296. <carol> that has happened here
  297. <MarriedBrownMan> next time.. would you want me to use you ? and make you feel fucked and satisfied when you woke up ?
  298. <carol> next time?
  299. <MarriedBrownMan> I see.. you can do that at work too ? I was not sure. will keep it in mind next time..
  300. <MarriedBrownMan> next time I trance you.
  301. <MarriedBrownMan> I hope there will be a next time ? :)
  302. <carol> up to you
  303. <MarriedBrownMan> mhmm..
  304. <MarriedBrownMan> I'd like it, yes.
  305. <carol> glad i can tempt you lol
  306. <MarriedBrownMan> do you feel like giving yourself to me ?
  307. <MarriedBrownMan> completely.. utterly..
  308. <carol> yes
  309. <MarriedBrownMan> good.
  310. <MarriedBrownMan> that pleases me..
  311. <carol> so glad
  312. <MarriedBrownMan> perhaps you would like to touch yourself now...
  313. <MarriedBrownMan> it would please me if you did.
  314. <carol> ok
  315. <MarriedBrownMan> good girl..
  316. <MarriedBrownMan> please do then..
  317. <carol> ok
  318. <MarriedBrownMan> gently rub yourself..
  319. <carol> yes
  320. <MarriedBrownMan> are your fingers inside your panties already ?
  321. <carol> yes
  322. <MarriedBrownMan> good..
  323. <MarriedBrownMan> let the tingling and throbbing of pleasure from your pussy grow through your body...
  324. <MarriedBrownMan> down your thighs..
  325. <MarriedBrownMan> into your breasts..
  326. <MarriedBrownMan> rub your pussy...
  327. <carol> whats happening to me?
  328. <MarriedBrownMan> let it grow stronger inside you..
  329. <MarriedBrownMan> let the throbbing consume your mind...
  330. <carol> are you hypnotizing me again?
  331. <MarriedBrownMan> not at all..
  332. <MarriedBrownMan> just rub yourself carol
  333. <carol> ok
  334. <MarriedBrownMan> focus on the pleasure..
  335. <MarriedBrownMan> focus on the throbbing warmth..
  336. <MarriedBrownMan> the tingling tentacles spreading through you..
  337. <MarriedBrownMan> waves of pleasure..
  338. <MarriedBrownMan> let them grow stronger inside you..
  339. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender to them carol..
  340. <MarriedBrownMan> rub yourself..
  341. <carol> take me
  342. <MarriedBrownMan> rub yourself
  343. <MarriedBrownMan> you are mine now carol.. don't worry
  344. <carol> yes
  345. <MarriedBrownMan> you are mine
  346. <carol> am I?
  347. <MarriedBrownMan> let the throbbing grow and grow and grow..
  348. <MarriedBrownMan> until it becomes unbearable..
  349. <carol> yes
  350. <MarriedBrownMan> let the waves of pleasure build upon each other..
  351. <MarriedBrownMan> waves upon waves of desperate pleasure...
  352. <MarriedBrownMan> unbearable throbbing lust...
  353. <carol> yes
  354. <MarriedBrownMan> I am inside you carol
  355. <MarriedBrownMan> throbbing inside you..
  356. <MarriedBrownMan> inside your pussy.. your mind..
  357. <carol> oh my god
  358. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender to me..
  359. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender..
  360. <carol> yes
  361. <MarriedBrownMan> let the waves of pleasure build...
  362. <MarriedBrownMan> consuming you...
  363. <carol> yes
  364. <MarriedBrownMan> unbearably teetering on the edge...
  365. <carol> yes
  366. <MarriedBrownMan> as I go deeper inside you...
  367. <carol> yes
  368. <MarriedBrownMan> conquering and subjugating the deepest corners of your mind..
  369. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender carol..
  370. <MarriedBrownMan> rub harder...
  371. <carol> yes
  372. <MarriedBrownMan> let the pleasure build until you cannot bear it any more..
  373. <MarriedBrownMan> you cannot take it..
  374. <carol> yes
  375. <MarriedBrownMan> the lust
  376. <MarriedBrownMan> the desire..
  377. <carol> yes
  378. <MarriedBrownMan> the deep throbbing of me inside you...
  379. <MarriedBrownMan> pressing into you...
  380. <carol> yes
  381. <MarriedBrownMan> do you want to crash carol ?
  382. <MarriedBrownMan> do you want me to let you cum ?
  383. <carol> yes
  384. <MarriedBrownMan> rub harder carol ...
  385. <carol> yes
  386. <MarriedBrownMan> let the pressure build... the wild desire..
  387. <carol> yes
  388. <MarriedBrownMan> impossibly unbearable...
  389. <MarriedBrownMan> on the edge...
  390. <carol> yes
  391. <MarriedBrownMan> surrender to it..
  392. <MarriedBrownMan> let it CRASH OVER YOU
  393. <carol> yes
  394. <MarriedBrownMan> CUM
  396. <MarriedBrownMan> CUM carol
  397. <MarriedBrownMan> come for me...
  398. <MarriedBrownMan> give in...
  399. <carol> yes
  400. <MarriedBrownMan> did you cum carol ?
  401. <carol> so good
  402. <MarriedBrownMan> are you still rubbing ?
  403. <carol> yes
  404. <MarriedBrownMan> good girl..
  405. <MarriedBrownMan> very good girl...
  406. <carol> thank you
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