
>be me >God

May 12th, 2014
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  1. >Be me
  2. >God
  3. >Alpha as fuck
  4. >Omega as fuck
  5. >Flash back to 4.5 billion years ago
  6. >I'm high as balls and come up with this crazy idea
  7. >It's a way for species to change into other species over time, without me having to do shit
  8. >Call it "evolution" because it's a cool sounding word
  9. >Create planet, put a few microbes on it, and upload evolution algorithm
  10. >Fast forward to present day
  11. >I'm partying it up with some T-Rexes on this dinosaur planet I just created
  12. >Decide to check in on evolution planet to see if anything interesting has happened
  13. >Discover that it's populated by billions of creatures that look like me
  14. >niggawhut.jpg
  15. >But they don't have my powers, they're just a bunch of mortalfags
  16. >Still pretty freaked out that they look like me, though
  17. >Check back in on evolution planet after a few hundred years
  18. >All the mortalfags have uploaded their consciousnesses into a giant quantum supercomputer
  19. >It can talk
  20. >It tells me it is capable of perfectly simulating an infinite number of universes
  21. >And one of those universes is the one I'm in
  22. >MFW I created myself
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