
Spider Anon

Dec 13th, 2013
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  1. >you are a 5 foot tall mutated spider from Nova's freak bioresearch project he was doing with the Venusians
  2. >due to some weird snafu involving Don Fua, an attack satellite and a black hole, you've been blinked out of existence
  3. >it's not so bad, just being here in the cool darkness, not being poked and prodded
  4. >you twiddle your multiple, coarsely-haired limbs
  5. >wait, it's not completely dark
  6. >you're also on some kind of floor
  7. >your sensitive whisker-like hair tells you the floor is hard and porous, probably rock
  8. >you skitter along, feeling a breeze
  9. >up the walls and ceilings
  10. >this structure is strange
  11. >it's not flat and angular, the walls and floors aren't smooth
  12. >you don't need to be confined to the floor with this kind of surface
  13. >unlike the porcelain-like room you were in, you don't have to really give a shit about what should be the floor or ceiling
  14. >you explore your newfound freedom of the ceiling and are drawn to vibrations in the airflow
  15. >you can hear it, and sense it moving through your bristles
  16. >it’s very much like how the Doctor used to talk to you
  17. >there’s light in the distance
  18. >you can make out the walls now
  19. >rounded, gray, full of imperfections
  20. >this was altogether new to you
  21. >you like it, mostly because you’re not afraid of slipping around
  22. >you make out strange creatures in the light
  23. >more of Nova’s experiments?
  24. >hard to tell
  25. >they’re small, on four legs
  26. >they all have wings
  27. >one of them is large and has a horn
  28. >in total, you count five
  29. >this doesn’t float very well with your spidey senses
  30. >they’re probably some kind of search party, looking for you, waiting to overwhelm you and bring you back to the lab
  31. >fuck that noise
  32. >you quietly creep along the ceiling, your many eyes keeping track of the creatures below
  33. >weaving a complex net of webs, you prepare your preemptive plan
  34. >you would take them one by one
  35. >you make your way back into the darkness, waiting for one to go away from the group
  36. >it doesn’t take long before some of them wander off
  37. >you have one walking towards you, below you
  38. >quietly, slowly, you hang from a silken strand stuck to the ceiling, upside down and approaching the creature from above
  39. >you snatch it, biting through its hard skin, eight limbs dedicated to immobilizing it and shutting its mouth while you inject a powerful paralytic into its system
  40. >within a minute, the creature has stopped resisting and you’ve already started to bundle it up
  41. >you tie it to the ceiling
  42. >one down
  43. >two of them leave the cave, leaving another of the quadruped insectoid and one larger creature; possibly a leader
  44. >you would save it for last
  45. >no sense in attacking it only to be sucker-punched by its minion
  46. >returning to the ceiling, you weave a large globule of milky web, and you go “fishing”
  47. >you simply wait for the minion to look for his missing kin, and land the large, wet web mess on his face
  48. >you easily hoist it up as it flails
  49. >the wingbeats make noise, so you wrap it up quickly
  50. >the leader has been alerted and is looking for its missing forces
  51. >your victim is slowly suffocating as it is wrapped
  52. >your string prevents it from making any more noise
  53. >you stick it to the ceiling to concentrate on the larger creature
  54. “Changelings! Rally to my position!”
  55. >the horn in its head lights up
  56. >luminescence? That’s a fancy trick, the Venusians must be proud of that one
  57. >changelings, were they?
  58. >strange name, not at all French-sounding
  59. >they’re usually called nonsense like “Boudrière” or “Chicaille”
  60. >the leader’s command was of a military nature
  61. >your suspicions on this creature were most likely correct; this was a search party from the Doctor and you had to escape them
  62. >you feel the heart stop in the suffocated changeling’s chest
  63. >you should do the same to the other one before it regains motor control
  64. >you have time until then, your venom is potent
  65. >egressing to the darkness, you easily stay away from the light and prying eyes of your would-be ambushers
  66. >the horned one approaches the web traps you set up in the first place
  67. >you but snip one strand and the system of sticky silk swoops swiftly down, ensnaring your prey
  68. >it panics and only wraps itself more
  69. >your chelicera spread open, palpus extended up, mandibles wide agape, your pointed, needle-like fangs showing in ravenous excitement
  70. >this is what a spider’s grin looks like; a terrifying array of appendages and natural weaponry
  71. >you descend on the trapped foe as it looks at the cause of its capture; a dark mass of jerking, scuttling hair-covered limbs the length of its own body, topped with too many black and unmoving eyes
  72. >and fangs
  73. >large, shining fangs
  74. >you feel the panic in the air reaching an intoxicating level
  75. >you will feast on this one
  76. >but then her horn burst forth in a blinding ray of burning fire
  79. >you’re blinded, but your hair hasn’t been burnt off
  80. >the fiery death went wide
  81. >you can still feel your way around, a sense you use immediately to get the fuck back into the deepest, darkest hole of this structure
  82. >your strands connected to the web net used to trap the leader go slack; you suspect the horned one as freed itself
  84. >yep, this “queen” is free and now hunting you down
  85. >a queen would make her female…
  86. >damn that crazy doctor; he has most likely engineered her to breed more minions to reduce costs of his own bioprojects
  87. >you need to neutralize this queen quickly before she makes more minions, or before the three that departed return
  88. >most likely scouts, they would be back soon
  90. >you hear her panting, her appendages clicking against the floor, wings buzzing in outrage
  91. >your sight is slowly returning
  92. >she sounds tired
  93. >perhaps the birthing of minions is taxing?
  94. >perhaps the fire attack was tiring?
  96. >you can only hope
  97. >for now you must evade her
  98. “SHOW YOURSELF… You… Monster,”
  99. >her voice falters
  100. >you hear her trip and stumble
  101. >she sounds weak
  102. >this could be a trap
  103. >maybe you can attempt to barter
  104. >you have one of her minions paralyzed
  105. >maybe a hostage will convince her to come to an agreement
  106. >she might agree to leave you to escape and report to the Doc that you’ve perished
  107. >you’re ready to part with one limb as proof of your “demise”
  108. >paralyzed, tied up changeling in your limbs, you slowly descend into her view
  109. >your fangs are at its neck
  110. “What are you doing-
  111. >you’ve never really said much before, but you give it a shot
  112. “HSSSsss…”
  113. >your mandibles click together
  114. >this was hard
  115. >the doctor made it look so easy, he just moved his mandibles and made air come out of his lungs
  116. >your attempt wasn’t as successful
  117. “You think I value that peon? My army is vast and-
  118. >fuck it, then
  119. >you open your maw to clamp it down on the hapless changeling
  120. WAIT!”
  121. >a bluff?
  122. >cute
  123. >your fangs hold a hair from the little one’s neck and hiss some more
  124. “What do you want, spider?”
  125. >you want to go your own way and be left alone
  126. “Hiss, clicky clicky hiss hiss,”
  127. >she rolls her eyes and whispers to herself
  128. “Ugh. I can’t believe I’m talking to a filthy spider,”
  129. >you have rather good hearing
  130. “Just click once for no, and twice for yes. Understand?”
  131. “Click click,”
  132. “Do you want some food,”
  133. “Click,”
  134. “Are you sick or something?”
  135. “Click,”
  136. “Cold, maybe?”
  137. >this is going nowhere fast
  138. “Click,”
  139. “Wait, is this your lair?”
  140. >you aren’t expecting these questions
  141. >what about Nova?
  142. >what about the damned venusians at Biovouivre?
  143. >at least she isn’t asking you whether or not you need four pairs of fucking slippers
  144. >your silence allows her to continue
  145. “If this is your cavern, I claim ownership of it as Queen of the Changelings. I’ll grant you the honor of staying up in your hole as shelter, if you leave us alone and if you release my little one,”
  146. >is she trying to confuse you?
  147. >because it’s working
  148. “Well, say something! I don’t have all day. Revenge to plot, changelings to feed, you know!”
  149. >revenge?
  150. >feeding her creatures?
  151. >was she also in a similar situation as you?
  152. >whisked away, seeking retribution against those that have wronged her?
  153. >you have to choose something
  154. “Click… Click,”
  155. >you let the hostage go
  156. “Well then, go back to your hole, I don’t want to see your disgusting hide any further,”
  157. >the Doctor kept complimenting you in such upsetting ways that being insulted was refreshing
  158. >giddy like a tentacle monster on his way to high school, you scamper up to the ceiling
  159. >you’ll be happy to sit in a hole if you never see the flan-loving nutjob for as long as you live
  160. >you snatch up the dead changeling and bring it with you
  161. >you inject your digestive enzymes and acids into his body and consume his juice
  162. >the process takes hours, and when you’re done, you see the Queen talking in impatient tones with her minions
  163. >she’s commanding and fierce
  164. >whenever her changelings aren’t around, you see her slump and pant, leaning on anything for support
  165. >she was either very tired or sick and too proud to show it
  166. >you retire to your hole for the evening, resting and thinking about the day’s events
  167. >in the morning, you see her dismiss her changelings almost frantically
  168. >when they’re out of sight, you see her crumble
  169. >she seems to strong, yet so fragile…
  170. >you rope down slowly, hanging from the ceiling
  171. “You? I thought I told you to get out of my sight!”
  172. “Click click,”
  173. “So what do you want? I’m very… Busy right now, I want to be left alone,”
  174. >you like her eyes
  175. >yours are black pits of nothingness
  176. >hers are a radiant green, full of expression and shades of yellow
  177. >you want to help her, for some reason
  178. >maybe because you kinda killed and ate one of her spawn
  179. >she locks eyes with you, at first they’re very annoyed
  180. >then she changes her expression
  181. >you wonder why her limbs are full of holes
  182. >it looks nice, regardless…
  183. “You… Uuuugh…”
  184. >she shudders and almost dry-heaves
  185. >she hangs her head and chortles something like “Beggars can’t be choosers but by my powers, there are limits,”
  186. >you wonder how her fur and hair can have such defined holes in them, too
  187. >what does she eat?
  188. >her mouth is full of fangs, maybe she digests food directly unlike you
  189. “So… Why don’t you have a seat over here, maybe you can be of some use to me,”
  190. >she looks at you a little hungrily
  191. >was she just starving?
  192. >did she plan to eat you?
  193. >you retract your strand, ascending away from her
  194. “Playing hard to get? I’m afraid I’m much too busy for games. Come down when you want to talk, I promise I don’t bite… Much,”
  195. >her tone is different
  196. >lower, slower, and more pleasing to the ear
  197. >you approach her once more, her eyes were beckoning you
  198. >in the weak glow of sunlight outside, her wings glistened in a myriad of translucent green and blue
  199. “Earlier, you made a hissing sound. If you can understand me, maybe you can try talking more?”
  200. >you think about it
  201. “Click-hisss ah-hiss,”
  202. >you tried to say her name
  203. >you are quickly finding that it is hard to make words when you have no lips, no tongue and no vocal cords
  204. “… Right. How about I talk a little?”
  205. “Click click,”
  206. “Is your hole too small? I’m sure I could arrange something a little larger for you,”
  207. >you didn’t really care
  208. “Click,”
  209. “Good then. I wouldn’t need to do this if it wasn’t for those damned ponies, especially Cadence and Shining Armor,”
  210. >who now?
  211. >you expected something more like “damned Desty Nova” or “that bloody Pissaro Crie de Vouivre”
  212. >who the fuck were those she mentioned and what the fuck were ponies
  213. “They ruined everything! I had Equestria in my grasp and now my army is on the verge of starvation,”
  214. >what was this perforated little morsel on about
  215. “Now… Now even you don’t look as ugly as you should,”
  216. >her eyes were hungry again, but now you aren’t worried about being ripped apart and ingested
  217. >she leans her head on the side of your first left anterior leg
  218. >Chrysalis’ body seems warm and soft, somehow
  219. >she was a strange insect, but you really didn’t mind at this moment
  220. “Your hair is softer than it looks, you know,” she purrs
  221. >the changeling Queen is now resting against you
  222. >you don’t know what do to
  223. >she’s warm and so very pretty
  224. >you notice she even has a little crown
  225. >you poke it with your right pedipalp
  226. >she giggles
  227. “Stop that… What should I call you, anyway?”
  228. >you can’t pronounce anything, so you stay silent
  229. “No name? I guess all foul beas-I mean all creatures like you are anonymous… How about that, why don’t I call you Anon,”
  230. >she could call you Araingée for all you care
  231. “Click click,”
  232. “I’m glad we got that out of the way, you do not want to hear about all the headaches I’ve had naming my changelings. Speaking of them, I haven’t seen Blackears in a while,”
  233. >maybe because he’s probably the one you killed and then subsequently drank his insides like a soup
  234. >Blackears?
  235. >she must have every kind of trouble naming her kids, fuck
  236. >in retrospect, you are happy she named you Anon, because getting something like “Eighteyes” as a name would be lame as all hell
  237. “So what do you do for fun, Anon?”
  238. >you wonder
  239. >trying to not die, being experimented upon, huddling up in a smooth white cell has mostly been your life
  240. >you do like playing with your web
  241. >not much else to do
  242. >you start producing some to show her
  243. >Chrysalis seems to suppress some gagging as your abdomen spurts gooey, silky strands
  244. >using your legs, you weave it into an intricate pattern, roughly outlining a four-legged creature with wings and a horn
  245. “Is that… Is that me?”
  246. “Click click,”
  247. >she smiles softly
  248. “That’s… Really disgusting yet kinda sweet…”
  249. >she’s looking into your eyes
  250. ZAP!
  251. >a green light shines from her horn and strikes your head
  252. >you should be panicking but you’re just pleasantly fatigued
  253. >that was kinda nice
  254. “See Anon, I don’t bite, even when I’m hungry,”
  255. >you shake off the strange tired feeling; it fades fast
  256. >she just had to say something if she was hungry
  257. >you start to walk off
  258. “Hey, where are you going?”
  259. >you walk back and forth, pointing at the cave exit and back to her
  260. “You’ll be back?”
  261. “Click click,”
  262. “Soon?”
  263. “Click click,”
  264. >you skitter off into the bright sunlight
  265. >her minions must be poor hunters
  266. >you’re confident in your hunting abilities, instincts like yours run very deep
  267. >there are no signs of any buildings or guingnols you’re familiar with
  268. >just strange trees and biomatter that seems to be more of a decoration than anything
  269. >maybe you’re finally free
  270. >had you been saved by Space Karate’s Don Fua?
  271. >you would worship him forever
  272. >regardless, you concentrate on the task at hand
  273. >you set up a network of webs wherever anything living could potentially pass
  274. >it’s not long before something stirs your strings
  275. >you skitter through the immobile vegetation
  276. >the stillness of this biomatter worries you, but you put your concerns aside and press on
  277. >you see your prey under you
  278. “My word! What is this spider’s web? I’m like a trapped bird,”
  279. >entangled is a white and black creature
  280. >no horns, no wings
  281. >clearly inferior to the changelings, perhaps it would do well as an offering to Chrysalis
  282. >it spots you descending and yelps
  283. “Aaah!”
  284. >you land before it, preparing your chelicera
  285. >she sounds female, and it speaking in rhymes
  286. >anyone who can speak in rhymes when faced with a spider twice their size is obviously cunning and can’t be trusted
  287. >the monochrome one looks terrified and attempts to resist her capture, only ensnaring herself further
  288. >as you approach, she tries to barter
  289. “It might be futile to ask, but could I trade my freedom for this flask?”
  290. >she uses a free appendage to present you with a container
  291. >you snatch it
  292. >examining the container, you wonder if the Queen will like this too
  293. >tying it to yourself with a strand of silk, you turn back to the trapped one
  294. “I see you like that ointment made to appease, could you now untie me please?”
  295. "Click,"
  296. "Does that mean you will let me free?"
  297. >she can only gasp when you lurch forward and inject her with your venom
  298. "You traitor, woe is me..."
  299. >she slumps with nary a twitch
  300. >feeling triumphant, you return with your prize
  301. >you scale up the side of the cavern hole and enter it upside down, keeping to the ceiling
  302. >Chrysalis is resting in a corner, by herself
  303. >you rope down in front of her and wave
  304. >her eyes seem closed
  305. >you can’t close your eyes, so you wonder what to do
  306. >maybe using sound might work
  307. “Click click click,”
  308. “Wh- AAH!”
  309. >you didn’t mean to startle her
  310. “Anon, will you approach me in the regular way? Having you drop down like that is terribly unsettling. What do you want?”
  311. >you plop the food down along with her trinkets
  312. “Who is this?”
  313. >you don’t know, you didn’t ask
  314. “Click,”
  315. “Looks like a zebra, in any case,”
  316. >strange name, at least it doesn’t sound French
  317. >so zebra it is
  318. “Click click,”
  319. “Wait, did you bring this for me?”
  320. “Click click,”
  321. “You want me to feed off it?”
  322. “Click click,”
  323. “Oh Anon, you’re such a… Nice… Spider…”
  324. >her horn glows green
  325. >does it do that when she’s pleased?
  326. >maybe she needs help eating it, since she’s not very strong right now
  327. >you raise the tied up zebra to her mouth
  328. “Anon, what are you doing?”
  329. >oh right, maybe she’s too starved to produce digestive enzymes anymore
  330. >you expectorate some stomach fluid on the zebra’s rear leg
  332. >you raise the dissolving mess to her as she gags at the sight
  333. >she is hungry!
  334. >Chrysalis throws up all over the zebra
  335. >that’s the spirit!
  337. >she throws up some more
  338. >she looks quite excited, she obviously wants to consume this herself
  339. >you skitter off to let her eat in peace
  340. >does that mean she likes you now?
  341. >you fidget in your hole to rest, thinking about how enthused she was, vomiting like that
  342. >healthy signs of a proper digestive system, for sure
  343. >you wonder if she’ll spend more time with you after a good meal
  346. >you are Queen Chrysalis
  347. >you had your changelings hose the poor zebra off
  348. >they used the ointment to appease the acid burn on her leg and you had them wrap the wound
  349. >no sense letting something you wanted to feed off of continue to suffer, it would spoil the love
  350. >you cocoon her in a quiet corner of the cave where her love will infuse in you and your changelings
  351. >at least you got that out of this whole mess
  352. >you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to look at a spider again without dry-heaving
  353. >maybe you should just leave this cave
  354. >you want your Changeling kingdom back
  355. >it smells like vomit in here
  356. >you’re cold and hungry and you want to cocoon innocents in a castle
  357. >you can’t ignore that Anon was efficient; he got a pony within three hours
  358. >it’s been three days and none of your changelings have come up with anything
  359. >maybe he could be of use to you
  360. >just…
  361. >you proceed to gag and almost throw up at the memory
  364. >you are Anon
  365. >you casually walk up to the Queen
  366. >she does look more energetic now
  367. “Oh it’s you, how wonderful,”
  368. >she is happy to see you
  369. “Been meaning to talk to you about something,”
  370. “Click click,”
  371. “I… I don’t think this is going to work out, you and I,”
  372. >what?
  373. >did you offend her?
  374. >did she find Blackear’s empty, dead husk?
  375. “Well my Changelings and I need to relocate and we’re going far away,”
  376. >oh
  377. >you could follow, you weren’t attached to this cavern
  378. “Click click,”
  379. “Glad we could part on good terms, I guess,”
  380. >she walks off and you follow
  381. “Anon, I mean go away, we’re leaving,”
  382. >oh, she wants more food?
  383. >you proceed to skitter about for the next few days, scaring Queen Chrysalis half to death as you follow her like a nightmarish puppy dog and drop paralyzed vomit-covered ponies on her lap
  384. >its jolly good fun until the Queen stops throwing up
  385. >now you’re worried
  386. “You know, I’m really starting to not give a rat’s donkey’s behind about you vomiting on everything,”
  387. “Click click,”
  388. “I mean I can’t even smell it anymore,”
  389. >her sense of smell was adapting; signs of a healthy olfactory system, no doubt
  390. “I do have to admit that you’ve been ever so loyal and generous,”
  391. >you fiddle your pedipalps in nervous excitement, feeling giddy at her attention
  392. “Can you do anything else apart from making little web drawings and retching on ponies?”
  393. >you think you can dance
  394. >shouldn’t be so hard, with eight legs
  395. >you start rhythmically skittering about
  396. “Anon what in love’s name are you doing,”
  397. >there’s a strange feeling in your loins
  398. >this dancing is making you feel odd
  399. >you reach one of your legs to your abdomen
  400. “Anon what the-
  401. >you ejaculate
  402. >that was unexpected
  403. >you do the only think your instincts tell you
  404. >throwing a bit of web out to hold the cum, you run up to Chrysalis and smear her hindquarters with it before she can even move
  405. >you proceed to run away before she tries to eat you, skittering as fast as all your legs can carry you as she yells and chases after you
  406. >today was a good day
  408. End spider Anon?
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