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Jul 21st, 2016
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  1. [01:34:15] &Bummer: can the effect of lucky eggs be extended by changing the phone's clock, or can the game see through such lies?
  2. [01:34:35] %SolarisFox: no Bummer.
  3. [01:34:52] %chupps: that's a... bum---
  4. [01:35:17] %ciran: stop bumming off puns I've already made, chupps
  5. [01:35:35] %chupps: sorry ciran, i'm just bumbling along
  6. [01:36:50] %ciran: it's cool chupps, the road to puns is a bummpy ride
  7. [01:38:01] %chupps: i know ciran. i hope you can guide me along, since i'm just a little bummpkin
  8. [01:39:23] %ciran: I'll help bummp you up the ladder, chupps
  9. [01:40:51] %chupps: ciran, you seem awfully sure of yourself, a little too bummptious..
  10. [01:43:05] %ciran: :( I'm sorry you feel that way, chupps, I'll catch the next bummboat out
  11. [01:43:28] %chupps: why can't you just fly away like a little bummblebee ciran?
  12. [01:43:48] %ciran: cause I'm a bumm and am too lazy to fly
  13. [01:44:11] %chupps: how about a bummper car ciran?
  14. [01:46:28] %chupps: what happened ciran? are you bummfuzzled?
  15. [01:47:16] %ciran: if I can't think of something I'll consult my bummfs
  16. [01:48:23] %chupps: ciran, i don't think that's allowed... i might need to report you to the bummbailiffs
  17. LedgendaryBoiRockz was muted by Skillett for 7 minutes. (done with you)
  18. [01:53:07] %chupps: he was a total bumm
  19. [01:53:23] %ciran: bummer, I wanted to do it
  20. [01:54:44] +Jkβ™₯Howling: Thats bc there's two gross wifi staff here greg
  21. [01:54:54] @Skillett: There's an even grosser voice here
  22. [01:55:05] %chupps: now now guys, no need to be bummbags
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