
Gilda Fanfiction (Complete)

Aug 11th, 2014
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  1. >"Anon? What the hell are you doing in my apartment?"
  2. >A half naked, half asleep Gilda was glaring you down from a dimly lit hallway
  3. >You froze
  4. >You had a perfectly good reason for being in there
  5. >Coacoa Pommel had asked you to get her design sketchbook for her while she went and had lunch with a friend
  6. >She lent you the key
  7. >That didn't matter
  8. >Nothing mattered but the hulking shadow of an amazon
  9. >An angry amazon
  10. >"Well? Are you gonna talk or am I gonna have to beat the answer out of you?"
  11. >She clenches one of her fists shut, making a distinctive popping sound
  12. >You couldn't tell if it was her knuckles or her wrist
  13. >You could tell it was practiced, that it was meant to intimidate
  14. >and that it was working
  15. "I- a friend- I was just-"
  16. >your linguini lined exposition was cut short when Gilda tackled you to the floor, straddling you
  17. >in an instant you were on the ground and her hand was on your throat
  18. >"You're fucking dead, dweeb"
  20. >Your first time seeing actual breasts
  21. >Your first time feeling the weight and warmth of another body on top of you
  22. >your first real intimate encounter with the opposite gender
  23. >was in a small apartment
  24. >on top of a pile of towels and stale clothing
  25. >and you were going to die
  26. >her left arm tenses and you find it incredibly hard to breathe
  27. >she cocks back her right hand
  28. >a heated look of anger on her face
  29. >you could swear you saw flames form in her eyes
  30. >all you could do was raise an arm in defense to protect your face
  31. >it works for the most part, her punches glancing off your forearm
  32. >they still carried an incredible weight to them
  33. >a few blows later and your arm stings with pain
  34. >with a frustrated grunt she lets go of your neck and grabs your wrist, moving your arm out of the way
  35. >you take a sharp breath right before she brings her knuckles into your cheekbone
  37. >You tried to turn with the punch
  38. >it didn't work
  39. >your breath is cut short and you begin to cough violently
  40. >Gilda slows her assault to let you catch your breath
  41. >or was it for another reason
  42. >her face is flush and she looks much angrier than before.
  43. >"You some kind of freak, fuckhead?"
  44. >she grabs a chunk of your hair and pulls hard
  45. >it was then that you noticed
  46. >"You into being beat up?!"
  47. >While she was punching at your face, shifting and moving for more impact
  48. >she had been rubbing against your hips, and you were sporting some serious ammunition
  49. >looking up into the dark room, you could see her muscular form towering over you
  50. >her generous endowment moving up and down with her breathing
  51. >you could feel her powerful legs clenching you, holding you in place
  52. >her breath puffing out through gritted teeth
  53. >maybe you were into getting beat up
  55. >A sharp crack of fresh pain brings you back to reality as Gilda slams your head into the floor of the apartment
  56. >the beautiful image being replaced with vivid red
  57. >you begin to cough again
  58. >something's different
  59. >something's wrong
  60. >you begin to struggle to get up, only to be held down by Gilda's weight
  61. >"You're not going anywhere!"
  62. >Another crack of pain erupts through your head and your vision is once again obscured
  63. >she's really going to kill you
  64. >that didn't matter
  65. >you can't stop coughing
  66. >you need to move
  67. >you need to get help
  68. >now!
  70. >Instinct and adrenaline take over
  71. >Gilda isn't even a factor anymore
  72. >As you get up, you throw her across the room
  73. >she lands on a couch with a shocked look on her face
  74. >a canvas painting crashes on top of her and bounces to the floor
  75. >you don't care, your eyes are on the front door
  76. >you take a step forward, only to find yourself coughing again
  77. >your chest is burning
  78. >two steps later and you've crumpled onto the floor
  79. >you're covered in a cold sweat
  80. >your limbs feel like lead
  81. >your arms sting with every minor sensation
  82. >your legs refuse to move
  83. >tears singe their way past your eyes and down your cheeks
  84. >your phone rings loudly in your pocket
  85. >with great effort you manage to pull it out of your pants, but don't get much farther than that
  86. >your vision's fading
  87. >everything hurts
  88. >everything is too hot
  89. >you're scared
  91. >A bewildered and confused Gilda rubs the top of her head, having been hit by a corner of the canvas's frame
  92. >Confusion doesn't hold her long as she shoots up immediately, filled with violent intent
  93. >Bounding over to your crumpled form, she angrily picks up the phone
  94. >As she pulls back to throw it into the far wall, she stops upon seeing the smiling face of her roommate
  95. >Her anger dissipates as she accepts the call
  96. "hey"
  97. >"Gilda? Good, anon found the apartment. Has he found my sketchbook yet?"
  98. "...listen, you need to come down here."
  99. >"what? why?"
  100. "I sorta beat your friend up"
  101. >"WHAT? Is he okay?"
  102. "Yeah, he's fine. Just get here soon."
  103. >"Okay okay! I'm on my way now; Jesus, Gilda!"
  104. "I know, I know. Can I put him in your bed?"
  105. >"Christ! Yes! You better not have killed him!"
  107. >Ending the call, Gilda gives your side a sharp kick
  108. >"Get up, dweeb. Coacoa just bailed you out"
  109. >no response
  110. >"Come on, I'll get you some ice"
  111. >She bends down and puts a firm hand under your shoulder, trying to pull you up
  112. >Something's not right
  113. >"Dweeb?"
  114. >She rolls you onto your back
  115. >"oh..."
  116. >eyes bloodshot and half open, you see a blurry outline of a Valkyrie ready to carry you home
  117. >your eyes close
  118. >"Fuck..."
  120. >"Fuck"
  121. >"Fuck!"
  122. >"FUCK!"
  123. >Cellphone still in hand, she attempts to find the keypad
  124. >"Fucking smartphones with their fucking buttons getting in the fucking way!"
  125. >Frustration peaks
  126. >Panic starts to take over
  127. >in desperation, she opens the front door and screams for help
  128. >She already knows there won't be a reply
  129. >A sharp chirp comes from her hand, followed by a calm voice
  130. "How can I help you?"
  131. >Hand on the door frame, she brings the phone to her face
  132. >"Medical emergency!"
  133. "is this what you want?"
  134. >several news-links fade into view, showing the headlines of recent medical crises
  135. >"No"
  136. "How can I help you?"
  137. >"Contact emergency services"
  138. "I'm sorry, 'EMERGENCY SERVICE' is not on your contact list."
  139. >"NINE ONE-ONE! FUCK!"
  140. "Call '9 1 1'?"
  141. >"Yes!"
  142. "Now calling"
  144. >The phone screen fades to black and a dial tone begins to echo out softly.
  145. >A feminine voice suddenly replacing it
  146. "Nine one one, what is your emergency?"
  147. >Gilda pulls the phone to her ear and steps back inside, over to you
  148. >"My friend passed out and he's not breathing!"
  149. "Alright, ma'am. What street are you currently on?"
  150. >"I'm at the corner of University and K."
  151. "Just a second...okay, what apartment?"
  152. >"Apartment One-oh-six"
  153. >the sound of muffled clicks can be heard in the background
  154. "Alright, ma'am. An ambulance is on its way. I need some information from you so please stay on the line."
  155. >"Okay." Gilda croaks out, her throat suddenly very heavy
  156. "Alright, ma'am. What is your friend's name?"
  157. >"Anon"
  158. "Last name?"
  159. >"I don't know"
  160. "IS he a college student?"
  161. >Gilda gives you a once-over
  162. >"yeah"
  163. "Did Anon eat or drink anything unusual recently?"
  164. >"I don't know"
  165. "Is anon allergic to anything?"
  166. >"I don't know"
  167. >Gilda's voice begins to crack as her eyes fill with tears
  168. "Can you tell me what happened, ma'am?"
  170. >"He just started coughing and now he's not breathing"
  171. "Did Anon hit their head or neck on anything?"
  172. >"No"
  173. >Gilda sniffs
  174. "Alright, ma'am. I need you to stay with me, okay?"
  175. >"okay"
  176. "The ambulance will be there in twenty-two minutes. It's going as fast as it can, okay?"
  177. >"okay"
  178. >Gilda's voice clears up a little as she listens to the professional voice on the other end.
  179. "Is there anyone else with you, ma'am?"
  180. >"No"
  181. "Do you know what CPR is, ma'am?"
  182. >"yeah"
  183. "Do you know how to perform CPR?"
  184. >"No. Oh god oh god oh god oh god"
  185. >Gilda crumples to the floor, kneeling right next to you
  186. "I need you to stay with me, ma'am. Can you stay with me?"
  187. >"yeah"
  188. >Gilda sniffs, wiping her nose with her free hand
  189. "Can you tell me your name?"
  191. >Gilda responds as clearly as she can, her voice beginning to waver
  192. >"Gilda"
  193. "Alright, Gilda. I know this is hard but right now your friend needs you, okay?"
  194. >"Okay"
  195. "Put me on speaker and I'll guide you through it; can you do that, Gilda?"
  196. >"yeah, I can do that."
  197. >Gilda pulls the phone away from her ear
  198. >The screen, covered in sweat and tears, lights up and familiar symbols are displayed.
  199. >she presses the speaker button and places the phone on your stomach.
  200. "Are you still with me, Gilda?"
  201. >"Yes" she shouts
  202. "Okay, I need Anon to be on their back. Are they on their back?"
  203. >"yes"
  204. "Okay, Gilda. You're very brave. Are you okay?"
  205. >"yeah, I'm okay"
  206. "good; is anon a boy or a girl?"
  207. >"he's a boy"
  208. "I need you to tip his head back so his chin is pointing up"
  209. >Gilda does as she's told by the feminine voice
  210. >Her hands are shaking, but she manages to do it quickly
  211. >"now what?"
  212. "You need to open his mouth and look inside"
  213. >her hands move to your mouth and pry your jaw open
  214. >"I don't see anything"
  215. "Is his tongue where it needs to be?"
  216. >Gilda looks closer, leaning over your mouth
  217. >"I think so"
  219. "Alright, Gilda. I need you to find the bottom of Anon's chest"
  220. >After a few pokes of soft stomach, Gilda's strong fingers prod against the hard sternum
  221. >"Okay"
  222. "Now, take three fingers and place them at the bottom of his chest"
  223. >Gilda lays her right hand on you, pulling her pinkie away
  224. "Place your palm at the end of the third finger and straighten yourself out, okay Gilda."
  225. >Again, Gilda does as instructed, her weight pushing into you as she adjusts
  226. >"Okay"
  227. "Now place your other hand on top of where your palm is and weave your fingers together"
  228. >"okay"
  229. "Alright, Gilda. We're ready to start. It's just like what you see on TV all the time, okay"
  230. >"Okay"
  231. >Gilda responds out of reflex, her voice cracking
  232. "You're doing great, Gilda. Now count with me and pump down, okay? One, two, three, four."
  233. >"One, two, three-"
  234. >A cascade of four sharp pops echos through the apartment
  235. >Gilda freezes
  236. >"Oh my god oh my god oh my god"
  237. "You need to keep pumping, Gilda. Breathe and lets start again. One, two, three, four"
  239. >Gilda does as the voice commands, her eyes watering as she shuts them tight.
  240. >her voice is now filled with sobs
  241. >"One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four"
  242. "You're doing so good, Gilda. Just keep going, I'm still here."
  243. >"One, two, three, four"
  244. >counting becomes a mantra for her, it's all she can focus on.
  245. >Keep rhythm, keep counting
  246. >keep pumping
  247. >"One, two, three, four"
  248. >minutes begin to pass, the effort of the technique straining Gilda and causing her to huff in fatigue
  249. >Still chanting the mantra, she begins to slow down with her aching body
  250. "The ambulance is less than 10 minutes away, Gilda. You're doing so good."
  252. >Who are you?
  253. >You are anonymous
  254. >What are you?
  255. >You're a person, last you checked
  256. >Where are you?
  257. >some place hard; you're on your back on a floor, but everything is still dark
  258. >can you move?
  259. >doesn't look like you can get up, but maybe-
  260. >your arm brushes something warm and soft to your side, and you hear a yell of surprise
  261. >who was that?
  262. >a woman, young but rough
  263. >can you see?
  264. >you think so
  265. >you rock your head to the side to see what's going on
  266. >you blink
  267. >the voice of another woman catches your attention
  268. >older, less rough
  269. >coming from your gut you think
  270. >can you hear?
  271. "Gilda? is everything alright?"
  272. >"Anon! Can you hear me?"
  273. >a black shadow moves into view in front of your face
  274. >you can't see
  275. >you blink again, and a face slowly appears
  276. >strong jaw, small nose, sharp eyes
  277. >bronze skin, defined shoulders
  278. >her face looks pale, is she okay?
  279. >"C'mon, dweeb, I know you can hear me!"
  280. >wow, she really smells nice
  282. >you can smell?
  283. >you can breathe!
  284. >YOU!
  285. >CAN!
  286. >FIGHT!!
  287. >the past 15 minutes of physical abuse hits your consciousness in a flash and you begin to cough again
  288. >surprisingly, a new wave of pain washes into your system and you're struck with an uncomfortable sense of nausea
  289. >as you lean over to expel what little remains of your breakfast, you feel an uncomfortable burning sensation
  290. >well
  291. >everywhere, but mostly in your chest
  292. >it feels like an Indian elephant sat on you
  293. "Gilda? Is Anon awake?"
  294. >Gilda responds with a sniff, wiping away tears with both hands
  295. >"yeah, he's awake"
  296. >The voice on the other end, still professional, sounds relieved at this news
  297. "The ambulance is almost there, sweetie. you did such a good job. Do you have any pets?"
  298. >Gilda's voice is almost unrecognizable, but you can hear her clearly
  299. >"No"
  300. "Okay, go get cleaned up, sweetie. Everything's going to be okay"
  301. >With that, Gilda leans forward and plants a kiss on your cheek, giving you quite a show in the process
  302. >She stands up and heads toward the dark hallway that led to her room.
  303. >Hello Kitty, panties
  304. >cute
  306. >"Anon, can you hear me?"
  307. >stomach girl is calling to you
  308. "Yeah, I can hear you"
  309. >"Alright, Anon. You've experienced a traumatic event and an ambulance is on its way to take you to the hospitol"
  310. "Alright"
  311. >you rock your head back to get a good view of the apartment's low ceiling, admiring the irregular patterns in its surface.
  312. >"Your friend Gilda saved your life, but she had to break some of your ribs to do so. I need you to stay where you are until the EMTs move you, alright?"
  313. "Sure"
  314. >your friend Gilda?
  315. >are you friends?
  316. >you aren't sure, you're still trying to piece together where you are
  317. >"I need to ask you a few questions that Gilda couldn't answer, okay?"
  318. "Go ahead"
  319. >you think you can feel bits of bacon in the corner of your cheek
  320. >"What's your last name?"
  321. "Mous"
  322. >you hear the rhythmic clicks of a keyboard
  323. >"What have you eaten in the past 12 hours?"
  324. "A breakfast taco from the school food court"
  325. >"are you allergic to any food?"
  326. "No"
  327. >"are you allergic to any medications?"
  328. "no"
  329. >"are you currently on any medications?"
  330. "Allegra for allergies and Paxil for anxiety"
  331. >"No heart or asthma medications?"
  332. "No ma'am"
  333. >the sound of typing again takes place over your conversation and you close your eyes to take a deep breath
  335. >feelings of extreme pain radiate from your core
  336. >your eyes water and you suppress the urge to cough again
  337. >you exhale through gritted teeth
  338. >despite the pain, you feel revived
  339. >you can think clearly and see fully
  340. >You're starting to piece together the chain of events that led you here
  341. >here being CoaCoa's apartment
  342. >you're her classmate and friend
  343. >she wanted to meet a friend for lunch before class and asked you to get her sketchbook
  344. >Gilda approached you
  345. >Gilda attacked you
  346. >you started coughing
  347. >you passed out
  348. >Gilda is not your friend
  349. >Gilda saved your life
  350. >Gilda punched you in the face
  351. >Gilda saved your life
  352. >Gilda wanted to kill you
  353. >Gilda saved your life
  354. >Gilda screwed up your chest
  355. >while saving your life
  356. >She's still not a friend
  357. >she's not an enemy either
  358. >fair enough
  360. >"Mr. Mous, I need just a few more bits of information from you, okay?"
  361. >Your inner argument stops at the sound of phone lady's voice
  362. "alright, what do you need?"
  363. >"I need to know your height and approximate weight"
  364. "Five ten and two ten"
  365. >a short series of clicks follow
  366. >"Everything is in order and the EMTs are only a few minutes away"
  367. "Great!"
  368. >"Do you want me to stay on the line with you until they arrive?"
  369. "I think I can stay awake for five minutes. Thanks for saving my life"
  370. >"You're very welcome; your friend did everything perfectly"
  371. >With a click, the comforting voice was gone and you were left alone to your thoughts once again
  372. >you close your eyes and take slow, shallow breaths
  373. >eggs don't smell so great when they're half digested
  374. >you sigh as you brush the errant thought aside
  375. "What now?"
  377. >The sound of heels clopping against concrete catches your attention as it draws closer
  378. >They stop for a second, before speeding up and heading straight for you
  379. >They stop again, and a shadow blocks the outside light
  380. >"Anon?"
  381. "Hey, Coacoa"
  382. >You tilt your head back enough to see a surprised Coacoa Pommel, looking at you with a puzzled expression
  383. >"You don't look beat up"
  384. "Trust me, I am"
  385. >"Why is the door wide open?"
  386. "For the EMTs I'm guessing"
  387. >"E M...what? Can you move?"
  388. "Nope"
  389. >"do you need help?"
  390. "Nope, help's on the way"
  391. >"Are you okay?"
  392. "Fuck no! Your roommate attacked me!"
  393. >"You really don't look that beat up"
  394. >You did take hits rather well, the blow to the cheek not even hurting at this point
  395. >It could be a relative thing; the back of your head still hurt
  396. >nothing could compare to the pain in your chest
  398. >"Where's Gilda?"
  399. >Coacoa walks past you and instantly drops her purse
  400. >A strap swats you nose and obscures your vision
  401. >"Nonononononono!"
  402. >you can hear her shuffle along the carpeted floor
  403. >"What happened? Why is this on the floor? Oh no, it's ripped..."
  404. >Slightly annoyed, you answer her question with a harsh tone
  405. "She's getting dressed"
  406. >Coacoa grunts
  407. >"There, that'll do for now. What did you say, anon?"
  408. "Check her room."
  409. >"Oh, right"
  410. >Coacoa walks past again and into the dark hallway, flipping a light switch on the way.
  411. >seconds later you hear a door creak open and-
  412. >sobbing?
  413. >"Gilda? Are you okay?"
  414. >Gilda's speech is incomprehensible at this range, but her inflection isn't
  415. >"It's okay, you're okay. Let's get some clothes on, okay?"
  416. >You reach up and pull the purse down, away from your face.
  418. >Gilda's not your friend
  419. >She assaulted you
  420. >so why do you feel bad about this?
  421. >Gilda saved your life
  422. >That doesn't count for everything
  423. >It kinda does
  424. >Shut up, brain
  425. >your inner argument is pushed aside by the loud wail of a siren
  426. "The Calvary's here"
  427. >you spoke mostly for yourself
  428. >"We're almost ready"
  429. >Coacoa shot back
  430. >You weren't expecting a response
  431. >as the siren gets louder, you grab your phone and bring it to your face
  432. >you push a button on the side and smile at what you see
  433. >Amused, you slip your phone into coacoa's purse and let out a sigh
  434. "it's not even noon. Today's gonna be a long day"
  436. >The siren's eventually stop and soon enough you're hailed by another shadow
  437. >a deep voice calls to you
  438. >"Mr. Mous?"
  439. "Call me Anon, Mr. Mous is my dad."
  440. >The shadow moves past you as another blocks the doorway
  441. >"Glad to see you're with us, Anon. I'm Rick and this is Ashley."
  442. >He kneels next to you and extends a hand in greeting, a smile on his face
  443. >You reach straight up and grab hold of his hand, gripping it firmly
  444. "Nice to meet you both"
  445. >he pulls his hand away after a light shake
  446. >"We're going to put you on a stretcher and take some vitals before we head out."
  447. "Sounds good to me."
  448. >The man signals his partner with a hand wave before getting up to assist her.
  449. >A second later, a large rectangular shadow moves over you and comes to a rest to your right
  450. >you can't see too much from your current vantage point
  451. >you admire your warped reflection in the chrome finish of the metal device sitting next to you
  453. >You hear several clicks as Rick and Ashley move around the stretcher
  454. >Soon, another rectangular shadow passes over your body and rests to your left
  455. >You can feel the cool touch of metal against your arm
  456. >"Are you ready to move, anon?"
  457. "I think so"
  458. >Rick places a hand on your back under your shoulder
  459. >"We're gonna lean you to the side so we can get this under you"
  460. >Rick pushes you up on your side as the metal bar rolls under your back
  461. >In less than a minute, you're no longer on the floor
  462. >Rick then moves to your head while Ashley moves toward your feet
  463. >You crank your head forward to get a better view
  464. >Rick pushes your head down into a pillow
  465. >A second later, you feel your body begin to move through space and come to a rest three feet up and several inches to your right.
  467. >The strange sensation of being picked up and moved is shortly followed by an equally strange sensation of your torso being elevated
  468. >The sound of whirling mechanics and hydralics extending fills the room for a brief time and soon you find yourself looking toward a small kitchen
  469. >A warm, feminine face greets you with a smile before walking to your side
  470. >Without a word, you feel yourself moving backward out of and away from the apartment
  471. >it's a beautiful day
  472. >some clouds, but not too hot
  473. >You eventually stop moving and Ashley talks to you
  474. >"Alright, Anon. I need you to open and close your hand a few times, okay?"
  475. >Her voice chirps out, surprising you. She sounds young.
  476. >You do as instructed, looking intently at the apartment building in front of you
  477. >What do you do now?
  478. >Do you file charges?
  479. >You should, she attacked you unprovoked
  480. >She did save your life
  481. >She threatened it in the first place
  482. >Did she? You're not too worse for wear after your fight
  483. >Why did you pass out?
  484. >What's wrong with you?
  486. >"You can stop now, Anon."
  487. >Her childlike voice once again startles you, snapping you out of your daze
  488. >she wraps a blue sleeve around your right bicep and clips something grey to the end of your index finger
  489. >you can hear steady beeps coming from behind you
  490. >you crank your head down to watch the sleeve around your arm as it inflates and deflates, squeezing it
  491. >something behind you beeps and Ashley looks toward it before removing the cuff
  492. >You wiggle your finger expectantly but the gesture is completely ignored
  493. >She returns with a thermometer attached to a long, thick cord
  494. >"Open wide, please"
  495. >you open your mouth as the thermometer is shoved under your tongue
  496. >you close your mouth around the device, resisting the urge to move your tongue around it
  497. >you didn't realize how thirsty you were until now
  499. >"Hey, Anon"
  500. >Rick appears on the opposite side
  501. >"I need to check your chest for any bruising or swelling, this'll only take a second."
  502. >Wearing blue gloves, he begins to poke around your chest
  503. >nope
  504. >not there
  505. >That tickles
  506. >you hear the strangest thing
  507. >a loud yell
  508. >where's it coming from?
  509. >oh, that's you, isn't it?
  510. >"Okay, Anon. We're gonna have to cut off your shirt. Don't worry, these scissors are sharp but the tips are blunted"
  511. >You don't remember shutting your eyes, but you open them in a blink.
  512. "Do what you have to"
  513. >You take a slow breath, trying to comprehend what just happened
  514. >Rick takes the strange scissors and places one end on the inside of your collar
  515. >in one stroke, your shirt is now liberally ventilated
  517. >You can see two figures emerge from the apartment, probably in response to your screaming
  518. >Coacoa looks as professional as ever
  519. >form fitting red vest over a short sleeved dress shirt
  520. >even her running is composed, despite the high heels
  521. >Gilda bolts past her in loose fitting grey sweats
  522. >Gilda shouts from the doorway as she runs
  523. >"Anon!"
  524. >Coacoa is a bit slower to arrive
  525. >"Is everything alright?"
  526. >"About as alright as they can be, we're just about ready to load up and leave."
  527. >Ashely says with a smile
  528. >"Just gotta get this feeder line in your friend's arm and we'll be good to go"
  529. >wiping a wet cloth over the underside of your wrist, she takes a tube and jams a needle end straight into you
  530. >Gilda turns her head to the side
  531. >Coacoa flinches
  532. >God damn your chest really hurts
  533. >And you're still thirsty
  534. "Could I get something to drink? I threw up earlier and my mouth's really dry"
  535. >"Here"
  536. >Gilda offers up a water bottle
  538. >You eagerly accept the gift, opening it and taking a mouthful in
  539. "Thanks"
  540. >She looks at you, her piercing eyes catching yours
  541. >her cheeks are bright red, her eyes aren't far off from matching
  542. >seeing her like this hurts you
  543. >not as much as Rick poking you
  544. >close second, though
  545. >why?
  546. >it doesn't matter
  547. >this can't last
  548. >you extend the bottle back to her as best as you can from your reclined position
  549. "Thank you for saving my life, Gilda"
  550. >her eyes dart away as she snatches the bottle from you
  551. >"Whatever, Dweeb."
  553. >See, she's not an enemy
  554. >we're still mad
  555. >get over it
  556. >no, we're getting even
  557. >what? No! We're not pressing charges
  558. >Don't worry about that, we know
  559. >...what are you planning?
  560. >you'll find out
  561. >your mental mechanics are interrupted by a sudden jerk of movement as the stretcher is loaded into the ambulance
  562. >your new vantage puts you a good two feet higher than the girls
  563. >it's a lot bigger in here than you thought it'd be
  564. >there's even a little grey bench in here
  565. >"There's enough room for one of you to ride with him"
  566. >Rick said in a commanding tone
  567. >someone's ready to leave
  568. >"Whose it gonna be?"
  569. >Gilda perks up and steps forward
  570. >"I'll go"
  571. >Coacoa chimes in
  572. >"I'll be over there as soon as I can"
  573. >You're not sure, but you think you can see her sketchbook hanging out of her purse
  574. >she better take notes for you
  576. >Gilda pulls herself up into the back of the ambulance, sidling past you and taking a seat on the bench
  577. >She really doesn't look happy
  578. >why is this bothering you so much?
  579. >A hard slam interrupts your thoughts as Rick shuts the back doors
  580. >"Alright, kiddos! Hold on tight because here we go!"
  581. >The ambulance lurches backward and then begins to race off, siren blaring
  582. >momentary shock aside, you feel relatively safe
  583. >you look over to Gilda
  584. >She's looking over you like a hawk, her face fixed in a serious, somber expression
  585. >You want to say something, but between the sounds of traffic and the blaring of the siren, nothing comes to you.
  586. >"Woohoo! Look at us go! We're going eighty-five!"
  587. >Ashley chimes in, sounding even more like an eight year old than before
  588. >No one in the vehicle reacts
  589. >"C'mon! Lighten up! Everyone's alive! It's a good day!"
  590. >Gilda tightens her grip on the side of the stretcher, her knuckles changing from their beautiful bronze color to a distinctive bone yellow
  591. >Her expression doesn't change, and she continues to watch you with her sad, serious expression
  593. >Your time at the hospital wasn't much different
  594. >Going through the emergency room in the early afternoon was pretty easy, and you were being carted around from place to place
  595. >Apart from having to pee before the CT scan, everything went smoothly
  596. >Gilda was with you through the entire process
  597. >Watching you
  598. >Not saying a word
  599. >X-Rays, CT scan, Ultrasound, and even a quick health check as a Nurse listened to you breathe
  600. >her silence was killing you
  601. >But you didn't know what to say
  602. >Coacoa didn't help the situation much when she did finally show up
  603. >You missed about twenty calls
  604. >you were pretty sure your shifts for the next week were given away
  605. >she did take notes for you
  606. >Now, you're sitting in a private room
  607. >Gilda has been shuffling through the channels while Coacoa doodled in her sketchbook, humming a happy tune
  608. >You had your phone out, idly watching dumb cat videos online
  609. >You were waiting for the final word from the doctor
  610. >Normally, you'd wonder where the Doctor was and what was taking so long
  611. >somewhere down the line, you were given an oxycontin
  612. >you're not really sure when
  613. >but man were these cat videos funny
  615. >Some time passes before you hear a knock on the door
  616. >Gilda turned from the small ceiling-mounted monitor and walked over to answer
  617. >She had been watching History of the World
  618. >good movie
  619. >She opened the door for a rather tall man wearing a strikingly white lab coat
  620. >He thanked Gilda as he walked into the room
  621. >He introduced himself as he extended his right hand to you
  622. >"Good afternoon, Anon. I'm Doctor Conroy. Are you alright talking now?"
  623. >You shake his hand and reply with a warm smile
  624. "Yes sir. I think we're all ready to know what's up, doc."
  625. >he raises an eyebrow
  626. >"I'll start with the bad news first-"
  627. >you slap you hands to the side of your face
  628. "Oh God! Are they going to have to amputate from the neck up?"
  629. >Coacoa chuckles
  630. >Gilda groans
  631. >The doctor pushes his glasses up
  632. >"I'm glad to see the pain medicine is effective. Are you girls listening for him?"
  633. >Coacoa nods, crossing her ankles and resting her notebook on her lap
  634. >Gilda finally speaks
  635. >"What's the word?"
  637. >"The bad news is that Anon's ribs are broken-"
  638. >You gasp
  639. >it hurt a little, but it was funny
  640. >"Three of his ribs are cracked pretty deeply, but no surgical intervention is necessary, they should heal just fine as long as Anon takes care of himself"
  641. "I can't be trusted to do that; I'm rambunctious!"
  642. >The doctor chooses to ignore you
  643. >"No extended sitting or standing for at least a week, and no lifting anything over thirty-five pounds for two months. I'm prescribing a bed-rail and extending handle so he can get himself in and out of bed as well"
  644. "SCORE!"
  645. >"Next, Anon's blood pressure is a little high; it's not much, but if left unchecked something like this could happen again. I'm prescribing him a low dose of medication to help with this, it's gonna make him want to pee."
  646. >Coacoa and Gilda both nod, listening intently.
  647. >"Now for the good news. Because he was revived so quickly, there's no major or even permanent scarring, we're going to want to keep him overnight, but he's free to go home in the morning."
  648. >Coacoa claps her hands together
  649. >"That's great!"
  651. >The doctor continues
  652. >"Aside from the high blood pressure, I can't pinpoint what exactly caused this to happen. He doesn't have asthma or heart disease and his heart didn't display arrhythmia."
  653. >Everyone in the room listens intently.
  654. >So close...
  655. >the doctor turns his attention to you
  656. >SO CLOSE!
  657. >"Anon, what happened to make you start coughing?"
  659. >a sly smile starts to creep on your face
  660. >don't do it
  661. >but it's the truth
  662. >it's not and you know it
  663. >Gilda won't go to jail if we do it
  664. >it was a misunderstanding
  665. >this is the only way
  666. >just tell the truth
  667. >this is the only way
  668. >are you even listening to me?
  669. >this is the only way
  670. >you're an ass
  672. "Well, doctor. Gilda and I-, I mean she and I-"
  673. >STOP!
  674. "She-"
  676. "She's my girlfriend."
  677. >Fuck it, I'm out
  678. >You're on your own
  679. >Coacoa's jaw dropped
  680. "she and I were having an intimate moment. Her top was off, she was on top of me"
  681. >Gilda's face quickly changes to a vibrant shade of red
  682. "We were both moving around and suddenly I couldn't breath"
  683. >"WHAT?!"
  684. >Coacoa looks to her roommate, completely mortified
  685. >Gilda had gone pigeon toed and was staring intently at the floor
  686. >her head practically glowing against the white tile wall behind her
  687. >the doctor lets out a nervous cough
  689. >"Well, uh-"
  690. >Dr. Conroy clears his throat again
  691. >"No sexual contact for a week; the blood pressure medication is going to curb your libido for a few days anyway. Same with the pain medication"
  692. >Coacoa's mouth is still wide open, her face fixed in a look of absolute shock
  693. >"It should go without saying, but no intercourse until your ribs are healed"
  694. >Coacoa turns her head to face you
  695. >"WHAT?!"
  696. >"I'm...gonna go now. If you need anything, the red call button will contact the nurse's desk"
  697. >The Doctor slips out of the room
  698. >the door shuts behind him
  699. >Gilda is still inspecting the floor
  700. >"WHAT?!"
  701. >Coacoa practically launches out of her chair
  702. >"Cool it, Dweeb"
  703. >Gilda steps forward to roughly where she was before
  704. >Her face is still very red
  705. >She attempts to make eye contact with you, but her eyes fall to the floor again
  706. >"Thanks, Anon"
  708. >"What?"
  709. >Coacoa's expression softens, her mouth finally closing as she looks to her friend
  710. >"Come on, let's go get some food."
  711. >"Alright, sure"
  712. >Coacoa's speech is quiet
  713. >She walks over to the door, staring at Gilda with a mix of concern and caution
  714. >Gilda turns toward the door
  715. >"We'll bring you something back"
  716. "Alright, thanks"
  717. >"Later"
  718. >The two quietly leave the room, the heavy door slamming shut on its own
  719. >You idly glance up at the television
  720. >The eunuch test scene was playing out
  721. >again, good movie
  723. >You're going to die
  724. >well, look who's back
  725. >She's going to kill you
  726. >She saved our life
  727. >She's going to drag you behind the hospitol and beat you with a discarded pallet
  728. >She saved our life
  729. >it might not be too late to get into the ICU
  730. >We're not going to die
  731. >maybe not tonight, but tomorrow you're fair game
  732. >we'll be fine
  733. >how do you know
  734. >she was smiling
  735. >she was happy to get ayway from you
  736. >she was happy security wasn't called in here
  737. >fair enough
  739. >you start playing with your phone, stumbling across a series of Japanese coffee commercials
  740. >The premise is that Tommy Lee Jones is an alien visiting and studying the earth
  741. >This is both the strangest and funniest thing you've seen in a while
  742. >It hurts to laugh, but you can't stop watching
  743. >You watch them for some time, transfixed to your phone's display
  744. >A loud knock echos through your room
  745. >You glance over your phone before looking up toward the door
  746. >4:45
  747. >your phone is almost dead
  748. >"Anon, you awake?"
  749. >It's Gilda
  750. >She sounds relaxed
  751. "Door's open!"
  752. >She opens the door and takes a step in, she's alone
  753. >you're going to die
  754. >shut up, brain
  756. >She takes a few more steps inside, the door closing behind her
  757. >This is it
  758. >She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a crumpled white paper bag
  759. >it was fun
  760. >"Here"
  761. >Goodbye cruel world
  762. >She tosses the bag to you
  763. >it bounces off your chest and lands in your lap, the smell of greasy beef wafting out
  764. >see, she's not an enemy
  765. >not for a lack of trying, dumbass
  766. >you uncurl the bag and look inside
  767. >napkins, milk, apple slices, a small cheeseburger
  768. >a happy meal?
  769. >I'm a grown-ass man, dammit, this isn't gonna-
  770. >is that a donkey kong racecar?
  771. >You pull the toy out and inspect it
  772. >Gilda smiles warmly and walks over to the bed, sitting by your legs
  774. >You set the toy aside and turn your attention toward her
  775. "Where's Coacoa?"
  776. >Gilda shrugs her shoulders, her hands in her pockets
  777. >"She said she was going to buy you a shirt"
  778. >she looks ahead and stretches one of her legs out
  779. >"She's pretty embarrased about all this; says it's all her fault"
  780. >She plants her feet on the ground with a stomp
  781. >she looks over to you
  782. >"dig in, dweeb. Aren't you hungry"
  783. >You really should be
  784. >you're not sure why, but the food doesn't pique your appetite
  785. >it could be what they're pumping into you
  786. >it could be the oxicontin
  787. >it could be what Gilda said about Coacoa
  789. >You look inside the bag again
  790. >That's where your gaze falls, anyway
  791. >in truth, you were looking past the bag
  792. >through it
  793. >getting lost in the void
  794. >Who is at fault?
  795. >was it Coacoa?
  796. >she did send you into the lion's den
  797. >No, she had no way of knowing Gilda was asleep
  798. >was it Gilda?
  799. >Hard to say, sure she attacked you, but to her you were either a burglar or a pervert
  800. >Was it you?
  801. >did you do this to yourself?
  802. >would you be here if you hadn't fumbled over your words?
  803. >"Yo! Earth to Anon!"
  804. >Gilda snaps her fingers an inch from your nose
  805. >in a flash the void spits you out with a jump
  806. >you look toward Gilda
  807. >she's frowning again
  808. >"You alright?"
  810. >You crumple the bag and set it to your side
  811. >You close your eyes and let out a sigh
  812. "According to six different medical professionals, yes"
  813. >You open your eyes, looking right into hers
  814. >your brow line is furrowed
  815. "Are you alright, Gilda? You've hardly said a thing"
  816. >She gets up off the bed, taking the remote with her
  817. >"Let's see what's on"
  818. >she fixes her gaze on the television as she flashes through the channels
  819. >She's still frowning
  820. "Hey, Gilda"
  821. >"you see something?"
  822. >The channels stop flashing, stopping on a news network
  823. "Thanks again, for uh- for saving me"
  824. >She crosses her arms and the channels start cycling again
  825. >"Whatever, dweeb"
  826. >she looks and sounds annoyed
  827. >Maybe it's a good idea to just stay quiet for a little bit
  829. >After a few minutes of channel surfing, Gilda finds something she likes and sits where Coacoa was previously
  830. >Looks like the tail end of a Deadliest Warrior Marathon
  831. >you're pretty okay with this
  832. >You enjoy the mindless entertainment, glancing over to Gilda every now and again
  833. >she doesn't notice, enjoying the spectacle on display three feet above her
  834. >thirty minutes into a new episode her expression changes and she even laughs at some of the bad jokes
  835. >seeing her happy calms you down as well and you relax your shoulders, letting yourself get lost in the show
  836. >your stomach growls a bit
  837. >you smile to yourself and place the bag on your lap, opening it
  838. >you take out an apple slice and crunch down on it
  839. >life's pretty good at this particular moment in time
  840. >it could be better, but it could always be better
  841. >you feel your eyelids start to drop
  842. >the room fades, objects in the room start to converge into one blot of color
  843. >you close your eyes and the world grows quiet
  845. >"Anon? Psst! Hey!"
  846. >A whispered voice pulls you away from the land of dreams
  847. >Just as well, Hello Kitty was assasinating a burly gladiator with a tomahawk, holding the scalp as a trophy
  848. >that's pretty weird
  849. >probably the oxicontin
  850. >"Come on, Dweeb, I need to talk to you?"
  851. "Gilda? What time is it?"
  852. >You fumble around for your phone as you open your eyes
  853. >the room is dark, save for a faint orange glow coming from the half opened bathroom door
  854. >"it's late; I need to talk to you"
  855. "Huh? What about?"
  856. >you find your phone and rub your eyes with your other hand
  857. >you push a side button, prepared for the blinding flash of light
  858. >nothing, you're phone's dead
  860. >"Something's bugging me; I can't sleep"
  861. >you look around the room, letting your eyes adjust
  862. "Where's Coacoa?
  863. >"She went home a few hours ago. She brought you this"
  864. >Gilda reaches down and you hear the crinkle of thin plastic as she sets a bag on your lap
  865. >you look inside the bag
  866. >a neatly folded t-shirt sits inside
  867. >you reach in to pull it
  868. >there's some weight to it
  869. >more than there should be
  870. >you take the bundle out and brush the bag aside
  871. >you unwrap the shirt and find two small boxes
  872. >a new 2DS and a 3DS game
  873. >you make a mental note to pay Coacoa back
  875. >"She got me one, too"
  876. >she reaches into her pocket and lazily waves it up for you to see
  877. >"She said it wasn't fair for us to stay here with nothing to do"
  878. >You examine the t-shirt
  879. >you can't be sure, but you think it's a character shirt with Keroppi's face in the center
  880. >you set the shirt down, letting it wrinkle on your lap
  881. "Why are you here?"
  882. >she huffs and unconsciously raises her voice
  883. >"Because I wanna be here, dweeb! I wasn't gonna leave you here by yourself!"
  884. >Your eyes shift to the mess in your lap
  885. >you pause to think, or you would if you were capable of deep thought
  886. >a minute passes in the dark room before you look toward Gilda again
  887. "What's wrong?"
  889. >"I need to know why-"
  890. >she cuts herself short, idly pressing buttons on her powered down device
  891. >her gaze cast down toward it
  892. >"I need to know why you didn't turn me in"
  893. >she walks over and sits on the bed, resting by your legs
  894. >the small of her back leaning against you
  895. "It wasn't your fault, Gilda"
  896. >"Bullshit it wasn't my fault"
  897. >She leans closer to your face
  898. >"I almost killed you"
  899. "No, high blood pressure in a stressful circumstance almost killed me"
  900. >"And I caused that stress! It's my fault!"
  901. >She leans back away from you, pointing to herself with both hands
  902. >For a couple minutes the room again fills with silence
  904. >You break the silence, your voice calm and low
  905. "Were you trying to kill me?"
  906. >Gilda chuckles, her eyes still on her gift
  907. >"No, I was gonna beat the shit out of you and send you out with your dick between your legs"
  908. >She leans back into your legs and lets out a sigh, placing her hands to her sides for balance
  909. >"It's funny"
  910. >you tilt your head with interest
  911. >"I've gotten into my share of fights, I've given and taken; sometimes I just did it for fun"
  912. "I wouldn't know; you guard your face well"
  913. >she smiles, her teeth glinting in the dark
  914. >"I've knocked a few guys out before, but seeing you just lie there, not moving at all..."
  915. >she sighs and leans fully back, resting on your legs
  916. >"It kinda fucked with me"
  918. "See, you didn't mean to kill me, but you did mean to save my life; not your fault"
  919. >you nudge her side with your foot
  920. "Thanks for saving my life, Gilda"
  921. >Gilda sits up with a start and leans off the bed
  922. >her inflection is harsh
  923. >"Fucks sake, Dweeb! Cut that out!"
  924. "cut what out?"
  925. >"That! That thanking me crap!"
  926. >She folds her arms and turns away from you
  927. >The room once again fills with silence
  928. >a moment passes before you speak again
  929. "Did I answer your question?"
  930. >She turns to face you
  931. >"Yeah, yeah you did"
  932. "Do you think you can sleep?"
  933. >"I think so"
  934. "Goodnight, Gilda"
  935. >"Goodnight, Anon"
  936. "Hey Gilda?"
  937. >"What?"
  938. "Thanks for staying here with me"
  939. >She unfolds her arms and walks over to you
  940. >She kisses your cheek gently and smiles
  941. >"Anytime, Dweeb"
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