
Misadventures in the everfree.

May 1st, 2017
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  1. >You are blueberry, and today you're doing some interesting things.
  2. >Or not really, you're sitting in the tree, with sandstone on top of you, instead of Tulip under you.
  3. >The foals were seemingly gone. You don't even question how all of that happened.
  4. >You'd lightly move Sandstone off you, to which he'd murmur something about milk. Interesting.
  5. >Either way, you'd float down from the tree, with your colt friend in your hooves. Seemed like the best thing to do anyways.
  6. >You know, not dropping him down from the tree.
  7. >He'd probably suffer some trauma and die. Uh, that's a dark thing. You'd shake your head, dismissing the thoughts.
  8. >You'd set him down on the nearby bench, he was surprisingly clean down there, you..weren't. You needed a shower.
  9. >And, you'd do just that, but, eh later. Maybe there was a waterfall somewhere.
  10. >You'd lightly smack Sandstone, waiting for him to awaken."Hey sleepy face, it's morning. Wake up!", you'd exclaim, giggling to yourself.
  11. >He'd slowly open his eyes, looking up at you and speaking in a very low tone.
  12. "P-peachy?"
  13. >You'd frown, smacking his pretty face again. "Hey, wake up loverbird, playtime's over!"
  14. >He'd frown and boop you, getting up and standing in front of you.
  15. "B-blue, shush, I was having a nice dream!"
  16. >"Yeah, well it's over, you're back to the reality of your little dominant lover!"
  17. >He'd snort, smirking.
  18. "Well, ain't that just beautiful."
  19. >You'd poke him once again, giggling. "Yeah yeah. I need a shower, look at me."
  20. >You'd point to yourself, clearly covered in sex juices..a true mess."
  21. >Dried out sex juices. That would be quite something to explain to your mother.
  22. "Uhm, alright blue, if you think so."
  23. >You'd stand in place, not replying. Rather, thinking for a few moments.
  24. "Uh, blue, you coming?", he'd ask, starting to trot away to his house. Obviously expecting you to go.
  25. >"Well, I was thinking about going to the everfree, see what's up, I mean, we could go check out that old castle or something."
  26. >"It's not that spooky, right?, I mean, we're not afraid of everything that pops up."
  27. >He'd nod, somewhat reluctantly.
  28. "Well, okay. But I really want you go to your home first, clean up and stuff. Gosh darn blue!"
  29. >You'd giggle, and grab his hoof, well, if he was gonna be this persistent.
  30. >"Alright, fine!, I'm goiiing.", and so you would, slowly trotting off to your house with Sandstone. You'd unlock the door with the key you always kept around, and trot inside.
  31. >Surprisingly, your mom wasn't asleep?
  32. >"Uhm, mom..what are you doing awake so late?"
  33. >She'd blush, avoiding a direct answer, rather asking you the same thing.
  34. "What are you doing out there so late honey.", she'd then trot up to you and sniff.
  35. " smell of sex. Were you doing things again?"
  36. >You'd keep silent, you weren't gonna admit to anything, you were doin' nothing!
  37. >She'd chuckle and ruffle your mane.
  38. "But, alright. You don't have to tell me anything, I'll find out, don't you worry.", she'd say with a smirk. "Now go, wash yourself you dirty little filly."
  39. >You'd frown, but rush off to the bathroom, you didn't notice where Sandstone went, you kind of lost track of him after he entered the house with you.
  40. >Maybe he went to your room or something. Celestia help him if he messes something up!
  41. >You'd nod to your mother, and rush off to the bathroom.
  42. >Well, she'd certainly find out about you, she always does. But, still.
  43. >You'd walk into the shower, turn on the warm water and start washing yourself.
  44. >You didn't really use any shampoo this once, you reckon warm water would be enough. You'd make sure to scrub yourself properly, your upper body first, before you'd move down to your nether region.
  45. >You, of course would rub your filly bits, you'd try to get over cleaning that part rather quickly, not wishing to get yourself aroused. Then you'd have twice the work to do.
  46. >After making sure your --both-- sets of outer lips were as clean as they got, you'd move your hoof to your back and scrub. Well, as much as you could anyways.
  47. >Totally wished you had sandstone to help you with this part, would make your life oh so much easier.
  48. >After a while, you'd turn off the water, grab a towel and dry yourself off.
  49. >of course, you couldn't get your mane completely dry, but eh, it was something.
  50. >You'd then grab your hairbrush, and straighten your mane.
  51. >You'd shortly after leave the bathroom, leaving the wet towel behind. And letting the sex-juice ridden water drain.
  52. >Well geesh.
  53. >You'd beside your mom and trot into your room, a slight spring in your step.
  54. >Your mom did nothing to stop you, she'd only chuckle as you left towards your room.
  55. >of course, the little devil WOULD be in your room. Just what was he doing there!
  56. >You'd rush at him and tackle, pinning him on the floor!
  57. >"Gotcha!, Stop snooping around my room!"
  58. >He'd turn his face to you, a giant grin on his face as he'd pull out a plushie of himself!
  59. "Haw haw, little Blueberry can't live without me for a few seconds, eh?", he'd smirk, chuckling.
  60. >"S-shut up, you have a blanket, you little baby!", you'd then proceed to bap him, blushing.
  61. >He'd raise his eyebrow, and smirk.
  62. "Yeah yeah, now get off me, will ya?"
  63. >You'd sigh, standing up. "Just this once! B-because you have my plushie."
  64. "It's pretty small, I thought you'd get a life sized one.", he'd speak.
  65. >"Well, if I had the money I would!", You're totally worth it."
  66. >He'd nod, standing up again himself.
  67. "But uhm, don't worry. I didn't touch anything"
  68. "Doesn't mean I won't don't think your private things are safe around me~", he'd speak with a playful tone in his voice.
  69. >Gosh darned colt.
  70. >You'd grab his hoof and yank him off towards the living room.
  71. >"Yeah yeah, you big doofus."
  72. >You'd then trot up to your mom, dragging Sandstone behind you.
  73. "Uhm, hey miss Convalia.", he'd speak out.
  74. "Hello Sandstone!, I take it my daughter is giving you quite the hard time, no?"
  75. >He'd nod softly, to which you'd scrunch, no you weren't!
  76. >You were a good little filly who would totally never bother anyone, at all!
  77. >You'd bap him, to which your mom would only smile, almost as if you were proving her point. As if!
  78. >That totally wasn't the case.
  79. >Either way, he would speak up, shortly after the bap.
  80. "Right, Uhm, well me and Blueberry wanted to go to the everfree, explore it a bit. And, well, Blueberry insists I ask you, I mean. I know my parents won't approve but..I won't exactly be telling them."
  81. "I guess Blueberry's a good little girl and has to, despite how mischievous she is!"
  82. >Your mother chuckled, petting Sandstone, and speaking to him.
  83. "Mh, you should tell your parents, I know you are afraid of them not letting you explore the world, but I'm sure that, if you explained you would take care, they'd let you.", she'd then turn her head towards you and boop you.
  84. "And you sweetie, you. You are being a good filly, it is good you came to ask me. Yes, you may go. But please, don't go too deeply into the forest. If you ever get lost, lift off and fly north. Don't ever attempt to walk if you get lost.
  85. "The everfree is a maze. I don't want you to get lost." "Now then, you two go have fun and explore. Perhaps you can even bring me something."
  86. >"We'll try mom!", you'd interject, even though she was about to say something.
  87. "I'm certain you will."
  88. "Sandstone, I will talk to your parents about this. I don't wish to interfere, but you have to understand that they will be very worried if they realize you are missing."
  89. "You aren't a small colt anymore, I mean.", she'd pause, leaning into Sandstone, you couldn't hear whatever she was saying, but eh.
  90. "You know a tad bit more than Blueberry, no?, she's the dominatrix, playful, passionate one, eh?"
  91. >Either way, he did nod to whatever she was saying, only to turn his face to you shortly after.
  92. "Alright blue, let's go then!, Let's adventure!"
  93. >And you would, you'd leave the house with him, and head off to the everfree.
  94. >It was still daylight, though, you weren't afraid of the dark!
  95. >You'd arrive to the big sign reading; "Keep out, everfree forest."
  96. >Of course, you'd pay no attention to that, forget it. Adventures!
  97. >You'd trot into the forest, your colt friend following shortly behind.
  98. >The two of you would make it quite a bit inside until realizing you don't see the way back.
  99. >Well..uh, darn.
  100. "Uhm, Blue..are we lost by any chance?"
  101. >You'd wipe the visible sweat off your face, replying with;
  102. >"N-No, everything is fine, look, a waterfall!", you'd point to the east, and sure enough there was a waterfall, you'd walk up to it, looking around to see if anyone--or anything--was around.
  103. >Luckily for you there were no monsters.
  104. "Riight, but I'm not going further, I don't like this was hard getting here as is."
  105. "Forest is thick, the place is a mess!, I very much prefer ponyville as-is, thank you.", he'd state out plainly.
  106. >You on the other hand wanted to adventure, but sure.
  107. >You'd sigh.
  108. >"Fine you big baby, we'll go home..but, at least lemme enjoy the waterfall. And you should come with me!"
  109. "Fine, fine, let's go then!"
  110. >And so you would, the two of you approaching the waterfall, you'd be the first one to trot into the shallow water, walking over to the water falling from above.
  111. >You didn't need a bath, but you better be dammed if you didn't enjoy it.
  112. >Made you wonder how would it be like to have sex UNDER a waterfall. Quite the thought.
  113. >Sandstone would come rather shortly after you, standing under the falling water.
  114. "Uhm, well, we got ourselves wet..what's exactly the point of all of this, Blue?", he'd ask.
  115. >You'd giggle and push him down into the solid, rocky ground. The water was pure, clean, and pristine.
  116. >Perhaps it was enchanted to be like this, you really had no idea.
  117. >He'd eep as you'd push him down, bapping your snoot.
  118. "Blue!, Not here, are you crazy!", he'd exclaim, pretty loudly too, seemingly getting the birds around you upset, as all of them would fly away.
  119. >You'd hear rustling shortly after. Maybe the birds didn't leave because of him.
  120. >Maybe it was..something else!
  121. >Seeing that you were lost in thought, he'd bap you, and point behind himself.
  122. >You'd get off him, and look. What did he see?
  123. >There was a zebra stallion behind you, a rather sinister look on his face, a net in his hooves.
  124. >He'd rush at the two of you seconds after, attempting to throw the net over both of your small frames.
  125. >You'd grab sandstone's hoof and lift him up, the zebra would miss and only end up throwing the net at water, you couldn't fly too well like this, but you had adrenaline guiding you to go on.
  126. >And so you would, flying out of everfree like crazy, right to the direction your mom told you if you got lost.
  127. >You'd land at the brink of the forest, and walk out of it, the ominous sign still standing behind you.
  128. >You swear you could of heard someone trotting, Celestia help you two if it was that crazed zebra again!
  129. >You'd run and run and run, eventually arriving at your house, you wouldn't bother knocking, you'd open the door, run inside, and slam the doors behind you, your heart racing like someone just shot at you!
  130. >Sandstone's reaction wasn't much better, he was panting, catching for his breath after such a run.
  131. >Your mother would arrive, looking at the two of you, an angry look on her face.
  132. "What were you two doing!, I told you to have fun, and you come rushing into the house just slamming the doors like like some teenage rebels!"
  133. >You'd sit down, trying to explain to your mother what happened, still rather panicky.
  134. >"What!, We got attacked by a zebra and and he wanted to catch us with a net, we ran as fast as we could, we were under a waterfall and w-", you'd be cut off by your mother, who was now shaking her head.
  135. "It's true!, Whatever she's telling you is true, I was with her there minutes ago, we could of died!", sandstone would exclaim, still standing.
  136. "Fine. I believe you, everfree is a dangerous place. What were you doing without looking over the area first, though. You should know it's not a safe place. I don't blame you two, but next time, pay more attention."
  137. >She was telling you this. After letting you go, seriously?
  138. >You'd raise your eyebrow at her, almost as if questioning what the heck was up with her.
  139. >But, she wouldn't respond, waiting a few moments before talking.
  140. "I know I seem harsh now. But I expected you two to be able to take care of yourselves, Blueberry, you are my daughter, and I expected you to become indepedent one day, mommy loves you, but she won't always be able to be there for you. All the time."
  141. "And Sandstone, I'm sure your parents would like you to grow to become an independent, adult stallion." "So, please, if my daughter ever gets reckless, please stop her. You are her colt friend, and she only listens to you, you might as well be her only hope."
  142. >"Moom, I can hear that!", you'd complain, but she'd just shake her head at you, speaking up yet again.
  143. "Now go rest, we can talk about this later.", with those words, she'd turn her back on and walk into her room.
  144. >You didn't follow, instead, walking with sandstone to your own room, and laying down on the bed.
  145. >He'd shortly follow up, laying down next to you. You'd snuggle against him, lightly nipping at his nape with your fangs.
  146. "Shh, easy Blue, I know your mother might seem harsh on you, but she is right. You need to take responsibility"
  147. >You'd nod, well, he wasn't wrong, neither was your mom.
  148. >You'd sigh, hugging your lover, and placing the plushie next to you. It wasn't too late, but it was nighttime, and little foals did need their rest. Or, you know, so your mom kept saying at the very least, not like she was wrong.
  149. "Just listen to your mom Blue, I'll stay with you tonight, but, I gotta get home tomorrow, my parents will be worried!"
  150. >You'd only chuckle lightly, replying with a "Fine fine, you go on ahead you big doofus, goodnight!", and with those words, you'd sigh, closing your eyes, and snuggling against your lover.
  151. >Sandstone would only give a lighthearted sigh himself, before snuggling back against you. You didn't need to cover yourself with anything, you had fur! And, of course, the warmth of Sandstone.
  152. >That was plenty. Tomorrow was going to be a brand new day, yeah. One without zebra-nappers, hopefully.
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