
PC gmolly/ticklefinger

Jul 22nd, 2016
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  1. <@gmolly> it's the attempt to suppress language - usually political- typically from the left political side
  2. <+ticklefinger> ...F. Kennedy
  3. <@gmolly> started and flourishes in academia - strange yes? - and of course from there has infected the political arena - and all life by now
  4. <+ticklefinger> what are you trying to say, gmolly?
  5. <@gmolly> it's the direct assault on freedom of public speech by people in a free society where the gov't is restrained from punishing dissidents
  6. <@gmolly> i've said it - clearly - what is PC?
  7. <+ticklefinger> how is it beiong imposed on you, as an individual?
  8. <@gmolly> i floundered - but now i see it clearly - it IS the attempt to suppress language/thought in the private sphere - since gov't is not allowsed to openly curb speech of dissidents
  9. <@gmolly> if i went to college they'd punish me for using certain words, making some comments
  10. <@gmolly> arguments
  11. <@gmolly> if i worked for another i'd be punished for same - even legal act5ions like contributing to a legal political cause
  12. <+ticklefinger> if I work as a cashier, I can't refer to customers as "niggers" or ""spics" - is this something that needs to end?
  13. <@gmolly> it's not that at all
  14. <@gmolly> it's not common decency, it's not at all common sense
  15. <+ticklefinger> so let's be clear
  16. <@gmolly> it's deliberate and anti-liberl fascist control of private speech in public
  17. <@gmolly> yes it should end
  18. <+ticklefinger> what exactly do you object to? what words?
  19. <@gmolly> let peoplt talk - and talk back - don't punish them - get them fired, attack their characters, try to STOP them from talking in public because YOU don't like what they say
  20. <@gmolly> nono - YOU address the very clear definitio
  21. <+ticklefinger> rather than just rage, be specific
  22. <@gmolly> sexual harrassment is so vague a crime - i just don't know - i dont' know what it means, and i'm not prepared to 'accept' the PC system of punishment for it
  23. <@gmolly> i don't know what it is - how bad it is
  24. <@gmolly> specific - eich the Firefox guy was punished through his associations/job for contrituting to a legal and very popular political cause
  25. <@gmolly> this is pc in action - punishing for speech
  26. <@gmolly> for anti-leftist ideology speech
  27. <+ticklefinger> erffbdhbfdsh: I'm trying to get her to be SPECIFIC
  28. <@gmolly> the chikfilet guy was also punished - for merely speaking
  29. <@gmolly> for merely speaking
  30. <@gmolly> i think this is TWICE specific
  31. <@gmolly> the speech of eich and chikfilet was ALL that was punished for
  32. <+ticklefinger> what was he punished for?
  33. <@gmolly> this is PC
  34. <+ticklefinger> what did he say?
  35. <@gmolly> chikfilet said he believed in traditiaon marriage
  36. <@gmolly> that's what he said
  37. <+ticklefinger> who did he say it to?
  38. <@gmolly> eich 'said' the same by donating to the california proposition defining marriage as 1 m/1 w
  39. <@gmolly> does itmatter?
  40. <@gmolly> this is my point - it shouldn't matter
  41. <+ticklefinger> if I( tell my boss that I believe in anal sex, and I get fired, is that another form of this?
  42. <@gmolly> WE have the right to share our ideas INPUBLIC without being punished for it - as we don't allow the GTOVT to punish/censor our speech
  43. <@gmolly> pc is an abuse of the private arena to DO what we don't allow the tgov't to do - CENSOR speech that is our RIGHT
  44. * erffbdhbfdsh is now known as katherine_uk
  45. <+ticklefinger> in the workplace, we have to adhere to professionalism - wouldn't you agree?
  46. <@gmolly> tickle so you think it was right to punish eich et al for merely disagreeing with you in public?
  47. <@gmolly> no in the workplace - in private
  48. <@gmolly> ff isn't a gov't agency is it?
  49. <@gmolly> a 'political' agency is it?
  50. <+ticklefinger> gmolly: you don't believe in an expectation of professionalism in the workplace?
  51. <@gmolly> and the owner of chikfilet - he can't share his personal views in an interview?
  52. <+ticklefinger> katherine_uk: iot appears so
  53. <@gmolly> this is pc - it's vicious antiliberal bullying to CRUSH the speech of peole who disagree with leftism
  54. <@gmolly> how is it unprofessional to donate privately to a political cause???
  55. <@gmolly> is THAT 'u9nprofessional'???
  56. <@gmolly> where?how?
  57. <@gmolly> tell
  58. <+ticklefinger> gmolly: you don't believe in an expectation of professionalism in the workplace?
  59. <@gmolly> to ro SHARE on'e politics in public - other than yours?
  60. <@gmolly> how is chikfilet UNPROFESSIONAL in having an interview and saring his ideas???
  61. <@gmolly> HOW it eithe unprofessional?
  62. <@gmolly> and - it's NOT in the workplace - for either
  63. <@gmolly> is it?
  64. <+ticklefinger> gmolly: do you believe that making sexual advances is a form of free speech in the workplace?
  65. <@gmolly> how is that to do with either oF MY SPECIFIC EXAMPLES?
  66. <@gmolly> you demand specifics - i GIVE them - and you dismiss
  67. <+ticklefinger> gmolly: you haven't cited the exchange
  68. <@gmolly> i'm out - your methods and agenda are cleaar, if disreputable
  69. <+ticklefinger> you haven't been specific
  70. <@gmolly> how are either 'unprofessional' ticklefinger?
  71. * +Krishna ( Quit (Quit: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you)
  72. <@gmolly> you could answser a question couldn't you?
  73. <@gmolly> no - hta'ts not the leftist way - your was is only and always to be on the offense - dismissing every single answer/response - diverting, sneering, distorting
  74. <@gmolly> i'm done, you do it yourself i'm not playing anymore
  75. <+ticklefinger> I can cite the law, of what is defined as "an expectation of professionalism" in the workplace
  76. <@gmolly> do it
  77. <@gmolly> i'll still play lol
  78. <@gmolly> do it
  79. <@gmolly> ciet the law of expect of profess - and SHOW HOW it applies in any way to MY TZWO SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of pc
  80.  <@gmolly> ok - i'm not going to read that - distill it for irc and THEN connect it to my two specific examples of pc
  81. <@gmolly> or - skip it - all ACCEPT expect of pro'ism in the work - SHOW HOW either of my examples is UNprofessional
  82. <@gmolly> go ahead
  83. <@gmolly> i'll ACCEPT your basis for believing eich and echikfila should've been punished for the speech/donation
  84. <@gmolly> address MY specificsz you demanded i give!
  85. * ED209 sets mode: +v SLAYER66
  86. <+SLAYER66> hello
  87. <@gmolly> address MINE ticklefinger
  88. <@gmolly> you can't - you won't
  89. <@gmolly> ok
  90. <+ticklefinger> I'm pointing to the Roger Ailes incident
  91. * X sets mode: +l 32
  92. <@gmolly> of cours e- you CAN'T Address MY examples you demanded SPECIFICS from me
  93. <+ticklefinger> You haven't given the actual exchange in your example
  94. <@gmolly> i give them - and you do the leftist snot dance - ignore
  95. <@gmolly> so what?
  96. <@gmolly> have you?
  97. <@gmolly> 'actual exchange' what???
  98. <+ticklefinger> The Ailes care is well-documented
  99. <@gmolly> this is a clear example of the bad-faith of the leftist debator
  100. <+SLAYER66> ticklefinger- whatis yr point?
  101. <+ticklefinger> katherine_uk: correct
  102. <+mime> It is important to know that some females can be really bitchy.
  103. <@gmolly> did kuk call me a pos again? or a fucking bigot again?
  104. <+ticklefinger> SLAYER66: "expectation of professionalism" in the workplace ISN'T politically correct, and it isn't censorship
  105. <@gmolly> is tha what ticklefinger cheers as 'correct'?
  106. <+SLAYER66> ticklefiner- wtf is 'expectation of professionalism'?
  107. <+thymos^> gmolly, you apparently have a fucked up piece of shit of a mind
  108. <@gmolly> trying to crush freedom of speech through private means is ugly - uglier than openly trying to abuse gov't power to do it
  109. <+mime> +katherine_uk But no.. in gmolly's fucked up piece of shit of a mind, he is the victim.
  110. <+ticklefinger> SLAYER66: I cited it
  111. <+thymos^> lol
  112. <@gmolly> we SEE the gov't and stop it - but we haven't SEEN the vicious ANTIliberalism of the private PC assault on freedom of speech
  113. <+SLAYER66> ticklefinger- it must have been before i came here
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