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it unlocks many cool features!
- The barrier also reduces the magic resistance to
- a dash flash will be your life saver.
- a slow to anyone walking in or being in the area as follows: (20/28/36/
- a small area around him as follows: (75/100/125/150/175 +50%AP).Each auto
- AA.
- ability power.
- Active: Ashe shots a special arrow to scout a part of the map gaining
- actually but the mark choice is questionable here. In League of Legends
- AD carry. But here I have a purpose. I suspect that dev want players
- AD per second) It will also reduce the enemies' armor overtime as
- AD).
- AD). It also increases Trundle's AD for 8 seconds whereas the target
- AD). It also slows the enemies on its AOE as follows: (30/35/40/45/50%
- additional magic damages based on the enemies' maximum life as follows:
- Additionaly It will apply these effects over 4seconds.Then it decays over
- all his spells but the one he is casting.
- allied hero regains control upon his hero for this duration.
- also another build that I need to try on utility tree.
- also applies an armor reduction to the enemies for 4 seconds as follows:
- also try to tweak it with a defensive tree if your are confident with
- an abyssal Scepter almost every game granting 20+25 magic reduction from
- an enemy hero as follows :(15/20/25/35/55/65/75/85/95/110/125/140/160/
- an enemy hero either with skill or auto attack as follows: (30/35/40/45/
- and 12% of his total armor for allies. Active: Taric deald AOE magic
- and armor to the target ally as it is attached to him as follows: (10/15/
- and auto attack by 50. It will also apply more damages based on the
- and Culinary master will be great here with the appropriate itemization.
- and legendary guardian will serv the same purpose. In fact almost
- And that's the purpose of the utility tree here. You will trade often and
- and: (18.75/25/31.5/37.5/43.75% Ms reduction). Range: 850. Cooldown: 10.
- anyone who cross it by 15% for 5 seconds.
- AOE damage in later teamfights.
- AOE damages per second over 3 seconds as follows: (25/38/52/65/78 +60% AP
- AOE for 5 seconds at the end of its path Range: (2500/3250/4000/4750/
- AOE magic damages as follows: (80/130/180/230/280 +75% AP). Range 625
- AOE to the ball with a 350 range from a 400 radius. Cooldown: (120/105/
- AP ). On hit if the enemies are facing Cassiopeia they are stunned for 2
- AP helping you for on your low cleaning speed.
- AP helping you for on your low cleaning speed.
- AP tree.
- AP). Range: 550. Cooldown: (110/95/80). Cost: 100 mana.
- AP). When they fall back to the ground they will be stuned for .5
- apply Unseen Threat to his auto attack dealing bonus magic damage against
- are now outdated with the new gold items as we will see in the build
- armor and magic resist as follows: (20/30/40/50/60 +30% armor and mr).
- armor). THe next auto attack deals bonus magic damages as follows: (20/
- around her for her teammates empowering them for 8 seconds as follows:
- around him. Its cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds anytime an enemy unit
- around himself as follows: (35/50/65/80/95 +20% AP). Burning agony also
- as follows : (15/20/25%) bonus movement speed as follows: (60/70/80 bonus
- as follows (16/26/36/45/56/+12% AP). Neutrals take full damages at any
- as follows (47.5/85.5/123.5/161.5/199.5 +133/152/171/190/209% AD +95% AP)
- as follows: (150/210/270/330/390 +105% AP +3Max mana as max damages) It
- as follows: (25/30/35/40/45% bonus AS).Nunu gains effects on any case.
- as follows: (30/40/50/60/70 %MS). Kills and assists on heroes refresh its
- as follows: (70/100/130/160/190 +150% Bonus AD). If the target is
- as follows: (70/85/100/115/130% of your normal damage). Cooldown: (14/12/
- as follows: (8/9/10/11/12% bonus MS).It also applies a bonus attack speed
- as health, 35% of Yorick's AD as base damage; 10 armor/magic resist + 2X
- as the effect is stronger on some heroes.
- as you face another bruiser top (a pretty tanky hero).
- AS).It also applies a bonus movement speed as follows: (25/25/30/35/40%
- attack on the same target deals an additional 20% magic damage. It can
- attack speed for 3 seconds: (60/75/90/105/120%). Range: 225. Cooldown: 9.
- attack taken by Amumu reduce tantrum's cooldown by 0.5 seconds. Range:
- attacks as follows: (20+ 5xlevel 25%AP). Rumble can't cast spells when he
- attacks. It deals a percentage of your basic attack damage for every rank
- aura). The range of the aura is 500. Range: 200 Cooldown: 75. Cost: 100
- auto attack range rather than longest skill rank. As an example they if
- auto attacks as follows: (10/18/26/34/42/50 +15% AP). Any additional
- ballistic shot in target area dealing AOE magical damages as follows:
- because your skills won't scale with AD.
- before exploding. The longer the initial shot is the longer the bounces
- better with a bruiser having some hard CC.
- better. I thought for gold per second for 1 second then i realized they
- bit harder as we will see.
- bit harder as we will see.
- bonus AD).
- bonus magic damages based on the amount of hits Galio took during the
- bonus MS). It also applies a bonus healing and regeneration from any
- bounce to a target behind the first dealing damages as follows : (30/72/
- buffing himself for 20 seconds with several effects as follows: (30/45/
- bursting.
- but E.
- but E.
- but long ago. I will have to review this. Flat arpen runes will work too.
- by 4 seconds whenever he casts. This skill does an additional 50% damage
- can accomplish both. A ninja teleport in the brush near an engaged fight
- can accomplish both. Unfortunately Jayce is not the master of it as it is
- can't auto attack over the same duration. Range: 550 Cooldown: (150/130/
- carry.
- carry.
- carry. Echanted Armor is a little boost to your passive and W. Hardiness
- charges per spell.
- choice.
- choice.
- cleaver.
- collision and deal AOE magic damages for 3 seconds as follows:
- cone in front of her dealing magic damages as follows: (200/325/450 +60%
- controls affecting himslef. He gains bonus AD for 7 seconds as follows:
- Cooldown: (15/14/13/12/11). Cost: (50/70/90/110/130) mana.
- Cooldown: (16/13/10/7/4). Cost: 60 mana.
- Cooldown: (18/17/16/15/14). Cost 75 mana. Missile speed: 1400.
- Cooldown: 0.
- Cooldown: 1. Cost: 8 mana per second.
- Cooldown: 15. Cost: 60 mana.
- Cooldown: 6. Cost: generates 20 heat.
- Cooldown: 9 Cost: 60 mana.
- cooldown. Cooldown: 15. Cost: 0.
- Cost: (100/125/150) mana.
- Cost: (50/55/60/60/70mana).
- Cost: (50/60/70/80/90 health). Projectile speed: 2000.
- Cost: (50/60/70/80/90 mana).
- Cost: (55/60/65/70/75) mana.
- Cost: 100 mana.
- Cost: 100 mana.
- Cost: 25 mana.
- Cost: 50 mana.
- Cost: Generates 20 heat.
- Crystalline flask + pots you may tweak runic affinity with Alchemist +
- Culinary master it will be more efficient. As I like to be a menace from
- Culinary Master mostly.
- current Health).
- damage by 45% plus more damages based on missing health as follows:
- damage threshold as follows: (80/130/180/230/280) and a max damage cap vs
- damage).A signle target can be hit by both components of this skill.
- damage/Ability power and his allies attack damage/ability power as
- damages and healing himself for 40% of them as follows: (55/85/115/145/
- damages around himself as follows: (40/80/120/160/200 +20% armor). It
- damages as follows :(125/212/300 +50%AP +280 bonus AD +160% AP). It will
- damages as follows: (15/18/21/13/25% of target's current health).
- damages as follows: (2/4/6/8/10). Active: Amumu deals AOE magic damage in
- damages as follows: (50/85/120/155/190 +55%AP).If the target is poisoned
- damages as follows: (60/85/110/135/160 +40% AP +6.5 % of his max mana).
- damages as follows: (75/120/165/210/255 +65%AP). If the bomb doesn't
- damages as follows: (80/125/165/205/245 +70AP). If Disintegrate last hit
- damages as follows: (85/130/175/225/275 +100% AP). It also applies a
- damages between 12.5% 87.5% of its maximal damages. From: (78.125/
- damages less and his auto attacks deals 5% more damages. Ghouls last for
- damages on the impact with a little AOE as follows: (70/115/155/195/235
- damages. Range 800 .Cooldown: (9/8/7/6/5). Cost: 50 mana.
- damages). Active: Miss Fortune gains bonus attack speed and Grievous
- deal Magic damages around him as follows: (35+20% AP per second) Tibbers
- deal magic damages as follows: (60/105/150/195/240 +50%AP). A path will
- dealing AOE magic damages as follows: (150/250/350 +50% AP). Taric
- dealing AOE magic damages as follows: (60/90/120/150/180 +50% AP). any
- dealing AOE physical damages as follows: (20/65/110/155/200 +100% bonus
- dealing magic damage on hit as follows: (60/90/120/150/180 +35% AP). On
- dealing magic damages as follows: (45/70/95/120/145 +40% AP per
- dealing magic damages as follows: (60/90/120/150/180% +45% AP per
- dealing magic damages as follows: (80/130/180/230/280 +50% AP). It
- dealing magic damages based on their maximum health as follows: (8/11/14/
- dealing magic damages for the same duration as follows: (110/150/190/230/
- dealing magic when you cast it and true damages when it comes back at you
- dealing percentage of Sivir's AD as follows: (50/55/60/65/70% AD+).There
- Dealing physical damages per second as follows: (20/32/44/56/68 +40bonus
- deals 150% damages to minions and monsters. Range: 750. Bounce range: 450
- decreases crowd control effects as follows: (10/15/20/25/30%). Range:
- decreases over time. Range: 650. Cooldown: 16. Cost: 50 mana.
- devastating strikes and even Havoc. They want players to trade more at
- dies. Range: 287.5 Cooldown: 12. Cost: (40/50/60/70/80) mana.
- Dr.Mundo's movespeed as follows: (15/25/35%). Cooldown: 75. Cost: (20% of
- during this time
- during this time. Cooldown:(70/160/50). Cost: 0 mana.
- each second.
- early I take Flat Ad here. Still you can take more ArPen if you want.
- easily.
- effects as follows: (56.25/87.5/11875/150/181.25 +50% AP per Harpoon)
- effects on his skills. When he reaches 100 heat Rumble will be
- effects. Active : Kha'Zix makes himself invisible for 1 second gaining
- empowered dealing 20% of Taric's armor as bonus magic damage. It also
- enemies a little on the first impact. Range: 645. Cooldown: 60. Cost:
- enemies he damaged as well. Range: 825 Cooldown: 8. Cost: (60/70/80/90/
- enemies up to 4 times dealing magic damages as follows: (65/85/105/125/
- enemies’ heroes she hits as follows: (150/225/300 per target).
- enemy ad carry while you try to take him down. You can also cast it to
- enemy hitting everything in its path up to its maximal range as follows:
- enemy in its zone. Range: 650 Cooldown: (110/100/90). Cost: 100 mana.
- enemy, knocking him back and dealing magic damages as follows: (300/400/
- evasive but that's pretty much it. Block and Unyelding are good while
- even hybrid penetration marks. I will have to do the math for the
- even on mundo so don't buy.
- every third missile he generates a big one: (150/270/390 + 45% ap +30/45/
- every time he casts.
- everything here enhance his skills and that's why Taric is still strong.
- expend a bit overtime (7secs) dealing magical damage per second for 2
- explode on the first impact (on a target) it will bounce two more times
- flashes to targeted location dealing magic AOE damage for 5 sceonds as
- follow: (35/55/75/95/115 +50%AP +50% bonus AD per hit). She obtains bonus
- follow: (80/120/160/200/240 +50% AP +66% AD).It also applies a movement
- follows :(1 to 3.5 seconds). Enemies heroes who took the AOE damage are
- follows (30/45/60/75/90% bonus AS). Cooldown: 20. Cost: 50.
- follows (4/8/12/16/20 flat MS per stack). Active: Evelynn cancels any
- follows: (1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds). It also apllie a 20% magic
- follows: (12/15/18/21/24 MR reduction). Range: 600. Cooldown: 14. Cost:
- follows: (125/225/325 +45% AP per second). Range: 800 Cooldown: (150/140/
- follows: (150/225/300 +70% AP).It will also attack anyone caught in its
- follows: (2/4/6/8/10 armor reduction per .5 second). Max 4 stacks.Range:
- follows: (25/30/35/40/45 %). The pillar on its own blocks the path.
- follows: (30/50/70 bonus AD/AP for taric) and (15/25/35 bonus AP/AD as an
- follows: (30/50/70/90/110 +20% AP per second). Toggle off: Karthus
- follows: (40/70/100/130/160 +50% AP). This skill also applies a 20%
- follows: (400/550/700/850/1000 True damages). It heals nunu as follows:
- follows: (65/100/135/170/205 +80% bonus AD).
- follows: (80/105/130). An armor and magic resisance as follows: (30/50/
- for 2 seconds dealing damages every 0.5sec Range: 800. Cooldown: (26/23/
- for each rank as follows: (1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 seconds). Range: 625
- for free.
- for Galio with a max cap as follows :(125/200/275/350/425 +150% AP max
- fortune gains bonus movement speed from 25 to 70 over 5 seconds.
- from fleet of Foot is good as well.
- front of her for 2 seconds dealing physical damages as follows: (65/95/
- gaining bonus armor and magic resist as follows: (5/15/25/35 bonus MR and
- gains a charge of Essence Theft. Upon 9 charges Ahris will heal herself
- gains bonus movement speed for 3 and this can stacks up to 4 times as
- generates an aura for the next 10 seconds empowering his own attack
- greater this way. Range: 1050. Cooldown: 8 Cost: (55/60/65/70/75 mana).
- ground at target location for 6 seconds slowing the enemies in its AOE as
- harpoon).It will slow the enemy as follows: (15/20/25/60/35% MS
- has a health bar as follows: (1200/2100/3000). An auto attack damages as
- he reaches 50 heat he will put himself in danger zone granting additional
- he regenerates some mana as follows: (6/8/10/12/14 mana per hit). Active:
- heal). Range: 800 Cooldown: 13. Cost: 60 mana.
- heals himself for half the health cost on hit. Infected cleaver has a min
- her auto attack as follows: (4/6/8/10/12 +5% AP). It can stack up to 5
- her Explosive shot on each level. She obtains +9 range per level from
- hero (don't talk about logic here) for 10 seconds. If the ally die within
- hero dealing magic damage based on their maximum health and healing
- heroes and creeps take 40% of this damage for any mine beyond the first
- him exploding on impact dealing magic damages in an AOE as follows: (100/
- himself for the same amount as follows: (10/12/14% +1%AP of target's max
- himself that channel for 2 seconds. It will deal base magic damages plus
- his allies and himself as follows: (10/15/20/25/30 bonus armor on taric)
- his death.
- his missing health as follows: (40/55/70/85/100 +.4/.55/.7/.85/1 per 1%
- hit effects. Range: 650 Cooldown: (9/8/7/6/5). Cost: (70/75/80/85/90
- hit the enemy is slowed by 50% and pulled to Ahri for duration as
- hit. Then the focus score is reseted to Ashe's critical strike chance
- hits them, dealing AOE magic damages within 75 range as follows: (50/75/
- HP). It will also steal 20% of the target armor and magic resist.
- If you miss your engage with your Q but it's still the good timing to do
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful.
- ignite per team the healing reduction is so useful.
- in a AOE around himslef. Radius: 1000.
- in danger zone this gains +25% to both effects as follows: (62.5/100/
- in it and dealing magic damages to the enemies as follows: (70/105/140/
- incoming season someday.
- Infected cleaver also slows the target by 40% for 2 seconds. Dr.Mundo
- initial miss.
- is a benediction to refill your mana.
- is filled with many Dr.Mundo or Soraka type of heroes, Ignite becomes a
- is good for Gragas as he will have a pretty decent AA component.
- is no limit in the number of target it can hits but it will it every
- is overheated. After effect rumble's heat is reseted.
- isolated he deals damages as follows: (101.5/145/188.5/232/275.5 +217.5%
- It applies a slow of 35% to every enemy walking in. Range: 1700 Cooldown:
- It last for 1.5 seconds if Sivir blocks a skill with this ability she
- It will also slow the target(s)'s attack speed as follows: (20/25/30/35/
- it will probably remains the same on S4.
- it within it duration. Range 1000.Cooldown: (26/24/22/20/18). Cost: 65
- its duration, the revenant will possess the corpse for 10 seconds. The
- its impact with a distance of 600. Range: 1050. Cooldown:(100/90/80).
- Jayce casts a static field around himself dealing AOE magic damage per
- Juggernaut
- jungler is nice.
- Kha'zix can evole one of his skill (even this one) granting additional
- landing essence bolts at the end of each dash to the nearest enemy
- laning because you will soak as much damages as you can to protect you
- last target by default. Range: 500. Cooldown: 1.5. Cost (16/22/28/34/40
- League of Legends)
- Legendary guardian for later teamfights.
- less armor to penetrate magic resistance to penetrate as you will build
- level 2 to level 18 for a total bonus of +153 range at level 18 (703
- levels (1/6/11).
- life steal or MS.
- loses half the amount as follows: (20/25/30/35/40 bonus AD). It also
- lost the momentum. Or to dive in-out fast from a tower.
- lower than 700 from enemy heroes. She regenerates 1% of her maximum mana
- magic damages as follows: (250/375/400 +90% AP). The closer ones to point
- magic damages as follows: (40/65/90/115/140 +30% AP per mine). Enemy
- magic damages as follows: (40/65/90/115/140 +40% AP). Fox fire
- magic damages every .5 second in a cone in front of him as follows: (25/
- magic damages on cast as follows: (60/95/130/165/200 +100% AP). The also
- magic per level.
- magic per level.
- magic per level.
- magic per level.
- magic reduction). Cooldown: 6. Cost: 0 mana.
- magical damages on their path every second for 5 seconds as follows:
- mana.
- mana.
- mana.
- mana.
- mana.
- mana.
- mana.
- mana.
- mana).
- mana).
- mana). Radius area: 235.
- massive amount of armor reduction, armor penetration is less needed.
- mates then bring easy kills with the surprise factor. It's really strong.
- may have to invest in more flat armor as quintessences it can be even
- may not take the best of the S4 then.
- meditation as your skills' costs will only get bigger.
- meditation as your skills' costs will only get bigger.
- middle to take more risks as it is good for the show the esport etc.
- minimal threshold of 40% as follows: (24/36/48/60/72 +20% AP). Range:
- mode up to 500 range. The next auto attack will apply an armor and magic
- monsters and minions: (300/400/500/600/700). Range: 1000 Cooldown: 4.
- monsters as follows: (200/300/400/500/600 damages). Range: 240. Cooldown:
- more AP.
- more AP.
- more damage Dazzle deals. The target is stuned for an increasing duration
- more short range trades.
- movement speed for 1 second as follows: (10/15/20/25/30% bonus MS).While
- movement speed reduction for 2 seconds.
- movement speed reduction on the target as follows: (20/30/40/50/60% slow)
- movement speed reduction).
- movement speed reduction). Range: 600 Cooldown: (16/14/12/10/8). Cost:
- MS) for few seconds as follows: (5/6/7). Ryze's spells gains 50% splash
- next auto attacks as follows: (20/40/60/800/100 +100/105/110/115/120%
- Nunu deals 1% of his maximum health as bonus magical damages.
- of flames behind him dealing magic damages per second as follows: (60/90/
- of missing health). Cooldown: 7. Cost: (25/35/45/55/65 Health).
- on an Ad carry. In the other hand there is not that much exciting mark to
- on her next spell as follows: (2+lvl +9%AP per hit). There is a cap of 3
- on his next auto attack as follows :( 20/27/31/41/48/56/64/72/80/88/96/
- on its path as follows: (40/65/90/115/140 +32.5% AP has magic damage/true
- on mana and mana regen!
- or destroys a structure as follows: (1/2/3/4/5 bonus gold per instance)
- or MS.
- or MS.
- out in combination with it (tower diving).
- over 12 seconds as follows: (40/50/60% of max HP). Sadism also enhances
- overheating for 6 second he will do bonus magic damages on his basic
- passing through for 3 seconds as follows: (30/35/40/45/50% bonus movement
- pen, move speed, flat HP or Hp per level. As you feel the best.
- penetration here as you are now meant to auto attack often.
- penetration.
- penetration.
- per half second) to a maximum of: (90/145/200/255/310 +80%AP). It applies
- per second in this state. Range: 700.
- per second) then (75/115/155/195/235 +80% AP as total damages). On hit it
- per seconds for 2 seconds as follows: (22.5/36.25/50/63.75/77.5 +20% AP
- physical damages as follows: (25/60/90/130/165 +75% AD). This ability
- physical damages as follows: (40/50/60/70/80 +100% AD). It also applies a
- physical damages as follows: (60/115/170/225/280 +120% bonus AD) and (15/
- physical damages possibly twice in its path as follows: (25/45/65/85/105
- poison to the target. Range: 850 Cooldown: 9. Cost: (70/80/90/100/110)
- position yourself easier on your engages.
- prioritizes heroes. Any subsequent hit on the same target deal 30% the
- prioritizing heroes, dealing magic damages as follows: (70/110/150 +30%
- priority choice.
- quickly after casting your short range spells.
- radius area based on a percentage of enemies’ current health and slowing
- range 1050. Cooldown: 8. Cost: (55/60/65/70/75 mana).
- Range: 1000. Cooldown: (23/20/17/14/11). Cost: 60 mana.
- Range: 125 Cooldown: (13/12/11/10/9). Cost: 60 mana.
- Range: 285. Cooldown: 10. Cost: 40 mana.
- Range: 550. Cooldown: 6. Cost: (75/85/95/105/115 mana).
- Range: 600. Cooldown: 3.5 Cost: 60 mana.
- Range: 700. Cooldown: 15. Cost: 50 mana.
- Range: 880. Cooldown: 7. Cost: (70/75/80/85/90) mana.
- really good at it. She as multiple skill + her great passive to win them.
- reduces his abilities cooldown by 2 seconds
- reduction over the penetration. That means that with Amumu you will have
- reduction stackes. While in danger zone this skill gains 25% bonus
- reduction to enemy for 5 seconds as follows: (10/15/20/25% armor and
- reduction). If you hit twice the same target within 3 seconds the
- reduction). It last for 3 seconds and any consecutive auto attack
- refreshes its cooldown but it doesn't stack.
- regains mana upon killing a unit as follows: (20/27/34/41/48 mana
- related. I don't reach crit related masteries as you won't crit much with
- remain as an after effect of this skill for 5 seconds. Your mates can
- replace it. You can take more flat armor if you want.
- resistance of the target for 4 seconds as follows: (30/45/60/75/90 MR).It
- resistance reduction for 6 seconds. Range:975 Cooldown: 12. Cost: 85
- resistance reduction on his target as follows: (15/20/25 magic resistance
- restored). Radius: 425. Cost: (30/42/54/66/78 mana per second).
- reveals the location for 6 seconds after the impact. Corki gains sight on
- Ricochet as follows: (40/60/80% AD). Active Sivir casts an AOE buff
- sake of sustain most of the timme. I even tend to avoid lifesteal on my
- save your carry but that means that you made a mistake.
- second for 4 seconds as follows: (25/42.5/60/77.5/95 +25% AP per second).
- second). Over 100 stacks Ashe's next auto attack will score a critical
- second). Range: 600. Cooldown: 6 Cost: Generates 20 heat.
- second). There is a heal from damages ratio as follows: (60/65/70/75/
- seconds as follows: ( 15/20/25/30/35% MS debuff). This skill applies
- seconds as follows: (25/35/45/55/65 +15AP per second).Then: (225/315/405/
- seconds dealing magical AOE damages as follows: (85/135/185/285/ +90%AP).
- seconds she gains focus stacks per second as follow: (4/5/6/7/8 stack per
- seconds that will deal magical damages when it bursts as follows: (625/
- seconds to apply.
- seconds, empowering his attack speed as follows: (20/35/50/65/80% bonus
- seconds, if they turn their back to her they are slowed by 60% for 2
- seconds, the second instance is for free. This skill also applies Unseen
- seconds. Range: 182.5 Cooldown: (17/16/15/14/13). Cost: (70/80/60/100/
- seconds. Range:850 Cooldown:(130/120/110). Cost: 100 mana.
- section. 1 gold per 10 second is now laughable.
- sight as the arrows travels to its location. It's also provide sight in
- situations.
- size.
- skill, taking 50% reduced damages while in stealth. Cooldown:(100/90/80).
- skills will either save your life or bring a kill, a well timed teleport
- skills will either save your life or bring a kill, a well timed teleport
- slow affecting her then gains bonus MS, ignoring collision for 3 seconds
- slow down your enemies as follows: (20/25/30/35/40% movement speed). If
- slow of 35% for 2.5 seconds on whoever was hit by it. If body Slam Hits a
- slow on hit as follows: (current rank of Frost Shot). Range: 1200
- slowed by 50% for 3 seconds. Range: Gobal. Cooldown: (100/9080) Cost 100
- slowing the target for 2 seconds as follows : (15/20/25/30/35% movement
- slows the enemies on impact for 1.5 seconds as follows: (20/25/30/35/40%
- slows the target by 75% for 0.1 seconds. Cooldown: 4. Cost: 30 mana.
- so you can flash in + R.
- sole target. Range: 875. Cooldown: 1. Cost: (20/26/32/38/44) mana.
- someones is initial on its AOE but leave the are the effect is reduced to
- sometimes with it as Taric to cast all your “melee” skills.
- source as follows: (8/11/14/17/20% bonus heal/regen). Range: 900.
- speed for 3seconds when he kills a unit.
- speed reduction). Cost: 8 mana per attack.
- speed reduction). The wall lenght grows at every rank as follows: (800/
- speed). The barriers lasts for 4 seconds and the bonus movement speed
- spike on each side) and enhance the slow to 30%. Range: 1000 Cooldown: 8.
- stack AS up to 2.5 which is its cap in League of Legends.
- stack twice. You have to hit within 4 seconds.
- start I didn't tried this build much.
- steal Nashor or the drake.
- strike every enemy heroes on the map dealing magic damages as follows:
- stun the impacted hero based on the distance the arrow traveled as
- stun the target(s) for a durations as follows: (1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds) on
- take reduced damages as follows: (200/300/400 +72% AP). Primary radius :
- target beside the first one takes 10% reduced damage stacking to a
- target for 1 second and dealing magic damages as follows: (50/130/180/
- target himself he gains 40% bonus heal as follows: (84/140/196/252/308
- target its cooldown is halved. Range: 600. Cooldown: 12(6). Cost: 75.
- target location dealing magic damages on landing as follows: (200/325/450
- target only once. Cooldown: (9/8/7/6/5). Cost: 40 mana.
- target, reducing his healing and regeneration by 50% for 5 seconds and
- target's missing health as follows :(8% of the target's missing health)
- target(s) for 2.5 seconds as follows: (80/135/190/245/300 +60% AP) and
- targeted area that will explode when the enemies walk on them dealing
- Taric loses his own bonus armor from this skill. Cooldown: 10. Cost: 50
- taunt as follows: (220/230/440 +60% AP as base damage) and (308/462/616
- that help to tank/sustain.
- That's also why they made offensive masteries like double edged sword,
- that's why you add a skill like Arcane blade created some times ago.
- the air and dealing magic damages as follows: (60/105/150/195/240 +50%
- the cooldown is reduced to .5 seconds. Range: 700. Cooldown: 5. Cost:
- the damages to minions and monsters.
- the distance the bolt travels as follows: (40/70/100/130/160 +20% AP) to
- the enemy support mostly.
- the ground that will explode after 4 second knocking back anyone caught
- the hero as follows: (60/90/120/150/180 +30% AP). Cooldown: 1100.
- the Rocket Jump's cooldown. Cooldown: (22/20/18/16/14). Cost: 80 mana.
- the script calculation the damage mitigation always prioritizes the
- The shield also deals magic damages persecond around it as follows: (20/
- The sooner it gets interrupted the lower the damages. It also applies a
- the target he eats with duration as follow: (120/150/180/210/240).
- the target up to 650 range, dealing magical damages as follows: (50/110/
- the target, it refund its cost. Range: 625. Cooldown: 4. Cost: (60/65/70/
- the true damage on Q.
- their mates. Active: Kha'Zix hits with his claws dealing physical damages
- them as follows: (15/20/25 +1% AP of enemies’ current health) and (30/50/
- There is a minimal damage treshold of 40% as follows:( 10/18/26/34/42
- There is even more reasons to take Ignite over exhaust. If the meta game
- think they didnt liked a Gragas only spamming long range barrel all the
- Threat for each instance.
- through Acceleration gate dealing more damages as follows: (84/161/238/
- time as follows: (50/60/70% damages reduction). Cooldown: (120/100/80).
- time as follows: (8/12/16/20/24 magic damage per scond). It also deals
- time. Range: 900. Cooldown: 16. Cost: (70/80/90/100/110) mana.
- time. They want a Gragas that go in with all his kit and take some risk
- times on the same target as follows: (20/30/40/50/60 +25% AP as total
- to 10% of is AD. It doesn't work on critical hits nor on structures.
- to be rewarded even more. When you talk about trading middle Orianna is
- to enemey structures.
- to five times dealing magic damages as follows: (50/70/90/110/130 +35%AP
- to mention an alternate option. If you start with the super safe
- to physical) Hybrid penetration marks are now a serious option.
- to play an offensive Taric. Ignite can complete his whole bursting kit.
- to protect him granting a shield for 4 seconds as follows: (80/120/160/
- to.
- too won't be bad.
- too.
- too. Flat ad will synergize with your passive. As you can develop a
- total range).
- travel on, granting them bonus movement speed as follows: (20/28/36/44/
- travel the whole map it will deal magic damages on hit as follows: (250/
- trundle.
- trying ro reach you) potential.
- two seconds as follows: (50/80/110/140/170 +40% AP). He also gain bonus
- type of play.
- ulti.
- ulti.
- under its AOE, Trundle heals himself to an amount of HPs based on the
- unit's max HP as follows: (2/3/4/5/6% maximum health). Range 1000.
- utility tree.
- waves of bullets during her ulti dealing maximum damages as follows :
- while dealing bonus physical damage as follows: (30/60/90/120/150 +120%
- will also apply a magic resistance reduction only once per target as
- will also gains mana as follows: (60/75/90/105/120 bonus mana). Cooldown:
- will also heals Galio when the shield got hit as follows: (25/40/55/70/85
- will do a good job if you practice the AA harass but it's a more advanced
- will go. Range: 850(1400). Cooldown: (6/5.5/5/4.5/4) Cost: (50/60/70/80/
- will grant bonus movement speed to Cassiopeia for 3seconds as follows:
- will need to press Q again to make it explode, or it will explode after 5
- will one cost 10% less mana up to -50%. You need to cast skills within 5
- will reset its cooldown. Range: 600(900). Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14. Cost:
- will slow the enemy crossing it as follows: (40/50/60/70/80% movement
- will the reverse the flow of the battle. You will save the life of you
- with a delay of .5 seconds dealing some mini AOE damages as follows: (40/
- Within this duration they will attack the enemy by themselves dealing
- Wounds for 6 seconds as follows: (30/35/40/45/50% bonus AS) Cooldown: 16.
- Yorick's level, .67 attack speed and (300/340/390/443 movespeed).
- You can steal tweak it with a Runic affinity/full AP oriented Ori but you
- you easy kills if your mates are warding well.
- you passive. So it will apply the penetration on a xx-45 it won't be much
- you sustain alongside Juggernaut.
- you sustain alongside Juggernaut.
- you will push you advantage regenerating faster than the enemy. Alchemist
- your mana sustain.
- zone around him for 2 as follows: (150/250/350 +80% AP per second).They
- * Acceleration Gate (E): Jayce casts a barrier speeding up any ally
- * Adrenaline Rush (passive): Dr.Mundo regenerates for 0.3% of his max HP
- * Agony’s Embrace (R) (Ultimate): Evelynn lands AOE AP damages in a 250
- * Arcane Mastery (Passive): Ryze lowers all his cooldowns by 1 second on
- * Bandage Toss (Q): On hit Amumu will reach target location stunning the
- * Barrel Roll (Q): Gragas rolls a barrel to targeted location which he
- * Barrier: everyone took barrier for AD carry as a standard pick in S3 and
- * Barrier: Standard on an AD carry.
- * Barrier: Standard on an AD carry.
- * Barrier: Standard on an AD carry.
- * Barrier: Standard on an AD carry.
- * Body Slam (E): Bgragas dashs forward dealing AOE magical damages as
- * Boomerang Blade (Q): Sivir throws her weapon then it come back dealing
- * Bouncing Bomb (Q): Ziggs throw a bomb to targeted Area dealing AOE magi
- * Bulwark (W): Galio shields himself or a teammate buffing the magic
- * Burning Agony (W): A toggle. Dr.Mundo deals AOE AP damages every second
- * Buster Shot (E): Passive: Tristana makes the enemies explode as she last
- * Buster Shot (R) (Ultimate): Tristana shots a cannonball to targeted
- * Charm (E): Ahri tries to taunt a target in a lane in front of her
- * Chomp (Q): Trundle bites the target and deals physical damage on his
- * Clockwork Windup (Passive): Orianna deals bonus magic damages on her
- * Command: Attack (Q): Orianna displace her ball to the targeted location,
- * Command: Dissonance (W): The ball deals AOE magic damages as follows:
- * Command: Protect (E): Passive: The ball provides bonus magic resistance
- * Command: Shockwave (R) (Ultimate): The ball deals AOE magic damages as
- * Crowstorm (R) (Ultimate): After a brief cast of 1.5 seconds Fiddlesticks
- * Curse of the Sad Mummy (R) (Ultimate): Amumu roots ever enemy in a large
- * Cursed Touch (passive): On his auto attacks Amumu applies a magic
- * Dark Frenzy (W): Passive: When Evelynn hits a hero with a skill she
- * Dark Wind (E): Fiddlesticks casts a crow that will bounces between
- * Dazzle (E): Taric stuns the target enemy dealing magic damages based on
- * Deadly Cadence (Passive): Any subsequent spell casted after the first
- * Death Defied (Passive): Karthus can cast spells for free 7 seconds after
- * Defile (E): Toggle on: Karthus deals AOE magic damages aroud himself as
- * Despair (W): Toggle: Amumu deals AOE magic damage around him and over
- * Desperate Power (R) (Ultimate): Ryze empowers himself gaining Spell vamp
- * Disintegrate (Q): Annie throws a firball at target enemy dealing magic
- * Drain (W): Fiddlesticks steals the life from a target for 5 seconds
- * Draw a Bead (passive): Tristana gains more range on her auto attacks and
- * Dread (passive): Fiddlesticks Reduces the enemies magic resistance by 10
- * Drunken Rage (W): Gragas drinks the beer in his barrel for 1 seconds
- * Electro-Harpoon (E): Rumble can shot an electrified harpoon twice
- * Essence Theft (Passive): Everytime Ahri hit an enemy with a spell she
- * Exhaust: As you will mainly face AD bruisers top, exhaust can't be a bad
- * Exhaust: As you will mainly face AD bruisers top, exhaust can't be a bad
- * Exhaust: Exhaust is less taken nowaays top.
- * Exhaust: It's the standard pick as a support it is meant to cripple the
- * Explosive Cask (R) (Ultimate): Gragas throws a bigger cask with a swift
- * Flamespitter (Q): Rumbles fires his flamethrower for 3 seconds dealing
- * Flash: As a jungler Flash provide many situation to escape easily.
- * Flash: As a jungler Flash provides even more opportunities to escape
- * Flash: As a jungler Flash provides many opportunities to escape easily.
- * Flash: As a jungler Flash provides many opportunities to escape easily.
- * Flash: Flash can help you engaging if you missed your W but you didn't
- * Flash: Flash is good on everyone.
- * flash: Flash is good on everyone.
- * Flash: Flash is still better than the other summoner spells in many
- * Flash: Flash on annie is very good as you may want to go out the battle
- * flash: Flash will help you to run alongside Valkyrie. Or to get in and
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is ok. You can also tweak it with ghost if you want.
- * Flash: Is the god of summoner's spells. You also have to engage
- * Flash: Mandatory for Galio as your engage will often consist of Flash +
- * Flash: On Kha'zix flash will help you runing away mostly.
- * flash: Sivir has no escape so flash in even more mandatory.
- * Flash: the god of summoner’s spells.
- * Flash: Will be your sole escape capability. Mandatory on her.
- * Flash: You need flash even more on Miss Fortune as you have no escape
- * flash: You need flash even more on Miss Fortune as you have no escape
- * Flash: Ziggs can control an area easily with Z+E but if you suffer from
- * Fleet of Foot (passive): Sivir gains bonus movement speed when she hits
- * Fox-Fire (W): Ahri cast 3 fox-fires around herself up to 5 seconds.
- * Frozen Domain (W): Nunu cast a large AOE at targeted location for 8
- * Gatling Gun (E): Corki fires in a cone in front of him for 4 seconds
- * Gemcraft (Passive): Any time Taric casts a skill his next auto attack is
- * Happy Hour (Passive): Gragas regenerates 2% of his max HP over 4 seconds
- * Hate Spike (Q): Evelynn lands a column of AP damages to the nearest
- * Headbutt (W): Alistar charges forward whith enough power to knock back
- * Hexplosive Minefield (E): Ziggs places 11 mines on the ground in a
- * Hextech Capacitor (Passive): Jayce gains 40 bonus movement speed for
- * Hextech Shrapnel Shells (passive): Corki deals bonus attack damage equal
- * Hyper Charge (W) : Jayce rapid fires at 2.5 aa/s for the next 3 auto
- * Idol of Durand (R) (Ultimate): Galio cast a huge AOE taunt around
- * Ignite:
- * Ignite:
- * Ignite: Flash will add more burst to Ziggs. You may select your target
- * Ignite: Ignite is still viable for rumble. It will a bit less efficient
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages.
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Standard boost/finish for AP mages. You better take at least one
- * Ignite: Still suitable top but not my favorite.
- * Ignite: Still suitable top but not my favorite.
- * Ignite: The standard choice is exhaust. But as you will see you may have
- * Imbue (Q): Taric heals targeted ally as follows: (60/100/140/180/220
- * Incinerate (W): Annie blast the area in a cone in front of her dealing
- * Infected Cleaver (Q): Dr.Mundo throws his cleaver forward dealing AP
- * Junkyard Titan (Passive): Rumble gains “heat” upon casting skills. When
- * King's Tribute (passive): Anytime an enemy (heroe/creep/monster) die
- * Lay Waste (Q): Karthus cast a skill at target area that will explode
- * Lightning Field (W): Passive: Each time Jayce hits with an auto attack
- * Masochism (E): Dr.Mundo buffs his own AD with a base stat depending on
- * Mega Inferno Bomb (R) (Ultimate): Ziggs nukes a big are far away dealing
- * Miasma (W): Cassiopeia throws a poisonous puddle on the ground that will
- * Missile Barrage (R) (Ultimate): Corking launches a missile in front of
- * Molten Shield (E): Annie shields herself for 5 seconds granting her
- * Noxious Blast (Q): Cassiopeia fires a spell at target location dealing
- * Omen of Death (R) (Ultimate): Yorick summons a Revenant from an allied
- * Omen of Famine (E): Yorick summons a ghoul from a target dealing magic
- * Omen of Pestilence (W): Yorick summons a Ghoul which deals a small AOE
- * Omen of War (Q): Yorick's next auto attack will summon a spectral ghoul
- * On The Hunt (R) (Ultimate): Passive: Sivir gains attack speed during
- * Orb of Deception (Q): Ahri fires a ball on energy then it come back
- * Overload (Q): Passive: Ryze gains Cooldown reduction as follows: (2/4/6/
- * Petrifying Gaze (R) (Ultimate): Cassiopeia “shots” her deadly gaze in a
- * Phosphorus Bomb (Q): Corki fires a ballistic shot in an AOE (250 radius)
- * Pillar of Ice (E): Trundle calls an Ice Pillar that emerge from the
- * Pulverize (Q): Alistar Hulk Smashes the ground Knocking the enemies in
- * Pyromania (Passive): Every 4 spells Annie casts, Her next spell will
- * Radiance (R) (Ultimate): Taric smashes the ground with his hammer
- * Rapid Fire (Q): It increases tristana's attack speed for 7 secondsas
- * Ravage (E): Evelynn hits her target twice dealing physical damages as
- * Requiem (R) (Ultimate): At the end of a 3 seconds channel, Karthus will
- * Resolute Smite (Q): Galio lands a blast dealing AOE damages that slows
- * Ricochet (W): The next 3 Auto attack will bounce to closest enemy
- * Righteous Gust (E): Galio lands some wind in a given direction. It will
- * Rocket Jump (W): Tristana jumps at target location slowing enemies by
- * Rune Prison (W): Ryze blocks an enemy for a short duration as follows:
- * Runic Skin (Passive): Galio generates half his total magic resistance as
- * Sadism (R) (Ultimate): Dr.Mundo regenerates a percentage of his max hp
- * Satchel Charge (W): Ziggs throw a pack of remote control explosives on
- * Scrap Shield (W): Rumble shields himself preventing incoming damages for
- * Shadow Walk (Passive): Evelynn becomes invisible as she stays more than
- * Shatter (W): Passive: Taric has a 500 range aura that provides armor too
- * Shock Blast (Q): Jayce shots a pellet to targeted location dealing AOE
- * Short Fuse (Passive): Every 12 seconds Ziggs apply a bonus magic damages
- * Smite: Mandatory for a jungler.
- * Smite: Mandatory for a jungler.
- * Smite: Mandatory for a jungler.
- * Smite: No comment.
- * Smite: Nunu likes his smite and his Q. you will clean boss really fast.
- * Smite: You can't jungle properly without it. Smite will also help you to
- * Spell Flux (E): Ryze blasts a magical ball that will bounces targets up
- * Spell Shield (E): Sivir shield herself negating the next incoming skill.
- * Spirit Rush (R) (Ultimate): Ahri dash up to 3 times within 10 seconds
- * Subjugate (R) (Ultimate): Trundle steal the vital force from a enemy
- * Summon: Tibbers (R) (Ultimate): Annie calls Tibbers to the rescue at
- * Tantrum (E): Passive: Amumu takes less damages from auto attacks and AD
- * Teleport: I really like Teleport on most of my tops. When every other
- * Teleport: I really like Teleport on most of my tops. When every other
- * Teleport: The one I use the most on Rumble (after Flash) It will ensure
- * Teleport: You can also pick it to ninja/tele/gank bot (mostly) with your
- * Terrify (Q): Fiddlesticks fears the target for some time as follows:
- * The Equalizer (R) (Ultimate): Rumble fires rockets that will apply AOE
- * Thundering Blow (E): Jayce Knocks backs the enemy with his hammer
- * To the Skies! (Q): Jayce jumps to an enemy then unleash his hammer
- * Trample (passive): Anytime Alistar cast a spell he ignores unit
- * Transform: Mercury Cannon (R) (Ultimate): Jayce switches into ranged
- * Transform: Mercury Hammer (R) (Ultimate): Jayce switches to melee form,
- * Triumphant Roar (E): Alistar heals himslef as follows: (60/90/120/150/
- * Twin Fang (E): Cassiopeia throws fangs at an enemy target dealing magic
- * Unbreakable Will (R) (Ultimate): Alistar Hurls, removing all crowd
- * Unholy Covenant (Passive): For any active summon, Yorick takes 5%
- * Valkyrie(W): Corki reaches a target location at 650 speed leaving a path
- * Wall of Pain (W): Karthus cast a long magic barrier for 5 seconds that
- * 3X Flat AD (Quintessences). More flat AD to fuel your skills.
- * 3X Flat AD (Quintessences). See above.
- * 3X Flat AD (Quintessences). See above.
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences).
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences).
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). Basic on Ap.
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). Flat Ap is pretty good on ahris because of
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). For more burst.
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). For more burst.
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). More burst.
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). Or more flat MR if you want.
- * 3X Flat AP (Quintessences). You can trade it with bonus movement speed
- * 3X Flat AP per level (Quintessences). Flat AP for a good start.
- * 3X Flat MS (Quintessences). Taric is slow so I take these by defaults. I
- * 3X mana per level (Quintessences). Or flat AP.
- * 9X Armor (seals). As you can see now the overall build will run very low
- * 9X Flat AD (marks). As you will build the Brutalizer (+armor pen) pretty
- * 9X Flat AD(marks). As I said Yorick benefits so much from AD.
- * 9X Flat AD(marks). To serve this purpose.
- * 9X Flat amor (seals).
- * 9X Flat AP (glyphs).
- * 9X Flat AP (glyphs). More AP. You can tweak with AP per level or resist
- * 9X Flat AP (glyphs). More AP. You can tweak with AP per level or resist
- * 9X Flat AP (glyphs). More AP. You can tweak with AP per level or resist
- * 9X Flat AP (glyphs). More AP. You can tweak with AP per level or resist
- * 9X Flat AP (glyphs). Some will take MR per lvl.
- * 9X Flat armor (seals).
- * 9X flat armor (seals). from mana regen per level. More early trad.
- * 9X Flat armor (seals). More initial sustain, your early game will be a
- * 9X Flat armor (seals). More initial sustain, your early game will be a
- * 9X flat armor (seals).The flat armor seals are unmatched for Taric
- * 9X Flat MR (glyphs). Flat MR to soak the enemy support damages early and
- * 9X Flat Mr (glyphs). For the same purpose. You can tweak it with flat ap
- * 9X hybrid penetration (marks). You can tweak with the old magic
- * 9X Magic Hybrid penetration (marks). It works great as you will do strong
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks).
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks). With the recent change on E (magic damages
- * 9X Magic penetration (marks). You can also take hybrid penetration.
- * 9X magic penetration penetration (marks). I have to try hybrid
- * 9X Magic resist per level (glyphs).
- * 9X Magic resist per level (glyphs). Standard.
- * 9X Magic resist per level (glyphs). Standard.
- * 9X Magic resist per level (glyphs). Standard.
- * 9X Magic resistance per level (glyphs). Standard.
- * 9X mana per level (glyphs). Some will take MR per lvl.
- * 9X Mana per level (seals). You can take armor too
- * 9X mana regen per level (seals). a non-standard tweak is flat armor for
- * 9X mana regen per level (seals). You can even take armor reduction of
- * 9X mana regen per level (seals). You can even take armor reduction of
- * 9X mana regen per level (seals). You can even take more AP.
- * 9X Mana regen per level (seals). You can take armor too.
- * 9X Mana regeneration per level (seals).
- * 9X mana resistance per level (glyphs).
- * 9X MP5 per lvl (seals).
- * A global ulti.
- * A poke with low cd.
- * A skill that reduces healing.
- * A sustainable burst ( :p ).
- * A tanky caster.
- * A tanky mage.
- * Absolute Zero (R) (Ultimate): Nunu casts a big AOE around him for 3
- * Ahri_Middle_guide
- * ahri_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/15 15:22 by flam
- * Alistar_jungle_guide
- * alistar_jungle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:35 by flam
- * Amazing passive.
- * Amumu_jungle_guide
- * amumu_jungle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 10:43 by flam
- * An AP top, useful in many situations.
- * An assasin: High damage to squishies.
- * An ulti that accomplishes many tasks.
- * Annie_Middle_guide
- * annie_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:44 by flam
- * Aoe damages.
- * AOE ulti based on AD.
- * AP jungler
- * Ashe_AD_Carry_guide
- * ashe_ad_carry_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:31 by flam
- * Auras and debuffs.
- * Average cleaning speed at start
- * Average speed in the jungle before lvl 6
- * Bad early game.
- * Blood Boil (W): Nunu buff an ally or himself gaining bonus movement speed
- * Built in armor, excellent in lane.
- * Bullet Time (R) (Ultimate): Miss fortune fires many bullets in a cone in
- * Caitlyn: You can counter every single skill of her with your E. Her trap
- * Can actually burst.
- * Can be counter jungled.
- * Can be the main tank.
- * Can become hard to to kill competing on Dr.Mundo level.
- * Can become unkillable
- * Can fight effectively from many ranges.
- * Can keep up with a good amount of DPS while moving
- * Can snowball (growing an exponential strength as you kill).
- * Can't escape from everything anymore.
- * Cassiopeia_Middle_guide
- * cassiopeia_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/15 14:46 by fla
- * Consistent DPS while moving.
- * Consume (Q): Nunu “eats” a minion or a monster dealing true damages as
- * Corki_AD_Carry_guide
- * corki_ad_carry_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:16 by flam
- * Counter jungler.
- * Counter most middle picks
- * Double Up (Q): Miss fortune fires a bullet at a targeted enemy dealing
- * DPS based on mana.
- * Dr.Mundo_jungle_guide
- * dr.mundo_jungle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/11 15:46 by flam
- * Draven
- * Due to his skills his gameplay can be boring.
- * E-sport
- * Efficient from melee range to sniper range.
- * Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) (Ultimate): Ashe fire a giant arrow that can
- * Enhanced range.
- * Evelynn_Middle_guide
- * evelynn_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/15 08:07 by flam
- * every skill has an AOE component.
- * Evolved Active Camouflage: Kha'zix can now cast 3 instances of this
- * Evolved Enlarged Claws: It will increase the range of Taste Their Fear
- * Evolved Spike Racks: Kha'Zix now fires this ability in a cone (adding a
- * Evolved Wings: Kha'zix enhances Leap's Range by 300. Kills and assists
- * Excellent itemization
- * Falls off a bit late game.
- * Fiddlesticks_jungle_guide
- * fiddlesticks_jungle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/19 15:50 by flam
- * Focus (passive): If Ashe didn’t suffered any damage for the last 3
- * Frost shot (Q): Toggle : Ashe enhances her auto attacks applying ice,
- * Galio_Middle_guide
- * galio_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/14 17:09 by flam
- * Game_mechanisms
- * Gameplay_as_a_support
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_mid
- * Gameplay_middle
- * Gameplay_top
- * Gameplay_top
- * Gameplay_top
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * General_guidelines
- * Ghost/exhaust: As Dr.Mundo these two will work well combined with your
- * Good at chasing.
- * Good Burst.
- * Good Burst.
- * Good duelist when mastered.
- * Good duelist.
- * Good duelist.
- * Good duelist.
- * Good engage.
- * Good escape/jump in.
- * Good mobility.
- * Good sustain after lvl 6
- * Good sustain in the jungle, fast cleaning speed.
- * Good sustain in the jungle.
- * Good sustain, fast clear time.
- * Good sustain.
- * Good sustain.
- * Gragas_Middle_guide
- * gragas_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:31 by flam
- * Graves
- * Great burst.
- * Has a great ganking capacity from middle lane.
- * Has a healing reduction.
- * Has the ability to roam.
- * Hawkshot (E): Passive: Ashe generates bonus gold anytime she kills a unit
- * Healing reduction → ignite, morello, skills etc…
- * High AOE burst!
- * High DPS output.
- * High DPS output.
- * High kite (capability to hit and run continually from someone who's
- * High risk High reward.
- * His kit doesn't ties everything together.
- * His ulti rely a lot on Flash.
- * History
- * Hybrid damages.
- * Ice Blast (E): Nunu throws an ice ball at targeted enemy dealing magical
- * Impressive duelist last game.
- * Impure shots (W): Passive: Miss Fortune applies bonus magic damages on
- * It's Superman!
- * Jayce_Top_guide
- * jayce_top_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:41 by flam
- * Jinx
- * Jungle_Route
- * Jungle_Route
- * Jungle_Route
- * Jungle_Route
- * Jungle_Route
- * Jungle_Route
- * Karthus_Middle_guide
- * karthus_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/16 18:01 by flam
- * kha_zix_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:28 by flam
- * Kha'Zix_Middle_guide
- * Leap (E): Kha'zix jumps to targeted area, dealing AOE physical damage as
- * Lot of AOE damages.
- * low mana pool, high cost on skills.
- * Make it Rain (E): Many bullets fall from the sky dealing magical damages
- * Mana efficient if you don't spam without a purpose.
- * Many ways to build him according to the situation.
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Masteries
- * Matchup
- * May have to build some MR to override his weakness
- * Medium range from skills.
- * Melee auto attacks.
- * Melee auto attacks.
- * Melee.
- * Miss_Fortune_AD_Carry_guide
- * miss_fortune_ad_carry_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/11 15:19 by flam
- * MOBA
- * MOBA_today
- * moba.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/13 06:03 by flam
- * Mobility.
- * Native sustain.
- * Need to be near close range for a maximal DPS.
- * No “insta” escape mechanism.
- * No CC.
- * No CC.
- * No CC.
- * No escape mechanism.
- * No escape mechanism.
- * No escape mechanism.
- * No escape outside her slow.
- * No escape.
- * No escape.
- * No escape.
- * No gap closer can be kited.
- * No gap closer, poor mobility.
- * No hard CC.
- * No hard CC.
- * No mana
- * No more infinite spam W post season 3. (not a real con as we will see)
- * No sustain at start.
- * Not really built around on purpose (He was created for the release of
- * Not so good against AD. (will be improved with itemization).
- * Not super tanky for a tank.
- * Not tanky.
- * Not the best sustain.
- * Nunu_jungle_guide
- * nunu_jungle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/11 15:15 by flam
- * On the defensive tree it is the same for the jungle + the flat Armor for
- * On the defensive tree it is the same for the jungle + the flat Armor for
- * On the defensive tree Unyielding is quite good. you pick it alongside
- * On the defensive tree you take the jungle's masteries + Hardiness and
- * On the defensive tress the same for the jungle plus the armor and max hp
- * On the defensive tress the same for the jungle plus the flat HP target
- * On the offensive tree you pick AD/Crit related abilities.
- * On the offensive tree you pick everything AP related, the spirit blade
- * On the offensive tree you pick everything AP related. Annie is all about
- * On the offensive tree you pick everything AP related. Devastating strikes
- * On the offensive tree you pick everything AP related. It is the standard
- * On the offensive tree you pick eveything AP related. Devastating strike
- * On the offensive tree you take jungler's masteries and flat AP.
- * On the offensive tree you take jungler's masteries and whatever is AD
- * On the offensive tree you take jungler's masteries and whatever the flat
- * On the offensive tree you take jungler's masteries and whatever the flat
- * On the utility tree you are looking for Runic affinity as usual.
- * On the utility tree you are looking for Runic affinity as usual. There is
- * On the utility tree you are looking for Runic affinity as usual. You can
- * On the utility tree you are looking for Runic affinity because your
- * On the utility tree you are looking for Runic affinity.
- * On the utility tree you are looking for Runic affinity. But I also have
- * On the utility tree your are looking for Runic affinity and you need
- * On the utility tree your are looking for Runic affinity and you need
- * On the utility tree your are looking for Runic affinity. More movespeed
- * One of the best engage in the game.
- * One of the best engages in the game.
- * Orianna_Middle_guide
- * orianna_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/20 07:26 by flam
- * Original mechanism.
- * Ornery Monster Tails: From reptiles (red but also dragon and Nashor).
- * Patch 4.1 (01.14.2014).
- * Patch 4.1 (01.14.2014).
- * Permanent invisibility.
- * Popular_MOBAs
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pros/Cons
- * Pure caster. Every skill has a damage component.
- * Q was too much nerfed.
- * Quintessences: As Quints you can take flat AD, Arpen or even life steal
- * Quintessences: As Quints you can take flat AD, Arpen or even life steal
- * Quintessences: Flat HP are good, MS too.
- * Quintessences: More flat AD.
- * Reliant on blue early game.
- * Rely on itemization and he needs his own runes.
- * Rely on skill shot to input the maximum damage. DPS close to 0 on an
- * Rough Rock Candy: From Golems. Nunu gains 10% maximum health and 10%
- * Rumble_Top_guide
- * rumble_top_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:24 by flam
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Runes
- * Ryze_Middle_guide
- * ryze_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/22 16:46 by flam
- * Short Range on 2 spells.
- * Short Range on 2 spells.
- * Sivir_AD_Carry_guide
- * sivir_ad_carry_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:17 by flam
- * Skill shots (if your are not good at it).
- * Skill shots (if your are not good at it).
- * Skill shots are traveling fast.
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Skills
- * Slow cleaning speed.
- * So why this utility tree here. I don't like build around sustain for the
- * Spooky Mystery Meat: From wraiths and wolves. Nunu gains 15% movement
- * Squishy
- * squishy hismelf.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Squishy.
- * Strut (passive): While not taking damages for more than 5 seconds, Miss
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Summoner_spells
- * Sustainable DPS from his skills.
- * Tactical fight, using positional advantage.
- * Tanky DPS Mage.
- * Taric_support_guide
- * taric_support_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/20 12:04 by flam
- * Taste Their Fear (Q): Passive: Kha'Zix marks opponent that are away from
- * The background was remade (the skin too), he lost his originality.
- * The defensive tree allows only little tweaks like swiftness instead of
- * The offensive tree is pretty standard but it will also explain a bit the
- * The utility is meant to provide you more sustaint through Alchemist and
- * Tristana_AD_Carry_guide
- * tristana_ad_carry_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/22 16:31 by flam
- * Trundle_jungle_guide
- * trundle_jungle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 16:33 by flam
- * Twitch: He will ambush you easily
- * Unique heat system, no mana.
- * Unseen Threat (Passive): When Kha'Zix is out of the enemy's sight he will
- * Vayne :s
- * Vayne: She can dash to you stun then DPS you to death.
- * Versatile.
- * Very good sustain.
- * Very versatile.
- * Visionary (passive): Every 5 auto attacks Nunu can cast his next spell
- * Void Assault (R) (Ultimate): Passive: For each level of this skill
- * Void Spike (W): Kha'Zix shots his spikes in a lane dealing physical
- * Volley (W): Ashe shots 7 arrows in a cone in front of her dealing
- * X3 Flat AD (quintessences): As Quints you can take flat AD, Arpen or even
- * X3 Flat AD (quintessences): Super tweakable here. Any mix of AD, Armor
- * X3 Flat AD (Quintessences): You can also take lifesteal as quints.
- * X3 Flat AP (quintessences): More damage and sustain.
- * X3 Flat AP (quintessences): You can tweak it with bonus MS too.
- * X3 flat movement speed (quintessences): to clean the jungle faster and to
- * X3 Flat movement speed (quintessences): You can tweak it with flat AP
- * X9 armor penetration (marks): Some guys take more attack speed. You can
- * X9 flat AD (marks): Here you can also take Armor penetration marks or
- * X9 flat AD (marks): Here you can also take Armor penetration marks.
- * X9 flat AD (marks): I prefer flat AD but you can try hybrid penetration
- * X9 flat AD (marks): In general I take Ad rune for the AD i did the mat
- * X9 Flat AD (marks): You can also take some armor penetration marks
- * x9 flat armor (seals): Flat armor to reduce the damages from the enemy AD
- * x9 flat armor (seals): Flat armor to reduce the damages from the enemy AD
- * x9 Flat armor (seals): For a better early against the bot lane.
- * x9 Flat armor (seals): For more sustain in the jungle from start.
- * x9 Flat armor (seals): For more sustain in the jungle from start.
- * x9 Flat armor (seals): For more sustain in the jungle from start.
- * x9 flat armor (seals): I tried some + flat %hp but they are not worth
- * x9 Flat armor (seals): More sustain in the jungle from start.
- * x9 Flat armor (seals): More sustain in the jungle from start.
- * x9 flat armor (seals): Nc.
- * x9 flat armor (seals): Standard.
- * X9 Flat magic resist (glyphs): It will help you soaking more damages from
- * X9 hybrid penetration (marks): Very good on Dr.Mundo.
- * X9 Hybrid penetration (marks): You can also take magic penetration.
- * X9 Hybrid penetration penetration (marks): You can also take Magic
- * X9 Magic penetration penetration (marks):
- * X9 Magic penetration penetration (marks): It s my page as I play it
- * X9 Magic resistance per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * X9 Magic resistance per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * X9 Magic resistance per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * X9 Magic resistance per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * X9 Magic resistance per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * X9 MR per level (glyphs): by default.
- * X9 MR per level (glyphs): I have a mix here but don't account for it.
- * X9 MR per level (glyphs): I have a mix here but don't account for it.
- * X9 MR per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * X9 mr per level (glyphs): The usual.
- * Yorick_Top_guide
- * yorick_top_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/16 17:57 by flam
- * Your_support
- * Your_support
- * Your_support
- * Your_support
- * Your_support
- * Ziggs_Middle_guide
- * ziggs_middle_guide.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/23 17:17 by flam
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- “gain” instant health. Nasus gains instant (+300/450/600) health that stack
- “perma” slow any target. Beware of your mana! It applies a mana cost on your
- (+5% max mana) is a must too.
- (15/20/25/30/35% bonus movement speed).
- (F2P). You download the game and you can play it for free but without its whole
- (flash + smite to steal) The major neutral. In general gaining expended sight
- (Mercury treads/Berzerker's Graves/Ionan's boots) + Trinity Force + Infinity
- (Q+E). You start on ranged form with W+bonus from ulti then you switch to melee
- (tweaked to physical to patch the abuse with Ryze) DPS. This item was ok on
- (ulti). This skill alone allows you to poke easily. Unfortunately you will not
- (usually a kill on anyone but a tank). This ulti is great. It's not a pure
- [image.noelshack.com_fichiers_2013_52_1387881387-mobamap.jpg]
- ****** Ziggs Middle guide ******
- %crit from items. Devastating strike is not so good but you still need to reach
- + Bilgewater Cutlass (Blade of the Ruined King) + Chain vest. Yep many
- + even more pots. Your early game will be a bit more difficult without the
- + teleport and revive.
- 0.something seconds so you can’t get away. It can still be interrupted so you
- 0/21 then 9/21/0 then 21/9/0 or 21/0/9. Yorick is effiecient at close range and
- 1 arrow per target up to 7 targets. If you are at close range you will take 1
- 1 hero up to a respectable amount of time and will probably slow some of his
- 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds at levels 1/6/11.
- 100 heat you are muted but you hit stronger with your auto attacks. This bonus
- 2 seconds everyone will be forced to hit you with auto attack so they will proc
- 50%! This is great on Dr.Mundo, Swain etc… The generic term “healing reduction”
- 6 you will start imposing your style. In fact as an Evelynn I don’t really care
- 80 seconds).
- 875 range and 1 second cooldown. It's an obvious poke. You see an animation
- A basic fear (and efficient). So the enemy won't be able to do anything but
- a better shot at stealing. Don't get caught out of position as you won’t
- A big burst for your DPS so it’s your assassination skill. 225 range is really
- A general tip regarding warding. In fact you don't have to place so many wards
- A global skill shot that will only hit Heroes. You can cast it through creeps
- A great sustain skill. You will clean the jungle with no downtime thanks to
- a Maw of Malmortius. Then you will have to build some defense because you are
- A multi target silence. It will be also useful to clean the jungle alongside W
- A pretty basic setup for an AP hero.
- A pretty good ulti that while require some practice. The cooldown is pretty
- a problem you will have to do a Sheen pretty fast. Sheen is good on Alistar who
- a Rod of Ages otherwise you will need to buy a Glacial Shroud to complete
- a so great range you will build him a bit tanky. You can look for an early
- A unique skill! A smite that applies buffs and provides healing. I usally level
- A very good skill to chase and a pretty good one to hit and run too. Sivir is
- abilities. This also applies when you build around Jayce. He doesn't need
- ability on offensive tree provides you a +3% damage on not only AP as it was
- able to kill him in an instant.
- able to ulti every 30 seconds. Now your optimal sequence is something like
- about a good W+Q. If you miss it you will knock the target back while wasting
- about her kit; it his simple and efficient. Cast this one alongside W when you
- about my direct opponent. I’m always looking for ganks. To gank well you have
- acceleration gate as many uses.For the most of the time you will do it in
- according either to your play style and/or the enemy composition.
- according either to your play style and/or the enemy composition.
- according to you jungler if possible. The enemy’s middle lane will always have
- across the whole map. It is the perfect skill to catch low life heroes who
- activate himself only on the impact. You will do the same on teamfight as it is
- activate it the cost per second is pretty hi at the early stages but affordable
- activate it when you are almost dead (beware of counter jungling!).
- AD will benefit to everyone and some heroes will benefit from the whole effect.
- AD.
- AD. You buil yorick around Health/def then AD.
- add up to the damage dealt to the tower thus. Later on during team fights even
- advantage from your E. Some players can't play without life steal on a carry
- affinity as usual.
- affinity.
- after alistar starts to “fly” to the enemy target with W. In fact Q will
- After blue you can already gank with W+E. Q is a bit too weak now. Otherwise
- After level 6 it will be easier as you will start to be tanky and strike your
- after Q to deal even more damage. You can cast in on you to speed up yourself.
- after red (Blue→wolves→red) or you can farm more. Amumu's has a good sustain
- After red you can do the wraiths then the golems and repeat the cycle minus the
- After the laning phase you will have to play as an offtank. As every tank/
- after you land.
- Again this one is even pure AP damages. In general it's how you spot your
- against a competent middle. You go in only for the kill at this stage. After
- aggressive so we take them.
- ago you had to take a particular item and then just spam your enhanced W to
- Agony's Embrace (R): The shield now appears instantly.
- Ahri is an AP middle.
- Ahri the Nine-Tailed fox.
- Aiming for someone, most of the time you will do a W+Q combo but sometime you
- Alistar is usually a support but can be played as a niche jungler.
- Alistar the Minotaur.
- allies if the go through but it will also speed up and empower the pellet from
- almost a lane wining opportunity not so long ago. As it is a skill shot you
- almost any early ganks with this skill. Then you max W, E and Q last.
- alongside the creeps. Itemize yourself to one shot the weaker creeps in a wave
- alonside if you need.
- Also as it's shot starting from Ashe and expanding into a cone if you are at
- also consider items such as Maw of Malmortius, The bloodthirster (I don't
- also take a Blade +2 pots. Mix your pots between hp and mana weighted toward
- Always cast this on an ally if he's around as you will also gain the bonuses.
- Always look at your stack from the passive and save the guaranteed crit for the
- always stay at the same range. As an AD you may do not want to close that gap
- always think about using it right before someone dies or you will waste a cast.
- amount of time. You can revive a hero for 10 seconds then it dies again.
- Amumu has interresting abilities to weaken and damages even the enemy tank.
- Amumu is played as a jungler mostly.
- Amumu the Sad Mummy
- an Abyssal scepter. If you are really gank or team fight orriented from the
- an auto attack.
- an early Rabadon's Deathcap, followed by an Abyssal Scepter as you will do some
- an optimal CDR based on the duration of his W. So the formula 100-((duration/
- An original passive. You usually wait to die to cast your ulti. As your ulti
- an waling aura provider. Frozen Heart is something to consider too. A luxury
- and a fast cleaning speed so you can play him as a power farmer if you want.
- and even more native CDR, it's your main source of damage.
- and minions, no problem. One of the best engage in the game as it will disable
- and more selfish path is to start with the blue and then counterjungling
- and out but you will expose yourself every time. It can be pretty tricky to
- and that's expensive. You can tweak it with AP rune if you are poor!
- and that’s why Corki's overall DPS is still amazing, thanks to itemization as
- and walls. As it is logical the direction is the radius aligned with your
- and you can be interrupted while being in mid-air. In the other hand you can
- and you can start Liandris torment. As Rumble you want AP some resist depending
- Annie is an AP middle and a niche Support.
- Annie the Dark Child.
- annoying and inefficient for the whole team. Make yourself sure you will last
- another Doran's ring and chalice of harmony and boots. Your core build will be:
- Another one is W…+E+AA+Q+AA+AA+R and here you try to knock him back at you and
- anticipation to cast it efficiently. The AOE is super narrow here : 50 radius.
- anymore. So we will have to build Jayce around something else. There is many
- anyone in 5v5.
- anytime you cast to 4. It's not worth it anymore.
- Anyway Bloodthirster is still standard. So as a core: Berserkers' boots +
- anyway. The Ad you gain will scale with E. overall it's not so great. It makes
- AOE burst. You harass a bit your enemy with Q then you go on him with E+ a Q
- AP a hybrid build isn't viable you will always build her as pure damage.
- AP middle laner.
- AP. This is Evelynn’s farming skill. Even if you are a melee you will last hit
- Apart from this you can make a “perfect wall” with this skill and Anivia's wall
- applies to several effects in the game. It will reduce the natural HP per 5
- apply an armor boost to himself so it's also buff his armor aura. As this skill
- Archangel's staff but dont do both. You will pay too much money for extra non-
- are avoidable. Note the low cooldown. With this you have already a great tool
- are called inhibitors and unlike the towers and nexus they can respawn
- are really great with Evelynn, Arcane Blade too.
- are still well positioned. If you are soloquing keep an eye on the whole map
- are very active with you ulti you can tweak Rabadon's Deatcap with Zhonya's
- area then it will prioritize heroes. This is what you have closer to an utility
- army in a MOBA you control only one hero most of the time (with few
- around health. You have no mana but you spend a portion of your own health to
- around mana pool. Again don't start doing this and focus on doing the most
- arrowsthen 6 arrows will fly behind you. Great range as you see. With Q and W
- As a disruption this skill will interrupt channeling. He will knock back you
- as a poker but it's depending on your playing style. Your core build will be:
- As a starter you buy Sapphire Cristal + mana pot + HP pot. One your first trip
- As a starter you generally want to farm safely. You will have to stay close to
- As an ad your mid-late game scaling will come from Rapid fire so you max it
- as any hero. As you can see the “second” rank when you hit the level 6, it
- As core item you will have: Liandry’s Torment + Sorcerer’s shoes + Rabadon’s
- As Dr.Mundo you have several options regarding jungle path. A standard and
- As i said in my Kha'Zix build Manamune is worse than even nowadays. But if had
- As I said in my Kha'Zix build Manamune is worse than ever nowadays. It's even
- As I said on a teamfight try to engage the first enemy from the second line of
- As I said you max Q first and E last. No really good reason to tweak this.
- As I said you need good cooperation with your support. With a higer Elo things
- as it was before like Lee-sin Hecarim Evelynn etc… Alistar doesn't fits the
- As many dashes you can cast it to go through thin lanes of trees, cliffs and
- As Miss Fortune channels her ulti anyone with a stun or a good CC/slow will do
- as soon as possible too.
- As starting items: Doran's Blade +1 Hp pot or Boots +5 Hp pots. Then you
- As starting items: Doran's Blade +1 Hp pot. Then you buy a Bf blade on your
- As starting items: Doran's Blade +1 Hp pot. Then you usually don't want to go
- As starting items: Doran's Blade +1 Hp pot. You can usually buy another Doran's
- As starting items: Doran's ring + hp pot are standard. An early Rod of Ages is
- as the target is slowed.
- As you can see it's interesting to switch forms often as you gain free bonus
- As you can see Orianna has 2 utility/damage skills. That is why she can be a
- As you can see the second impact produces more damages. The goal of this skill
- As you cast your ulti always think about auto attacking before you recast hit
- As you have no good escape mechanism you take Q and W first. In case of an
- As you see Dr.Mundo doesn't works like most champions. He is heavily built
- As you see it's more or less your utility skill so I max it last but I evolve
- As you see there is a mana component for ryze's skill. That makes him an unique
- As you shot faster than 1 arrow every two seconds from start you can already
- as you want here.
- AS. I tried to build related to this skill long ago and it was almost viable.
- Ashe is a pure AD carry.
- Ashe is already a kite machine.
- Ashe the frost archer.
- at level 2 as you level up W and E first. You can put a point in Q at lvl 3
- at level 2 or 3. The shield component is ok but no so great.
- at level 3 if you did well. Your cleaning speed will be super slow from start.
- At level 3 you take red right away then you look out for gank again. If you
- at lvls 17/18 too. The “second” rank of R at lvl 6 is mandatory but for the
- At some point you have to do a Rabadon's Deathcap depending on how the game
- attack move / stutter stepping or simply the hit and run. Basically anytime
- attack. In this case save your skill to prevent this by hiting them first right
- attention to not save the enemy's life with this skill. It's even truer during
- aura) It's almost the last big AOE steroid in the game. Granting bonus AP and
- auto attacks.
- automatically generated on a regular basis during the game. The other and most
- away from everything safe. Now you have to hit something to meet the previous
- away with a W-Q combo most of the time. If you are facing some counters just
- away. You can also use it in combination with yout ulti when you come back to
- Awww the nerf. It was awesome in team fights as it provided bonus AS for the
- B.F Sword at least. Jayce almost only benefit from bonus AD so you will need
- back (700 or 1025 gold) you buy Madred's Razors and boots. You won(t upgrade
- back before you can afford a B.F blade (1550 gold). That's why bot is all about
- Back in the days (2003) the very first MOBA ever created was a custom map (mod)
- Back in the days Gragas was viable as a tank. His passive and W are the relics
- back on lane from the fountain with Tear of the Goddess you can begin to last
- Back to Kha'Zix now, with the nerf on manamune plus the little nerf on W you
- back you take Tear of the Goddess. Then you complete your boots. The standard
- back you usually complete Spirit of the ancient golem and ninja tabi. The core
- back. After level 6 it will be even easier. You take down or force to back most
- back. This is not an auto lock it's a skill shot. The range is huge and you
- background too which is not cool. He was previously the cursed troll. As his
- ball will stay at the targeted location. That's important as this mechanism
- ball you will also pick it up. Q is your main skill; low cost, low cooldown,
- based on the allied champion's stats as follows: (50/75/100% of the ally's
- basic defensive item and then you are set up.
- Basicaly you can just regroup the enemy team around your ball at the same
- basics, Warmog's Armor too. A luxury item will be another “big gun” such as The
- be interrupted as any channel.
- be more efficient. The AD carry is the one you want to focus the most while
- be something like 4 to 1 (4Q 1W for 5 casts). You won't empty your low mana
- be still able to auto attack or cast spells on you.
- because of this. It's winning games, plus the feeling you have when you know
- because of your AOEs. Deathfire Grasp if you like to go at close range often.
- because of your burst. Hi Athene's Unholy Grail ! You can start with Doran's
- Before E was tweaked a 40% CDR Gragas was very temptative. You had major
- before the last hit. Your Q will slow them and you will win the trade anyway.
- before this timing you can pick another doran blade or an Avarice blade. Then
- before. So it's an up for Ryze . Once you reach +750 mana from your Tear of
- best use is obviously when there is creeps around.
- between +MS and +MRP as you will heavily regenerate MPs in stealth mode.
- between any cast it will not be worth sometime so adjust yourself on this.
- between each auto attack. As next item a Black Cleaver will enforce the
- between you and them, they will fail to pull you to them. Same thing if
- birds. Some AP mid will try to zoom you out if you try to last hit with an auto
- Blade + boots or save money to buy the B.F Sword in one go. Then you have to
- Bloodthirster (still doesn't like this one), Maw of Malmortius even wit's end
- Bloodthirster.
- bloodthirster. It's the safe build. You complete your Berzerker's Greaves. Your
- bloodthirster/Infinity Edge or The Black Cleaver. You can consider The Blade of
- blow. W yourself first then the combo is R+E+AA+Q+AA+AA he is usually dead.
- Blue. You have a really good chance to score the skill if the enemies are
- boots (still the normal path). On your next trip back I complete Spirit of the
- boots + pots. An oldschool cloth armor + 5 pots still work. You also have
- boots + Trinity force + Frozen heart + Spirit visage. With this you already
- boots either in Ninja tabi or Mercury's Tread. Your core build will be: tanky
- boots of lucidity (15% CDR) + Ravenous Hydra + Trinity force/Last Whisper. At
- BORK is for AD carries with a burst, Ashe is like the first hero that fits the
- both range. In the ranged form the range can be close to 1500 if you cast it
- both sides. It really helps you to win your lane. You can zoom out you opponent
- bruiser or a tank you will keep it as he will slow you because you won't be
- bruiser will often understimate your ulti. Harass him a bit then ulti and
- bruiser with no gap closer you will need to soak damage to be at the right
- Brutalizer: 1337 gold if you started with boots or shield. Then you will build
- buil then a Rod of Ages a bit of mana and health will help when the laning
- build a Spirit visage or an Abyssal scepter.You can consider Tinw Shadows too.
- build depending on the enemy team as every one building in defense. Available
- build Rabadon's Deathcap right away. You don't have to focus on CDR on Annie.
- Build that Void staff too it's really good. Some luxury items are: Zhonya's
- build you will reach your targets easy (+ a combination of E+W) Your pillar is
- Bulwark is great too. When you apply it to yourself you will gain even more AP
- bushes you can use to pop your ulti to a lane.
- but also you allies with no damage. You can use it to jump over; tress cliffs
- but I don’t think it's mandatory on Corki. You can buy a Bloodthirster instead
- but you always want it as a melee hero. So practicing with Tristana will
- But you have many more option too : Rylai's crystal scepter, Sunfire Cape,
- Buying wards is always good. You free ward won't be enough most of the time.
- called the “win button”.
- Calling right after Infinity Edge. It will provide you a healing reduction. A
- camp-second buff then gank or more farm. Same at level 3 with your second buff.
- can also consider Zhonya's Hourglass as you will be able to DPS for 2.5 seconds
- can farm relentless from start so it will be easy to gather 1050 gold to
- can gain time if your laners respond fast enough. Otherwise just run away as
- can go and try to steal enemy red. You can gank for the first blood from your
- can pass through the pillar not even you. But you can turn it in an advantage.
- can put it on you to do even more damage.In a massive gank something like
- can see now you will have to cast everything at melee range to extract the most
- cancelling the stat advantage of your own creeps when they do (only for the
- capability to slow, you will use it to engage or to put distance from him. In
- Cassiopeia has hit'n'run abilities but short range on E. So you have to get in
- Cassiopeia is a pure mid hero.
- Cassiopeia is pretty hard to play if you miss your initial skill shot you will
- Cassiopeia the Serpent's Embrace.
- Cassiopeia's E you can't click on the target then fire. It's too slow. Also you
- cast other skills while being in mid-air. W+E+Q+W's impact is well known.
- cast skills. The more %HP Dr.Mundo is missing the stronger he becomes. So you
- casting skills.
- casting. As it channel for 1 seconds you can be interrupted, not gaining the
- caught in it is unable to move but also to auto attack. A root is just about an
- caught off guard. Otherwise you can go on wolves following the farming route.
- cautious. Try to switch as much as you can to benefit from your bonuses/passive
- CDR that Ryze need to be capped : Frozen hearth and spirit visage. You can take
- channels for you have to cast it within 4 seconds. If you managed to die at the
- chaotic factor in the enemy lines during team fights. It needs some time to
- charge W+AA+R+AA+R+AA+Q usually the guys is dead or he won a trip back to his
- charge your Tear anymore. Sapming is wasting for a bruiser with a manapool. The
- chose to not pick you first point in E at lvl3 if you see no opportunity to
- clean a bit faster whereas W will help your team more.
- clean the wave fast then roam more. Also turn the fast cast on! Fast cast
- clean. Trundle also has good counter jungling capability, all up to you. Try to
- cleaver. I like Statikk Shiv, with Miss Fortune passive it will proc often. But
- cleaver. Once you engaged do not try to inflict damages with your cleaver; use
- close range and you take the 7 arrows you won’t take the damages X7. It's only
- close to melee range so you will be seen before doing it. Cast it in
- combination with Q to do more damages / reach more range. As for the rest you
- combination with W before or after depending on the enemy’s CC mostly.
- combine all your skills. With your mobility and all the slows you have he won't
- combo is R (repelling the enemy to you) + E + Q for an astonishing burst
- competent opponents. Ward the river right away with your free trinket. Don’t
- competitive level. Miss fortune is a Pure AD carry but still she has an AP
- complete the Infinity Edge. You can build Phantom dancer to complete your kit
- complete your early razor + boots. Then It will only be faster and faster to
- component for the most of her skills (3 out of 4). Even with all this potentiel
- component is not really significant unless you use it in very specific
- component isn't interesting, the slow is. You can use it as a life saver and
- component of the skill. The healing reduction component from the active is a
- cone is great too. In a team fight you can really cast it from a safe position
- confident you are playing alistar the more AP you can stack.
- consider Zephyr as it will grant you Tenacity. As a very defensive option a
- content. You can unlock it by playing or purchasing it with real money. MOBAs
- control and finish with a Lich Bane as a luxury item. Athene's Unholy Grail
- control of most mids easily. Punish them with auto attacks anytime they miss a
- control with a basic attack and health. If the allied hero dies before the end
- controlled by AI spawns from bases and then meet on the center of the map. The
- cooldown by hitting something. No more super mobile Gragas. So I advocate for
- cooldown on the trigger the optimal way to DPS with Corki is to do a skill
- Cooldown: (9/8/7/6/5) Cost: 40 mana.
- cooldown. The dash has an AD component; not commmon for an AP. Luckily Gragas
- cooldown)*100) 100-((20/25)*100)= 20. You pick 20% cdr then you focus on AP
- cooldwon there is the temptation to spam it endlessly. Then you will build
- core build will be: Berzerker's Graves + Infinity Edge + bloodthirster/ Statikk
- core will be : Berzerker's Greaves + Bloodthirster + Infinity edge. Then you
- Corki is an AD carry specialized in poke and AOE damages.
- Corky can poke well to with his ulti when you are facing the enemy team. Always
- course. Hybrid penetration is good on Miss Fortune as you have two skills that
- cover the gameplay on bot lane.
- cover the middle lane gameplay.
- creeps it encounters so work your aim! I have to mention the second shot is for
- creeps. Look at the enemy creeps as you can zoom out most of mids. Try to deny
- damage component and its utility component to play your W well.
- damage reduction and +20% attack damage. your summons have stats based on your
- Damage reduction is not that bad but you are not meant to take much damage
- damage! So you will have to interrupt yourself by right clicking to move often.
- damages over a short period of time.
- damages right around him and an AOE slow to deal even more damages overtime.
- damages when I'm ganking so I don' t rely too much on defense. Still you will
- damages/debuffs. The first rank is available at lvl 1 then it will be the same
- dancer so much as I think that ashe has enough natural abilities to kite. You
- dash and it's hilarious.
- dead or you have Flash on cooldown.
- deal pure AP damages.
- dealing something like a third of the total DPS. Don't get caught by a CC!
- deals initial damage when he appears then he will irridiate overt time dealing
- Deathcap + Deathfire Grasp. DFG is always mandatory as it helps you bursting
- Deathcap + Liandry' Torment. Then you may build according to the enemy team.
- Deathcap right away. You also can opt for an early Rod of Ages. It depends on
- Decaying Ghoul : This ghoul has a slowing aura as follows: (10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
- decent damages.
- decent support too. The first thing you have to do with E is to bind a button
- decent wheras you lose in tanking capability. You will still be a decent tank
- decent you can throw it behind someone to knock him back to you! A standard
- decent.
- decide if you can engage or not. Don't forget to ward with the free trinket.
- decided to make you use his whole kit. Maybe they had to think about reworking
- default) You don't need CDR. You calculate the optimal CDR for Dr.Mundo from
- defend the final objective. A total of eleven towers per camp or five towers
- defense you will be able to land a perfect ulti catching everyone. On your
- Deny the farm as much as you can. To do so you have to monitor your creeps's
- destroying structures.
- difficult as many mids have ways to escape fast (dashs).
- difficulties to escape from a decent gank so. You're not even a proper off tank
- difficulties to last hit every creeps. You can regulate this by hitting creeps
- difficulties with CC, Zhonya's hourglass is your best friend. In a standard
- directly from her. When you cast Q you move the ball to the target location and
- distribution: 1 player to the upper lane, 1 player at the middle, 1 in the
- do nothing for 5 seconds. On the other hand if you complete your sequence
- doesn't work on strucures.
- doing this you will win most middles. Orianna is not the best hero to roam with
- don't give up his position you may finish him. Most of the time you counter
- don't have the kit to do so.
- don't need to stack more AS on Tristana. This skill is useful while pushing a
- don't start ganking with mundo before lvl 6. Your engage isn't super strong so
- don't use it before the end of the channel (Morgana's ulti for example or
- don’t let your tower being destroyed easily.
- Doran's shield + 1 pots. You can also buy boots + 3 pots or a crystalline flask
- Doran's shield/sword + pot as a standard start. It already depends on your
- DOTA 2: A standalone available on Steam.
- double ward here. As a general type you must buy more wards to win more mids.
- down anyone decent. Of course sustain on a lane is a component of the game to
- DPS as we will see.
- DPS even more. The AOE slow is also great to catch an enemy who's running away.
- Dr.Mundo can fill either Jungle, top and can be a niche support. This guide
- Dr.Mundo's skillshot. As you can see it's more a rail-gun shot (like Ezreal's
- duel begin vs a hero with high regen/healing potential.
- duel you launch it right before your E.
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E and W are your main skills for the jungle. Then you max Q last.
- E on them then Q-W and Q again with the isolated bonus as they are trying to
- E so it is less problematic to farm right under your tower. As you take more
- E will consume too much mana from start so you level Q first then W to finish
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E x x x x x
- E you don't control it. It will prioritize the hero your are fighting if there
- Each Ghoul will have a special special purpose with special stats. This one is
- early gank you may reach the tower back successfully with these two skills.
- early ganks if you are not confident on your aim you may run aside an enemy,
- early. If you see an opportunity charge you stun, burst then back. Don't forget
- easily affect several target whith the slow.
- easily in team fights.The slow and damages are ok it's a very solid Q.
- easily with a good timing/coordination.
- easy 30% CDR only from items. So you will “perma” E.
- Edge/The Bloodthirster. If you face an AP top you can tweak your big sword with
- EDIT: nerfed on patch 4.1 01/14/2014 from 1.75 seconds for every levels to
- effective, safe and you won't lose so much xp. Always think about warding even
- effects but you will almost never be. Then you gain AD and damage reduction.
- efficient.
- else.
- empower your strenght even more, Locket of the iron Solari to fill you role as
- enable you to cast lock skills by pointing on target like any skill shot. With
- Enchanted Armor will be efficient late game with a Guardian angel.
- enemies are running away from it before the end of the cast they won't take any
- enemies' jungler his doing his camp. You don' t want to spend much time dueling
- enemy AD carry. Your ulti will require some skill but it's pretty easy to hit
- enemy carry biting him with Q.
- enemy harder. You will already force them to back on trades for the most.
- enemy hero at the same time. On the next trip back you usually buy
- enemy hero under their range of effect. Then they will switch, hitting you.
- enemy will the magic damages and the true damages.
- enemy! The worst thing actually is its firing speed. I think it's the sole
- enemy's life. As you can see Tristana has AP component in her whole skill set.
- enemy's red. Beware in pre S4 ward system was remade and the mid player will
- engage but you can use it as it was if noone else fits the requirement. Beware!
- engage is a skill shot you really need to engage enemies from their back. They
- engage.
- enhance your penetration. RIP Banshee’s Veil as there is no more mana component
- enhanced W is a niche move that isn't worth the point in it.
- enhanced W is just about hitting multiple creeps (safely) and you really don't
- ennemies run away easily.
- ennemy is the more damage you will do. Perfect example: Garen's ultimate is an
- equals the distance between the fountain and your inhibitor’s tower.
- escape if the wall is up cast it right on your side the enemy will face the
- escape too (to forbid a path).
- escape.
- escape. If someone reach you at melee range cast it on you too you will be able
- Evelynn can be played both middle and jungle. This guide will cover the middle
- Evelynn has a particular gameplay on the middle lane and it will shine even
- Evelynn unique gameplay comes mostly from her passive. When you are stealth you
- Even for amumu (AP jungler) the standard start will be a machete + hp pots. On
- even have virtually 0 mana problems for the whole game. You start with a
- even if there is nothing around to hit.
- Even if this passive synergizes with the whole kit, it's an average passive.
- even more damages on Nunu. You start with machete + 5 HP pots. It's your
- even more. Luxury items are Void staff, Lich Bane and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.
- every instance to a minimal threshold of 40% the initial damage. As you can see
- Every single guide had Manamune as its core; great item to spam Q you know… I
- everyone was building Manamune on him… To make manamune you have to build tear
- everyone. But in the other side it had a 6 seconds cooldown anytime. They
- everything built around a B.F sword will do. Here you have Yorick without the
- everything in taric's kit it's amazing. Armor, CDR, AP and a little aoe damage/
- Everything is in the timing.
- everything together. As starting items you can take boots + 5 pots. You can
- Everything with some cc or hard CC to complete Corki's kit will work: Alistar,
- exceptions). The game is originally meant to be played 5v5 with this standard
- execute. I say this because here you don't use it as an execute (keeping it for
- farm with Karthus. As you only have W to escape buy more wards to gain sight on
- farming and last hitting. Luckily for you Miss Fortune is great at it. She has
- farming is easy with Miss Fortune and she can stay safe most of the time
- farming side than ganking side. You will shine during team fights later on.
- farming their lanes. These junglers like Vi or shyvana will farm their jungle
- fast with E.
- feel like counter jungling (and Nunu is great at it) buy wards and time the
- felt it like a paradox on Urgot. Urgot was a super early hero (RIP Urgot
- Few players thought about it in lower ELO. You can also boost an ally putting
- few support do this but think about it it's important. At this place right
- Fiddlesticks is usually played as a jungler an AP middle or as a niche support.
- Fiddlesticks the Harbringer of doom
- fights you will have to get closer to seal the maximum DPS. From level 1 with a
- fights you will soak the most damages. Try to protect your carry with your
- fights. It will be long to learn and you will rely heavily on you tank and
- first category but he is really good at ganking.
- first enemy it encounters. It's a long distance taunt with a debuff. If I
- first then 1 instance of R tight into him. Then same land a unavoidable E
- first trip back. I don't really like Bloodthirster on Sivir as she's is super
- Fizz) always keep your W for the moment they reach you. You will be able to run
- flask + 3 pots as I said. Then you will buy shoes and you can build Rabadon's
- flaw in his mechanism; Q had a slow animation, so slow that at some point using
- for a Hero (nb devs !).
- for Warcraft 3 called DOTA (Defense of the Ancients).
- Force. You buy your B.F sword early but always finish your Trinity Force first!
- fountain. Later during team fights you will have the possibility to stay at
- free so you will generate heat only once here (20).
- Freljord (some random area in the north of lol's world) with a badass attitude.
- from a gank soaking fewer damages with thanks to E+W. Then You buy Athene's
- from an item…
- from enemies but the range isn't that huge to do this well.
- From level 13 you will have the longest range in the game already. You will
- From s3 Manamune enhanced itself automatically into Muramana once you reached
- From start play safe with Q. Farm with it. Always build Gragas with the goal to
- from Taric abilities. 500 range/radius for the aura is pretty decent and you
- from the cast to explosion so the enemy has time to avoid it. You will need
- from the hot spot.
- from this past. Devs tweaked Gragas as an exclusive AP middle but kept his old
- from your passive! That's why even in a sequence where you are not focused you
- Frozen Heart even Locket of the Iron solari. Try things before season starts!
- Frozen hearth as soon as possible. there is two objects that will provide 20%
- Frozen mallet (but you need to AA him at least) or even a Blade of the Ruined
- frozen mallet your auto attack will apply a movement speed reduction on the
- full stacks. You gained an active that dealt 3% of your actual mana as magical
- Galio can be played either middle, top or be a niche support. This guide will
- Galio is pecialized in countering mages.
- Galio is set as a tanky mage. You can tweak between twose two sides depending
- Galio the Sentinel's Sorrow
- Galio will taunt enemies for 2 seconds. I don't know what the recast rate but
- game mechanism called Grievous Wounds. As most heroes with this ability apply
- game you can almost let it on forever.
- game you do Rabadon's Death Cap after core.
- gameplay around it. Unseen Threat stays as long as you don't use it and it has
- gameplay.
- gank after your second buff. Whereas you can take it at level 2 if you are
- ganks often. In fact in S4 i guess there will be 2 types of junglers. A pretty
- Gauntlet effect and you repeat. As you need some magic resistance you will
- Gauntlet. IG is hilarious on Nunu. You shot you E then you catch the enemy up
- general you can rush in with it against another AP or an AD carry. Against a
- generate heat and it doesn't have additional effect from the danger zone.
- get the most of it. If you are casting from maximal range enemies will just
- go away.
- goddess you can complete archangel staff. A luxury will be a void staff to
- goes on you will have to build according to the opponents. The Enemies are hard
- goes. With this build you will have a chunk of AP MR armor and even more slows.
- golem. Then you will have 30% CDR close to your optimal CDR. More CDR will
- good at healing, you can kite but you will take some skills still.
- good with you kit as you are an AP tank. It's even better when you are in a AP
- Gragas an AP middle with a good sustain and a high burst. As not so long ago
- Gragas is (almost) a pure middle hero specialized in AOE burst.
- Gragas the Rabble Rouser
- great overall. Always think to cast Bulwark first. We will see we can do some
- great with Tresh; combining both ultis is awesome. Nami does the same as Lulu.
- Grievous Wounds is really interesting. It's a healing reduction applied on
- guardian angel and Warmog's armor but it's more on a defensive build. With this
- Guardian Angel is fine on most AD carry.
- guild is meant to take advantage from lvl so will have to be very active. Don't
- harass and also to push towers faster.
- harass quite a bit while engaging with E and then if he still try to reach you,
- Harass with Q but not so much. try to keep your W to escape from early ganks.
- Hardiness for laning sustain.
- has a 0.656 (.656 attack per second) default AS and she gains +4% per level.
- has a great AD steroid but again it's a part of his ancient tanking kit. So
- has a high base damage. Then you will complete Spirit of the Ancient golem and
- Has you can see there is an AD component in this skill but the damage output is
- Hate Spike (Q): Missile speed reduced from 2000 to 1250.
- have a decent mana pool some AD and HP. If there is many AOE in the enemy team
- have a free ward from the start. As bot is always warded, a competent mid will
- have have a skill shot component. The thing is to punish them if they miss. You
- have many opportunities to engage with your stun. Try to hit at close range to
- have their own mods. You can usually play on a 3v3 map, a capture the flag map
- have to cast it straight mostly. If you try to auto attack to use your passive
- have to put these ward in the top section of the river as the laners won't
- have to use it at your advantage. During a team fight you are aiming for the
- have way to escape withe Q and W you won't win against most of junglers but you
- Havoc.
- he is anoying poking with is E (samages + slow). Harass your enemy and if he
- he is kitable too. So as heroes like Udyr you have to be tanky enough to close
- He just lost all his coolness in the coldness (Like Nunu too !).
- head in game telling you how far from the ball you are. If you walk near the
- Healers with a bit of CC will be good for Tristana such as: Nami, Soraka, Sona.
- healing from his disease forever. Now Trundle is just the king of Trolls from
- health to attack the enemy at rights time alongside how you farm usually. By
- health you gain while evolving this skill is called an execute. The lower the
- health) and (45/60/75% of the ally's AD)
- heart of the battle dealing free damages for 7 seconds is pretty impressive.
- heat as you will gain bonus effects on all your skills (but R). When you reach
- heavily on mobilty a Rylai's crystal Scepter will synergize well with your kit.
- heavy team.
- helps you with sustain. I like to make myself Statikk Shiv. I don' do Phantom
- her by default. Every skills she cast will emanate from the ball and not
- Here both side of the skill are interesting. In melee form you will have to pay
- Here comes the downside :) : You will have to buy +mana per level only for him
- Here comes the mighty combo! Your engages either in ganks or team fight are all
- Here I start with the escaping skill to be super safe. As you usually don't
- Here you want to max you Q first but then you can tweak between W and E. If you
- here. An early countered blue will be a disaster for your farm. Amumu is pretty
- here. An early countered blue will be a disaster for your farm. Work your AP
- hero to practice this skill well. This + boomerang
- hero with different abilities. Q is your main skill, it deals many damages at
- hero. You will have build him according to this. The blast is ok, shorst cdr
- heroes
- Heroes of Newerth (HON): A standalone free 2 play (was a retail game before).
- high. It will sometimes turn fights but only with perfect timing (or if you
- highs, It's like the new chalice: The Iceborn Gauntlet. It just synergizes with
- him a bit otherwise he will die before reaching his target (melee fighter).
- his E: 100-((duration/cooldown)x100) 100-((5/7)x100)=28.57 You will reach an
- his whole kit. So the tweaks tend to make him A short range AP caster with high
- hit him with the red and then land an easier Q as it will be slowed. If you try
- hit Nashor from behind the wall from level 13.
- hit or you will knock back the enemies onto your mates.
- hit with Q. Don't do this to much and mix it with normal last hits. always keep
- hits. That's the first component of your engage combo with R. You can also use
- hitting the enemy each time to reset it as you go out.
- hitting with Ziggs is already easy so don't waste too much Short Fuse on
- hourglass and Seraph's Embrace.
- Hourglass. It will provide you 2.5 second out 5 as safe damages (stasis). You
- How do you do middle without spaming enchanced W ? You are a melee Hero so it
- HP. A Doran's Shield is even an option. On first trip back you do an early
- I advocate for pure damage as an AP:
- I evolve this skill last (yep no evolve on W). This one allows Kha'Zix to put a
- I gave most of my tips in previous sections this time :).
- I have to say you need to stay in the AOE to benefit from its effects. The zone
- I remember well. Also there is now some weird momentum with E (the dash). You
- I skipped Manamune to an early brutalizer/Black Cleaver + frozen heart then
- I think it's meh but it works. I don't really like having sustain on my APs.
- If Blitz or Tresh caught you whith their grap you just insta cast the pillar
- If I remember well I killed someone with the AOE damage someday… The damage
- if someone is coming into your jungle. that's way better !
- If the enemy expose himself too much just burst him with Q-E-AA-W-Q. When are
- if you are trying to run away after a chase by using enemy creeps on your way
- if you can be really safe casting your ulti you may need to take some risks to
- If you cast it in a bush and if enemies are within its AOE but without sight on
- if your mobility is ok. As Rumble you will naturally push your lane with your
- immediate vision when someone is in it. In fact that's bad. By warding the next
- immobilization. Whereas a stun won't allow you to do anything. So Curse od the
- impact to a total range of 1400. The initial shot travels fast but the bounces
- implicated now and more agressive. Taric fits this category. From his kit his
- Important note: No more Manamune! I will explain it now, you won't build
- impressive. With this skill you try to reach you target at max range so the
- improve your overall game. If you are a beginner with this game mechanism you
- in a well timed gank you will have difficulties to escape.
- In general everyone with a gap closer or an entrapment will counter Sivir
- In general everyone with some skill shots will be countered easy by Sivir.
- in it. You can still pick it as a defensive item and because there is no more
- in its area you can almost clean a wave with it. So you can throw it then roam
- in the base. Once you destroyed it your own creeps will spawn as super creeps
- in the enemy's jungle as other lanes will back him up pretty fast in a decent
- in the whole width of a lane. It implies many strategies. Another tip; no one
- in this case I think you have to avoid Manamune at all cost now. Cliff note:
- In this war each player incarnates a hero to help the creeps pushing their (and
- infinite mana you just spam your main skill again and again. That's was very
- Infinity Edge is a must on Miss Fortune. Warlord and havoc are must have of
- initial damage of 100% then 90% of this. The damage will be minored by 10% for
- inside the base to defend the first respawning point and finally 2 towers to
- instead of Fury.
- instead of reworking a big part of Gragas they decided now that he needs to use
- interesting thing to do is to always stay in the danger zone between 50 and 100
- is a knock back on it so you can cancel any channels with it. As the range is
- is always good.
- is an alternative build when you can pick both (and I think it's great) but I
- is applied every 0.5 seconds from the aura. You can cast the ghoul on targeted
- is built in armor it provides Taric some decent damages with no offensive
- is creeps around. It also can hit creeps anyway.
- is great. Anyway improved mobility is always good in League of Legends.
- is ok too. Usual stunner like Taric(again), Alistar, Leona. Soraka is always
- is ok. Then you are looking for a B.F sword then you begin your Triforce with
- is on their way.
- is only side steps. Then you can do this by hitting some heroes with Trist as
- is pretty large it will take the width of a lane as diameter. More sustain in
- is Sorcerer's shoes as you don't have that much magic penetration outside your
- is the same for an elixir of fortitude.
- is to cast it right after a hard CC.
- is to fire at a primary target to deal more damages on the secondary target.
- isolated and effects will apply on your Q. Creeps can be isolated if there is
- It can also be bad if you knock enemies off your teammates (like Alistar W) Use
- It comes from his ulti as you will see scrolling down. On the map you will see
- it decay for 4 seconds. At your peek you will have 40% of the enemy MR + armor.
- it is a few skill in the game that allow you to easily DPS while running away.
- It is your finisher against any non squishy hero. You can also cast it as a
- it reduced your overall DPS! So Trundle was remade but they remade his
- it second! It can really shine in team fights when everything goes as planned.
- It seems yo bee a bit weak but you have your ulti; Transform at lvl 1.
- It serves the purpose of the hero well but it is a bit low.
- it to chase or escape, thanks to the improved movespeed. In the Jungle you can
- It was remade too. It doesn't last for long but it has no cost now. So you
- It will be a 21/0/9 build. There is some room for this build because the last
- it will be a big part of your overall DPS. As you won't buy Manamune here you
- it will be safe. Finally you apply this concept on every hero at any time.
- it will often hit a lesser minion. So you better position yourself well before
- It will provide you more sustain. You usually don't buy around mana and mana
- it will scale really well with your Q (more burst). A Guardian angel is your
- it wisely as a slow to protect your carry from anyone trying to bother him.
- it wisely with a proper timing so. Also if someone is channeling on an enemy
- it with mercury's threads) + Haunting guise + Rylai's Crystal scepter +
- it you will have more first blood opportunities. Then as i said it's really up
- It's a bit like Corki's E. You fire in front of you then it moves as you move.
- It's a good stun. As you see even with this one it's temptative to go at melee
- It's a map with two bases cornered on the upper right and lower left. Three
- It's a reverse grab. Amumu throws bandage then he get pulled to the enemy if he
- It's a vectorial shot. You will have to get used to. You have the traditional
- It's also a basic for your farm in the jungle.
- It's also the same as any AP hero except that you cut everything related to
- It's also the same as any AP hero except that you cut everything related to
- It's also your escaping skill. Note that this skill takes effects upon impact
- It's more advance and the opponent won't allow you to do this so much. You can
- it's not a mainstream choice. If there is many CC in the enemy team you can
- It's not as bad as Udyr but you have to think about it. I'm doing well with
- it's now pretty high. Back in the days everyone with mercury's threads walked
- It's obviously you main skill in the jungle and your source of sustain. It can
- It's pretty easy to harass the enemy while last hitting with Q from the start.
- It's pretty strong. The range for the damages is 200 it's pretty narrow. As you
- It's your primary skill and main source of DPS (from skills).
- item combining mana + MR. The biggest nerf that Ryze experienced recently come
- item is the 2nd evolution of your gold item: Face of the mountain.
- item you only pick to enhance it later to a semi-decent late game item. So it
- item.
- itemization around it too. Try to engage with flash as much as you can its a
- itemization.
- items are: Spirit visage + Warmog's Armor + Ninja tabi + Spirit of the Ancient
- items viable on Gragas. Early Rod of Ages for more spam. Abyssal scepter
- items. The next target is Rabadon's death Cap and Thornmail! I was (I think)
- its champions not so long ago. They typically put many AP components on ADC. I
- its evolution to Muramana).
- Jayce doesn't have ant Hard CC; only a Slow and knock back. You will have some
- Jayce is a pure top hero
- Jayce needs to be built around AD because most of his skills benefit from bonus
- Jayce the Defender of Tomorrow
- jungle and 2 guys on the bot lane. Different roles fill each lane. Jungle is
- jungle taking buffs and then you run away You can really do it when the
- jungle.
- jungle. In a team fight the more you are focus the more damage you will deal.
- Karthus is an AP middle.
- Karthus the Deathsinger
- keep an eye on the minimap, your support won't see very incoming ganks.
- Keep an eye on Trample's duration to refresh it every 3 seconds. It's helping
- keep at least 5 charge of your R as you will need them after the engage.
- Kha'zix is specialized in countering most mids.
- kill it you can use your E to grant your jungler a good chance to 'ninja'
- kind. Trundle has a superior life force regenerating continually. So he was
- king.
- know you can be more aggressive with an early Q or E.
- know your support you will have no surprise. If you play duo with someone you
- lack DPS: Atma's Impaler etc… A luxury item is Sunfire cap.
- lane and during teamfights but is not your top priority.
- lane gameplay.
- lane to guide your arrow. Triangular shots are more difficult. Is the target is
- lane. As you can see the heal is based on you own AD it's almost a lifesteal.
- Last hit is easy from start with auto attacks and Q. It's is pretty easy to
- Last hit with your auto attacks on Q. It's super easy to farm middle with Annie
- last ones you can max them last if you want
- late game item is Last whisper an alternate item is Blade of the ruined king.
- late game. This skill has a lesser radius than your Auto attack. So during team
- late level as you wish.
- Later during teamfights you will shine as you deal massive AOE damage. Use R
- later on you will have to support your allies alongside your basic AP carry
- later on. From now (at least in this guide) you won't have a big mana pool; no
- launch it from the brush).
- League of Legends (lol): A standalone free 2 play.
- least) the damage. If you can try to reach the lane and luacnh R right before
- Leona, Taric, Nunu, Thresh, Nami.
- less efficient. The boost damage/AS while in ranged form is interesting to
- level 18. It's pretty impressive to see the Troll King in action then.
- level 6 you can for opportunity to land your Ulti mostly bot for twice (at
- levels you be able to poke easily. On this point there is a general concept
- like a skill shot stoping the kite from your opponent. If your enemy still kite
- like you will be focus, save the last instance of your ultimate to run away
- limited on this part because of her natural range being low
- little bush in the middle of the river you will know when the enemy comes to
- little delay when I cast it. So you will have to be close to the target(s).
- location up to 90° from the primary target. It will never bounce back still.
- Low cost and can be spamable more or less. This is your primary ability in the
- low crit rate with a high attack speed. Devastating strikes is pretty efficient
- lvl 1 Q, Q will cost virtually 0 last hitting with and will even provide more
- lvl 6 you will often have a kill opportunity. You can burst to death any AP
- lvl alongside boss lvl. You want to kill a major wolf or wraith in one W+E.
- machete + 5 HP pots. It's your standard start as a jungler On your first trip
- magic damages. Notice that the range is even shorter than W. You want to kill
- magic/armor reduction and you run away just like that most of the time (you
- main lanes and a jungle cover the map between them. The map is almost
- mainly.
- major camps.
- make these AD carries your meat of choice.
- Malzahar if you are on ARAM map).
- mana if you kill two creeps with on cast. That's why Karthus is mana efficient.
- Mana or mana regen related.
- mana regen.
- mana regen.
- Manamune (so you won't buy Tear of the Goddess either) in Season 4 (if there is
- Manamune has another downside: it makes you a lazy player. As you have near
- Manamune provides comfort when you look for efficiency. You have to build
- Manamune.
- manapool with no counterpart on their DPS and hero with no mana. Otherwise you
- mandatory on Yorick it will solve almost all your problems. You can evolve
- many of them have a gap closer. As fiddles sticks there is many “tactical”
- master as you will have to cast, hit, cast etc…
- masteries and his itemization you can build a well-rounded Taric to serve this
- match.
- mates. The AOE has not a big radius (maybe 200/300) but in a team fight u will
- Max E first. Then it will depend on your playing style. Q is more selfish to
- Max Q first then W for maximum damages/cleaning speed. You can W and E at some
- Max Q first then W for maximum damages/cleaning speed. You max E last. You may
- Max W first then E for maximum damages/cleaning speed.
- Max W first then Q. On rare occasions you will put 1 point in Q earlier.
- maximum damages you need to apply poison with your Q and/or W first. That’s why
- may also consider an Abyssal scepter to up your passive and it synergizes well
- may buy some wards. There is 4 access points to the jungler from the river.
- maybe you will need to do it earlier). So the itemization is pretty much the
- meant to DPS your enemy.
- Mehanamune. If you have difficulties to catch up with an enemy you may build a
- menace to an aggressive/aggressive play style. Buy wards to prevent ganks as
- Mercury's Tread+ Wriggle's lantern + Trinity Force + Blade of the ruined King +
- Mercury's Treads too.
- Mercury's Treads/Berserker's Greaves + Infinity Edge + Phantom Dancer + Last
- mid-game so make sure that your allies are not too far from you when you
- middle range right behind the tank while inflicting the most dps. If you think
- mids if they miss one skill shot. You have to switch from passive with some
- Miss fortune is a pure AD carry.
- miss with some practice. The AOE is not so big but you can caught tree guys
- mistake). Some raw AP will be good and some armor too as we will see.
- MOBA is the acronym for: “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena”. It's a subcategory
- MOBAs are now stand alone games developed and marketed by professional teams.
- MOBAs, especially lol and DOTA2 are now played on a professional level. The
- MOBAs.
- mobility allows you (guess what ?) to have super mobility. I like it to ganks
- mobility on the map with your 3.6 seconds dash that travels through minor
- more AP depending on your composition. You can consider Twin Shadows sometimes.
- more efficient. You can't control its direction it's only firing in front of
- more mobility/AS and Blade of the Ruined King which will work well on trundle.
- more on auto attack. Focus on farm early you really need that B.F sword fast.
- more radical build is to skip Bloodthirster for a Statikk shiv or a Black
- more spam. You want to use this skill right so you will shot it at close range
- more specific as it's not a lane, neutral monsters spawn in it with a static
- more than 50% of your mana to prevent bad situations. Use you ulti to regen
- more with E safely under stasis. Every item on the build has a high cost so you
- more with the upcoming Season 4. At the early stage of the game you want to
- most of the time to shine in mid/late game. There will aslo be mobile jungler
- Most of your damage will come from your E. Nunu isn't the perfect duelist but
- most played.
- move. By doing this you will able to close the gap if you have a better
- movement speed reduction).
- movement speed than your enemy. If you simply lock on your right click you will
- moving it's a great shot to succes being far away the target. If you know that
- much you are too slow. If you base the build on AP side the cleaning speed is
- much. Your core build will be: Sorcerer's Shoe's + Athen's Unholy Grail +
- multi targets short range damages. With the same idea a Deathfire Grasp is good
- narrow. Ricochet also synergize with R as we will see.
- nautilus is trying to reach you. In general you can stop someone from using his
- necromancer he chose on day to soak the whole malediction on himself saving his
- need it to farm well. Hitting multiple opponents during a team fight with
- need more burst put more points in E early.
- need to try it first. Eventually i will ad this alternate build to this guide.
- need your passive up.
- needed mana. Your core build will be: Sorcerer's Shoes + Rabadon Death Cap +
- nerfed this part because gragas with 40% cdr had a 3.6 seconds dash running
- new style the power farmer or “jungle carry” who can almost override the guys
- next spawning waves not for the creeps that are already crawling the map).
- nexus on a specific lane. There is a minor spawn point after the third tower,
- nexus on the whole map but you at least need to destroy every towers to the
- no creeps or hero around, same thing for heroes. The damage from the missing
- no internal cooldown. As an example you can “pull” an enemy near a brush then
- no major changes from now). Manamune was already meh back in the days (without
- Not a big heal but as you see you can cast it pretty often. More reliable as a
- not being this efficient even with ori. Then you can buy a Liandry's torment it
- Note that any bonus attack speed scales on the base AS of the hero. Tristana
- now directly spawned from the nexus with the same stats. The first spawn points
- now exceed the number of watchers for StarCraft2; the most popular RTS.
- Now it's not.
- nowadays and they will back their mate fast if you initiate a duel in the enemy
- nowadays) He had to deal massive damages early to ensure his advantage but
- number of watchers on live streams for the big events (usually season final)
- Nunu is specialized in counter jungling (denying enemy's jungle).
- object). So you will have a 20% natural CDR with your Q maxed. Expanded mind
- objective of creeps is to destroy the enemy's nexus, fighting whatever hostile
- obstacles (“thin” trees, cliffs, base's walls). You also were virtually
- occupy this bush and fight for it. Otherwise the enemy team will easily push
- Of course it won't stack numerous times. It's also debuff the target's AD so
- of damages but you will have to get really close to the enemies. Position
- of Infinity Edge still.
- of strategic games, especially RTS (Real Time strategy).
- of tankyness. Nunu doesn't burst but he will perform a great sustainable DPS.
- of the Ancient Golem + Sunfire Cape/Frozen heart. They you almost always build
- of the base.
- of the goddess first. This item doesn't provide you any damage and this is an
- of the revenant's duration the revenant will revive the hero for 10 seconds.
- of the time. Your crit rate will stay low but Rapid fire will compensate the
- of Warcraft.
- of your magic penetration will come from itemization. Complete Sorcerer’s shoes
- off this ulti before its end. That was so bad. Now Galio seems to taunt every
- often and efficently. You can tweak it with Ninja Tabi. Then you start Spirit
- ok it provides you what you need: more ap and mana and health. As you rely
- On cast you will damage the enemy and heal yourself, then the ghoul will heal
- on good positioning. You can also push the lane fast then looking for ganks but
- on HP regen like Dr.Mundo, Swain or even Ryze you can buy an Executioner’s
- on some skills and smart cast for all your skill you will be way faster at
- On the defensive tree Unyielding is quite good. It close with Juggernaut so do
- On the defensive tree you can tweak between Recovery and Enchanted Armor as
- On the defensive tree you pick everything related to MR as it will synergize
- On the defensive tree you reach the usual flat HP boost, Perserverence and
- On the defensive tree you reach the usual flat HP boost.
- On the defensive tree you take boost MR/ armor and health, you can tweak with
- On the defensive tree you take boost MR/ armor and health. That's a pretty
- On the defensive tree you take Juggernaut + Unyielding. You can tweak some
- On the defensive tree you take Veteran's scars and juggernaut for more hp. You
- on the map. The thing is to ward well you don't have to actually see the enemy
- On The offensive tree to almost everything related to AP. Devastating strikes
- On The offensive tree you are looking for everything AP related. It's a
- On The offensive tree you are looking for some CDR and the flat AP bonus.
- On the offensive tree you go for Frenzy as you will build an Infinity Edge most
- On the offensive tree you go for Frenzy as you will have a decent amount of
- On the offensive tree you only need the jungle's masteries and some AS (by
- On the offensive tree you pick AD related abilities. You can pick Frenzy as
- On The offensive tree you take CDR but it's tweakable. With the recent nerf On
- On The offensive tree you take everything AP related and you avoid everything
- On The offensive tree you take the basic AD/Bruiser Kit.
- On The offensive tree you take the CDR and the flat AP as it is welcome.
- On the offensive tree you take whatever is related to AD. Hybrid penetration is
- On the utility tree +ms will do but you can tweak it with runes if you want.
- On the utility tree are looking for Intelligence (+5% CDR +10% cdr from
- On the utility tree you put points to reach Runic affinity. You may tweak
- On the utility tree you reach runic affinity. Fleet of Foot is good to you too.
- On the utility tree you reach the life steal / spell vamp.
- On you first trip back you start building Haunting Guise right away. The most
- On your first trip back (725 gold) you buy stone + boots. As your mana pool is
- On your first trip back (725 golds) you buy stone + boots. On your next trip
- on your team and the enemy team.
- On-hit effect is an effect that come from object mostly. Example: if you own a
- on.
- one of the first players to put a Thornmail on Galio and I was often laughed at
- One of the most efficient thing you can do mid is to take the enemy with your Q
- one shot a wave of creeps with Q. You will be able to do this around lvl 5-7.
- one the best engages in the game.
- Only after this you can buy another luxury AD item. There is many options:
- only be matched or exceeded by Kog'maw and Twitch under certain circumstances
- only few ones still buy a Manamune on Corki even with all his spamming
- opponent being slowed by Q) !
- opponent. On Jayce I try to reach the Trinity Force which is a must have + a
- option to build him as an AP off-tank or an AP off-caster. I like to put
- options are: Spirit Visage if there is several AP heavy guys. Randuin's Omen to
- or a simplified map with only one lane etc… The original 5v5 map is still the
- Orianna has a special game mechanism. She has a metallic ball floating around
- Orianna has great utility powers even as an AP carry. Get used to never lose
- Orianna is an AP Middle and can be a support. This guide will cover the middle
- Otherwise enemies will have time to avoid. While teamfighting the better timing
- Otherwise tibbers will follow you and attack the target you fight. Tibbers
- outrange towers as it was the case for the Dwarven sniper in dota. But You can
- Outside team fights when you are facing the enemy team poke relentless with it.
- outside your tower range you will need vision on the nearest bush. That's why
- own stats. They can't be controlled and will attack your target or prioritize
- part of every lane. The towers hit the creeps by default unless you attack an
- part of your DPS as a Tristana AD as well. You can choose to play a safe long
- part on karthus is while team fighting. Your E can deal an astonishing amount
- pass through the obstacles and end the chasing. Amumu will not be super tanky
- passive is really good you never build you hero completely around it (a common
- passive. When you engage a fight bot always focus the enemy AD. Your Q will
- penetration as marks.
- people as possible with you Q it's winning battles. You won't counter jungling
- per lane. The final two towers protecting the nexus can be counted as being a
- perfectly you will out-Dps almost anyone. The range is close to your attack
- Permanent Bonus MS as long as you don't take damages. If you can hit'n'run this
- phage or sheen. Core items are berserker’s boots+ Infinity Edge + Trinity
- phase is over. Then a Rylai's Crystal scepter. Your core is : Sorceres Shoes +
- pick a kill/assist moving off your farm has to be worth. To play a decent ori
- pick the boots up. Sunfire Cape was nerfed on the patch 4.1 to scale less with
- pick the jungle's skills and flat armor too. Perseverance and second wind are
- place during the teamfights. So build yourself according to that. You may have
- place. There is endless combination of skills then. It can turn teamfights
- placed Q you are able to catch the whole enemy team with your ulti during a
- Plan to hit 3 targets when it is active.
- play her optimally. You can pair Rylai's Crystal scepter with a Liandry's
- play it near-optimal. You won't do this anymore in Season 4 as we will see
- play. As it is not obvious Tristana AD still melts faces late game.
- playstyle in the current meta. But it's not the best way to draw a direction
- points between Enchanted Armor and Recovery.
- poison state. It's the same for evert heroes ! So if your mates have poisoning
- pool doing this. Try not to last hit from a distance with W as much as you can,
- position (neutral camps). To win you don't have to destroy every towers to the
- position but you only have to know where he is. The perfect example is about
- position himself in certain ways. It can be used in combination with W to
- Position yourself to last hit with the ball then try to reach the hero behind.
- position.
- possibility to strike it twice as the boomerang return to you. You will do an
- pot. Chalice is of course mandatory for Galio. So it will lead to Athen's
- powerful.
- Pretty cool! As you can see now the role for trundle during team fights is
- pretty mandatory too. Unlike tenacious… Once you put 20 points in this tree you
- pretty simple. You cast your ulti on the tank/bruiser then you rush for the
- pretty slow but it will hit any creeps for any given camp. If you recast a
- pretty sure to pick the first blood!
- preventing any damage on your own carry. It needs some experience!
- primary target. Like any knockback, always cast it carefully as it can save the
- Prizes are as high as 1 million $ for the winning team on the major events. The
- profitable way to obtain gold is to kill some creeps, heroes, neutrals and by
- provides Orianna some unique tactical/zooming abilities. If you go too far from
- PS: if Culinary master seems too much for you, you can tweak it with runic
- purpose. So you will start with a relic shield 1 mana pot 2HP pots and the
- push to much you don't want to nullify you work over a sucessful gank on you.
- put it on mates you benefit of a decent heal.
- Pyromania (passive): From 1.75 seconds stun at any level to : (1.25/1.5/1.75
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q x x x x x
- Q. A thing to do is to use Q to nothing and still last hit with an auto attack.
- Q) than a ballistic one. It's your engage for the ganks. With some practice you
- Q→E→Q→W→Q→R→Q→E→Q→W→Q. You will need 40% CDR to perform this.
- Q→flash→W→R→E→Q. With some CDR you will land the last Q under bulwark. When you
- Q+W+Self E to recall the ball damage the units+Q again. It will obviously be
- R Q E R
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- R x x x
- Rabadon's cap. Then you will have to build according to then enemy. Just to let
- Rabadon's death cap. Then you can buy a Rtlai's Crystal scepter for even more
- Rabadon's DeathCap + Rod of Ages/Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Luxury items are :
- Randuin's omen + another defensive item like Spirit visage. There is more
- randuin's omen or a Rylai's Crystal Scepter. As a tank you always have to build
- randuin's omen you first defensive item. Then i start trinity force for even
- range (850) then it will bounce again two times if you hit the ground on first
- Range 1000 .Cooldown: 18. Cost: 100 mana.
- range and then you draw the direction of the rocket's path. So we will be able
- range equals its radius. .5 seconds stun is enough to move behind the target
- range is decent. The barrel move speed is ok but avoidable from its max range.
- range to so you will need good positioning and mobility.
- Range: 550. Cooldown: (10/9/8/7/6). Cost: Generates (55/60/65/70/75 mana).
- Range: 600. Cooldown: 12. Cost: (55/60/65/70/75 mana).
- Range: 900 Cooldown:(120/105/90). Cost: 100 mana .
- range. It will be a part of Taric's burst. As you see the component is AP here.
- ranged Tistana or you can choose to expose yourself with the right timing to
- Ravage (E): Damages changed from magic to physical.
- Ravenous Ghoul: This ghoul will heal Yorick with each attack based on 35% of
- reactive with your tank (engage) throwing Your R right after his move. In a
- really don't know why. You will never develop Miss Fortune's AP on a
- really like this item but whatever) and you can tweak your boots with the
- really need to keep up with the enemy at early stage. A good top will try to
- refresh their wards really often. If you still get caught in your own jungle yo
- regen so much.
- remember well the true damage of your Q is also empowered within the 6 seconds
- requires a channel it can be interrupted.
- resistance from the enemy.
- respawn. If you memorized the timers you can try without ward but it's risky.
- Revenant: The initial revnant is controlled by Yorick it has health and damage
- rewards. The new design for taric push him to go on melee range most of the
- righ in the middle of the teamfight with your passive on it to stun everyone.
- right away.
- ring +2 hp pots or boots + 5 mixed pots. On you first trip back you can buy
- Ring*2). With this you be pretty tanky from the other AP's view. There is more
- Rod of Ages/Archangel's Staff + Rylai's Cristal scepter/Abyssal Scepter. You
- role. Never forget to E+W someone chasing an enemy or escaping from him.
- Rumble is a pure top hero.
- Rumble the Mechanized Menace.
- Rumble's special mechanism at his core. Every time you cast you will gain heat
- runes. Mercury's thread can do the job too. If you can rely often on blue take
- Ryze is specialized at mid-range fights.
- Ryze the Rogue Mage.
- Sad Mummy is an enhanced root applying a 100% attack speed debuff over 2
- safe; you can last hit occasionaly with W but most of the time You perfrom this
- safely under your tower. You can clean a wave really fast with the passive from
- safely with your Q. It’s also a great skill to chase and even more to escape as
- same as it was in S2/S3 but you replace manamune by Ravenous Hydra. You can
- Scepter. You won't tank much but you will do powerfull engages then you will
- Scepter/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter. A late game item is a void staff, while
- second lane of the enemy formation to pass through the first lane (bruiser +
- second.You max E first then Q and W. If your support is unknown you can even
- seconds (they can still cast). The radius is pretty big. As I said with a well-
- seconds regen everyone has, it will reduce incoming healing from any source
- seconds to burst. If you enemy is competent enough to avoid W just land a Q
- seconds. It's not channeling! You have your peek 4 seconds after the cast then
- seconds) at levels (1/6/11).
- see it’s a bit designed like an engage (current health +slow) but as Evelynn
- Seeker's armguard. You core item will be often: Sorcerer's boots (You can tweak
- sequence of skills thanks to his passive.
- Shatter synergizes with itself. When it is off cooldown (ready to cast) Taric
- she always been considered as a tier 1 AP. That's why I havn't much to say
- She can really counters heroes like Dr.Mundo, Swain or any healer.
- she will do damages every quarter second. The range is huge and the AOE of the
- she's not the best heroe at it. If your are caught in the river solo you are
- shiv. If in the other team there is many heals or some heroes who account a lot
- should start this practice on towers. Attack move when you push towers even it
- Simple Aoe damage. The range isn't so great and I always feel like there is a
- Simply one of the best passives in the game. You always want this one up when
- Singed are your friends here. For the heroes that have a gap closer (Diana,
- situations. As an escaping or chasing skill it does its job.
- Sivir is an AD carry specialized in pushing and chasing.
- Sivir the battle Mistress.
- Sivir will rely on her Q and her E. At least early in the game. Then more and
- skill shot in the game that can’t catch up with an enemy running away at normal
- skill shot on you then they will have to back after 2-3 trades. This whole
- skill. It is your sole escape mechanism too.
- skills you will benefit from it landing twin fangs right away! Teemo Twitch and
- slow on your attack that will enhance your burst even more. You are Taric the
- So any time Jayce casts his ulti he will switch from a melee hero to a ranged
- So I'll give him a bit of everything he needs.
- So it's a vectorial shot (a skill shot adding a direction component) that grant
- So it's channeling and it can be interrupted as any skill that channels. If
- So Kha'Zix has the ability to elvove his skills gaining more effects/damages.
- So miss fortune will channels for 2 seconds casting 8 instances of damage so
- So overall this skill is ok but it make me think about how RIOT used to create
- So this one was also remade recently. Previously the damages were split among
- So to explain myself better: against an unique target you will have the
- so you have to focus on lane domination. Go on side if you are pretty sure to
- So you will steal some stats and HP on cast then the same amount over 4
- sole heroes who can spam are the AP middle because they can develop a big
- some heroes/builds. But now it's nerfed in a core aspect: The time it requires
- some other guide) the devs want players to take higher risks to get higher
- some point you finish The Black Cleaver. A luxury item is Guardian Angel (or
- some. It will be pretty much your core as the item cost is high: Boots 2
- Someone who enhance your stats or auto attacks like: Lulu, Nami, Taric. Tresh
- something like 200-250 radius. If they have no ally within this range they are
- Soraka is ok too as she has great heals and she will reduce the magic
- Sorcerer's shoes + Spirit of the Spectral Wraith + Rabadon's Deathcap. If you
- Sorceres's Shoes + Athene's Unholy Grail + Rabadon's Deathcap (+ Doran's
- source of DPS from skills (Unlike S2 and most of the S3) as we will see later
- Specral Ghoul: It has stats as follows: (8/16/24/32/40 +35% Yorick's AD) and
- Spectral Whraith and sorcerer's shoes. Here will start to have branches on the
- speed… Devs have to up it a bit.
- spell within 3 seconds Trample's duration is reseted.
- Spirit of the Spectral Wraith + Iceborn Gauntlet + Spirit Visage + Abysaal
- Spirit visage if then enemy team is AP heavy but prioritize Frozen heart. There
- spirit Visage you will be able to build a 34% CDR build which is interesting on
- squishy. As a standard I prefer to enforce my advantage than compensate my
- stake HP as much as you can. However +100 armor and MR are welcome. During team
- standard AP build.
- standard setup.
- standard start as a jungler On your first trip back (725 golds) you buy stone +
- start Athene's Unholy Grail. Pick the part you want it doesn't matter that
- Start on the Blue camp. Make it clear that you have your mates keeping you safe
- Start on the Blue camp. Make it clear that you have your mates keeping you safe
- Start on the Blue camp. Then you have already the option to gank at level 2
- start putting your first point in W. You can even up Q and W alongside.
- start you can build an early Locket of the Iron Solari. A luxury item can be a
- start. It doesn't stacks so wait 3 seconds between every casts. The AOE is
- starting a camp. This skill can become very annoying when you master it.
- starts available with Jayce. You can start with a crystalline flask +3 pots if
- stay at your current health while fighting multiple opponents. You can also use
- stay safe as much as possible. You will lose most of your trades against
- steal and run away most of the time. Lanners are aware of counterjungling
- steroids in the game.
- still a part time melee hero. Randuin's Omen and Guardian Angel are some
- still a support) + Iceborn Gauntlet + Targon's Brace. Then you will have to
- still benefit to all your skills but E so it will be suboptimal. As the game
- still hitting the whole enemy team. Great ulti overall. As every skill that
- strong base damages and Q can even help you to last hit and deal damage at the
- strong opener is to start with the red camp then the wraiths, the wolves and
- summon in League of legends. To control it you press ALT (you don't release).
- Summon Tibbers (R): Cooldown reduced from 120 seconds at any rank to (120/100/
- super sustain start: Crystaline flasks + 3 pots. Then you can actually rush for
- support than in the jungle thus. Imba in Aram as an anecdot.
- support to put the maximum damage. In a good team fight you will melt face
- support who can burst with almost no damage items.
- Supports with “long” CC such as Tresh, Lulu Nami will feed your burst.
- Supports with some CC and buff will work best with Sivir. Such as: Nami Lulu
- surch as Soraka's W for example. It will even reduce the healing received
- survavibilty isn't wrong. Anyway you may choose between a Rod of Ages and an
- survive with your ulti as your mates finish the enemies. This one also solve
- sustain you lost from Manamune through its lifesteal. The core will be Ionan
- switch to melee you can combo your opponent without taking too much risks
- symmetrical, divided by a river (you can step in). On each lane creeps
- synergize with your ulti as we will see but you also have to build your
- Tabi + boots + Spirit stone + Chain vest. Then your core: Ninja tabi + Spirit
- take care of but maybe you have to adapt yourself first.
- Take this into consideration. It will also knock back enemies as you hit your
- tank), to land right in the middle to finally cast your ulti.
- tanking tools. Now you put this passive under the sustain part but it's not
- target. A skill that apply on-hit effect will produce the same effect as it was
- target. As you active impure shots you will reduce the healing on the target by
- Taric is usually played as a support and can be (was) a niche top.
- Taric the Gem Knight.
- Taric, Leona Alistar are good to stun so you will do more DPS with your ulti.
- team fight.
- team fights start to be funny. As The cooldown of E reset on kills or assists
- team is AP heavy. once in the fight you have to cast your W+R+E combo. You will
- teamfight especially if you fight in a narrow area (jungle). This skill doesn't
- teamfights. Any skill that displaces an enemy can be poorly executed. The
- Tears of goddess only to be rewarded later! On you next trip you buy boots if
- Technically this ulti is better than a simple root. For 2 seconds any enemy
- Thanks to your passive dying whit karthus in a teamfight isn't that bad if you
- thanks to your ultimate. It's pretty charge W taunt with E then you have 6
- that great for an AP middle.
- That skill allows Ziggs to practice tactical fights, forcing the enemy to
- that you can start applying on Tistana as it's an easy hero to do so: It's the
- that you can't miss as he is slowed and you just have to land it on your feet.
- That's a bit strange and that's why Tristana AP is viable (almost) and fun to
- that's the ball who will deal the damages. If you don't recast anything the
- That's what that make Ryze a Skill's minigun. You will be able to input a long
- That's why Alistar can fill the role as maintank even without many tanking
- That's why bot is all about farming and last hitting. If you have to back
- That's your hard CC. Note that you only block the target (root), the enemy will
- The “all in one” button that is no more. I always liked Kha'Zix but not so long
- The ad boost is not that good or usefull but the damage reduction is so huge!
- The ball applies an AOE damage/slow/boost around itself. You usally cast it
- the ball it will come back at you at some point. You have an icon above your
- the ball on him with E then you cast W. It will help him either to chase or
- The bonus attack speed is calculated from this stat only. Because of that you
- The build here will also serve the purpose of This Orianna so you will starts
- The build is pretty standard as a jungler: You start with machete + 5 HP pots.
- The build will be a bit more balanced with some defensive items. AS i said you
- the bullet will bounce behind the first target but “behind” can be at a
- the cask will explode at the end of its range. It wasn't the case previously if
- the closer you are from enemies. So it’s very easy to use.
- the closest bush(even if you don't see him in that bush) but you also will know
- The defensive tree is standard but if you have some issues with Jayce's sustain
- the early game. So it's not mandatory anymore. Your pre-core will be : Ninja
- the enemy team is doing Nash you can scout it with E so your jungler will have
- the finish). You just spam it the cooldwon being so low. Q is your new main
- The first time I asked myself about it was when I was building around Urgot.
- the gap with no real gap closer. When you match this threshold you can focus on
- The ghoul applies an initial damage and slow upon casting. After that The slow
- The goal of each side is to destroy the final objective; the nexus, the heart
- the healing reduction for 3 seconds, Tristana does it better over 5 seconds.
- the hero behind it. The overall range is pretty huge (650+500). It is said that
- The Hero you control gains experience to become stronger and also wield objects
- the Iceborn Gauntlet. This + Boots of mobility will be your core. Boots of
- The initial Revenant is controlled by you it only provide a summon that you can
- the job. Miss fortune works good with Lulu (critter) + boost damages. She works
- the jungle, more cleaning speed to. In a team fight avoid fighting out of it or
- The Lady of Clockwork .
- The lanning phase is pretty easy as Galio unless you face Zed or Kha or any non
- The lower elo you are the less you can rely on your support. You will have to
- The lower HP you are the more DPS you will do with E. Sadism will help you to
- the machete here. So we are still on the aggressive side for the moment. Then
- the main reason why it was nerfed in my opinion.
- the middle (the one who cover the whole width of the river) you will just gain
- The most common example is that you fire at the last creep of its wave to get
- the most DPS.
- the movement speed reduction.
- The new gold items redefine the support role. Supports will have to be more
- the new item that works well on Kha'Zix : Ravenous Hydra. It will provide the
- The offensive tree is tweakable. If you plan to play a Bloodthirster on Jayce
- the old play style you can evolve W instead of R still. But think about it:
- the opponents.
- The original controller regain the control of his hero for this time.
- The other relic from his old times tanking kit. So you regenerate mana upon
- the overall purpose of Evelynn mid is to look for kills on sides while you
- The range is huge on this one. You will poke easily. The static cooldown is low
- the range is pretty high. Boomerang Blade was a bit nerfed as a good Q was
- The range of this skill is less than your natural range from level 13 to 18.
- The range on this is good the projectile speed too so you will barely never
- the river that covers your side and the backdoor for enemies’ jungler. On level
- the Ruined King too.
- The rune page is a bit more tweakable.
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The rune page is set as follows:
- The runes will serve the same purpose here.
- the sight on your ball during battles it will require some times.
- The skill locks on target. It's your main source of DPS. As you see to deal
- The skill shot that you can't afford to miss. It's essential to your overall
- The skill that makes Dr.Mundo more than a HP sac. This is one of the best
- The splash is funny in team fights and you will be able to regenerate almost
- The standard is Doran's build + 1 HP pot. On your first trip back you buy boots
- The structure of the overall map in League of Legends remains the same for most
- The true global ulti! Karthus will strike each enemy hero with this skill,
- The usual pick as an AP it will help you finish guys without chasing them as
- the whole targets it hit. It wasn't that great. Now you deal full damages to
- their farm while keeping your. Your Q must be annoying here. If someone is able
- them all. Ok it's not Nunu who eats things but Willump; the yeti he is riding.
- then buy a Chain vest for more sustain and you will complete it to an Iceborn
- then knock it back to your mates if you used Q first.
- Then you max E and Q!
- Then you may also R to finish him off. Luckily there is some room for this
- Then you will be able to punish almost anyone middle missing a skill shot. On
- Then you will start the Spirit of the Spectral Wraith. Your core build will be:
- There are many starts able: Doran's Ring + pot, boots + 5 mixed pot's. And
- There are two advanced towers for each lane to defend each of them then 1 tower
- There is even a version of Karthus called “Zombi Karthus” based on the passive
- There is many options to build Yorick from his masteries. The most common is 9/
- There is many ways to buid Nunu. I usually build him around sustain and a bit
- There is the special thing about her kit. Tibbers is among the few pets you can
- There will be some items who will fit well.
- They can be sold as retail but the dominant economic model is Free to play
- they will escape easily. After lvl 6 you will be more successful. As your
- Things are getting interesting again. It's a pretty unique skill. It allows you
- things just went alright. You also saw this on Corki not so long ago. Today
- This build is on the aggressive side. I may add some defensive masteries later.
- This build will work all around but you can really weight toward tanking or
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a guide for a character in League of Legends.
- This is a very particular passive and a really fun one to play. It will
- This is an excellent bonus for an AD carry. Plain AD bonus; simple and
- This is an interesting passive and the overall guide is build around it a bit.
- This is really good. Since Sivir ultimate was nerfed (no more bonus AS from the
- This is your CC. It's a skill shot. It will take effect on the first enemy or
- This is your farming skill in the Jungle. It's quite efficient. In a team fight
- This is your main skill to farm but also to engage in combination with W. The
- This is your main skill, a great poke. You will throw it at its maximal initial
- This is your main skill. As additional informations; if you double cast rapidly
- This is your main skill. It works like Sivir Q. The true damage component is
- This is your main skill. The AP ratio is great the slow too.
- This is your main skill. The range scales with your passive even for the active
- This one grants you a very good mobility. Always put at least one point in it
- This one is pretty fearsome. Your main skill. It has damages + steroid that
- this one to keep it close to smite's damages but you can evolve it last if you
- This one was nerfed to the ground the reworked and now it's almost decent. You
- This one was remade and I don't feel it has a nerf. The target number is
- This one was reworked recently and it's pretty good. Once again (as i said in
- This one will be you main skill and the one who grants you much sustain in
- This one will help you to the jungle but you will still have a hard time from
- this one.
- this one.
- This passive is amazing. It counters most mid AP on itself. You can build
- This passive is ok and further more you really need it as you will spam to do
- this point he won't try to chase you anymore. Another genera tip is about the
- this point you will also have the survivability if they focus you back.
- This skill can really shines under Tristana AP's arms but it will be a great
- This skill is what you have closer to an utility skill due to its slow but also
- This skill provides you sustain when you don't use it pretty nice! When you
- This skill was so much nerfed at the point it's actually a non-sense. Once, it
- This skill will require perfect timing to extract the most of it. As you can
- This skill will serve the same purpose as Zilean's ulti but for a limited
- This skill will synergize a bit with your passive but nunu Has a bad initial
- This ultimate is also unique. Anyone ally with an AOE loves this ultimate.
- Thormail taking even more damage during Idol of Durand. Abyssal scepter is good
- thought they escaped safely. There is many hate on this skill and he is often
- threshold.
- through Acceleration gate. Accelleration gate is a barrier that will speed your
- through auto attacks and Q. Q is spammable it doesn't cost much. Try to take
- through spell vamp and lifesteal. The sole case it doesn't apply is when you
- time.
- timing to avoid backfire from creeps early. The good thing is even when you
- to “leap” away though the jungle, using neutral to escape. You can do the same
- to 1000 will be safe so get closer.
- to adapt to your strategy and it’s difficult if you don’t have decent ELO. So
- to apply Unseen threat on target.
- to benefit from its heal. Kha'Zix is meant to be played with his whole kit.
- to buy a Spirit Visage as Taric is vulnerable to magic damage and if the enemy
- to charge the Tear of goddess to 750 mana. It's now from 3 seconds cooldown
- to chase: Frozen mallet. The enemy team is AD heavy: Randuin's omen. Your team
- to choose only one Hero to make him wield manamune it will be Yorick. But even
- to dash you W+E will do it. You can really farm mid safely with Ziggs. After
- to enhance his stats. You obtain the objects through gold which is
- to fire in front of you while you auto attack. As it apply a debuff it’s even
- to harass the enemy.
- to pretty high cost and high cooldown. As this skill will do damages over time
- to prevent you casting skills with no limit as you have no mana. The
- to push creeps the mcloser to the enemy’s tower. Then you go to bot or top
- to put some distance between him and you again. You have to consider both its
- to put the Q+E combi within 5 seconds. Then you will benefit fully from the
- to run away from someone in the jungle don't forget to use Q on neutrals to
- to selfcast it. you will be use the selfcast on many skil sequence sucs as :
- to shot far above the initial range. The range of the path is around 1000. It
- to ward you are still super squishy and vulnerable to ganks. If you are caught
- to what your opponent do from start. You can try a gank at level if you guess
- too on you. You can pick a guardian angel on very late game or you can go for
- too. Easy mode.
- too. Your core build will be : Sorcerer's shoe + Rabadon Deathcap + Abyssal
- Torment (And your W) Then you will do even more damages over time. If you have
- Trample affects structures so think about casting when you push a tower. The
- Transform also brings bonus upon casting so overall it's decent.
- treads or even Spirit of the ancient Golem + Ninja Tabi. Overall you have to
- tree to an utility tree to gain more sustain.It's the same for a start with
- tree. I'm a bit on the aggressive side where many players will build mercury's
- Tresh.
- Trinity Force will trigger its capacity while you fire barrage. As there is no
- Trinity Force, Trinity Force with some Trinity Force. Doran' blade as a start
- triple the effects. then it's up for improvement at lvl 11 and 16 as usual.
- Tristana can be played as an AD carry and as an AP middle. This guide will
- Tristana the Megling Gunner.
- Tristana will shine mostly in late game. Your early will be about farming
- troll living in dirt. It was called pillar of filth then. Trundle has major
- true on Kha'Zix (spam enhanced W) or on Jayce (Glass canon mod only). That's
- Trundle has great damage capability but he is kitable. The point is to balance
- Trundle the Troll King
- Try to build to take annie squishy down with a R+A+W combo that's all. You can
- Try to harass as most as you can with you passive watch its cooldown. Last
- try to run away but it's not a hard CC. Another useful move is to combine it
- two creeps at once when you are last hitting (AA+Q). the ratio of Q to W must
- ulti so you have to tell to your carry when to act if he doesn't know. The
- uncatchable if someone tried to run after you. Now you only can match the old
- unfinished items you can tweak it if you want. Your final build will be
- Unholy Grail. I have to tru some other build as I suspect Athene's Unholy Grail
- Unholy grail. Then you finish Mercury's thread and this will be your core
- unlimited but the range between them to apply the ricochet must be pretty
- until the next one is a big one. You will do more damages back to the field.
- Unyielding too.
- use it to heal yourself (you need to be at close range to heal). Most of APs
- Use your passive on Q or E. After level 6 you will have many kill opportunities
- usual sequence is: Q→E→Q→W→Q. You can also use Ryze's body for the bounce but
- usually do a Last whisper to get rid of all these armor stackers and tanks. A
- usually don't want to go back before you can afford a B.F blade (1550 gold).
- usually take it but it's not a must have on Mundo.
- usually the 2 ways bot are covered by mid and support really often. So you will
- utility skill as an AD carry. That's what you will max last. The damage
- utility too. As usual bonus MS is good to chase or run away.
- very good on Corki.
- Very intrerresting passive, it will provide a little extra damage.
- very useful in critical situations. In general you have to play with selfcast
- viable items on Trundle: Frozen mallet, Sunfire cap, The Black cleaver,
- Visage and you will be almot set up. A luxury item is Randuin's omen.
- Void Staff anf Zhonya's Hourglass. An alternative item is Deathfire Grasp as
- vs AP heavy. As always you want to build according the opposition. I forgot
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W if he try to chase you when you run back. If he get caught in it more E. At
- W until he does it. Otherwise you don't use W that much many time it won't help
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- W x x x x x
- walk off you ulti in .5 second. with a max range of 1400 everything from 1400
- walking randomly for its duration. Was nerfed pretty hard recently, still
- wall on its whole lenght.
- walls. on each dash Ahri will fire an autoguided bolt. It's a bit like Ezreal's
- want to soak the damages when you are not at melee range. You start with
- want. Individual buffs stack too. Watch the buffs duration, always try to have
- ward the closest brush everyone do this and it’s wrong. Ward the small brush in
- ward the other way to prevent counterjungling. Watch out for this. I usually
- warding the middle as an AP. You don't have to ward the bush on each side on
- warding totem. You will then upgrade the Relic Shield to Taron's Brace, you
- wards mid I say it every time, it's wining the lane. With ori you can escape
- was an instant shot reveling everything and even applying a 30% miss on the
- was just bad building. Spamming a skill forever don't really allow you to take
- we will see. As a tip, when you trip back to the fountain unload your missiles
- weak early and can suffer a lot from counter jungling. You usually don't gank
- weakness against AD in a force as it will synergize so well with your ulti. For
- weakness. I usually go with a super agressive Infinity Edge + Statikk Shiv.
- well to knock back the enemy onto your mates. Alistar is strong early you ganks
- what is outdated in it first.
- When I say far away you can also land it on your feet. It's a big Nuke. Work
- When there is so much heroes who struggle for mana this skill does all in one.
- When you are facing the enemy middle the usual sequence will be : Q-E-E-E. Then
- when you are on the same lane than the target, you will look the sides of the
- where the champion excels. Corki needs perfectly timed positioning during team
- which target is isolated as you will see an area around it. It seems to be
- Whisper/ The bloodthirster. You can also consider a Blade of the Ruined King as
- whit the AP component all around your kit.
- who you are facing, some Hp and some spell vamp too. As your main skill has not
- whole crew. Now it's only a bonus movement speed. It's still good but less
- whole kind was dying to a form of leprosy casted long ago onto them by a
- will be able to Q+W. you stun first then you have time to position yourself
- will be likely to buff anyone while teamfighting.
- will be pretty succesful. When you engage in team fight try to catch as much
- will buy boots and maybe a cloth armor. You next item will bring Taric to new
- will chain Q your enemy once you hit. In the jungle it's not super-efficient as
- will cover the jungle.
- will do it more frequently on lvl 11 when you obtain enhanced E. This is when
- will do less damages in this case like Nunu's ulti for example. This ulti is
- will have no option but to come back at you so you will throw easy cleaves. At
- will have to make some choices.
- will have to play with his whole kit. The good news is that his kit ties
- will leave a trail dealing AOE damages over time. It's pretty efficient in
- will max this one last still. Nowdays Taric has several options to be
- will need fastcast on a competitive level for every heroes you play.
- will need practice.
- will need to cast it at the end of your E or it won't go where you planed. The
- will provide you more spam more regen so more activation of your passive.
- will see you maximum range for your invisibility around you. You will be warned
- will stack on the next use because the duration is higher than the cooldown !
- will use it to boost the movement speed of your allies either to chase or run
- will work fine with E.
- will work with W. Your core build will be : Sorcerer's Shoed + Rabadon's
- will works naturally as everyone know how every hero works. On a lower level
- winning condition in team fight. Otherwise slow with your Q first and get in
- wisely as I said you don't want to cripple the dps of your mates as it's very
- with a Crystalline flask + 2 biscuits (Hp pots) + 1 mana pot + trinket pot.
- with any build for 6 seconds so you will need a better timing. The more
- with better stats. Once this spawn point is destroyed creeps from this base are
- with fiddle it is better to farm more. You don not want to fail on your gank
- with his max health when he activates his ulti. This can't be reduced. Also it
- with less than 70% health. You can press R either as an engage or as the final
- with Q too. He may get frustrated if you do this correctly. The interesting
- with Q. place E to slow the enemies then poke. If someone can channel keep your
- with you improved speed hitting him with an auto attack that will proc the
- with your kit. Liandry's Torment will work with Q too. Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- with your passive. The bonus armor/mr per enemy around you will be great with
- with your Q. It will be the most of you farm as your auto attacks are melee. So
- with your right click when you chase for example. You attack then you click to
- with your ulti: E to slow then R. You can also try to use it to cut-off retreat
- with.
- withe your W+Q combo. Otherwise a minor camp + red. You can skip E to another Q
- without it. With a balanced build (as this one is) you can reach 2/2.2 AS at
- won't be as easy as it was but not that hard either. Before lvl 6 You play
- won't play as a “Glass Canon” (Great DPS + long range combo + squishy) anymore.
- won't serve a winning purpose. So be cautious hzre with the use of your skills.
- won't waste your precious mana if you miss a skillshot. You have to know every
- worse with Jayce because your ulti won't trigger the Tear of the Goddess
- Yorick around a mix of tankiness and AD as I said. With this build you will
- Yorick can be played as a top laner and as a niche support.
- Yorick the Gravedigger.
- Yorick. Spirit
- Yorick's AD.
- you a lot in early stage. As alistar is not a farm machine you may look for
- you aim on it as you see there is 2 amounts of damages on it. 5300 radius
- You also can use it to last hit as it cost close to nothing. With 1 second
- you and your carry under your tower. You want to avoid this. As taric you will
- You are a decent duelist but do not push your luck too far. Put the most work
- you are afraid of you sustain. With this start you can switch you defensive
- you are more than an off Ad carry in fact. So you will have to be super
- you are right and the rest still try to make fun of you. It turns Galio's
- you are still weak on this part. you can start roaming from level 6 but you
- you build an earlier Warmog's armor to give more survivability to your Ghouls.
- you burn him with Q. From level 6 you may pick some easy kill. The enemy
- You can also cast other skills and auto attack while you use Flamespitter. It's
- You can also go with a more aggressive build consisting in : Sorceres's boots +
- You can cast up to tree Ghouls + a Revenant (ulti) granting you a total of 20%
- you can even be easily killed here. Fiddlesticks will be a little more on the
- You can even replace MP5 with more AP as you will regenerate quite a lot from
- You can even tweak Defensive tree with the Utility tree, looking for Runic
- you can even tweak it to an utility tree with Alchemist and Culinary Master.
- You can occasionally last hit with an auto attack but you will be punished
- you can remove Frenzy. You can put some points in Sorcery too if you want
- You can start either by red or blue. I often start on the side of my botlane as
- You can start either with a Doran's ring or a Null-Magic Mantle +a mana/health
- You can start with a Doran's ring + 1pot (mana/hp) or a Doran's ring +2 pots.
- you can toggle it on and off when you can see a hard CC coming. On super late
- You can zoom a lot of mids with your skills. Cassiopeia rely more than everyone
- you complete Wriggle's lantern and you buy a Chain vest the premise to
- you don't have and Phage, Hp + ad, it's perfect for you. Trinity Force is
- you efficiently don't chase don't ever get pulled like a random mob from World
- you engage.
- you enter yourself in the battle. In team fight you will be able to DPS safely
- you give the blue to your middle's mate for an early game domination. Another
- you go the wolves then red right away. You can look for ganks at level 3 but
- You goal will be to help your carry to pick up the kills while you protect him.
- You have no escape till level 6 so be cautious about you are doing. I always
- You have the first rank at lvl 1 then 6 and 12. It's only mono target but it is
- You just have to finish the creep to refill its mana cost. The cooldown is low
- you know Void staff and Abyssal scepter are winning more game than anything
- You max Q first then E and W. You can tweak it by taking the last two rank in R
- You max Q first then E for a complete burst.
- You max Q first then E. W is your utility skill.
- You max Q first then W for the burst. E in last.
- You max Q first then W for the burst. E is last. You can also level W and E
- You max Q first then W for the burst. W is last.
- you may have to sets things through chat first. You don't want to waste your
- You may see this tree more often in S4 not only on Jayce.
- you may start the sequence again. Nowadays the second option is a bit more
- you on every auto attacks.
- you own skill).
- You pick E at lvl 1 as it is the safest option. You will be able to nullify
- You pick E if you can pick a kill other wise another Q and more farm. Trundle
- you pick the warding trinket first. when your ward vanish you will have to
- you priotirize creeps and then you try to catch the enemy in. On rock two
- you really can’t engage as you are too squishy. So you will really need to be
- You really need to max E first then Q. You can take on point in W earlier if
- You really need to max Q first but then you will tweak between W and E
- You really need to max Q first but then you will tweak between W and E
- you so beware of your positioning.
- You standard combo is : Q…+E+AA+Q+AA(+AA). You will hit at least once after Q
- You start with a Doran's ring + 2 pots. Or a conservative one with Cystalline
- You start with a Doran's ring + 2 pots. Then you will buy shoes and you can
- You start with a Doran's ring + 2 pots. Then you will buy shoes and you will
- You start with the blue camp and then you already have multiple choices: You
- You start with the machete + 5 HP pots. It's your standard start as a jungler
- You still max Q then W but you don't evolve W. If you are transitioning from
- you they will see no animation showing you're channeling. They will only feel
- you tower but not under its firing range. Otherwise your carry may have
- You usually want to cast this skill second because of the MR reduction. Your
- you were able to play a decent Gragas that only throw long distance Q Dev
- you will apply Unseen Threat on yourself any time you go in and out that brush
- You will be a bit weak before lvl 6 so play safe. Tkae you first trhree skills.
- you will be pretty often at close range.
- You will be rather squishy for the whole game. To prevent counter jungling you
- You will cast the wall with a 90° angle in front of you. So when you try to
- You will have to activate his ultimate with a perfect timing in team fights.
- you will have to be at super close range (of course you don't take damage from
- You will have to cast it from an unseen spot such as a bush most of the time.
- you will have to change the way you play Yorick. You don't spam Ghouls to
- You will have to harass your opponent as much as you can. Do it on a precise
- You will have to run a bit closer still.
- you will ocus on Infinity Edge which is a great item for Ashe. Bloodthirster
- You will start with a Doran’s ring a HP pot and a mana pot.
- You will use this one either to get in or out. Depending of your opponent
- You will usually max this one last. The AOE damage is based on your AP so it's
- you're not dealing damages, you're moving. The thing is to not lock the target
- Your auto attack is great to last hit while you zoom out with Q. You can take
- your core DPS skill. Also use it to keep yourself in or near the danger zone
- Your core will be : Mercury's treads + Wriggles lantern + Phage(trinity force)
- Your core will be: Ninja Tabi/Mercury Treads + Ruby Sightstone (because you are
- Your early game is bad to begin with. It will be your main challenge as you
- Your early game will be harder without Tear of the Goddess. By harder I mean
- your first trip back (725 gold) you upgrade the machete to the stone and you
- your first trip back you buy boots + chalice or some AP +(wards) play with
- your Hp's and clean creeps under your tower, the safest spot.
- your mana problem. A luxury item here is Rabadon's Deathcap.
- your mates won't always call you for a killing blow with R.
- your passive. It depends on your playing style. You can also take hybrid
- your play style. Karthus have to take some risks for better rewards. So more
- your Q on the ground. To be succesful anytime it's easy, you just press Q right
- your Q. You will be able to damage cast from very long distance safe.
- your stuff depending on the enemy team composition.
- your success rate well. Q+E. Otherwise it's the same path as usual: buff→minor
- Your support has to protect your last hits. Always tell him if he is too
- your tower or to travel anywhere if you don't care too much about your mana.
- Your ulti is a skill shot that what will split good gragas from bad ones. There
- your ulti too.
- Your utility Skill is cool. Not as cool as it was before when Trundle was a
- Your utility skill. Ahri blows a kiss in a lane in front of her hiting the
- Your utility skill. Annie is here since the begining of League of Legends and
- Your utility skill. As any decent team usually unward Drake and Nashor as they
- Your utility skill. the whole Karthus skill is well designed: Many damages/AOE
- your whole HP pool. The cooldown is low and thanks to your passive you will be
- your) way to victory. So unlike strategic games like RTS where you control an
- yourself (not last hitting) to maintain the waves at the perfect place. Very
- yourself as a decent AP caster that tank other AP mages. Beware! Even if this
- yourself well and adjust to your mates (if they take care of you or not).
- Zhonya vs AD heavy or CC heavy. In fact you will have to build him according to
- Zhonya's Hourglass is a luxury one.
- Ziggs a pure middle hero specialized in poke and tactical fights.
- Ziggs the Hexplosives Expert.
- zoom you out. Then you will have to last hit with E. It can be pretty
- zooming out intruders. She takes down tower at decent speed too. Your W won't
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