
Sarge's Punishment Details

Aug 12th, 2013
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  1. [21:22] * Rain_Drop walks from her house down the road to the docks with Kai following behind her
  2. [21:23] <Rain_Drop> "Lucy? You hear?"
  3. [21:23] * Hearth closes her eyes, just relaxing and listening as she sits there
  4. [21:24] * Kaiasha does not spy a lucy, she does spy a downtrodden flame.
  5. [21:24] <Rain_Drop> "Hearth?"
  6. [21:25] * Rain_Drop trots over to the fire based mare and puts a hoof around her "You okay?"
  7. [21:25] <Rain_Drop> "And would you happen to have seen Lucy anywhere?"
  8. [21:26] <Hearth> [PS I'm sitting next to a sleeping Sarge]
  9. [21:26] * Kaiasha is stopped
  10. [21:27] <Kaiasha> [Oh FUCKING, NO]
  11. [21:27] <Hearth> [Just gonna let you know so you can do something differently if you wanted to]
  12. [21:28] <Kaiasha> "I was... well I was looking for lu. what.... what... Why is /he/ here?!"
  13. [21:28] * Rain_Drop stills seeing Sarge sleeping next to Hearth "Hearth...."
  14. [21:28] * Sarge sleeps peacefully
  15. [21:29] <Hearth> *opens her eyes* "Oh! Hi there, Rain. I'm fine...and sorry I haven't seen Lucy.....yes?"
  16. [21:29] * Rain_Drop has multiple emotions cross her face confusion anger and curiosity before a placid expression settles over her "Why is Sarge here?"
  17. [21:30] * Kaiasha can't even begin to process this. she merely nods while rain is talking
  18. [21:31] * Hearth scrunches her face "I uhhh...I don't know exactly why he's here..."
  19. [21:32] <Rain_Drop> "What was the last thing you remember then?" Rain continues to speak in a slow measured pace her calm expression not wavering
  20. [21:33] * Kaiasha facehoofs "What the actual. Why are you here. with this horse, after what he did?"
  21. [21:33] * Hearth is slightly confused "Last thing I remember...?"
  22. [21:34] <Sarge> [I dident rape her agin if thats what you think]
  23. [21:34] <Hearth> [META PLS]
  24. [21:34] <Rain_Drop> "Yes, I am trying to figure out if he did anything to you if you are not sure why he is here."
  25. [21:34] <Rain_Drop> "Maybe slipped you a roofie or something to that affect,"
  26. [21:35] <Kaiasha> [Cut the meta sarge, defend yourself IC]
  27. [21:35] <Rain_Drop> "As from my last recollection Sarge was on your shit list for the most part...mine as well."
  28. [21:36] <Sarge> [im asleep, i cant say anything, I was just letting you guys know IC]
  29. [21:36] <Sarge> [ooc*]
  30. [21:36] <Rain_Drop> "And if Quick and Ikea had not talked me down I would have done....very unpleasent things to Sarge."
  31. [21:37] <Kaiasha> [Yes stay asleep, rest well not knowing that the two ponies who could very well kill you are talking in earshot.]
  32. [21:37] <Hearth> "OH! Nononononono...I was just sitting here when he came swimming by...we talked for a bit and he apologized again for everything he put me through." *cocks her head a bit* "He actually seemed really scared for his life...GAH, I MEAN, I can understand why he would be, but y'know...he just seemed so...powerless"
  33. [21:37] * Kaiasha glares "Hearth, I hate to say this, But you can't be near him like this, It leads to questions, And... worse... it leads to repetitions...."
  34. [21:37] <Rain_Drop> "I still have the urge to do so as I cannot seem to get our justice system to work or get enough council members to do so..." Rain trails off listening to Hearth
  35. [21:38] * Sarge opens an eye to the talking
  36. [21:38] <Rain_Drop> "Stock holme syndrome?"
  37. [21:38] * Sarge sees Kaiasha and rain
  38. [21:38] <Kaiasha> "Its more of the cycle of abuse. Classic psych problem"
  39. [21:38] <Hearth> [IRL happening, brb]
  40. [21:38] * Sarge lowers his ears
  41. [21:39] <Rain_Drop> "Either way Hearth I feel uncomfortable with you being near him."
  42. [21:39] * Sarge gets up as fast as he can, He turns around and runs away full speed
  43. [21:39] <Rain_Drop> "Bob would be as well I think, so lets go alright?"
  44. [21:39] <Rain_Drop> "MOTHER FUCKER GET BACK HERE!"
  45. [21:39] * Rain_Drop chases after Sarge
  46. [21:39] <Hearth> "SARGE! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!"
  47. [21:39] <Hearth> "I SWEAR!"
  48. [21:40] <Sarge> !Roll d20+4 (pegisis) get away
  49. [21:40] <Sarge> !Roll d20+4
  50. [21:40] <Kaiasha> [There is no bot here]
  51. [21:40] <Rain_Drop> "TAKE YOUR LICKINGS LIKE A MAN!"
  52. [21:40] <Sarge> (oh)
  53. [21:40] <Kaiasha> [Wow Red fucked up here too?]
  54. [21:40] <Sarge> (gona roll in the main chat)
  55. [21:40] <Kaiasha> [You nigger, We all are pegasi][
  56. [21:40] <Sarge> (got a 22)
  57. [21:41] <Hearth> [Except me :/]
  58. [21:41] <Kaiasha> [Except hearth
  59. [21:41] * Sarge leaves
  60. [21:41] <Rain_Drop> [I got a 21 I am right on your ass]
  61. [21:41] * Sarge escapes
  62. [21:41] <Kaiasha> [I got the 21]
  63. [21:41] * Rain_Drop is right behind Sarge continuing the chase
  64. [21:41] <Sarge> (rain i rolled to get away)
  65. [21:41] * Hearth runs after Sarge and barks out to him "GET BACK HERE UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE!"
  66. [21:41] == Nova_Flux [] has joined #FourCannon-docks
  67. [21:41] <Rain_Drop> [well someone is behind Sarge ]
  68. [21:42] <Nova_Flux> [Rain play fair]
  69. [21:42] * Sarge stops in his tracks
  70. [21:42] <Kaiasha> [Nova wat]
  71. [21:42] * Sarge turns around
  72. [21:42] * Sarge looks at hearth
  74. [21:42] * Rain_Drop launches a flying kick at Sarge
  75. [21:42] * Kaiasha clops both her hooves together but does not move
  76. [21:43] * Rain_Drop uses her wings to alter her course flying past Sarge
  77. [21:43] <Kaiasha> "Rain. STOP!""
  78. [21:43] * Sarge braces for impact
  79. [21:43] * Rain_Drop lands with a oompf "What?! Why!?"
  80. [21:43] * Hearth huffs, fuming right now as she catches up to them "THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF SHIT I WANT TO PREVENT!"
  81. [21:43] <Rain_Drop> "Hearth do you know what this this this FUCKER did to you?!"
  82. [21:43] * Sarge lowers himself down to the ground and whimpers
  83. [21:44] * Kaiasha closes her eyes and turns her head with a harumph "Professional Professional, this must be done.... profesionally."
  84. [21:44] * Sarge backs away slowly from the three mares
  85. [21:45] * Rain_Drop snaps at Sarge in a authoritive tone "You! Sit! Now!"
  86. [21:45] == Blue_Dream [] has quit [Ping timeout: 194 seconds]
  87. [21:45] * Hearth looks dead serious right now and is very angry "Yes, Rain, I KNOW what he did, and so does he! JUST LOOK AT HIM! HE'S FUCKING SCARED FOR HIS LIFE! TERRIFIED EVEN!" *notices Sarge backing up* "YOU STAY PUT!"
  88. [21:45] <Rain_Drop> "He should be!"
  89. [21:45] * Sarge stops and whimpers agin
  90. [21:45] <Rain_Drop> "He had no right to force you to do that!"
  91. [21:45] <Kaiasha> "Easy rain, Our humanity goes with our inhibitions"
  92. [21:46] <Rain_Drop> "He needs to be punished in some way! Im not planning on killing him if thats what your implying Kai."
  93. [21:46] == High_Tide [] has quit [Ping timeout: 206 seconds]
  94. [21:46] * Sarge speaks "I dont care about my life.....I care that my wife will grow old without a husband, and my daughter might grow up without a father......" Sarge tears up agin
  95. [21:46] <Hearth> "Yes, Rain, we all get that! I'm not saying he should be getting off scot-free, but we shouldn't just beat the shit out of him!"
  96. [21:47] <Rain_Drop> "But if he gets off scot...Oh you did not just use that Ihave a wife and kid as an excuse to save your sorry hide did you?"
  97. [21:47] == High_Tide [] has joined #FourCannon-docks
  98. [21:47] <Kaiasha> "Even so, I can't fathom stopping if we start."
  99. [21:47] == Blue_Dream [] has joined #FourCannon-docks
  100. [21:47] <Rain_Drop> "Then we regulate it."
  101. [21:47] * Hearth groans in frustration "UGHHHHHHHHHHH, SARGE PLEASE! Just. Shut it."
  102. [21:47] * Sarge shuts it
  103. [21:48] <Kaiasha> "Rain, Think of Lucy. Would she be happy to see you doing this?"
  104. [21:48] * Rain_Drop has a stern expression on her face as her eyes pin Sarge down like a pin does a butterfly in a collectors box
  105. [21:48] * Hearth closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down
  106. [21:48] <Rain_Drop> "Kai what would Lucy do if it was me who got raped?"
  107. [21:48] * Sarge looks up at rain with a worried expression
  108. [21:48] * Rain_Drop keeps her glare on Sarge
  109. [21:49] <Rain_Drop> "She would be pretty pissed off wouldnt she?"
  110. [21:49] == Ruby [webchat@] has joined #FourCannon-docks
  111. [21:49] <Kaiasha> "Rain that's a philosophical question that would end with: And then lucy blames herself, not exactly relevant."
  112. [21:50] <Rain_Drop> "Sides Bob wanted me to make the fucker pay anyway." Rain's mane start to grow in a fuax demon horns again as she deepens the glare on Sarge
  113. [21:50] <Kaiasha> "And besides there are other punishments much more valid than this. " she looks at sarge with a stare "Punishments that would leave a reminder, to not repeat past offenses"
  114. [21:50] * Sarge backs up agin at rains violent glare
  115. [21:50] <Hearth> "Rain, just...I just don't want anyone doing anything hasty. Yes, everyone has all the right in the world to be mad at Sarge. Just, ughhhhh..."
  116. [21:51] <Rain_Drop> "Sit boy! Sit!"
  117. [21:51] * Sarge slows down, but keeps backing up scared for his life
  118. [21:51] <Rain_Drop> "Then I'll leave it up to you Hearth."
  119. [21:51] <Rain_Drop> "You AND Bobby."
  120. [21:51] * Ruby trots by the dockes, heading straight to her sandmount.
  121. [21:52] * Sarge gulps at the thought of bob picking his punishment
  122. [21:52] <Rain_Drop> "If you want him to be punished then I'll do it. No one hurts my family. Period."
  123. [21:52] <Ruby> (far, far away from your scene
  124. [21:52] <Ruby> )
  125. [21:52] <Rain_Drop> "Bob wanted him to be punished in some way."
  126. [21:52] * Sarge whimpers agin
  127. [21:52] <Rain_Drop> "Now me? If I was in charge of it..."
  128. [21:52] <Kaiasha> "RAIN!"
  129. [21:53] * Hearth barks at him "SARGE! Just stay put, please!" *turns back to Rain* "Yes, I would prefer it to be that way. Keep things civil and talk it all over before anything happens. If anyone does anything to him before I say so....just, UGHHHH, please don't"
  130. [21:53] * Sarge dosent wana wait for what happens next, He bolts in the other direction
  131. [21:53] * Rain_Drop looks over to Kai her expression softening but still keeping ahard edge
  132. [21:53] <Rain_Drop> "What Kai...."
  133. [21:53] <Kaiasha> She screams one last threat at sarge "IF YOU GO! SO DOES COMPOUND!"
  134. [21:53] * Sarge scretechs to a hault
  135. [21:53] * Rain_Drop snaps her head back to Sarge and starts to get up but snorts and sits down again
  136. [21:54] * Sarge turns around with a look of pure anguish/anger in his eyes "What..."
  137. [21:54] <Hearth> [The 'I'd prefer it to be that way' was directed to the 'let me and Bob be in charge of it' remark btw]
  138. [21:54] <Hearth> "Kai. Please. Don't."
  139. [21:54] <Kaiasha> "Rain, Please let this be done civilly. we cannot allow emotions to rule us here, Justice will be done, and the penalty will be met. But please for hearth's sake, let her."
  140. [21:54] * Sarge starts walking twords Kai "Did you, just threaten my wife...."
  141. [21:54] * Hearth gets in front of Sarge right in his face "Sarge, STOP!"
  142. [21:54] <Rain_Drop> "Hearth if you want this to be settled you better decide soon or someone is going to do something that will lead to another goat gate."
  143. [21:55] * Sarge stops
  144. [21:55] <Kaiasha> "If you leave... What happens? Whose left?"
  145. [21:55] <Kaiasha> "What happens when justice cannot be served on the primary party?"
  146. [21:55] <Hearth> "You fucking dare lay a hoof on anyone, and I WILL stop vouching for you. Just. Stop."
  147. [21:55] <Rain_Drop> "And as for you Sarge if you keep running what do you think is gonna happen to compound? When no one has a outlet for it?"
  148. [21:55] <Rain_Drop> "They go after her to get to you."
  149. [21:55] <Rain_Drop> "So just sit there and listen to Hearth."
  150. [21:56] * Rain_Drop is still sitting on the ground
  151. [21:56] * Rain_Drop is not making any hostile movements other than her words and expression
  152. [21:56] * Sarge looks down at hearth, then back up to kai then back down to hearth then over to rain then back to hearth "GOD DAMIT HEARTH JUST HAVE THEM KILL ME ALREADY, JUST DONT LET THEM HURT COMPOUND" Sarge starts whailing and crying uncontrolably
  153. [21:56] * Sarge falls to the ground and sobs into his hoofs agin
  154. [21:56] <Rain_Drop> "Oh for fucks sakes...."
  155. [21:56] * Rain_Drop walks over to Hearth and Sarge
  156. [21:57] * Sarge backs away "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"
  157. [21:57] * Rain_Drop stops
  158. [21:57] <Rain_Drop> "Fuckin fine."
  159. [21:57] <Rain_Drop> "You know what Fine."
  160. [21:57] * Sarge keeps sobing into his hoofs
  161. [21:57] <Rain_Drop> "Just Fine."
  162. [21:57] * Hearth snorts in anger at Sarge, then turns to Rain, still angry and frustrated with this whole dilemma "Yes?"
  163. [21:58] <Hearth> "Rain, please. What is it?"
  164. [21:58] <Kaiasha> "Neither of us came here with intent to kill. "
  165. [21:58] * Kaiasha "Frankly that man" she points "Should be in a prison cell, for his own good. if he keeps walking free at some point someone will be there and you won't"
  166. [21:59] * Rain_Drop walks away stomping on the ground as she does so "If hes going to whine like a little bitch about it then he can beg you for forgivness."
  167. [21:59] <Rain_Drop> "I am done with this Goatgate and all the bullshit."
  168. [22:00] <Nova_Flux> [>mixing OOC and IC]
  169. [22:00] <Rain_Drop> "I woulda done it nice and simple like a nice kick to the balls maybe a few black eyes and a stab on the arm or something then I would be done but no we have to drag this shit out like volume 10fuckin 54 in those mangas because everyone just loves to see conflict conflcit conflict conflict."
  170. [22:00] <Kaiasha> [Stuff it nova, I dropped out of skype for a reason]
  171. [22:01] <Nova_Flux> [>being this mad]
  172. [22:01] <Kaiasha> [Drop the OOC this is important]
  173. [22:01] <Hearth> "Y'know what, Rain? Will that make you happy? Will that calm everyone down. If you do that will it all be over with?"
  174. [22:02] <Kaiasha> "It would satisfy you and me rain, but would it satisfy bob, and would it satisfy every mare in town who has to watch who they trust?"
  175. [22:02] * Rain_Drop whirls around to point a wing at Hearth "Hearth you and Bob need to make a decision...I dont want to be happy about this Hearth I NEVER wanted you to have your trust abused like that."
  176. [22:03] * Sarge pukes from a combination of stress/disgust of himself
  177. [22:03] <Rain_Drop> "I just want him to realize..."
  178. [22:03] * Rain_Drop stares in shock at the vomit
  179. [22:03] <Hearth> "I know, Rain! Just tell me...will beating the shit out of him make you feel better?"
  180. [22:04] * Kaiasha is quietly shaking her head
  181. [22:05] <Rain_Drop> "Welp Im done here....Honestly? Yes but" Rain points at Sarge who is still sobbing and has vomit on himself "He looks like he just lost all respect for himself as a man and as a person. So Suffice to say I figure he's punished enough."
  182. [22:05] <Rain_Drop> "Unless you and Bobby had something special planned for him then Im done."
  183. [22:05] <Rain_Drop> "But Sarge...Sarge."
  184. [22:05] * Rain_Drop tries to get Sarges attention but he appears to be still crying
  185. [22:06] * Sarge looks up at rain
  186. [22:06] <Sarge> Sarges face has an expression of pure helplessness
  187. [22:07] == Hearth [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  188. [22:07] <Sarge> [ohplsno...]
  189. [22:07] <Kaiasha> [Oh darn, should we wait for hearth?]
  190. [22:08] <Sarge> [ide say so]
  191. [22:08] == Hearth|Mobile [] has joined #FourCannon-docks
  192. [22:08] <Hearth|Mobile> [I saw up to kai shaking her head. I miss something? ]
  193. [22:09] * Rain_Drop 's face darkens once more where her eyes shine like frozen shards of Arctic ice "You abuse your trust in someone like that again? I. Will. End. You." Rain looks back up to Hearth and gives her a tired grin "Sorry Hearth, didnt mean to make you stress out even more. If you could, just to settle my mind so Im not worrying about you, stay away from Sarge unless you have a weapon or another person with you?"
  194. [22:10] <Kaiasha> [23:03] <Rain_Drop> "Welp Im done here....Honestly? Yes but" Rain points at Sarge who is still sobbing and has vomit on himself "He looks like he just lost all respect for himself as a man and as a person. So Suffice to say I figure he's punished enough." [23:03] <Rain_Drop> "Unless you and Bobby had something special planned for him then Im done." [23:03] <Rain_Drop> "But Sarge...Sarge." [23:03] * Rain_Drop tries to get Sarges attention but he ap
  195. [22:10] <Kaiasha> [Whoops
  196. [22:10] <Sarge> (Rain_Drop tries to get Sarges attention but he ap)
  197. [22:10] <Sarge> Rain_Drop tries to get Sarges attention but he appears to be still crying [23:03] * Sarge looks up at rain [23:04] <Sarge> Sarges face has an expression of pure helplessness
  198. [22:11] <Sarge> (I also looked up at her)
  199. [22:11] <Sarge> (oh it got that derp)
  200. [22:11] * Kaiasha relaxes having survived the happening
  201. [22:14] <Rain_Drop> "Hearth?"
  202. [22:15] * Hearth|Mobile sighs and takes a breaths as she looks down at the ground with her eyes closed "Rain... its fine. emotions run high. I get it." *opens her eyes and looks up at rain, calmer now* "Thank you for understanding and I will surely talk to Bob about it. I appreciate the concern, but I'm honestly more concerned about people killing Sarge than something happening again... do you think you can spread word that everything is under contro
  203. [22:15] <Rain_Drop> [have anything after under control?]
  204. [22:15] <Rain_Drop> [ya cut off there]
  205. [22:16] <Sarge> (also rain werent you gona say something to me? you tried to get my attention and im looking at you)
  206. [22:16] <Hearth|Mobile> If you can do that for me, then I will gladly respect your wishes and stay away from him unless guarded."
  207. [22:17] <Kaiasha> 23:07] * Rain_Drop 's face darkens once more where her eyes shine like frozen shards of Arctic ice "You abuse your trust in someone like that again? I. Will. End. You." Rain looks back up to Hearth and gives her a tired grin "Sorry Hearth, didnt mean to make you stress out even more. If you could, just to settle my mind so Im not worrying about you, stay away from Sarge unless you have a weapon or another person with you?"
  208. [22:17] <Kaiasha> [See part about abusing trust]
  209. [22:18] <Rain_Drop> [please dont piss yourselve please dont piss yourselve...]
  210. [22:21] == Hearth|Mobile [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  211. [22:23] <Rain_Drop> [oh Saaarge~ Come out and play~]
  212. [22:25] <Sarge> (raint)
  213. [22:25] <Sarge> (rain)
  214. [22:25] <Sarge> (were you gona say anything to me?)
  215. [22:25] == Hearth [] has joined #FourCannon-docks
  216. [22:25] <Hearth> [dc'd after I said what I said :/ sorry]
  217. [22:25] <Rain_Drop> [np]
  218. [22:26] <Rain_Drop> [Sarge I already told you what I wanted to say]
  219. [22:26] <Rain_Drop> [Abuse the trust again and I will end you]
  220. [22:26] <Rain_Drop> [even described the angry eyes and stuff
  221. [22:26] <Sarge> [oh]
  222. [22:26] * Sarge puts his head back down
  223. [22:27] * Rain_Drop lets out a sigh and keeps her tired grin "Well that"
  224. [22:28] <Rain_Drop> "I'll go let everyone know about you and bobby deciding on a punishment and you have it under control."
  225. [22:28] <Rain_Drop> "Guess the best bet of spreading the news would be the inn I suppose huh Kai?"
  226. [22:29] * Hearth returns a tired smile "So, you agree he's had enough, and me and Bob are in charge of any other kind of punishment he should receive, yes? Just making sure that's clear."
  227. [22:29] * Kaiasha "I sincerely hopes he gets the point but yes."
  228. [22:29] <Kaiasha> "But one loose end remains."
  229. [22:30] <Hearth> "Yes...?"
  230. [22:31] <Kaiasha> "Was Sarge the only one there that day?"
  231. [22:31] <Rain_Drop> "Yep thats about the gist of it Hearth...Kai?" Rain looks over to Kai in confusion
  232. [22:31] <Rain_Drop> "Ah hells bells...."
  233. [22:32] <Hearth> "N-no...Compound was there too..."
  234. [22:32] <Rain_Drop> "If Compound was in on it too...well she's with child...I would suggest that her punishment be postponed til the kid is safely away and no longer nursing from her."
  235. [22:32] * Kaiasha holds up both hooves "Look I am adverse to hurting someone pregnant, but she needs to understand.... Like Sarge understands..."
  236. [22:32] <Rain_Drop> "AW hells bells...." Rain reiterates this with a stomp
  237. [22:33] * Sarge looks up at rain
  238. [22:33] * Sarge stands up
  239. [22:33] * Hearth eyes Sarge with a serious glare
  240. [22:33] <Sarge> "Compound had nothing to do with holding hearth back, She did nothing wrong"
  241. [22:33] <Rain_Drop> "Well your testimony is a lil bit bias now aint it?"
  242. [22:33] <Sarge> "Please rain, I have no right to ask this of you. But please dont punish compound for my mistake..."
  243. [22:33] * Sarge lowers his ears
  244. [22:34] <Rain_Drop> "Oh no! No no no no no. No. "
  245. [22:34] <Rain_Drop> "I am not the one punishing her."
  246. [22:34] * Rain_Drop points to Hearth with a wing
  247. [22:34] <Rain_Drop> "She's the one you have to convince as well as Bobby."
  248. [22:34] * Hearth turns back to Rain and just listens
  249. [22:35] <Rain_Drop> "Because if we are going with the whole slighted party chooses the punishment thing to keep things civilized then we are doing this for both cases."
  250. [22:35] * Sarge looks at hearth with puppy dog eyes
  251. [22:35] * Rain_Drop barks at Sarge "And cut the crap with the eyes Sarge."
  252. [22:35] <Kaiasha> "If nothing else, then the same threat applies, if compound gets involved with something like this again... she will have traded two lives away"
  253. [22:36] * Hearth looks back at Sarge and sighs, still a bit frustrated
  254. [22:36] * Sarge lowers himself back down to the ground
  255. [22:36] * Sarge looks like a scared little foal
  256. [22:37] <Rain_Drop> "Agreed Kai, Hearth are those terms alright with you?"
  257. [22:38] * Hearth turns back to Rain and Kai "I can long as we don't harm Compound until she's given brith, okay?"
  258. [22:39] * Rain_Drop nods "Yeah, no harming children I can agree to ."
  259. [22:40] * Rain_Drop huffs "Its kinda like that one rule in Bro code where if your bro fucks up you get to have one good shot at them but you have the option to hold onto it till you want to."
  260. [22:41] <Kaiasha> "I sincerely hope for you Sarge, that you consider your unborn child in the future. Your actions very nearly caused two families to break."
  261. [22:41] * Sarge whimpers agin "I know...."
  262. [22:42] <Hearth> "So, let me just repeat everything to make sure we're clear on it. Sarge and Compound will be punished accordingly by me and Bob, but Compound's will wait until no child is harmed. Then if Sarge or Compound pull any shit like this mercy, yes?"
  263. [22:42] <Rain_Drop> "Reminds me of when Stewie from Family Guy broke Brains kneecaps roasted him with a flamethrower and shattered a glass pane on his face, Stewie wanted to make amends offering a free shot for Brain and Brain just let Stewie get paranoid until he relaxed and lowered his guard and as they were walking through britan one day a triple decker comes driving past and Brain back handed Stewie into the front of the bus. Heh."
  264. [22:43] <Rain_Drop> "Thats the gist of it yep."
  265. [22:43] * Hearth laughs a bit "Yes, Rain. I remember that episode. And I'm glad we could finally get this settled."
  266. [22:44] * Sarge stays low
  267. [22:44] <Sarge> (rain hearth can one of you post this in the thread please?)
  268. [22:45] <Sarge> (that this is how its going down)
  269. [22:45] <Hearth> [Can one of you pastebin all this maybe?]
  270. [22:45] <Hearth> [I would but....internet -_-]
  271. [22:46] <Sarge> [i will after rain and kai leave and you and me part ways or something]
  272. [22:46] == Al_AFKHYPE has changed nick to Al_Dente
  273. [22:46] <Rain_Drop> [What part the one where we decided on shit or the entire thing?]
  274. [22:47] <Sarge> [ide say whole thing]
  275. [22:48] <Hearth> [Either or will do]
  276. [22:49] <Sarge> [ide like the whole thing cause poeople are gona be like "Wheres the first half where you raped her agin?"]
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