
Grey Anon

Jul 1st, 2013
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  1. >Day not giving fucks.
  3. >P0nyville is under attack by parasprites or whatever.
  4. >You used your ring to 'paint' your house in 'insect repellent'
  5. >Seems these guys didn't like it, they just drop dead near your house.
  6. >P0nies weren't happy about the bug corpses on their street.
  7. >Many of the p0nies stopped by to ask why they didn't eat your home and all you said was, "Magic."
  8. >When they asked you to perform it for the town you shrugged.
  9. "Plum out a magic, sorry man."
  10. >The whole town was a little butthurt with you after that.
  12. >Day Discord is here and ruining everyp0nies lives.
  13. >Except yours because your ring protected you from all sources of magic, if you felt strongly enough about it.
  14. >You didn't want to deal with living upside down so you made an energy shield around it.
  15. >Right after you had done it some flying fuck came who looked like it belonged in an art show decided to talk to you.
  16. >"You are a curious creature, aren't you? Why don't we get rid of that pesky field and have some FUN!"
  17. >He snapped his talons and looked at your shield, probably expecting it to be gone only to realize it stayed.
  18. >You watched him continue snapping his claws as he got more and more frustrated. "Urrrgh! Why isn't this working?"
  19. >Eventually you spoke to the mismatched beast, "Well, we all have a little trouble with performance issues from time to time."
  20. >He looked at you strangely before smirking and flying away. You're pretty sure you heard snickering coming from him.
  21. "I could go for a fat bong toke right now."
  23. >You are taking a lovely stroll through town and realize that some mofuckas are attacking, you normally wouldn't involve yourself in such violent matters but they were doing the wrong thing.
  24. >Messing up Sugarcube Corner.
  25. "Now you gone and dun fucked up."
  26. >You raise your fist a slim fitting suit of the greyish variety replaces the clothing you were wearing before.
  27. >With your suit on you decided it would be best to shoot the intruders.
  28. "Niggah, niggah, niggah, i'm 100% niggah."
  29. >With each niggah you lazered up more popped out, soon enough all intruders were around you unconscious or surrendered.
  30. >These diamond dogs were big pussies.
  31. >You begin tying them all up and when it's done you wait for proper authorities to arrive.
  32. "This sucks."
  33. >You stood up when you noticed no one was coming to help out.
  34. "Where is everyone?"
  35. >Turning around you enter the bakery, only to find the place ransacked already and it's usual occupants missing.
  36. >Your eyes go wide, all the baked good are on the floor, smooshed.
  37. >With great rage you fly outside, smashing through the door and picking up the tied invaders.
  38. >You lift them up past the clouds into a thinner atmosphere.
  39. >Pulling one dog from the pile you ask him a question.
  40. "Where are the p0nies?"
  41. >He just shrugs.
  42. >You drop him and the rest of the dogs start screaming at you, yelling about how cruel you were.
  43. "Tell me where the p0nies are and i'll save falling Fido."
  44. >They told you about the caves where the main base of operation was.
  45. "Sweet, thanks guys."
  46. >A grey tendril breaks off from the group catching the other dog far below.
  47. >He was still screaming like a girl.
  48. >You fly towards the cave and land near the entrance, maneuvering your hand you plop your hostages beside the mouth of the cave.
  49. "Sit, stay."
  50. >Chuckling to yourself you enter the depths of the mountain, your ring acting as a lightbulb.
  51. >Shits dark, maybe if you gave more fucks it would be better.
  52. >Too lazy.
  54. >You tripped on a wire which activated a net, it dropped ontop of you and barely went past your waist. Looks like it was designed for ponies.
  55. >10 or so dogs came from the tunnels surrounding you, they all tried their best to look menacing but you just weren't feeling it.
  56. "You all have 10 seconds to vacate the premise before I start popping niggahs!"
  57. >There response was to charge you.
  59. >Your charge your ring and a whip of grey energy lashes out all around you, it gouges into the earth about 2 inches. The dogs all stopped and fell over.
  60. >All the bodies were cut in half and it felt super edgy.
  61. "Well, at least I don't have to clean this up."
  62. >You continue walking around the tunnels lost before calling out, "Yo, muh fav pink pone, where you at?"
  63. >"Down here!" was the response.
  64. >Thank the whatever it was that you found them.
  65. >Running down the tunnel you find the whole town tied together in some big room.
  66. "Ey, sup my p0nies!"
  67. >Twilight was the first to respond. "Why are you in that outfit? Why didn't you help the town when it was being attacked? Where were you when we needed you?"
  68. >Damn girl, no need to get bitchy.
  69. "Having a nap, sorry."
  70. >"It was loud!"
  71. "I'm a heavy sleeper what can I say?"
  72. >You let them out and walk back through the tunnels, you pass by the dog bodies cut in half.
  73. "Should probably fix this..."
  74. >You pick them all up with your ring and set them outside near the captured dogs.
  75. >They all start begging for their lives.
  76. "Shut up, i've had enough bitchin' today."
  77. >All the p0nies look sick but they eventually make it away from the cave, you fly above and escort them back to P0nyville.
  79. >With all the p0nies back at town you land in front of the best pone.
  80. "Yo, Pinkie, how about them delicious strawberry tarts for a reward?"
  81. >She glares at you before tilting her head back with a 'harumph' and trotting away.
  82. >Twilight looks at her go before looking at you, "Anon... You can't keep doing this, the p0nies around here are starting to feel... unhappy about your living here. You've been a nuisance ever since you arrived. You never help, you are always rude to other p0nies beside Pinkie! And I know it's only because you like those sweets she makes, you should be ashamed of yourself."
  83. >She takes a deep breath calming herself.
  84. >"There's also the fact that you k-killed those dogs when you obviously didn't need to. We were down in that cave for 10 hours, you don't understand how painful it was for all of us. The dogs weren't very nice about capturing us this time."
  85. >" S-so the citizens of this town have decided, me included, that you need to leave. I wrote a letter to the Princess about this and well, she says that you need to go or you'll be forced to leave."
  86. >You stand there, your face blank. You didn't really know what to say about this, you didn't think they would be that mad at you.
  87. >But you suppose people will get upset about their homes being ransacked and them being treated poorly as prisoners would make them want you out.
  88. >Twilight continues on ranting and raving about all your wrong doings in the town raising her voice more and more before finally stopping.
  89. "Are you done?"
  90. >She looks at you wide eyed and surprised.
  91. >"Am I done? That's all you have to say after all this?!"
  92. >You nod. "Yes, when is the sunbutt gonna show up?"
  93. >The look on her face was almost worth getting blasted by magic. It was powerful and full of emotion, dangerous.
  94. >Your suit didn't protect you, and flesh burned away. Once it let up you just lied there in the rubble, waiting. You felt pain on most of your upper body, including the right side of your face.
  95. >Your ears were ringing when a voice finally called.
  96. >"A-anon?"
  97. >You don't respond, your mouth felt pretty burnt. The soft clopping of hooves on dirt sounded out, but it was quiet underneath the ringing.
  98. >"Oh, i'm gonna be sick..."
  99. >The sound of someone throwing up was followed.
  100. >You sit up slowly, and look down at your chest, it was mostly burnt and you could see some muscles.
  101. >All in all it didn't look healthy. The reaction to magic was bad but you didn't think it was this bad.
  102. >Twilight sits facing away throwing up and muttering to herself. "Oh sweet Celestia, I killed him."
  103. >You speak and the skin on your lips crack before blood filtered out.
  104. "Is it to late to say go fuck yourself?"
  105. >She whips her head around, "W-what?!"
  106. "I mean, why am I required to protect you guys. I shouldn't get kicked outta town for something like that. Just seems a bit rude, but if you want me gone what'evs."
  108. >"B-but you!"
  109. "Yup, if you wanted me gone, you could have just asked. I mean i'm not an asshole. Anyways, I got peeps to say goodbye too."
  110. >You throw up the peace sign with your fingers.
  111. "Peace!"
  112. >With that you limp towards Sugarcube Corner.
  113. >Having made good time you walk through the broken doorway, you walk up to the counter and hit the bell.
  114. >Pinkie comes from the back smiling but upon seeing you it falters. "Anon! Why are you so burnt?!"
  115. "I'm not burnt what you talking about Pinks?"
  116. >"B-but!" she shakes her head. "Anon... You haven't been a very good friend."
  117. "Well, I suppose I could say sorry. But I wouldn't mean it, at least not to anyone but you."
  118. >You are both silent for a bit. "So Anon, has, uh, Twilight told you about the town and you?"
  119. >You nod. "Yeah, anyways. I just came to say goodbye and well... I'm sorry."
  120. >She looks up at you with those big blue eyes and for a moment you feel something, but a pulse from your ring crushes it.
  121. "Yes... i'm sorry."
  122. >You limp out the store and Pinkie calls after you. "Anon wait!"
  123. >Leaping into the sky your ring guides you away from the pesky emotions that gurgle deep down.
  124. "It wouldn't happen again, I promised myself!"
  125. >Your ring sputters and tears fall from your eyes, you had gotten attached. The burns on your chest suddenly felt painful and you land.
  126. >On your hands and knees you gasp and wheeze, the burns were getting to you.
  127. "It's not my problem, i'll be alright."
  128. >You lie down on your back and look up to the sky. The sun was going down and the stars come out. It was truly a magnificent sight.
  129. >Under the stars that night you slept away your problems, they would be gone in the morning. Everything could be left behind.
  131. >The next morning your burns were gone and you felt the emptiness that came with being a grey lantern. The ring had come to you at your worst, when you had your heart broken and renounced your emotions. That night it had showed up, and it took the pain away.
  132. >You didn't know what would happen if you took it off, you scared without it. But with it on, nothing was a problem. Your just glad you had no enemies are here.
  133. >Sitting up you sigh and rub your hands through your hair. Or whats left of it anyway.
  134. >You fly up and find the nearest body of water, spotting one about 10 minutes away you speed to it landing in heavily on the bank of the lake.
  135. >Peering down into the lake you noticed the burn scars that travel up the side of your face. It would take a couple of days before it would go away. Your hair would take longer.
  136. "Ah well, things come and go I suppose."
  137. >Kneeling down you cup your hands in the water and splash it against your face.
  138. >You hear someone come from behind and turn around with your ringed raised, only to see Pinkie Pie.
  139. "P-pinks?"
  140. >Your jaw drops a bit and you lower the ring before turning around once again.
  141. >The sound of grass being stepped on comes closer. You don't think you can talk to Pinkie, you've gotten to close.
  142. >"Anon... It took me a long time to find you."
  143. >She takes a seat beside you, her rear hooves go into the water and wiggle a bit before she settles down.
  144. >"I think I understand why you left."
  145. >You look towards her and felt weak, but your voice was strong enough.
  146. "Yeah? Tell me why."
  147. >Your voice wavered and the feeling in your chest returned.
  148. >A hoof is pressed onto your thigh, "No one appreciated you... and how much power you have."
  149. >That... doesn't sound right.
  150. >"Look at me Anonymous."
  151. >She never used your full name. So you turned to face her, you looked into her unnaturally large blue eyes and you felt something in you once again.
  153. >Something was off but there was a haze over your mind and the feeling inside was to good to pass up.
  154. >"You just want someone to understand and love you, I know. How about this... Anonymous. You fight for me and all your pesky emotions will be gone."
  155. >Yes, this is what you wanted.
  156. >"Your power all mine."
  157. "Yes..."
  158. >"Kiss me."
  159. >You moved in to give her a kiss and you soon felt lips on your own.
  162. *************************************
  163. non green part
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  165. sorry guys i have to eat dinner now, anyways what happens is that pinkie is actually a changling and it turns out they are invading again so they want human on their side and since they heard he was weak to magic they would just hypnotize him with it before sending him off to attack, eventually his ring would lose power and things go back to normal
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  168. unsure if there is more to this, i liked it so far but whatever
  169. *************************************
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