
VirginAnon 1 AiE

Jul 4th, 2012
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  1. >You look at the ground
  2. >Another rejection yet again from a tiny horse
  3. >You start to wander off in the town
  4. >You kick a pebble along the street
  5. >You were trying to lose your virginity back on Earth and here in Equestria
  6. >You haven't been lucky at all
  7. >"Uhm excuse me?"
  8. >You turn to the direction of the voice
  9. "Oh hey Fluttershy, what are you up to?"
  10. >Fluttershy gives you a smile
  11. >"Anon I was hoping to talk to you..."
  12. >She glances around to see if anybody was around
  13. >"...I wanted to talk about...*mumbles*..."
  14. "What? Repeat that"
  15. >She clears her throat
  16. >"...I said...are you still uhm *cough* thinking about losing your..."
  17. >Looks around again
  18. >"Your virginity?..."
  19. >You know where this is going
  20. "Yeeeessss Fluttershy, I still am. Are you thinking about helping?"
  21. >She blushes hard
  22. 1/x
  24. >" shouldn't say things like that...and no. I was hoping to convince you to save yourself for the pony that you would marry"
  25. "Fluttershy it's my body and if I wanna fuck...then I shall and will fuck"
  26. >"Anonymous I'm trying to make sure you truly value yourself"
  27. "I do, I am one fucking awesome guy that wants to share his awesomeness with others"
  28. >"Anonymous..."
  29. "Fluttershy..."
  30. >"Fine then, we'll talk about this another day...goodbye Anon"
  31. >Fluttershy walks away shaking her head and muttering things
  32. >You put your hands in your pockets
  33. "I have no idea why she keeps bugging me about this"
  34. >You shuffle along then you remember that you gotta go to work soon
  35. >You walk to the store
  36. >You hear that annoying town bell signaling you're late for work
  37. >You hear that other annoying bell when you walk in the store
  38. >"Anon, you're two minutes late. I'm deducting your pay by one bit"
  39. >Fuck, you were down 3 bits this week
  40. "I'm sorry boss, I had to help Granny Smith pick something up she dropped in the street"
  41. >You chuckle nervously with your lie
  42. 2/x
  44. >Your boss gives you a humph and goes to the register
  45. >Boss: "Go to the back, I need you to stock up our herbal pain relief tea. Granny Smith came in today and bought what we had on the shelf"
  46. >Fucking Granny Smith
  47. >You head back and do what you're paid to do
  48. >After you finish stocking the teas, you started to sweep the floor
  49. >You never will understand how ponies use certain things with hoofs
  50. >The cartoon theroy comes back again to your mind but you brush it off
  51. "A cartoon about ponies and with suddenly a human in it? Such a ridiculous thing to write"
  52. >You heard the bell jingle and saw a mare walk in
  53. >You puff out your chest as she walks by
  54. >She eyeballs you for a bit but then turns her attention to the shelves
  55. >Her ass has bubbles on it
  56. 3/x
  58. >You stare at her ass as you sweep hoping her tail just shifts a little
  59. >You hear a cough coming from your boss
  60. >You go back to focusing on sweeping
  61. >You zone out that you didn't notice the blonde mare staring at you
  62. >"Hi"
  63. "Huh? Oh sorry"
  64. >You almost dropped the broom causing her to giggle
  65. "Can I help you with something?"
  66. >"Yeah actually, do you have any nuts?"
  67. >You slick back your hair and give her your smirk
  68. "Why yes we do, I-"
  69. >You wiggle your eyebrows
  70. "have two right here"
  71. >She looks down to see you're cupping your balls
  72. >She looks up with a blush
  73. >"Uh hehe that's now what I meant...I meant peanuts. I uh...I'm baking muffins for my special somep0ny"
  74. "Well lucky him"
  75. >You go back to sweeping but this time slowly
  76. 4/x
  78. "If you look in the next aisle, you may find the nuts there if not then I'll look in the back"
  79. >"Thanks, I'll look"
  80. >You sweep and sweep
  81. >You hear someone say something to you
  82. >You nod your head
  83. >The jingle of the bell interrupts your empty thoughts
  84. >You look around and see your boss counting the bits
  85. >Boss: "Hey listen up, its gonna rain tonight so I suggest you leave early. I rather have you healthy and late rather than sick and away"
  86. >You continue to sweep but a little faster
  87. >No more customers came after Bubble butt
  88. >You left early and left your boss to handle the rest
  89. >For some reason you always get sick whenever you come in contact with the rain
  90. >You get home just in time
  91. >The rain pours hard amd harder
  92. 5/x
  94. >You land on your shitty hay bed
  95. >You look around seeing how shitty your rented home is
  96. >You start hearing the rain dropping in the pan on the floor
  97. >You grab a box of tissues
  98. "Another day over, another day of being a virgin"
  99. >You take off your pants and grab a box that was under your bed
  100. >The box has pictures of some pony vagina from the mares in the town
  101. >You look at them and decide who to fap to
  102. >You pick blue bitch's pussy
  103. >Fucking ponies and their human like pussy
  104. 6/6
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