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a guest
Aug 23rd, 2016
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  1. 1. Currently, I'm seventeen soon to be eighteen in October on the seventh. 2. I'm recently single. /Not all that recently/. 3. What I look for in a partner? A nice person who isn't afraid to be themselves. 4. My hobbies consist of drawing and writing, two things that I've been doing as long as I can remember. 5. Favorites. My favorite color is blue. A soft blue like a robin's egg. My favorite food would have to be..well, I like a lot of foods but I'm pretty sure my favorite would have to be strawberries. Hm, and favorite movie would have to be V for Vendetta. 6. Anything you should know. Well, something that always puts people off is that I'm genderfluid but I'm going by male pronouns at the moment and that will probably never change. I'm also extremely self-conscious with my body and have had plenty of experiences with abandonment and abuse throughout my life which has made me a very timid individual. The only place where I actually feel myself is online. It's very difficult for me to talk to other people in person.
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