
BF 20

Nov 15th, 2009
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  1. [00:46] <[GM]Ludwig> [So yeah]
  2. [00:46] <[GM]Ludwig> [There's, like, stew, or something]
  3. [00:46] <[GM]Ludwig> [Right?]
  4. [00:47] <Mary> [let's make some just to be sure]
  5. [00:47] <[GM]Ludwig> [Never have too much stew]
  6. [00:47] <[ThereInSpirit]Alexis> [There was an entire session of stew. Must be some kind of paste by now.]
  7. [00:47] <Mary> [stews, baths, what else]
  8. [00:47] <Teilya> [10 bucks saying we'll end with stew still staying in the kitchen?]
  9. [00:48] <[GM]Ludwig> [Wasn't Sam going to come and wake me or something? 'Cause I asked him to]
  10. [00:48] <Mary> [uh... I think so]
  11. [00:48] <Teilya> [Well, Sam you're up, then~]
  12. [00:48] <Mary> [it was debated, at least]
  13. [00:48] <`Sam> [yeah, the last session ended with me doing that.]
  14. [00:49] <Teilya> [Alone time with the master, take your chance~]
  15. [00:49] * `Sam [:o}
  16. [00:49] <`Sam> [=-= whoops, Sam doesn't have a goatee!]
  17. [00:50] <Mary> [I'm not editing pregame banter]
  18. [00:50] <[GM]Ludwig> [Silly sam!]
  19. [00:50] <`Sam> [of course.]
  20. [00:51] <Mary> [so yeah, let's start before I turn into a bug or something]
  21. [00:51] * `Sam continues her walk towards Ludwig's room to summon him, now(at least relatively) calm and secure.
  22. [00:53] <`Sam> Ludwig's room was... this way?
  23. [00:53] * `Sam follows her memory as best she can, and shortly thereafter arrives at what should be the right room.
  24. [00:54] <[GM]Ludwig> It's the right room. The door is shut.
  25. [00:56] * `Sam takes one step closer to the portal, then knocking on it with a light hand.
  26. [00:56] <`Sam> Um, Ludwig?
  27. [00:57] <[GM]Ludwig> After an unusually long quarter-minute, the door opens.
  28. [00:59] * [GM]Ludwig stands in the open doorway, looking like death warmed over. Black bags under his eyes and a generally drawn, worn-out expression give the impression of not having slept for weeks... even though it's been no more than a couple of hours since you saw him last, in good health.
  29. [00:59] <[GM]Ludwig> Oh. Hello, Sam.
  30. [01:00] <[GM]Ludwig> Is the... the...
  31. [01:00] * [GM]Ludwig stops and blinks slowly a few times.
  32. [01:00] * `Sam 's eyes widen a bit in both surprise and shock at this image.
  33. [01:00] <[GM]Ludwig> ...uh, stew ready?
  34. [01:02] * `Sam nods once, slow and long.
  35. [01:02] <`Sam> Yeah...
  36. [01:03] <[GM]Ludwig> Good. Good.
  37. [01:04] * `Sam fiddles with her miniskirt just a bit.
  38. [01:04] * `Sam after a noticeable silence...
  39. [01:04] * [GM]Ludwig reaches into one pocket and pulls out a glass vial with a wooden cork stopping the end.
  40. [01:04] <`Sam> um, are you alright...?
  41. [01:05] * [GM]Ludwig chuckles in a manner that seems like it is intended to be reassuring, but falls somewhat short of that mark.
  42. [01:06] <[GM]Ludwig> Honestly, I've been better.
  43. [01:06] <[GM]Ludwig> But, I'll live.
  44. [01:07] * [GM]Ludwig holds the vial out across the threshold of the door.
  45. [01:07] <[GM]Ludwig> Here. Take this, and put it in the stew.
  46. [01:07] <[GM]Ludwig> All of it.
  47. [01:07] * `Sam , as fitting of a remark which falls short of reassuring her, remains worried. She is then taken by curiosity with the order while taking it from him with cautious delicacy.
  48. [01:08] <`Sam> What is this...?
  49. [01:08] * `Sam brings it closer to herself and tries to get a better look.
  50. [01:08] <[GM]Ludwig> It's an elixir. Try not to spill any, please.
  51. [01:09] <[GM]Ludwig> Just put it in the stew, then leave it to simmer overnight.
  52. [01:10] <[GM]Ludwig> Don't eat any yourself. You'll have to make something else for dinner.
  53. [01:11] * [GM]Ludwig rouses himself to wakefulness (?).
  54. [01:11] <[GM]Ludwig> Do you understand? Empty the vial into the stew, then leave it on the stove, untouched, overnight.
  55. [01:11] * `Sam nods.
  56. [01:11] <`Sam> Yes.
  57. [01:12] * `Sam 's voice is lacking, however, in confidence.
  58. [01:12] <[GM]Ludwig> Good. Thank you for everything.
  59. [01:12] <[GM]Ludwig> Now, please, there is still much I have to do.
  60. [01:14] <`Sam> ... Alright...
  61. [01:15] * [GM]Ludwig smiles weakly again and starts to close the door.
  62. [01:15] <[GM]Ludwig> Do try not to worry about me too much...
  63. [01:15] <[GM]Ludwig> I'll be fine.
  64. [01:16] * `Sam still doesn't look convinced, but nods regardless.
  65. [01:16] * [GM]Ludwig pushes the door closed. You hear locks sliding into place.
  66. [01:18] * `Sam stands for another moment in that same spot holding the vial close to her chest and looking into the space Ludwig just before occupied.
  67. [01:19] * `Sam then takes one step, and then two, and then at full pace proceeds back to the Kitchen. The little security she had managed to find flees with celerity, leaving more confusion behind it.
  68. [01:24] * `Sam enters a minute later looking once more lost and confused with the scarlet vial in her hands.
  69. [01:25] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Oh you're back!"
  70. [01:25] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Um...Where's Master Ludwig?"
  71. [01:26] <Mary> Hmm?
  72. [01:27] <`Sam> He said he had other stuff to do, or something...
  73. [01:28] <Mary> sigh... this worries me...
  74. [01:28] <Mary> Did he say when he'd be ready?
  75. [01:29] * `Sam shakes her head.
  76. [01:31] * `Sam doesn't speak or act any further, leaving interim stillness.
  77. [01:31] <Mary> ...
  78. [01:31] * Mary is also silent. The dread makes her a little hot, so she takes a seat at the kitchen table.
  79. [01:33] * `Sam lets her head drop.
  80. [01:36] * [Pyg]Cerise is feeling the downer mood growing in the room. She scratches her head in growing irritation.
  81. [01:37] <[Pyg]Cerise> "He asks for us to do all these things while he just stays cooped up in his room. What gives?"
  82. [01:37] * `Sam shakes her head again.
  83. [01:38] <`Sam> I don't know...
  84. [01:38] <[Pyg]Cerise> "What was he like when you talked to him?"
  85. [01:38] * `Sam gulps.
  86. [01:39] <`Sam> ... he looked and sounded bad.
  87. [01:42] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Did he even say anything like going ahead and eating without him?"
  88. [01:42] * `Sam nods.
  89. [01:42] <`Sam> yeah.
  90. [01:44] <Mary> I'm sorry, I don't think I have an appetite right now...
  91. [01:45] <[Pyg]Cerise> " were so energetic just a moment ago!"
  92. [01:47] <Mary> Sorry... I think I'm going to go lie down. You don't need my help anymore, right?
  93. [01:48] * `Sam frowns, for the mood's gravity.
  94. [01:48] <`Sam> ... He also told me to put this in the stew and let it simmer until morning...
  95. [01:48] <[Pyg]Cerise> "What? We weren't even going to eat it for dinner?"
  96. [01:49] * `Sam unclasps her hands to reveal the scarlet vial.
  97. [01:51] * [Pyg]Cerise is on the verge of yelling. With an army of bugs headed their way, a departed maid, and a master who has decided to become a hermit, she's at a loss for what to do.
  98. [01:51] <Mary> Well, if you'll excuse me...
  99. [01:52] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Ah, wait, Mary, let me help."
  100. [01:52] <Mary> Oh... okay.
  101. [01:53] * Mary thought it over for a second, but Teilya's here now for Sam. She pushes in her seat and waits for Cerise.
  102. [01:54] * [Pyg]Cerise goes over to Mary's side, once again offering her hand.
  103. [01:54] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Okay, come on."
  104. [01:54] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Sam, did he say at all what the bottle is for?"
  105. [01:55] <`Sam> No.
  106. [01:56] * [Pyg]Cerise is left even more confused.
  107. [02:05] <`Sam> ... He just told me to put it in the stew, and for us to eat something else tonight.
  108. [02:05] * Mary takes her hand, but doesn't immediately leave.
  109. [02:10] <[Pyg]Cerise> "That's it?"
  110. [02:11] * `Sam nods.
  111. [02:11] <`Sam> Yeah.
  112. [02:14] * Mary sighs.
  113. [02:14] <Mary> Sam, why don't you come with us? Just... do whatever you're supposed to do and we'll figure out what to do together.
  114. [02:19] * `Sam pauses to think about it, but within a short time responds.
  115. [02:19] <`Sam> ... Alright, thank you.
  116. [02:19] <[Pyg]Cerise> "You know, I'm starting to realized how much I miss Miss Alexis's silly talk. At least it would lighten the mood at a time like this..."
  117. [02:21] * `Sam half-nods. ( At least then it was just her being annoying and not all of this confusion... )
  118. [02:22] * Mary 's breath catches, but quickly clears her throat and nods.
  119. [02:22] <Mary> Yeah... come on.
  120. [02:23] * [ThereInSpirit]Alexis shall haunt Sam forever for insulting her mentally
  121. [02:24] * `Sam takes quick steps over to the simmering pot and pour the contents of the vial into it as instructed, then leaving the empty glass container beside it and moving over towards Cerise and Mary to follow them.
  122. [02:25] * [Pyg]Cerise gets moving, leading Mary back to her room with Sam following.
  123. [02:30] * Mary lays down, leaving her shoes on the floor and pulling off her habit.
  124. [02:32] <Mary> I'm sorry, you guys.
  125. [02:33] <[Pyg]Cerise> "What are you apologizing for, Mary?"
  126. [02:33] * `Sam just watches the two for now, at a slight distance.
  127. [02:34] <Mary> ...
  128. [02:35] * Mary turns over on her back, folding her hands on her stomach.
  129. [02:36] * `Sam doesn't know what to do, and so sits down at some unassuming far point of a bed.
  130. [02:36] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Mary?"
  131. [02:36] * [Pyg]Cerise wonders if she had already gone to sleep.
  132. [02:37] * Mary says something, after a pretty long two-thirds minute
  133. [02:38] <Mary> What do you want to do?
  134. [02:38] <Mary> Right now?
  135. [02:39] * `Sam doesn't know if she's the one being addressed, and so speaks with subdued voice.
  136. [02:39] <`Sam> I dunno...
  137. [02:40] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Normally, I'd be doing my patrols thinking how I want to hang around with you, but things are getting quite hectic. The master is acting odd, Miss Alexis is gone, and we wasted our time cooking something that wasn't even meant to be dinner!"
  138. [02:43] * `Sam flops down onto the far side of the bed, passive.
  139. [02:46] * [Pyg]Cerise takes a deep breath, then exhales.
  140. [02:46] <[Pyg]Cerise> "Sorry...Too many things getting on my mind."
  141. [02:48] <Mary> It's fine. Better to let it out now than to let it boil inside you.
  142. [02:53] * Mary sits up.
  143. [02:54] <Mary> This isn't the right attitude to have. There's gotta be something we can do.
  144. [02:57] <`Sam> That... might be right.
  145. [02:57] <[Pyg]Cerise> "I thought you said you needed to lie down, Mary."
  146. [02:57] * `Sam pitches in, listless. ( ... I don't understand anything that's happening, anymore... )
  147. [02:59] <Mary> Yeah... Because I'm all out of ideas.
  148. [02:59] <[ThereInSpirit]Alexis> [Welcome to the 'What Would Alexis Do?' corner, where Alexis serves as your moral compass. It is a sign of desperate times.]
  149. [03:00] <[ThereInSpirit]Alexis> "Gather all the unholy powers of hell that you have mastered after being damned by Man and God, and unleash it upon the beetles, annihilating them instantly"
  150. [03:00] <[ThereInSpirit]Alexis> [Tune in again next week!]
  151. [03:05] <Mary> Um, Sam...
  152. [03:05] <`Sam> ... yeah...?
  153. [03:09] <Mary> Could you... excuse us, just for a minute?
  154. [03:10] <`Sam> ok.
  155. [03:11] * `Sam slides herself off of the bed and then exits the room without ceremony.
  156. [03:13] <Mary> Sit down, Cerise.
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