

Mar 3rd, 2013
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  1. [[>]]
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  5. [[div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"]]
  6. |||| [[image width="300px"]] ||
  7. ||||~ ^^SCP-1864.^^ ||
  8. [[/div]]
  10. **Item #:** SCP-1864
  12. **Object Class:** Euclid
  14. **Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-1864 is to be contained in a containment chamber located in Site-77's Euclid SCP wing. No media is to be brought into this chamber, and any personnel interacting with SCP-1864 may not come in direct contact with it. Any subjects found to have been affected by SCP-1864 are to be given Class-C amnestics and released.
  16. All testing with SCP-1864 has been suspended indefinitely.
  18. **Description:** SCP-1864 is a DVD display rack, capable of holding up to 40 DVDs. It is composed primarily of aluminum, and was manufactured by the ███████ corporation sometime between 2003 and 2005.
  20. When any medium is placed within 15 meters of SCP-1864, it can cause any human subject to begin quoting or referencing it. This effect applies to all subjects, whether or not they have read or are aware of the media. --Subjects affected by SCP-1864 will usually be affected by it for less then 30 minutes-- Subjects affected by SCP-1864 will continue referencing the media after being removed from SCP-1864's vicinity, with the effect only ceasing after the application of amnestics.
  22. SCP-1864 appears to have an extremely large range, with documented cases of SCP-1864 affection being recorded over ███ kilometers from its location. It is currently estimated that over ████ subjects have been affected by SCP-1864. This effect was discovered on ██/██/2010, when the film "███ ████" was being tested. On the same day, President █████ of [REDACTED] political speech which featured "off the cuff" quotes from the film. The film was left in SCP-1864, and over the next 24 hours reports of SCP-1864's effect was documented by agents in over ██ different locations.
  24. When affected subjects do not speak the same language, they will reproduce the quotation in whichever language it was originally created in, with no other speech being affected. These subjects will be continuously affected by SCP-1864, with all of their speech eventually being replaced by quotations. These subjects can be treated with Class C amnestics.
  26. In addition, SCP-1864 will manifest its effect with any media contained near it. It appears that SCP-1864 defines "near" as any form of media which can be reached from SCP-1864 without encountering an obstacle. As such, it is believed that over ██ Foundation documents exposed to SCP-1864 during containment must be revised in order to prevent an information leak. This effect is recursive, as documents affected by SCP-1864 can have information from other affected documents placed into them.
  28. SCP-1864 was recovered from a DVD rental store, where it had been used to store blank DVD cases. Store owners claimed that a man had dropped it at the store the day before agents took it, and had left a note with it. This note has been included in SCP-1864's documentation.
  30. > Dear Harvey,
  31. > I've been talking things over with Jason, and we both agreed on it. There just hasn't been enough done with our boys and girls on the silver screen. Outside of the states, our actors in film should be given a bigger push. I know you're fond of the performance art, and the bit with the seeds was clever, but we really need to get back to our roots. More recognition in the world of film would bring more people to the performing arts. Our boys will thank you for it. Our cinema is the greatest in the world, and everyone deserves to see.
  32. >
  33. > Calvin Kames
  34. >
  35. > Red Acting Troupe Boston
  36. >
  37. > //{{"It's a whisper, not a secret"}}//
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